• Published 17th Jun 2020
  • 935 Views, 24 Comments

Grogar meets the Cutie Mark Crusaders - LordCalamity

unexpected events lead to the Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting the emperor of monsters himself,Grogar

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Siege on Ponyville- Elements VS Crusaders

Deep within the walls of the castle dungeon, Discord was thrown in a cell in one of the rooms then Grogar slams the bar door shut keeping the draconequus in. "I'll deal with you later as soon as I face the Elements of Harmony." Grogar said with a mean glare. He turns around to leave the dungeon with the fillies behind him. "Come Crusaders, the battle draws near." Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo glances back to where Discord was placed and can't help but feel sorry for him and felt ashamed that they couldn't help him in any way. They walk out with Grogar outside the dungeon leaving Discord alone in a room cell covered in stone walls and a small window to look outside.

The draconequus looks to the open window solemnly. "I hope Twilight finds a way to fix this mess." He said with a sigh. "All of this started because of me. Perhaps, I may not have been a truly great friend after all." He places his paw up to his face worried about what will happen to the ponies in Ponyville.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, the alicorn princess of the sun Celestia, was sitting on her throne when she received a letter from Twilight Sparkle informing her about the events that has been going on. From the Cutie Mark Crusaders going missing, to Grogar's return which really made her concerned and worried about the poor fillies. She finishes reading the letter until a guard pony barges in the throne room.

"Your highness! We have a problem! A floating island is hovering in the sky, and its headed straight for Ponyville!" The guard pony exclaimed. Celestia notices this and she began to flap her wings and flies out of the room to take a look outside. Once she reaches the top of a tower, she checks her telescope and gasps at what she just saw. A large floating island of darkness is flying through the skies coming from the direction of the Everfree Forest is headed to the beloved town of the ponies.

"Tambelon? But it was sealed for a very long time." Celestia said in disbelief. Seeing the flying fortress again made her realize that the only creature capable of bringing the forbidden city back was Grogar and she knew that this was his doing. Another guard pony walks up to her and the princess tells the guard. "Assemble the royal guard, send word to Starswirl and the Pillars of Equestria, the Wonderbolts, if all else fails, send word to Twilight Sparkle." The guard nods and heads off to gather reinforcements for the dangerous battle that awaits them.

In Ponyville, the ponies living there were going about their day. When suddenly, one pony spots a large city hovering in the sky heading towards them. Curiously, some of them decided to look up to see what is going on while a few ponies stayed behind feeling concerned as well as scared at the approaching island.

Inside Twilight's castle, the purple alicorn princess is joined by her friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike as they all gather around the Cutie Map table. "I am glad to have you all here. We have a major problem, an ancient villain named Grogar has returned, and is now keeping Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle captive and is now bent on taking over Equestria." Twilight said in a serious tone.

The others were shocked aside from Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack with firm expressions knowing that their sisters were missing and felt the need to rescue them.

"Is that why everypony is feeling grumpy today?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Well, if that's the case don't you worry, cause we'll rescue your little sisters faster than you can say big mountain chocolate fudge cake!" She tells to her friends to make them feel better which seemed to have worked as they seemed to have calmed down.

"You a very sweet think of us Pinkie." Rarity said as she gives Pinkie Pie a hug. "I would give just about everything to see my darling Sweetie Belle safe and sound." Tears began to form at the corners of Rarity's eyes. Pinkie pats her on the back in assurance that she will see her sister again.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack sees this and silently nods.

Fluttershy looks to Twilight in concern. "I'm worried for those poor girls too." The kind pegasus said. "Discord should be back by now. I sure hope nothing bad has happened to him." Twilight noticed her friend holding her hooves to her mane worrying about Discord.

"I'm sure that Discord is with the girls keeping them safe. Have a little faith in him Fluttershy." Twilight said to her pegasus friend with a warm smile. Fluttershy felt a little better knowing that her friends are here to help her. Twilight focused her attention to everyone in the room. "Alright, what we need to do now is to figure out where Grogar is hiding and stop his evil plans." They were about to discuss what they are planning until Starlight Glimmer entered the room with a panicked expression.

"Guys, you might want to take a look outside!" Starlight exclaimed as she runs out to lead them outside.

Twilight and the others step outside the castle and they all gasp at what they saw. A large floating city of darkness is hovering over to the sky above Ponyville. "Oh no, this can't be good." Twilight said worriedly as she saw the dark city.

"What is that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I've read about the story of Gusty the Great, and it mentions something about a dark floating city in the sky called Tambelon." Twilight answered.

"Tambelon?" Said Applejack.

"Its a place full of darkness and monsters, where Grogar used to rule over Equestria as its first emperor. I believe this is his plan all along, and I think that's where he is keeping the Crusaders there. C'mon, lets investigate!"

Twilight and her companions run off into the town as the sky is beginning to be covered in dark clouds.

In the center of Ponyville outside the town hall, ponies were gathering around, looking up at the flying island overhead. Some were confused, worried, and sometimes scared at what is happening as they witness the sky darkening.

"Everypony remain calm! We mustn't let ourselves be frightened at whatever this flying object over our town." Mayor Mare nervously tries her best to calm down the citizens of Ponyville.

"Wait, I see something flying!" One of the ponies spoke up when they spotted something in the sky.

"Is it a bird or a pegasus?"

"Theres more of them coming this way!"

In the sky, flying towards them is an army of creatures descending to Ponyville at a fast pace. Dropping onto the ground were many monsters including gargoyles, manticores, chimeras, and other beasts that appeared onto the ground. The Ponyville citizens can't help but panic as they run away screaming for their lives while the monsters began chasing them all over town.

"Okay! I say we.." Mayor Mare was interrupted by a gargoyle appearing in front of her snorting at her face. The mayor screamed and ran off, then the stone creature shrieked and began chasing after her.

The town is being overrun with different monsters terrorizing the Ponyville citizens. Some of them tried hiding in their houses to avoid the beasts attacking outside, while other ponies tried to capture them with traps and other methods. The monsters were tearing down everything from smashing houses, to attacking ponies leaving them hurt and injured. Ponyville is in major peril over the mayhem of the creatures running amok through the town.

A certain earth pony with a beige coat, blue colored mane and tail with pink streaks gallops with her mint colored unicorn friend as they find a good place to hide from the monsters. They spotted the alleyway and ran to it to avoid being seen and to catch their breath.

"Whew! Alright, I think we're safe for now." Bon Bon said wiping her forehead. "I thought the monsters were already in Tartarus, they were supposed to be locked in cages!" Bon Bon places her hooves to her face in disbelief as she witness the monsters attacking the town.

"Isn't it your job to like, capture monsters of something?" Lyra asked her.

"Regardless, I'll have to try to catch and send them back to Tartarus." Bon Bon found some rope lying on the ground and picks it up with her mouth and carries it.

"At least let me come with you! I can help you in anyway that I can." Lyra pleaded to join her friend. Bon Bon puts a hoof to her chin the more she thought about it. In the end, she just smiled and nodded.

"Alright, you can help this once. Just, try to be careful, okay?" Bon Bon said to Lyra.

"Yay! Lets do it agent Sweetie Drops!" Lyra shouted excitedly. Despite having revealed her secret identity, she seems fine having her unicorn friend around to help her.

Out of nowhere, a bugbear landed to where tho two ponies are near the alleyway. It became apparent that this creature is familiar to the earth pony mare.

"You!" Bon Bon narrowed her eyes as she prepares to take on the beast with her friend.

The Mane Six ponies along with Spike and Starlight Glimmer had to fight through the monsters wreaking havoc. Twilight and Starlight were shooting magic beams to fend off the gargoyles and chimeras while Spike breathes fire to prevent any monster from going after their friends. Fluttershy tried to stop the monsters using her 'stare', unfortunately it did not work and only nearly avoided getting hurt by some of the beasts, which lead to Rainbow Dash smacking them with her hooves and ramming them using her speed. Eventually, they made it to the town hall where they all see Tambelon way up in the sky above where they are.

"This is it, once we go up there, that's where we will find Grogar." Twilight said in a determined expression. "Starlight, I'm going to need you and Spike to stay here and protect the townsfolk while me and our friends deal with this."

"Hold on, you should let me come with you, and if this Grogar is really that powerful I should be there to help." Starlight asks questioning if this is right choice for her.

Twilight nods sideways in disagreement. "I need you and Spike here in case we don't come back, and the ponies in Ponyville need someone to look after them while we're away. Can you do that for me Starlight?" She looks to her.

Starlight hesitated at first, but she understood Twilight's idea and nodded letting the alicorn princess know that she will stay behind.

Feeling satisfied, Twilight looks to the little dragon. "Spike, can you watch over Starlight and keep Ponyville safe?" She asks her loyal assistant.

"You can count on me Twilight." Spike said. They quickly hugged for a moment until the little dragon joined Starlight as they stay behind.

Twilight prepares a spell to levitate Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity since they don't have wings to fly. Once they were lifted off the ground, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy joined their friends in the sky as the Mane Six made their journey onto Tambelon.

"Be safe out there Twilight." Spike said. He and Starlight began to head off to a direction where a monster was chasing a blonde maned gray pegasus.

Twilight and the others were flying above the sky until they spot a platform they could land on. They landed to the very entrance of Tambelon and the ponies were surprised at seeing the abandoned town.

"Sweet sassafras! This place has seen better days." Pinkie Pie commented.

"We are here. This is...Tambelon." Twilight said in a serious tone.

"A'hm comin Apple Bloom! Yer big sister here to rescue ya!" Applejack called out as she trots to the entrance.

"Oh Sweetie Belle, I do hope that you are safe." Rarity said worriedly. She follows the same pathway Applejack took and walks off hoping to find her sister alongside her friend.

Fluttershy looks at Rainbow Dash who hasn't said a word since they arrived. "Aren't you gonna say something? I mean, you could always tell Scootaloo about how you saved her from a powerful villain. I'm sure she would appreciate it." Fluttershy told Rainbow to try and lift her spirits, but she has a determined expression.

"This isn't about me Fluttershy. Its about saving the squirts." Rainbow Dash began to slowly walk to the entrance. "Especially, my squirt." Normally Rainbow would boast about herself on saving the day and taking in the admiration of Scootaloo. But this time, she is worried, concerned, and serious about her well being. She began to fly past Twilight and Pinkie Pie determined to rescue the young pegasus.

Soon the rest of the Mane Six resume to enter the dark city leaving Fluttershy with a feeling of unease. The ponies look at the decrepit city only to find a large castle overhead in their direction. They look around the city, feeling the oppressive atmosphere all around Tambelon which made them unsettled.

"Its amazing, this is the forbidden city where Grogar made his empire." Twilight whispers to herself amazed at witnessing the city closeup. She focuses her attention at the large castle as they approach the gates. Surprisingly, the doors open on their own prompting the six ponies inside as if they are invited. They walk across the bridge and made their way to the castle courtyard.

"At last. I have been waiting for your arrival, Twilight Sparkle!" A voice called out from somewhere.

They looked around to see who spoke up and they see someone approaching. Appearing on the balcony reveals Grogar, the ram responsible for bringing back Tambelon and unleashing monsters onto Ponyville. He grinned at seeing all the Mane Six standing before him.

"Welcome Elements of Harmony, to your Doom!" Grogar declares.

"Where are you keeping Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?" Twilight questions him.

"Give us back our sisters ya creep!" Applejack angrily shouted.

"Patience, They are already here. Crusaders! Reveal yourselves!" With that said, out from the darkness, the Cutie Mark Crusaders reveal themselves to Twilight and the others wearing the capes that Grogar gave them. They can't help but have guilt ridden faces at what they are about to do to their friends.

The ponies gasped at seeing the fillies appear right before them. Rarity and Applejack ran toward their sisters when Twilight shouts "Wait! Stop!" Grogar shoots a dark laserbeam that hits the ground separating them from the fillies.

"You will not hug them until you've had your battle. If you can beat these fillies, I'll return them to you." Grogar said.

"Your going to make us fight them? You are a cruel meanie! Thats just terrible! They're just fillies!" Fluttershy snapped at the villain.

"Fillies with strong magical powers which I've helped to train them, and now here they stand to defeat you Elements!" Grogar spoke.The evil ram was confident in the Crusader's power to help him win this battle against Twilight and her friends. "Enough talk! Cutie Mark Crusaders, go attack them! SHOW NO MERCY!" He shouted once more.

Apple Bloom can only feel ashamed at herself, and to her friends as they began to face each other in battle. all she could do is cover her face with her hoof and whispers to Sweetie Belle to make the first move.

"I'm really sorry." Sweetie Belle muttered. With tears in her eyes she makes the first attack by shooting a dark laser beam at Twilight which caught her off guard as she is knocked away. The alicorn recovers and shakes off the blow, then she teleports behind them to stop them where they stand.

Scootaloo shoots a lightning bolt from her hoof, stopping Twilight and shocking her with electricity. Despite being hurt, the alicorn princess still hold on. The rest of the Mane Six shouted worried for Twilight and the Crusaders.

Rainbow Dash swooped in and grabbed Twilight then flew back to their friends. Scootaloo was feeling distraught having to hurt Twilight and eventually the other Elements of Harmony. Once back, Rainbow Dash leers over to the pegasus filly feeling a bit upset over this whole situation.

"Why are you doing this!" Rainbow declares making an angry glare to the Crusaders. They couldn't answer her instead, Apple Bloom steps forward and creates the thorn vines up from the ground to strike down the Mane Six. With quick thinking, Twilight creates a force-field to protect them from the vines lashing at them. Sweetie and Scootaloo joins with Apple Bloom to send magic beams and lightning attacks to break the barrier. After a couple of seconds, the force-field shatters and the older ponies separate in different directions to face each Crusader in pairs. Twilight and Applejack facing Apple Bloom, Rarity and Pinkie dealing with Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo now being dealt by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Grogar watches the battle on the balcony, smirking with delight now that the Cutie Mark Crusaders he trained will surely earn him victory. Deciding to kick things up, Grogar uses his Bewitching Bell to give each of the Crusaders a small boost in magic, making them even stronger than before and more aggressive. Now the fillies feel more powerful after the magic boost, they find themselves becoming more angry as they are roaring with fury.

Apple Bloom uses her magic to grow gigantic to match the size of of of the buildings and lifts of of her hoofs to crush the ponies. Twilight and Applejack managed to barely dodge her hoof but it resulted in creating a large crater and the impact was so harsh that it made an earthquake that shakes all of Tambelon. This shocks Applejack that now she has to deal with her own sister being giant sized. She and Twilight run off to the bridge letting Apple Bloom stomping towards them aggressively to their direction.

Sweetie Belle charges her magic using her horn to create dozens of magic shots to fire at her sister and Pinkie. Rarity creates a shield made of magic to protect herself while Pinkie dodges and jumps frantically avoiding being hit by the magic bullets. Then Sweetie Belle starts to create large pillars of fire coming out from the ground prompting Rarity and Pinkie to jump out of where the pillars start appearing. It was at that point, Pinkie Pie sneaks up to Sweetie Belle and pulls her into a hug attempting to try and stop her.

"C'mon Sweetie! You gotta stop and tell your friends to quit fighting! Pretty please with strawberries whipped cream and sprinkles on top?" Pinkie pleaded to Sweetie Belle as she is struggling from the pink pony's grasp. "Listen, I know its hard to tell the truth, but you gotta at least tell us why you are doing all of this to hurt our feelings!" Pinkie grunts as she is still keeping the young unicorn on her forehooves. Sweetie Belle teleports out of Pinkie's hug and fires a dark magic beam from her horn pushing Pinkie to collide with a wall. "Hee-Heh, k-kids these days." Pinkie Pie was knocked unconscious leaving Rarity teary eyed watching her sister beat her poor pink friend.

"In the skies above Tambelon, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were clashing in the air above the city with Fluttershy following behind. They were grappling with each other airborne although despite Rainbow Dash being older and taller, Scootaloo is not letting up against the cyan pegasus. Scootaloo backs away and creates a tornado by spinning her tail in a circle pulling in debris and some of the buildings tear apart from the tornado she made. Rainbow catches Fluttershy and pulls her away to avoid getting hit with various debris flying out of control. Once they were at a safe spot, Rainbow sets her friend to the ground and flies off to create her own tornado to counter Scootaloo's. Both tornadoes collided and ended up canceling each other making both older pegasus sigh in relief but Scootaloo was enraged.

Twilight and Applejack managed to get to the bridge only for Apple Bloom to jump to the other side of the bridge crashing down and destroying the gates with her huge size. The giant filly glares down at the two ponies in front of her and tries to stomp on them with her hooves. Twilight and Applejack quickly runs around avoiding being squashed by Apple Bloom, then the purple alicorn envelops the giant filly in magic to hold her in place.

"Apple Bloom! Please! Ya gotta stop trying to hurt us both and come back to us!" Applejack tried begging for her sister to cease with the senseless fighting. However, Apple Bloom can only feel anger and rage due to Grogar's magic overwhelming her, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The colossal filly broke through the magical hold and stomps her forehooves to create stone spikes off the ground aiming for her sister only for Twilight to push her out off the way.

Twilight fires her magic beams to Apple Bloom's face to weaken her, but the filly seemed unfazed by the princess alicorn's attacks. "Its no use, I think Apple Bloom and her friends have been under the influence of Grogar's magic." Twilight said to Applejack. "I believe if we somehow got a hold of the Bewitching Bell, we might defeat Grogar once and for all." Applejack nods and understands what she and the others need to do in order to save their sisters.

"Ya'll go on ahead without me, ah gotta stay here to keep Apple Bloom from smashin us ta pieces." Applejack told her. Twilight flies back to the courtyard to find Grogar leaving Applejack alone to face of against her giant sized sister. "Alright Apple Bloom, once all of this is over, ah hope that ya'll can forgive us for hurtin ya back."

Sweetie Belle is relentless with using her magic spells to attack her sister from using dark magic, fire, ice, and lightning spells,magic bullets, laser blasts, and teleporting to where Rarity is located. Rarity herself has been exhausting herself physically and emotionally to avoid inflicting any pain on her only sister. Sweetie Belle growled under her breath as she charges enough magical energy to create an explosion of dark magic in an area surrounding her.

Feeling tired, Rarity wheezes as she puts up a shield over her to avoid getting struck by Sweetie's spells. "Oh if only I could get through to you Sweetie Belle!" Rarity moaned. She then spots Twilight flying back to the courtyard and believed that she might have figured out something. "Wait, that's it! Twilight must know the answer! *gasp* I must hurry to her immediately, don't worry Sweetie Belle! Soon this nightmare will be over soon!" Rarity shouted as she gallops to the direction the alicorn princess is headed while dodging Sweetie Belle's attacks.

The weather in the skies seemed out of control due to the variations of storms. From blizzards, rain, and even some hurricanes were all around due to Scootaloo's magic, summoning lightning to strike down the two pegasi. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were fighting the weather to hopefully survive the raging storm winds the filly is bringing forth. Both Rainbow and Scootaloo rise higher up in the air to pull off their most powerful attack in the sky. They dive down, picking up more speed flying at a rapid pace. Then, BOOM! Rainbow Dash uses the Sonic Rainboom while Scootaloo uses her own version of the technique in darker colors. They were flying at mach speeds towards each other until they collided, resulting in a huge explosion in which Fluttershy can see from the ground.

Rainbow Dash fell to the ground with a thud sound alerting the shy pegasus to assist her in getting up. Scootaloo gently floats down as she stares at both elements feeling the bruises from the last attack.

" *cough* Wow, didn't know you had it in ya Scoots." Rainbow Dash panted. Even though she feels hurt both physically and emotionally, Rainbow Dash was impressed with how Scootaloo performed her attacks against the rainbow maned pony. Despite being somewhat out matched, she has to defeat her for the sake of Equestria and her number one fan.

"I think Twilight has an idea! We better follow her!" Fluttershy looks up to see Twilight fly towards the courtyard.

"You go, I'll stall Scoots long enough to slow her down." Rainbow said determined.

As much as she wanted to let her friend fight the pink maned pegasus is having none of this right now. "No! We are going to help Twilight and that is how its going to be!" Fluttershy's determination convinced her rainbow friend to follow her back to the courtyard letting Scootaloo chasing them towards them.

Grogar watches the fights from the balcony feeling amused after witnessing the Crusaders in action. He stops to notice Twilight flying at his direction to which he frowned and is about to use his bell when the alicorn shot a couple of magic beams prompting the old ram to create a shield. Twilight lands on the courtyard while her friends started to join her including Pinkie Pie, surprisingly.

All three Cutie Mark Crusaders were slowly walking towards them with giant Apple Bloom's hoof steps causing small tremors. Then, all of the sudden Fluttershy stands up to them feeling angry.

"Girls! Stop!" Fluttershy shouted. The Crusaders stop in place as they look at the pink maned pegasus in the eyes. "You must stop giving into that Grogar's demands! You are far stronger than you think. So Please! Let us help you by bringing you girls back home!" Fluttershy's speech was heard through the fillies and they felt themselves slowly regaining control of their actions. But then, she yelped as she is struck down by a magic blast caused by Grogar. The others gasp and they glare at the cruel villain with anger.

"Hmph, do you really think that a simple speech is enough to save them?" Grogar said sadistically. "You can't defeat the new and improved Cutie Mark Crusaders. With my magic, they are unstoppable! Just give up!"

Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six rushed over to Fluttershy as she weakly opens her eyes to her friends. Twilight stares back at Grogar, feeling enraged but remained stern and determined.

"You may have the most powerful dark magic out of any creature in any land, but there is one thing you don't have." Twilight lights up her horn and soon she and all her friends were enveloped in a magenta light. The began to glow very brightly as the pure light starts to emanate around them. "And that would be...the Magic of Friendship!" The light bursts and the Crusaders were engulfed in the light that the Elements of Harmony created. Then everything seemed to have stopped an now the six ponies looked to where the Crusaders were. Apple Bloom, having shrunk down to normal sized alongside Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo seemed to have fainted after the light show.

Twilight and the others can breath a sigh of relief having to have defeated the fillies from that battle. However, The Mane Six screamed as their own magic has been taken away by the Bewitching Bell. Grogar laughs evilly as he takes the magic from the Elements of Harmony, victory was his own.

"Haha! You have failed Twilight Sparkle! You and your other pony friends are DOOMED!" Grogar declared as he triumphs over the saviors of Equestria and taking their magic in the process. Twilight finds herself and her friends falling to the ground and slowly closing their eyes. Grogar laughed wickedly then he jumps of the balcony and lands on his hooves unscathed walking towards the unconscious fillies.

Slowly one by one, the three fillies wake up groaning over the pain they have felt. "Urgh,w-what happened?" Apple Bloom groaned. She began to notice Twilight and the the elements unconscious lying on the ground.

"Hmhmhmhm, you three have done well. I couldn't have defeated Twilight Sparkle without your help." Grogar smirked as he walks back to his castle. "Send them all to the dungeon. Soon all of Equestria will submit to ME!" He cackles as he enters his own castle leaving the Crusaders outside.

"Wut have we done?" Apple Bloom started to cry.

The three fillies walk up to each other regaining their senses and they did a group hug and sobbed over what they have done. They wiped their tears and they began to try and carry the ponies using their powers. Sweetie Belle having to use her magic to carry Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Scootaloo harnessing the wind to carry Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Finally, Apple Bloom using her growth power to grow to a big enough pony to carry Applejack and Twilight. Even though unconscious, they could hear their sisters whisper something to them.

"You have grown so much." Whispered Rarity.

"You are my hero." Muttered Rainbow Dash.

"Ah love you" Murmured Applejack.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo shed a few tears as they walked into the castle to make their way into the dungeon. Things seemed hopeless for Equestria as now Grogar has gotten the upper hand. Now that the Elements of Harmony have been defeated, who could save Equestria now? Only time will tell for a small glimmer of hope.

Comments ( 1 )

Whoa dang this is not good twilight and her friends got defeated by grogar but what a battle things are very difficult now how will they defeat grogar and what the cmc going to do i guess will find out next time

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