• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 889 Views, 12 Comments

Redemption, what a beautiful word. - Ryoup

I made countless mistakes, now I have the opportunity to start over, to escape from my past, in THIS Equestria, I hope, I hope not to repeat my mistakes...

  • ...

A day on duty

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, I blink a couple of times when I notice the sun hasn't even risen, yawn, turn off the alarm and go back to sleep with a small smile as I stretch out on the bed.

I continued to lie there trying to go back to sleep when a small event occurred to me.

"Horseapples I should raise the sun!" I scream getting up and reaching for the alarm. f-five in the morning? am I gonna have to wake up so early? oh my stars…"

At least I'm not late, with a quick yawn I open the curtains in my room. Canterlot, I tell myself as I admired the majestic city built around the great mountain where the castle was made. Although it was dark, and the little light there was that the moon reflected, I could still recognize several sights and landmarks of this millenary city where I grew up.

“Horn of Victory , Great Temple of Faust, Little Foal Orphanage.” and the list went on as I narrated to myself the wonders that were in this monumental city, although I blushed a few times considering that I never went to half of these famous and historical spots that filled this magnificent city.

After narrating a few more historical spots I decide to complete my real duties, I look to the horizon with a little anxiety. It's been a while since I've done this and my last attempt was a bit... troubled, not to mention I had help.. take a deep breath, okay Twilight, now it's for real.

I firmed my hooves on the wooden floor and closed my eyes, even without seeing anything I know my horn glows insanely as I try to focus on the moon, so I can focus on the sun. magical exhaustion hits me immediately as I feel my hooves tremble. I cannot fail! I scream internally as I intensify my spell even more.

I was sleeping soundly and enjoying a dreamless night and this was an unparalleled blessing and if I can sleep until noon like this, so I will.

But my eyes opened immediately as I felt a massive amount of mana pass through me and continue on its way no matter where. few things in this world generate such a massive amount of mana in such a short amount of time.

"FUCK! MIRANDA! WAKE UP THEY'LL USE A MEGA-SPELL IN THIS SHITTY VILLAGE!" I scream while in pure despair I fell off the Fluttershy's couch to the floor. from the noise I heard from the guest room I can guarantee that my daughter did the same. shit I have little time!

"MIRANDA BRING YOUR ASS HERE AND HELP ME!" I scream again as I kneel down and try to cast a protective spell like a magical shield around the house. my hands glowed a couple of times and for a few moments a dome of various colors formed around me but soon fell apart.


I hear a door open brutally, what appears to be some porcelain falling, and soon I notice Miranda rolling down the stairs, some blankets around her.

“What the fuck is going on?! Who's casting a mega-spell?!?!”

"I don't know, I don't want to know and I'm angry with those who know, now help me raise this shield!" I scream hysterically as I fail again and again to do a spell more complex than a lot of massive mana Flying in one direction. "<FUCK! SHIT! WE’RE FUCKED!>"
Miranda blinked a couple of times as I desperately nodded for her to help me with the shield, she looked at the street and opened the window.

"It's in Canterlot, not here."

Still full of adrenaline I run towards the window and even though I'm very far from the palace I can see as if a small star is shining in one of the towers.

"<Son of a bitch, I thought they were going to blow us up, it looks like they're going to blow themselves up.>”

When I turn to my daughter I feel a huge pain and my chin and I stumble backwards falling back against the wall, I rubbe my chin while I see Miranda flicking her left claw.

"And that's 'cause it scared me for real, now if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to sleep." she said snorting and puffing out her chest while she started to walk away doing her best not to trip over the blankets she was wearing.

shit, what a way to start a day, by the way, shouldn't the sun have risen already?

I continued casting the spell, the entire room glowing in a purple tone, almost reacting to the intensity of this spell.

I peek into the window a little, dang, the sun isn't up yet! I breathe in and focus even more, I can feel my horn getting hot and drops of sweat dripping from my forehead.

I feel a burst of energy coming out of my horn and my body trembling for a spark of a second. I can do it, I yell internally while I do m y best to stay on the floor.

The moon, then the sun, the moon and then the sun, I kept repeating it to myself while my hooves started losing grasp from the floor. I try again to steady my hooves on the ground.

Another pulse of power came out my horn and I wiggle my hoof trying to find the floor. dang it Twilight, focus!

I close my eyes and clear my mind, I breath in, and out, moon to sun, moon to sun, “MOON TO SUN!” I yelled one last time finishing the cast.

A little purple bubble popped up on top of my horn and I felt one electric jolt going through my spine when I finished the spell.

The bubble shined intensely for half-second and it started expanding rapidly, before I could react I stopped floating and I hit the floor. I shaked my head after getting up and I was welcomed by the warm salute of the sun from the window.

“I did it?” I whispered breathlessly to myself. “I did it!”

The sound of claps started behind me. “Congrats Twilight, congrats.” I turned back just to see Luna smirking to me from a portal hovering over my bed.

“L-luna?! how long have you been there?”

“Oh, enough time to witness your magic prowess my dear friend! and I must say, it’s quite impressive.” I blushed a little while trying my best to get up, my hoofs saying otherwise.

When I finally got up I could see Luna on the other side of the portal. she was laying on her bed with dark circles and a fading smile. She yawed and I couldn’t hold it and yawned a little too.

“Is everything okay Luna? you should be resting by now.”

“I’m fine my friend, just wanted to behold you raising the sun, and I must say, thanks Faust I did it.” she said with a tired giggle.

“Did I do it right?” I said a bit anxious, barely hiding it, I think.

“Oh, right, yes, that was quite a, ahmm, well, the sun is up isn’t it?” my ears folded and I gulped.

“What did I… maybe the time? or was it too abrupt?” I said to myself trying to find what I did wrong, time, has to be the time. the sun should be up sooner.

“Well, being morbidly frank with you, was your tecniche and the amount of mana you put on that crude spell.” She said getting up and yawning again.

“C-crude? I was pretty sure that that was the easiest way to do it! maybe my technique is a bit rusty…”

“Well, if you excuse me Twilight, I’m now going to tell the diplomats that this all was just a misunderstanding and not a mega-spell test.”

“A-a mega-spell?!” I shouted genuinely surprised. Did I just… wow…

“Well, yes of course, the amount of mana put there was frightening. So pardon me, I must avoid a diplomatic incident. Next time you can just, you know, ask for a clue or two my friend. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel or teleportation spell every time.” she blinked at me and the portal closed.

I stood there for a couple of seconds gazing at the location where she was before the portal closed. I really made a mess, right? ughh, what a way to start the day.

I yawed one last time before looking out the window, “It's a beautiful sunrise, isn't it?” I said to myself stretching my wings and flexing my back.

“Now it's time for the morning exercises…”

I trotted happily for the castle,roaming around on this humongous castle! each corridor leads to another two, and so go on. I can actually find where I’m, it’s just, I can't tell, it is exciting to lose yourself in this place, it has its magic not gonna lie.

“Princess? are you okay?” a sturdy voice called by my side.

“Yes, just a bit ditzy.” I said, turning to greet this poney. to my suprise, it's the changeling I met arriving in canterlot yesterday!

“Oh, hi mister…”

“Maath, princess, but please, just call me captain, I don’t deserve such honor as being called by my own name.” I nod, trying not to look surprised.

“If that’s your wish, captain.” he smiled and nodded back. “So I may call you by that, tell me, what can I do for you?”

“It’s nothing, princess, you just seemed off, almost lost, if I may say.” he said with an emotionless laugh.

“I’m fine captain, just enjoying a walk.”

“Inside the castle?” he said, coughing a bit surprised, a smile blooming in his face.

“Yes.” I blushed “That’s something I used to do in Ponyville, old habits die hard, you know.”

“I disagree.” he said rapidly and firmly, his smile ceasing in a snape of a second. “Old habits should end quickly and definitely. sorry for bothering you princess.” he bowed quickly and turned around.

“Wait!” he stopped, “I'm sorry if I- I said something wrong, I know your kind is going through rough times and-”

“I beg your pardon, princess, but you would never say something to bother this old guard here… I just wanted to thank you back there for the train incident.” he never looked back at me, just stayed looking away, waiting… for an order.

“You can go now, captain… I hope the best of days for you and your brother.” his body flinched for one moment, but soon he bowed again and walked away.

When I lost sight of him I filled my lungs the most I could and I breathed out.

I gazed at the corridors, can’t tell why, but it seemed as if it lost its shine, and with it my desire to walk around.

I closed my eyes and meditated about my duties. I have time… yes I do. with a nod and a quick shake of head I raise my head, stuff my chest and continue my walk.

“I wish to talk with Princess Celestia.”

“I’m sorry princess, but she told me she desires to be alone for now.”

“Please captain Golden Shield, I need to talk with her.”

The captain, who stayed in front of Celestia’s room, cleared his throat and entered her room.

I stayed impatiently in front of the door, doing little jumps and contemplating the paintings on the walls and the stained glasses.

“Princess Celestia accepted your request, you may enter.” he said opening the door and stepping aside.

“Thank you.” he bowed at me and quickly returned to his post beside the door.

When I entered the room I noticed how dark it was, I could barely see her magnificent bed resting majestically in the center of the room.

A smell caught my attention and my ears folded inconcitly with such bitter odor!

“This place stinks of alcohol!” I declared immediately, my snout twitching with such a smell.

I heard a dry cough coming ahead of me, but this darkness occulted the culprit from my eyes. Fine then, two can play this game.

I closed my eyes, concentrating on a simple, but efficient spell.

When my eyes opened a purple sparkle blinked on top of my horn, and in a fraction of a second the entirety of the room lit up.

The bed, once majestic, now rests messy and missing some blankets. The curtains that had the honor to open and let the sun illuminate this room stayed shut.

I wanted to say the thing that most got my attention was the considerable amount of empty bottles on the corner of the room, but the pony drinking something by the desk got me.

“H-hey, who lit the sun?!” that voice? it’s -

“Princess Celestia?” I lower the intensity of the spell, the purple shade disappearing from the room, giving space for their true color, including this pony.

Celestia mane, once proud for reflecting all colors with a mesmerizing pattern capable of calming even the most savage of beasts, now is a gray-colorless mane tied by a blue-ribbon in a ponytail style.

“Hi Twilight.” I approached her and I could see her black eyes and a shy smile on her face. by her was a steaming cup and I immediately recognised that delightful smell.

“Having tea, Princess Celestia?”

“Oh please Twilight, it’s just us both, call me by my name.” she giggled while levitating that cup near her, she took a heavy sniff of the aroma before drinking it.

I nodded, obviously, and walked to sit by her. in front of her were many papers, some even in another language! I also could spot a kettle and on its side, a bottle of wine.

“I’m sorry you had to see me in such a deplorable state Twilight, I’m really sorry.” she said with a deep voice after finishing her drink. I could not but look away in shame for making her uncomfortable.

A bit of an awkward time followed, only the sound of her drink filling the air. She gazed at me from time to time, trying to smile and alike, but spent most of her time pondering something about those papers in front of her.

“Be sincere Twilight, I’m a mess right?”

“N-no! of course not! you’re just having a bad time!” she gazed at me until I finished and after that she stretched her whole body, with wings and everything, little moans escaping her lips as if she hadn’t done it in ages!

“Faust, I needed those days off.” With her magic she levited the bottle of wine and bit off the bottle cap!

“Celestia, are you okay? I have never seen you… drinking.”

She froze half way to drink the wine, lowered the bottle and put it on the table.

"Ye-yes, no! I mean, yes… yes those were some of the hardest days of my life not gonna lie about it.”

Okay Twilight, it’s now your time to have her back. She rested her hooves together on the table. She opened her mouth a couple of times, her hoofs started shaking, at first it was just a bit, but it got more intense by the second.

I rested my hoof on top of hers and her shakling stopped.

“Celestia, you know, you can tell me anything right? if there is something bothering you, anything, if I can help, I would like to know, help you like you helped me many times before.”

“It’s… complicated Twilight… I-I think it started on the day we met Damian.”

“Oh, right, do you mind telling me why?”

“It’s… not so simple.”

“Why? I’m being honest, when you proposed throwing him on Tartarus it got me off guard, he he, but, is there some relation? Why such a drastic reaction.”


“Let me guess, complicated?” I joked, but her fold of ears told me she didn’t quite like it. I put my other hoof on top of hers. “Sorry.”

“No, you're right, it kinda sounds childish, using such lame excuse.”

Silence proceeded for a couple of moments, Celestia breathed heavily a couple of times before looking me in the eyes.

“When we first met him, he was holding… holding my horn.”

“Ahm, I see yo-.”

“NO! no you just don’t!” in a heartbeat she bursted her hoofs up, it caught me off guard and before I realized I falled back over my wings.

“Ough, I-”

“SORRY! I’m so sorry Twilight!” I got up with her help, I moved my wings to see if anything seriously happened but I seemed fine.

“I’m fine, just, just caught me off guard that's all.”

She looked me all over, up and down looking for some kind of injury, but I thank Faust that alicorns are built differently, I’m pretty sure that would have at least dislocated a wing.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

“I know, Celestia, I know, it was just an accident.”

She gave me another quick look before going back to her spot, her breath was still a bit shaky, but almost stable. She touched her mane, her hoof almost losing itself on her mane, quickly going up until she stopped on her horn.

“He had my horn… it's complicated to tell, but I know that WAS my horn, it’s a feeling… hard to describe. But I know that is true.”

“Sorry, that probably was a bad feeling, b-but he is a better creature now! or at least he is-”

“He isn't the problem Twilight, what he did is.”

“Deicide, I know it’s a heavy crime but.”

“Heavy is a word that doesn’t make justice to such a crime, but… it wasn't his crime, but whom he killed.”


“Yes.” her eyes turned to the bottle of wine, she filled her lungs and looked at me again.

“May I tell you, a tale, my friend?”

I just nodded, I don't know why I didn’t say something, I just shook my head.

“There was, upon a time, a long time ago, in a old and forgotten cave, two little sisters.” This is 100% you and Luna right? I bet it is! I tought with a giggle.

“They were scared, but fear not, said the older one to the youngest, for our father watches for us!”

“That was a fact that soon changed, soon, their father fell sick, and on his deathbed he spoke to them. The youngest sister barely remembered what he said, but the oldest did. She remembered too well for her own sake.”

Celestia's breath flutters for a moment and her lips twitched in a strange smile.

“Thou shall rebuild what was ours, and seek justice in our name. Those words reverbered on her head for hours after his death. Why did he say that? Even on his own deathbed he refused to say, declare, his fatherly love to her, a love that just the youngest received.”

“But did he? She spent the next day, week, month trying to remember if he ever uttered such words, but yet, she failed.”

“But it didn’t matter, for her desire to fulfill his request was incommensurable, a foolish child seeking attention of a deceased father. She got her sister, and together they vowed to do ANYTHING to rebuild what once was their birthright.”




“Oh sorry, where I was- oh yes, right. And so their adventure began, they faced many foes, from warmonger warlords to crazy deities, old and new beings of pure destruction and creation.”

“The oldest tried to protect her little sister, but soon she got a taste for battles and a natural talent on the battlefield, and the oldest sister, selfishly, exploited that gift of her younger sister.”

“Many times she thought, this is my time, I ain’t gonna make it, now it's over, but she lived. She survived. She never fell.”

Celestia looked down, she breathed heavily and let out a heavy sigh. our eyes meet.

“She did a lot of bad things to fulfill her objective, a lot, so many that I can’t remember all of them… she used to write them in a diary to remind herself what she did, what was necessary.”

“Then, one day the oldest sister, laid on the balcony of her castle, alone sighed in relief, knowing she retoke what was hers… and she felt nothing. Her father hasn't magically appeared to say how much he loved her, nor anything alike. She felt nothing, because there was just her, alone.”


“She broke.” she said, sniffing with a sore voice. “She broke so bad that she tried to end herself-”

“Celestia!” I yelled hitting her desk in sheer surprise, “You did what?!” she just gazed at me, her left hoof scratching her mane sometimes in clear discomfort.

“But she… I didn't have the… guts to do it… maybe a millennia before, she could have done it, but now she feared that.” She grabbed my hoof and helped me sit down, she tried to smile, ease me, didn’t quite help, but I tried.

“One nasty, annoying fact about immortality my pupil is, you’ll hate, hate it with every single cell of you being for a long time, you’ll see your loved ones be happy, sad, build a family, age and then they’ll be nothing but a fading memory.”

“Those first ones will be hard, maybe in a decade or two you’ll realize what curse fell over you.

“Until one day, when you’re mourning the burial of a loved friend or lover you realize that that unbearable pain in your chest… is just not there, you get numb, get used to their short lifespan and stop feeling, for better or not, grief and start seeing the gift of this curse."


“May not please you, but it is what it is.” she lifted her hoof to her head, and just now, with a lucky glimpse of the light of my spell, I could see her wet eyes as she wiped a tear.

“After you fight and go through what I did, you stop thinking that you may one day die, the sun shine, the dawn comes and go, and you live. Your existence becomes a fact, as immutable as the warmth embrace my sun provides and the singular beauty the moon reflects.”

“The mere thought that this-" She waved her hoofs, signing her whole room, then at me. “-this may one day end frights me in an indescribable way, words just can’t do justice to that feeling. I get myself sometimes thinking how my subjects can accept such a short life…”

“B-but you’re Celestia Firststar! granddaughter of Faust Firststar herself! what you may fear in death? It’s not like you- you‘ll-” She nodded, slowly, following each of my attempts to finish that sentence.

“I ain’t going up stairs for what I did, Twilight.”

“B-but this- you brought the brightest age of pony history!”

“Funny thing ain't it? That story is written by the victorious, not the loser.”

“I-I’m sorry, I don’t follow.”

“Don’t try much, I beg you, for you may end like… like me.” She said pointing at herself.

“I forgot about the mortality thingy for a long time, until I saw him, that… human, a furless-hornless-minotaur that could barely scare half-a-dragon carrying a deceased part of me.”

“That shaked my own core to such a level that I tried to get rid of him, do something I young me used to do, throw him in the Tartarus, bury my problems deep down there so they will never come back to haunt me…”

Her twitching smile eased a bit while she leaned on her hoof.

“Thank you for going against my desires to throw him there, my decision back there was misguided by a sick paranoia and irrational fear. You saved a life my friend.”

I gazed at her up and down, trying with all my capacity to process what she just said, many theories popping and disappearing in my head while I rub my temple.

What if that story is really about another pair of sisters? No. But what did she do? Probably something necessary. Yes… ugh, my head is hurting.

My thoughts were interrupted by her low-toned sob, I breathed out and gently grabbed one of her hoofs. Her eyes wided for a fraction of a second.

“Celestia, I don’t know exactly what burdens your heart, nor what you did, but whatever happens, whatever, I’m here for you.”

Her lower lips trembled frenetcaly, but as if by magic she stopped and smiled back at me with her maternally smile, for a snap of a second her mane seems to regain its color and shone again, a sunbeam from a slit on the curtains illuminate her in all her glory and her fur regained it’s white-marble tone. She literally looks like a new pony!

“Thank you, my friend, this means, alot to me.”

We continued sharing gazes and looks for some time before the awkwardness of the situation became apparent.

“S-so, my faithful Friend, what brings you to my room? If I may ask, of course.”

Oh! Yes, I have come here to talk with her!

“Well, yes of course! You see, I believe you're quite familiar with the- oh who am I fooling? Of course you’re familiar with it! How silly of me thinking that-”

“You never fail to amuse me Twilight, and I may not be in the best condition to tell you this right now, but remember-” she said, spinning her hoof on the air and giggling.

“Focus, yes, sorry princess, I didn’t mean to-” she raised an eyebrow. “Yes, sorry.”

I cleared my throat and looked at her, pondering about which topic I should address first, if both of them at all.

"So? For what may I be thankful, that brought you here my friend?”

“The prophecies of Starswirl, you’re familiar with them right?”

“Yes?” she said a bit doubtful while filling a cup of tea with her magic.

“May I ask if you’re aware of the existence of the thirteenth prophecy?”

She stared at me for a couple of seconds, took a sniff on her tea and stared at me again. I gulped, barely able to maintain eye contact with her, drops of sweat forming on my forehead.

Did I say something wrong? Is it some kind of national secret?! Why is she gazing at me like that!? maybe I failed to use the proper pronoun-

“Twilight, you, you-” and before she could continue she bursted in laughter.

Saying that I was surprised wasn’t enough to start describing my astonishment. She simply- she IS simply laughing right there! I had to recite everything I said mentaly in search for the source of such a reaction, and when failing I felt the cold pressure crawling up my spine.

After some time, which I’m unable to determine due to my mental effort to find the source of such an act, she stopped slowly, using her hoof to cover her snout and long pauses to breath.

“S-sorry! I’m really sorry Twilight, but-but you really never cease to amuse me! May I ask you where you heard of such an inusited fact?”

I gulped, yes, the source…

“My research led me to this fact, and since I hadn’t heard of it, I tought, maybe you know something about it!” WHY DID I LIED TO HER!

She blinked a couple of times quickly and twitched her snout before taking a sip of her smoking tea.

“Well, I’m really excited to hear about this research of yours.” Oh horseaples! “But I know you well enough to know that you’re only talking about it when it's complete right?”

“Oh-ye-yes! But of course! You know me princess! Never deliver half-work when I can do it whole!” She raised an eyebrow! I burned! I stuttered! She knows! Why I’m so stupid near her-

“If that's your wish my dear friend, so it shall be.” She said slowly, her eyes scanning me up and down. She put her not-empty cup of tea aside and levitated the bottle of wine near her.

“But tell me, which fact about the prophecy bothers your young mind?”

“Well, actually all of it, I heard it exists, but never found any register of it.”

“Well, of course you didn’t find it! There is none!” She said while swing the bottle before sniffing its tip. “I bet Discord told you this just to mess up with you… yes, gotta be him, Luna wouldn’t do it… or would she?” She did small licks around the tip of the bottle.

“Well, you see.” think Twilight! Think! She will not believe me… “I can't tell you, I'm afraid.”

“But of course! How foolish of me thinking I could snatch the answer out of you.” She said between small giggles.

When she stopped her little laughs she breathed heavily before taking a long sip oF THE BOTTLE! She just drank it in one gulp! For a second I feared she would fall backwards!

“Ahhhh, I needed that.” She threw the bottle over her shoulder and it fell perfectly aligned with the others. ON THE OTHER CORNER OF THE ROOM!

“So, considering you're questioning me about the prophecy, I thin-believe you’re familiar with the others right?” I nodded, yet trying to recover from what I just saw.

“The thirteen prophecy is exactly what you probably already believe my friend. It’s a myth, a joke if you prefer.”

“A-a joke?”

“Oh, you don’t? I see.” She cleared her throat before leaning over her desk.

“This Prophecy has not entered the magnificent Book of Prophecies and Dangers for a reason, he barely remembered about it.”

“Wha- what?”

“You see, Starswirl is a respectable magician, with a reputation to maintain, putting in his book that he had his vision in the middle of his drunkiess ain’t exactly… respectable?””

“Starswirl was drunk!?”

“It was his daughter's eighteen birthday, he got excited.”

“Oh.” I said to myself, trying to ignore the fact that HE HAD A DAUGHTER!

“After the party he approached me and Luna, talked about some kind of vision he had and our opinion of it.”

“What did you say?”

“That he needed some rest of course! Me and Luna even give some credit, but we couldn’t find a way to prove it, so we just forgot about it. Sometimes we brought it back to make fun of the powerful wizard!” She said, smiling and scratching her forehead. “He got really furious everytime we brought it up.”

“I see, but, what was the prophecy about?”

“Oh, about some kind of balance that judges our world. He was really vague about it, he was balbuncing about giant beings who carve our stories in long lines or something about it, as I said, he was drunk.” Celestia blushed. “And I may have drunk some bit too. Luna hasn't drunk! You may ask her more about it.”

“I see, well, thank you, you helped a lot! I’m on my way to talk with Luna!” I got up.

“Ain’t now her time to rest?” I sit down.

“Indeed it is… I shouldn’t bother her now.”

“Oh yes, believe me you don’t want to disrupt her slumber!”

I nodd, knowing well her few hours of sleep are almost sacred to Luna, and how grumpy she gets if disrupted.

“Anything more my faithful friend? I really enjoy your company and our little talks.”

I pondered about it for some time, I have a letter filled with information about Damian, should I deliver it to her? She isn't in her best condition and I don’t want to concern her with speculation and data… not finished data… good substantiated and trustfull data, yet not finished…

“I’m sorry to inform you that this is the main reason for my visit, but if you ever need me for something, be it just a chit chat or advice, you just need to call me!” I… Did I just offer advice to Celestia?! She chuckled!

“I look forward to it my friend.”

I bowed to her. WHY DID I BOWED! I'm one princess! Dang it, I shouldn’t do it. Embarrassed, I quickly leave the room followed by Celestia’s little giggles.

When I was about to leave the room I quickly peeked back, Celestia's smile faded to nowhere and a new bottle of wine appeared on her hoofs! She took a shy sip of it and put a hoof on her mane, for a snape of second, before I left I could see a string of her mane regain its magnificent colors.

I was trotting around the palace, gazing at the floor, enjoying my own thoughts and pondering Celestia's condition. It’s my fault isn't it? I wanted to try to study other worlds. I wanted, against their advice, to peek at those worlds and I asked for Discord help to… stabilize the spell. I should know well that mixing his magic with our spell wouldn’t end well.

Now, due to my actions Damian is here, due to my actions Celestia is… a mess, for the lack of a better word. Due to my actions, Luna is now spending her time to sleep chatting with diplomats and explaining my incident.

I wipe a shy tear of shame from my face. Am I really able to do this all? I studied and researched a lot, and yet, I never felt able or worthy to call myself Princess Twilight, so if I wasn't able to do so, what to expect of the good ponies of Equestria?

I could feel another tear wanting to form but my self pity was stopped by an abrupt sound, I looked up and I saw a griffin knocking on my door while holding two glasses filled with some liquid.

“Hello? May I help you?” I said approaching him.

When he looked at me I immediately recognised him, I never had the pleasure to meet him personally, but I heard rumors of an implacable white griffin, with brown feathers resembling a necklace on his neck and a grotesque burn on his left eye.

“Princess Twilight!” He yelled with a high-pitched accent. “Here I was, knocking on your door for infindable minutes! I feel really silly right now.” He continued while approaching me.

“ May I, may I help you?”

“YES! Actually princess you can! May I accompany you on your walk?”

“Well, I’m going to the throne room right now.”

“What a coincidence! Me too! Let's trot, as your kind likes to say.” His voice, the way he swings his free clawn, I couldn't help but feel a strange sensation and a shiver crawling over my spine.

“Wine?” He said grinning confidently and offered me one of the glasses.

“Sorry, but I personally don't enjoy drinking.” After I said it, his grin gave in for half a second and he quickly threw the glasses over his shoulder! What is happening today?!

“But of course! Such a… example of formality like yourself wouldn’t find joy in such a friviolent pleasure as alcohol!”

He quickly approached me and before I could say anything our shoulders were almost touching!

“Yet, I beg for your pardon your highness, but few things about yourself are public for me to know, I doubt you want to eat a book!” He started laughing softly.

“Well, I’m a reserved mare as you know, but I would really enjoy reading a book, if that's what you meant by eating it. I heard griffin literature is quite popular among the pegasus.”

“If that's a thing you desire, Princess, so I shall find the finests books of the story of my kind!” I smiled genuinely, he is kinda flattering, why do many find his presence bothering I wonder…

Our little walk continued, he gave me many compliments that, shame on me, made me blush. Therefore, I couldn’t help but return the gesture. It’s truly remarkable that such a chivalric griffin is known as a bloodthirsty republican. I must do some research on him

“But trivialities aside Princess, I must ask you, such beauty that can only rival with your intellect and cunning, what you genuinely think about the monarchy?”

“About what?”

“I know, it’s not the wisest move to ask a monarchist such a question and expect something other than a compliment, but I hope that your intellect can surpass your fervor for this government.”

“I… I’m gonna pretend I haven’t heard it, ambassador.”

“Oh, please your highness, call me by my name, as you, I don’t like such titles.” He extended his claw. “Iron Claw.”

I looked at it for some time before accepting his gesture.

“Well, I… I see, so you ma-”

“Please Princess, you don’t need to do this, not here at least.” He gossiped while gazing around, looking for something or somepony.

I ponder for some time how long until we finally get to the throne room, yeah, it’s gonna take some time.

"So? Princess, what’s your opinion about that topic?”

“Elaborate, please.”

“Well, by Samol himself! Where do I begin?”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Corruption for starters, everykind knows nothing goes forward without the support or acceptance of the nobles of your kingdom?”

“That is, indeed a sad truth, that has improved immensely over the years! The nobles now are nothing more than counselors to Princess Celestia, yes they may delay some laws since they have the right to give their opinion, but that's all.”

He nodded to each of my words slowly, his eyes gazing at the ceiling for half-second before he looked back at me.

“Such a quick and decisive answer! I’m happy to witness your skills on oratories! But if I may, what you have said is definitely true!”

I smiled and nodded quickly at him, pondering how long until the throne room.

“But that rule, and many others don’t apply to the great nobles right? If I ain’t wrong, that's ten houses right? They hold an amazing considerable amount of influence on the crown!”

“Yes, sadly that's a problem that I’m-” I looked around and got closer to him. “I’m working on it, or trying at least.” I whispered.

He grinned confiandly, stuffing his chest and all!

“But, as long as the problems with nobles are a thing, at least, as my beloved master, friend and co-Princess, Princess Celestia likes to say, better the monster we know than an unknown! I can’t help but wonder how you deal with them?”

His smile ceased immediately and he lost his pace for a bit of time before joining me again.

“Them whom?!” He said, almost yelling. He was sweating a bit and had to wipe the sweat offit with his claw. I grinned now.

“Your politicians of course! they have such a discrepancy between them that is frightening! I heard that they can barely agree on simple things, like how many stars your flag should have!”

“W-well, I-we never claimed that our form of governing was perfect your highness, yes it has its problems and can be… frightening, as you said, but that's not a bad thing at all! as you said in one of your works, -” He paused a bit and coughed drily. “- ‘The narrow mind shall find an arrow end, just the divergence of ideas will lead us to a brighter future! that's quite a saying if I may say it.”

“I see you really did your homework ambassador Iron Claw, and I still stand for what I said in that text of mine.”

“Yes, your highness, if I may.” He stopped and swung his claw, I nodded and he grabbed my hoof gently. “If you had been born a griffin, you would be a national hero with such inspiring words!” He kissed my hoof and we continued our walk

“Sorry, it’s just that your highness exhales such a beautiful aura that I could not help but praise you one more time, but, back to topic, your yet stand for those words?”


“Well, isn't it curious that you believe in such words and yet you led the ban on the republican movement in your country?”

“You mean your little try to spread your government to our country?”

I said dead serious, we both gazed at each other for an uncomfortable long time before we both burst in laughter.

“You have indeed a good sense of humor Princess, a characteristic I believe you got from the element of laughter, miss Pinkamena Diane Pie!”

“Truth, you can’t live around them and dont learn a thing or two!”

He cried a couple of crocodile tears of joy before wiping it with his claw.

“About what I did, I learned fast that those ponies were dangerous, their ideas are… were, to put it slightly dangerous! They wanted to shake the social order on such a scale that the country would collapse!”

“Some believe otherwise, that you tyrannically censured them and exterminated them, hunting until they were no more.”

“As I said, they were dangerous, they didn’t have the right to enforce any of those demands, and by the matter, Equestria is extremely tolerant with divergent ideas, as the one proposing a theocracy instead of a monarchy.”

“Oh Princess, please, you would still be governing Equestria in one or another, but the republican ideas, you despise with a burning zeal.”

“They’re dangerous, as I said, they would crush many vital institutions and chase many prominent figures in our country.”

“Yes, I give you this, they were indeed a bit harsh and intolerant with their manners, and trying to kill your sister-in- law was really bad for their looks.”


“But in their hearts, their path was just and rightful! And with time, they would learn to tolerate the other's points of view, like the Great Griffin Republican, do you know that even there are political parties seeking for the restoration of the monarchies? We may not agree, but we at least let them speak their ideas, different from here, where the only ideas spreaded are the one that fits your government.”

“Yes, an interesting breeding ground for revolts and chaos if you allow me to speak, you can’t just bring water and fire together and expect them to turn in anything but steam, ambassador.”

“Oh, it fills my heart with sadness to realize you still believe the world is white and black, Princess, fire and water, harmony and chaos, you must see the gray in the world, the ice and the order!”

“Sadly ambassador, soon you’ll learn that in Equestria some topics are indeed black and white, period.”

“I see, but quickly, back to that topic, can we have the body of the leader of revolucionarios, the pony called New Hope? He is, if you’re unwar of the fact, a great figure in my country, a visionary if I may spea-.”

“NO YOU MAY NOT, he is a war criminal and such was his crimes he got capital punishment, he ATTEMPTED against the Princess Mi Amore Cadenza life and nearly killled my BROTHER, Prince Shining Armor. I can tolere many things from you, but praising that pony isn’t one of them.”

When I finished my speech he simply nodded and scratched his chin.

“If that's your wish Princess, so it shall be, can I at least know what was done to his body?”



He grabbed from his pocket a piece of paper, read it I presume and kept it.

“Another topic, are Equestria testing mage-spells again?”


“A yes then? I’m obliged to remind you about the non-proliferation treaty your Princess signed centuries ago to prevent the spread of such terrifying weapons? We, griffins, may not have horns to wield magic at our own will, but we have our ways to manufacture such abominations of weapons if we are obliged to.”

dang it.

“W-well, you see, ahm, Princess Luna will be happy to inform you about that incident.

“I’m afraid that your little experiment is already known by the Republic, their magic detector went crazy and they want an answer from me, so I need an answer from you princess, you know what the fear of the unknown can cause right?”

“I, ahm…-”

“Princess Twilight?” I turn just to see a guard keeping the door to the throne room thanks to Faust.

“I would love to explain how this is just a funny misunderstanding, but sadly my duties call for me now. Luna will give you a letter explaining everything ambassador.”

He stared me up and down before bowing to me and walking away.

Saved by my duties, what a day.

When the doors closed behind Twilight she sighed in relief. She yawned one last time to get rid of all the tiredness left on her and get ready to fulfill her duties alone for the first time.

Therefore, her surprise couldn’t be holded in when she saw Luna also sitting on the throne room.

“L-Luna?! What are you doing here?”

“My friend!” The lunar monarch shouted, raising one hoof and inviting Twilight closer.

“Are you okay? I thought you would go to sleep after dealing with the, the diplomats”

“That's true my dear friend!” Said Luna in an amable tone, almost sounding like Celestia, an action that got Twilight off guard.

“But then it occurred to me that you would be alone here, and if my memory isn't wrong, it then should be your first time dealing with the real court alone, am I right?”

Twilight blush on her embarrassment before sitting on her throne.

“But you need your sleep Luna, ain’t it bad for you?”

“Oh, please Twilight, it’s not like this is the first time I skip a night, or should I say a day? nonetheless, I’m used to it, fear not, you shall.”

“But Luna, a good sleep is fundamental for a healthy-”

“Please Twilight, I know about all this stuff.” She giggled while waving her hoof. “Soon you’ll know that alicorns are built differently, but if it bothers you I shall go to my chambers after we finish here, what do you say my friend?”

Twilight nodded, remembering and citing mentally all the effects of the deprivation of sleep can have on a pony.

“WAIT!” Twilight yelled at the same time Luna signed the guards to let in the ponies so their duties could start.

“For Faust herself Twilight, you scared me!”

“I’m sorry Luna, but we are forgoting somepony ain’t we?” she said while pointing at the empty throne between them.

Luna mumbled internally and nodded.

“Alas! I haven’t noticed his absence, Twilight, but I’m afraid he is late, isn't he?”

“Well, I bet he has a good reason.”

“Sadly, our duties wait for nopony.”

Before Twilight could say anything Luna clapped her hoofs and the guards at the front door nodded and opened the front doors of the massive throne room.

“The nobles would have waited for Celestia.” Twilight whispered.

“Luckily for us, Blueblood isn’t my sister.” Luna muttered.

The trumpets sounded and filled the room quickly and a small gray unicorn emerged first wearing a red-wine fashioned coat with a scroll levitating around him.

Twilight gulped, her mind repassing all the manierism and rules she must follow! since she was now officially on duty.

A small unicorn walked towards the princesses over the luxurious red carpet, bowed to them and took his place beside the carpet. Twilight inconciantly, on her sheer polite, tried to bow at him but felt Luna's magic holding her back.

He coughed dry to clear his voice and opened the scroll while at same time some nobles, not remarkable ones, that Twilight could remember from her research filled the room also taking places beside the red carpet not before bowing to the princesses.

“Now stands before thee, your illustrious highnesses, the High Governor of the South Colonies of Equestria, Bringer of Iluminism and discoverer of the Great Crater, Sir Glory Seeker!” The gray unicorn shouted full lungs.

The trumpets sounded again and a show of lights came from the door and a melody filled the room. Luna smiled discreetly and hummed internally along with the melody and Twilight gasped at the show of lights, speechless from the sudden flashes that shined brightly for a fraction of a second and re-emerged even brighter.

Even the stoic nobles who watch the royal princesses doing their duties for knowledge and prestige sighed in awe.

From the door a golden unicorn emerged, wearing nothing but a long black cape with the emblem of a tree being pierced by a unicorn-horn on it.

He walked slowly but steadily towards the princesses. A confiant grin on his face, after approaching the closest he could before the guards by the throne stepped in and crossed their spear to stop him.

He swings his head, making sure his short white-cotton mane let out bits of sparkles that resembled a six pointed star before bowing to the princesses.

“Your highnesses, my happiness can barely be described that you have chosen me as your first audience for today. Again my thanks.”

“Please my loyal subject, raise your head, for we greet you with our presence.” Luna said while spreading her wings and Twilight was quick to follow.

The unicorn rapidly lifted his head and his eyes wided while contemplating the image of the two princesses, light from the windows behind them in contrast with their fur and spread wings could not be described as anything but divine.

The unicorn, along with many of the nobles in the room, gasped speechless until Luna withdrew her wings to her back along with Twilight, who felt a bit embarrassed about the situation, but did her best to hide her little blush.

“Your highnesses.” The unicorn, now recovering from his stupor mumbled. “Here I came, trying to impress you with my little skill, just to once again witness the gap between us! Please, accept my apologies!” He once again bowed.

Luna chuckled internally and whispered so low that only Twilight could hear her. “So he’s one of those.”

“Raise you head my loyal subject, for I enjoyed your display of magic and refined taste for music as my dear friend did, I believe.”

“Indeed!” Twilight almost failed to contain her excitement. “You did a fast one there right? The Lunar symphony of Dawning Moon and a show of lights that Celestia famously loves, not talking about that six pointed star on the end. Neat.”

“I’m glad you found some amusement in my arrival, your highness.” He said, nodding his head.

“Approach, my subject, for I also find your arrival… neat.” Luna said rolling her eyes.

The unicorn approached, his smile growing more and more, till his eyes laid on the empty throne between Luna and Twilight and he could help but curse himself mentaly for not noticing Celestia absence.

“May I ask your highnesses, where is Princess Celestia?”

“My sister finds herself indisponible in the moment.” Luna said, her horn glowing and a scroll puffing in existence in front of her. “Glory Seeker, humm? Your name rings some bells for me, may I ask why the-you, haven’t attended my re- coronation and Princess Twilight coronation?”

He froze with the question and took a second to reaffirm himself.

“Well, I think your highness has received my letter of congratulations and my second in command who came all the way from the colonies to attend your ceremony, both in fact.”

Luna's eyes fixed on the papers in front of her the whole time wided a bit after he finished.

“Yes, actually that's true, we have never met before, and if those papers are true, this is your first visit to Equestria mainland in almost a decade or so.”

“Yes.” He chuckled. “Many of my compatriots told me about those turbulents years our country experienced! I mean, a princess coming back from the moon, the return of the Chaos god Discord and the changeling invasion and conversion for starters, I mean, that was a pretty intense decade!”

“Yes.” Luna continued narrowing her eyes to read the scroll. “and you have a custom to visit the mainland every decade, right?”

His heart beat hard and he breathed in before nodding.

“So, tell us, what can we do for you.” Said Twilight taking the initiative after realizing Luna was too busy reading those papers that she failed to peek at.”

“Well, you see your highness, I’m here to deliver you some alarming news.”

Twilight looked at Luna a bit anxious with the news, expecting to know more properly how to react but again, Luna fixed her eyes on that scroll, unconscious with his words.

“The second biggest colony, Celestial Savior, is on strike! They refuse to fulfill their quota of tributes, reducing their tribute of firewood to just a fifth of the normal!” Said Glory Seeker, shaking his hooves in the air to give more emphasis on his speech, sharps movements following his last words.

Many nobles in the room gasped and murmurs and wipers filled the room, some hoofs were pointed and legs shaking while the words, my raw material were repeated.

“And for which reason they reduced their quota?” Luna said without looking at him

“They claim that those lands belong to them, and thus should not be exploited sooo, ahm… I think the word they used was, violent.”

In a second, many nobles, especially those who have shaking legs and a void gaze in their eyes, bursted, hitting the floor with their hoofs and proffering many offenses on the edge to become curses, which is prohibited to be said in the throne room.

The turmoil got Twilight off guard and she in sheer reflex opened her wings and the nobles ceased their yells and almost-curses in awe.

“Good Twilight, I thought I’d have to silence them myself, my sister really teached you well.”

Luna whispered, taking her time to massage her eyes with her hoof.

“W-well I-I-” She tried to whisper back.

“Your Highnesses!” The golden unicorn shouted full lung to the room. “Fear not! For I have come here with a problem and a solution! Everything I need to put those lazy rebellious punks in their places is one of the great battalions of Equestria and the order and shipments shall return to normality.”

Many nobles praised him, calling for the princesses support for his idea.

Twilight gulped with the idea of sending a whole battalion to the colonies to appease the locals, she peeked at Luna and saw another scroll popping in existence.

“Soo? Do I have the support of the crown my beloved rulers?” He said, bending slightly his body in reverence once again and being followed by more praises of the nobles.

When time went by, and Luna seemed like she wasn’t going to answer since now another paper appeared in front of her, Twilight cleared her throat loudly to take their attention to her, an action she promptly regretted.

“Do you have any battalion in mind, mister Glory Seeker?” Twilight said, praising herself mentaly for not stuttering.

He smirked, “The battalion from the house of the Sword would do well, Princess Twilight.”

From the House of Sword! He wants to pacify a turmoil or fight a war?! Twilight questioned herself and gazed at Luna, expecting many things, an equally surprised expression, maybe a smirk or a furious look, not a emotionless face and a book popping in existence.

“Your highness?”

“W-well, isn't it wise to send a battalion from the House of Shield then? They are famous for dealing well with situations like those.”

“The next complet shipment will arrive in a month Princess Twilight, after that, just a fifth. I fear the industries may collapse before I can deal with those rebels, with all the due respect to the House of Shield, but placate rioters aren’t one of their specialities, maybe hold a line, but not what I have in mind.”

Twilight looked again at Luna, praying mentally for some guidance, and to her despair and a bitter-happiness, she was holding a book and reading it.

“Maybe we can find an agreement, find a common ground, renegotiate their quota for exemple? Sending the troops might give the wrong message for the other colonies.”

“Their quota, your highness, should be bigger! It was just due to Princess Celestia, in her endless mercy that now they just pay thirty tons per shipment! I read the documents, they should be paying one hundred tons!” He shouted and looked around, especially to the nobles who absorbed that information with mixes of surprise and greddy eyes, Glory Seeker swore he just saw one them having dollar signs in place of eyes.

“I see, but they do have their reasons, I’m always up to dialogue, mister Glory Seeker, and we-” Twilight said peeking at Luna quickly. “Chose to give a chance to reason.”

The unicorn discreetly looked Twilight up and down, hiding his disgust for her with a smile he continued sighing, wanting not to say the next bits of words.

“I fear that they disrespected the statue of Celestia in the center of th-” Before he could even finish his sentence, the abnormally high sound of a book being closed interrupted him, everyone in the room, even some not alert guards flinched with the sheer magnitude of the sound.

Twilight ears folded at gazing at the now-smoking-book on her hoofs, Did she close it so fast that… did she…

Luna gazed at him with an emotionless expression on her face, she lifted the book to her face level and blew the smoke off. the sound of purses of bits and beats silently echoed the room, even the maids, who stayed in one of the suport doors on the sides of the room were taking bets and whispering each other, but overhaul the silence were mortal.

Luna calmly put her book away, letting it disappear in a blue portal she created and cleared her throat, Twilight breathed in, the nobles licked their lips and Glory Seeker gulped.

“Tell me, mister Glory Seeker, if I may ask of course, why did thee, hath not come to my re-coronation?”

“W-we-well, you see your highness, my work demands a lot from me, and so-”

“What about my dear friend and co-regent, Princess Twilight here? I admit, many ponies at time didn’t even remember me, or even recognized me at first, but Princess Twilight here should, at least, after you failed my coronation, be graced with your… elusive presence, don’t you agree?”

He started to sweat, his breath failing slightly, but increcendly. He peeks back, seeing the nobles who at seconds ago seemed to support him totally, staring emotionless ahead.

“Again, my most sincere apologies, b-but, as your great sister likes to say, you should give yourself to the small bits of the job as you do for the big ones! I was jus-”

“Sadly, for thee, the saying actually goes, thou shall give thou blood for the small battles, as thee gives for the pyrrhic ones.”

"Actually-" Twilight tried to intervene, but Luna raised one hoof and Twilight stopped immediately, cursing mentaly all of her teachers that caused this problematic custom. She quickly apologized to them mentally after that.

“You visit Equestria every decade, you did it like a clock three times since you became the Lord of the Colonies, actually.”

One of the scrolls that levitated near her approached and she quickly peeked at it, her eyes widened a second time on the same line just today.

“Lord of the Colonies at your twenties?! Impressive! In my times it used to be some old grumpy militar who received that honor, and just after a long military campaign... I'm sorry, I had a daydream.” Luna smiled with her old memories coming back.

“My point stands, Lord of the Colonies at such a young age! Never failed to attend in your three decades, visit Equestria, including some special events like, who knows, a coronation.”


"SILENCE WHILE WE SPEECH OUR THOUGHTS!” The room once again flinched, now this time due to her royal voice of Canterlot. When it was clear he wasn’t going to interfere, Luna nodded and continued.

“Where I was… oh right, hath… have come to my attention that you are late for your decade visit of Equestria to report to my sister how things are going.” He tried to reply, but Luna silenced him with her look this time. “And you also missed many important festivities of our country, now I wonder, my loyal and faithful subject, what this… strike… have done, that was so important to yourself comes to Canterlot and not send one of your councilors like you did before, I wonder what has of special in this… strike… that make you sail all the way up here, my, loyal subject.”

The room laid silent, the tension building up, almost palpable while Glory Seekers eyes gazed frenetcally between the floor, the doors and the princesses.

Who does this mare think she is?! I have been doing my job while her butt was stuck on the moon itself! Wasn’t she supposed to be naive and yet trying to readapt to the modern times?! Tarnation my sources are outdated?!

“This is not a rhetorical question, mister.”

Glory Seeker gulped heavily, breathed in and out to calm himself but Luna’s clearing her throat speed him.

“They have attempted against the statue of your beloved sister, Princess Luna, that's traison! one attack against Celestia herself!”

“Princess Celestia for starters, mister, second of all, don’t talk to me about those laws, I was there when they were written down. Third, that wasn’t quite an answer, now was it?”


“Good, now, High Governor of the Colonies, Bringer of Iluminism and discoverer of the Great Crater, Sir Glory Seeker, I ask thou, you, there is something more than a bunch of rioters and a… strike, going on in that city.”


“That too, isn't a rhetorical question.” Glory Seeker closed his eyes and breathed out

“Everything is under control for now, your highness.”

“If you wish for this course of action my subject, so it shall be.” Luna looked to her side and shook her head, one guard quickly approached her.

“Bring me, the prince Smooth End.” In a heartbeat everything happened, the nobles in the room yelled in confusion, some even tried to leave the room. Glory closed violently his eyes and cursed mentaly everything and everyone he could think of. Twilight choked with nothing but air and surprise, she tried to say something but failed.

“Sorry, your highness, who I must bring to you again?” The guard mumbled, Luna breathed in, raised her head and gazed at the ponies in the room. The yells from the nobles ceased, Glory raised his head and met her gaze while Twilight punched her chest trying to not be the first princess to die choked with air.

“Bring me the leader of the House of Whisper, Prince Smooth End.” Luna declared, raising her left hoof in the air.

The guard nodded and speeded towards the exit to fulfill his duty.

“You sure Luna? They hate being disturbed from-, well, whatever they are doing.”

“The House of Whispers used to be one of mine back in the time my friend, now it is time for them to prove their loyalty to me.”

“Well, the great nobles got really influent in your absence Luna, he may not attend to your-”

The trumpets sounded again and the receptionist cleared his throat and did two steps back away from the carpet.

“Now stands before thee, illustrious Princesses of Equestria, the most magnanimous and cunning, leader of his house, Prince Smooth End of the House of Whispers!”

The door opened, a blue translucent mist emerged from the door and a hooded figure emerged. Many emblems engraved on their dark-gray hood, but the one that got most of the attention was the symbol on their chest, two lips closed and a watchful eye gazing at it.

When the figure started walking in, they raised their head and gazed upon the nobles in the room, who in response looked away and avoided looking at the darkness that was their head, which got covered by the hood.

Just the lower part of their hoof was visible, revealing his light gray color, confirming yet more to the nobles that they needed to get out of there. It's him! one of the nobles whispered.

The figure approached the princesses more and more, until they had got too close for Luna’s taste. She peeked at Twilight, who looked at him a bit anxious. Luna then looked to the guards at her side expecting them to hold the noble. They didn’t even move a bit.

The figure stopped a few meters from the princess, raised their hoof and cough, cleared his throat and finally took off the hoodie.

The face of an old unicorn revealed, his eyes with dark circles and signs of his advanced age showing. He then looked up and met Luna’s eyes, his tired eyes almost shined while he contemplated Luna’s beauty, in the end he bowed.

“Princesses,” said a hoarse voice trying at maximum to not sound so hoarse, “I, Smooth End from the House of Whisper, answered your call.

“Raise your head my subject, for I must give it to you, your arrival was quick and this pleased me, so I must ask, how did you get here so fast?” He in response lifted his head back and smiled innocently to the princesses.

“A little bird told me I was going to be called, so here I was.”

“Your… bird, also told you why thou were called?”

“I sadly no, your highness, for your shrewd mind is beyond my abilities and contacts to be aware of.”

“This Stallion, Lord of the Colonies claims that a… what was the word?”

“Strike” Twilight quickly helped.

“Yes, strike, he claims that a strike is happening right now on the city Celestial Savior, that the situation is under control and he just needs a battalion to fix the problems, what you, my loyal subject, and your little birds can tell me about it?”

The old stallion looked at Luna a bit more before looking back to see Glory giving him the desperate eyes. Smooth End smirked.

“He lies, your highness.” He said, his words hitting the occupants of the room like thunder, especially Glory Seeker, whose eyes now stare at the floor.

“I see, can you grace me with all, and nothing but the truth?”

“Totally! But I must ask, what does your highness desire to know?” Luna points at Glory.

“The truth of his lies.”

“I see, I- ouch, my back, guards, some of you mind?” Said the old pony, his back legs shaking, but before one could do anything Luna’s horn glowed and a blue dark cushion stamped with a moon in it magically appeared behind him and he quickly threw himself over it.

“You have my thanks, your highness, my old back isn’t what it used to be, as you know, time for some never stops.”

“I’m aware and hope this cushion suits you well.”

“Indeed it does.” said the stallion leaning back and enjoying this moment of rest.

“Where I was… oh yes, he lies a lot, but mix the truth in his words, one of the best kinds of lies, your highness.”

Luna nooded, she and Twilight looking at the stallion apprehensive.

“This strike he speaks of, isn’t just a riot, but a totally open rebellion-.” Luna’s eyes wided a bit “-and they didn’t just disrespect the Celestia statue, praise be her name, but destroyed it!”

“Blasphemy!” Luna shouted and the nobles agreed.

“They don’t want to just change their quotas too, but be fully independent and free of your grace!”

"Treason!” One noble yelled.

“Motivated by republicanism ideas from the Griffin Republic, they seek to spread the word and conving ALL the colonies to revolt and join them on their so-called, United Provinces.”

"Outrageous! The highest level of traison!” One noble shouted and many others followed him, hitting with their hooves the floor.

Annoyed by the noise, Smooth End stared back at them and they ended their little rant.

“I see.” said Luna trying to contain her anger, she looked at Twilight and she clearly wasn’t hiding her mix of confusion and anger that well.

“Mister Glory Seeker, a step forward, do mind you?”

When the stallion didn't move, Luna clapped her hooves and two guards approached him and forced him to walk forward.

“It’s polite to look at the princesses when they talk, sir.” Said Smooth End, and it seemed enough to wake up Glory from his trance.

He looked up and his eyes met with Luna’s eyes.

“You hath, any defense?”

“I… everything is under control, at least when I left the colonies it was. Yes I had hidden some facts, but I chose not to bother you with this level of problems!.”

“How long has this rebellion been going?”


“I hath no asked thee.”

“Something like eight to ten years by now, though the vandalism and all started just some years ago.” The old stallion said, coughing on the end.

“It isn't fair”

“What thou say?”

“Everything happened so fast, first a meeting, then half the guard on that forgotten piece of rock started joining this revolution, no pony could have predicted or prevented that. I did the best job anypony could ever imagine to do. I lost the biggest producer of firewood and the shipments didn’t change a bit. I’m not ashamed of my results, your highness.”

Luna gazed up and down with disgust before leaning her head down.

“I think, I wonder, you know the procedure now.”

With wet eyes and a sobbing snout, Glory Seeker took off his cape, folded it and laid it on the floor in front of them.

“Good, now tell me Prince Smooth End, do you have some trustfull pony for the job?”

“I’m pleased to hear this, your highness!” Said the old unicorn, Luna’s words almost waking his spirit up. “One of my sons actually, he will be honored.”

“Good, he shall sail to the colonies and placate and bring to us the guilties for destroying my sister statue, it’s unnecessary to say I want them unharmed.”

“Your desire is and order your highness.” Said him, bowing slightly to Luna.

“I allow you to use the fourth and fifth royal battalions if you and your son find it necessary, as long as those revolutionaries get what they deserve.”

“Luna,” said Twilight who stayed silent during all the discussion “I must disagree, they speaked with mister Glory, not us, we must give them a chance to speak, find a peaceful way out of this.”

“I would agree with you at anytime my friend, but the situation changed, we speak of no ruffian or rioter, but revolutionaries, probably funded by the Griffin Federation itself! If they meet anything but utter destruction a chain reaction will start and we will lose the colonies.”

“Yes but-”

“Your brother hadn’t almost died in one of those pace-talks those revolutionaries tried to propose some years ago?”

“Yes.” Said Twilight, her eyes narrowing while she remembered crying seeing her brother on a hospital bed in critical condition.

“Do you oppose me?”

“No, but in a world where it is an eye for an eye, everypony will end blind. Prince Smooth End?”

“Yes your highness?”

“I- I, I demand that you shall bring peace to those lands using the least amount of violence possible.” He nodded.

“If I find, I mean, if my son finds resistance?”

“As I said, the minimum violence possible, do what is necessary, but evade unnecessary bloodshed.”

“Shall be done, your highness.”

With a final nod and a groan of disconford to get up, the Prince bowed to the princesses one last time before leaving the room with Glory Seeker cape levitating by his side.

“Now for you, mister Glory Seeker, normally this kind of treason is punible with banishment to the colonies, Though I suppose we’re ahead on that account.”

He gulped, avoiding eye contact.

“To the dungeons, I’ll deal with you later.”

He just nodded and accompanied the guards out.

“We wish for a recess!” Luna shouted in her royal canterlot voice, and in a matter of minutes the room was empty.

Luna turned her head to the white unicorn who wrote down on their machine everything that happened and was said.

“Take out the part about revolutionaries in your report.”

“Y-your highness?!” The mare freaked after Luna talked with her directly.

“Yes, I don’t desire to turmoil yet more, my sister's heart with those kinds of problems, I trust your capabilities and imagination to fill the gaps and give her an acceptable copy of what happened.”

“B-but princess, it’s my duty to report everything that happened and file this, it’s really unprofessional of my part to alter the facts on those papers.” She said, her tone lowering with each word while Luna stared her down.

“Do it, it's an order.” Luna said coldly.

“Y-yes.” She whispered, taking the paper off her machine and scratching her head trying to bring something up to fill the gaps.

Luna gazed at Twilight, her mouth half opened quickly closed, Luna’s look said enough to silence the mare. Luna also gazed upon the guard in the room and all of them nodded in a silent answer to the lunar monarch.

Good. Luna thought to herself.

“WHAT IN MY AUNT’S NAMES WAS IT!” A furious Blueblood shouted, bursting in the room. Some guards even tried in reflex to stop him, but he promptly blasted them with his eyes and none opposed him.

Me and my big mouth

“You’re late.”

“I’M- BUT OF COURSE! And you started without me!”

“Our duties wait for no pony thou shall hath know that.”

Blueblood’s left eye twitches, and from his alforges he grabs the Celestia tiara.

“The royal duties never started before Princess Celestia arrived!”

Luna’s eyes wided a bit and she clapped her hooves together.

“This settles it then, since holding her tiara doesn’t turn you into her.”

Blueblood snorted in indignation but couldn’t help but agree with her.

“I want the report of their audience.” He said to the mare holding the files in her mouth.

He walked towards the bigger throne in the center, Celestia’s throne and Luna without an ounce of hesitation took her sister's place.

“What in-” Her horn glown and Twilight got teleported to Luna’s throne, she gazed frantically around trying to understand what just happened.

“You’ll not sit on my sister's place, nor mine.” She said, signaling Twilight's throne. “That one fits you well.

“Your throne is really comfortable, Luna! Dang it's good.” Said Twilight unaware of everything.

He opened his mouth to say something but chose not to.

“Why did you arrive late.”

“Personal business.”

“Your personal business is that tiara that you like to brag about. Why, I ask one more time.”

Blueblood frowed his face and stared at Twilight.

“I woke up with that wave of magic caused by Princess Twilight.”

“Yes?” Her name being spoken of was enough to get Twilight's attention away from the pillows; she gently touched in admiration of their softness and noticed Luna sitting on Celestia's throne and Blueblood on her throne. Her ears folded.

“I didn’t know what was going on, got scared and I went to see my sister to see if she was well.”

Luna grunted internally but chose to not press more.

“Twilight, do you mind calling the next pony?”

“Of course Luna!”

Blueblood cleared his throat perturbally loudly.

“Ahm, Princesa Luna.”

Twilight horn glowed and one scroll popped ahead of her, her ear folded again seeing that endless amount of names. Oh boy.

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