• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 889 Views, 12 Comments

Redemption, what a beautiful word. - Ryoup

I made countless mistakes, now I have the opportunity to start over, to escape from my past, in THIS Equestria, I hope, I hope not to repeat my mistakes...

  • ...

Finally this day is over.

Author's Note:

I just realized that I am six chapters on the same day… I HAVE TO END THAT DAY!

Frustrated, frustrated is the best word to describe Twilight now, she barely slept this night, to busy thinkin how to deal with Damian issues and helping Fluttershy with a personal project of hers.

Now Twilight is in her room, her mind pondering her next action, a cup of tea to help her with the mood and one with coffee to help maintain awake, she looks out the window for a few seconds, watching the clouds flying overhead.

"Princess? Are you awake?"

Twilight murmured some thoughts just hering this voice, "yes B, and remember, I'm not Twilight or princess, I'm Shining Sparkle, Twilight apprentice and everything, okay?"

The silence was her answer, but knowling B as she know he is probably noding, even if she can't see him, "so... Prin-Twil-SPARKLE! I ahmm... Your meetings and duties as a princess? How does it work now?"

Why everything is happening at the same time? her night was horrible, every time she thought she had found a plan to help Damian, she found a weakness, a flaw or just realized the fact that she knew very little about him and most of what she did was discovered by Fluttershy. I'm supposed to discover things, not her, her thing are with animals! Horse apples.

"Defer the commitments, please B." another phantom nod was all she got from him while he trot silently away from her room. Twilight looked at the cups of tea and coffee, both half full and a tip from Pinkie popped in her mind, maybe it's a dump idea, maybe, but this not stopped her smile while she mixed both drinks and drink that mix, the taste was awful, it was bitter and strong at the same time, In a matter of seconds she spit the whole mixture out of her room, "damn it Pinkie, you said it was a... Unique experience... Celestia help me, she was the pony that mixed hot sauce in the drinks and said it was good"

Twilight levitated a letter she was writing to Celestia since she arrived in Ponyville, the title was clear, Damian Spencer for Twilight Sparkle, a new world of curiosities and discoveries, specie, Human from the mammal family, visions of future and past yeap, I need another title.

Ahhhhhh! I hate them! 'we are here ya know fag?' Jesus Christ, I... I need to reach at the castle/school faster or they will drive me crazy, again, well, whatever.

I can see clarely the castle, far away, beautiful, giant, an a fucking pain in the ass, really? A flyng fucking castle! Finding that was hard and that was full of powerful wizards! After three or four tries I gave up, they were not worth the effort, 'nope, you was too lazy to chase them to zebrica.' this too, but who's counting? 'I'm'

It will take me a few minutes to get there, maybe a quick stop in the Cakes? Or maybe... The 'Marijuana!' 'Medicinal herbs!' "YES!!!"

Fuck that castle, hey dumb ass, you remember where it is? 'off course! Go ahead and after two streets turn right, green house!' jeez, thanks.

I follow the orders for a few minutes until I see a green building.

"Yeahhhh, let's go crazy boys." 'Agreed.'

I enter in this building and breathe deeply, yes, I know this smell, I look around, some plant pots empty adorn on the shelves and tables, the few pots with plants were clearly pruned, damn I recognize this one.

"I'm coming, in one minute." I hear a voice coming from another room, maybe is the owner, whatever, I adjust the suit on my shoulder before leaning on the counter and start reading the prices, 'it's in Grapian? Fuck, I don't understand this.' yep, but the prices still here, let me see... Twentyfive bits ahm? Perhaps it's about a bunch of mari? 'probably'

The noise of hooves catches my eye and I look up, there is, a green unicorn, are those dreadlocks? Damn, a pony with dreads, 'one less item in the list.' "one less item in the list hell yeah."

"Sorry? Can I help you mister... Minotaur?" now that she is in the other side of the counter I try to see her mark, nope, it's not a narguile, damn I swore it would be that. Well, brown mane, and blue eyes, if you ignore the dreads, she is basically normal.

She noticed that I was staring her dreads and blushed, "So-sorry if you dislike it, I hope this hasn't offended your clan or the like."

"No no no, I'm not a minotaur, I'm a... Client, and for what it looks, you have a lot of clients." She let out a small laugh as she raised one of the potted plants close to her with magic and blushed again.

"So mister..."

"Let's go with Damian." 'the lord of the Universe!!!' 'why not Spencer?'

"Well, Damian, what can I do for you?" her voice, it's... Shrill, but it's not at same time. 'to much mari dumb.' maybe.

"Well miss..."

She laughs a little, "call me miss G, ok?"

"Well miss G, I come here to ask you for something really important," I say as I support my two hands on the counter and stuff my chest, "I DEMAND MARIJUANA!" 'hell yeah! Catch them all boy!' 'i-its medicinal herbs! And n-not that thing!'

While the two jerks discuss in my head, I look at her, she raises an eyebrow while tilting her head slightly to the side, she raise her hoof a few inches from her snout while start processing what I said, "mari, juana? Sorry I don't have that, or at least I don't know it by this name sir."

Damn it, yes they call it other name, ahmmm, jeez you don't remember? 'MARIJUANA!' 'its green something' "GREEN PEACE!" She gave a little jump of fright away from me, "sorry for that, I'm just excited." 'wait? Hold my beer coward-boy, that pussy just apologized to a FUCKING PONY?!?!' 'jezz' I-I do, jezz, I think I'm ill, 'DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT! YOU BETTER EXPLAIN IT OR KILL HER NOW!!!'

"W-well mister," she said trembling a little, "yes I have green peace, I just need see you card and I get it for you."

Oh crap, card? "Sorry miss, I think I hear wrong, what kind of card?" I said while touch some gems in this suit.

"Well, the recreative card of course, green peace are a controlled plant since it can be, addictive to someponies you know." she stated while levitating a pot of 'green peace' near us from the other room.

Shit, they have it here too? Damn I didn't remember that, well, time to enter in business mode, 'okay, exchange this, her life for all the stock of, humpf green peace.' 'worth it' "well pony, I'm new in this country and I don't have this card you know, but I really need it, what you can do for me?" I said while put my friendliest smile I have.

"Well," she answered in a low tone, "nothing, this plant are used to help ponies with psychological problems you know? Besides that, I'm low stock."

Oh, wanna play hard ahm? Okay let's play hard so, 'I swear for God, if you do it I'll-' "b-b-but missss I have those problems!" I screamed "I-i-if ya deny it to me y-you'll kill me! I-I-I can't take it moreeeeee." 'fuck, you did' learn from me while I'm still alive, idiot, yes I don't like beg like this but it will work, look.

She is trembling a little, maybe because of the shouting and whining I did or the loud noise, she looks like someone who doesn't like noise, but there is, she is looking at me, Analyzing for a fault or a lie of mine, unfortunately for you, pony, I made a living from business like that, unless you are Applejack or Celestia, it is useless to look for a lie in me. 'ya still begging to a pony.'

"W-well, you, Celestia help me, sir how can I trust you? It's a rare plant and everything, you are asking me to commit a crime!" yep she know how deal with business, a little at least.

"L-look miss, I need it, like, I REALLY NEED IT, look! Give me your smallest plant you have, I will use it with moderation if it's your concern! I-I-I'll make it last a week! What do ya say? I swore not come back in at least a week! Please... Help me in this.

She is biting her lips and looking around! Hell yeah baby, I won! 'he is retard' 'agree' "well, I ahmm, the smallest?" I nod furiously "oh horse apples, I, lock mister I, ok." I WON BITCH, she sign in defeat while levitate another pot, this really tiny, god, this plant is the size of my hand, better than nothing, "you are with miss Fluttershy or I'm wrong? I saw you walking together, so, let me see, twenty minutes would be enough."

"Uhh? For what?"

"Well, to boil the water of course, boil the water for fifteen minutes and add one to three leaves and leave for five minutes and then enjoy, I recommend not to exceed three leaves."

"Of course! I'll totally drink it!" her ears bend slight and she Raises an eyebrow, maybe she is not believing, let's change the topic, "so, how I pay you? Do you like or accept gems?"

She nods to me, all that I wanted to see, I throw the suit over the counter and point to one gem, "magic glue, just put some mana and the gem will pop out the suit" she do what I said and it's done, she move the gems sometimes, "don't worry, It's genuine." I grab the suit and a bag with the plant and walk away, "goodbye miss, thanks." 'he... HE JUST... Damn god.'

Here I'm, the castle, it's, big, mine was bigger! I look back, yes I still being followed by Celestia guards, two pegasus and some normal ones, whatever, I enter in the castle, I can't deny the enthusiasm in my steps, I never entered in this castle, when I open the door I left out a breath, the last bastion of pony kind huh? I expected more, resistance than a door alone.

"I can help you?"
HOLY FUCKING GOD I almost kicked this little shit, how is possible a pony be this tiny? This shit is up height of my shin! Jeez, and even have a mark huh? 'ohhhh, food!' "yes, ahmm, can you call an adult?" he inflat his face and looked, angry? Damn where is Miranda? This is so cute!

"I AM AN ADULT, sir," he yeled a little too loud for his size and sigh, "again, can I help you?" it's... Adorable, a tiny blue pegasus with a parchment as cutie mark, grey mane and golden eyes, this is so, wait what? 'thank god, it's a PONY, IDIOT!' yes... My bad.

"Well little one," oh look! His face inflated again! "I need see Sparkle."

"Well, miss Sparkle canceled all her meetings today, so minotaur, go away, and go find some horns" wut? Hear me here ya little shit. 'lets kill him, now!' damn I agree.

"Look, I'm not a minotaur, what is your problem with... Jesus Miranda... I'm Damian, Human, take any word? I'm here to see Sparkle and I'LL SEE HER! Now if you are a sweetie and tell me her room, it will make my job easier." his face changes from disinterest to realization very fast, sometimes I forget how big their eyes can be, especially the small ones, they normally show that face when I... I... 'finish this thought.' threaten them, 'beautiful word to eat or kill them if you allow me say.' 'I like the wings!' whatever, this is past. 'pffft, okay if you say.'

"W-well, sorry, I thought you would be, smaller, I'll call her, just wait." he open his wings and flew for the corridor, 'look that wing, can I have a bit of it?' no, but I want too, 'why not? We are the emperor here, slayer of gods and stuff.' we are sealed, no, I'M sealed, shut up, 'force me, and we faced worse situations than this one, do you remember the dead lands? The fight in the barn or with Starswirl? That was epic! Oh oh have that one with Celestia, that was THE fight! Damn it, I miss the old days.' I... I too.

I wait for some minutes looking the suit and my future high-time-plant but after some time I just got bored, let's find her, I said as I started walking in one of the many corridors that this castle has.

After some time walking, avoiding the stained glass because of... HER... Of course she would be in the stained glass of HER castle, well, I avoid classes too, since this castle still being a school. I reach in my objective, room forty five, I knock on the door for a few seconds and wait, nothing? I knock the door again, same result, fuck it, I open the door, I hope not find her doing naughty things, 'jeez dude, you're sick.'

Nope, nothing, 'look, this bitch have a balcony!' I agree, damn I'm talking too much with them, whatever, let's see the rest of her room, oh that's a huge bed and-- wait, is that... "HOLY FUCK MY SUITCASE!" 'THE HORNS!!! GO FOR THE HORNS' 'GET A TELEPORT ONE!' I drop the plant and the suit and run for it, please be here please be here please be here please be here, when I open I see a lot of feathers, some old scrolls, a cursed book of satan and, "thank god it's here!" I open my wallet, Some notes fell due to haste but there is, I smile grew on my face as I look at my family photo, a bit burned but they still recognizable, "oh baby, how I miss you." I kiss the photo while I kept the photo in my wallet, don't wanna say anything? '...' '...' good.

I sigh while kept the wallet in the suitcase, jezz, the feathers are a mess, it'll cost me hours to fix it, 'y-yeah, I recognize all of then, i-if it help.' 'same here.' no, it's fine, I remember... I remember them all...

I grab the bible and open it, "Porque sou eu que conheço os planos que tenho para vocês, planos de fazê-los prosperar e não de causar dano, planos de dar a vocês esperança e um futuro." I laugh while throw it in suitcase "bullshit." I close it, just one suitcase, the other is not here, obviously, I sigh, damn, it feels like huge weights have come off my shoulders, good...

After spending some time near the balcony, enjoying the few rays of sunshine that the world offers, I shake my head, time to come back to real world, when I turn to the suitcase I see... 'is that a... Letter?' 'oh oh let's see!' fuck it, whatever, I walk and grab it, title too big, I'll see later, huh, Damian ahm? 'oh it's about us!' yep, serious problems interacting with ponies and similars... Hate talk about past... 'bullseye!' miss family... Know about the future? M-mammal family? What's the title of this shit?


Oh shit! I crumpled the letter and hide it in the sleeve of my robe, "s-sup?" oh, it's just Shining and that brat, cool.

"What are you doing here Damian? This is MY room!" oh damn, she is angry, pfft.

"Hold your horses princess," I said while lift my hands, "I was just lost, it's all." ahmm, did she get a few whiter shades or is it just my impression? 'I think yes.' 'she... She looks like...'

"WHY YOU WAS NOT WAITING THERE?!" this brat, I shrug and look away, As if I was going to explain myself to this brat.

"I-I, Damian can you explain why you didn't waited?" she said, a melancholy in her voice, is this... Fear? Oh boy, I TAKE IT! SHE 'HID PORNOGRAPHY HERE!' 'HID PORNOGRAPHY HERE!' HID PORNOGRAPHY HERE! 'hell yeah, at least one thing right?' whatever, humpf, pony porn, disgusting if you allow me said, 'pffft, what? Look who's Talking! Ohhh Chrysalis, yes! Hummmmm YES!' I blush insanely, how he dare!

"Sparkle, seal, remove it, NOW!" 'hold on, go easy boy.' 'jerk.'

"D-Damian I..." She starts to massage her temples with her… hoof? I never got how it work, but from what I see this really work, somehow, "can be... Tomorrow?"

"Nope, the deal was today, now start doing your magic stuff and remove it." I hold the necklace and show it to her, already feeling the heat it causes to touch it.

"Y-yes! But I never said the time right? So it's today, not now!" 'this bitch, ah ah! she got you!' I hear his laughs, bastard, I look at her, She is serious about it. 'Damian... We know her? She remind me... Her...'

"Okay, but the suitcase and marijuana stay with me!"


"Good." I grab the suitcase and my plant, thrown the suit over my shoulder and now I ready, when I turn I hear a furiously trot.

"Sorry we don't find him." when I see was a gray unicorn in purple armor looking at Shining, "forgive me prin-hpff" Sparkle stuck her hoof in his mouth, prin? I walk toward then, The soldier noticed me and opened his eyes wide, Shining whisp something to him and he ran away, when the guard disappear and shining turn to me, sweating? What am I missing?

"Soooo, prin? Prin what?" she open her snout sometimes trying to say something but always failing to say it, the brat noticed and walk between us, he is, sweating too? What is happening?

"Y-y-you se-e D-Damian I, m-miss S-Sparkle here, she is--" damn how I hate stutterers!

"Shut the fuck up, simplify it." her eyes wide up and looked back to Shining, I raise a eyebrow and crossed my arms the best my stuff allowed.

"She is... THE PRINCIPAL! Yes you know! This school need a Principal!"

"Wait, was not Starlight some-shit the principal? And she were not one student? Like, apprentice of the big purple and stuff apart?"this little blue pegasus seems, more purple? Is he okay?

"N-now you see Damian, this is a secret okay? And I'm not the principal, I'm the vice-principal and yes, I still being a student, but nopony can know about it, okay?"

"Oh, it's a secret? You should say to everyone your title, but okay, if I don't get drunk I'll maintain your little... Secret." Both sigh of relief, wow, it must be a very important secret for her, 'let's spread the news!' don't think I forgot about you, even though it's a tempting offer.

I feel a chill go up my spine and when I turn I see, or better, I don't see the sun, damn, 'let's move the sun, pfft, the sun.' good joke, move the sun, perhaps later, 'yo idiot, it's impossible.' I know, welp, the time flies right? 'idiot you both.'

"So Sparkle, Congratulations on your promotion and everything but since you're not helping me, I'm leaving."

"W-what? You can't walk alone yet," she said while stayed between me and the door, "Besides, who accompanied you here?"

"No one? I think I'm old enough to walk alone, god I'm older than you! Besides of that, Celestia always has a guard spying me." I rapidly turn my head to the balcony and I swear that that was a pony head spying me.

"Well, I know but we have lawns, and you're in probation yet."

"Really? What is my crime? Be handsome?" 'good one!'

She raise an eyebrow "ahmm, breaking Luna's snout? Ataking Celestia? Threatening Cadence? Want me to continue?" 'what? We lost the good stuff! DAMN IT, cursed be you Damian!'

"Okay I got it," I said while approaching my head from her, "but I'm going to se my daughter in the hospital now, soo, unless you want a black eye, get out of my way." She swallows a lump stuck in her throat as she seems to be praying for her life, but keeps on my way and look at me in the eyes, she has guts.

I shrug and walk around her, "stop." I look at her and smile while continuing my walk, "I said stop!" I was about to say something to her when I feel... Something I didn't feel in ages, I guess, my chest bursted in pain And my outfit shone in a purple shade.

"Fuuuuck!" I scream as I kneel, yes, damn necklace, I start laughing, at first it was a little laugh until it became an uncontrollable laugh, “and I thought you guys also wanted me to start over.” 'was that... The necklace?' 'I... I can't tell.'

"S-sorry Damian! I didn't want--"

"No one wanted, no one never want," I rise and turn to her while grab this necklace, "You better never do that again."

"Damian I-"

"Because I'm not your weapon that you can threaten or something to do whatever you want, VOCÊ ME OUVIU VADIA?!" she tremble for a few seconds and trot away from me, good, I drop the necklace and grab my things, "now what?"

"What what?"

"What we do of course, I'm clearly not in a position to choose something, right?" 'what?'

"N-no Damian, that's not it, you are not our prisoner you are... Sorry about the necklace, this shouldn't happen," she said while approach me and touch my back with her hoof, "you're not our prisoner, even if looks like, we just want to help." I sigh and turn to her, "Come here." I smile as I crouch, what she wan-- she touch my necklace with her horn and a purple aura around it, I try to hold her horn and stop it but she gently holds my hand with her hoof and whispers for me to trust her, "easy there."

I feel... I feel the mana... That unique feeling that you can't describe until you feel it, it's so hard to describe how to imagine a new color, I smiled unconsciously, not a smug or threatening smile, a real smile.

"Sparkle... Thanks."

She smiled back while noded, "let's go Damian, Pinkie is waiting us."

"I imagine, just give me time to… assimilate everything and get dressed ok?"

"Okay, B, you can take Mr. Spencer's things to Fluttershy's cabin?" the little pegasus agree, But how the hell is he going to take the suitcase and my seedling-of-happiness I don't know.

"So… are you going to get dressed or what?" oh yes, well, I lose my things outside her room and look at her.

"Well, you know, ahmm, can you give me some privacy? Since I don't even have my underwear thanks to you guys." she tilts her head to the side in doubt until she connects the dots and blushes, in a matter of seconds she and… the little brat name is B? Jesus, whatever, now I'm alone, I take advantage of the feeling of mana running through my body for a few seconds before looking at the gem-studded suit, “let's go then.”

I look at the mirror, "hello handsome!" I say as I adjust the collar of the suit, damned be the one who invented the collar!

After some minutes trying to fix it, two knocks on the door of a bored Twilight And two jerks arguing in my head who is prettier, Beyoncé or Madonna, I almost joined in this discussion, but the answer is quite obvious, I finally finishing this hellish task!

Another look at the mirror and-- 'oh look, he almost look like a normal person, if you ignore the stubble of course and what else? I don't know, the past?' yes, I almost forgot about you, I think I have time to redo the spell 'oh c'mon Damian, it's me, you, stop it, dude, it's a mess already, you're not like that, I'm not like that, do you wear a suit? A fucking suit?! Go to pony parties, god damn, we exterminate armies, We made dragons cry! Walk through Dead Lands and come back alive! Damn it that time we moved the sun! And you prefer go to parties?! Damian, we ruled a country, no, a WORLD! Don't dare to say to me that, not even for a single moment you didn't thought about redoing the things, we, we can kill Twilight Damian, make her suffer, suffer for everything we suffer and even more!' yes, I'll not deny it, I thought about it, but... But life is more than this, more than kill.
'oh for god Damian, life is more than kill? Our objective is kill! We killed for pleasure! We razed daycares just because that sound funny! Their screams sounded amused! Oh life is more than kill, life life life, funny this coming from a suicide! You tried five times and failed five times, you’re not even good in this, but kill? In this regard we are the best, remember? The most dangerous being there is!' a-actually I failed six times. 'what? Jesus, Damian, this... Start over is bullshit, we don't deserve it and ya know.' I... I'm trying, And when I get rid of you two 'hey! I'm quiet!' I'll improve, I have Miran-- 'ohhhh he have Miranda, cool, how do you call it?your pillars, right? Let me see, Miranda, she is growing daddy, and sometime she will fly away from your little house or If she finds out your little secret, why is her mother dead? she'll totally let you alone, oh we have Bloody Novel too, poor mare, living life dangerously, one day her luck runs out, and Chrysalis, ohh poor Chrysalis, where do I start with her? She was making a lot of enemies, and her guardian, Damian Spencer is gone, I bet ten bits that she's already dead.' My breathing is getting erratic, it's a lie, they are fine, they have to be! And… and “Miranda never, WILL NEVER ABANDON ME!” I open my arms and magic circles appear on the floor, Sparkle is knocking furiously on the door, 'calm down Damian! I did nothing!'

The circles break up in lines that started to go up my legs until they form a star on the back of my neck, 'Damian, you can do it, I don't care, I'm you after all, but remenber one thing, you're going to beg for my help, and you know what I'm gonna say? I accept, but when that happens, I will be in control, I will be DAMIAN!' when the star on the back of my neck was complete a loud bang filled the room and a wave of energy emanates from me messing up all around the room, it's... Over.

I sigh in relief, I love how silent my head is, perfection if you allow me say.

"DAMIAN! ARE YOU OKAY?" o fuck, I screamed right?

"Sorry, I kicked the corner of the table! In one minute I'm out!"

"You said it ten minutes back." damn, she got brains too.

I fix my hair and the wrinkled parts of the suit due to the spell, look again in the mirror and smile, a handsome guy looks back at me, dammit, I have to cut my hair and shave, But before I leave, put the letter in my pocket, I'll see it later.
When I touch the doorknob I feel a cold run down my spine, “deja vu.” I swear, if I am transported to another world I will go crazy.

We walked for some time and I was pondering where Pinkie was gonna do her party, "should I know anything Sparkle? I don't like surprises and since I can do magic now I am not responsible if something happens to someone who scares me."

"It's just a party, go easy and everything will be okay." she said while stared... Flutershy's hut? What?

"No way the party is over there."

"You will be surprised how pinkie manages to throw a party in small places, although Fluttershy may be a little bored, I have to see that later." later? I look up, the moon still there, I raise a eyebrow, later?

Now we're in front of the door and I swear I saw Pinkie leave one of the birdhouses and hide again, this world is soo... Shit.

Sparkle walk near me and sigh, "look, I shouldn't talked about this party, can you at least pretend surprise?"
Whatever, I shrug, what she will do? Shoot me with a confetti cannon?

Sparkle open the door, I enter first, it's all, dark, and then, almost like the universe heard me the lights turn on and a LOT of ponies screamed 'surprise' And a cannon came out of nowhere, instantly firing a bunch of confetti, god, this is a lot of ponies, yep I'm surprised, I didn't have to pretend.

"DID YOU LIKE IT DAMIAN?" jeez my ear! From where she come from?

"Y-yeah," I look around, many of them nod at me, some of then that ran from me when saw me in the streets, "there's a lot of ponies here."

"Of course silly, what kind of welcome-party it would be if i didn't invite the whole village?" the whole what? I... How big... This hut... It's bigger?

The party was fun if you ignore the non-alcoholic and slightly spicy drink, now I'm sitting on a log outside enjoying the cool night breeze and looking at the stars, I saw some famous faces among the ponies but most of them ignored me, good, or was in groups like the bearers of the elements, I don't like this kind of parties personally.
Besides Miranda is still in the hospital, according to Fluttershy she was dizzy or something, Poor my baby, I'm going to visit her tomorrow, besides the ---

"Hi Damian, did you like the party?"

Oh, Pinkie, she sat on the log too and leaned against my shoulder, "yeah, thanks I think, it surprised me."

“Swear? I gave my all at this party! Since I was competing with the Pinkie of your world, you know, then I couldn't lose! But if I lose, would I also be winning?” jezz, I couldn't help but laugh at it.

"Nope, you win, easily." her ears perked up at the news but soon dropped.

"Don't lie to me, there's no way I win easily against me!" what? This mare is unique.

"No no, it's that, my welcome party was... Tiny? Can't tell, I was a kind of secret in time, and just you, Rarity, ahm... Fluttershy and... Twilight attended, since Applejack had gone on her brother's funeral anniversary and Rainbow Dash accompanied her, a small party to a few guest, just it."

She just stood there with those huge eyes looking at me with a shy smile on her face, "I like you Damian, you, you're a good boy, and Aunt Pinkie never misses!" that sentence… I… I won't cry! I refuse to cry! I bite my bottom lips to stop this stupid urge.

"Want to hear something funny Pinkie?" she waved at me.

"The other Pinkie, she... She said the same thing as you."

"Saw? Me and she got it right! ”

"I killed her..."

"Ohh..." good one asshole, break the mood, god how I hate myself. "W-well, now you're a good boy, right?" I wanted to nod, speak, or give any sign of an answer, but I couldn't.

"How was she, when you, you know"

"Smiling, always smiling and trying to convince me to stop." I didn't want to look her in the eye, I tried to look away but she took my face with her hoof and forced eye contact.

“She… I was right about you, do you know why? Why I never miss silly boy.” how can someone be so... I just said I killed you! And stop calling yourself aunt! I’m older than you!

"She is dead, and I killed many others... She was wrong." she presses her hooves harder against my cheeks.

"No no and no! Aunt Pinkie never misses! You were a good boy, in your own way, but I'm sure it was Damian… don't look like that, you know I'm not mad at you.”

She is so… I stop biting my lips and hug her, “thanks Pinkie… thanks, you don't know how much that means to me, thanks.”

I open the door to my room, it's small, a bed and a desk, well, better than nothing, I undo that damn collar and take off my shirt, I look for a basket to throw it at but there's nothing like it here, so I throw it at bed, damn, it must be two or three in the morning, I have to admit, Pinkie knows how to party...

How... what would things have been like if everything hadn't gone wrong? would it be like today? it would be… cool…

I look at the only mirror in the room, which coincidentally was quite a big one, I start to analyze my body, more specifically my chest, several scars adorn it, some from past fights, but most were from the unhealthy surgeries of Twilight... but one... one stood out, the first scar, a five giants right in the middle of my chest, I feel a cold rise up my spine when I touch the skin, it is... sensitive, bruised... burned... so that was it... how?

"Spenceeeeer... don't sleep Spenceeer..." Is she here already? damn it, I never have a break, I close my eyes while I throw myself on the bed never stopping massaging this hideous scar, how...