• Published 9th Dec 2020
  • 981 Views, 142 Comments

Ponyville's Biggest Threat - MLPkillers

A legendary assassin is hired to kill. This assassin never let a job go. Earning him this reputation. He came from a dark path, deciding to be an assassin after quitting his dark job.

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A Wick Revealing Discussion! A Recovery!

The deputy appeared in front of the police station, casually walking up the stairs and into the station, his eyes met with the chief’s eyes, they both stared at each other for a moment before breaking the stare down.

“What happened deputy?”

The chief asked in demand; he was no fool, he got wind of the urgent call from the hospital, a pony in critical condition was brought in by fillies in critical condition. They weren’t given too many details on who exactly it was, but he has inferences. The deputy walked up to the desk, walking past it, opening the door to the back, where he changed his direction towards the chief of the left.

“The killer got another victim, let’s just hope she makes it.”

The chief wanted more information, did he say her? Is it Pinkie Pie now?

“I heard there have been houses burned down, at least 3 I heard.”

The deputy confirmed it was 3, the killer who did that was the black earth pony with a green mane and tail.

“The pony who did that was put in custody by us. He’s a psychopath.”

The chief smirked, why is the deputy hiding the full story?

“With your eyes, I’m surprised you did not notice the deputies watching you take in the maniac that confessed to the murders of many that are not in this town and at least 5 that is.”

The deputy was shocked; no, this is not what they needed, the station can not know about Comber.

“What exactly did they tell you chief so I don’t refeed information to you.”

“They told me you and the detective Commer was talking to a black unicorn with a red mane and tail, they saw him fight the green earth pony, saving 3 fillies’ lives. I have to ask after I searched the database for ponies with the description that I was giving, it sounded like it was-!”

The corner and detective walked in from the back of the station, holding papers in their hoofs. The adjective and corner past the papers to the chief.

“I hope you mind, but the detective helped me with the autopsy, he said he saw a knife that matches the description found on the corpses of the Pies.”

The chief eyes widened, he pieced all the information together, it has to be that black colt with a red mane and tail. The chief gave a confident smirk.

“I believe I know who it is, after what I heard from the deputies that saw you arrest the maniac killer in the cell.”

The detective nearly choked on the coffee he was drinking. He knows it, Comber.

(”I hope Comber leaves soon or else trouble would occur with possible many deaths.”)

Commer thought to himself, there’s no use in lying to him, doing so would make him and the deputy look suspicious like they are part of the killer plans; which they are not, he refuses to be charged with conspiracy to murder and evidence tampering.”

“I have to ask the 2 of you, is he your friend?”

The deputy and detective laughed, their laughs having suspicion in the tone.

“No, we don’t even know who you think it is?”

The chief put a hoof on a desk, knocking over his coffee. He had a large smile.

“Judging by the ponies in the database, a Unicron named Coomber and Comber shows up as assassins; Coomber was shown in a blue cape and the cape I was given by the deputies was red, which means it’s Comber.”

The deputy and detective faces went pale, their fears were coming true. The only thing going through their minds was the chief executive action. Was he going to fire them maybe for talking to him? Does he know about their past? No, that is 100% a no.

“I have 1 question and that is why you took help from such a killer? And not trying to arrest him? The deputies said you both acted like you were friends with him?”

The detective sighed, he knows now he has to tell the chief, along with the deputy

“Well, we did try to arrest him but our ambush failed, and he treated to kill us, so we just took the help from him when he saved the 3 fillies.”

The chief crossed his hoofs spinning around and getting out of his chair, hatching a plan, it the detective strategy didn’t go successful, then there might be serious trouble. The chief debated of sending the whole station to arrest the assassin but second thought it.

“Alright, I want you two to go chat with the other deputies, we have an assassin to arrest, detective, I want you to help lead the arrest of Comber.”

The deputy and detective saluted the chief, before heading to the back, towards the room where the deputies were. As on as they walked in, the deputies were a little confused to see Commer with the deputy, what was going on, the chief said to prepare, but why is there a detective in their department? The chief did not tell them that a detective will be joining them.

“Um... Commer, the wrong depart friend, might want to try-!”

“Deputy Sage, I was commanded by the chief to assist you on your arrest, I warn you the assassin we are arresting will most likely kill us.”

The detective warned the deputies of the gravity of the situation. The deputies were shocked, if it’s Commer, then there’s a big threat needing a lot of planning. Sage pulled a seat out on his right, indicating for the detective to sit down next to him, along with the deputy; the detective took gratitude and took notice of it, sitting in the chair, the deputy sitting down on the left of him at the circle the deputies from around the solid glass table.

“We were given the authority to kill the assassin if he resist us.”

The deputy earned an irritated face, remembering the detective stopping him from doing just that. The detective might be smart but his morality makes him a fool.

“I have a better plan to arrest him.”

Another detective said across the table from Commer. Commer did notice the other detective, it was his friend dale. The detective questioned Dale, which caused Dale to smirk and explained his plan again, this time so Commer was able to hear it.

“What do you know about Comber Sage?”

A commer asked a vital question. Sage put a hoof over his head and started thinking, he knows assassins have forbidden techniques, especially a one on Comber’s level.

“I don’t know him personally, but do I know that he’s an assassin that probably has forbidden techniques. Am I right?”

He shook his head up and down, but he doesn’t know what techniques Comber have.

“You are, but I have to dress some things before we go attempt to arrest Comber. Since most of us are unicorns, I must warn us uniforms that he can cancel our magic at any moment. So we shouldn’t rely on our magic to help us or aid us anyway in this arrest.”

The deputies that were unicorns started to such their heads with a little disbelief. They heard of the cancellation of unicorns magic with spells, like if you ate able to conjure a spell that has the perfect nullify to the other unicorn’s spell, but not just cancels it from the blue, maybe that what Commer meant?

“You mean with other spells Commer right?”

Comment shook his head. The brown unicorn would think the same thing as these unicorns, but he saw it with his own eyes. The reality is he’s able to prevent unicorns from using magic; the detective doesn’t know how since he wasn’t using a spell to cancel it.

“No, I mean he’s able to cancel other unicorns magic, and for quite the bit too. He did it to me and it led to hoof go hoof combat.”

“Did you win?”

The deputy northwest from Commer asked. The detective hoof palmed, this deputy was known as a moron, his name was Tom.

“What do you think?”

The detective showed the right side of his face to the deputy, exposing a bruise that looked bloody. The other deputies started to snicker. The detective turned his head back to its normal position.

“I think you did...”

“Go check the cells deputy, please, you’ll see no assassin in one of them.”

Tom snickered.

“But you find a maniac in one of them.”

Sage always thought of assassins being in bloodlust to kill, even if it’s for bits.

“An assassin is a maniac, Tom...”

Commer had to think to himself, he knows Sage is directing them back to the situation, but there’s more about Comber they need to know before trying to arrest him.

“Let’s stay on topic, Sage your plan to restrain him is excellent against other unicorns and criminals, but against this assassin, Comber, magic will be as useless as a cuff to a tress.”

Sage thought of another idea that could work, maybe they can still use magic? They just need a distraction to keep Comber’s attention occupied.

“I think we would need a distraction for my plan to arrest him to work, but why not 2 plans Commer? 2 is greater than 1.”

(”A distraction...”)

Commer thought back when Comber took on 35 ponies at a gloomy wicked place.


“I’m leaving minister.”

A familiar black colt with a red mane and tail said.

“Comber, you know what happens to traitors, since you are the one to hunt them down and assassinate them, you are a valuable worker, but I never thought you are the type to joke...”

The assassin kept a serious expression. Nome warned him not to quit, but he doesn’t listen to ponies that give the to stay a prisoner to a place he no longer needs to work for. The black unicorn took 4 steps forward.

“I wouldn’t think you think I’m the joking type minister.”


The detective felt a loud bang at the table. He still finished his flashback of Comber and how he was able to set bit only himself free from that despicable place, but him and the deputy too. He was still grateful to Comber because of that.

“Hey, Commer! Let’s not daydream and focus on the situation at hoof!

Sage said with a little bit of anger. The deputy knew what Commer was thinking about, the question that lead him to daydream, he was thinking about the time when Comber fought 35 workers.

“Sorry, Sage, wrong again, we only have 25 deputies here at the moment, trying to pressure Comber won’t work with numbers.”

“And why do you think that Commer?”

Commer knew he had to keep his past hidden, he kept quiet on the true reason. He told them he just heard multiple ponies talk about it before in another town, including Comber’s hometown.

“I’ve heard Comber fought 35 opponents at once.”

“He’s right, I’ve been hearing other towns say that too.”

Sage remembers seeing a police station massacred in Comber record. He didn’t believe it one bit, but it must be true if the chief is having the deputies and detectives plan together to stop this assassin.

“Well since he does have a record of killing the authorities, I guess you would be right Commer, then exactly what’s the plan? Do we comfort him and open fire on him, killing him?”

The detective smirked, he has another plan, 1 that will sure trick Comber; he
Just hopes Comber can’t sense deception.


Rainbow Dash awoke in the hospital bed, her head hurt, her chest as well, what happened to her? She thought of a black unicorn with a red mane and tail, her eyes shot open, she remembered now, he stabbed her with a weapon, a knife. Tears formed in Rainbow Dash’s eyes as she remembered the events that transpired, this was a betrayal for her and her friends. A nurse came into the room, Rainbow Dash quickly wiped her tears away, the nurse noticed this and walked towards Rainbow Dash to comfort her.

“Are you okay? What happened to you?”

Rainbow Dash wasn’t in a talking mood, she’s thankful she’s alive and ponies care about her to save her, but how did she get here? She could have sworn to Celestia she was in the Everfree Forest, knocked down after the fight with him, she almost forgot his name, but as soon as she remembered it, she held on to it as if it was her life.

“I was fighting for my life, against a black unicorn called Comber.”

The nurse’s face was in shock, could it be that pony that brought Twilight in? It could be, he was-!

(”The clerk downstairs told me a black colt came in with Twilight Sparkle on her back, he put her on the ground and said nothing before leaving, he seemed like a gloomy hero, but could be the killer they we are looking for?”)

“We were so worried you wouldn’t make it. I am so glad you did!”

Rainbow felt her chest, feeling a bandage there, it felt like multiple bandages under one, she’s not kidding when she said they thought she wasn’t going to make it. You wanted to fly and ask her questions, but she knows if she moves the slightest, her chest will fire pain signals to her brain.

“How did I get here? I am sure I was dead in the Everfree Forest.”

The nurse smiled at Rainbow, pulling a chair from a desk and sitting in it, on the right side of the hospital bed, the chair back cushion was facing Rainbow Dash, the nurse rested her chin on the back of the chair.

“You were Mrs. Dash, but you see, 3 fillies brought you in, with leaves covering your stab wound. I believe you know who they are.”

Rainbow Dash thought to herself, 3 fillies, could it have been the Crusaders, but how, they were in Sweet Apple Anchors, in Apple Bloom’s room-! Rainbow Dash remembered seeing Scootaloo’s body out the window, waving at her, she wanted to wave back, but this means they heard the conversation which means they investigated, but that doesn’t explain how they would find her in the Everfree Forest, especially to where she was lying, they would have to adventure into the Everfree Forest, deep into the Everfree Forest.

“Was it the Crusaders? Was it Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle?”

The nurse shook her head up and down. Rainbow Dash had a smile, the filly she’s teaching to fly saved her life, she couldn’t believe it, she almost wanted to cry, but she held in her tears, she has other questions like is she able to leave. She wanted to know if it’s safe to leave? Is her body completely healed for her to leave?

“Is it safe to leave?”

“I’m going to say no because the doctors said it would take at least until they’re done with their next patient.”

Rainbow Dash thought that would be soon; but the reality it would be quite a long time, at least for her to read a book of Daring Do.

“That’s going to be fast right? I am not the waiting type you know?”

Rainbow sarcastically replied. It’s good she kept her personality the nurse thought; not many do after a tragic event, especially almost dying.

“I am very fond of that Rainbow Dash, for now just take it easy.”

Rainbow Dash’s face showed impatience, she wanted to get out of bed and warn the authorities, she wanted to warn her friends who the killer is, they probably still think that colt is not dangerous, they would be wrong by a mile. Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe a colt like him, one that donates many bits to help other ponies would later kill them.

“I’ll try, nurse...?”

“Neva darling, it’s Neva, before I’ll go, who was it that attacked you? I know you didn’t get those injuries by mistake.”

The nurse’s face showed comparison, along with showing the charm of a filly face, Rainbow Dash went silent for a couple of moments, before reminding herself she was going to spill the beans anyway, but why did she feel embarrassed and shameful, is it because she lost a fight? Is it because somebody wanted her dead? She wasn’t entirely sure why these emotions arose, but she was sure they were because of those tragic events.

“The colt goes by the name Comber.”

Rainbow Dash was able to muffle out, looking down at her chest, after feeling a sharp pain in her chest. The nurse took an Ice pack from the metal bucket on the metal tray, hoofing over to Rainbow Dash to put on her chest; Rainbow took the ice pack and put it on her chest, feeling more waves of pain from the endothermic temperatures.


Rainbow Dash’s head turned up to the lights, moaning in pain.

“Comber... Comber... Coomber-! What did the colt look like, did he have a red mane and tail!?”

Rainbow Dash nodded with a yes. The nurse sat down in a chair in disbelief, is this Coomber... No, He would make sure she was dead, by decapitation, he says that is what he always does with his job. Neva remembers taking care of Coomber one time, it was due to war, but he and the rest of the old job prevailed with victory.

“You positive his name ain’t Coomber?”

Rainbow Dash got confused, Coomber, no she 100% remember the colt saying his name was Comber. She was a little doubtful now that the nurse mentioned the name Coomber, but she still remember him saying, Comber.

“No, he said his name was Comber, not Coomber, whoever that is?”

The nurse put both of their names together, did Coomber have a son? What mare would be crazy not to mention stupid enough to date him let alone have a filly with him? Maybe Rainbow Dash is remembering wrong, yeah, that must be it. This wasn’t important to Neva, it was for the police, however, they will be questioning Rainbow Dash not her, but she was definitely curious since she k ew who Coomber was.

“Nevermind, you get some rest, I’ll check on you again, the police will be here soon, I suggest you tell them everything, the truth, most ponies will lie that I know, but you, I know you won’t.”

Rainbow Dash felt a little insulted that the nurse thinks she would lie about something serious like this, why would anypony, they want justice for themselves, they would need to give the authorities every bit of detail they can.

“Thanks. You must come from a mean town?”

The nurse smiled as she walked towards the door, she turned her head back towards Rainbow Dash.

“Darling, not a town, but a place.”

The nurse closed the door slowly and quietly, leaving Rainbow Dash alone with her thoughts. She thought about Cloudsdale, her family, her friends, even about the bullies in flight school, ah those were the days.

Author's Note:

New Chapter is here! Enjoy! There's always hope!

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