Grogar meets the Cutie Mark Crusaders

by LordCalamity

First published

unexpected events lead to the Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting the emperor of monsters himself,Grogar

After the defeat of the villains Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are curious to know about the Bewitching Bell to see if they can become stronger ponies. It was only after they cast the spell they now have to deal with the first emperor of Equestria, the father of monsters, Grogar

This is more of a "what if" scenario if the Crusaders interact with Grogar so its a story just for fun.


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Its a beautiful day in Ponyville, ponies going about their day in peace and harmony. It was only a few weeks since Twilight Sparkle and her friends defeated the villains that caused so much destruction in Equestria. Tirek, a centaur who is able to absorb magic, Chrysalis, an insect-like changeling, and Cozy Glow, an evil pegasus filly. They were bested by the ponies who used the power of friendship to beat them and restore harmony throughout the lands. They remained trapped in stone somewhere in a place were nopony would hope to find them.

In the crystalline castle of friendship, the lavender princess alicorn is trying to figure out what to do with the bell on the table. The Bewitching Bell, an item that once belonged to goat named Grogar, who is believed to be the first emperor of Equestria and the father of monsters. His bell lying on the table means that Twilight must find a place to hide it where it will be never used again.

"What am I gonna do with this?" Twilight asks herself as she is eyeing the bell on the table. "This thing has been causing so much trouble, and to think that Discord tasked those troublemakers to get it an top Mt. Everhoof. Maybe I should give him a lesson in friendship about going behind other ponies back." Twilight thinks out loud to herself around the table until her stomach started to growl. "Ah whatever, I'm going for a snack."

Twilight leaves the room to go get something to eat leaving behind the bell. She hears a few knocks at her doorstep and goes over to the entrance. The alicorn is greeted by the three fillies; Apple Bloom, an earth pony, Sweetie Belle, a unicorn, and Scootaloo, a pegasus.

" Hello girls, its nice to see you again." Twilight said with a smile.

"Howdy Twilight. We were hopin if ya'll got some books for our school project." Apple Bloom said.

"Cheerilee is making us do homework on about Equestria's history." Scootaloo said in annoyance.

"Well I've got all kinds of books you can use, they're in the library, use them however you like." With that said Twilight made her way into the castle leaving the three fillies to go to the library while she gets something to eat.

The Crusaders found the place they were looking for and began collecting books for their school project. They eventually stumbled upon a table were they find a bell and a book next to it.

"Whoa, check this out girls!" Sweetie belle showed them the artifact. "It must be really old." They were intrigued at the sight of the item, then Sweetie Belle got an idea. "Hey! Maybe we can use this for our school project!"

"I don't know Sweetie, it looks kinda weird." Scootaloo said unsure of what to do here.

"Well, we've got like a couple of days before we get our project done." Apple Bloom said "An besides, there always plenty of time before the work is due."

"Alright then, if it will finish the homework I may as well get it over with." the little pegasus said.

The three fillies take the bell alongside the book next to it and places them in their bags as now they have what they needed and headed out to leave the castle before saying goodbye to Twilight. The Crusaders now go over to their clubhouse to figure out what to do with the bell they now possess. Apple Bloom opens up the book that reads 'The Bewitching Bell, a Beginners guide' she opens to a page with pictures of a goat-looking creature using the bell.

"Grogar? as in the one from the story of Gusty the great?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Thats like, ancient history. I mean I know about Gusty, Cheerilee reads that story to us in class." Scootaloo said. "I still think its a great story."

"This could be perfect for our equestrian history assignment." Sweetie Belle says. "We read about Grogar and we might get a passing grade if we do this. We should probably get started!"

Apple Bloom reads through the book and comes across a page that interests her. "Accordin to this book, there is a way to summon him. We hold our hooves together and Sweetie uses her magic and he might show up. So, lets start the spell outside girls." Apple Bloom directs the other two and instructs them to hold their hooves in a circle around the bell.

"Just don't make it weird." Scootaloo says awkwardly.

"Do you want to make it weird?" Sweetie Belle smirks.

"No!" the pegasus shouted.

"Girls! Focus! Alright Sweetie Belle use yer magic on the bell." Apple Bloom instructs their unicorn friend.

Sweetie Belle lights up her horn and aims her magic on the Bewitching Bell, it levitates up a few inches in the air as it glows in a greenish-yellow light. The three of them still holding their hooves watch as they witness the artifact to do something. Suddenly a bright yellow and black aura flares up as the magic is shaping into form a silhouette. The figure is starting to appear in the air forming on them. Then in a flash of light the magic seemed to stop as everything around them seemed to have calmed down.

The fillies opened their eyes to see everything around them. They are met with a creature standing before them. A blue ram-like goat with long horns and a red collar with small bells around it. The crusaders are speechless as they are now meeting the villain Gusty defeated many years ago. The first emperor of Equestria, the father and creator of monsters, Grogar.

He looks at his surroundings then he looks at the three fillies in a circle with the Bewitching bell. Grogar lifts the bell in his magic and places it on his collar, an aura of magic envelops him for a moment until it disappears. "Finally, after being sealed away for a millennia, I have returned." Grogar said as he smirks in satisfaction. The goat now notices the trembling fillies who is looking at him. "And I suppose I have you three to thank for my release from imprisonment?" he said to the crusaders.

"Y-yess ssir we w-were the ones who r-released you." Sweetie Belle responded fearfully.

"But I don't understand, I thought you were just a myth." Scootaloo said in confusion. "That you were just a story villain from the story of Gusty the great."

Grogar stomps his hoof and walks over to the scared pegasus. "I can assure you that I am very real. My name strikes fear into ponies who have heard of me, If I wanted to destroy you foals, I would have done it already. But since I am being merciful, I have decided to let you live." Grogar said to the fillies.

"Ya mean ya'll lettin us go?" Apple Bloom asked him.

"Only if you help me with something." He motions the girls closer to him. They look at each other and the fillies walk up to him."You three are going to help me in my conquest to take over all of Equestria!" Grogar declared "I would suggest that you agree otherwise, or I'll eliminate you right now. Make your choice."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders now find themselves in a position were they must work with him or be destroyed by the villain they unleashed. They are scared of what to do now and now the fate of Equestria lies on their decision. Sweetie Belle looked on the verge of crying while Scootaloo is in disbelief that the villain she thought didn't existed became real. Apple Bloom steps forward to make the decision for all of them.

"Alright Grogar, we, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will work with ya in your take over of Equestria." Apple Bloom decided.

"What!!" Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo said in unison.

"Excellent." Grogar smiled "Then we must go, the sooner we get started, the sooner we'll rule all of Equestria! I would also suggest that you don't contact your friends and family, you three work for me now." Grogar lights up his horns and envelops them all in his magic and transports them to an uncharted location. They find themselves in a cave like setting with a swamp area around them, there is a boulder made in the shape of a goat skull. The Crusaders and Grogar are now in the cave environment with caverns and a table at the center of the room. "I think a change in scenery is appropriate don't you think?"

"Way to go Sweetie Belle, now you got us into this mess." Scootaloo complained.

"Me? It was Apple Bloom who was reading the book and finding the way to summon Grogar!" Sweetie argued back.

"Ah figured we learn a thing or two by understandin one of the most powerful villains in Equestria!" Apple Bloom said in anger.

"BY MAKING US HIS MINIONS!" the frustrated pegasus said.

The three of them took turns pointing hooves at each other shifting the blame on one to another. The fillies were arguing so much that Grogar's anger slowly rises to the point where he snaps at the fillies.

"ENOUGH! You will cease this pointless bickering at once!" Grogar yelled. "We will never get things done if you three arguing at each other! Now do I make myself clear?" The fillies responded by nodding their heads in agreement after that they now stopped arguing. "Now, I forgot about your names since I was in a rush to plan my takeover. So tell me my little ponies, what are your names?" He asked them mercifully.

Each of the Crusaders introduced themselves to Grogar with Apple Bloom starting first, then Sweetie Belle, and last Scootaloo. Having learned of their names, Grogar motions for them to follow him into the caverns. The three fillies follow him deeper in to the caverns and he shows them to the rooms for them.

"This is where you'll be resting, I suggest rising up before dawn for we will be planning our conquest first thing in the morning." He turns a round and he looks at them with a sinister smile. "Sleep well." The door closes leaving the crusaders in discomfort about what is happening to them.

The room they are in has stairs that lead to a higher level, surprisingly their is a bed each for the three of them, and a working bathroom for the fillies to use. They look to each other until they wrap themselves into a hug and they embrace for a moment before heading off to their beds.

Sweetie Belle sighs then says "What are we gonna do girls? We can't go to Twilight, or our sisters, or anypony for help."

"Grogar is a real jerk, he can't make us help him take over Equestria." Scootaloo said as she pounds her pillow in frustration. "We gotta do something!"

"Scootaloo, we can't. As long as Grogar thinks we're his servants, he won't know anythin about us saving Equestria in our own way." Apple Bloom explains to her pegasus friend "We'll just do as he says fer now, and then we'll stop him eventually." She assures her friends until the fillies calmed down. The lights in the cave go out and the crusaders drift off into sleep for tomorrow Grogar will begin his scheme to use these fillies in his quest to rule Equestria.

Grogar the Mentor

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Morning arrives as the light rays of the sun shine in the evil lair of the villain who has captured the Cutie Mark Crusaders for his nefarious plan to take over Equestria. The three fillies slowly awaken, rub their eyes, got out of the beds, and they take turns using the bathroom to prepare them for the day. Meanwhile, Grogar is busy making breakfast for the fillies on the stone table with a mysterious yellow orb. The Crusaders made their way to a large cavern area with rock formations forming stairs, surrounded with small pools of water, and a large stone table where the evil ram is waiting for them. He watches them approach the table with a nervous look except for Scootaloo who just leers at him.

"I see that you have awakened." Grogar said. He presents them with plates full of pancakes and fruits for each of them. "Eat first, then we will get started on the plan." The fillies, despite reluctant to eat they had no choice. They went and started eating the pancakes. "Now, I want to know how much Equestria has changed over the years in my abs-"

Sweetie Bell raised her hoof and responded, "do you have any syrup?"

Grogar looked at her direction then takes a pancake from her plate and disintegrates it with his magic. This made Sweetie frown and continued eating her breakfast. "As I was saying, I want to know what is Equestria like nowadays? Who rules these lands? I demand that you tell me." Grogar said with a sneer.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders explain to him in full detail about the events that have happened. Starting with the arrival of Nightmare Moon, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Discord's release, the Crystal Empire, the fight against Tirek and etc. Eventually they finished by talking about the last fight against Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow in one final showdown. Grogar is impressed with this Twilight Sparkle and how she is able to defeat these villains with the aid of her friends. This proved to be problematic and much difficult on how he will get rid of them. As he thought about it, there are so many problems he will have to face, he needed a back up plan in case he fails to defeat the ponies, fortunately he has one.

"You won't be taking over Equestria anytime soon." Scootaloo said with confidence. "Twilight will stop you no matter how hard you try." a smug look appears on her face.

Grogar thought for a moment and then he got an idea. He looks at the crusaders with a sinister grin "But surely there is something I can help you out?" The three fillies look at him in confusion, just what is he planning? "I can help you with what is bothering you. You have been supporting the Elements of Harmony in the hopes they can defeat a powerful foe. If you let me teach you some spells you can be a helpful asset to their cause."

"Ya really want to teach us magic? But why? Me and Scootaloo are not unicorns, and Sweetie Belle barely knows a few of them spells." Apple Bloom questions the ancient goat.

"I can teach you all that I know." He said to the fillies "For example, I can help your pegasus friend fly and I can even teach an earth pony to use magic without the use of a unicorn horn." Scootaloo was tempted at the idea of being able to fly but she is still unsure about all of this. "How about it? Do you fillies want to learn magic?" Grogar asks.

The Crusaders huddled in a circle to discuss about this topic. They were presented at the idea of using magic while being taught by the most powerful magic user in Equestria history, second or third to ponies like Starswirl the bearded and the royal alicorn sisters and Twilight Sparkle. They were thinking very carefully until one of them spoke up.

"Just think, I'll be able to use magic like Twilight or Rarity really powerful magic." Sweetie Belle smiled at the thought of improving on her magical abilities to surpass even the most powerful of unicorns.

"You gotta be kidding me." Scootaloo was unamused. "This guy is probably gonna use us to do evil stuff. I am not on board with this!"

"Let's just go with it fer now Scootaloo." Apple Bloom assures her friend. "If we learn a few spells we might have a chance at stoppin him." Apple Bloom looks at Grogar who is just finishing his meal, then she looks to her friends with a smirk. "I think we should do it, and who knows maybe these spells won't be so bad after all."

"Fine, but only because I trust you Apple Bloom." Scootaloo said. The crusaders finish their group huddle and returned to the stone table. Grogar waits patiently for an answer from one of the fillies.

"Alright Grogar, we'll learn ya magic lessons but only if ya can sing." Apple Bloom said with a smirk. The other two fillies giggles at the thought of him singing.

"I will do no such thing!" Grogar shouted "Since you agree to learn my magic lessons, then lets get started." Grogar got up from the table and directs his attention to the crusaders. "Follow me outside where we will begin using magic, starting with you Sweetie Belle." The fillies wrap up their breakfast and they follow him to the outside of the cavern. He sighs "I will not be doing any singing." Grogar deadpanned.

They stand outside in an open area by the wasteland near the lair whereas Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stood by the sidelines, while Sweetie Belle was facing in front of Grogar preparing the magic lesson for all of them. "As you foals must know, that magic comes from all sorts of creatures and other objects of power. Even you ponies have a little magic within you that is waiting to be tapped into, an example would be the pegasi's ability to manipulate the weather or an earth pony's ability to harness the growth of plants. What I see is untapped potential, you three fillies have a sort of magical power waiting to be unlocked." Grogar explains the crusaders about the ponies magic.

"Are you sure I can do this?" Sweetie Belle asks "All I can do is levitate objects and put up a force field around myself." The unicorn filly demonstrated by lifting a rock and tossing it in Grogar's direction where it fell right next to him. She then use her magic to encase herself in a magical barrier, despite her using her magic, Grogar is unimpressed.

"Then what you need is to learn 'new' spells to help you fight." The old ram lights up his horns and shoots a small beam of magic at her. Sweetie manages to block the attack barely unscathed. "And if you want to be a better unicorn, then you'll have to learn from the most greatest and powerful sorcerer the world has ever seen." Grogar boasted.

"Hey Sweetie Belle! Are ya alright!" Apple Bloom called out to her in concern. Sweetie gets up from the ground and nods to her friends that she is fine.

"You jerk! What was that for?" Scootaloo shouted at the goat sorcerer in anger.

"It is only necessary to push Sweetie Belle past her own limits." He said. "Now let us focus, we must continue the lesson." Grogar shows the unicorn filly few of his spells to teach her.

The sorcerer goat shows the little unicorn how to fire magical beams by shooting at some boulders. The big rocks shatter upon the impact of the magical blasts leaving them into dust. He allows Sweetie to fire magic beams from her horn to destroy the rocks, they were not as strong as Grogar's beams but they destroyed the rocks into pieces. Next, Grogar showed her how to use her magic to levitate herself. She concentrated very hard until she was enveloped in her own magic, then she lifted off the ground by a few feet. So far the lessons seem to be going well for Sweetie as her friends are cheering her on in support.

The next lesson involved her using teleportation, it was a little tricky to pull of until the old goat showed her by using teleport to appear a few distances away. She light up her horn and concentrated and in a spark, she is able to teleport to her friends then she disappears then reappears in the lair and back to the training area. Sweetie Belle is happy to be able to use her magic more efficiently, she is able to teleport and shoot beams just like Twilight! The more she thought about it, Sweetie is beginning to wonder what sort of spells she could learn from Grogar.

"I think that should be enough training for now." The old ram said satisfied with the lesson. " Next is you Apple Bloom, we will begin with you next." Sweetie Belle trots over to join Scootaloo while Apple Bloom walks over to Grogar for her lesson.

"How ahm ah gonna learn magic, if ahm just an just an earth pony?" The filly asked him until Grogar envelops her in magical energy. Apple Bloom is feeling like the sensation of getting stronger as she is within the magic. The sorcerer ram does this for a few minutes until he stops the spell. Apple Bloom opens her eyes then takes a look at herself to see what has happened. "What did ya do to me?" she asked him in worry.

""I have given you a small portion of magic, enough to enhance your strength even further." He steps back and looks at her, ready to begin the next lesson. "I have also given a few tricks that will surely surprise the other ponies." He grins. "Lets begin with the first trick." He levitates a boulder much to the crusaders concern. "Try and break this large boulder with your bucking skills." He tosses the boulder to Apple Bloom's direction and in a reflex, she turns around and bucks the rock as hard as she can and within that moment, the boulder shatters into pieces. This not only surprised her but also Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle watching her by a distance away.

"Whoa!" shocked Sweetie.

"Yeah, whoa!" said Scootaloo.

"How in the hay did ah-" said Apple Bloom.

"I gave you a bit of magic to make you stronger, if you don't believe me then try and buck that tree over there." Grogar asked her as he points to a tree behind her. Apple Bloom walks over to the tree then turns around and uses her hind legs to buck the tree really hard. The tree breaks and falls on its side leaving the apple filly in amazement. "Next you have the power to create and manipulate thorn vines just by pressing your hoof to the ground." Apple Bloom wondered about this until she press the ground with her right hoof and that is when a vine with thorns grew out of the ground. She watches the vine in awe as she is able to control it using her mind, she uses it to pick up rocks and tossing them and wrapping the vine on the fallen tree branches. Apple Bloom raises her hoof off the ground and the vine disappears.

"What else ah can do?" She asks him.

"This is the last spell I have given you, the ability to shrink and grow to different sizes." He looks around and spots an orange. "Try to shrink to the size of this orange." Grogar instructed the apple filly.

Apple Bloom concentrates on the orange carefully thinking about becoming really small. Slowly without knowing how she did it but her body started to shrink smaller until she is about the size of the orange. "Hey ah did it! Ah did it!" Apple Bloom said in a high pitch voice. "But how do ah get big?"

"That is where it gets interesting." Grogar grinned "To activate the growth spell you must become angry, the rage will activate the spell and you will grow to the size of a giant." He instructs her to use the magic spell.

Apple Bloom tries to make herself angry, but nothing came up and she began to feel down. Scootaloo, wanting to help her friend thought of an Idea.

"Hey Apple Bloom!" Scootaloo shouted "Remember when we trusted Cozy Glow to be our friend but then she betrayed us and threatened to steal all magic from Equestria?"

Apple Bloom thought about what Scootaloo told her, how they made friends with Cozy Glow and all the times they helped her in the school of friendship. The Crusaders thought of her as their friend for a while until she locked them in a closet and began taking away all the magic from every pony and creatures everywhere. Just thinking about that made Apple Bloom really mad to the point her body began to grow bigger. She began to increase her size growing past the size of a tree, until she was the size of a building. She was still growling thinking about Cozy Glow until she stops to look around herself. She could see the lair that is small to her and then to Grogar and her friends seeming to be like ants at her height.

"WHOA THIS IS THE COOLEST THING AH'VE EVER DONE!" Apple Bloom shouted in a lower pitched voice. She take a few steps and the ground shakes due to her gigantic size, she jumps and land of the ground causing small earthquake to shake all over the land.

"Hey! Don't shake the ground!" Grogar called out to the giant filly. "You do not want me to take away this power if you managed to destroy my lair!"

She stops to look at his direction, "OOPS! SORRY!" Apple Bloom apologized sheepishly. The apple filly shrinks back down to her normal size right by her friend's height.

Grogar puts a hoof to his forehead and sighs to calm down "Now that you know how to use those spells, use them properly. Scootaloo! You are up next!" Apple Bloom walks away while Sweetie prompts Scootaloo to go to him. Scootaloo reluctantly trots over to the spot where the old goat is waiting.

"Alright, but let me make thing clear, once we are done with your little magic lesson, the Elements of Harmony with stop your evil plans." Scootaloo glared at him trying to put up a brave face.

"Heh, well see." Grogar chuckles to himself. "This lesson will involve all the traits of your pegasus abilities." He lights up his horns and envelops her in his magic for a few seconds, then the next thing she know her wings got a little bigger. She began to flap her wings and then she started to levitate and now she was airborne.

"What! Hey, look! I can fly!" Scootaloo shouted in excitement. "This is amazing! Thank You Grogar!" Scootaloo was flying all over in circles and to her friends this was truly something meaningful to her.

"Think nothing of it." Grogar said to her. "Because I am going to need you to perform a few spells for me. I have granted you the power to harness the weather, create tornadoes and you'll be able to perform your own sonic rainboom just like that Rainbow Dash you admire so much." Scootaloo was ecstatic to know that she can become like her idol despite not wanting to trust in a villain like Grogar, but she decided that this was an opportunity that she can accomplish with his help.

Scootaloo wasted no time doing loop de loops and performing aerial dives with her newly developed wings, she then tries some of the spells that Grogar has given her. She flies in a circle to create a tornado, it materializes and swirls around creating winds that blow away the air. The next spell involved the weather, she flies in to the sky up to the dark clouds. She grabs a cloud and she uses her magic to create water and shoots it at another cloud, next she creates lightning and electricity envelops her and strikes the tree with a bolt of thunder. Finally, her last spell involved her doing a sonic rainboom just like Rainbow Dash, this was easy for her since she knows the technique by heart. She flies up higher until she gets enough distance then she dives down to pick up a lot of speed. It increases faster,and faster, until the energy bursts in a large shockwave of red, lavender, and purple colors. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle back on the ground was amazed at the sonic boom their friend made.

Scooaloo flies back down to meet with her friends on the ground. "That..was..awesome." Scootaloo said as she lays of the ground exhausted. The Cutie Mark Crusaders talk to each other about their lesson's until Grogar walks up to them.

"This is only the beginning of your training, I would suggest you make the most of the next few days to control your new powers." He said to them. "Then we can work on a plan to take over Equestria.

The next couple of days was a montage of the crusaders working on their powers. Sweetie Belle at one point got a magic boost thanks to Grogar that she is able to use dark magic in addition to elemental magic. Apple Bloom was working on using her vines to attack and sweep across the floor, she is also working on her growing powers to tear open the ground with her hooves. Although at one point during night time she accidentally grew to the point she crushed her own bed. Scootaloo was keeping up her training flying in the air while controlling her weather powers, she can create ice and shoot beams of snow and she is able to harness the sun to create fire and release the energy fro her hooves.

Grogar watches the Cutie Mark Crusaders grinning evilly to know that his plan is going into fruition. The plot to take over Equestria is drawing nearer as the days go by. "Of course, they don't realize that I am merely using them for my own goal." Grogar whispers to himself as he touches his bell with his hoof. "Children are so innocent and naive that they are the ones truly vulnerable." He does sinister laugh as he leaves them for the next day.

CMC Monster Tamers Yay!

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Its been one week since the Cutie Mark Crusaders have been taken by the most powerful dark lord in Equestria, Grogar. From there he has taught them his strongest spells to further help him in his quest to rule Equestria and soon the ponies will fall beneath him. He has a plan for the three fillies in mind to help him reach his goal and it involves going to a place where nopony would dare trespass. This could be a test for the crusaders at using their newfound powers in an efficient way to his next phase of the plan.

"Um Grogar?" asked Sweetie Belle. "We forgot to mention this, wouldn't Twilight and her friends come looking for us? I'm sure they are missing us." She asks him as throughout the days they have been training they forgot about her sister and their friends attempting to search for them all over the lands.

"Oh no! We were so caught up in our trainin' we forgot about our sisters lookin fer us!" Apple Bloom said worriedly. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at each other in worry, the only crusader not worried is Scootaloo, who is currently drinking a glass of orange juice with a relaxed expression.

"Don't worry about it." Scootaloo said and wraps her hoof to Apple Bloom's shoulder. "I'm sure that Twilight and the others will come find us eventually. They'll be here any minute now."

Grogar looks at their direction, "I wouldn't count on those ponies rescuing you anytime soon. I have already made clone copies for each of you and they will be the ones doing all your tasks in Ponyville." Scootaloo frowns at the old ram's explanation of the clones taking their places at their homes. "With the copies there, we will be safe from any suspicion that you three are missing."

Apple Bloom smacks herself in the forehead while Sweetie Belle frowns and with Scootaloo, she just crosses her front hooves in disappointment. The Crusaders have no way of getting out of Grogar's scheme and no means of contacting anypony to save them. It would seem that they are stuck with him for who knows how long until the three fillies come up with a way to foil this villain's plan to take over Equestria.

"Now that we got our answer." Apple Bloom said as she rubs her head. "What do ya need us to to now?"

"Since you three have made progress training with all the spells I have bestowed upon you, its time for the next phase of the plan." Grogar said.

"What do you want us to do?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"We are going to gather as many monsters to make a powerful army and I know the place where there is a lot of those creatures. Now come, we need to get going." Grogar walks over to the exit of the cave prompting the Crusaders to follow him. The three fillies join him to go to their next destination. "We will be going to a place where monsters are banished for their crimes on ponykind. We are going to Tartarus!"

"What!!!" said the fillies in unison

Meanwhile back in Ponyville, something doesn't seem right back in the Castle of Friendship. " Hey Spike! Where did you put the Bewitching Bell?" asked Twilight Sparkle. She returns to the library to check on a few books and only realized that the artifact she was looking for went missing."Hmm, I should probably check to see if Starlight knows where the bell is." Twilight was looking around until she started picking up a book with her magic.

"You know, you should keep a close eye on those magical artifacts that you keep lying around." said the book.

"Ahh!" Twilight screams and she tosses the book on the floor. Only for the book to transform into the draconequus himself, Discord. Twilight takes a moment to regain her composure to glare at him. "You could have just knocked first before coming in here?"

"I would but I figured its more fun coming in unannounced." Discord said smugly. "Now do you remember the time I "Pretended" to be Grogar and gather your old foes to try and boost your confidence." He takes a mask in the shape of Grogar and wears it for a moment before tossing it away.

"Now, why would you ask me that question." Twilight deadpanned. "The last time I remembered that we had to stop Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow from destroying Equestria and saving the world no thanks to you." She points a hoof to his face.

"And, you are quite welcome." the draconequus said. "I believe that it might involve with a certain bell that just so happens to have gone missing." He points his bird claw over to the table in the library.

"Wait, you know what happened to the Bewitching Bell?" The purple alicorn asked him "Tell me where it is so that I can find it."

"Yeah about that, I need to explain myself first to why I am here." Discord snaps his fingers and a chair appears for him and Twilight. "Ahem, as you may have already know, I have the ability to sense magic from anywhere. Be it from pony, changeling, or whatever creature that has magic, I can sense where that magic is coming from. I was on my way to see Fluttershy for our picnic lunch, when suddenly I had a wild tingling feeling coming from the direction in Sweet Apple Acres. Naturally, all I had to do was snap my fingers and then I teleported. I saw a big pillar of magic being unleashed and I'm sure that somepony was casting a rather dangerous spell."

Twilight leans in to hear what comes next in Discord's story "What happened with the spell Discord?" She began to notice that Discord's expression changed from relaxed to feeling nervous and worried.

"That spell ended and I saw who came out of the Bewitching Bell, it was him the 'real' Grogar!" Discord exclaimed as he jumps from his seat.

"Are you positive your not making this up?" Twilight asks him to see if he was lying.

"I swear that it is the utmost truth, cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." Discord motions his paw to his chest to form a cross shape and materializes a cupcake, instead of jamming it to his eye he eats the cupcake. "Grogar has been released from being imprisoned in the bell for a millennia and now he has taken Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to his old lair!" Discord said in worry.

"If this is true, then not only the Cutie Mark Crusaders in danger, then all of Equestria will be doomed!" The alicorn princess said she changes to a determined expression. "I have to save them, Discord, can you try to locate them see if you can pinpoint their location?"

"I'll see what I can do, and if I find them I'll be sure to let you know." with that said Discord snaps his fingers and then he teleports out of the castle.

Spike walks in the library with a feather duster and wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Whew! Dusting this place can sure be tiring." The little dragon said as he looks at Twilight not knowing what to do. "What'd I miss?" He shrugs his shoulders.

Appearing in a cloud of dark magic, Grogar and the Cutie Mark Crusaders find themselves on a mountainous region. The sky is covered in dark clouds and the area has a gloomy atmosphere. The ram and the fillies traverse the place for a few minutes until they have reached their destination. They all came across a very large door with red markings, a big circle lies at the center of the gate, down below seemed to be a lock with diamond-shaped engravings with a hole at the center. Here they stand at the gates of Tartarus until Grogar conjures up his bag to bring out a cone shaped key and inserts it in the lock. The key lights up and then the gates open up slowly enough for all of them to walk through them.

"Now, I want you three to go into Tartarus and break out as many monsters as you can." Grogar said to them. It wasn't long before a large beast approaches them, a very large dog creature with three heads named Cerberus. It growls at them making the fillies slightly scared but Grogar snorts and walks towards the beast. "I'll handle Cerberus, you just get inside and bring me a lot of monsters!" The Crusaders run past to enter Tartarus leaving the old ram with the three headed dog.

The creature raises it's paw to try to slam him but he leaps out of the way to avoid getting hit. He attacks Cerberus with a powerful magical blast that hurts the large dog as it howls in pain. It growls as it uses it's three heads to bite the sorcerer ram, however Grogar just teleports behind it and charges at the beast's back. He jumps and slams his hooves on the dog's back slamming him onto it's belly, then he jumps off the beast and lights his horns to levitate it up to slam it on the wall. He repeats this a few times until Cerberus whimpers in defeat, seeing this, he releases his magic hold and lets the creature go retreating back to Tartarus.

"That fight with Cerberus was merely a warm up." Grogar grinned in the victory over the three headed dog. He cracks his neck to shake off the feeling rush from fighting. He does a sinister laugh as if he is feeling refreshed after so many years. "I can feel my magic getting stronger, soon all will know my power that I possess."

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo pass through the gates as they enter a very large cavern-like setting. It has a dark and foreboding atmosphere around them which made the Crusaders feel a chill from their backs. As from their right and left, they could see cages big and medium sizes contained within them are varieties of monsters. Manticores, chimeras, bugbears, cockatrices, cragadiles, timberwolves, and so much more even going as far by keeping a hydra in a giant cage. The Crusaders are left in awe at the sight of the creatures in different shapes and sizes.

"Wow! We've never seen so many monsters all in one place before."said Scootaloo. She goes over to one of the cages to take a look only for a manticore to snarl at them making her scurry to her friends. "Well, someones got an anger problem."

"Alright girls, lets release some them monsters." Apple Bloom said. "Ah'l handle the chimera, Sweetie you can take care of the bugbear, and Scootaloo, you can take on the manticore." She walks towards a cage and breaks the locked door with her enhanced earth pony strength. The chimera walks out ready to pounce on her, what surprised it was having the filly grow to giant sized to intimidate the creature. "Now ah don't want any trouble, yer gonna come with us the easy way, or the hard way." The chimera whimpers and knelt down surrendering to the giant filly.

Sweetie Belle opens the cage by using her magic and releases the bugbear. It attacks her by swiping its claws to try and strike her down. She teleports out of the way and shoots a beam of ice magic at the beast leaving it frozen and incapacitated. "I think you need to chill out." She raises her eyebrow smugly.

Scootaloo is having a rough time with the manticore as it attacks her with its claws and scorpion tail. She creates a tornado by twirling her tail in a circle and directs it at the lion creature making it spin in place until it got dizzy. Scootaloo flies forward and bucks the beast as it groans by lying on the ground. "And that's why you don't mess with me or my friends." She said confidently and then struck a pose.

The next few moments involved the Cutie Mark Crusaders either taming or beating the monsters until they are tamed. Apple Bloom pounds the ground with her hoof and unleashes some thorn vines at the timberwolves by wrapping them up and shaking them until they give up. Sweetie Bell went to try to take on a cockatrice, but unfortunately for her she was scared of looking at it so she closes her eyes and uses a spell to turn the bird creature to stone. "Okay! I think we can rule out cockatrices for when Grogar gets here!" shouted Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo was busy dealing with a few cragadiles by flying over them while they were snapping their jaws at her. She rubs her hooves together to create a bolt of lightning and fires it at the rocky crocodiles making them yelp in pain. The next few monsters were more chimeras, manticores, and bugbears the Crusaders had to fight them off. Apple Bloom had to grow to their size and wrestles with a bunch of monsters. Sweetie Belle just lifts them all in a magical hold and spins them around until they got dizzy while Scootaloo join in by creating a big tornado to help her out.

With that said and done, the Crusaders were successful in taming the other monsters because they were either unable fight back or to scared to fight the fillies again. Things are going so well until they come across the big cage containing the hydra. The cage was massive and large enough to keep such a creature trapped in the cage. Apple Bloom pry opens the bars with her immeasurable strength until the hydra snaps its jaws at her. She steps back while her friends supported her off the ground, the hydra began to tear open the cage with its mouths and breaks it open setting it free. The hydra roars with its four heads and directs it's attention to the Crusaders.

"Welp, it looks like we need to work together to bring this big fella down. Are ya with me?" Apple Bloom asked her friends with a determined look.

"A chance to take down a hydra? Count me in!" Scootaloo spoke up.

"Lets do this together!" shouted Sweetie Belle.

The hydra attacks by slamming one of it's heads at them only for Sweetie Belle to teleport herself and her friends to higher ground. Apple Bloom grows to gigantic size to match the height of the hydra and tries to wrestle the beast. The creature uses it's heads to jab her at the neck and stomach areas prompting her to dodge to avoid getting bitten. Scootaloo flies up to the hydra's face and blew a raspberry to try and distract it, one of the heads try to eat her only to be hit with a magical beam from Sweetie Belle at a distance. The large beast attacks the three of them by swinging it's tail knocking down a few pillars and Apple Bloom onto her rump.

Scootaloo creates storm clouds by flying in a circle to direct it's attention to her, the hydra notices this and blows away the cloud with it's breath. Sweetie Belle launches some lightning magic to their heads to shock them. This causes the beast to get more angry and uses one of the heads to lunge at her. Apple Bloom gets back up and grabs the head that was about to attack her friend and pulls back to slam it on the wall. The hydra is not giving up and glares at the Crusaders in rage and keeps on attacking. Apple Bloom turns and gives the creature a giant buck making it fly across the room.

The hydra roars as it gets back up but unbeknownst to the large monster that a sonic rainboom created by Scootaloo was coming to it's direction and dive bombs into it in a big explosion. The creature was left in a daze for a moment until it gives up and falls to the ground on it's belly in defeat. Scootaloo flies by and sees the hydra on the ground then cheers for herself and her friends for overcoming the giant beast. "Aw yeah! That was..amazing..whew..that is all..the monsters taken care of!" Scootaloo lies down on the ground tired for flying around so much.

Apple Bloom shrinks back down to her normal filly sized self and starts to feel tired alongside Sweetie Belle after all the fighting and monster taming they had to do. They did a hoof bump in victory before resting up to catch their breath and recover their energy. It felt like the Crusaders were fighting for their lives after defeating so many monsters in Tarturus that it took everything they have to survive the battles.

"Well..we did it..we fought..all them monsters." Apple Bloom said tiredly.

"Yeah, that was...something." said Sweetie Belle as she gasps for air. "Now we even...need these monsters again?" she asks to her friends. It wasn't long until Grogar shows up to greet them.

"So that I can obtain an army of monsters to seize the towns of the ponies." Grogar answered. The Cutie Mark Crusaders direct their attention at the old ram in concern. "I must say you three did very well at putting some of these monsters into their place. Now I can bring them to the lair to further prepare for the plan to succeed." He rings his bell and suddenly all the monsters in Tartarus except the cockatrices disappear in a cloud of dark magic.

"Sorry, we couldn't get any of the cockatrices." Sweetie Belle says sheepishly.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I have an army at my beck and call, I can take over Equestria regardless if I have less monsters to work with." Grogar said as a wicked smile crept up to his face."Now come I will take you back to the lair to rest up then we can move on to the next phase of the plan." He takes the three fillies out of Tartarus and closes the gates with Cerberus inside as the door closes and locks in place. He whispers to himself "I can't wait to get back to the dark city of Tambelon." He uses his bell and he teleports away with the crusaders back to his evil lair.

However, a certain draconequus was watching the scene unfold and he doesn't looked pleased. "So back to your old tricks again eh Grogar? This time I won't let you get away with it." With a sneer, Discord snaps his fingers and teleports away to someplace as for who knows what will happen to the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they keep working with the villain who will wreak havoc on Equestria.

Cutie Mark Crusaders Impostors

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It was early in the morning within Sweet Apple Acres. The sun was slowly rising bringing out the orange sunlight in the Apple familiy's farm. The farm pony named Applejack walks out of her barn house and yawns for she is early to do her chores for the day. She walks over to the forest of apple trees to begin her work only to see something she didn't expect to see. Her sister Apple Bloom was bucking the trees this early in the day, she sees her buck the tree and apples fell on the baskets surrounding it. Applejack calls out to her "Good mornin' Apple Bloom! Ah see ya got started without me. Let me help ya out sis." Just as she approached her, Apple Bloom nods her head.

"No thanks Applejack, ah can handle it just fine without ya!" Apple Bloom said. "As ya can see, ah've been doing just fine on mah own." She points her hoof at the piles of baskets containing apples from the trees she has harvested. This impressed Applejack as she is looking at the hard work she has done.

"Ahm sure ya'll can handle all the work, but if ya overwork yourself then ya'll end up tired and exhausted than a pig heating up in the summer blaze." Applejack said to her sister. "Why don't ya have a break? Let me take care of todays chores and ya'll can hang out with yer friends." Apple Bloom was giving her a pout as she angrily glares at her.

"Now what makes you think that you could just take over my chores?" Apple Blooms said to her. "I. Don't. Need. YOUR. HELP!" She shouted in anger then she walks off to another part of the farm to continue harvesting apples.

Applejack was left alone to think that her sister yelled at her, she was confused as to why is she this upset over some chores. She sighs and then she walks over to the trees Apple Bloom has yet to claim. "I wonder what got her so upset, maybe ah should just talk to her when she takes a break." Applejack went over to the trees to begin her work at another part of Sweet Apple Acres. Unbeknownst to her, Apple Bloom glared at the direction where her sister went as her eyes glowed a sinister shade of yellow.

In another part of Ponyville stood the Carousel Boutique, where Rarity lives. She was preparing to begin making dresses for her business in fashion. The white unicorn gathered many materials in her magic, then she starts sewing the cloth to form a dress using a sewing machine. It wasn't long until she spots her sister Sweetie Belle sitting at the corner of the room pouting.

"Sweetie Belle, is something the matter darling?" Rarity asked her with concern. Sweetie Belle looks up and nods her head sideways.

"I just do not know what to do around here." Sweetie Belle responded.

Rarity raises her hoof to her chin to think for a moment and then she got an idea. "Why don't you help me around shop? I'm sure I'll need all the help making the dresses, and who better than anypony is you." She winks to her sister.

Sweetie Belle put a forced smile at her sister's suggestion. "It beats sitting around all day." She said. They spent the next few hours modeling, sewing, and decorating the clothing with blue gemstones. Sweetie was holding the materials her sister told her to hold onto them. Rarity was making great progress thanks to her little sister's efforts to help. The dresses she made were decorated with small blue gems around the waist and lined with white fabric with cyan feathers at the shoulders. Rarity had to stop to take a break and hug her sister for a job well done.

"I must say you've done a fabulous job, I couldn't have done them without you Sweetie Belle." Rarity said as she is happily hugging her sister. "Why don't you go out and have some ice cream? You certainly deserve it darling." She lets go of her and takes the dresses she worked on to hang them to be sold off in her boutique. Sweetie Belle leaves the room before waving to her sister with a smile,while Rarity waves back.

As soon as she leaves Sweetie Belle had to angrily scowl as she makes her way to the kitchen to get the ice cream. "That was annoying, having to help her make dresses what an eyesore." Sweetie rolls her eyes and walks to the kitchen. Rarity's cat Opal hisses at her, this made Sweetie growl at the cat and shoots a dark yellow magic laser at it. Opal was almost hit by the laser causing her to run away in fear, she meows in fear of the unicorn filly. "Thats right you better fear me. Soon all ponies will fear at a certain emperor of monsters." She grins evilly as her eyes glowed yellow.

In Ponyville, where the ponies usually live in harmony. Some ponies were hanging out with their friends and some to manage shops and other businesses. A familiar rainbow maned pegasus named Rainbow Dash was flying around town with a carefree attitude. it was until she spots a small orange pegasus riding on a scooter using her wings to speed up. Rainbow Dash flies over to her direction to greet her biggest fan.

"Hey Scoots!" She waved to Scootaloo. But then the filly rolls away from her ignoring Rainbow, who is now confused. "Huh?" Rainbow chased after Scootaloo all over Ponyville while avoiding random ponies trying to get her attention but the filly keeps ignoring her everytime. The rainbow pegasus flies over to block her path hoping to stop and talk to her. "WAAAAAAIIIIIT!!!" Rainbow Dash braced for impact only for the scooter she was riding on skid to a stop. She opens her eyes to meet Scootaloo face to face.

"What do you want?" Scootaloo asked her as she takes of her helmet she was wearing. Scootaloo looks at Rainbow Dash with an annoyed expression. "I'm busy doing my scooter tricks, this had better be good for me to stop riding my scooter." She crosses her forehooves and pouts.

"What gives squirt? Aren't you happy to see me?" Rainbow asked her in concern.

"Not really." Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

This response caused Rainbow Dash to gasp "But why? I thought you'd might want to hang out with me." Rainbow Dash said in disbelief. "Is something bothering ya Scoots? I'm right here if you need to talk to me. Whats on your mind?" she asked the small pegasus.

"Is that what you need me for, to hang out with you? Seriously? I don't need to talk to you!" Scootaloo spoke back. "In fact, I don't need you in my life or anywhere else!" she shouted at Rainbow who is starting to show tears in her eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to riding my scooter without you!" Scootaloo puts her helmet back on then rapidly flaps her little wings and rides away leaving Rainbow Dash having her feelings hurt trying to pull back her tears.

"I-I don't understand, was it s-something I said?" Rainbow asks herself at the thought of having Scootaloo, the one pony to admire her awesomeness turn her away really hurt her emotionally. She wipes the tears with her hooves and try her best to hide her emotions. "Maybe I need to talk to Twilight about this, she'll know what to do." Rainbow Dash flies off into the direction of Twilight's castle hoping to get some help on her situation with Scootaloo. Meanwhile Scootaloo was busy riding the streets of Ponyville with a wicked smirk on her face as her eyes glowed a yellow coloring.

Inside Twilight's castle, she was doing some research on Grogar finding all the books that could help her to look for where he is hiding. She was hovering books with her magic to see if there is something to help her. "Hmm, nope not this one." Twilight dismisses the book. "Surely there is something about him I can find in these old books," Twilight was searching high and low until she hears someone entering her castle.

"Twilight, you gotta help me with something and I really need your help!" Rainbow Dash said as she enters the room. Twilight can tell that her pegasus friend is feeling upset so she stops her search to help her out.

"What is it Rainbow?" Twilight said with concern for her friend.

Before she could answer another pony walked in the room. They recognize Applejack walking in the room however she seemed concerned about something. "Howdy there Twilight, I was hoping you could help me with Apple Bloom." the farm pony said.

"I was hoping you could help me out with Scootaloo as well." Rainbow said.

"Wait, is there somethin goin on with ya and Scootaloo?" Applejack asked her and she nods in agreement.

"I suppose it is strange, whats wrong with them?" Twilight asks both of her friends.

Applejack tells Twilight and Rainbow her side of the story about Apple Bloom back on the farm she was bucking for apples and how she said she didn't need any help with the farm work. Twilight listens to Rainbow's story on how Scootaloo doesn't want to hang out with her anymore, which disheartened her rainbow friend. The purple alicorn was thinking to herself if the Crusaders are in Ponyville, how is Grogar able to reach them out of any ponies sight? This leaves Twilight with even more questions about Apple Bloom's and Scootaloo's behaviors. It wasn't long until their unicorn friend Rarity enters the room wearing a sparkling blue and white dress.

"Hello Twilight darling!" Rarity greets her friend joyfully. The fashionista twirls around to her friends with style. "Well, what do you girls think? Sweetie Belle helped me make this lovely gown in the boutique." Rarity said smiling over to her friends.

"Its a nice dress Rarity, but we want to know if Sweetie Belle was acting strange lately?" Twilight asks her unicorn friend. "Has she been, you know? Feeling angry? Maybe she is out of character?"

Rarity ponders for a moment thinking back at her home with her sister there. "What do you mean Twilight? Last time I saw her she was feeling bored and I offered her to help me make the dresses for the boutique and she was willing to help out." she said to her purple friend. "Now what makes you think my dear Sweetie Belle is acting strange? As far as I know she seems perfectly fine."

"Are ya sure about that?" Applejack spoke up. "Apple Bloom has been getting mad at me fer no reason and ah don't know why." The farm pony puts a hoof to her chin thinking about her sister concerning her attitude.

"Well, Scootaloo is thinking i'm not so cool anymore." Rainbow Dash said solemnly. "I want to know what is upsetting her." Rainbow's ears droop down as she feels heartbroken.

Rarity looks to both Applejack and Rainbow Dash concerned on how they feel. "I am very sorry to hear about that." she said to them. "I'm sure they'll open up to the both of you."

Before the conversation goes even further, Discord appears in a flash of light. "Twilight! I have returned and I found out where the Cutie Mark Crusaders are held!" Discord declared with his arms up. He stops and notices Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity in the room with Twilight. "I suppose you need questions that need answering?" He raises an eyebrow at the other ponies in the room.

"Discord, what are ya doin here?" Applejack asks the draconequus.

"Are they back in their homes?" Twilight asks.

Discord places his arms to his hips. "Pfft, are they back home?" Discord says as he rolls his eyes. "No! I said I found out where that old goat is keeping those fillies."

"Wait. What do you mean, an old goat is keeping the Crusaders?" Rainbow asks.

"Oh, you haven't heard? There is a really powerful villain who came back from being imprisoned in the Bewitching Bell and is now loose somewhere and has foalnapped your little sisters." Discord said. "Well more or less in Rainbow's case." That earned him a glare from said rainbow maned pegasus.

"Are ya sure its not some prank made by you?" Applejack points her right hoof to the draconequus to see if he is lying. "I do recall ya bein Grogar to fool those bad guys to get rid of us." She raises her eyebrow.

"Now that you mention it, you did go against us to ruin Twilight's coronation by bringing back those villains to attack us." Rarity said pointing her hoof to him.

"Okay! Okay! We get it! Life lesson learned! Now can we get back on topic!" Discord shouted bringing the attention back to the ponies in the room. "What do you mean the Crusaders are back home? They are with Grogar bringing in monsters back from Tartarus to his lair." He looks to the ponies to see what is going on.

"We assumed that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle are back in their homes." Twilight said to Discord in confusion. "How can they be in two places at once unless." Discord holds up his lion paw up to her face.

"Hold that thought." Discord said as he pinches his forehead and sighs. "Wait one moment please." he snaps his fingers and disappears for a minute or two then he reappears in the room with the three fillies in his arms angrily shouting and flailing their hooves. He lets them go and they land on the floor and the fillies stare at him in anger.

"You dare bring us to your castle?! I should fire a death beam at..your...face?" Sweetie Belle looks around the room until she spots Rarity among the ponies in the room. She looks her with a sheepish smile. "H-Hiya Rarity." Sweetie says as she waves at her nervously.

Discord raises his lion paw to the direction of the three fillies. "Do you see what I see?" he questions Twilight and the others.

"Its just Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Why did ya bring em here Discord?" Applejack said.

"Why, its a simple case of mistaken identity dear Applejack." Discord answered her. "What we have here are replicas of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Clone copies that Grogar made to trick you into believing that 'they' are your sisters." Discord crosses his arms at the crusaders with disapproval.

"That doesn't make sense." Rainbow Dash spoke up. "We see them in Ponyville all the time. How can we be sure that they are impostors?" Rainbow walks up only to stop when Scootaloo hisses at her.

"Why don't we ask them what happened when they retrieved the Bewitching Bell." Discord suggested.

The Crusaders look at each other nervously as if their secret is about to be revealed to everyone in the room. They huddled and whispered to each other and nodded then looked back at Twilight and the others. The fillies were keeping their mouths shut to not reveal anything they want to know.

"Alright, girls what happened to the bell while I was gone?" Twilight asked them. They were keeping still for a few minutes while they were avoiding eye contact. "This is going to be hard."

"Scootaloo, I just want to know. Did you mean what you just said to me a while back?" Rainbow said to the younger pegasus. She leers at her hoping to back off, instead the rainbow maned pony glares back.

"Oh come now, This is ridiculous." Rarity said as she walks towards Sweetie Belle. "You can't honestly believe that these fillies would unleash a villain upon Equestria. Especially, dear Sweetie Belle." She pats her hoof to Sweetie's head. "Why I would not think that my own sister would team up with the likes of that nasty Grogar. She is far better th-."

Sweetie Belle was trying so hard to keep her mouth closed. But, she gave in and screamed. "AAAHH!! I cannot take it anymore! Somepony make her stop talking! Its already bad enough that I had to look at her in that hideous dress!" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Yes we are clones! We were instructed by lord Grogar to take their places so you wouldn't suspect that they have gone missing!" Sweetie covers her mouth with her hooves.

Rarity was shocked at her in disbelief while Twilight and the others glare at the fake Crusaders. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo facehooved themselves as they have been revealed to be impostors. "Well there's your proof! Proof that they are the fakes and the real Cutie Mark Crusaders are with Grogar!" Discord declared pointing his finger at them while wearing a navy blue suit and spiky hair. With a snap of his fingers the clothes he was wearing disappears.

"Alright you got us." The fake Apple Bloom responded. "We are fake copies of your sisters. The three of us were keeping ya occupied while Grogar is planning to take over Equestria." She grins evilly.

Twilight light up her horn ready to cast a spell. "Where is he?" The alicorn threatened the impostors.

"We're not gonna tell you." The fake Scootaloo said. "And even if we do, you will be too late to stop him." The three clone fillies approach them with evil smiles as their eyes glowed a sinister yellow color.

The fake Sweetie Belle lights up her horn in a dark magical aura. "Since the cat is out of the bag. You'll have to go bye-bye." She fires a large energy beam only for it to transform into confetti. The Crusaders were dumbfounded at this. Twilight looks up and sees that she and her friends are safe.

"You seem to forget that I'm still here." Discord said. With a snap of his finger he traps the Cutie Mark Crusader impostors in a magic bubble. "I think we have no need for fakes in this show." He smirks and snaps his finger again and the false fillies scream in agony as they disappear into black smoke. The three fake crusaders are now gone. "Now, I think I should get back to spying on old Grogar. Whatever he is planning it has to be big." As Discord was about to leave, Applejack speaks up.

"Wait, before ya go, make sure they are safe." Applejack said to the draconequus. Discord nodded and disappears by snapping his fingers. Now she turns to Twilight with a worried expression on her face. "Whats gonna happen now Twilight?" She said to her alicorn friend.

"I don't know, but we need to prepare ourselves for whatever Grogar is planning. Lets find Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and Starlight. We're going to need their help to stop him." She wraps her right hoof to Applejack to assure her that they will be calm. "Hopefully Discord will bring your sisters back and I promise you that they'll be fine." She gives her a sad smile.

Rarity was trying not to break down but instead she looks determined to get her sister back from the villain that stole her away. Rainbow Dash stomps her hooves in frustration then she takes to the air and dashed out of the room to go look for her other friends. As for Twilight, she gathers some paper to write to Princess Celestia about Grogar and his plan to conquer Equestria. An upcoming battle between the Elements of Harmony and the emperor of monsters is slowly approaching. The battle that will decide the fate of Equestria will soon begin.

Tricks and Schemes

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Two days have passed since the Crusaders and Grogar has visited Tartarus to gather up some monsters to create an army. With the use of his Bewitching Bell, the sorcerer ram places the monsters in cages fitted for everyone of them in the deep caverns of his evil lair. He has taken the liberty of feeding them when they are hungry by materializing the appropriate food using his magic. Satisfied with his work, Grogar proceeds to walks over to the stone table to think of his next phase of his grand plan to rule Equestria.

"So, what now?" Scootaloo asks the old goat as she shrugs with her hooves. "What is the next part of your ultimate evil plan to take over Equestria? The sooner you get on with it, the sooner we can see you get your rear kicked by Twilight and the others." The young pegasus waited impatiently for Grogar to be stopped one way or another so that she can get home with her friends and family.

Grogar looks up at her in annoyed manner. "I'll get to that eventually." He answers Scootaloo. "Until then, why don't you spar with Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom practicing your magic powers." He dismisses her with a wave of his right hoof. Scootaloo groaned and flew off to the direction of the room the Crusaders were training their new magical abilities.

Grogar looks at the orb on the table and stares into it to search for the alicorn princesses. An image appears on the orb reveals Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on their thrones looking out for the ponies in Canterlot. The old ram snorts as he glares at the sight of the princesses. At the moment he is trying to think of the perfect plan to get rid of them, only to be interrupted by somepony else.

"Hi Grogar!" Sweetie Belle cheerfully greets him with a smile. "Just wanted to say, thank you for teaching me and my friends your most powerful magic spells." She demonstrates by shooting a lightning bolt at a nearby rock and it was blasted to pieces. " you think you can teach me more spells. I'd like to see if I can summon monsters at will." Sweetie Belle was eager to learn magic from Grogar ever since she and her friends were captured and taken to his lair.

"In a moment Sweetie Belle." The old ram replied. "Why don't you practice your magic on Scootaloo at the training area. Perhaps you can fry her with your fire magic. Hehehehe.." He chortles at the thought of her getting hit by Sweetie's magic.

"Oh before I go, I want you to have something." Sweetie Belle uses her magic to materialize a piece of paper with a drawing depicting Grogar and the Cutie Mark Crusaders with happy faces drawn in crayon. "I hope you like it." The little unicorn gives him the drawing gleefully and trots away to the room Scootaloo went into.

Grogar raises his eyebrow in confusion as he looks at the drawing. At first he thinks the drawing is terrible, but the more he looks at it, the more puzzled he became. He furrowed his eyebrows and nods his head sideways then he puts away the drawing that was given to him. He needed a moment to clear his thoughts and focus on the task at hoof. He continues to gaze at the orb once again on how to deal with the princesses.

He then sees Apple Bloom approach to him at the stone table. The ram turns off the magic from the orb and turns his gaze at the young earth pony. "Grogar, can we talk for a moment?" She asks him curiously.

"Very well, since I am closer to my goal of ruling all of Equestria, I suppose we can talk for a moment." Grogar said.

Apple Bloom takes a seat on a chair and faces him with curiosity. "Why did ya want us to learn your magic in the first place?" She questions the old goat. "Don't get me wrong, having all these powers is cool. Ah just want to know why." Apple Bloom's thoughts are filled with concern with the magic given to her, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. What is exactly the purpose for them?

"I see that you are concerned on why I gave you the spells in the first place." Grogar answered her. "The reason is from what I have been told is that your sister and the rest of the Elements of Harmony has saved Equestria many times. I trained you and the other crusaders these spells.... so that you can destroy them." He grins evilly. "Besides, I don't see you or the other Cutie Mark Crusaders saving Equestria anytime soon." Grogar snickers at her.

This revelation shocked Apple Bloom as she has been told to eliminate her own sister and her friends. Her eyes widened in worry on why this is happening to her. "No, A-ah just can't do it. Ah don't want to hurt Applejack, or Twilight, or anypony else!" Apple Bloom said to the evil ram. "Ya can't make us do this even if ya taught us yer powerful magic! Me an the crusaders will not destroy our friends!" Apple Bloom called him out as she points her hoof to his face.

Grogar slams his left hoof on the table leaving cracks on it then angrily frowns at the filly. "I gave you those powers for a reason!" He snapped at the apple filly "Either you defeat Twilight Sparkle and her friends, or I'll destroy the three of you right now!" The wicked goat shouted. He snorts then he leans back on the table. "This conversation is done. Now leave my sight until I have a task for you." He dismisses her by showing her off to the training area.

Apple Bloom wanted to get mad at him for what he is forcing her, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to do something awful to Twilight and the others. But, in doing so will activate her power to grow giant sized, so instead she had to calm down and gives him a determined glare as she goes to the room with her friends.

Grogar huffs as he is left alone to himself. "Finally, now I can have some peace and quiet." The old ram said to himself. "It won't be long until those girls become useful to me." Grogar sighs for a moment to think of his next phase of the plan while the Crusaders trained in the room to practice their magic powers.

Later that night, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were getting ready for bed in the room they shared. However, the fillies began to discuss about the situation Apple Bloom has told to her friends. "Are you serious? Grogar wants us to destroy our friends?" Sweetie Belle asks Apple Bloom. She responded by nodding her head which made the unicorn gasp in fear. Scootaloo heard her friend and bucked her bed in frustration only to wince that the bottom of the bed was made of stone.

"We gotta do something now!" Scootaloo spoke up. "Grogar is this closer from making his move to take over Equestria. I say we take the fight to him with our new powers!" She said pounding her hooves together.

"But Scootaloo, if we try to defy him, he'll destroy us and our friends." Apple Bloom responded sadly.

Scootaloo looks at her with a surprised expression. "So that's it? Are we just stuck serving this guy until he gets what he wants?" The young pegasus said to her.

"Grogar is this close to revealin his last part of his plans." Apple Bloom said. "If he shows us what is his ultimate plan is, then we can make our move to defeatin him."

"I don't want to wait!" Scootaloo angrily stares at Apple Bloom as electricity surges through her mane and tail.

"Well yer gonna hafta deal with it whether ya like it or not!" She said to her as she began increasing in size.

Before things got out of hoof, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo became encased in ice courtesy of Sweetie Belle. "Um hello! Don't I get a say in this?" Sweetie Belle said to them with a raised eyebrow. "Now, how about we calm down and think of some way to get out of this mess?" Using her magic she releases her friends from their ice prison. Apple Bloom shrinks to normal size while she and Scootaloo find themselves shivering after being frozen.

"S-Sorry S-Sweetie Belle. W-We w-were j-just having a d-disagreement." Scootaloo said as she wraps her hooves around herself from being cold.

"Y-Yeah w-we're s-sorry S-Sweetie B-Belle." Apple Bloom said to her friend.

"Good, now why don't we try to mess with Grogar? A little sabotage and setbacks will keep him busy." Sweetie Belle says. "If he is busy fixing those mistakes, then he'll be too busy thinking about taking over Equestria." The unicorn filly suggested to her friends. They find themselves to be unsure about this plan.

"Ah suppose we could pull off a couple ah distractions." Apple Bloom said. "Besides, as long as he is dealin with us he'll be to distracted to notice." She hopped onto her bed and lays down.

"Alright, we should rest up. I'm (yawn) tired." Scootaloo says as she rubs her eyes. The Crusaders find themselves sleeping on their own beds for the next morning. While the fillies are thinking of a way to stop the evil ram from achieving his goal.

The next morning came as the sun rises from the sky, the Cutie Mark Crusaders get themselves ready for the day. They each went their separate ways and into the different parts of the evil lair. During breakfast, they were eating their food when Apple Bloom thought of an idea. She figured it would be funny if she uses her thorn vines to appear on Grogar's plate. She concentrates the spell and thorn vines appears on the plate. Then without knowing Grogar bites down on the vines he was eating. He didn't even notice that he was even eating the thorn vines made by Apple Bloom. She was left disappointed and a giggle from Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle was with Grogar as he feeds the monsters in the lair dungeon. She decided to open one of the cages to release a manticore. She lights up her horn and then zapped the creature on the rear causing it to growl and pounce out of the cage charging at the goat's direction. Grogar turns around and sees the manticore charging at him and uses his bell to levitate the beast and shove it back in the cage with a lock this time. He leers at the unicorn filly who just whistles innocently.

This time it was Scootaloo's turn to prank Grogar by creating rain clouds inside the lair to pour rain on him when he enters. Once the old ram arrives, the pegasus filly manipulates the weather by raining down on him. But what she found out that he was using his magic to create a barrier as a makeshift umbrella. "Oh come on!" She said as pounds the cloud in frustration only to get shocked by lightning from the cloud.

The three fillies were left to train using their powers to spar with each other as long as they don't hurt them too much. Apple Bloom uses her thorn vines to ensnare both Sweetie and Scootaloo while they were dodging and maneuvering around them. Sweetie Belle uses her horn to shoot fireballs at the other Crusaders. Scootaloo blows them away using a wind storm inside the lair then takes to the air to strike them with lightning bolts. They were holding their own against each other doing their best to use their magic to their own advantage.

Grogar walks in the room to watch their progress until he calls out to them. "That's enough! Practice is over." The ram called for the Crusaders. They cease their sparring session to greet the villainous goat. "I think it is time for you three to come with me to begin the final phase of the plan." The Cutie Mark Crusaders were anticipating the last part of Grogar's plan to be revealed to them and now they are ready for it. The fillies look to each other and nodded simultaneously.

"Alright! What is it?" Sweetie Belle said anxiously.

Grogar looks at them and sees that they are ready for his next part of his grand plan. "Tomorrow, we are going to a special place to put all the monsters you have gathered. I would suggest you rest up for the trip." Grogar said to the fillies. Tomorrow is the day the Crusaders need for his master plan to be revealed and very soon they will need to stop him once and for all. The Crusaders noticed that it was night time and they headed off to sleep in their room.

"Very soon, Equestria will fall and I will rise again!" Grogar grins evilly. The ancient ram can't wait for that day for when he defeats the Elements of Harmony and finally ruling all these lands.

The Dark City of Tambelon

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Apple Bloom finds herself tossing and turning while sleeping on her bed. It took a moment until she delves into her dreamscape. She appears on a dark castle-like setting with clouds covering the sky. Darkness flows everywhere from the rooftops, to the gargoyle statues on the towers and other high places. This area fills Apple Bloom with a sense of dread and fears that whatever is going on can't be good for her. Then all of the sudden, a creature swipes it's claws at the filly which spooked her by surprise. Appearing out of the shadows was a gargoyle much like the statues all over the castle. It bares it's fangs as it growls at her, ready to attack at any moment. Apple Bloom finds herself backed into a corner as the monster draws closer, she is scared and feels helpless against it.

Then when it seemed all hope is lost, the gargoyle was blasted to the wall by a magical attack. When the apple filly looks up she was saved by a unicorn who drove the creature away. This unicorn's coat is colored white with a flowing green tail and mane with a red streak with her cutie mark having leaves blowing on the wind. Apple Bloom quickly recognizes who this pony is, Gusty the Great.

The unicorn was shooting magic beams at the gargoyles in the sky while heading further in the castle. Apple Bloom gave chase while avoiding the stone beasts that try to attack her. She came to a stop until she sees Gusty at the center courtyard of the large fortress. "Grogar! Come out! Your reign over these lands is over!" Gusty declared with a determined expression. Appearing on the balcony of the castle shows the villainous ram himself, Grogar.

Grogar looks from the balcony to notice the pony who defies against him. "So, you have the nerve of challenging my power?" Grogar said. "I am all powerful! You stood no chance against me!" By ringing his Bewitching Bell, the ram summons a variety of monsters from gargoyles, manticores, bugbears, and chimeras he surrounds her with theses beasts. Apple Bloom watches the scene unfold from a distance to see what happens next.

"That may be true, but fortunately I am not alone." Gusty said. Feeling undeterred she looks over behind her as more ponies began to show up to stand by her side.

The first of her allies is a cyan unicorn with a dark blue tail and mane with pink streaks on the mane and a diamond for her cutie mark. Next appears a light pale yellow earth pony with a pink mane and tail which reminded the filly of her friend Fluttershy. The only difference is that she had flowers for her cutie mark and a green bow tied to her tail and her mane is styled differently. The next pony is a white pegasus with a light blonde curled mane and tail with magenta eyes and balloons for her cutie mark. The next ally is a lavender earth pony with purple eyes alongside her mane and tail with white flowers for her cutie mark. The last of Gusty's allies is a pink pegasus with spiky cyan mane and tail with a blue lightning bolt for the cutie mark. They gather around Gusty as they prepare themselves for the battle to unfold.

"As long as we stand united, we will take back these lands and to stop you once and for all!" Gusty shouted bravely.

"I had enough of this. Monsters! Attack now!" Grogar yelled commanding the monsters to do battle against the ponies. Monsters began charging at them by sheer numbers to take the ponies down. Gusty and her allies spread out from all directions as they separate from each other to face the creatures.

Apple Bloom watches in awe from one of the towers as she sees the legendary unicorn do battle against Grogar and his legion of monsters. Each of the pony allies face their creatures in different ways from the pegasi fighting the gargoyles in the air, to the other unicorn and earth ponies fending of the beasts near the gate. At that moment, Grogar decided to join the fray and leaps off the balcony and lands on the courtyard. It leaves with the ram and Gusty facing each other firing large magical lasers which resulted in a big blast then suddenly everything became all white.

Apple Bloom wakes up gasping for air on her bed slowly realizing that she had a dream. She calms down to try and not wake up her friends who are still asleep. It was still early in the morning as the sun slowly rises with the first rays of sunlight gleaming from a distance. Apple Bloom gets out of her bed to clear her thoughts about the dream she just had. After awhile later, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo wakes up and they head on over to the stone table where Grogar is waiting for them.

Today is the day that Grogar will enact his plan to take over Equestria and finally ruling over these lands. He grins in sinister fashion. "Cutie Mark Crusaders, the time has come for the final part of the plan to conquer all of Equestria!" The evil ram declared. "Once we have breakfast, we will go to one of the most forbidden places that not a single pony would dare to enter." He is feeling excited as he laughs creepily.

"And where are we going exactly?" Sweetie Belle asked the goat creature raising her hoof.

"I'm glad you asked." He said lighting up his horns he projects an image in the crystal orb on the table. "There is a place that was kept in darkness for a millennia where I held my rule over the lands. A fortress where most of my strongest monsters are placed and a powerful stronghold where most ponies would not trespass." The Crusaders leaned in closer in anticipation. "We are the dark city of Tambelon!" He finished.

"Tambelon?" All three fillies said in unison.

Grogar walks past the table and using his magic materializes three capes fitted for the fillies. "I took the time to create these capes for you to wear since you have been working for me." He levitates the capes for each of them to get a better look. The capes where black with dark purple on the underside and on the back was a yellow shield with the ram's face on it. The fillies were unsure about the design of the fabric until Apple Bloom started to wear it on her. Soon Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo wear their capes and they all wore the gift the ram has given them. "I will meet you three outside once you have finished breakfast, then we can get started on the take over." He walks past the fillies and steps outside to wait for them for the trip that was planned for them.

Apple Bloom can't help but hummed in thought about what Grogar had told her and the other Crusaders, "Tambelon." She is curious about that certain name that made her feel uneasy. She had to pull herself together for her friends for what else the villain has planned for them.

The Crusaders and Grogar traveled through the dark lands in their search for the forbidden city. They were traveling for miles until the ram came to a stop. "We are here." He said in a serious tone. The fillies looked around them only to see open land for miles with dead trees spread out. They look at Grogar confused as to why he has taken them here of all places.

"But, there is nothing here!" Scootaloo complained. "I don't see Tambelon anywhere! Are you sure we found the place? Because all we are doing is standing here in the middle of nowhere!" Sweetie Belle comes over to the pegasus filly and pats her on the back to at least stop her from complaining too much.

"That is because I need to do a specific incantation to bring the city here." Grogar answers Scootaloo. "With my bell, it can be possible. Now stand back as I use my magic to summon the city of Tambelon." The Cutie Mark Crusaders stood back as all three of them watch the ram perform the spell to bring the city to their position. Grogar clears his throat and places his hoof on the Bewitching Bell.

"From beyond the Darkness, through the deepest of shadows, lay in a world without light. A sanctuary where monsters roam wild and free let them seek their domain. Come forth the forbidden city, and rise again from the place of despair. Let your evil reign once more. Behold the impenetrable fortress to bring forth an empire for all eternity! TAMBELON!"

When Grogar finishes the incantation, the Bewitching Bell began to ring and dark magic erupted towards the sky in a large pillar of darkness. It reaches up to the sky and into the clouds. At first nothing seemed to happen for a moment, but then, descending from the black clouds appears to be a really large structure in the sky. It slowly descends until a city is visible from the sky with a large castle at the very top of the floating island. The CMC and Grogar watches as the city is fully visible from their point of view. There it was the dark city foretold in legends and stories, the place were Grogar held his reign over Equestria. The dark city of Tambelon.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were left speechless and wide-eyed at the sight of Tambelon. Without hesitation Grogar uses his bell to lift the ground under them to create a platform to carry them to the city. They all stared intensely as they approach the city.

They landed on the grounds of the floating city where they gaze at it in much detail. There are stone buildings everywhere within sight with dark purple colored streets and torches with blue fire to light the way. It was unlike any other city the fillies have seen before as they begin to traverse with caution. The city was dark and decrepit as if Tambelon has not been in repair in a millennia with the buildings slightly damaged and the walls broken which made the town look abandoned. They reach a statue in the middle of the town square which caught the attention of the Crusaders. Grogar walks up to take a look at the statue.

"Hey Grogar, who is this?" Apple Bloom asks him. They were looking what appears to be a donkey in the shape of the statue. It appeared to have a goofy yet scared expression as if he is in danger of what he is facing before the donkey met its fate. Looking at it, Grogar sighs solemnly at looks to the fillies.

"He was known as, Bray." Grogar answered Apple Bloom. "He was one of my most loyal of followers, my own lackey to order around alongside my monster army. That is until something happened to him. I do not know where he went or what happened to him. All I know is that he went missing before my last battle with Gusty the Great. This piece of rock is something that I will remember him by." He turns away from the statue and headed off to the northern part of the city where a large castle can be seen.

Sweetie Belle put her hoof on her chin thinking about the statue of Bray. "You think maybe Bray might have betrayed Grogar and told Gusty about his bell to defeat him?" She asks her crusader friends.

"Ah think yer right about that Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom agrees with her unicorn friend. "Ah think its the only way for Gusty to win against him knowin that bell would be the key to his power." She said as she takes another look at the stone statue.

"You know, I wonder if what convinced him to betray him in the first place?" Scootaloo thought.

The three fillies trotted their way north towards the gates of the castle where Grogar is present. The gates where made of metal with a goat skull carved on the large doors. Grogar used his magic to unlock the doors to open the way to the castle. The group enter the the gate where they cross a large bridge to the way of the castle. It took the a while to get to the entrance but the crusaders had to take in the scenery all around them as they walk towards the large fortress.

"We have arrived at our final destination. The castle of Tambelon." Grogar said evilly with a wicked grin. He and the Cutie Mark Crusaders enter the castle where they find themselves at the main courtyard. "How it takes me back when I used to rule theses lands. An army of monsters, a wondrous stronghold, and powerful dark magic at my disposal. This was my glorious reign!" Grogar said waving his hoof to the castle.

Apple Bloom felt unnerving as if all of this felt familiar to her. She believed to have a sense of deja vu standing on the courtyard with her friends. On the higher walls and towers were more statues but this time they looked like gargoyles. Their intimidating gothic appearances are what frightened the filly as she stared at the castle. There was even one of the gargoyles that attacked Apple Bloom in her dream. Their sharp claws and fangs with bat-like wings are enough to make the Crusaders feel frightened.

"O-Okay, now that you have your castle, is that it?" Scootaloo asked the old ram. "This is your master plan to take over Equestria?"

Grogar nodded in satisfaction. "Yes! This is why I am here! With your help, I can finally take my rightful place to rule these lands without any ponies stopping me!" Grogar laughed evilly which made the Crusaders feel worried on what to do know. Grogar ceases his laughter and looks at the fillies. "Of course, you could always rule by my side and together Equestria will be ours." He gives a sinister smile as he offers the fillies to join him in his conquest.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid your little conquest is over before it began." A voice from somewhere caught Grogar and the Crusader's attention. They were looking around until the fillies spot a statue of someone they are familiar with. The statue breaks apart and appearing in dust clouds reveals to be the draconequus Discord. He spins and poses in front of the fillies and ram in a chaotic way.

"Discord!" The excited Crusaders said in unison. They were so happy to see him believing that they are saved and ready to no longer serve the tyrannical ram. Discord looks all around the area then at Grogar and he glares at him in disapproval.

"So this is what you are planning. Foalnapping these poor girls from their families, gathering monsters, and finally bringing back Tambelon!" Discord said pointing his paw at Grogar. "This is where I must step in and put a stop to your plans." He said while holding up a stop sign to his face.

"What is the meaning of this?" Grogar said. "Discord, spirit of disharmony, why have you come here to foil my plan to rule Equestria?" Grogar is displeased at Discord's sudden arrival.

"I came here to keep an eye out for these little fillies ever since you took them away." Discord motions his claw to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "I was merely watching over them until the day you reveal your master plan, and now that its here my job here can be done." He cracks his fingers and motions the fillies over to his direction.

Sweetie Belle was the first to speak up and said. "Why didn't you teleport us home instead of watching us?" She complained to the draconequus. "And why wait until now you decide to show up?"

Discord raised a finger and simply said. "I needed to be sure that I fully understand the situation and figure out what Grogar is planning and until now that I can do something about it." He answers Sweetie Belle's question.

"Are our sisters worried about us, we've been gone an awful long time and ah feel like there missin us" Apple Bloom said. Discord knelt down and puts a paw to her back.

"I can assure you that your sister and the others do worry about you, but since I am here I can take you home once this is all over." Apple Bloom and the other Crusaders felt relieved now that their friend can deal with the villain knowing that they will be okay. Grogar just stood there dumbfounded at what is taking place. He shakes his head and stomps toward Discord.

"If you believe that you can stop me, you are sorely mistaken!" Grogar shouted. "I heard about the rumors about you taking my place at taking over Equestria disguised as ME!" He stand in defiance to Discord in rage.

"Ah yes, bad times, and let me level with you working with other villains was the most ridiculous idea even I can come up with." He shrugs his shoulders and then crosses his arms to his chest. "I mean what were you even thinking about taking away these lost fillies and teaching them 'your' magic spells and sending them to face monsters. Either that was foolish or you might have a brilliant idea going on there." He said sarcastically bending his fingers.

"What you did posing as me is completely UNFORGIVABLE!" Grogar shouted at Discord. "But, now that you have revealed yourself, I can finish you off. My Bewitching Bell is rightfully back where it belongs and I have all my magic back!" Grogar said ready to fight. Discord laughs as he levitates in the air.

"Oh? You and what army?" Discord continues to chuckle not knowing what happens next.

Grogar smirks as he activates his magic from his horns. "This army." All of the sudden, the gargoyle statues began to move on their own and surely enough they became alive. The gargoyles fly down to surround Discord in a circle ready to take him down. Seeing the stone gargoyles moving around made Apple Bloom frightened as she remembered the creatures from her dream. However Discord doesn't seemed phased facing the stone monsters.

"Hmm, now this hardly seems fair, how about you guys back off and we can forget this ever happened?" He said to the gargoyles, but then one of the tried to swipe it's claws to attack him. Discord grabs the claw and electrocutes it with electricity, the gargoyle was left twitching in pain as it lays on the ground. "Nice to meet you too!" Discord smiles then snaps his fingers and he finds himself wielding a large broomstick. "Why don't we clean up this mess?" Discord smacks the other gargoyles with the broom while they were attacking him.

Grogar was displeased so he conjures up more gargoyles to deal with the draconequus. More of the stone gargoyles were appearing by the dozens as they are flying in the sky. Discord looks up and gets an idea, snapping his fingers, he creates a tornado to trap the stone creatures in the air causing some of them to get dizzy. The Cutie Mark Crusaders cheered at Discord over his efforts to defeat the gargoyles. More of them keep showing up and landing where they are located snarling are growling at Discord who is currently filing his nails.

"What? You're going to send more of these guys? Come on I dealt with beings worse than this! If this is the best you can manage, the least you can do is step up your game and try something unexpected!" Discord said while he creates a big net to trap some of the gargoyles.

Grogar growled through his teeth. "How is this for something unexpected!" By using his bell, he summons the hydra the Crusaders released from Tartarus in a flash of dark magic to the castle crashing down near the gates. The hydra roars and attacks Discord by using it's heads to bite him only for the draconequus teleport higher in the air. He starts to make funny faces while he teleports all over the huge beast to confuse it while the hydra swings it heads all around.

Then by snapping his fingers once more, he creates chains made entirely out of bubblegum and holds the creature in place as it struggles to get out. He held his lion paw over to the hydra and out from his palm fires a huge thunderbolt to weaken it until it tumbles down on it's back in defeat. The Crusaders cheer for Discord while they were watching him take on the monsters by himself. Discord was to busy patting himself on the back to know what is coming to him.

"Well, I can say for certain that you will lose and I will take these girls ba-Uaaaagghhh!!" Discord yelled as his magic is slowly being drained. By using the hydra as a distraction, Grogar ceased his opportunity to use the power of his Bewitching Bell to drain Discord's magic. The draconequus kneels down as his magic is taken away from him. Once that was finished, Grogar laughs evilly over in victory.

"You were always a fool, playing around with your chaotic powers left you quite vulnerable." Grogar loomed over at Discord as he is left weakened without his magic. "You put yourself above all others to make them believe that you were greater than any being. However, I will tell you that you are nothing but a pathetic clown put on this world so that others can laugh at your mistakes." Discord leers to his statement and get up on one knee.

"If I can make ponies laugh, then I must be doing a very good job." Discord smiled for a moment but frowns at Grogar standing in front of him. "And even if I fail, I know there are others who will stop you from succeeding in your schemes. As long as these ponies treat me as their friend, then I have nothing to worry about." He finished. Grogar blasts Discord with a pulse of magic which send him rolling on the floor near the Crusaders. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo gasp at the same time then they feel saddened at Discords defeat. Their hopes on the draconequus was dashed away as they see him on the ground trying to get back up only to fall down. They look at each other and agreed they had enough and are willing to stand up to Grogar with determined expressions.

"I'll have you locked up in the dungeons later, alright Crusaders! The time to take over Equestria is nearly here! Let us begin and soon we-" Grogar was interrupted.

"No!" Apple Bloom spoke up "We've had it! We aint lettin ya conquer Equestria even with us helpin out!"

"I say we stop you for the good of Equestria and all our friends!" Sweetie Belle speaks up.

"Finally! About time you two made up your minds." Scootaloo said excitedly. "Let's take him down!"

Grogar looks at the fillies with a blank stare for a moment and then her bursted out laughing. "Huahahahaha! Your just little foals who are in over their heads. You! Stopping me!? Ahahahaha!" He was laughing at them which made them feel discouraged. He ceases his laugh and stomps his right hoof. "It is futile! I taught you my spells, and I will not have you get in my way of MY take over of Equestria!" Grogar envelops the Crusaders in his dark magic and levitates them in the air.

The poor fillies were shocked and they were feeling pain from being in Grogar's grasp. "I have a mission for you, go and defeat Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony and you will do it... Because I command you to do so!" Grogar shouted at them shaking and zapping them with his magic. "If you don't, I will take away your powers and I'll just destroy you right here. Now, is that understood?" He lets them go and the fillies land on top of Discord. Reluctantly, they weakly get up and nodded their heads in agreement which is enough for the ram to be satisfied. "Good, now come, we have work to do." He grins and walks to the castle to prepare leaving the fillies to themselves.

The Crusaders look back over to Discord seeing that he had no energy left to get up, they go over to the draconequus and help him up to head into the castle. Seeing this, Discord smiled warmly knowing that he is the on receiving help from the fillies. Now they think to themselves on this situation they find themselves. Will they stop Grogar, or will they have to fight their sisters to take over Equestria? Either way is dire as time is running out for them and soon the Cutie Mark Crusaders will try to get out of this mess.

Siege on Ponyville- Elements VS Crusaders

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Deep within the walls of the castle dungeon, Discord was thrown in a cell in one of the rooms then Grogar slams the bar door shut keeping the draconequus in. "I'll deal with you later as soon as I face the Elements of Harmony." Grogar said with a mean glare. He turns around to leave the dungeon with the fillies behind him. "Come Crusaders, the battle draws near." Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo glances back to where Discord was placed and can't help but feel sorry for him and felt ashamed that they couldn't help him in any way. They walk out with Grogar outside the dungeon leaving Discord alone in a room cell covered in stone walls and a small window to look outside.

The draconequus looks to the open window solemnly. "I hope Twilight finds a way to fix this mess." He said with a sigh. "All of this started because of me. Perhaps, I may not have been a truly great friend after all." He places his paw up to his face worried about what will happen to the ponies in Ponyville.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, the alicorn princess of the sun Celestia, was sitting on her throne when she received a letter from Twilight Sparkle informing her about the events that has been going on. From the Cutie Mark Crusaders going missing, to Grogar's return which really made her concerned and worried about the poor fillies. She finishes reading the letter until a guard pony barges in the throne room.

"Your highness! We have a problem! A floating island is hovering in the sky, and its headed straight for Ponyville!" The guard pony exclaimed. Celestia notices this and she began to flap her wings and flies out of the room to take a look outside. Once she reaches the top of a tower, she checks her telescope and gasps at what she just saw. A large floating island of darkness is flying through the skies coming from the direction of the Everfree Forest is headed to the beloved town of the ponies.

"Tambelon? But it was sealed for a very long time." Celestia said in disbelief. Seeing the flying fortress again made her realize that the only creature capable of bringing the forbidden city back was Grogar and she knew that this was his doing. Another guard pony walks up to her and the princess tells the guard. "Assemble the royal guard, send word to Starswirl and the Pillars of Equestria, the Wonderbolts, if all else fails, send word to Twilight Sparkle." The guard nods and heads off to gather reinforcements for the dangerous battle that awaits them.

In Ponyville, the ponies living there were going about their day. When suddenly, one pony spots a large city hovering in the sky heading towards them. Curiously, some of them decided to look up to see what is going on while a few ponies stayed behind feeling concerned as well as scared at the approaching island.

Inside Twilight's castle, the purple alicorn princess is joined by her friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike as they all gather around the Cutie Map table. "I am glad to have you all here. We have a major problem, an ancient villain named Grogar has returned, and is now keeping Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle captive and is now bent on taking over Equestria." Twilight said in a serious tone.

The others were shocked aside from Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack with firm expressions knowing that their sisters were missing and felt the need to rescue them.

"Is that why everypony is feeling grumpy today?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Well, if that's the case don't you worry, cause we'll rescue your little sisters faster than you can say big mountain chocolate fudge cake!" She tells to her friends to make them feel better which seemed to have worked as they seemed to have calmed down.

"You a very sweet think of us Pinkie." Rarity said as she gives Pinkie Pie a hug. "I would give just about everything to see my darling Sweetie Belle safe and sound." Tears began to form at the corners of Rarity's eyes. Pinkie pats her on the back in assurance that she will see her sister again.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack sees this and silently nods.

Fluttershy looks to Twilight in concern. "I'm worried for those poor girls too." The kind pegasus said. "Discord should be back by now. I sure hope nothing bad has happened to him." Twilight noticed her friend holding her hooves to her mane worrying about Discord.

"I'm sure that Discord is with the girls keeping them safe. Have a little faith in him Fluttershy." Twilight said to her pegasus friend with a warm smile. Fluttershy felt a little better knowing that her friends are here to help her. Twilight focused her attention to everyone in the room. "Alright, what we need to do now is to figure out where Grogar is hiding and stop his evil plans." They were about to discuss what they are planning until Starlight Glimmer entered the room with a panicked expression.

"Guys, you might want to take a look outside!" Starlight exclaimed as she runs out to lead them outside.

Twilight and the others step outside the castle and they all gasp at what they saw. A large floating city of darkness is hovering over to the sky above Ponyville. "Oh no, this can't be good." Twilight said worriedly as she saw the dark city.

"What is that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I've read about the story of Gusty the Great, and it mentions something about a dark floating city in the sky called Tambelon." Twilight answered.

"Tambelon?" Said Applejack.

"Its a place full of darkness and monsters, where Grogar used to rule over Equestria as its first emperor. I believe this is his plan all along, and I think that's where he is keeping the Crusaders there. C'mon, lets investigate!"

Twilight and her companions run off into the town as the sky is beginning to be covered in dark clouds.

In the center of Ponyville outside the town hall, ponies were gathering around, looking up at the flying island overhead. Some were confused, worried, and sometimes scared at what is happening as they witness the sky darkening.

"Everypony remain calm! We mustn't let ourselves be frightened at whatever this flying object over our town." Mayor Mare nervously tries her best to calm down the citizens of Ponyville.

"Wait, I see something flying!" One of the ponies spoke up when they spotted something in the sky.

"Is it a bird or a pegasus?"

"Theres more of them coming this way!"

In the sky, flying towards them is an army of creatures descending to Ponyville at a fast pace. Dropping onto the ground were many monsters including gargoyles, manticores, chimeras, and other beasts that appeared onto the ground. The Ponyville citizens can't help but panic as they run away screaming for their lives while the monsters began chasing them all over town.

"Okay! I say we.." Mayor Mare was interrupted by a gargoyle appearing in front of her snorting at her face. The mayor screamed and ran off, then the stone creature shrieked and began chasing after her.

The town is being overrun with different monsters terrorizing the Ponyville citizens. Some of them tried hiding in their houses to avoid the beasts attacking outside, while other ponies tried to capture them with traps and other methods. The monsters were tearing down everything from smashing houses, to attacking ponies leaving them hurt and injured. Ponyville is in major peril over the mayhem of the creatures running amok through the town.

A certain earth pony with a beige coat, blue colored mane and tail with pink streaks gallops with her mint colored unicorn friend as they find a good place to hide from the monsters. They spotted the alleyway and ran to it to avoid being seen and to catch their breath.

"Whew! Alright, I think we're safe for now." Bon Bon said wiping her forehead. "I thought the monsters were already in Tartarus, they were supposed to be locked in cages!" Bon Bon places her hooves to her face in disbelief as she witness the monsters attacking the town.

"Isn't it your job to like, capture monsters of something?" Lyra asked her.

"Regardless, I'll have to try to catch and send them back to Tartarus." Bon Bon found some rope lying on the ground and picks it up with her mouth and carries it.

"At least let me come with you! I can help you in anyway that I can." Lyra pleaded to join her friend. Bon Bon puts a hoof to her chin the more she thought about it. In the end, she just smiled and nodded.

"Alright, you can help this once. Just, try to be careful, okay?" Bon Bon said to Lyra.

"Yay! Lets do it agent Sweetie Drops!" Lyra shouted excitedly. Despite having revealed her secret identity, she seems fine having her unicorn friend around to help her.

Out of nowhere, a bugbear landed to where tho two ponies are near the alleyway. It became apparent that this creature is familiar to the earth pony mare.

"You!" Bon Bon narrowed her eyes as she prepares to take on the beast with her friend.

The Mane Six ponies along with Spike and Starlight Glimmer had to fight through the monsters wreaking havoc. Twilight and Starlight were shooting magic beams to fend off the gargoyles and chimeras while Spike breathes fire to prevent any monster from going after their friends. Fluttershy tried to stop the monsters using her 'stare', unfortunately it did not work and only nearly avoided getting hurt by some of the beasts, which lead to Rainbow Dash smacking them with her hooves and ramming them using her speed. Eventually, they made it to the town hall where they all see Tambelon way up in the sky above where they are.

"This is it, once we go up there, that's where we will find Grogar." Twilight said in a determined expression. "Starlight, I'm going to need you and Spike to stay here and protect the townsfolk while me and our friends deal with this."

"Hold on, you should let me come with you, and if this Grogar is really that powerful I should be there to help." Starlight asks questioning if this is right choice for her.

Twilight nods sideways in disagreement. "I need you and Spike here in case we don't come back, and the ponies in Ponyville need someone to look after them while we're away. Can you do that for me Starlight?" She looks to her.

Starlight hesitated at first, but she understood Twilight's idea and nodded letting the alicorn princess know that she will stay behind.

Feeling satisfied, Twilight looks to the little dragon. "Spike, can you watch over Starlight and keep Ponyville safe?" She asks her loyal assistant.

"You can count on me Twilight." Spike said. They quickly hugged for a moment until the little dragon joined Starlight as they stay behind.

Twilight prepares a spell to levitate Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity since they don't have wings to fly. Once they were lifted off the ground, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy joined their friends in the sky as the Mane Six made their journey onto Tambelon.

"Be safe out there Twilight." Spike said. He and Starlight began to head off to a direction where a monster was chasing a blonde maned gray pegasus.

Twilight and the others were flying above the sky until they spot a platform they could land on. They landed to the very entrance of Tambelon and the ponies were surprised at seeing the abandoned town.

"Sweet sassafras! This place has seen better days." Pinkie Pie commented.

"We are here. This is...Tambelon." Twilight said in a serious tone.

"A'hm comin Apple Bloom! Yer big sister here to rescue ya!" Applejack called out as she trots to the entrance.

"Oh Sweetie Belle, I do hope that you are safe." Rarity said worriedly. She follows the same pathway Applejack took and walks off hoping to find her sister alongside her friend.

Fluttershy looks at Rainbow Dash who hasn't said a word since they arrived. "Aren't you gonna say something? I mean, you could always tell Scootaloo about how you saved her from a powerful villain. I'm sure she would appreciate it." Fluttershy told Rainbow to try and lift her spirits, but she has a determined expression.

"This isn't about me Fluttershy. Its about saving the squirts." Rainbow Dash began to slowly walk to the entrance. "Especially, my squirt." Normally Rainbow would boast about herself on saving the day and taking in the admiration of Scootaloo. But this time, she is worried, concerned, and serious about her well being. She began to fly past Twilight and Pinkie Pie determined to rescue the young pegasus.

Soon the rest of the Mane Six resume to enter the dark city leaving Fluttershy with a feeling of unease. The ponies look at the decrepit city only to find a large castle overhead in their direction. They look around the city, feeling the oppressive atmosphere all around Tambelon which made them unsettled.

"Its amazing, this is the forbidden city where Grogar made his empire." Twilight whispers to herself amazed at witnessing the city closeup. She focuses her attention at the large castle as they approach the gates. Surprisingly, the doors open on their own prompting the six ponies inside as if they are invited. They walk across the bridge and made their way to the castle courtyard.

"At last. I have been waiting for your arrival, Twilight Sparkle!" A voice called out from somewhere.

They looked around to see who spoke up and they see someone approaching. Appearing on the balcony reveals Grogar, the ram responsible for bringing back Tambelon and unleashing monsters onto Ponyville. He grinned at seeing all the Mane Six standing before him.

"Welcome Elements of Harmony, to your Doom!" Grogar declares.

"Where are you keeping Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?" Twilight questions him.

"Give us back our sisters ya creep!" Applejack angrily shouted.

"Patience, They are already here. Crusaders! Reveal yourselves!" With that said, out from the darkness, the Cutie Mark Crusaders reveal themselves to Twilight and the others wearing the capes that Grogar gave them. They can't help but have guilt ridden faces at what they are about to do to their friends.

The ponies gasped at seeing the fillies appear right before them. Rarity and Applejack ran toward their sisters when Twilight shouts "Wait! Stop!" Grogar shoots a dark laserbeam that hits the ground separating them from the fillies.

"You will not hug them until you've had your battle. If you can beat these fillies, I'll return them to you." Grogar said.

"Your going to make us fight them? You are a cruel meanie! Thats just terrible! They're just fillies!" Fluttershy snapped at the villain.

"Fillies with strong magical powers which I've helped to train them, and now here they stand to defeat you Elements!" Grogar spoke.The evil ram was confident in the Crusader's power to help him win this battle against Twilight and her friends. "Enough talk! Cutie Mark Crusaders, go attack them! SHOW NO MERCY!" He shouted once more.

Apple Bloom can only feel ashamed at herself, and to her friends as they began to face each other in battle. all she could do is cover her face with her hoof and whispers to Sweetie Belle to make the first move.

"I'm really sorry." Sweetie Belle muttered. With tears in her eyes she makes the first attack by shooting a dark laser beam at Twilight which caught her off guard as she is knocked away. The alicorn recovers and shakes off the blow, then she teleports behind them to stop them where they stand.

Scootaloo shoots a lightning bolt from her hoof, stopping Twilight and shocking her with electricity. Despite being hurt, the alicorn princess still hold on. The rest of the Mane Six shouted worried for Twilight and the Crusaders.

Rainbow Dash swooped in and grabbed Twilight then flew back to their friends. Scootaloo was feeling distraught having to hurt Twilight and eventually the other Elements of Harmony. Once back, Rainbow Dash leers over to the pegasus filly feeling a bit upset over this whole situation.

"Why are you doing this!" Rainbow declares making an angry glare to the Crusaders. They couldn't answer her instead, Apple Bloom steps forward and creates the thorn vines up from the ground to strike down the Mane Six. With quick thinking, Twilight creates a force-field to protect them from the vines lashing at them. Sweetie and Scootaloo joins with Apple Bloom to send magic beams and lightning attacks to break the barrier. After a couple of seconds, the force-field shatters and the older ponies separate in different directions to face each Crusader in pairs. Twilight and Applejack facing Apple Bloom, Rarity and Pinkie dealing with Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo now being dealt by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Grogar watches the battle on the balcony, smirking with delight now that the Cutie Mark Crusaders he trained will surely earn him victory. Deciding to kick things up, Grogar uses his Bewitching Bell to give each of the Crusaders a small boost in magic, making them even stronger than before and more aggressive. Now the fillies feel more powerful after the magic boost, they find themselves becoming more angry as they are roaring with fury.

Apple Bloom uses her magic to grow gigantic to match the size of of of the buildings and lifts of of her hoofs to crush the ponies. Twilight and Applejack managed to barely dodge her hoof but it resulted in creating a large crater and the impact was so harsh that it made an earthquake that shakes all of Tambelon. This shocks Applejack that now she has to deal with her own sister being giant sized. She and Twilight run off to the bridge letting Apple Bloom stomping towards them aggressively to their direction.

Sweetie Belle charges her magic using her horn to create dozens of magic shots to fire at her sister and Pinkie. Rarity creates a shield made of magic to protect herself while Pinkie dodges and jumps frantically avoiding being hit by the magic bullets. Then Sweetie Belle starts to create large pillars of fire coming out from the ground prompting Rarity and Pinkie to jump out of where the pillars start appearing. It was at that point, Pinkie Pie sneaks up to Sweetie Belle and pulls her into a hug attempting to try and stop her.

"C'mon Sweetie! You gotta stop and tell your friends to quit fighting! Pretty please with strawberries whipped cream and sprinkles on top?" Pinkie pleaded to Sweetie Belle as she is struggling from the pink pony's grasp. "Listen, I know its hard to tell the truth, but you gotta at least tell us why you are doing all of this to hurt our feelings!" Pinkie grunts as she is still keeping the young unicorn on her forehooves. Sweetie Belle teleports out of Pinkie's hug and fires a dark magic beam from her horn pushing Pinkie to collide with a wall. "Hee-Heh, k-kids these days." Pinkie Pie was knocked unconscious leaving Rarity teary eyed watching her sister beat her poor pink friend.

"In the skies above Tambelon, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were clashing in the air above the city with Fluttershy following behind. They were grappling with each other airborne although despite Rainbow Dash being older and taller, Scootaloo is not letting up against the cyan pegasus. Scootaloo backs away and creates a tornado by spinning her tail in a circle pulling in debris and some of the buildings tear apart from the tornado she made. Rainbow catches Fluttershy and pulls her away to avoid getting hit with various debris flying out of control. Once they were at a safe spot, Rainbow sets her friend to the ground and flies off to create her own tornado to counter Scootaloo's. Both tornadoes collided and ended up canceling each other making both older pegasus sigh in relief but Scootaloo was enraged.

Twilight and Applejack managed to get to the bridge only for Apple Bloom to jump to the other side of the bridge crashing down and destroying the gates with her huge size. The giant filly glares down at the two ponies in front of her and tries to stomp on them with her hooves. Twilight and Applejack quickly runs around avoiding being squashed by Apple Bloom, then the purple alicorn envelops the giant filly in magic to hold her in place.

"Apple Bloom! Please! Ya gotta stop trying to hurt us both and come back to us!" Applejack tried begging for her sister to cease with the senseless fighting. However, Apple Bloom can only feel anger and rage due to Grogar's magic overwhelming her, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The colossal filly broke through the magical hold and stomps her forehooves to create stone spikes off the ground aiming for her sister only for Twilight to push her out off the way.

Twilight fires her magic beams to Apple Bloom's face to weaken her, but the filly seemed unfazed by the princess alicorn's attacks. "Its no use, I think Apple Bloom and her friends have been under the influence of Grogar's magic." Twilight said to Applejack. "I believe if we somehow got a hold of the Bewitching Bell, we might defeat Grogar once and for all." Applejack nods and understands what she and the others need to do in order to save their sisters.

"Ya'll go on ahead without me, ah gotta stay here to keep Apple Bloom from smashin us ta pieces." Applejack told her. Twilight flies back to the courtyard to find Grogar leaving Applejack alone to face of against her giant sized sister. "Alright Apple Bloom, once all of this is over, ah hope that ya'll can forgive us for hurtin ya back."

Sweetie Belle is relentless with using her magic spells to attack her sister from using dark magic, fire, ice, and lightning spells,magic bullets, laser blasts, and teleporting to where Rarity is located. Rarity herself has been exhausting herself physically and emotionally to avoid inflicting any pain on her only sister. Sweetie Belle growled under her breath as she charges enough magical energy to create an explosion of dark magic in an area surrounding her.

Feeling tired, Rarity wheezes as she puts up a shield over her to avoid getting struck by Sweetie's spells. "Oh if only I could get through to you Sweetie Belle!" Rarity moaned. She then spots Twilight flying back to the courtyard and believed that she might have figured out something. "Wait, that's it! Twilight must know the answer! *gasp* I must hurry to her immediately, don't worry Sweetie Belle! Soon this nightmare will be over soon!" Rarity shouted as she gallops to the direction the alicorn princess is headed while dodging Sweetie Belle's attacks.

The weather in the skies seemed out of control due to the variations of storms. From blizzards, rain, and even some hurricanes were all around due to Scootaloo's magic, summoning lightning to strike down the two pegasi. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were fighting the weather to hopefully survive the raging storm winds the filly is bringing forth. Both Rainbow and Scootaloo rise higher up in the air to pull off their most powerful attack in the sky. They dive down, picking up more speed flying at a rapid pace. Then, BOOM! Rainbow Dash uses the Sonic Rainboom while Scootaloo uses her own version of the technique in darker colors. They were flying at mach speeds towards each other until they collided, resulting in a huge explosion in which Fluttershy can see from the ground.

Rainbow Dash fell to the ground with a thud sound alerting the shy pegasus to assist her in getting up. Scootaloo gently floats down as she stares at both elements feeling the bruises from the last attack.

" *cough* Wow, didn't know you had it in ya Scoots." Rainbow Dash panted. Even though she feels hurt both physically and emotionally, Rainbow Dash was impressed with how Scootaloo performed her attacks against the rainbow maned pony. Despite being somewhat out matched, she has to defeat her for the sake of Equestria and her number one fan.

"I think Twilight has an idea! We better follow her!" Fluttershy looks up to see Twilight fly towards the courtyard.

"You go, I'll stall Scoots long enough to slow her down." Rainbow said determined.

As much as she wanted to let her friend fight the pink maned pegasus is having none of this right now. "No! We are going to help Twilight and that is how its going to be!" Fluttershy's determination convinced her rainbow friend to follow her back to the courtyard letting Scootaloo chasing them towards them.

Grogar watches the fights from the balcony feeling amused after witnessing the Crusaders in action. He stops to notice Twilight flying at his direction to which he frowned and is about to use his bell when the alicorn shot a couple of magic beams prompting the old ram to create a shield. Twilight lands on the courtyard while her friends started to join her including Pinkie Pie, surprisingly.

All three Cutie Mark Crusaders were slowly walking towards them with giant Apple Bloom's hoof steps causing small tremors. Then, all of the sudden Fluttershy stands up to them feeling angry.

"Girls! Stop!" Fluttershy shouted. The Crusaders stop in place as they look at the pink maned pegasus in the eyes. "You must stop giving into that Grogar's demands! You are far stronger than you think. So Please! Let us help you by bringing you girls back home!" Fluttershy's speech was heard through the fillies and they felt themselves slowly regaining control of their actions. But then, she yelped as she is struck down by a magic blast caused by Grogar. The others gasp and they glare at the cruel villain with anger.

"Hmph, do you really think that a simple speech is enough to save them?" Grogar said sadistically. "You can't defeat the new and improved Cutie Mark Crusaders. With my magic, they are unstoppable! Just give up!"

Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six rushed over to Fluttershy as she weakly opens her eyes to her friends. Twilight stares back at Grogar, feeling enraged but remained stern and determined.

"You may have the most powerful dark magic out of any creature in any land, but there is one thing you don't have." Twilight lights up her horn and soon she and all her friends were enveloped in a magenta light. The began to glow very brightly as the pure light starts to emanate around them. "And that would be...the Magic of Friendship!" The light bursts and the Crusaders were engulfed in the light that the Elements of Harmony created. Then everything seemed to have stopped an now the six ponies looked to where the Crusaders were. Apple Bloom, having shrunk down to normal sized alongside Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo seemed to have fainted after the light show.

Twilight and the others can breath a sigh of relief having to have defeated the fillies from that battle. However, The Mane Six screamed as their own magic has been taken away by the Bewitching Bell. Grogar laughs evilly as he takes the magic from the Elements of Harmony, victory was his own.

"Haha! You have failed Twilight Sparkle! You and your other pony friends are DOOMED!" Grogar declared as he triumphs over the saviors of Equestria and taking their magic in the process. Twilight finds herself and her friends falling to the ground and slowly closing their eyes. Grogar laughed wickedly then he jumps of the balcony and lands on his hooves unscathed walking towards the unconscious fillies.

Slowly one by one, the three fillies wake up groaning over the pain they have felt. "Urgh,w-what happened?" Apple Bloom groaned. She began to notice Twilight and the the elements unconscious lying on the ground.

"Hmhmhmhm, you three have done well. I couldn't have defeated Twilight Sparkle without your help." Grogar smirked as he walks back to his castle. "Send them all to the dungeon. Soon all of Equestria will submit to ME!" He cackles as he enters his own castle leaving the Crusaders outside.

"Wut have we done?" Apple Bloom started to cry.

The three fillies walk up to each other regaining their senses and they did a group hug and sobbed over what they have done. They wiped their tears and they began to try and carry the ponies using their powers. Sweetie Belle having to use her magic to carry Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Scootaloo harnessing the wind to carry Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Finally, Apple Bloom using her growth power to grow to a big enough pony to carry Applejack and Twilight. Even though unconscious, they could hear their sisters whisper something to them.

"You have grown so much." Whispered Rarity.

"You are my hero." Muttered Rainbow Dash.

"Ah love you" Murmured Applejack.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo shed a few tears as they walked into the castle to make their way into the dungeon. Things seemed hopeless for Equestria as now Grogar has gotten the upper hand. Now that the Elements of Harmony have been defeated, who could save Equestria now? Only time will tell for a small glimmer of hope.