• Published 9th Dec 2020
  • 980 Views, 142 Comments

Ponyville's Biggest Threat - MLPkillers

A legendary assassin is hired to kill. This assassin never let a job go. Earning him this reputation. He came from a dark path, deciding to be an assassin after quitting his dark job.

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To The Rescue! Fillies Save A Familiar Pegasus!

The deputy was trailed away with thought about the current case and Comber. How could-! The Cutie Mark Crusaders burst through the doors of Ponyville’s hospital; patients in shock as well as doctors; fillies carrying a blue pegasus with the same mane and tail colors. One staff to the right hurried and called emergency; then got up to accompany the fillies.

“How did this happen?”

The clerk said with care; she doubt they were responsible, it was only logic they weren’t, why would they bring her to safety and care if they were? Additionally, they are fillies, they couldn’t have done this. The fillies looked at the clerk, urgently asking for help until doctors rushed through the doors with a stretcher; they took the pegasus off the fillys’ backs and rushed back to the emergency room; this is where one of the best surgeons are. Scootaloo tried to follow but was stopped by the clerk who got in front of the doors and looked empathy towards the filly.

“I know you and your friends want to make sure she’s alright; and trust me, I believe she will be, but you can’t go any further past these doors.”

The clerk felt bad but she knew she had to stop them; they are just fillies for starter and no ponies are allowed into the emergency room; relative or not; by law it’s not allowed.

“We really don’t know how it happened? We saw her on the ground and picked her up to take her to safety.”

Apple Bloom replied to the question asked.

“I think she fell and got on something very sharp?”

Scootaloo replied.

“I used the leaves as bandages to stop the bleeding; if there is any infection; I am very sorry.”

Sweetie Belle was concerned about infection, having been told once by Rarity: “Make sure to put a bandage on that puncture wound caused by a sewing needle, if you don’t it will get infected.” Sweetie Belle asked what that meant and her sister said it could cause illness or pain if it gets infected.

“I’m sure our doctors can handle it if so. Thanks for bringing her here, now stay here; I have to contact the police to inform them of the situation.”

The clerk said with closure, she told the fillies to sit down in that row of 20 chairs, to ensure they get home safe and sound, due to everything that happened, they aren’t permitted to leave with the authorities. After the Crusaders sat down, anxious about what punishment they might receive from Granny Smith; they watched with nervousness as the clerk picked up the phone and called the police; informing them of the situation; the authorities didn’t want to hear another murder, this is getting very problematic; they already have some deputies out, but they haven’t caught the killer yet; due to this it was smart to call them to bring the fillies home. Apparently, one killer burned down some homes, truly a maniac; it was a great thing he was caught by the deputy and detective. Now it’s time to find the next one; the one in the cell wasn’t responsible for the Pie or Fluttershy massacre due to him having a hatchet. Knife wounds vs. Hatchet wounds are easy to tell the difference; one is more lengthier than the other. A knife can’t cut a limb off with one swipe, while a hatchet can.

“Girls, I think we’re in trouble?”

Apple Bloom said with fear; the thought of Granny Smith yelling at them; the amount of lecture that will be brought upon them; she was scared of the mental scolding to come; she knew she wasn’t the only one of the group that was scared of what Granny Smith will do; they all looked worried and anxious; it shows.

“You think Apple Bloom?”

Scootaloo was a little anxious, she knew Granny Smith wasn’t her mother or Grandma, but she still is frightening to be scolded by. They heard the clerk talk on the phone; it sounded like a deputy was coming to get them and bring them back to their families. They could lie and say somepony else is their family; but if they are caught, they could get in big trouble.

“Alrighty, thanks for your services! You know they should make it a law for ponies to fill out report forms...”

The clerk was annoyed that some ponies, particularly that red mane and tail unicorn came in and just left the injured pony on the floor; that was messed up; she was glad he brought her, but sill. They need to stop this monster.

“Hahaha, maybe shortly?”

The clerk laughed, knowing that would be way in the future. She started to fill the papers out for the fillies, walking over to them so she could ask them some questions. She knows they are fillies, so she will be as nice as possible.

“Do you fillies know the place you found her in?”

The clerk asked professionally; the fillies became even more frightening; if they told her; it would indefinitely get back to Granny Smith; which then their punishments would be terrific. They thought of lying, but telling them a lie, that wouldn’t be a good idea; if the police are coming; most likely the detectives would be able to scan the area in Ponyville and find no blood; in addition to this is Rainbow Dash; she’ll tell them where she was, so it looks like they have no choice but, to tell the truth to the end.


Apple Bloom started nervously. Sweetie Belle resumes the sentence.

“We were in Ponyville.”

The fillies were scared, but they had no reason to be; the clerk is nice and Granny Smith would only give them the punishment lightly; they did save Rainbow Dash; so wasn’t it worth going into the Everfree Forest? The clerk grabbed a board to clip the report form to; she pulled the chair over and sat in it; facing the fillies with a smile. Scootaloo decided to spit the sentence out.

“A rabbit approach us looked to be Fluttershy’s best pet; he patted his food a lot, so we followed him and he took us to the Everfree Forest.”

The clerk was shocked to hear about the Everfree Forest; this was a place nopony should ever be; especially fillies of their age. During this time; it’s even worse. She wanted to warn them, scolding them in a way to not ever go there again until their adults, and she still wouldn’t suggest for them to go there. She let the guardians deal with their scolding. Apple Bloom believes it was a bad idea to tell her that, the same being with Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo trusted her judgment and believe Rainbow Dash would make it, she is the strongest, not to mention the fastest pegasus she ever knew; if anypony can survive this, it’s her. The clerk wrote this information down; she believes the fillies wouldn’t remember the paths to Rainbow Dash; but the bunny, she believed along with the authorities that the killer killed him; he surely would’ve attempted to save his master or owner; so he had to be dead.

“She was in the Everfree Forest, how far would you exactly say?”

The clerk needs a little more information for the police; this is probably the max she can pick from them?

“She wasn’t that, far, I and the gang followed the bunny down the path and to another one on the left through the bushes.”

They attempted to sound as innocent as possible so the clerk would have a little compassion when Granny Smith sees them; this was to prove useless, due to her not going with the police to the farm; she has a job to do. She wasn’t expecting for accurate information; she believed them; they are fillies and have no reason to lie; some could argue that their memory wasn’t that good, but she disbelieved that; they might still be learning, but a tragic event is very likely to be remembered. Apple Bloom concluded Granny Smith would show some decency to them; they saved Rainbow Dash, and you reap what you sow.

“Thanks for the information, I recorded exactly. The deputy should be here any-!”

The clerk was cut off by the sound of opening doors; they were opened fastly and loudly. It was a deputy who have made his way to the clerk and the three fillies.

“Are they the fillies and that’s the form they filled?”

The clerk laughed at the last part; do you really think they let fillies fill out report forms? She filled it out, as most don’t seem to. She rolled her eyes and hoofed over the paper to the deputy; he grabbed it and put it in his bag; he will remember to give it to the chief or to whoever he wants him to give it to.

“Yea they are the three fillies and yes, I filled the report form out for them; you know, since they are fillies.”

The clerk replied in a sassy tone; the deputy looked at the fillies a remembered they were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they were a group of ponies that help ponies achieve their cute marks along with themselves. He walked over to the fillies to ask where they live; he needs to know this information so he can escort them to their homes fast; he knew where Apple Bloom lived; her family knows where the rest lived so he might just take them to Sweet Apple Anchors?

“Um... Excuse me, but where do you all live?”

The deputy asked in a gentle tone. He had a smile asking his question.

“I live in Sweet Apple Anchors, my friends were over for a visit during a horrible event.”

The deputy knew about the event of course; but do they really know? Who as an adult pony would tell fillies the truth about something as serious as this? The deputy walked closer; he didn’t know where Scootaloo lived, but he did know where Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle lived; although, on what he was told by the detective Commer and deputy ; it’s best to let them go with Granny Smith isnce she is the filly caring type.

“Alrighty, I don’t have time to chat, so let’s get a move on; we’re going to Sweet Apple Anchors. Make sure to stay close to me.”

The fillies gulped and agreed. They got up, some part of them not wanting to. They surrounded the deputy.

“Thanks for everything, Marian, have a great healthy day.”

The deputy smiled at the clerk who wasn’t called by her true name; she smiled and waved goodbye, thanking him for taking the fillies home. So it was true the deputy thought, that detective with his biological thought process; there was another killer in the shadows.

The group exited the hospital, Scootaloo looking back with regret; she didn’t want to leave her idol; this could be the last time she saw her? She hoped not. The group stopped, the deputy pinpointing Sweet Apple Anchors again.

“Alright, we are heading that way; I recommend moving fast because of the danger.”

The deputy didn’t want to tell them the actual danger; if they already know then there shouldn’t be any questions on why they should move fast. The fillies were nervous, they didn’t want to hear Granny Smith’s wrath; her scolding them because they wanted to try and save Ponyville. Scootaloo didn’t care what Granny Smith would have to say, she got the chance to save her idol, and that’s worth the scolding. The deputy started to run in the direction he told the fillies they were going, they knew they had no other choice but to follow the police colt, they started running after him to catch up to him. The deputy slowed down, looking behind him to make sure the fillies were following him. He smirked as his head turned back to the direction he and they were heading. He loves when fillies listen to him when he’s trying to get them to safety; nothing is more joyful than seeing a filly grow up and be successful with their talents.

“So where did you girls find... Rainbow Dash?”

The fillies kept quiet on the ordeal; they wanted to tell him, but didn’t want to; they were afraid he might go and tell Granny Smith; who they are afraid of being scolded by; especially if she found out they adventured into the Everfree Forest. She would still get mad at them, even if they did save Rainbow Dash.

“A place... We don’t know the name of it?”

Scootaloo fibbed to the deputy, using her expression to encourage Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to lie with her; the 2 took a little to think, deciding to go along with the act. The deputy received an irritating look on his face; he knows a lie when he can hear it; perhaps they are not lying, no, the nurse told him they went into the Everfree Forest, how could he forget that, oh well, guess he should have never asked, but they are suspicious for lying to him; they could be charged with telling the police false information, but due to their age, they would probably get released with no punishment; especially since they saved a life. The deputy wouldn’t charge them with that anyway.

“Um... You must’ve forgotten, you told the nurse you went to the Everfree Forest. She told me the reason, you girls should feel proud, you might’ve just saved a life? And-!”

The deputy almost forgot they are fillies, he can’t be the one to tell them the reason ponies are in their homes for safety; for all, he knows they could think it’s a drought or some other lie. The fillies passed through the welcome sign of Ponyville, from the east. They headed past the graveyard; the fog there seemed to be all gone, the deputy looked back at the graveyard as he made a right turn, the fillies following him. The deputy saw a black figure in the graveyard, it was a unicorn, laying on a stone. The deputy knew who exactly that was, that’s the bastard who nearly killed him. The deputy felt a chill go down his spine when he saw the unicorn’s eyes open, this only confirmed the deputy was going crazy, it was him, Comber. Their eyes locked, the deputy turned his head back to the direction they were heading. The fillies noticed the deputy looking at the colt, they were happy to see him, but why is he in such a gloomy place? Isn’t he a hero?

“Why were you looking at that Unicorn funny?”

“Yeah, why?”

The deputy’s face was a little shocked they noticed him, and especially that unicorn, why do they talk if as they know him, like a friend? The deputy’s curiosity spiked.


The deputy’s question was cut off by Apple Bloom. What she tells him answers his question. He was shocked by it.

“Don’t y’all forget that’s the unicorn that saved us from that evil earthpony?”

The deputy thought back, yes, he remembers arresting an earthpony, one with a green mane and tail. He still could have done it with no help from that monster assassin.

“Are we almost there?”

“Yeah, my hoof is starting to hurt.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo complained; their hoofs really did start to ache from all the running, they were sure Apple Bloom’s hoofs ached, they wanted to know if they could slow down their pace of speed.

(”Are these fillies serious!? Just calm down, after all, they are fillies...”)

The deputy slowed his speed down, the crusaders were glad he took their words to heart. They slowed down but wondered if it would be possible for them to stop moving.

“Is it possible we could stop for a moment?”

The deputy’s ears perked at such a request, he is an officer of the law, strictly for the protection of Ponyville. He had more important things to do, he can’t stop for a moment. Somepony could get hurt if he ain’t there to provide backup or restrain the offender. He had to remember they are fillies and not to snap at them, they don’t know any better, and from what he heard, these fillies saved a life, Rainbow Dash’s life. They do deserve praise, but where he came from, you don’t get praised at all. He knows about the scolding they might get if their guardian knew they were gone; no fillies as of now are supposed to be out without their guardians, so these fillies must have snuck out when the deputy thinks about it.

“I’m sorry to inform you, no, we are almost there. Don’t worry, I won’t tell your guardian where you were. I have been a filly to once, I... I know the scolding parents can give since you saved a life, consider this payment.”

The fillies were relieved to hear this, they almost wanted to cry. So he knew all along what they were dreading? They started to wonder how he could tell what was bothering them? Maybe he’s able to see the future? The fillies laughed in unionization, it was almost like they had the same thought, but they didn’t. When Scootaloo deep thinks about it, it is possible, but then why he would be a deputy then, oh... So he could save lives, stop crime.

“Excuse me, sir, are you able to see into the future?”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle giggled, did Scootaloo actually think ponies can actually do that, that’s impossible; nopony can see the future, even using magic. The deputy laughed loudly, he knew exactly why she asked that question. Was it a joke or a serious question though?

“Hahaha, no, I can not see into the future. I wish I could, I could save a lot of lives that way.”

The deputy stopped for a moment, the fillies stopping too, they almost bumped into him. The crusaders thought they were not stopping, was he lying, is it possible he still going to tell Granny Smith? Apple Bloom knew exactly why he stopped, they are at a hill, a hill that has a path to the farm. Why are they coming down he instead of taking the easier path?

“I thought you said we weren’t stopping?”

“We have to girls, we’ll about to head down a hill, I reckon he wanted to slow down for safety.”

The deputy smirked, that thought exactly. He remembers falling down a small hill when he was a filly, his mother come to his aid. He didn’t want the same thing to happen to them.

“My thoughts were exactly that, now let’s continue to the farm. I have to get back to my post.”

The fillies wondered why the deputy needed to get back to his post ao urgently, they know not to question a police officer, in fact, it should be the other way around. The group made their way down the hill, taking slow planned steps, Scootaloo only wishing she could fly, so it would be easier; she dreams of the day she could fly, the day Rainbow Dash-! Scootaloo forgot about what happened to her, she might not make it. The thought of her flying and her idle not being there the day it happens gave her immense anxiety and sorrow. She hoped to Celestia Rainbow Dash would make it, she’s got to, she is the toughest pony she knows in Equestria.

(”No, she will make it!”)

Apples fell from the tree nearby the group as they run. Apple Bloom knew why they were falling, Sweetie Belle was confused, Scootaloo was focused on something else going on in her mind. The deputy senses perked, could this possibly be an ambushed? The apples fell faster, causing some paranoia to fly around the group. Apple Bloom noticed this, do they not know what season it is?

“If you y’all are wondering why the apples are falling, it’s because it’s apple-bucking season. Apples fall from the tree frequently, didn’t y’all notice the buckets under the trees?”

The deputy wanted to laugh at himself, he knew, he just thought, no never mind. They’re safe and that’s all that matters. The group saw the farm, their fears becoming closer. What if the police officer tells Granny Smith? What type of punishments could they get? The deputy stopped, turning towards the fillies with a smile. Granny Smith started to get a little anxious, she haven’t heard from the fillies for a while. They are usually loud when they would awake from their naps unless they are trying to sneak a snack, or-! Granny Smith’s heart sank to her stomach, is it possible they snuck out of the room, but why would they do that!? Don’t they know about the-! They only think it’s a drought. Granny smith felt bad for telling the Crusaders a lie, but if they would know the truth about their own town being involved in murder, this would peaked their interest to help law enforcement; and that’s something they are not going to do! Well, at least at their ages. Granny Smith started to make her way towards the crusader’s room. She was going to check up on them to make sure they are safe and sound. She started to get a bad feeling while heading towards the room, and no it’s not her back that’s causing the feeling, just something else she can’t put her hoof on, and no it’s not a cloud. The deputy knocked on the front door, starling Granny Smith. Now, who would be knocking on her door as of now!?

(”Probably Applejack...”)

Granny Smith thought to herself. She desperately wanted to check on the fillies first but heard a voice Ponyville police department. Why are the police at her door!? Could this have something to do with the murder going on in Ponyville? Granny Smith took her hoof away from the knob, heading swiftly back downstairs to open the door. The knocking grew louder.

“Hold your saddle I’m coming!”

Granny Smith started putting her hoof on the doorknob, still worrying about the fillies she still believes that’s upstairs, sound and sleeping she hopes. Granny Smith’s thoughts clicked back, she pulled her hoof away from the door, what is she thinking, when there’s a killer on the loose, hahaha, her brain ain’t that dull and foggy, is she believing her own lies? She looked out the peephole, seeing a deputy, who was getting ready to knock again. She in panic opened the door before he could knock. When she opened it, she saw a pony in a blue police-out outfit, a badge that says PPD.

“What do you want?”

The deputy chuckled.

“Has there been any suspicious activity going around this farm?”

Granny Smith face turned to confusion, suspicious, the only thing suspicious is him showing up. She knew he was only doing his job, so she decided not to scold him.

“Hahaha, the only thing that been suspicious today is the fillies being quiet, they never really are that quiet.”

The deputy received a smirk, he knew why they were quiet, but he kept quiet on that matter, this was part of the plan for the fillies not to get scolded. The Crusaders opened the window climbing into the window they used to get out, they realized it was shut a little too tight.

“Scootaloo, why you got to go in shut the window tight?”

“Because if I didn’t, and Granny Smith came in, she might not check under the covers, but she will see the window, so I made it look as if it was always shut.”

Apple Bloom still thought Scootaloo overdid it by shutting the window, she was the last one out and had to basically slam the window shut. What if Granny Smith heard the slam and is waiting for them in Applebloom’s room as if now? Mabey she already knows, there’s no use in lying to Granny Smith if she already knows; if she asks them where they been in what they been doing, then it most likely she knows. Apple Bloom scans the inside of her room, seeing her bedroom door still shut. She sighed in relief, maybe Granny Smith didn’t go in her bedroom? Maybe she’s downstairs sleeping still? Apple Bloom used all her might, pulling the window open, it made a loud screak that could be heard downstairs.

“What was that!?”

Granny Smith turned her head inside the house, aiming her attention upstairs. She feared the fillies were opening the window in Apple Bloom’s room. She turned her head back to the deputy.

“Is that’ll you here for?”

The deputy chuckled, indeed, that’s all he’s here for, nothing else at all.

“Yes, We really want to bring this killer to justice. He will pay for his crimes.”

Granny Smith smirked, before greeting the deputy fair well, after shutting the front door, she had a stern worrisome expression, she started speedily walking towards the stairs and up it. The Crusaders finally got in the room with little sound, besides the window opening. The Crusaders heard a voice asking if they were okay and still there. The fillies panicked, getting in bed, covering themselves under the sheets; they were going to make it look like they just awoke from Granny Smith’s voice. Granny Smith opened the door slowly, causing a cracking sound that could be heard barely by the deputy who was walking away from the home. The deputy closed his eyes. He started to remember Comber back then, when did he become so dangerous? He remembers him and Abdeath fighting back then. The deputy grew a lightbulb over his head.

(”Of Course!”)

The deputy used his magic, remembering the detective teaching him how to teleport. Teleported from the farm, receiving an idea that might work. Maybe they could arrest and prosecute Comber? They just need some help from an old friend, 1 that was able to defeat Comber back when they were in high school.

“Y’all alright!?”

Granny Smith came barging into the room with a worried expression; her expression changed when she saw the fillies in their beds, now awake she thought.

“Y’all hungry? I made lunch.”

Granny asked, causing the fillies to jump out of the bed, replying.

“Sure thing, I’m famished!”

“I could go for a bite!”

“Me too!”

The fillies grew smiles on their faces, forgetting who they saved and what they did; it was like it never happened.

“Y’all come on then, I made pancakes for y’all earlier, I called you all and you didn’t awnwser, so I just wrapped them up.”

Granny Smith started to walk down the steps, the fillies gather themselves, deciding to keep quiet on the saving Rainbow Dash situation. They told Granny they were simply asleep and couldn’t hear her. The thought of Rainbow Dash dying raged on inside the fillies, especially Scootaloo’s mind. Someone had to do that to her, there’s no way she fell and hit the trees, receiving the puncture wound. The fillies walked downstairs. Seeing Granny Smith set the glass plates with pancakes on the table. The fillies looked at each other, sitting at the table and digging into the pancakes. This was good, the pancakes had butter and whip cream on them, they were apple-flavored pancakes, Apple Bloom’s favorite. The fillies finished eating their pancakes.

“Thank you very much, Granny!”

Apple Bloom thanked her grandma

“Yeah, thanks very much, Granny Smith!”

Scootaloo told Granny Smith with a big smile. Sweetie Bell finished eating, her eating would’ve disappointed Rarity, she ate like a pig. When she was finished she also thank Granny Smith, grabbing a napkin and wiping her face with it with fashion. The fillies got up from the table, leaving their plates there.

“Now y’all don’t play until you put your dishes in the sink. I don’t run a pig pin around here.”

The granny declared. The fillies knew they can’t play until they put their dishes in the sink, they firmly walked back, grabbing their plates and gently placing them in the sink, Scootaloo putting her in fast, causing a loud sound.

“Now you trying to break the plate Scootaloo, next time put it in the sink gently, not nearly tossing it.”

Scootaloo was a little embarrassed, she brushed it to the side, that was not even her granny, but she looked at her like one. The fillies opened the back door, causing Granny Smith to panic.

“Now y’all better not leave the yard or I have to ground you.”

The fillies gulped remembering the events that transpired before acting if they were asleep, they were fully awake, the events that happen can cause this effect on ponies, especially fillies. The fillies headed out the door, bickering if they should play kickball or tag. Granny smith smiled while washing the first plate.

(”I hope they catch this monster, I doubt he or she is around this farm if they all, I surely teach them a lesson, especially if the killer messed with the fillies.”)

Granny smith finished washing the 3 plates; walking towards the living room a sitting in a rocking chair, she would’ve stayed there it was cozy, but the thought of the deputy coming, her anxiety grew thinking the killer is around here, she wasn’t going to leave the fillies outside unsupervised. The granny walked firmly to the pouch and sat down in a wooden chair, ready to keep an eye on the fillies. The fillies was a little startled to see Granny Smith come outside and watch them, but this is a piece to the puzzle of what happened to Rainbow Dash, this must mean it was a pony who did that to her, Scootaloo wanted to smirk know she was right, but she was filled with anger somepony would do that to the pegasus she admired and look up to. If Rainbow Dash didn’t make it, she would make the pony pay. She will make it, she has to; she’s too tough not to. The fillies stopped chatting in a circle and returned to their game of tag. Granny Smith smiled, she remembered when she was a filly, ah those were the good old days. The only thing she hopes for ow is for peace to return to Ponyville and for the killer to pay for his crimes, all his crimes.

Author's Note:

Finally out! I hope you all enjoy the chapter! Stay healthy and safe! :pinkiehappy:

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