• Published 17th Jun 2020
  • 933 Views, 24 Comments

Grogar meets the Cutie Mark Crusaders - LordCalamity

unexpected events lead to the Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting the emperor of monsters himself,Grogar

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Its a beautiful day in Ponyville, ponies going about their day in peace and harmony. It was only a few weeks since Twilight Sparkle and her friends defeated the villains that caused so much destruction in Equestria. Tirek, a centaur who is able to absorb magic, Chrysalis, an insect-like changeling, and Cozy Glow, an evil pegasus filly. They were bested by the ponies who used the power of friendship to beat them and restore harmony throughout the lands. They remained trapped in stone somewhere in a place were nopony would hope to find them.

In the crystalline castle of friendship, the lavender princess alicorn is trying to figure out what to do with the bell on the table. The Bewitching Bell, an item that once belonged to goat named Grogar, who is believed to be the first emperor of Equestria and the father of monsters. His bell lying on the table means that Twilight must find a place to hide it where it will be never used again.

"What am I gonna do with this?" Twilight asks herself as she is eyeing the bell on the table. "This thing has been causing so much trouble, and to think that Discord tasked those troublemakers to get it an top Mt. Everhoof. Maybe I should give him a lesson in friendship about going behind other ponies back." Twilight thinks out loud to herself around the table until her stomach started to growl. "Ah whatever, I'm going for a snack."

Twilight leaves the room to go get something to eat leaving behind the bell. She hears a few knocks at her doorstep and goes over to the entrance. The alicorn is greeted by the three fillies; Apple Bloom, an earth pony, Sweetie Belle, a unicorn, and Scootaloo, a pegasus.

" Hello girls, its nice to see you again." Twilight said with a smile.

"Howdy Twilight. We were hopin if ya'll got some books for our school project." Apple Bloom said.

"Cheerilee is making us do homework on about Equestria's history." Scootaloo said in annoyance.

"Well I've got all kinds of books you can use, they're in the library, use them however you like." With that said Twilight made her way into the castle leaving the three fillies to go to the library while she gets something to eat.

The Crusaders found the place they were looking for and began collecting books for their school project. They eventually stumbled upon a table were they find a bell and a book next to it.

"Whoa, check this out girls!" Sweetie belle showed them the artifact. "It must be really old." They were intrigued at the sight of the item, then Sweetie Belle got an idea. "Hey! Maybe we can use this for our school project!"

"I don't know Sweetie, it looks kinda weird." Scootaloo said unsure of what to do here.

"Well, we've got like a couple of days before we get our project done." Apple Bloom said "An besides, there always plenty of time before the work is due."

"Alright then, if it will finish the homework I may as well get it over with." the little pegasus said.

The three fillies take the bell alongside the book next to it and places them in their bags as now they have what they needed and headed out to leave the castle before saying goodbye to Twilight. The Crusaders now go over to their clubhouse to figure out what to do with the bell they now possess. Apple Bloom opens up the book that reads 'The Bewitching Bell, a Beginners guide' she opens to a page with pictures of a goat-looking creature using the bell.

"Grogar? as in the one from the story of Gusty the great?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Thats like, ancient history. I mean I know about Gusty, Cheerilee reads that story to us in class." Scootaloo said. "I still think its a great story."

"This could be perfect for our equestrian history assignment." Sweetie Belle says. "We read about Grogar and we might get a passing grade if we do this. We should probably get started!"

Apple Bloom reads through the book and comes across a page that interests her. "Accordin to this book, there is a way to summon him. We hold our hooves together and Sweetie uses her magic and he might show up. So, lets start the spell outside girls." Apple Bloom directs the other two and instructs them to hold their hooves in a circle around the bell.

"Just don't make it weird." Scootaloo says awkwardly.

"Do you want to make it weird?" Sweetie Belle smirks.

"No!" the pegasus shouted.

"Girls! Focus! Alright Sweetie Belle use yer magic on the bell." Apple Bloom instructs their unicorn friend.

Sweetie Belle lights up her horn and aims her magic on the Bewitching Bell, it levitates up a few inches in the air as it glows in a greenish-yellow light. The three of them still holding their hooves watch as they witness the artifact to do something. Suddenly a bright yellow and black aura flares up as the magic is shaping into form a silhouette. The figure is starting to appear in the air forming on them. Then in a flash of light the magic seemed to stop as everything around them seemed to have calmed down.

The fillies opened their eyes to see everything around them. They are met with a creature standing before them. A blue ram-like goat with long horns and a red collar with small bells around it. The crusaders are speechless as they are now meeting the villain Gusty defeated many years ago. The first emperor of Equestria, the father and creator of monsters, Grogar.

He looks at his surroundings then he looks at the three fillies in a circle with the Bewitching bell. Grogar lifts the bell in his magic and places it on his collar, an aura of magic envelops him for a moment until it disappears. "Finally, after being sealed away for a millennia, I have returned." Grogar said as he smirks in satisfaction. The goat now notices the trembling fillies who is looking at him. "And I suppose I have you three to thank for my release from imprisonment?" he said to the crusaders.

"Y-yess ssir we w-were the ones who r-released you." Sweetie Belle responded fearfully.

"But I don't understand, I thought you were just a myth." Scootaloo said in confusion. "That you were just a story villain from the story of Gusty the great."

Grogar stomps his hoof and walks over to the scared pegasus. "I can assure you that I am very real. My name strikes fear into ponies who have heard of me, If I wanted to destroy you foals, I would have done it already. But since I am being merciful, I have decided to let you live." Grogar said to the fillies.

"Ya mean ya'll lettin us go?" Apple Bloom asked him.

"Only if you help me with something." He motions the girls closer to him. They look at each other and the fillies walk up to him."You three are going to help me in my conquest to take over all of Equestria!" Grogar declared "I would suggest that you agree otherwise, or I'll eliminate you right now. Make your choice."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders now find themselves in a position were they must work with him or be destroyed by the villain they unleashed. They are scared of what to do now and now the fate of Equestria lies on their decision. Sweetie Belle looked on the verge of crying while Scootaloo is in disbelief that the villain she thought didn't existed became real. Apple Bloom steps forward to make the decision for all of them.

"Alright Grogar, we, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will work with ya in your take over of Equestria." Apple Bloom decided.

"What!!" Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo said in unison.

"Excellent." Grogar smiled "Then we must go, the sooner we get started, the sooner we'll rule all of Equestria! I would also suggest that you don't contact your friends and family, you three work for me now." Grogar lights up his horns and envelops them all in his magic and transports them to an uncharted location. They find themselves in a cave like setting with a swamp area around them, there is a boulder made in the shape of a goat skull. The Crusaders and Grogar are now in the cave environment with caverns and a table at the center of the room. "I think a change in scenery is appropriate don't you think?"

"Way to go Sweetie Belle, now you got us into this mess." Scootaloo complained.

"Me? It was Apple Bloom who was reading the book and finding the way to summon Grogar!" Sweetie argued back.

"Ah figured we learn a thing or two by understandin one of the most powerful villains in Equestria!" Apple Bloom said in anger.

"BY MAKING US HIS MINIONS!" the frustrated pegasus said.

The three of them took turns pointing hooves at each other shifting the blame on one to another. The fillies were arguing so much that Grogar's anger slowly rises to the point where he snaps at the fillies.

"ENOUGH! You will cease this pointless bickering at once!" Grogar yelled. "We will never get things done if you three arguing at each other! Now do I make myself clear?" The fillies responded by nodding their heads in agreement after that they now stopped arguing. "Now, I forgot about your names since I was in a rush to plan my takeover. So tell me my little ponies, what are your names?" He asked them mercifully.

Each of the Crusaders introduced themselves to Grogar with Apple Bloom starting first, then Sweetie Belle, and last Scootaloo. Having learned of their names, Grogar motions for them to follow him into the caverns. The three fillies follow him deeper in to the caverns and he shows them to the rooms for them.

"This is where you'll be resting, I suggest rising up before dawn for we will be planning our conquest first thing in the morning." He turns a round and he looks at them with a sinister smile. "Sleep well." The door closes leaving the crusaders in discomfort about what is happening to them.

The room they are in has stairs that lead to a higher level, surprisingly their is a bed each for the three of them, and a working bathroom for the fillies to use. They look to each other until they wrap themselves into a hug and they embrace for a moment before heading off to their beds.

Sweetie Belle sighs then says "What are we gonna do girls? We can't go to Twilight, or our sisters, or anypony for help."

"Grogar is a real jerk, he can't make us help him take over Equestria." Scootaloo said as she pounds her pillow in frustration. "We gotta do something!"

"Scootaloo, we can't. As long as Grogar thinks we're his servants, he won't know anythin about us saving Equestria in our own way." Apple Bloom explains to her pegasus friend "We'll just do as he says fer now, and then we'll stop him eventually." She assures her friends until the fillies calmed down. The lights in the cave go out and the crusaders drift off into sleep for tomorrow Grogar will begin his scheme to use these fillies in his quest to rule Equestria.