• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 889 Views, 12 Comments

Redemption, what a beautiful word. - Ryoup

I made countless mistakes, now I have the opportunity to start over, to escape from my past, in THIS Equestria, I hope, I hope not to repeat my mistakes...

  • ...

The good old times.

Damian sighed heavily, he glanced quickly at Miranda, she looked out the window, her expression thoughtful, Miranda is always thinking, Damian thought smiling as he approached the doctor.

His heart raced, he scratched the back of his neck and tried to force a smile as he continued to approach the doctor, he walked past Fluttershy and looked at her quickly, she was smiling genuinely, nodding at Damian.

After passing Fluttershy, Damian looked back at the ground, his heart racing faster and faster as he approached the doctor, his old friend, ex-friend, thought the human as his smile faded.

It's now or never, Damian thought as he knelt down to be on the doctor's level, Damian's heart beating so fast he was sure everyone in the room was listening to him.


Damian ran his hand over his head to wipe the sweat off his forehead, this fucked-up heart thought the human indignantly, his belly was bubbling with anxiety and his breath was already showing nervousness.

He closed his eyes and slowly, as slowly as he thought possible began to lift his face up to face the doctor. After exhaling as hard as he could, he hesitantly opened his eyes and there it was, jotting down everything Damian did furiously in his clipboard, a brown unicorn with the blue mane.

An unconscious smile formed as Damian faced the doctor, Fluttershy approached slowly, looking at him with blazing anticipation. Miranda meanwhile shook her head and massaged her eyes slowly.

“Doc…” said the human, his voice almost sounded desperate as he looked the doctor up and down, “Damn, I thought I…” he tried to form a sentence but it always failed and once again his heart started to pound at a fast pace.

"Mis-mister Damian I assume?" the doctor questioned him, he stopped his notes, putting his clipboard against his chest and smiling at the human.

"Fuck, even your voice is the same." Daiman whispered, his hand slowly raised and shakily approached the doctor, “You're real right? like, are you Dr. Silk Touch?”

The stallion thought about answering the question, but the human's hand was almost touching him and the words escaped him.

"W-well, mister-"

"It's him." Miranda yelled as she swung her claws and cursed in a tone too low for anyone in the room but Damian to hear.

When Damian was about to touch the doctor he shuddered and Damian's hand recoiled, he didn't know why, they were friends, Damian had saved his life a couple of times in the past, why was he scared? Scared of me? This thought continued to invade the human mind.

"Mister Damiannnnn, you know the answer. Murderer." a child voice echoed in his head.

No…fuck no, not now, he thought as he felt as if a thousand eyes were watching him from all corners, glowing purple eyes devouring him with their gaze, she's not real, he whispered softly as he placed both hands on his face.

“Damian, are you okay? you seem pale--”

"Mister Damian? what---”

The words sounded hollow, as if at every second they lost life, as if every second the voices faded away from him.


The air felt cold, as if the sun had gone out and hope had vanished from the world.


Soon Damian took his hands away from his face, there was nothing around him, all he saw was darkness and an infinity of eyes staring at him, unwittingly he began to embrace himself in an attempt to keep himself warm.

"Is not real ... not real ..." he kept telling himself, but each time he repeated less sense this phrase seemed to have.

"You lost." a distorted voice whispered, "You are alone, betrayed and abandoned." the voice continued, its pitch rising with each word, then it seemed like the voice was right behind him.

"T-that was an accident, I did-didn't... I-" His mouth moved, the words were uttered but none sound came out.

"DAMIAN!" like thunder ripping through the black loneliness that surrounded the human, a voice was heard. Did it seem to come from all sides, left? or right? He wondered where the voice was coming from, and then suddenly he felt his body move shivering as an unimaginably warm embrace enveloped him, the darkness began to dissipate and the cold to fade away.

"M-Miranda?" His voice was weak, slow and slurred, as if he was waiting for an answer, and then he had it when the embrace intensified.

"It's me... Dad, calm down ok? it just... calms down.” Miranda spoke as she tried to calm her dad, she glared at Fluttershy, using some of her anger to hug her father even more. "I am here."

The smoke cleared and everything was back to normal, in a second, just like every time, everything was unusually calm as Miranda whispered a song in a tone inaudible to almost everyone in the room.

Compelling for a mixture of anger and shame Damian wiped the tears he knew would be on his face, sniffled as he tried to get up, Miranda doing little to stop him, his legs were shaking, his heart was racing and he broke out in a cold sweat, but the worst was the others in the living room looking at him.

"Mister Damian." said the doctor, his voice filled with a concern that only a health worker could express. He tried to approach Damian but was stopped by his hand which stopped him from taking another step.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter" Damian's voice had barely recovered.

Miranda thought about stopping him, saying something or holding him back, but chose not to, when her father slightly bowed to the doctor and turned to Fluttershy, Miranda expired defeated.

"I'll wait in your hut.” Damian spoke barely looking at her, Fluttershy lifted a hoof, she was about to hold him by the sleeve of his clothing, but Miranda stopped her, holding Fluttershy with her claws with a force that tore a squeak out of Fluttershy.

As Damian walked through the door, everyone watched and heard what sounded like a sob as he put both hands to his face. As soon as the door closed, Miranda tightened her grip on Fluttershy's hoof, her claws piercing the mare's skin.

When she was about screaming or crying under the pressure Miranda covered her muzzle with her other claw.

"You... you shut. the. fuck up." Miranda spoke, her breath heavy and small blue flames coming out of her mouth, then her grip faded away and she stood up to follow Damian.

Fluttershy looked at her hoof, she could see the places where Miranda's claw had pierced, small droplets of blood were forming, but even so, using her good hoof she tried to stop Miranda.

"W-wait! Mi-" before he could continue or hold her, Miranda whipped the ground with her tail, silencing Fluttershy and Silk Touch who were about to make an observation.

"He is about to make some big shit, see ya at the hut.”

Miranda opened the door but felt both eyes on her, she started to squeeze the side of the door and the doctor's eyes widened when he saw splinters appear where she held the door, then to their surprise Miranda turned her face to them.

Fluttershy opened her snout to ask a question, so many invaded her head, but when she saw Miranda's tear-streaked face she stopped in shock.

"Fuck, you fucking bitch." tears streamed from her eyes, “what's your problem? I just… one thing...” when Miranda was about to leave, Fluttershy, gathering all the courage she possessed, she yelled.

“Wait! I didn't understand what... they weren't friends?” Miranda clenched her fist, it trembled from the force she put into it."

“What?" Miranda whispered as she turned to them, consumed by a murderous rage she walked towards Fluttershy. The mare's eyes widened and her ears immediately folded as she realized what was about to happen.

"M-Miss Miranda!" yelled Silk Touch, stepping between them, for his breath and the occasional rattle of his hooves. Miranda could almost feel his fear, but it was enough for Miranda to stop her onslaught and snort.

She raised her claw and pointed at Fluttershy, she breathed heavily and licked her lips.

"He killed Silk Touch's son." Miranda said dryly, both ponies' eyes widened. “they… they never spoke again and fuck you, when I tell you to…” a scream was heard from the street, grunting in anger and berating herself for taking too long Miranda runs towards the exit. "this is not over!"

With the violent slamming of the door, Miranda was gone, Silk Touch stared stunned for a few seconds where Miranda was before turning to Fluttershy.

"I… do I have a son?"

"I-I didn't know, I'm so sorry." Fluttershy cried, ignoring the doctor as she hugged her bruised hoof, sobbing in pain and shame, "I really had no idea about that..."

Anger, a murderous fury, a monumental distaste for the pony-kind. These were some of the many things that were going through my head at the time, but most of all, it was embarrassment. I knew this would happen, it was the only logical outcome, and yet, consumed by morbid curiosity or a desire to teach the mare a lesson, I allowed Fluttershy to introduce Silk touch to Damian. God, how I regret it.

When he started having that anxiety attack I froze, I tried to call him, but he wouldn't respond to my calls. Only when I hugged him did he seem to improve, waking up as he liked to call it.

But it didn't matter, the damage was already done. I clenched my fist once more in anger. Only me and Bloody Novel have seen Damian in that deplorable state, and even when only I see him, he feels very ashamed to be seen in that state.

Please don't look at me! or I deserve it were some of the phrases Damian whispered as I tried to calm him down, but now he didn't say anything and that was the worst part of it. Ignoring the fact that if it weren't for Fluttershy and an old friend there, I don't know if I could stop him from…well, kill the witnesses, I guess.

So, the only other way besides the anger that was left to him was the shame, he… he didn't even look into my eyes or say anything to me, he just… walked away.

I start to walk faster, and clench my fist even harder. I can't take long to find him, every second I waste is another second when something can go wrong, and knowing Damian and how he doesn't waste time to get in trouble I may already be late!

After walking through these hellish corridors for what seemed like hours I finally found the exit, the screams, whispers and gossips coming from the street intensifying. As I leave the hospital I feel the sunlight blinding me for a couple of seconds before my eyes adjust to the abrupt increase of brightness.

I soon noticed the reason for all the commotion, a wagon was overturned, hay, wood and other pony stuff spilled all over the street. A pony was sitting on the curb, he massaged his cheek while a small group of other ponies talked to him. But that wasn't what caught my attention the most. The cake went to an unconscious guard lying on the ground and another broken wagon not far from here, another guard, decorating the broken remains of the car.

Fuck. I find myself whispering as I look at the whole scene again, a group of mono-colored ponies pointing in a direction talking about a giant monster, with equally giant arms capable of infinitely stretching it. Damian.

I start running in that direction and everyone soon opens the way, either out of fear or curiosity. "It's her!" I hear a mare whisper, "It'll eat us like the giant!" another stallion whispered in a slightly louder tone. "Where's Fluttershy to stop these monsters?!" This time it was another mare, but it was no longer a whisper but a cry for help.

I clench my claws and teeth, then I spread my wings. I've had my weekly dose of racist-and-technocolor horses. Pushing hard enough to make the ponies closest to me fly away, I take flight. As soon as I feel the chill of the air currents I feel my pulse slow as my anger slowly drains away, flying has always been therapeutic for me. According to Damian, it was a pleasure that few species have and therefore should enjoy. It doesn't matter, I'm not flying to relax but to find that project of philosopher.

From up here I can clearly see the trail of chaos and destruction that Damian left, wagons, ponies and even a small, poorly positioned building had suffered from his stampede. I look closely to see if any serious damage has been done to the ponies, I mean, the wagons are in bits and one of the pillars in the building has been destroyed. Luckily there were only scratches, concussions and a couple of foals crying and pointing at the trail of destruction.

It was then that I realized, like lightning, it hit me. "He was running and everyone was watching him!" Taking a deep breath I decided to accelerate more, paying little or no attention to the damage that might have occurred. My eyes chased the signs of Damian's escape, I repeated this phrase for what felt like a full minute before stopping abruptly at the edge of the village. .

My breathing had already accelerated due to the effort I imposed on my body but it doesn't matter, I follow what seems to be a straight line from the last mess Damian made in town and notice some trees and a lake in the distance. "How the fuck did he runned this fast?" I shake my head quickly, this is no time for this, without wasting another second I advance towards the trees quickly.

Landing softly near a particular tree, from a distance it looked normal, but as I approached I could clearly see that there was a hole just above my head in the tree. I touched the hole almost hesitantly and could feel it was warm. and a little sap leaked from the ends. “It was Damian,” I tell myself.

I walk cautiously looking around, but before my eyes find him, my ears do. “I-I-I fucked u-up everything!” It was him.

The closer I got, the more damaged trees I saw. There was one that looked as if it had been twisted, the wood looked like it was about to snap, another had been knocked down and there were two holes in this one.

I gulped and sighed at the sight in front of me, on his knees and facing himself in the lake, was Damian, his left hand supporting him as he rubbed his face with his right hand, he was sweating, his hair more disheveled than usual and tears falling from his face to mingle with the immensity of the lake.

After looking at him one more time to see if he looked hurt, I could conclude he was fine. I couldn't contain a sigh of relief at noticing this, however, to my carelessness it felt like a very loud sigh as he immediately noticed me.

"G-go away." I didn't know what to do, Damian was there, kneeling and trying in vain to hide himself from me. I, I usually don't like to admit it, but I rarely know what to do in situations like this. I like to make it look like I know what to say, that I always have an answer ready for everything, but that would be a lie. I mentally cursed Fluttershy as I sighed heavily.

Damian seemed to notice, he stared at me for a few seconds before turning back to avoid me. What is he thinking? I wonder as I slowly approach. He seemed to notice as his body stiffened and he started asking me to leave.

Ignoring him, I sat beside him. By this time my proud father had stopped crying and sobbing, resorting only to looking away trying to hide from me, but by the reflection of the lake I can clearly see his watery and swollen eyes due to… well, everything.

I started plotting what I should say, how I should speak and with which tone I should speak, the many books I read in New Canterlot started to invade my mind, however, to my surprise it wasn't me who broke the awkward silence, it was him.

"He… he looked so real, he was… he was identical," Damian said, his voice consumed with a mortal remorse.

I place my claw on his shoulder and smile lovingly at him, he looks at me subtly but repeats my act.

"Y-yes Damian, he looked like him, but it wasn't him." I try to speak in a steady voice and express confidence, but at the last second memories of me, him and Damian talking and playing in the castle invade me, making me stutter.

“He was a nice guy, you know, he… my god, he… he was a good person." I could see, and I knew what Damian meant. I squeeze his shoulder a little tighter as I lean a little closer, now hugging him quietly.

"I know, he was the best of us, just, good." laughed a little. "With the best sense of right and wrong." I joke laughing some more and I smile in relief as I see him laughing back too.

"Y-yes, remember that time, where he said that, and we laughed." I nodded, although there were more than once times it would fit under such… circumstances.

Then his smile started to wither, his eyelids almost closed and he started scratching his neck lightly.

"I-I didn't know, I thought it was… I hadn't seen his face, I… he was there and… it was all so fast…" I hugged him tighter, I didn't dare whisper that everything was fine or would be fine, because I know it wouldn't be. I just kept hugging him.

“And then he…my god, he…fuck, Jesus…” he straightened up to allow both of his hands to his face, his sobs started to come back.

"Dad, do you know that-"

"No Miranda." he interrupted me, he knows I abhor it, but I decided not to say anything for the moment.

"I-I don't know, do you know why?" He stared at me for a moment surprising me, he expressed morbid confidence in whatever he might say and it sent a chill down my spine.

"Because I was too drunk to remember." he said, it took me half a second to process this information and then my eyes unconsciously widened and he pointed at me, his hand trembling.

"I, I was so drunk I didn't recognize him, so numb from the fucking alcohol I didn't hear his screams…Miranda." he turns to me and puts his arms around my shoulders. "I...I don't remember killing him! I-I know I did it, but ‘cause that fuckin’ drink...and-and...god..." It felt like life itself was leaving his body as he sneezed, his arms slipped down my shoulders before falling into my lap.

I didn't know what to say, I'd heard him tell me this story so many times, hundreds and hundreds of times and it was always the same story, and now this? How should I answer this? I was stunned for another couple of seconds, but hearing him sobbing once more I quickly took his hands, gently stroking his fingers.

"Dad, you would never do that, you know that right?"

"No Miranda, I did that, and I did that before and after, remember what I was going to do before we were dragged into this fucking universe?"


“Separing a parent from their children… we-I, I did it many times. They're just animals, I kept repeating to myself, just animals, so then I remembered him and…”

“Dad… I”

“And you know what I said to myself? You remember right? That I would no longer get drunk, never return to that deplorable state, guess what I did the next day?” I feel my ears bending slightly and now it's my turn to avoid eye contact as I remember what he did.

“I drank, I drank and drank again and again until I ran out of alcohol, and then I drank some more. I drank so much that I don't even know what kind of twisted shit I did that day, I just know that I had drunk so much that when I woke up in the next day I had forgotten everything I had done, when I went down to the kitchen, to the throne room I looked for him, my faithful friend and companion, I sent Bloody and Deep Drill to look for him… I… it took me almost two hours to remember, remember my best friend breaking into the castle in the middle of the night during a storm, I was in the throne room and he… he was there, his whole family, anger, tears of pure hatred running down his face…” Damian stopped for a minute, he breathed heavily as if he was gathering the strength to continue.

I tried to stop him, but he gently covered my lips and nodded.

"He screamed to the four winds as he hit me, I asked Bloody not to interfere, ‘cause I know she was going to kill him, 'cause of that he almost killed me, he kept hitting me over and over, he broke me two ribs and an arm, but you know, that wasn't even close to the worst part of it, I'm used to the physical pain, what really hurt me were what he said, my God, I can almost hear him talking.” my father raised his hands as if trying to reach for something invisible.

"You monster," he began, forcing his voice to sound huskier, though it was clear he didn't need to strain due to his deplorable state. "I felt sorry for you,” Damian started again. “Suffering and being hurt and all of that, when you escaped and killed … by Faust, when you killed the princesses, killed them all, turned Canterlot into this hellish pit… I felt pity, pity and guilt for you, what you went through was something terrifying… When I arrived and you greeted me like an old friend, by the five heavens and four winds Damian, I believed in you. I believed that you were more than a monster without a soul or a heart, but in the end, I was wrong… that's what you are… a dirty and hideous monster!" When my dad finished that sentence he had tears streaming down his face, his expression that mimicked Silk Touch's anger at the time soon became a neutral, listless face. I tried to comfort him by stroking his hands or a slight scratch on his neck, but it was all in vain.

“My best friend left in that storm, I can still hear the thunder, and I still can't decipher if it was thunder at the end, or the palace door being slammed at the end, but I never saw my friend again…” Trembling, Damian hugged himself in an attempt to stop what felt like a deadly cold. “His eyes… so full of rage…”

Fuck, I think to myself as I hug my dad, “it's going to be okay, dad.” he quickly stops hugging himself and hugs me back. "I'm here, everything will be fine."

"<My God, Miranda ... I-I do not know how much longer I can take." Took me a second to realize that he was not speaking equestrian, I hugged him even stronger.

"<It's all right, keep calm.>" I said with a country accent according to him, as I slowly stroked his head and whispered for him to calm down.

I can't say how long we've been standing here, I just know that my arms are already aching and my back is also aching due to his ever-increasing hug, but in some way, this is good, I know he likes to hug me like that, to make sure I never leave. He joked when I was little. I'll hug you very tight my little princess! Then you will know that I love you! I feel a tear escaping from my eyes but quickly I wipe it away. I can’t cry. Not now. Crying means I look weak and now I have to be strong.

Again time passed, and I never failed to caress him or comfort him, the moon had already risen to the sky until he finally broke our embrace. He stared at me with that face of his, a crooked smile and even worse hair.

"<Thanks, I…I needed this.>" I nod at him as I get up and hand one hand to my dad, he quickly takes it and gets up too.

"<Time to go.>" I say looking up. "<They must be crazy behind us.>"

He smiles silly and awkwardly again.

"Your Portuguese has improved." he said while we started walking away from the forest.

"I know you like to talk in that language, so I've been practicing."

Silently, barely audible he whispers a sentence, I blush lightly as I repeat the same sentence.

"I love you too, Dad."


I feel my breath hitch a little as the infernal noise of this damn clock torments me. I think about removing it or rather silence it permanently! However, with a quick analysis I can see a beautiful finish adorned with a sun in the center, really aunt? This really was the best place to put one of the most culturally sacred treasures in the kingdom?

I lift my briefcase and put it on the table, open it, and lay out the papers I'll be using this afternoon. not forgetting of course to take an order to put this cursed clock in a museum or something similar. I review the papers again for what felt like the seventh or eighth time. After ensuring they were here I put them back in the suitcase.


I try to distract myself by looking at the window, the curtains or anything else that might get my attention, but like the six or seven times before, there was nothing interesting in this room, just a small table and being a little euphemistic, some pounds of runes and spells around me.

I lift my personal watch that was discreetly tucked into one of my suit pockets and flip it open. I scrunched up my face in disgust, they're almost ten minutes late. I keep my watch in my pocket and start filling up what I believe is my second cup of tea.

After I've finished serving myself, I delight in the aroma that only the finest herbs in all of Equestria could produce. smiling I took a sip of tea and I could already feel the stress leave my body. This was one of the many hobbies I inherited from my dear aunt.

After pondering for a couple of seconds whether I should continue delighting myself with these fine herbs the door opens, and with that my smile fades. I set the cup down on the table by the steaming pot and tidy up my briefcase, lift a mirror from my pockets to ensure I look flawless, nod to myself to confirm it, put the mirror back, and wait for both alicorns to notice my presence.

"And that's how my master told me, but my sister shall confirm my alibi." said the night alicorn with a giggle. she soon looked around the room, followed by Twilight Sparkle obviously. a mixture of confusion and annoyance stamped on her face.

“Where is my dear sister, Prince?” she asks in that stiff tone only the Lunar Monarch knew how to use.

“You are late.” I say punctually as I stand up and wave to them both, using my magic to move the other two chairs in the room to allow them both to sit. "And please Princess Luna, refer to me as Prince Regent for now on."

"You are Crown Prince, not Regent, Blueblood, and again shall I ask, where is my sister?" her voice had risen in pitch as she and Twilight Sparkle sat across from me, her voice almost sounded like a real canterlot voice, but if she thinks I can be intimidated by mere tricks, Princess Luna is sorely mistaken.

"Currently Princess Celestia is unable to fulfill her royal duties and has bestowed upon me the title of regent in her absence." She opened her mouth to say something, but I stopped her by opening my briefcase and gently placing my aunt's tiara on the table. "As you can see, here's the proof, now please feel free." I signal to the table as I pour them some tea.

“Ahmm, well, Prince Blue-”

“Prince Regent, please Princess Twilight, the formalities.” I cut her off quickly, she nodded slowly before continuing.

"Sorry, you know how I am with title stuff and everything he he." Was her laugh supposed to be funny or something similar? I raise a doubtful eyebrow and then her laughter ceases.

"Pardon again Prince Regent, but what happened to my lovely master?" I feel my left eye twitch and she seems to notice.

"S-sorry, what happened to Princess Celestia?" she questioned again. Honestly, what did my aunt see in her? She is a complete disaster at etiquette!

"Precisely, Prince Regent." I felt a hint of anger in the last words but decided to ignore it. "I, as Celestia's sister, should be the first to know about such an event!"

I pondered a bit as I swung the cup of tea slightly whether I should tell them, it was irrelevant and confidential information, but it wasn't something I could omit from two princesses. After sighing a bit and taking a sip of tea, I soon start pulling papers out of my briefcase for what could be the eighth or ninth time.

"Our beloved Princess Celestia had… a nervous breakdown… yes, I believe that's the correct term." I say as I arrange all the papers in order of priority, I levitate them two sealed envelopes that were in my briefcase and in them contained the papers they requested for this meeting.

"What? Do you think I'll believe in that?! My sister would never have a… nervous breakdown!" Princess Luna said as she tried to get up, however, she was quickly stopped by Twilight.

"Is she alright? Was it a serious affair?” That's one of the few things I sympathize with this mare, the total devotion and concern she's always shown for my aunt.

“Nothing serious, a few days of rest and she'll be ready to go back to her duties soon." Princess Luna still looked skeptical, she hesitantly took her envelope and opened it and placed her papers on the table, her eyes pondering between me and my beloved aunt's tiara that proved my regency.

"I still find it hard to believe, Celestia has always been a firm mare, freaking out is not her style." If not for the proven blood tie Princess Luna shared with my aunt I would have had to correct her, but I chose not to, there are other ways to put mares like her in her place. I smug.

"Well I believe that after a millennium of ruling alone, facing every evil we can imagine and complete abandonment by her other co-princesses, anypony, even the grand Princess Celestia would have problems." I laugh as I sip the rest of my tea and refill the cup.

“W-what? What did you say?! dare you shall say I abandoned my sister!” she screamed, anger already showing.

"Compose yourself Princess, we're in a meeting, but due to your inability to notice the seemingly unintentional abandonment, let me remind you that you were the one who attempted to attack Princess Celestia's life centuries ago." any and all confidence she possessed drained away as she heard what I said, with a shake of her head she composed herself and shame permeated her face.

"That was cruel." I ignore Twilight and analyze the first topic we'll discuss.

"Let me see, over the sun. Princess Celestia is unable to liftit, so unless you’d notify the herald of chaos to take care of this matter, I would like to take on this burden." I say nonchalantly as I pass the papers for them to read. Twilight seems to have an expression of confusion and surprise, Luna sketching her typical superior look at me.

“You? raise the sun? Don't make me laugh, Prince Regent.”

"Actually, Princess Luna, I fulfill all the requirements to do so, I've already been instructed by Princess Celestia herself and I've even had the pleasure of moving the star through the skies once." Both looked surprised, especially Twilight.

"I doub-"

"Actually, Princess Luna, what you think or don't think about it is irrelevant, your opinion can't change the facts so please be concise so we don't delay." I say finishing my drink.

Princess Luna clearly disapproved of the fact that I interrupted her, she stared at me for a couple of seconds before looking at Twilight and smiling smugly.

"Princess Twilight shall rise the sun in my sister's absence." I feel my eyes widen slightly, after slight thoughtful I nod in agreement,

"If it's both your wish then it shall be so"

"W-w-wait! What do you mean, me raising the sun?!" Twilight yelled putting both of her hooves on the table

"Don't you want to raise the sun?" I question her with a slight hint of curiosity.

"N-no, it's just that I've only done this a couple of times and I know how exhausting it can be." I raise an eyebrow.

"So you do not want to?" She opened her mouth slightly but contented herself with the silence, after a brief moment of thought, she just sighed and sat down again.

"I accept this task with joy, Prince Regent." I waved slowly as I glared at Princess Luna. This was supposed to be my moment, but both are clearly working together, they will win any and all votes. The best I can do is finish this soon.

I look for the next topic, horns retrieved from the human. It's almost interesting. almost.

"I believe there is unanimity about the horns, correct?"

"Are we going to destroy them?" Twilight asked. I nodded, already thinking about the next issue to be discussed, but Princess Luna to my chagrin coughed, levitating her papers to me. I read them.

"No." I say dryly as I hand the papers back to her. She looked really surprised, her mouth half open like she was ready to speak or was she simply expecting something more than a, no? I sigh as I look back at the papers.

"Is this about maid one hundred and two?"

"She has a name, Morning Sip."

"Again, no. What's done, is done."

"Sorry, but who are we talking about now?" Twilight asked as he looked at me.

"She is just one of the most qualified employees this castle has seen in centuries and he intends to get rid of her by sending her to the colonies!"

"Incredible." I say laughing internally. "I didn't remember that you were here for the last century to be able to speak this with such conviction." her face flinched for a second.

"Listen to me here you spoiled child, stop your dirty games and tricks, if you have something to say to me just say, stop these childish insults." I laugh inwardly again, this is why Equestria is reduced to a joke, with a monarch like her…

"Well, Princess Luna, employee one hundred and two has confessed to spreading slanderous rumors against your sister, so I've taken all reasonable steps to ensure that this never happens again. you're welcome."

"You… well, never mind." she says smiling while looking at Twilight. "Shall I cout with your support in this question my faithful friend." Twilight was about to nod when I cut her off with a simple hoof wave.

"Unfortunately it won't be possible, firstly the train has already left, and secondly, as I've already said, I've already judged her."

"Unfortunately, it's the word of two princesses against a Prince Regent. we have the majority." Princess Luna uttered with astonishing confidence,

"No, I believe this is not on trial." at what appears to be a confused look coming from both princesses, I sigh wearily. "You see, the control and management of castle employees has been a function of the great House of Sun for six hundred years and they back me in this."

Their surprise seems even more evident.

"Horseshit." ugh, how rude. "this is some really bad horseshit! my sister would never do that! sh-" I smashed the empty cup on the table, the sound of porcelain breaking along with the surprise of the act was enough to silence this... this … gruesome act. Language I thought to myself.

"Do you know what you're talking about, Luna? You claim to know your sister with enviable bravado, but do you know who she is? Who is the great Princess Celestia? What has she gone through or faced in your absence? let me refresh your memory.” I take a second to take a breath, but it doesn't take me long to continue.

"She faced the fury of the dragons, the secession and reconquest of the south, she saw the Wastelands being created because of her actions. She lost friends, companions, her sister, and yet she continued, she needed, she HAD to continue. so she did. She did it for the ponies she loved. but little by little she broke down, with each passing day, more and more the past seemed to want to haunt her, you, Tirek, Discord and Chrysalis, the list goes on, without speaking of course of increasing royal tasks due to diarchy becoming, well, a monarchy, so let this spoiled child tell you a secret, Celestia is an extremely tough alicorn, kind and often too good for her own good, however, HOWEVER! She's still a pony, she has feelings and like anypony she was slowly giving in to the pressure of time. I was here, Luna, I comforted her every time your birthday came, I took care of her and ensured she continued, because I know she can barely make it today. So Luna, while I helped my aunt maintain her delicate sanity, what in the name of the five gods were you doing?! oh yeah, stuck in a fucking MOON!” I scream, my breathing quick and heavy and a strand of my mane falling awkwardly in front of my face.

Princess Luna didn't say anything, she hid behind her mane preventing me from seeing her eyes. Twilight was the funniest, she seemed to be more worried than me and more intimidated than Princess Luna! her gaze flicking between the two of us frantically.

"Forgive me." I say as I sat up and fixed my mane, this seemed to have woken Princess Luna from her trance and relieved Twilight. "I'm sorry, I lost control, it wasn't courteous of me." I say again, straightening the tie on my suit. After an awkward silence I pick up more of the many papers we'll discuss today. "Can we finish this soon? I have other things to do." they both nodded, Twilight a little too quickly, Princess Luna, however, nodded slowly, well, remember your place, traitor, Celestia just needs me, you're just a mistake from the past.

I relax my shoulders as I look at the stacks of papers we've just approved. I look at the window and notice the sun is setting. Soon Princess Luna's services will be called for.

"I believe that's all." declared Princess Luna as she stood up, made a slight reference to me, (I promptly returned the act) and left without saying another word. Her honor wounded and affection for her sister questioned. Should I apologize? I find myself thinking, ridiculous! She is the cause of half of the problems that plague my dear aunt. my aunt's life and mine would be infinitely better if Princess Luna were still trapped on that damned rock.

I got up and noticed something peculiar, Twilight was still sitting there watching me with those purple eyes that almost looked like my aunt's.

"Need something Princess Twilight?" I asked, looking at her envelope that remained sealed throughout the meeting. She seemed to notice and promptly the nervousness was clear in her voice.

"W-well, Prince Regent." she said almost in a whisper as she pressed the paper to her chest "this is a sensitive subject and-"

"I get it, you weren't waiting for me here, correct?" she nodded somewhat confused. "Whatever you want to discuss with Princess Celestia, and if for some reason you prefer to keep it from me, so be it, I won't force you to speak." I declare while putting away my papers and I close the briefcase.

"You look different from the last time we saw each other, remember?" I laughed internally, how could I not? I was humiliated and if Miss Rarity were not one of the bearers of the elements of harmony today she would be… rare to find.

"I apologize for that, Princess, I had a bad week, I was tired and taking my frustrations out on others. Ask Ms. Rarity's forgiveness on my behalf please." her eyes widened slightly, they gleamed with admiration. mares, so easy to impress.

"I see, umm, Prince Regen- please allow me to just call you by your name, I really don't like these titles, we look almost…better than other ponies." redflag. I sat down again.

"But Princess Twilight, we are better than other peasants, we are smarter, more agile, richer and more powerful." the admiring face soon disappeared to become a frown. "However, as we are no longer in a formal meeting and it's just us, you can call me by my name."

"Thanks, I'll talk to Rarity later for you, I promise." Once again she stares at the paper in her hooves wondering what to do. Now my curiosity has sparked.

"Tell me Twilight, who did you pick?"

"What? Sorry, I didn't understand.”

“Oh, please don't make a fool of yourself. I know my aunt talked to you about being a princess.” She was about to start talking, but I cut her off. "Like being a real princess, I'm not talking about beckoning to the commoners, I'm talking about choice, who did you choose? Canterlot? or Equestria?"

"Oh…" was all she said, her lips dry and her breath hitched for a brief moment,

"I… I-"

"Don't be silly, you don't have to tell me." I say as I get up and walk towards the door. one more appointment and I can go home.

"Prince Blueblood?"


"May I ask you a question?"

"you already did." I say as I opened the door and turned to her, the memories of when Celestia and I played like this flooded me with a strong nostalgic feeling for a moment. She let out a small laugh.

"So uh, two questions?"

"You just did it." she blinked a couple of times and her mouth opened to form a perfect O for a brief moment.

"Then, how about four questions?" I decided to finish this soon to prevent myself from continuing this circus. I nod for her to speak, a smile plastered across her face as if she's won some sort of riddle or challenge.

"Is that true?" she asked excitedly. "Is it true that when you were younger, Celestia tried to make you the wielder of the element of magic?" My smile and good humor faded as I listened to her question. Okay, I have to talk to Celestia later about her talking about other ponies pasts.

"Indeed, that's not a lie."

Her eyes sparkled with a curiosity that only a filly getting her first toy or academic finishing their first job could compare. I thought about going back and sitting down but chose not to.

"When I was eleven or thirteen, my aunt told the story of the elements, and how she was pretty sure where the Harmony Tree resided. she started slowly, telling a story here, another there, trying to get my attention." I stop, remembering these events as if it were yesterday, the maternal warmth my aunt's embrace possessed when I was just a young colt.

“Well, why didn't you take it? I mean, I should be grateful since everything I have is due to you refusing, but still, why?”

"Princess Twilight , in your opinion, what was the factor that allowed you to get the elements?"

"The friendship with my friends obviously."

"There you go," I say pointing at her. "I'm one of the great noble Twilight, there is no friendship between us, just a mutual gain agreement. I would never be able to form these bonds of friendship, besides, I had to take care of my little sister, you know how her situation is... delicate. So instead of going after magic stones, from magical times, that could do nothing to help my sister, I chose to study, train and learn to be the best ruler that my family has ever seen." she nodded with each word, coughed a little and said goodbye.

As she walked past me, I noticed her pressing the folder against her chest again.

"Princess Twilight ?"


"I personally don't care what's in your papers, if you don't want to show me, I understand, though, if what you show to my aunt makes her situation worse." I say menacingly pressing her against the wall. "You have my word, your days as a Princess and an Equestrian citizen will be over quickly." I smiled innocently as I walked to yet another one of my appointments. if Twilig- if the Princess Twilight is half the mare she was years ago she's probably shaking all over herself! I couldn't resist and discreetly looked back, she stared at me with a steady gaze, I could see the surprise and a little fear hidden in that steady gaze. Celestia taught you well, I think inwardly leaving her in the room alone.

I look up at the night sky, maybe it's eight or nine at night, hard to tell. We continued our walk in rather uncomfortable silence. Miranda leads the way holding my hand and guiding me out of this small cluster of trees. I notice some trees that I maybe knocked down. I better be quiet, maybe she didn't notice.

"Damian, still up there?"

“Yeh honey, just…just thinkin'.”

She chuckled. “Take it easy, or you're gonna melt your brain.”

"Very funny Miranda, very funny." I start accelerating until I reach her. She noticed my advances too late. "Come here you funny little girl."

I pull her close and start tickling her neck, her face serious and aware of the always there's dangers out there soon faded as she starts to laugh.

“S-stop! Is not fair!" she tries to fight back by tickling my armpits, but I quickly anticipate her movements and close my arms against my chest. “Nooo! This is cheating!" she squeaked out in disbelief.

“Ha Ha! Behold, my tickles!" I continue my attack! She tries to curl her neck and push me away, but I'm unstoppable! She continues to laugh uncontrollably, small tears already welling up in the corners of her eyes.

“I-I give up! You win!” I puff out my chest and cease my attack by putting my hands on my waist and facing away from her in an attempt to look cool. She is recovering, laughing sporadically and wiping a few tears from her eyes.

“Father, one hundred. Daughter, ahmmm, you are at eighty, right dear?”

"Eighty one." she whispers, curious I try to look at her only to see that little dragoness flying towards me, before I can react I feel her claws in my armpits, my whole body freezes. I feel like time itself starts to slow down, and for a moment our eyes cross. NO! I try to scream with my eyes, but she barely seems to care.

I try to keep my balance, but her weight plus her tickle makes me stumble and we're both rolling down the small hill, me desperately trying to close my arms and reach for her neck. However, she continued her attack angrily.

When we reached the bottom of the hill she and I stopped rolling and she luckily got on top of me. I desperately tried to reach for her neck, but every time I went to stretch my arms her tickle intensified, making me recoil out of sheer reflex.

"I-it's not fair!"

"Life is not fair! Now succumb to my attacks!” She laughs evilly in a comical way.

I can't say how long we were doing this, but after what felt like an eternity I stopped my counterattack attempts.

“Ah-ah yo-you-ah-ah you WIN! Please s-stop!” she stopped for a moment but before I could process she started her attack furiously again!




“What? I can't hear ya?”

“You are t-the queen! Now please stop!”

She snorted victoriously, her attacks stopping immediately, I continued to laugh, I trembled a few times as if the attack hadn't stopped. Damn it, I feel so… so violated!

She's still there, standing victoriously over me like she wants to prove something, we stare at each other for a second before we both start laughing at the whole situation.

“O-ok Miranda, ninety-nine for me, eighty-one for you. I'm still a bit ahead.” I say sitting up and trying to get some air to calm my body.

“Yeah, well I've already been losing by more, eighteen is nothing, one day I'll beat you old man," she said with a giggle as she sat up, her back against mine.

"Pff, let's see then young girl." I take a deep breath, a small smile creeping across my face almost unconsciously. Then I notice in the clouds a small blue dot flying away from us.

“Hmm, well let's move, it's already dark and all, Fluttershy must be worried.

"Oh yes, I'm counting on it." Miranda spoke maliciously. I raised an eyebrow but shrugged and stood up.

"Let's roll." I shake my head towards the now visible village in the distance.

We continued our walk for a moment before we saw some ponies approaching, one pink, white, orange and two pegasi, one yellow and blue respectively. I think to myself. I look to see Miranda's reaction. She glared directed at them, ohhhh, they grow so fast.

We stopped walking as soon as they got to us.

"See? I said I could find them anywhere! ”

"Ohhh boy, we got really scared! you ran away just after I gave you your welcome-to-Ponyville-party!"

"You gave us such a scare - OH MY FAUST! MY DRESSES!" Rarity yelled, pointing a hoof at Miranda, I followed her signal to see my little girl tearing one of the gems off her dress and chewing it. Oh you naughty girl, I know you're not even hungry! The unicorn's eyes seemed to flutter and before I could do anything she almost fell to the ground, if not for Pinkie holding her of course. I chuckled a bit

“Was it really-”

“Totally, one hundred percent necessary, actually.” Miranda declared, finishing eating what appeared to be a sapphire.

"Sooooo, hi, I don't think we've had much time to introduce ourselves before, I'm Rainbow Dash! Fastest pony in all of Equestria!" Rainbow bragged, landing in front of me trying to strike a pose, cool. Hey! That's my thing!

"Sup." I shrug. She continues that pose for a couple of seconds before grimacing.

"Sup? Is that what you have to say to the biggest flyer ever? And I thought you'd be a nice guy."

I walk over to Rarity and signal Applejack to come over, take Rarity from Pinkie and put her on the back of the orange pony.

"Uff, Rarity, girl ya need a diet."

I look at Rainbow once more, analyzing her up and down, she smiles like she finally has my attention and repeats that ridiculous pose.

“I've seen you in better situations, oh my god, what did they call you? I won't remember, it was a pretty good pun.”

"Rainbow Crash?" Pinkie said as she did little hops beside me.I snap my fingers and point at her.

"You nailed it!" I laughed a little as I pointed to the city.

"Can we go?"

"PINKIE! You can't-he-hey! Get back here you overdeveloped monkey!" I can't help but laugh, this one is new, it's not the worst anyway.

"R-Rainbow, he's not ahmm, a monkey you know right?"

“Yeah I know, he's a, ahhhmmmmm, thruman?"

“Human, actually.” I say as we start our way to Ponyville, however for some reason I decided to look at Fluttershy and I see something strange. I point a finger at her right hoof. "What happened to your hoof?"

"Oh, this?" she said showing her right hoof which was lightly bandaged. "Accident in my hut."

"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and quickly looking at Applejack who was rolling her eyes. Okay.

I feel a pinch as I feel Miranda tearing off one of the few jewels that adorned my suit, normally I wouldn't mind, I don't think they're particularly pretty, but damn, that almost hurt!

"Yes, an accident." Miranda growled in rage as she pulverized the jewel between her teeth. That was a threat. I tell myself as I watch Fluttershy cringe a little.

Rainbow flies quickly to stand in the vision path between her and squints her eyes as she looks at Miranda. Ohh this is getting good.

We continued on our way in rather awkward silence, there were seven of us and no one spoke, well, no one except Pinkie who tried to talk to Miranda and Applejack's occasional grunts at having to basically carry her own weight on his shoulders. the joke is on her, I'm not helping her with it. Her friend, her problem.

"Are you fast?" Rainbow breaks the silence.


"Wanna bet a race?" she smiled smugly already looking around for some reason.

"Look, yes I'm fast, but I can't run faster than you can fly in an open field, if it's in a forest though." I say pointing to the huge tropical-temperate rainforest that is the everfree.

"Oh, well you know, maybe-"

"What do you want? I Talked to ponies enough to know your bullshit, stop chit chatting" she blushed a little and crossed her hooves. After scratching the back of her neck a bit she sighed.

"Am I going to be captain of the Wonderbolts?"


"Fluttershy told us that you come from a different dimension from ours, one from the future, so I, well, I was curious, you know." I blink a couple of times before looking at Fluttershy.

"I don't remember saying I come from the future."

“S-sorry, I just figured it out after you-”

“Okay, I get it, now about the Wonders…Wonder…”

“Bolts, how can you don't know about them!? They are, like, the coolest ponies ever!” I shrug.

"Yeah, in a way yes."

"YES!" she screamed, slamming the soil with her hoofs. Applejack stopped walking to hide her face in her hat.

"Ya did it pal, now she'll be like this for months."

“And Spitfire? Will she become deputy commander or will she retire? Dude, I bet she's going to retire and hand me the cloak! It will be amazing!" I pondered for a moment whether it should spoil her joy, God how tempting, but I don't think it's worth it.

When we were about to continue, Pinkie discreetly pulled my shirt and I lowered myself to her level.

"T-they died right?" I looked around to see if anyone noticed. Everyone was staring at Rainbow Dash as she bragged about herself, even Miranda looked at her and laughed at the situation.

"Yes." I whisper to her. Her ears bend slightly.

"W-was it you?"

"No, it happened a while before me." Did she just smile and sigh in relief? Morbid. I liked it.

“Thanks for not telling her, she was going to be, sensitive. Well, don't tell her, this will end, you know, her dream.” He nods and lifts me up and stretches my back a little.

"Yes ma'am!" I say making an awkward military salute, she smiled and returned the gesture.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing AJ, just talking about the past." Applejack looked Pinkie up and down, shrugged, and continued walking toward Ponyville. We followed her and we all laughed when Applejack hit Rainbow Dash with her tail.

"Move ya ass Dash, I want to sleep."

We've been walking for a while now, we dropped off Rarity at her house and now we're heading towards Pinkie's house to drop her off there. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were talking to Miranda. As far as I could understand they were talking about… clothes and fashion? I'm proud of my hearing, but I had to question myself hearing this over and over.


Pinkie and Fluttershy are discussing the future of the Cake twins. I try to remember but I just can't tell who they are. Maybe they are important?


I'm a little behind them watching the scene, smiling for some reason I can't tell why, occasionally looking up at the sky to see if there's any suspicious cloud or someshit similar.

"Help!" I stop immediately and look at the alley right behind me, what the hell…

I walked a little closer to the alley, however, I stopped just before going in, it was dark, very dark. It looks… it feels… I reach my hand out into this terrifying darkness and hesitate for a moment.

I turn to call Miranda, but stop when I notice a peculiar fact. THEY JUST KEPT WALKING WITHOUT ME! OUTRAGEOUS! Seriously, I think I'll remember that, when I want to go away and run away I just… go away and run away.

I fill my lungs with air and exhale slowly, suppressing my nervousness as I touch in that darkness.

"An illusion spell, and by the looks of it a very poorly done sound suppression spell."

“H-help! Anyone!”

Yeah, I… I think from the feminine timbre and slightly desperate voice someone is about to get raped, ohh boy, it must be pretty tough for her. At least it's not my problem. I yawn as I turn to go after the others.

"H-help!" again? It can't just be the fact that I hear well, someone sucks doing silence spells. If there was someone to help her… right… someone… do what, I better keep walking or-

"S-someone, help!" Stop.

"S-someone, please!" fuck, always that word, always it, HELP, cursed be that word. I rub my eyes and sigh while facing that palpable darkness again. At least they nailed this.

I walked through the smoke and in a few moments the darkness disappeared and soon I could see the situation.

A torch lit the scene, the mare, apparently a unicorn, was huddled on the ground surrounded by two ponies, a normal one and a unicorn that surrounded her. A rope was being levitated by the unicorn while the normal pony kicked the mare occasionally. I won't lie, for a minute I thought about joining them, but, well, I'm trying to start over, right?

“Boul? already finished there? Whatever, help us tie this bitch up here.” the unicorn spoke. I think this Boul must be a minotaur or the unicorn has some-all levels of myopia.

I keep getting closer and just as I get closer and the torch starts to light up my body, her emerald green eyes widened when she saw me.

"Boyz, I think you guys had enough fun today." I say rubbing my hands and moving closer to them.

The charcoal-black unicorn didn't look at me at first, however, he must have soon realized that my voice didn't sound like his friend's and promptly jumped back in alarm and caution. His friend, a normal blue colored pony wearing a small vest, ignored me and continued kicking the mare.

"Dagger you stupid brute, watch out, it's not Boul!"

The normal pony soon turned and stared at me for a second before starting to laugh uncontrollably.

“What the hay are you? Some kind of malnourished-hornless minotaur?” Meh, I've heard worse.

"Okay guys, the game is over, go, I don't know, have fun in a brothel or something." I say pointing to the mare on the ground, which was now staring at me with wide eyes full of curiosity.

“Hey, Nickel,how much do you think he's worth? One hundred bits?” the normal one whispered to the unicorn.

"Probably more, jackpot Dagger." he whispered back, these horses whisper really loud and it has nothing to do with my good hearing.

"Say partner, how about letting us finish our business here?" the normal pony spoke pulling a knife from his vest and pointed it at me. What a nerve.

“So, leave us alone, and we intend we didn't see you? Deal?" oh yeah, a classic, I turn around and get stabbed to death or someshit. I really like this one and I recommend it. However, I always preferred to attack at once, instead of playing games.

"Believe me, I even wanted to, but I'm kind of having to start over and you guys made a lot of noise, now I saw it and I can't let you go on this due the fucking moral code or someshit.” I cross my arms and puff up my chest trying to look bigger. Can I kill them? Well, self-defense… I don't think so, the others wouldn't like it, Jeez, maybe Miranda wouldn't like this.

They both looked at each other, the normal pony smirked and the unicorn waved at him. Ohhhh boy! The unicorn quickly lowered its head and pointed its horn at me, a faint black aura surging around me and a look of astonishment invading its face. Can I take his horn though? not either. Shit, I'm already hating this world a little more.

"D-Dagger, wait!" he yelled too late, his partner was already running towards me.

I Sigh in disappointment as the normal pony approached, And I thought this would be interesting. I easily dodge his attack and land a punch as hard as I can without killing him. Of course.

After hitting the first one, with him still a little dizzy I kick him as hard as I can, again not wanting to kill him.

The stallion goes flying and falls into a nearby trash can, his face full of surprise and a nosebleed apparently.

"What the fuck are you?" The unicorn screamed, its horn glowing even more brightly, now I can feel what can almost be said to be discomfort while he tries to levitate me.

"A human!" I say slyly as I raise my fists and call the regular pony to fight.

He looked furious, spat some blood on the wall and climbed out of the trash can and ran towards me. My eyes range between him and the unicorn, who could easily become a problem, but he seems really wanting to levitate me. I can see a vein near his head pulsing really hard due the force he’s putting in the spell.

When I noticed, the knife was almost hitting me, due to my height, it was always a problem when these pests get too close, lucky for me he took aim at my face for some reason, I knee him in the hoof, breaking it while he screams in pain dropping the knife, I hit two jabs in his face and unconsciously smirked with pure nostalgia of beating the shit out of those horses.

I grab him by his mane and smash his face into the wall, hear his friend say something but I ignore it, smash him again, again and again. The wall was already stained with blood. I looked at him, his half-closed eyes In an honorable attempt to maintain consciousness, I smashed his face into the wall again and then onto the floor, the noise he made at the end of broken bones was like music. It was then that I noticed a screaming pain around my neck. He stabbed me!? I thought immediately, to my surprise I soon noticed it was the necklace shining. Shit, do I have to take it easy or… who knows? My head explodes?

“You… What in the Tartarus are you?!” The unicorn screamed pointing at its friend, its eyes wide and its attempts to levitate me ceased.

“Are you deaf? Didn't you hear? I'm a human.” I say maliciously, snapping my fingers and kicking what's left of his friend in his direction. A small trail of blood emerged as the pony was kicked at him. His breathing shuddered heavily, as if his life depended on it. Ouch, damn necklace.

The unicorn looked at me, then at the mare who was still on the ground and then at his partner.

“Tsk, shit. I marked your face, you are a dead human."his horn shines even brighter, a magic missile? I liked it, raising my fists again ready to continue the fight, then a bubble surrounds him and his friend and both are gone.

"<Coward motherfucker.>" I shrug, with disappointment, just as I was warming up, well, I've seen better death oaths.

I look at the mare, her eyes looking up and down, not an inch of fear coming from her, interesting. Besides, why didn’t they just teleport her along? Who knows.

I got down to her level, to my surprise she didn't run or duck or beg for her life.

"Aren't you scared?" She shook her head and lifted her face towards me, allowing me to see her. She was a green colored unicorn, her mane was a soft blue and her eyes… emerald green…

“If you wanted to kill me, I think I'd be dead by now.” she said, her eyes locked on mine. She tried to get up but her legs failed.

I moved closer, a few inches apart, she looked quite surprised but I ignored her and started sniffing the air, that smell…

"You are a changeling?” her eyes widened slightly for a second, it was almost imperceptible, almost.

"I'm sorry? what?" I point to her eyes and my nose.

“I can smell you, so no need to lie. I know." her eyes widened this time, she started looking around frantically and her eyes fixed on the knife the pony had left behind.

"Don't you dare."

She quickly levitated the knife with a vine-green aura and tried to stab me, I quickly grabbed her horn and she let out a little scream of pain while her spell ceased with a small snap. Fuck! I feel a twinge in my back below my ribs, when I turn around I notice the knife in me, shit, inertia. I pull the knife out, it's barely penetrated an inch but I didn't fucking expect it.

I let go of her horn and kept the knife, she was scared, her breathing heavy and mostly confused looking down at my hand.

"What kind of witchcraft was this?!"

"Human shenanigans."

She touched her horn for a moment then turned back to face me.

"Look, I'm not going to report you if you think that's what I'm going to do, you know, I'm trying to change and put in jail the being I just saved... it feels wrong."

"Reform? So you were also fooled by this friendship nonsense? I'm surrounded by morons.”

"Pff, same here." Deciding that crouching while talking to her would only yield a back pain I decided to sit down, I'm still a couple of inches taller than her, but it helps.

“I think this friendship thing is a bit overrated, I studied a little bit of how it works, basically it sucks. But it works.”

"how?" I point to my necklace.

"I'm on parole right now, but let's just ignore it, what's your hive?" as if my question triggers something in her brain, her eyes narrow.

"How you discovered my cover."

"It's not personal, lady... or sir... I don't know, but I'm suspicious of everything with green eyes. Plus I can smell changeling, you know, that parade of pheromones and shit."

"Impossible! You're not even one of mine…or…”

“No, I'm human, and about that, you know, it's that thing you guys do when you find someone worthy or something. It tasted good." her eyes, it’s a she? I think it is, well, her eyes widened.

"Royal jelly, did you eat royal jelly?!"

"Is that the name? I think so then."

"B-but that doesn't make sense! Somebeing who ingests should only be able to sense changelings of the same level or lower as the one who gave him the jelly and that's just limited to that hive!" I blink for a couple of seconds processing what she just said.

"You're from the Chrysalis hive then?" She looked at me skeptically for a few more seconds before extending her hoof to me, confused as to what to do. I just sniffed.

"You can get my-"

"Yes, no doubt about it."


"Jeez, calm down, look, 'cause you must be a high-ranking soldier, Major?" One of her eyes twitched. "Doesn't mean I haven't, ahmm, eaten that jelly." she stares at me for a while longer before saying again that it's impossible.

"It's ok, if it'll make you happy, look, it was just a bluff, ok? Ha ha, I bluffed, you fool, ha ha. Now help me here, I need your help, I want to talk to Chrysalis.”

"What, why- as if... are you retarded?!"

"Look, ok, we started off on the wrong foot… hoof here, look, I'm not really from this Equestria."

Her response was a comically quick couple of winks. I sighed tiredly.

“It all started when I was getting ready to go to a wedding…”

"-And so, well, here we are." I say with a sigh finishing my monologue, I omitted some parts obviously.

She stared at me for a few seconds, her face clearly shifting from confusion to reasoning.

“So you…” she started pointing a hoof at me. “Are you from another dimension? Another Equestria.”

"Technically I'm from another dimension, from another dimension, but yes."

“This is…too many to process…” I was about to make a joke but she quickly cut me off. "Wait, so… in your dimension is there a changeling named Thorax?"

"Ahmm, no? I've never heard of it."

Her eyes widened, she gritted her teeth and began hissing and punching the ground.

"That bastard! Damn it! Then I would win if it wasn't for him! DAMN IT!"

"Easy there, who is he?"

"He stole my hive, because of him I… I have nothing." oh, poor little thing.

"Sooo… I need to talk to Chrysalis, help me with it or not?"

She looked at me confused for a couple of seconds, ohh, cute, she is slow.

"I... I can fix that, but first, answer me one thing."

"Spit it out."

"Why did you help me? Weren't you a... villain? Even trying to...reform, I still don't understand." I laughed a little when she said villain. again, not the worst thing I've ever been called of.

"Well." I say scratching my head and looking away. "See, I've been through a... problem once, look, humans are proud creatures and besides I'm a man, you know, I grew up always hearing that my problems are mine and that I have to deal with them , since it was the most masculine thing to do and those shits. So when I found myself in that hole, I… I cried a lot, I screamed a lot and I begged for help. I begged for God, clinging to this hope that someday an angel would destroy the roof and save me, but, no one came. I cried and hoped that somehow a squad of human soldiers would invade that dungeon and take me to Earth, but again, no one came. I screamed for help till I couldn't scream more, and then I screamed some more. I know how humiliating it is to ask for help, and I know what it's like to scream for help and no one shows up. Don't think you're special, you just used the right word."

She glared at me and nodded with each word, biting her lip a couple of times and giggling when I spoke of God, “You hate ponies.”

“With every fiber of my being, but I know there are some good ones.”

She tried to get up but again, she failed.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"We don't-"

"Love, I know how you work, when was the last time you ate love?"

"It's been a while, I've always been running away, and my so-brothers, they've been relentlessly chasing me."

I ponder it for a couple of seconds before sighing, I open my arms. "Give me a hug." She frowned on her face.

"That's not how it works."

"Just… just hug me."

She hesitantly hugged me, her body was cold, and when I hugged her she shivered for a moment. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and imagine the image of my wife Maria dressed in her wedding dress. She smiled sweetly as she arranged a strand of her red hair and giggled pressing the bouquet of flowers against her chest. Maria… a tear trickles from my eyes as she runs towards me, throwing herself against me and I hug her. I hugged her with all my strength and kissed her cheek like it's the last time I would.

With a sad sigh I finish my fantasy and release the mare from my embrace, she looks genuinely surprised, she's scrutinized her hooves and herself a few times.

"It worked…" she whispered to herself while analyzing herself even more.

"Neat right? The Chrysalis of my world taught me this trick, it's not a full load but it will help you."

"T-thank you, human."

I blush a little, I didn’t not even introduce myself to her. "My name is Damien." I say standing up,

"Thank you Damian, your help was very…very welcome." I lift a thumb at her and shrug.

"It was nothing, the truth was it was a little cathartic punching those horses, it helps a lot." she smiled mischievously as she stood up,

"Want to come with me? We can do great things together, I'm thinking of going after my two…partners, but I think you'll do."

"Nah, I'm at Fluttershy's hut at the moment, so it won't work."

"Fluttershy?" She told herself, anger rising in her eyes. "Obviously it would be one of them."

Laughed internally, of course she would have a history with them.

"Well, do you want to come?"

"Never! It would be suicide!" she declares almost screaming, she looks around and sighs.

"You have nowhere to stay, right?" she nods a little depressed. "Look, Everfree's abandoned castle is a great base, the Chrysalis of my world put their main hive there, besides, can I get an audience with her?"

"Damian!" I hear Miranda screaming behind me, shit! I turn to wave at her.

"Hi hon!”

"What that fuck are you doing? We were looking for you everywhere!"

"I was being a hero!” I declare puffing out my chest and giving her space to see the mare I saved.

"Hmm, I know, hero for what?

"What?” I scream as I notice the escape of that mare. "s-she was here! I helped her!"

"I know, and what was her name?"

I opened my mouth ready to speak when I noticed something. Fuck! I didn't ask! Miranda rolled her eyes and nodded to me to follow her.

"Come on Dad, it's late and I want to sleep."

"B-but I, there was someone here! I'm not making this up!"

Miranda stared at the small pool of blood on the wall and floor and shrugged,

"Just… let's go, I want to sleep, ok?"

I nod as I start to follow her, occasionally glancing back as if expecting the changeling to show up and say something, but no, she's gone…that was…real right? That wasn't my imagination…I hope…God it's late.

Author's Note:

I wanted to put one more part (about 3k words) for Blueblood, but I feel like I'm focusing too much on him, so I decided to drop that.
Well, 12k words, personal record!