• Published 9th Dec 2020
  • 976 Views, 142 Comments

Ponyville's Biggest Threat - MLPkillers

A legendary assassin is hired to kill. This assassin never let a job go. Earning him this reputation. He came from a dark path, deciding to be an assassin after quitting his dark job.

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Remember the Past!? Me!?

Comber arrived with Twilight on his back in front of the hospital, with no distractions, he rushed into the nursing facility, the doors burst open, with what looks like a distress colt with...!

“Get a stretcher for the emergency room, immediately!”

Comber was at the counter, guess he didn’t need to spill any information. The doors to the left burst opened, two ponies took Twilight off Comber’s back using magic, Comber paid little attention to the action. The emergency surgeons rushed pass
Comber, pushing the stretcher through the emergency room. Comber heard a paper slide. It was a report form.

“Before you leave, fill this out, it’s time for this killer to be caught!”

(”The only Ponies reported dead in this town was the jobs I completed, not kill, assassinate!”)

“I don’t think I can provide enough information to catch the killer, all I can say is, he’s insane.”

The clerk was intrigued by the colt’s words. Her eyes widened. Are they dealing with an assassin or murderous pony? She wanted more information. Comber started walking towards the exit. The clerk needed to stop him.

“Wait! Insane!? Are you saying we aren’t dealing with an assassin, were dealing with a murderous insane pony!?”

“Maybe. Twilight should tell you more when she conscious. She’s the one who met him, not me. I just saved her after hearing a yell.”

The nurse quoted his words. “He.” So now she will report this information to the police; they now know more of the suspect’s appearance. It’s a colt and he’s insane. Comber disappeared, not wanting any more questions. The clerk was annoyed, why doesn’t anypony fill these report forms out?


“Do you think it takes a pony this long to bury a body?”

Applejack said. She started to worry about Twilight. Something didn’t seem right for her to still be out. The others were laying separate from each other, they were still awake, there’s no way they could sleep when Twilight’s still out. Where did these sleeping bags even come from? They looked very old but washed.

" I like how bluntly you said that. Calm down Applejack, Twilight said not to worry about her, just get some rest and be ready for the funeral tomorrow.”

Rainbow Dash faced the wall, waiting for Applejack’s response. She worried about Twilight, but trusted she was too intelligent to not take caution; heck, she was cautious about everything. Applejack walked to her sleeping bag, laying down and answering Rainbow Dash.

“You know how Twilight gets when she’s emotional. She does not think with common sense.”

“So what are you saying, darling?”

Rarity asked, already assuming what she was saying. She hoped it’s not just her thought.

“I’m saying what if she attempting to take justice into her own hoofs?”

“We don’t even know if it’s the same killer or another one Applejack? So why would she hunt the killer if she doesn’t know who it is and if they killed Spike?”

Rainbow fatiguingly said. Even if she doesn’t find the killer responsible for Spike’s death if that’s even the cause? Then at least she will help everypony feel safe again.

“Well I hope it’s the same killer, we don’t need 2 or more of ‘em.”

“Girls, I’m trying to sleep...”

Pinkie Pie said, waking up hearing their conversation. The conversations stopped, waiting to be continued the next day. The group trusted Twilight will be okay. They decided to rest for tomorrow, if Twilight’s not back, then they will go out and hunt for her. This will be done before noon. The wind blew spooky and scary outside of the library. They might’ve changed their minds if they saw it.


Comber was back on his resting rock again. He did save Twilight, yes. He can’t stand by and let an innocent pony be killed, especially for no reason. He closed his eyes, resting his eyes. He wanted to continue, but his ears alerted him of a Pegasus bursting through the wind. Seriously, if that’s...!

“I Gained 100 more bits, I think that means I’m more than halfway there?”

Comber turned, she already knew he wasn’t sleeping, He guesses she saw the whole ordeal with that insane killer? At night Comber looked like a killer in the shadows.

“You know, you blend in the night? Bet you wouldn’t mind if Nightmare Moon cast Equestria into eternal darkness?”

Lighting Dust wasn’t right, or correct. Sure there’s more stealth at the time of darkness, (night.) The morning also has its perks, like not able to lose visual, not like that’s a problem anyway.

“Didn’t you tell me you would come back after having the sufficient amount of currency?”

“I did, but I also saw the...!”

The battle with that murderous insane pony, I figured that much, I already heard you coming from a distance; the distance being the path I came from.”

Comber was annoyed. He never had a client like this before. Is there some reason she keeps coming back? Has to be?

“I saw you save... What’s her name....? I know she’s Rainbow Dash’s friend. She represented the element of magic. I believe... Twilight! That was nostalgic.”

Comber quoted the word nostalgic, what does she mean, “nostalgic?” Comber tried to remember, failing to do so. Lighting Dust action was caught by Comber’s eyes, she got into a formative stance on two hoofs, placing a hoof over her chest. What was she doing?

“You really don’t remember... I’m that filly you saved so long back, Your friend told me to not worry while sheltering from that filly killer.”

Comber looked confused, having the memory brought back by his hippocampus. He saved a Pegasus filly with an orange mane and tail, they were also green. That’s must be her? Lighting Dust bowed to Comber.

“I’m so grateful you saved me. I have never forgotten that generous acted you committed. I never thought you would travel all the way to Ponyville? If I may ask, why do you stay in this town anyway, your hometown would have more clients, would it not?”

Comber remembered his hometown. Ponies there all worked as brutal killers, they would kill for no reason, to prove a point, or for their sick pleasure. Most of the time, they wanted to outrank him but failed, so they attempted to kill him. That was a failure.

“I don’t get what’s so comfortable about that rock you lay on? It looks smooth, but it’s too chilly out to be laying outside with no covers.”

“So that was you, I have forgotten all about that.”

Comber turned over to ignore the Pegasus who respected him so. Lighting Dust couldn’t believe he has forgotten about saving her, her feelings were a little hurt; he must’ve saved lots of ponies before, maybe that’s why he forgot?

“You know I consider you to be a hero?”

Comber opened his eyes. He’s not a hero, that’s very funny. He closed his eyes. Lighting Dust realized she was disturbing the colt’s nap, or sleep. She wished him no harm and to stay safe. She flew off to her home, intending to rest for the funeral tomorrow. Comber brushed the thought of being a hero out of his mind. The wind blew smoothly and spooky.

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