• Published 17th Jun 2020
  • 933 Views, 24 Comments

Grogar meets the Cutie Mark Crusaders - LordCalamity

unexpected events lead to the Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting the emperor of monsters himself,Grogar

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The Dark City of Tambelon

Apple Bloom finds herself tossing and turning while sleeping on her bed. It took a moment until she delves into her dreamscape. She appears on a dark castle-like setting with clouds covering the sky. Darkness flows everywhere from the rooftops, to the gargoyle statues on the towers and other high places. This area fills Apple Bloom with a sense of dread and fears that whatever is going on can't be good for her. Then all of the sudden, a creature swipes it's claws at the filly which spooked her by surprise. Appearing out of the shadows was a gargoyle much like the statues all over the castle. It bares it's fangs as it growls at her, ready to attack at any moment. Apple Bloom finds herself backed into a corner as the monster draws closer, she is scared and feels helpless against it.

Then when it seemed all hope is lost, the gargoyle was blasted to the wall by a magical attack. When the apple filly looks up she was saved by a unicorn who drove the creature away. This unicorn's coat is colored white with a flowing green tail and mane with a red streak with her cutie mark having leaves blowing on the wind. Apple Bloom quickly recognizes who this pony is, Gusty the Great.

The unicorn was shooting magic beams at the gargoyles in the sky while heading further in the castle. Apple Bloom gave chase while avoiding the stone beasts that try to attack her. She came to a stop until she sees Gusty at the center courtyard of the large fortress. "Grogar! Come out! Your reign over these lands is over!" Gusty declared with a determined expression. Appearing on the balcony of the castle shows the villainous ram himself, Grogar.

Grogar looks from the balcony to notice the pony who defies against him. "So, you have the nerve of challenging my power?" Grogar said. "I am all powerful! You stood no chance against me!" By ringing his Bewitching Bell, the ram summons a variety of monsters from gargoyles, manticores, bugbears, and chimeras he surrounds her with theses beasts. Apple Bloom watches the scene unfold from a distance to see what happens next.

"That may be true, but fortunately I am not alone." Gusty said. Feeling undeterred she looks over behind her as more ponies began to show up to stand by her side.

The first of her allies is a cyan unicorn with a dark blue tail and mane with pink streaks on the mane and a diamond for her cutie mark. Next appears a light pale yellow earth pony with a pink mane and tail which reminded the filly of her friend Fluttershy. The only difference is that she had flowers for her cutie mark and a green bow tied to her tail and her mane is styled differently. The next pony is a white pegasus with a light blonde curled mane and tail with magenta eyes and balloons for her cutie mark. The next ally is a lavender earth pony with purple eyes alongside her mane and tail with white flowers for her cutie mark. The last of Gusty's allies is a pink pegasus with spiky cyan mane and tail with a blue lightning bolt for the cutie mark. They gather around Gusty as they prepare themselves for the battle to unfold.

"As long as we stand united, we will take back these lands and to stop you once and for all!" Gusty shouted bravely.

"I had enough of this. Monsters! Attack now!" Grogar yelled commanding the monsters to do battle against the ponies. Monsters began charging at them by sheer numbers to take the ponies down. Gusty and her allies spread out from all directions as they separate from each other to face the creatures.

Apple Bloom watches in awe from one of the towers as she sees the legendary unicorn do battle against Grogar and his legion of monsters. Each of the pony allies face their creatures in different ways from the pegasi fighting the gargoyles in the air, to the other unicorn and earth ponies fending of the beasts near the gate. At that moment, Grogar decided to join the fray and leaps off the balcony and lands on the courtyard. It leaves with the ram and Gusty facing each other firing large magical lasers which resulted in a big blast then suddenly everything became all white.

Apple Bloom wakes up gasping for air on her bed slowly realizing that she had a dream. She calms down to try and not wake up her friends who are still asleep. It was still early in the morning as the sun slowly rises with the first rays of sunlight gleaming from a distance. Apple Bloom gets out of her bed to clear her thoughts about the dream she just had. After awhile later, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo wakes up and they head on over to the stone table where Grogar is waiting for them.

Today is the day that Grogar will enact his plan to take over Equestria and finally ruling over these lands. He grins in sinister fashion. "Cutie Mark Crusaders, the time has come for the final part of the plan to conquer all of Equestria!" The evil ram declared. "Once we have breakfast, we will go to one of the most forbidden places that not a single pony would dare to enter." He is feeling excited as he laughs creepily.

"And where are we going exactly?" Sweetie Belle asked the goat creature raising her hoof.

"I'm glad you asked." He said lighting up his horns he projects an image in the crystal orb on the table. "There is a place that was kept in darkness for a millennia where I held my rule over the lands. A fortress where most of my strongest monsters are placed and a powerful stronghold where most ponies would not trespass." The Crusaders leaned in closer in anticipation. "We are going...to the dark city of Tambelon!" He finished.

"Tambelon?" All three fillies said in unison.

Grogar walks past the table and using his magic materializes three capes fitted for the fillies. "I took the time to create these capes for you to wear since you have been working for me." He levitates the capes for each of them to get a better look. The capes where black with dark purple on the underside and on the back was a yellow shield with the ram's face on it. The fillies were unsure about the design of the fabric until Apple Bloom started to wear it on her. Soon Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo wear their capes and they all wore the gift the ram has given them. "I will meet you three outside once you have finished breakfast, then we can get started on the take over." He walks past the fillies and steps outside to wait for them for the trip that was planned for them.

Apple Bloom can't help but hummed in thought about what Grogar had told her and the other Crusaders, "Tambelon." She is curious about that certain name that made her feel uneasy. She had to pull herself together for her friends for what else the villain has planned for them.

The Crusaders and Grogar traveled through the dark lands in their search for the forbidden city. They were traveling for miles until the ram came to a stop. "We are here." He said in a serious tone. The fillies looked around them only to see open land for miles with dead trees spread out. They look at Grogar confused as to why he has taken them here of all places.

"But, there is nothing here!" Scootaloo complained. "I don't see Tambelon anywhere! Are you sure we found the place? Because all we are doing is standing here in the middle of nowhere!" Sweetie Belle comes over to the pegasus filly and pats her on the back to at least stop her from complaining too much.

"That is because I need to do a specific incantation to bring the city here." Grogar answers Scootaloo. "With my bell, it can be possible. Now stand back as I use my magic to summon the city of Tambelon." The Cutie Mark Crusaders stood back as all three of them watch the ram perform the spell to bring the city to their position. Grogar clears his throat and places his hoof on the Bewitching Bell.

"From beyond the Darkness, through the deepest of shadows, lay in a world without light. A sanctuary where monsters roam wild and free let them seek their domain. Come forth the forbidden city, and rise again from the place of despair. Let your evil reign once more. Behold the impenetrable fortress to bring forth an empire for all eternity! TAMBELON!"

When Grogar finishes the incantation, the Bewitching Bell began to ring and dark magic erupted towards the sky in a large pillar of darkness. It reaches up to the sky and into the clouds. At first nothing seemed to happen for a moment, but then, descending from the black clouds appears to be a really large structure in the sky. It slowly descends until a city is visible from the sky with a large castle at the very top of the floating island. The CMC and Grogar watches as the city is fully visible from their point of view. There it was the dark city foretold in legends and stories, the place were Grogar held his reign over Equestria. The dark city of Tambelon.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were left speechless and wide-eyed at the sight of Tambelon. Without hesitation Grogar uses his bell to lift the ground under them to create a platform to carry them to the city. They all stared intensely as they approach the city.

They landed on the grounds of the floating city where they gaze at it in much detail. There are stone buildings everywhere within sight with dark purple colored streets and torches with blue fire to light the way. It was unlike any other city the fillies have seen before as they begin to traverse with caution. The city was dark and decrepit as if Tambelon has not been in repair in a millennia with the buildings slightly damaged and the walls broken which made the town look abandoned. They reach a statue in the middle of the town square which caught the attention of the Crusaders. Grogar walks up to take a look at the statue.

"Hey Grogar, who is this?" Apple Bloom asks him. They were looking what appears to be a donkey in the shape of the statue. It appeared to have a goofy yet scared expression as if he is in danger of what he is facing before the donkey met its fate. Looking at it, Grogar sighs solemnly at looks to the fillies.

"He was known as, Bray." Grogar answered Apple Bloom. "He was one of my most loyal of followers, my own lackey to order around alongside my monster army. That is until something happened to him. I do not know where he went or what happened to him. All I know is that he went missing before my last battle with Gusty the Great. This piece of rock is something that I will remember him by." He turns away from the statue and headed off to the northern part of the city where a large castle can be seen.

Sweetie Belle put her hoof on her chin thinking about the statue of Bray. "You think maybe Bray might have betrayed Grogar and told Gusty about his bell to defeat him?" She asks her crusader friends.

"Ah think yer right about that Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom agrees with her unicorn friend. "Ah think its the only way for Gusty to win against him knowin that bell would be the key to his power." She said as she takes another look at the stone statue.

"You know, I wonder if what convinced him to betray him in the first place?" Scootaloo thought.

The three fillies trotted their way north towards the gates of the castle where Grogar is present. The gates where made of metal with a goat skull carved on the large doors. Grogar used his magic to unlock the doors to open the way to the castle. The group enter the the gate where they cross a large bridge to the way of the castle. It took the a while to get to the entrance but the crusaders had to take in the scenery all around them as they walk towards the large fortress.

"We have arrived at our final destination. The castle of Tambelon." Grogar said evilly with a wicked grin. He and the Cutie Mark Crusaders enter the castle where they find themselves at the main courtyard. "How it takes me back when I used to rule theses lands. An army of monsters, a wondrous stronghold, and powerful dark magic at my disposal. This was my glorious reign!" Grogar said waving his hoof to the castle.

Apple Bloom felt unnerving as if all of this felt familiar to her. She believed to have a sense of deja vu standing on the courtyard with her friends. On the higher walls and towers were more statues but this time they looked like gargoyles. Their intimidating gothic appearances are what frightened the filly as she stared at the castle. There was even one of the gargoyles that attacked Apple Bloom in her dream. Their sharp claws and fangs with bat-like wings are enough to make the Crusaders feel frightened.

"O-Okay, now that you have your castle, is that it?" Scootaloo asked the old ram. "This is your master plan to take over Equestria?"

Grogar nodded in satisfaction. "Yes! This is why I am here! With your help, I can finally take my rightful place to rule these lands without any ponies stopping me!" Grogar laughed evilly which made the Crusaders feel worried on what to do know. Grogar ceases his laughter and looks at the fillies. "Of course, you could always rule by my side and together Equestria will be ours." He gives a sinister smile as he offers the fillies to join him in his conquest.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid your little conquest is over before it began." A voice from somewhere caught Grogar and the Crusader's attention. They were looking around until the fillies spot a statue of someone they are familiar with. The statue breaks apart and appearing in dust clouds reveals to be the draconequus Discord. He spins and poses in front of the fillies and ram in a chaotic way.

"Discord!" The excited Crusaders said in unison. They were so happy to see him believing that they are saved and ready to no longer serve the tyrannical ram. Discord looks all around the area then at Grogar and he glares at him in disapproval.

"So this is what you are planning. Foalnapping these poor girls from their families, gathering monsters, and finally bringing back Tambelon!" Discord said pointing his paw at Grogar. "This is where I must step in and put a stop to your plans." He said while holding up a stop sign to his face.

"What is the meaning of this?" Grogar said. "Discord, spirit of disharmony, why have you come here to foil my plan to rule Equestria?" Grogar is displeased at Discord's sudden arrival.

"I came here to keep an eye out for these little fillies ever since you took them away." Discord motions his claw to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "I was merely watching over them until the day you reveal your master plan, and now that its here my job here can be done." He cracks his fingers and motions the fillies over to his direction.

Sweetie Belle was the first to speak up and said. "Why didn't you teleport us home instead of watching us?" She complained to the draconequus. "And why wait until now you decide to show up?"

Discord raised a finger and simply said. "I needed to be sure that I fully understand the situation and figure out what Grogar is planning and until now that I can do something about it." He answers Sweetie Belle's question.

"Are our sisters worried about us, we've been gone an awful long time and ah feel like there missin us" Apple Bloom said. Discord knelt down and puts a paw to her back.

"I can assure you that your sister and the others do worry about you, but since I am here I can take you home once this is all over." Apple Bloom and the other Crusaders felt relieved now that their friend can deal with the villain knowing that they will be okay. Grogar just stood there dumbfounded at what is taking place. He shakes his head and stomps toward Discord.

"If you believe that you can stop me, you are sorely mistaken!" Grogar shouted. "I heard about the rumors about you taking my place at taking over Equestria disguised as ME!" He stand in defiance to Discord in rage.

"Ah yes, bad times, and let me level with you working with other villains was the most ridiculous idea even I can come up with." He shrugs his shoulders and then crosses his arms to his chest. "I mean what were you even thinking about taking away these lost fillies and teaching them 'your' magic spells and sending them to face monsters. Either that was foolish or you might have a brilliant idea going on there." He said sarcastically bending his fingers.

"What you did posing as me is completely UNFORGIVABLE!" Grogar shouted at Discord. "But, now that you have revealed yourself, I can finish you off. My Bewitching Bell is rightfully back where it belongs and I have all my magic back!" Grogar said ready to fight. Discord laughs as he levitates in the air.

"Oh? You and what army?" Discord continues to chuckle not knowing what happens next.

Grogar smirks as he activates his magic from his horns. "This army." All of the sudden, the gargoyle statues began to move on their own and surely enough they became alive. The gargoyles fly down to surround Discord in a circle ready to take him down. Seeing the stone gargoyles moving around made Apple Bloom frightened as she remembered the creatures from her dream. However Discord doesn't seemed phased facing the stone monsters.

"Hmm, now this hardly seems fair, how about you guys back off and we can forget this ever happened?" He said to the gargoyles, but then one of the tried to swipe it's claws to attack him. Discord grabs the claw and electrocutes it with electricity, the gargoyle was left twitching in pain as it lays on the ground. "Nice to meet you too!" Discord smiles then snaps his fingers and he finds himself wielding a large broomstick. "Why don't we clean up this mess?" Discord smacks the other gargoyles with the broom while they were attacking him.

Grogar was displeased so he conjures up more gargoyles to deal with the draconequus. More of the stone gargoyles were appearing by the dozens as they are flying in the sky. Discord looks up and gets an idea, snapping his fingers, he creates a tornado to trap the stone creatures in the air causing some of them to get dizzy. The Cutie Mark Crusaders cheered at Discord over his efforts to defeat the gargoyles. More of them keep showing up and landing where they are located snarling are growling at Discord who is currently filing his nails.

"What? You're going to send more of these guys? Come on I dealt with beings worse than this! If this is the best you can manage, the least you can do is step up your game and try something unexpected!" Discord said while he creates a big net to trap some of the gargoyles.

Grogar growled through his teeth. "How is this for something unexpected!" By using his bell, he summons the hydra the Crusaders released from Tartarus in a flash of dark magic to the castle crashing down near the gates. The hydra roars and attacks Discord by using it's heads to bite him only for the draconequus teleport higher in the air. He starts to make funny faces while he teleports all over the huge beast to confuse it while the hydra swings it heads all around.

Then by snapping his fingers once more, he creates chains made entirely out of bubblegum and holds the creature in place as it struggles to get out. He held his lion paw over to the hydra and out from his palm fires a huge thunderbolt to weaken it until it tumbles down on it's back in defeat. The Crusaders cheer for Discord while they were watching him take on the monsters by himself. Discord was to busy patting himself on the back to know what is coming to him.

"Well, I can say for certain that you will lose and I will take these girls ba-Uaaaagghhh!!" Discord yelled as his magic is slowly being drained. By using the hydra as a distraction, Grogar ceased his opportunity to use the power of his Bewitching Bell to drain Discord's magic. The draconequus kneels down as his magic is taken away from him. Once that was finished, Grogar laughs evilly over in victory.

"You were always a fool, playing around with your chaotic powers left you quite vulnerable." Grogar loomed over at Discord as he is left weakened without his magic. "You put yourself above all others to make them believe that you were greater than any being. However, I will tell you that you are nothing but a pathetic clown put on this world so that others can laugh at your mistakes." Discord leers to his statement and get up on one knee.

"If I can make ponies laugh, then I must be doing a very good job." Discord smiled for a moment but frowns at Grogar standing in front of him. "And even if I fail, I know there are others who will stop you from succeeding in your schemes. As long as these ponies treat me as their friend, then I have nothing to worry about." He finished. Grogar blasts Discord with a pulse of magic which send him rolling on the floor near the Crusaders. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo gasp at the same time then they feel saddened at Discords defeat. Their hopes on the draconequus was dashed away as they see him on the ground trying to get back up only to fall down. They look at each other and agreed they had enough and are willing to stand up to Grogar with determined expressions.

"I'll have you locked up in the dungeons later, alright Crusaders! The time to take over Equestria is nearly here! Let us begin and soon we-" Grogar was interrupted.

"No!" Apple Bloom spoke up "We've had it! We aint lettin ya conquer Equestria even with us helpin out!"

"I say we stop you for the good of Equestria and all our friends!" Sweetie Belle speaks up.

"Finally! About time you two made up your minds." Scootaloo said excitedly. "Let's take him down!"

Grogar looks at the fillies with a blank stare for a moment and then her bursted out laughing. "Huahahahaha! Your just little foals who are in over their heads. You! Stopping me!? Ahahahaha!" He was laughing at them which made them feel discouraged. He ceases his laugh and stomps his right hoof. "It is futile! I taught you my spells, and I will not have you get in my way of MY take over of Equestria!" Grogar envelops the Crusaders in his dark magic and levitates them in the air.

The poor fillies were shocked and they were feeling pain from being in Grogar's grasp. "I have a mission for you, go and defeat Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony and you will do it... Because I command you to do so!" Grogar shouted at them shaking and zapping them with his magic. "If you don't, I will take away your powers and I'll just destroy you right here. Now, is that understood?" He lets them go and the fillies land on top of Discord. Reluctantly, they weakly get up and nodded their heads in agreement which is enough for the ram to be satisfied. "Good, now come, we have work to do." He grins and walks to the castle to prepare leaving the fillies to themselves.

The Crusaders look back over to Discord seeing that he had no energy left to get up, they go over to the draconequus and help him up to head into the castle. Seeing this, Discord smiled warmly knowing that he is the on receiving help from the fillies. Now they think to themselves on this situation they find themselves. Will they stop Grogar, or will they have to fight their sisters to take over Equestria? Either way is dire as time is running out for them and soon the Cutie Mark Crusaders will try to get out of this mess.