• Published 9th Dec 2020
  • 980 Views, 142 Comments

Ponyville's Biggest Threat - MLPkillers

A legendary assassin is hired to kill. This assassin never let a job go. Earning him this reputation. He came from a dark path, deciding to be an assassin after quitting his dark job.

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A New File At The Library!

Comber appeared in front of Ponyville’s library (Twilight’s home.) He walked up to the door, reconsidering not to knock. This is Twilight who we are talking about. She would have told him to stay inside and not open the door. Maybe she cast a spell around the library to keep unicorns out, just in case the killer was a unicorn. He was at the announcement and listened as they described the Pie massacre. To what the other ponies think, it must be a unicorn, that’s why the Mane 5 questioned him. The Unicorn cast a spell. This spell sense for any other singularities. It found none. The drain on the magic must be why there wasn’t any. Comber cast another spell around the library, surrounding the home of books in an invisible dome to keep the volume in. Comber was able to see it, but no pony else could. They also couldn’t hear the volume from the library; again it’s a place reading, so they will just assume the library was kept volumed-down. Comber cast an x-ray spell. He saw the purple dragon putting books back onto the shelves after dusting them.

(”Guess this library is okay to rent from...? If the...”)

Comber saw the dragon check the books for any damage. He threw a copy of a book he was viewing in the trash can.

(”Inspector was still working.”)

Comber really wanted to know why anypony or living thing wanted this dragon dead. Comber discarded his x-ray spell. Thinking How this job should be completed. Comber teleported inside the library, upstairs. Spike just finished dusting off the books and inspecting them. He was putting them in their label spots. Comber watch from the railing. Feeling a little bit of sorrow for the dragon. He teleported behind the pile of books. He started to help put the books in small piles for takeover. Comber decided to teleport behind the staircase. Spike just came back from the first loading. Preparing for the second loading, feeling as these books were piled up on their own. He walked to the shelves with them. Comber sneezed on the inside, not making a single sound. Spike grabbed the last pile, forgetting one book. Comber undetected walked over and grabbed the book, walking to spike. Spike realized there was an empty slot for the book titled: “Daring-Watch your Back.” Comber quietly walked over to the dragon with the book in his hoof. Spike checked the other slots, making sure he didn’t put it in its incorrect label.

“I think you’re missing this novel?”

Comber handed the book to Spike, who subconsciously took the book and put it in the correct bin. He turned around with his eyes closed.

“Thanks, Mr-!?”

Spike opened his eyes. Spotting an empty clean floor. The piles of books were all put neatly away. He felt satisfied but frightened at the same time. Who asked and gave him that book? It sounded like a colt. The dragon turned his head left and right, before checking the entire first floor. He sat down, trying to calm himself down. It must be that announcement from earlier. It was messing with his head, or Rainbow Dash was playing some kind of prank; Pinkie wouldn’t be able to pull a prank-off right now, or it could also be Twilight testing him?

“Twilight! Are you here!? I inspected the books as you asked. Are you testing me!?”

Spike’s heart pounded with fear. Comber knew now he had weakened the dragon’s composer. He appeared at the top of the steps. Spike spotted him. His heart dropping to the ground. If this colt wasn’t going to be malicious, why didn’t he knock on the door? Spike backed himself to the wall, two books fell aside him. Comber made his way down the staircase. Stopping at the bottom of it.

“Did-did Rainbow Dash put you up to this? Are you her assistant?”

Comber sat down, keeping his glare on his job right in front of him. Spike anxiously awaited his answer.

“I’m no one assistant. Now can you tell me why anypony would want you dead?”

Spike’s heart dropped to his chest. He must be the Unicorn that killed the Pies.

“Somepony!... Help!...”

Spike cried. Comber got up. He wanted to laugh at Spike.

“No pony will hear your cries... Save your now breathing lungs some oxygen.”

Comber confidently said. Spike knew he had to attack him. From what he hears, he’s here to end him. Why though? Spike grabbed the two books from the ground, ready to throw them at the assassin. Comber was fearless; this attempt to fend him off was humorous.

“Are you here to...”

Spike swallowed; regretting what he’s about to ask; he knew deep down already this wasn’t a game or prank.

“Exterminate me...?”

Comber smirked. He’s not here to exterminate him; he’s here to assassinate him.

“I’m not here to exterminate you. I’m here to complete my job.”


Spike said with immense fear; his stutter prove that.

“You really want to know? I think you should tell me why somepony wanted you dead?”

Spike knew what he was here for. This wasn’t a prank. This wasn’t any test. This must be the Pies killer. Spike pointed a finger upstairs; making sure the assassin can see it.

“Welcome home Twilight! Please help me!”

Comber’s face was blank. He knew what the dragon was doing. This is pathetic. Comber turned his head to the stairwell.

(”He fell for it!”)

Spike said before smiling. He threw the two books at comber’s head, hoping to hit him and, knock him out, then turn him in. Comber was still looking upstairs. He stopped one of the books with his magic. He also secured the library’s door locks. The second book he caught with his left hoof. He slowly looked at the dragon, who was at the door, attempting to open the door. Spike ran back to the book selves. Comber dropped the books he was wielding. Spike frightened and angry, started throwing books at Comber; Some books were thrown horizontally and vertically. Spike’s eyes were closed. His lungs at work.

(”I just told him to save his lungs some oxygen.”)

Comber was already aside Spike. He had teleported there. The assassin tapped him on the right shoulder.

“He’s over there.”

Comber humorously said with a smirk; pointing a hoof over at the door. Spike threw the last book from the selves at the door, realizing himself playing as the fool. Comber wanted the job to be completed. He levitated spike in the air, activating a spell that would put him to rest. Spike felt his chest hurt; the pain gradually got worse until it stopped. He felt weakened. His breathing became nearly impossible. His muscles couldn’t move. Comber hovered him over his bed and covered him up in a sleeping position. Spike couldn’t find the stamina to speak. He just closed his eyes in regret. Who-who hated him? Comber cast a spell to clean and remove any trace he was here. Books were instantly put back in their label spots. Comber hoof prints were removed from the library. Comber unlocked the door down to one lock, as it recently was. He teleported to the graveyard; his work here in the library was done. He felt sad for the dragon, but a job is a job.

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