• Published 9th Dec 2020
  • 980 Views, 142 Comments

Ponyville's Biggest Threat - MLPkillers

A legendary assassin is hired to kill. This assassin never let a job go. Earning him this reputation. He came from a dark path, deciding to be an assassin after quitting his dark job.

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Prepare To Arrest a Menace Assassin! A Well Warming Advice And Welcome!

“The deputies finished discussing their plan to arrest Comber, the detectives were in front of the deputies, ready to lead the arrest, this is never usually the case, but for Comber, they would need all the help and planning they can get; they can’t afford to let him cause more harm to Ponyville. The chief burst through the doors asking the deputies as well as their planners the detectives are they ready to arrest or kill Comber; the deputies nodded their heads, Commer nodded his head slowly, the Deputy shook his head very fast, he wanted to kill Comber and almost did, stupid detective, why did he have to save such a monster? This all could’ve been prevented if he let him shoot the bastard in the head.

“Alrighty, when he’s arrested, I declare a party for the station, I’m not sending the other deputies due to them needing to keep their eyes open for other disturbing crimes. I trust you all to perform your jobs to the very end! Arrest that son of a demon!”

“Yes sir!”

The deputies said unionized, they were fired up, ready to get to business.

“Then you all go!”

“Yes sir!”

The deputies barked together again unionized. The deputies got up from their chairs, remembering what the plan was, this was a direct plan of attack, but it should work with 25 deputies and 2 detectives. They all walked out the deputy and detectives in the front, leading the charge.

“Remember Commer not to go hoof to hoof with him.”

Commer didn’t like Dale’s voice, he was still teasing him about that?

“How about you don’t talk to him, you probably make in enraged, then we have no chance at killing or arresting him.”

“Oh no, I’m killing him this time, whether any of you like it, he deserves to die for his crimes.”

“Agreed, Bullet, he’s as good as a prisoner on hypothetical death row.”

The deputies walked out in a straight line passing through the left door on the Chief desk, exiting it on the other side, the ponies that were inside of the station, which were two saw them exit, they were in disbelief, why so many deputies? Did they find out who the killer is? The pair thought they should ask questions, but kept silent until one deputy was close to them.

“Excuse me, sir, I wanted to report a fight between an insane pony with green hair against a red hair unicorn, it was in front of my house and my fillies saw the whole ordeal, the red mane unicorn gave that insane earth pony what he was asking for. I live at the home that says, Maple residents if you wanted to know the location?”

The deputies looked at the pair, then refocus their attention back on the front door. So the assassin was fighting stopped a killer that was insane, maybe he was the one that, duh he’s the one that did burn those houses to the ground, and who knows what happened to the residents? He probably killed them, that heinous monster.

“Thank you, Mr. Maple, your report doesn’t need to be submitted since we already have a colt in custody that claims he murdered and burned down homes, now that we have your description, I will report it to the chief.”

“No problem, anything to help y’all stop the monsters in our town. "

The deputy went to tell the chief but the chief was already at his desk, he heard everything, and as the deputy approached him he swatted a hoof to get going with the other deputies, he rushed out the door and into the crowd of deputies. The detectives were in the front, seems like they were summarizing what they talked about the deputies because the deputies were lined up, in 2 lines, 1 behind the front, they looked like troops.

“Alright, listen up deputies!”

Commer commanded

“We won’t repeat anything involving this plan to arrest the assassin when we make contact with him!”

“The killer Comber is in the graveyard as we suspect, if so, we have to be cautious since somepony must’ve told him I and the deputy was heading towards his location in stealth.”

The deputies thought about what the detective said to them, about how he and the deputy Bullet tried sneaking up and arresting Comber, they remember him saying that Comber would kill him and Bullet if any other deputies get involved if they tried to arrest him again, so the chance to arrest him, do it.

“I suggest arresting with the intent to kill.”

“Bullet, that would make us more of killers than him, we are authorities, not killers or executioners!”

“I agree with Commer Bullet, we will not kill him unless he forces our hoofs, now, all of you get into your specific lines we arranged!

The deputies broke into four smaller lines, as they did the detectives smiled at each other, this was necessary for the arrest to be successful, each line well go to each exit of the graveyard, the first line which is the distraction will draw the assassin attention to them, as the line in the back will be in charge of pretending to be the actual threat to the assassin, but the other lines on the west and east will enclose on the assassin, attempting to arrest him, while this might seem to be the actual diversion, the true ace will be Bullet, he will snipe, Comber, from a far distance, hopefully weakening him for the unicorns to put the magic disabling ring on his horn.

“Hey Bullet, remember to disband from the east line after they try to put the horn on him, he knows if I’m here, you are too, and if he sees you aren’t then he’s going to suspect you will try to snipe him or shoot him; he knows your accuracy, so-!”

“I got it, Commer, alright, don’t write down the details for me, at least these actually matter, unlike the questions you asked the Pie parents, seriously, what side of the bed did you wake up on? That question was so dumb Commer.”

Sage shook his head, this question might as well be vital, maybe it’s possible to try to predict the nerves of the deceased Pies, what direction they move, why not use DNA samples if that was the case? Sage sighed, Commer had such a way to ask questions, making petty ones make sense.

“It did matter, just remember the plan Bullet, and don’t try to kill him!”

Bullet walked away with the east line of deputies, muttering some words under his breath.

“This would be over if your hide didn’t show mercy to that bucking killer.”

Bullet was still very heated about that, he knew he would have had him in a coffin if not for Commer’s interference. How could any pony be friends with such a monster? Bullet still thought it would be best to just kill him and save the hospital from having patients, but if the chief has ordered for them to follow the detective’s orders, then that’s what they should do, the authorities all took a look at each other, then headed off, they followed the directions that they were given, they were going to approach the graveyard from their planned angles, they had to be quite tough, the detective Commer told them he’s very good at using his sense, he could hear things like a “dog,” now the deputies knew that was a hyperbole, but assumed from the assassin record and the precaution they are required to take it must be somewhat true. They had huge confidence in arresting the assassin.


Rainbow Dash finished reading her Daring-Do book, remembering how daring Do fought off the attackers, was awesome, she wondered if she was daring to do would that have changed the outcome of the battle with Comber? She remembers hearing him say something as she went unconscious, him saying for ponies to take martial arts, the rest was insults towards her, degrading her on her performance, it almost seems like he does what he does because he enjoys the battle the victim gives, as he knows they were going to fight for their life because that’s the most important thing to fight for, besides for the lives of the ponies you care about. Neva the nurse walked into the room as Rainbow Dash put down her book on the counter, she enjoyed the book, and she hopes the nurse can tell her good news like she was in good condition to leave. Rainbow Dash’s thoughts raced with excitement and anxiety, what if he was hired to kill her friends next?

“Good afternoon Mrs. Dash, I’m glad you awoke from your nap, that only proves good news, which I have some.”

The nurse gave Rainbow Dash a smile before pulling the desk chair from the desk and sitting in it, arranging it in Rainbow Dash’s direction.

“What’s the good news? Can I leave now?”

The nurse kept her facial expression, opening her documents for the patients.

“Before I answer that darling, I should tell you-!”

“Rainbow Dash!”

Familiar voices shouted, Rainbow Dash’s eyes couldn’t believe it, it was her friends, but how did they know, I mean she knew they would go looking for her after she disappeared from the group, but how did they know exactly where she was? Pinkie Pie went for a hug to Rainbow Dash, almost running toward her, the nurse yelled at her.

“I am sorry Mrs. Pinkie Pie, but you must not hug her, knowing you and how you hug, you would be overdue it, I’ll get in trouble if I let you harm her.”

Pinkie Pie’s face turned to disappointment, she wanted to hug Rainbow Dash really badly, but the nurse was right, she was going to give her the biggest hug yet, her mane and tail were almost puffy again, but wasn’t, she was obviously still depressed over the loss of her sisters, which anypony would be if they lost somepony special to them.

“I’m really glad you made it Rainbow Dash, how did you survive? Sorry to be blunt be we know you didn’t cause these injuries by mistake, somepony did them to you.”

Rainbow Dash sat up on her bed, she had a smile on her face, Twilight was one smart cookie, Rarity was obviously bothered by the way they have arranged the bandages on Rainbow Dash, such low quality in style. The group surrounded the bed Rainbow Dash was sitting upon; the nurse got a little annoyed at Rainbow Dash’s friends, she has never seen friends like this, at first she thought they were fake friends, maybe part of an evil place, after she talked with them heading down to the room, a bell clicked when Rarity said Twilight name in a conversation, she heard her and the mane 6 as the ones that defeated Nightmare Moon, she never bothered to find out what they looked like, or bothered by it at all, since all Nightmare Moon wanted to make Equestria into Internal night time, the colt she knew was way eviler than that.

“How did you all know I was here!?”

Rainbow Dash asked in confusion and curiosity, she never thought she would see them again, she worried about their safety, now that they are here, she doesn’t have to worry about their safety, in fact, she can now expose that monster deceiver of a killer; she already thought about how to stop him, she will be the one to defeat him; he probably thinks she’s dead, and no doubt if he sees her in public he will absolutely kill her the next time.

“My sister pulled me to the side and told me her, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo saved you.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes were in shocked, the Crusaders saved her, she thought back to the nurse telling her three fillies saved her, but she thought it couldn’t have been the Crusaders, even if Scootaloo was spying on her out the window, Granny Smith wouldn’t let them escape, she would keep her eye on them all the time due to the serious situation. She will indiffently teach Scootaloo how to fly now, she was already going to but she will make sure she will succeed in perfection for saving her, it’s the least she could do.

“Did you scold her for going into the Everfree Forest, or at least Granny Smith?”

“Well... Granny Smith gave them a stern look when I told her, to make little sister know I wasn’t going to keep this a secret from her.”

Rainbow Dash thought they should suffer no punishment for adventuring into the Everfree Forest; they saved her life for Celestia’s sake, but the question is how did they know where she was? There’s no way they pinpointed her position with some help, maybe they were spying on her and that assassin battle? Rainbow Dash double thought this, Scootaloo would have tried to help her, she wouldn’t sit there and expect her to live, so this was after the assassin left when she was discovered.

“If you don’t mind us asking Rainbow Dash, what exactly happened to you? We know you were attacked by that colt since we tried to confront him and that ended with us fighting him.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes shot open as she quickly sat up. Did they fight him too? Was he trying to kill them? Wait, they confronted him, so no, but this had to be after she was knocked unconscious in the Everfree Forest since she obviously wasn’t there. They didn’t look like they got in a fight, as they were already in the hospital before her?

“Wait you all fought him!?”

Rainbow sat up quickly, the bedsheets still on top of her hoofs underneath the blanket.


“We gave him a good beating.”

Applejack and Twilight smiled, Rarity brushed her hair, did she think they wouldn’t try to find out what he did to her? Friends stick together no matter what.

“Is he in jail as of now?”

Rainbow grabbed her cup of water, anxious he still might be lurking around the corner and ready to finish her off, she took a sip of her water. When she went to sleep, she had a dream of the same place she fought Comber, but this time she experienced her heart ripped out of her chest and crushed; she had certain clue why she had this dream but it must be the vibe of being attacked and experiencing a tragic event. Does she have PTSD now? Twilight as the rest of the group shook their head; Rainbow Dash felt her anxiety spike up along with fear. What if he revisited the place he thought she died? What if he knows she’s alive and in this hospital room? What if-!?

“This is bad, what if he comes after me realizing I’m not dead?”

Rainbow Dash was panicking, like anypony in her situation would. Rarity smiled, ready to resume her Rainbow Dash.

“He won’t darling, trust me, after what he saw from us if he knows you are around us, he won’t come near you.”

Rarity knew she was telling a lie to remember how though and formidable that monster colt was, if he likes spilling blood, he is dirty and evil, anypony in her eyes who like to get dirty, especially making loonies bleed and killing them, is an absolute monster who belongs in a cage.

“I hate to agree with her Rarity, but she is most likely right.”

“Mrs. Twilight, she is right to worry, he is the son of Coomber, an absolute monster.”

The mane 5 looked at the nurse with confusion, Pinkie Pie still had sadness in her eyes.

“Who heck is Coomber.”

The nurse felt she could trust them, but she can’t risk it, they seem to be ponies for justice, I mean she can’t blame them, their concern for their friend Rainbow Dash is so profound, she hasn’t for decades seen such true friendship.


Pinkie Pie sniffled, still sad about the tragic events.

“Like it could be his dad.”

“Pinkie Pie, just because their names are similar doesn’t always mean they are related, now you said he was Coomber’s son, who exactly is Coomber.”

Twilight asked with curiosity, walking towards the nurse. The nurse put her head down, then recent it at Twilight.

“I reckon to know how you would know a monster Dad Nurse...”

“My name is Neva and I know him due to gis records coming up after Rainbow Dash told me who attacked her.”

The nurse knew she couldn’t tell them the truth about how she knows him, they have his age as 65 but that is so far wrong, she knows his true age since she is also cursed.

“I did feel her and she told me she thought it was Coomber.”

Rainbow Dash assertively told her friends. The group focused their attention on Rainbow Dash.

“That’s all I know, besides he is too dangerous, and his son must be similar?”

Rainbow Dash started to worry, what should she do, this is an important question, there’s no way he’s just going to leave her alone if he sees she is alive; and if he’s an assassin there’s no way the pony who hired him won’t see her, she wants to be known and famous, that was the Wonder bolts are, she will not hide inside like a coward.

“Um... Girls! What do I do!? He’s not going to make the same mistake again if he knows I’m alive, he will-!”

Rainbow Dash was panicking, this was sad she acted this way, the group of friends though, she shouldn’t panic at all, this village is filled with harmony and peace, not murder and fear; this reminded Twilight of Spike, making her angry instead of sorrowful.

“I reckon you calm down Rainbow Dash, don’t panic like a herd of cows in lighting.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, Applejack was right, she will not panic, she remembers attacking him, hurting him, this was nothing to what he did to her friends, Rainbow Dash wanted to avenge Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie sisters, and bring peace and harmony back to Ponyville, she wanted to be a hero.

“Thanks, Applejack...”

“Don’t mention it partner.”

Applejack fixed her hat that was falling off her head, did they have a-! Who turned the fan on high? Oh well, not really their worries as of now. The group thought with each other.

“Rainbow Dash, I think it’s beat you go to the police and-!”

“Mrs. Sparkle, the deputies are hesading to arrest the assassin as of now, they wanted us to get some of the beds ready for the injured deputies.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened in fear. What!? They were going to arrest him!? What if some of them die!? What if they fail as she did? Their police, they can’t fail, they have to deal with things like this well not all the time in this village but still crimes like it.

“Wait a darn second, you telling us they are now finally deciding to act against this assassin!?”

Twilight remember what the detective said, Comber would kill the deputies if they show up, what are they thinking?

“No Applejack, remember the detective wanted to keep this low because of the danger he poses to the authorities, he told us after healing us at the Rock Farm.”

“That place was still too gloomy.”

“It reminded me of my sisters, please don’t insult the Rock Farm Rarity...

Pinkie Pie sounded as she was about to cry again. Rarity’s face changed to regret, she didn’t mean to offend Pinkie Pie, just it was not her style of living, how could she live there as a filly?

" If I may suggest, Rainbow Dash if you don’t want to be afraid of that assassin? I would suggest learning how to fight, so you can defend yourself or maybe...”

“I could bring him to justice...”

Rainbow Dash elaborated on Neva’s suggestion, the nurse smiled as Rainbow Dash’s friends grinned, how could a nurse suggest fighting? Seriously help save lives!

“Absolutely not darling! That’s not your talent! Leave that to the police”

“How could you suggest that to her, you must be working too hard Neva!”

Twilight and Applejack were angry at the nurse for suggesting Rainbow Dash learn how to fight, that doesn’t hit her talent, that’s a hob for the police to do for the safety of Ponyville, not Rainbow Dash.

“I think Neva isn’t really lying. I just wished my sisters learned how to fight.”

Neva smiled at Pinkie Pie. She was the only pony in the room that agreed with her, she must have been thinking of her sisters and if they learned how to fight the scenario, they would still be alive. Rainbow Dash was thinking hard, his facial expression was serious, her face looking down as she was focused on her hoofs and remembering what happened in the conflict with Comber; he encouraged the same thing, but as an insult.

“If I wanted to nurse, where would I go for that? I mean what’s the place? Do you know one? Do they really teach ponies how to fight?”

The nurse laughed. They teach deputies how to shoot, so learning how to fight would be a thing to learn.

“I reckon you go into the Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash and don’t try to be a hero, I know what your thinking, the same as the rest of us.”

Applejack didn’t want her friends to learn how to fight and to give up on her dream that she brags so much about getting into, she wanted that dream, and she ain’t giving it up because of an assassin, or killer, technically both Applejack thought. Twilight didn’t want her friend fighting, she wanted to strive for her dream, the dream she wanted first; this choice is for Rainbow Dash to decide, not theirs, none of them is to determine another pony’s destiny.

“I would, but who will stop that monster?”

Rainbow Dash asked with concern in her tone. Rarity giggled.

“Leave that to the deputies darling, your job”

Rainbow Dash thought to herself, what if they really can’t stop him, I mean she knows they are trained to deal with this kind of threat, as well as other threats, but what if? Rainbow Dash worried about the harm the assassin would cause other ponies, gaining anxiety from thinking about it, she had a brief thought, would she be famous if she did stop him? Alone? I mean wasn’t he called legendary for his job title, but why does he have that title? Is it because he never fails to complete the job? Or...?

“I just don’t want him harming any more ponies, also just curious why is he called legendary?”

The group thought together to answer that question, Applejack and Rarity thought it was because he was very good at his job, while Twilight and Rainbow Dash thought it was because he never failed a job. The nurse knew exactly why, the group said their answers, Pinkie Pie stating nothing is legendary about, but met the actual answer from the nurse, they were not prepared for the answer, especially Pinkie Pie.

“Let me explain if you all want to know, Comber is an assassin I believe he takes after his father who is also an assassin, he is probably better than Comber, he never gives a chance of recovery, but Comber apparently did, the answer I think for Comber being called the Legendary assassin is because of how many jobs he as been hoofed over and completed, he probably never failed a job until now.”

The group’s eyes widen with disbelief, so Twilight and Rainbow Dash were right, but if what the nurse said is true because he never fails a job, that means whoever you hate and you want dead when you hired him it’s a 100% certain your enemy is no longer an enemy, he’s a corpse in a casket. Rainbow Dash felt anxiety brewing, if that’s the case, then she will be a blood bath if he sees her again.

“I think I should learn how to fight.”

Rainbow Dash said nervously, the group was concerned, why does she want to fight now?

“Darling why?”

“Didn’t I darn tell you to stick to your dream anss passion?”

“And leave it to the authorities darling.”

Applejack and Rarity didn’t want Rainbow Dash to fight, it would cause the Elements of Harmony to disband, well that is what they believe in. Twilight thought about why Rainbow Dash wanted to take fighting lessons but remembered what the nurse said, she must be terrified of the colt? She knows the feeling, if she saw the black colt with a green mane and tail again who wielded an axe, she would want to know how to fight him off and bring him to justice to prevent harm from happening to other ponies. Pinkie knew why, Rainbow Dash didn’t want to die, like her sisters, she knew the griefing that would cause, so she wants to learn how to protect herself and her friends. If that assassin sees her still breathing he will make sure she won’t.

“Girs it’s up to Rainbow Dash if she wants to learn how to fight, I can’t blame her, I want to know after that encounter with the green mane and tail black colt.”

(”Green and black-!”)

The nurse wanted to ask if it was Toom, because she knows that colt, he was a monster from her place she was working at, he was also a favorite there. The nurse kept quiet, she will advise Rainbow Dash, advice she wish she took long ago.

“In the way, Equestria is going now, I suggest you learn how to fight Mrs. Dash, you don’t have to do it or enjoy it, just use the knowledge to protect yourself along if you practice it.”

“I reckon you don’t try to manipulate her.”

Neva laughed. This group of friends is protective like they are family, this warmed Neva’s heart.

“I Ain’t trying to manipulate no one, I know from experience darling, I been through a lot and believe me when I say this, if they knew how to fight, maybe perhaps she could stop the assassin, Comber.”

“What do you mean you know from experience Neva?”

Neva turned her smile to a grin, she will not speak of it to mares like these, it’s horrific, she has PTSD from just thinking about it.

“Let’s just say if I knew how to defend myself I would have been able to prevent some tragic events in my life.”

“Darling are you implying you, a nurse knows how to defend herself?”

The the nurse answered with a smile, before walking over to Rainbow Dash hoofing her another paper cup of water, she had it the whole time, but she was told to wait for a little before giving it to the patient Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash gulped it down, she was anxious and dehydrated.

“Here, make sure to drink all of it. The rest of you.”

The nurse turned around to meet their eyes.

“Please exit your visiting time is up, I don’t make the rules, No it’s not because I have animosity against you if I don’t tell you another nurse will in a rude manner.”

“And indeed I will!”

The group said goodbye to Rainbow Dash, walking past the nurse at the door with a little annoyance on their faces, that nurse seemed to mean to them all, why is she like that? Neva felt her heart drop when she heard that nurse’s voice, how long was she there? Rainbow Dash didn’t like how she talked to her friends. Twilight turned around and was ready to say something, but saw Neva waving her hoofs no, the mean nurse looked at Twilight with a range expression.

“Heh heh, just taking one last look.”

“Get going, I am not having what happened last time with visitors.”

Twilight wanted to know what happened last time but didn’t, it must have made the nurse the way she is. Twilight started running after the group that was walking down the hallway on the right, closest to the room Rainbow Dash was in.

“Neva, next time be more assertive.”

“Alright nurse Memba.”

The nurse walked out of the door shutting it, it nearly sounded like it was a slam. Rainbow Dash wanted to know what that nurse’s problem was, she thought maybe she was having a bad day? Or does she hate her job? Whatever the reason is, there is no need for her to talk to her friends like that.

“Why is that nurse mean?”

Neva shook her head in malevolence.

“I have no clue but she is a mean one, I know you didn’t like her talking to your friends like that because I didn’t, you all are good ponies.”

Rainbow Dash smiled.

“Thank you, you seem like a very good pony too.”

The nurse gave Rainbow Dash a peachy glance before walking away. She turned her head back to Rainbow Dash as she was about to leave the room.

“And the place to learn how to fight, that is in Ponyville now, the place is called: Martial Arts for Ponies. It’s southeast of here.”

The nurse walked out of the room, leaving Rainbow Dash to think about herself. Does she really want to take martial arts? What does she really gain from it? She knows it would teach her how to defend herself as well as others, but will she have to strive away from her passion, the Wonderbolts? If she learned martial arts will she defeat the assassin Comber? She remembers hearing what he said.

(”My jobs are all the same, boring and unsatisfying, the reasons they exist at all are foolish, ponies need to learn how to defend themselves.”)

Rainbow Dash remembered hearing Comber talk about his job, why he has to them, the reasons, the boredom he has, that was insulting to her, she can’t lie, the adrenaline she felt when fighting for her life against him was thrilling, she almost enjoyed it, only if she wasn’t fighting for her life. Rainbow Dash had finally concluded, that she will take lessons from the place called Marital Arts for ponies, if the authorities don’t stop Comber first, she will.

Author's Note:

A New Chapter! If you made it this far you are a Legend and deserve the element of Loyalty! Let me know how you feel about it chapter as well any suggestions will be nice but that doesn't mean they will be made into the story! Make sure to stay healthy and have a great day!

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