• Published 9th Dec 2020
  • 981 Views, 142 Comments

Ponyville's Biggest Threat - MLPkillers

A legendary assassin is hired to kill. This assassin never let a job go. Earning him this reputation. He came from a dark path, deciding to be an assassin after quitting his dark job.

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Find the Threat And Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash Vs. The Legendary Assassin!

Rainbow Dash was confused; she was with her friends and now she’s here, she felt something grab her wing, but it was too swift and tight to fling its grasp away; she recognized the place she was in, the smell, the air, the timberwolves howling; she was in the Everfree Forest. She attempted to fly away, before hearing a familiar voice.

“You name was Rainbow Dash, right?”

The assassin said with a sinister tone. Rainbow Dash felt uncomfortable in the Everfree Forest, especially with the howls of the wolves. When the colt revealed himself from the shadows; Rainbow was relieved seeing him; he ain’t a monster, he’s a pure colt, he proved that by donating to the funeral.

“You’re that colt that donated at the funeral; did you being us hear? Because certainly, I didn’t fly here.”

Rainbow Dash almost giggled; only to receive a cold glare from the assassin; the Elements Of Harmony are doing; well, only Celestia could now use them now. This fact doesn’t matter in the slightest; it’s not like there are any threats to Equestria right? Comber stepped on a branch, cracking it in half; this perked Rainbow Dash’s ears up; but she notices it was just a brand and not a timber beast. Comber wasn’t that far from her; he stopped, deciding he just going to let her know the deal and why it’s useless to run.

“Your time is up Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash was confused; what does he mean by that; he’s not simply implying he’s going to kill her right? That’s not a possibility at all; maybe he’s a prankster like her and Pinkie Pie? He too serious for that.

“What do you mean by that!?”

Rainbow Dash flew from the ground hovering a little; she started to feel unsafe around him; he can’t fly and she hasn’t seen a flying Unicorn yet; she doesn’t think there’s a spell to fly yet.

“I think you know what I mean; hope you’re good a fighting because running is-!?”

Rainbow Dash flew back to Ponyville as fast as she could; trying her best to avoid tree branches and leaves. Comber sighed at the sight of her running; most run; most fight, but neither goes in their favor. He teleported; already knowing where she’s going; once he sees you and you’re his target; you’re not escaping at all; he tracks the soul down until it leaves the living world. Rainbow flew about 800 hoof steps from the assassin’s location, catching her breath; she believed he lost her and doesn’t know her whereabouts; she was wrong; she nearly had a heart attack when she heard a beach snap, turning behind her; her eyes widened and her heart dropped; she knew he’s the other killer then; she and her friends were right to be suspicious of him; they were right.


“What’s the big rush, you know something we don’t!?”

Twilight asked the detective; finally meeting up with him; even the deputy had to regroup with his partner; he knew why he did it, but he could’ve just teleported them there, why didn’t he just do that?

“I do.”

The detective responded in a serious tone; his tone sounded like was happening right now; his expression also supported this.

“You want to tell then partner?”

The detective didn’t want to tell them, but he knew he might have no choice if they wished to save their friend’s life; his mouth opened to speak; trying to find the words to say.

“Your friend said she saw a red flash; I know one unicorn who had such an aura; your friend is in grave danger.”

The detective said with a casual face; he didn’t want to see another pony killed in this town; especially not from the assassin he was friends with. Commer regretted attempting to stop his friend, after his warning and threats; he did want to get them, along with him and the deputy killed; this seemed to be dumb and useless; he saw Comber before take on two full tables; coming on top with only a bloody nose; he quit his wicked job because of him; those who would leave loses their life; so he was in debt to him, but this doesn’t matter at the moment.

“What, are you saying she could be killed like Fluttershy; I thought you colts caught the darn killer?”

Applejack replied; disbelieving there’s another killer in this beautiful village.

“Yes, he’s extremely dangerous; you girls meet him before.”

This was a red flag for Twilight; it all made sense; the excuses about his pet; his tone and lack of remorse at the funeral; every colt should show emotions when another pony dies; he didn’t which was suspicious; he was the only colt they had met and he was a unicorn; Rainbow Dash didn’t fly away; she was teleported!

“He didn’t seem all that bad...”

Pinkie Pie depressingly replied; she was sad still; she felt completely empty; she had lost her 3 sisters and Fluttershy; she didn’t want to lose another friend; especially Rainbow Dash; the one who attempts to cheer her.

“He’s not that evil, he only is when he’s on the job.”

The detective explained to Pinkie Pie. Twilight thought a moment; back to the theory of it being an assassin; this had to be what he was getting to indicate?

“You mean he’s an assassin?”

Twilight bluntly asked; getting a nod from the detective; this raised questions; how does he know this? Was he with him? This wasn’t seriously considered to be a true statement.

“He’s the legendary assassin; he never failed a job; which is why I feel like this is useless to stop him.”

The detective replied; shocking the group; they didn’t expect that colt; which seemed all nice and innocent; not to mention donated to the funeral they attended; she had struggled so hard to make the funeral; not to forget helped set it up with her friends; this also made another question arise; why did he donate to it then; could it be guilt? Was he generous? It made sense where he got all those bits from; and able to toss a ton to the funeral with no worry.

“Why do you think he donated to Fluttershy’s funeral then?”

The others wanted to know also; the detective’s answer wasn’t a shock to them; since they all already thought it.

“He does have a heart for the innocent, and Fluttershy seemed to be in that category; so I would predict guilt.”

How does a legendary assassin feel guilty? Aren’t they monsters with no hearts; if he’s legendary; this means he assassinated too many victims with no failure. The group agreed with the detective. They arrived at the graveyard; running into the gloomy location for the dead; searching the spot and the rest of the graveyard; finding nopony in eight beside them; where else did they go? They hoped the detective was right; if not, then they really don’t have a clue where Rainbow Dash went? At the same time; they also hoped he was wrong; they didn’t want to fight an assassin for a friend, but will if it requires force.

“So you want me to fight you for my life?”

Rainbow Dash asked stupidly; Comber usually just assassinate them as fast as possible; but when the target life’s at stake; they high the hardest; and she seems the type that would fight if provoked, so hopefully before he leaves this peaceful village; he can have fun?

“Are you really the killer of Ponyville? Was that other colt a fake? Was he a dummy set up by you?”

Comber blankly looked at the target with zero care. He wasn’t the murder of Ponyville; if anypony was, it was Toom; of course, none of those murders have been announced yet, but conveniently Comber’s have.

“No, I set no pony up; I’m not answering no questions to you; it won’t matter anyway.”

Comber bluntly told his target; almost already considering her a corpse. Rainbow Dash flew off the ground; this colt has to be the killer; he will pay for his crimes; there’s no way he’ll walk away unscathed. His attitude can make anypony mad; especially letting them know he’s here to take your life. She flew as fast as she could at the assassin; he dodges with precise reaction time and movement; Rainbow Dash attacked more; trig to land an actual hit on the assassin; but only with failure; he was too good at fighting; she could barely hit him; each attack not even scathing him; he’s too fast.

“How am I quicker than a pegasus that can perform a rainboom? You need to think more clearly-!?”

Rainbow Dash cut him off; his cocky tone was annoying as Tartarus.

“Think? You’re the one that should think about your actions!”

Rainbow Dash yelled at the assassin; he thinks he could just get away with his crimes, Scott free? She thought for a moment before acting; she flew at him; acting if she was going straight in for the attack; Comber watched closely as she flew up and attempted to punch him in the top of his head; he caught the hoof and swung her, letting her go; she flew; almost hitting a tree; she saved herself by using her wings; this colt is dangerous to fight; she can’t run; she can’t harm him, and more importantly, she can’t die to him.

“I should attack you, but the fun will end if I do, so I’ll-!?”

Rainbow Dash flew at him again; attacking more ferociously; she had enough of his arrogant mouth; Comber dodges all the attacks; letting at least one hit; this was out of curiosity of the power behind the punch; which was heavier than Fluttershy’s, but not enough alone to injure him. Comber decided to attack back; punching her in the face; leaving her with a bloody nose; she was pushed back by the hit; she wiped her nose; discovering blood; she never had a nose from bleed; she was very, but scared at the same time; he’s serious about killing her.

“You’re very durable to take a hard hit from me, but durability is good with offense; which you lack; so accept your fate; it will be fast.”

Comber bluntly said; feeling a little sympathy for his target; Rainbow Dash didn’t care what he said to her; she ignored him; getting angry by the second; she thought of the Pies, Spike, and Fluttershy; he must have done it; he needs to pay! She flew at him at top speed; hitting him in the jaw; following with a punch to the face; Comber felt no pain; indeed it hurt, but he was trained to feel no pain; no blood had surfaced anywhere on the colt’s body; Rainbow Dash was drained of stamina from attacking; Comber waited for her to retain it, he’ll attack this time; hopefully she’ll still be able to move after the strategic offense?

“Nice follow-up, but you need to use more power behind those punches to cause damage.”

Comber said with his casual tone; irritating Rainbow Dash; he really already considers this fight won by the way he’s acting.

“Shut the buck up!”

Rainbow Dash attempted to attack but missed it, again; Comber black flipped back; landing on all four hoofs; Rainbow Dash wasn’t impressed at all; the Wonderbolts do a lot more dangerous stunts than that. Comber cracked his neck; stopping after repeating this process 4 times. Comber face changed from its merciful look to a serious expression; he has to complete this job; no going back; he never did and I will continue like that; Comber was ready to go on the offensive; it’s time. Comber got in a stance he rushed at Rainbow Dash; intending to attack her; test her durability against his strength, skills, and assassination. She tried to weave to dodge but was hit in the face; she attacked back; Comber moved his head to the left and dodge; she tried her wing which he backflipped and kicked off her face; he teleported back on four hoofs, already seeing what damage he did to his target; she’s more durable than everypony else in this village; but not in his town. Rainbow wiped her face; spitting blood to the left sideline; this colt is powerful; there’s no doubt about that; he’s far from pure, however, and should pay; this just proves he had murdered more ponies in the past if he knows how to perform stunts like that. She flew in the air; flying at him once again at top speed; Comber ducked his entire body and kicked her in the stomach; this put her higher in the sky; she spits blood out again from her mouth; she thought about running from this colt; this already proven to be pointless because he knows her exact whereabouts; fighting him is useless because not only is he talented at fighting techniques; his agility and reaction time is insane too; what to do she thought; Comber waited; this is boredom; she’s not special at all is she? He assassinated more pegasus that produced more powerful attacks than she did; he’s already forgetting her name. Rainbow flew down to the ground; given the colt a nasty stare; he has no response to it; he’s just doing his job. He smirked; causing Rainbow to attack him again; he dodges, grabbing one of her hoofs and then the second as it tried to hit him in the right side of the jaw; Comber let go, taking grasp of the incoming wings; his magic holding her hoofs in place; it was to stop her from attacking with them; the wings were caught; making Rainbow Dash flustered; she tried to break free but failed; was his intention to break them; or-!? Comber released his magic gripped; swing her around by both wings; she felt nauseous; she couldn’t think of any way to get free; she might barf from the dizziness?

“Let me go you heartless colt!”

Rainbow Dash said with anger; her face expression rage, with a little anxiety.

“If you say so.”

Comber said; already planning to do so; but not before landing a devastating attack; Comber pulled Rainbow Dash in, quickly turning around and bucking her right in the face; her nose bled; he brain bounced around the skull; she felt as if she was flying and indeed she was; the assassin let go of her wings to let her hit-! She crashed into a tree with high force; branches that had tiny tons on them fell down her; her body slid down the tree, unconscious. The branches caused small lacerations on her body and face; they covered her body; if they landed appropriately, with enough precision, it could’ve killed her. Comber took one breath in; wiping his hoofs together; this job was more than the average, but far from impressive; it’s about time to end it. Slowly walking towards her at incredibly slow speed.

(”Rainbow Dash... Rainbow Dash, can you hear me?”)

Rainbow Dash heard a familiar voice inside her head; was she hallucinating? Is she knocked out cold? She was confused and frightened of where she was.


Rainbow Dash muttered, forgetting what is transpiring to her for a quick moment before regaining the knowledge.

(”That colt is the one that killed us, me, me, me, and me.”)

Rainbow Dash felt crazy; there’s no way it’s the Pies and Fluttershy speaking to her; the dead can’t speak to the living; she had to be hallucinating. The voices sounded just like them; it had to be their spirit or soul speaking to her.

“Rainbow Dash tried to respond to the voice but was surrounded by flames; they were scorching; the sound was frightening too, the last thing she saw was a pitch-black colt with a flaming mane and tail; it looked like it the souls were going towards him and he was collecting them; where was she? Is she dead? This was answered when her wits came back and she opened her eyes again; she heard hoof steps; she goes up quickly to see the assassin 10 hoof steps from her; it looked like he waited for her to come unconsciously; she struggled to get up; remembering what she saw; her rage-filled to the brim when she recalled what the Pies and Fluttershy told her; she wanted to make sure he was really responsible for their deaths.

“Did you kill Fluttershy and the Pies!?”

Rainbow Dash asked with fury in her tone; she bit her teeth; waiting for his response. Comber smirked, she’s going to die anyway, so it really doesn’t matter if she knows he did; maybe she’ll be more fun when absolutely angered to the brim?

“I was hired to, yes; you’ll be joining them soon-!”

Rainbow Dash flew at him as fast as she could and hit him in the face; his hoofs were brought off the ground; he was heading towards a tree, his head in its direction; Rainbow Dash followed her assault a kick to the back; using her speed to catch up to him, planning to buck him down to the ground; hopefully ending it; he attempted to kick her which she dodged it with her speed; causing a wind burst and bucking him to the ground; he flew towards it with high speed; Comber looked at the ground and caught himself on the ground; causing a small chuck to break; Rainbow Dash followed him and burst down in front of him and attacked him; he blocked the attack; feeling a high amount of force behind it; seems to be her rage sharpened her attacks and fighting spirit; she was clearly out of breath but continued to attack the assassin; she will stop when he knows the pain he gave her friends.

“This is for Fluttershy!”

Punching Comber directly in the face with high force; he was pushed back by the attack; quickly wiping his nose to spot blood; the first pony to damage him this badly since a decade ago. Colts would normally be angered by the sight of their own blood; but Comber wasn’t, finally some fun since a decade; sadly he feared this would end with just 2-3 attacks from him.

“This is for the Pies!”

Rainbow Dash attacked the assassin with another blunt punch; Comber caught the hoof; quickly responding with a have punch to the face; letting the hoof go; running up to her, quickly avoiding another attack and punching her in the stomach with enough force to cause blood to spurt out of her mouth; if he used more power in his punch; her stomach might’ve exploded with its contents flying everywhere. Rainbow Dash grabbed her stomach with pain; she was brought to her knees; Comber showed no mercy; this was a job and it must be done; proceeded to kick he in the left side of the jaw; casting her at a tree; Comber teleported to where she was heading and kicked her again, but this time vertically up; Comber teleported and stomped on her chest; hitting her to the ground like a meteorite; she couldn’t move; it was clear she was defeated; she couldn’t avenge her friends; she held her tears in as Comber stood over the pegasus shaped creator; he didn’t want to finish her; If this was a sparring match he would show mercy with not doubt, sorrowfully, it’s not.

“I’m sad to say this is where your grave is your, I gave you the choice to choose.”

Rainbow dash got up, flying out of the creator, wiping the blood off her face, she was angrier than before; he mocked her, he insulted her with a bad, unfunny joke, and declared this battle already over, his arrogance enraged her dramatically. She looked at him, feeling the hatred build up, he murdered her friends and it’s time he pays for that! She flew at him again; zig-zagging around to confuse him; this didn’t confuse the assassin; he kept his focus; not taking this fight seriously anymore; she’s just like the rest, boring. She landed a blow to his face; was he letting her do it to him or did she actually land the hit; she followed up with a couple more attacks to the stomach before hitting him into a tree; he got up, dusting himself off; her 1 thought was right; he let her attack her, and it seemed to be useless to attack him; he showed no sign of pain or injury. He just smirked; this irrigated Rainbow Dash more, making her attack him again; her left front hoof was caught; she wasn’t going to take another hit; she attacks again, she was ferocious. She landed another attack and continuously attacked him; hitting him into another tree; she flew at fast speed and attack again; hitting the assassin in the jaw; she stumbled back; feeling exhausted and fatigue. Comber doesn’t seem to be injured; how is he so resilient? Comber got up; deciding to show her finally how outclassed this blue, fast pegasus is.

“I think it’s time I end this, do you think the same also?”

Rainbow Dash was annoyed by the question and ignored it; he will pay for what he did to her friends; he showed no sign of remorse; lives are to be considered special; not to be forcefully taken by a monster. Rainbow Dash charged the assassin, attempting to punch him in the nose; Comber mutter two words that ignited his body with a red aura; Rainbow attack was caught with ease; Comber swung her around; throwing her with a ton of force; she flew threw the air; Comber was quick; it was proven by how fast he ran and attacked her multiple time all over her torso; he stopped; she fell to the ground; highly injured and bleeding; Comber took his knife out; it’s a sad time indeed; it’s the time this battle ended; Comber walked towards Rainbow Dash; feeling a little sympathy towards her; he knows he has no choice to finish it; he never failed to finish a job and he ain’t going to start now or today. Rainbow tried to get up but fell over on her back; she was squirming away from the assassin; pain being present with every movement. She couldn’t help but stare at the blade of the knife with fear; she stopped squirming, succumbing to the pain; it felt like splinters and hot nails were stabbing her; did he break her bones by punching her in that assault? She notices a bone sticking out of one of her hoofs; it was the one he swung her with; it seemed she broke it through the flesh which explains why that hoof felt that kind of pain. Comber stood over her; he didn’t look like he enjoyed this; he did enjoy the fight, but the killing indefinitely not.

“I’m sorry your life has to come to such gruesome end like this, but-!?”

Rainbow interrupted his sentence with anger, how can he be sorry for what he did; why to be an assassin then; there are probably other jobs with similar pay; maybe heroes for example.

“Then... Why be an assassin then!?”

Rainbow Dash spits blood from her mouth; this shown she was internally bleeding, suffering from the attacks he dished to her. Comber didn’t respond, he just looks at her; finally deciding his answer.

“I don’t tell jobs anything. Your time is up.”

Rainbow Dash eyes watered, remembering what the Pies and Fluttershy told her; she failed to avenge them; she hated herself for that; more innocent ponies will die under his knife and she can’t prevent it. Comber decided to make it quick and stabbed her in the chest; thinking a stab to the heart would end her faster; he walked over to a log and waited for a while, wanting to check her pulse after a little to confirm the job was a success. After a little time went by and the body seemed to be lifeless; the assassin walked over and felt for a pulse not feeling any; he cast a spell on his hoof to remove the blood; he doesn’t want blood on his hoof as anypony would; this also would lower suspicion when he heads out of the town by walking. He took a glimpse at his cape, forgetting it was punctured by a hatchet long ago. He sighed and closed his eyes; casting a spell to fix it; after that, he decided to head off, leave this peace-loving town; he got and completed his last job here; nothing else here to do; besides being washed up by the harmony. The assassin used an x-ray spell to see the exit from this never freeing place; that name is absurd. The assassin saw and headed in that direction; he decided to walk out of town instead of simply teleporting because it would save him magic and it still might be possible somepony else might hire him? This seemed very unlikely tho in this loving town. The assassin would soon leave this place and town.

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