• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 889 Views, 12 Comments

Redemption, what a beautiful word. - Ryoup

I made countless mistakes, now I have the opportunity to start over, to escape from my past, in THIS Equestria, I hope, I hope not to repeat my mistakes...

  • ...

Royal problems

A yawn, a yawn was all that escaped Twilight's lips as she took advantage of the sweet breeze coming from the train's ajar window and enjoyed the maternal warmth of the sun.

After several minutes propped up in her seat and enjoying the moment, a dry cough from one of the train attendants caught the attention of the alicorn.

“Princess, sorry to interrupt but, your highness needs something? juice? a drink? Maybe some snacks? ” asked a brown unicorn wearing a typical red uniform that train officials usually wear, and the nervousness in his voice was almost palpable.

After politely denying the stallion's offer, Twilight decided to seize the moment and spread her wings a little and enjoyed that she was no longer in 'Shining Sparkle' mode.

"A whole train just for me, very discreet Luna, very discreet ..." After finishing what Twilight likes to call, thinking out loud, she decides to look at her car, a single stallion sits at the other end and because of his clothes Twilight thinks him to be some noble , but Twilight can't say which. Maybe some lesser noble?

The high-pitched sound of the train echoed highly, drawing an uncomfortable look from both the noble and Twilight.
Mental note, lower train-horns, Twilight thought as she stared back at the landscape in her seat, reflecting on her day, and her dream.

"that was real, right? I hope it is, I-" the loud thoughts of Twilight were interrupted when she noticed something in her reflection, something strange, she was seeing herself, but her reflection's face was, tired, and with some scars that Twilight knew she didn’t have.

She moved her hoof towards her face and felt her heart freeze when her reflection didn’t follow her, a flutter of wings and Twilight noticed that her reflection lacked one of the wings. Slowly the tired eyes turned into… pity, then joy.

Twilight gulped, lifted her hoof again and tried to touch the reflection, only when her hoof was inches from the glass, the shrill sound of the train's whistle announced its arrival at Canterlot, deafeningly louder this time, Twilight was unable to avoid folding her ears and closing her eyes due to the sound.

after shaking her head and blinking a few times she looked at her reflection again, everything was… normal.
"What a day ..." announced Twilight as she got up and walked towards the exit.

After getting off the train and taking a deep breath Twilight sighed serenely, she was at home. once again stretching her wings and taking off the crown and placing it elegantly on its mane Twilight prepared for the long and tedious journey to the castle. since, the entire city was in magical quarantine, which includes teleport spells.

When the first step was taken, a shout made the mare stop immediately. looking at the source of the voice she can see two reformed changelings wearing armor of the royal guard and galloping towards her. protocols, murmured Twilight, not even I can escape from them.

Only when both, apparently stallions approached Twilight, did she notice the nervousness and caution on their faces.
“Hi-hi princess, I-I hope you d-don't mind if u-us, ME, do a quick test. "

Twilight raised an eyebrow at the changeling, but shrugged. what she, however, didn't expect was his nervousness to increase considerably, he was shaking!

"Forgive my little brother Princess Twilight, it's his first day here in the royal guard, and he was lucky enough to ... interview your magestity." joked the older changeling laughing at his brother, but never taking his eyes off Twilight.

"Well, I was in a hurry to meet Princess Luna, my dear guards, I don't know if you were informed, but my presence was requested as soon as possible. . ” said Twilight trying to use her princess title, something she rarely do.

"I am sorry, but I am obliged to insist that your highness pass the test." Said the older changeling, looking at Twilight more deeply, his voice carrying seriousness and a blue aura surrounding his sword hilt..


“HOW DARE YOU!” A pony screamed behind Twilight, who soon turned out to be the noble who was in the same car as her.

"Sir-" tried to speak the younger changeling, but was promptly interrupted.

"SILENCE! You are talking to a noble! Put yourself in your place.” said the pony as he approached, when he passed Twilight he smiled at the princess and looked back at the changelings.

"Your highness." the older changeling began to speak while standing between the noble and his younger brother. “We are guards at the service of the crown, this is a standard procedure due to-”

"Silence, don't talk to me as if I don't understand what you're talking about, I even understand going through such humiliation as a vow of ... good faith." said the noble laughing, "but I refuse to let my princess go through this, I demand royal guards!"

"But sir, we-" tried to justify the minor changeling.

"Real guards." said the noble, raising his voice and touching their armor with disgust.

Twilight was about to end the argument between them, the last thing she wanted was to deal with a noble wanting to impress her and two changelings guards in trouble, however, the sound of metal cutting through the air caught her attention.

A blink of an eye was the time that Twilight had, she reflexively closed her eyes and her horn lit up with a purple aura and a protective aura appeared around the neck of the noble who was breathing heavily.

When Twilight shyly opened her eyes to assess the situation, she was surprised to see the sword not embedded in her protective aura, but a few inches away from the noble's neck.

Amazement was visible on the stallion's face, his mouth half-open and his left eye quivering nervously in a mixture of astonishment and indignation.

"Your Highness." said the larger Changeling, still levitating his sword an inch from the noble.

"HOW DARE YOU?!?!?! you know who I am? Do you know who my cousin is? dare to raise a sword for me, you CHANGETHING! ” many other offenses were handed down to the guards. The noble glared at them with his eyes varying between them and the sword a few centimeters from his throat for long seconds. The older changeling kept his sword, however, his magic never left the hilt of his sword.

"Princess! I demand that you take action, these ... these things, they dared to threaten me! I even offered them my good faith, but they just crossed the line! I demand that they be judged for treason to the crown! ”

And I failed miserably to avoid conflict ... again ... yay. After cursing herself for never being able to fulfill her princess duties, Twilight gets up and approaches them. After staring at the coat of arms on the noble's clothes for a brief moment Twilight realized who he was, he was a big fish, in fact, his cousin was a big fish and the last thing Twilight, a young and inexperienced princess wants is a problem with the ten noble houses of Canterlot.

"Well, sir, canterlot is in quarantine due to a recent event, we are just doing our job, I hope you understand princess." stated the biggest changeling while looking at Twilight again.

"Quarantine? But for the Tartaro with this, what happened? Sombra came back? Did Discord go crazy again? ” cried the enraged noble, his eyes fixed on the older changeling and the magical aura around his sword.

This was the opportunity that Twilight was waiting for, coughing she approached the guards. lightly puffing out her chest, just enough for someone with sharp eyes, like a noble to notice, the princess spoke.

"Well, it would be good to know the reason for this, quarantine, please soldiers, explain yourself." said Twilight, trying to show seriousness and discipline. She knew the reason for this quarantine, but the noble did not and like any noble, he was easily impressed by the attitude of Twilight, he smiling as if he won this dispute.

The biggest changeling raised an eyebrow. Twilight should’ve known the reason, since she was in Canterlot when it was announced. the magical grip on his sword intensifies even more.

With a heavy sigh, the older changeling looks at his brother and waves.

“Well, our mother-” a strong and quick slap came from the biggest changeling. the youngest looked frightened and understood what his eyes said, it was a warning, a reminder, times have changed.

However it was not fast enough for the other ponies not to notice. the noble murmured some offenses and Twilight was lost in her thoughts.

“Sorry, I, ahmm, our… ex-queen, Chrysalis, was spotted in Canterlot a few days ago, but it was said that she got on this train today, we are doing a search on all passengers, our moth-queen can hide even from us, that's why we are doing a search sir, I apologize if we were rude, abused or similar, but we are dealing with an individual… quite dangerous. ”

"I don't care, I won't be searched by guys like you, I demand real guards, the same applies to the princess obviously." said the noble, unmoved by the guards' apologies or requests.

"Go get the guards, Moth, I'll stay with them while you go." stated the bigger changeling , his eyes fixed on Twilight.

"But just no-"

"Go at once, I'll be fine." Maath smiled gently at his younger brother.

The minutes passed, and the tension between the noble and Maath only grew, the noble was ready to curse him, offending or whatever he thought best, just needed a reason, and although Maath deeply hated racist types like this noble, he also knew how to pick his fights. Maath didn't believe they were his mother, Chrysalis was hubris, but she was proud to be what she was, she would never call him… changething, what worried the stallion was the princess. she should've know, right? is staging due to the noble? or is Maath staring at his mother? if it is her, what should he do? say, mom, are you under arrest? it may turn out bad, it just depends on how much his mom ate lately.

“Are you alright soldier? do you look ... distracted? ” asked Twilight, trying to break the tension, do her job.

"Ignore him princess." laughed the noble, Twilight failing once again in her duties.

"His type only serves to cause problems, reformeds or not." the noble smirked at the guard.

"Sir, I hope that-"

"My title, peasant! Peasants like you should call me for it, I accept nothing less. ”

"Your Highness, please collaborate with us, it is a quick spell, no more than ten seconds."

"Ten seconds spent with a real guard, no ... a parasite like you and your brother"

That was bad, though Twilight looking at both, the guard could not do anything, nobles are exempt of simple crimes, like ... racism. Twilight's head aches just thinking about the headache she will have to change this law.

At least the changeling seemed to know about the law, attacking a noble, whether small or not is treason, it is like attacking the princess herself and in a situation where Chrysalis is on the run, in Equestrian territory, the last thing both sides want is a crisis of noble and a changeling fighting.

"Please sir, have a little class, you are in my presence." that was it, the last Twilight card, and to her surprise it worked! The noble folded his ears in shame and looked away. He was bigger than the soldier, but Twilight was the highest authority and the one with the best status here, and nobles respect the hierarchy, they all learn this from an early age and will not be an influential cousin who will save him from that.

"Pardon princess, I believe that I may have exceeded myself a little, I beg your pardon." said the noble, leaning slightly towards Twilight.

A nod was enough to calm the stallion's eagerness for attention or forgiveness, and almost immediately Moth arrived accompanied by two other royal guards, both being unicorns plus two pegasus watching them through the skies on the sly.

"Finally, I thought I would have to wait for all eternity, gentlemen, please." said the noble, approaching the guards.

They looked at each other, one shrugged while the other coughed a little.

"Your Highness, the spell can even be used by us, but only a changeling can execute it accurately enough to detect Queen Chrysalis."

"Ex-queen." corrected Maath.

“Is… are you saying that we will have to be… for these things? unacceptable!"

"Sorry your highness, however this is the seriousness of the situation."

"I'll go first, if you don't mind." said Twilight approaching the guards, time was short and she has spent enough here, at this rate Luna will eat my liver.

"No princess." said the noble, swallowing his hubris. "I cannot allow you to suffer such humiliation as this, I will go first if this is some scheme of them."

In a few seconds the noble, with a monumental disgust, bowed his head to the older changeling, and an almost uncontrollable urge to vomit arose. almost.

When the changeling touched his horn on the noble's, a small blue spark was generated and he can confirm what he already knew.

“He is clean. you can pass."

After going through what he believed to be the greatest humiliation of his life, the noble faced the changelings, a murderous rage taking over him.

“If... if somepony know about it, you are dead changethings, okay? and you guards, if you like your job, it’s better that this is just between us. ” threatened the humiliated noble, that's when he noticed the look of Twilight.

"Except you princess, if you want to comment on what happened here you have my blessing, just... be discreet with the details, please."

"Don't worry, I will be." laughed Twilight. the noble bowed to her subtly and walked away as he murmured and wondered what he had done in ponyville that earned him such humiliation.

Twilight watched the noble move away from them, and even from a considerable distance it was still possible to hear his muttering to the soldiers of how this was the most humiliating day of his life.

Sighing, Twilight turned to the changelings brothers, the smaller one watched the noble in the distance moving away, by the look in his eyes, Twilight could tell he wanted to say something, shout something, but he stopped himself for whatever reason. his brother on the other hand stared at Twilight the whole time, he barely blinked.

"It's your turn, princess." announced the bigger changeling, his grip on his sword intensified as Twilight and his brother approached. In a matter of seconds their horns touched and a blue light emanated, Maath felt the weight of the world come off his shoulders.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips, a sigh that did not go unnoticed by Twilight.

"Did you think I was her, right soldier?"

"Forgive me princess." said Maath, a mixture of shame and anger carried every word. "I just… I was just doing my job, I hope you understand.”

"Do not worry." laughed Twilight as he started to trot towards the palace. "I understand your situation, and I hope that everything involving Chrysalis will be resolved peacefully.”

The guard smiled genuinely for the first time in days, waved and made room for Twilight. "Welcome to Canterlot, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

The royal palace was euphoric, ponies were running around carrying and carrying out all sorts of tasks, a normal day, a castle official would say, but even they cannot continue telling themselves such a lie. A day with Celestia delaying to get the sun up? everyone makes mistakes, the employees would say unanimously, however, is Celestia late again for the second day in a row? Some maids even commented that they saw one of the captains leaving the royal quarters without his armor! Oh! What scandal, gossip and rumors soon started and it would only be a matter of time before they spread out of the palace.

“One thousand years of ruling alone, one thousand years of peace, for a thousand years my aunt only delayed the sunrise three times… the first time was about six hundred years ago due to a terrifying fever, now, two days in a row she delays more two times… that is curious right maid number one hundred and two, do you agree with me? ”

There is a myth in the palace, peculiar and laughable, silly and even, some would dare to say ridiculous. the smile of one of the great nobles, not for referencing one of their kind nor the princesses or for profit, a smile ... 'genuine' can be one of the last things you will see in your life, you disappear is what will happen.

"My lord, g-great and merciful is your name, I-I assure that I never would attempt against p-princesses, my colleagues would co-confirm that!”

There’s another one too, if you’re lucky, if the planets align, it’s a leap year and all ten great nobles are in Canterlot you’ll see! You will see Celestia enraged! Anger will be what her eyes will show, fury will be on her lips and poor of the one who receives it, the most veteran employees all claim to have seen it once, and that when they all retire or die, the newbies shall contemplate.

“Curious to say the least, here in these papers, it says that you were cleaning the areas around my aunt’s room, it’s almost laughable don’t you agree? that rumor spread and you were at its epicenter. ”

The third myth refers to Luna, forgotten for ages, everyone who has seen the fury of the night for a long time has turned into dust. Bets have arisen in the palace, for the day or the year that Luna will lose the reins.

"M-m-m-my lord, I, your humble servant ask for , clemency, I, it was an accident! I saw him and screamed, my friends questioned me and I… ”

But you know a curious thing about myths? Legends and fantasies? all, all of them have an ounce of truth.

"Then you admit it? very good, that does everything be easier,maid number one hundred and two, what a shame, the papers say you had the qualities to become a high-maid, perhaps the maid-mor, it’s really a shame. ”

And as great as your curiosity is, be careful! beware of the fury of the sun and moon!

"P-pe-please, feel sorry of me! I guarantee it was not on purpose! a carelessness that will never be repeated!"

But, before fearing the relentless sun and the anguish of the moon, fear the smile, because many survived the moon and the sun, none of them the smile.

Blueblood smiled at the mare as he closed the papers in front of her, the few lights illuminating the room went out and a door opened behind the prince. “What a shame" he started letting out a laugh. "Unfortunately in this palace we do not accept excuses or the like, just the most perfect conduct possible, and you have not shown it."

And of all the great nobles to be feared, fear one above the others, fear him, the shadow of Celestia, fear his house, the Blood house, fear him, Blueblood.

"Guards, take her for her premature vacation, we will let your family and friends know about your deserved vacation, don't worry."

With a smile on his face, the prince waved to the mare and two royal guards appeared, they were the biggest guards the maid had ever seen in all her years of service.

It took a few seconds for the mare to understand what’s happening, to remember the myths and jokes that she was so delighted laughing and joking with her colleagues, and now absolute terror overtook her as the guards dragged her out, she tried to resist, she tried to scream, she threw herself on the floor and wept for mercy. Blueblood just smiled at her again.

"Don't go missing your train, the princesses and Equestria thank you for your services to the crown.”

When the door closed and the screaming stopped, Blueblood sighed, he opened the papers in front of him again and arranged himself in his chair, a small blue flame appeared over the documents.

"How gossip flies in this palace ..." said the prince with a tired voice, his half-closed eyes stopped reading the papers under one of the names. "Golden Shield, hun? Good choice aunt, good choice at least."

After spending what he believed to be an eternity in the silence room, as him very affectionately nicknamed the place, Blueblood finally went away, tired and exhausted, but not too tired to deal with the last issue of the day.

After wandering the labyrinthine palace hallways and dodge ambassador Iron Claw a couple of times, Blueblood came across a door, the door to Celestia’s room.

He knocked on the door twice, and twice didn't hear an answer, with a sigh the prince stepped into the room.

"It's dark." murmured Blueblood, walking through what looked like an infinity of sheets and pillows thrown on the floor, but what caught his attention the most was his aunt's body, she was breathing heavily, her mane was a mess and no longer waved with that calming pattern welcoming, her makeup was smudged and more importantly “by Faust Celestia, drooling in liquor?

"Hmmm? Ahm? whaat? Lunie?" murmured Celestia, his voice hoarse and broken, the words struggling to get out of his throat. “leave… just… just leave me alone…”

“Hi aunt” laughed Blueblood, sitting on the bed and sighing.

“Blue-Blueblood?!?” yelled Celestia, getting up immediately and running to the bathroom, her drunkenness still managing to make her stumble and fall a couple of times to the prince's delight before she reached the bathroom and locked herself in it.

“G-go away! y-you can't see me like this! ” Blueblood smiled genuinely for the first time that day.

"It's me Princess Celestia, your nephew, you don't have to hide, I just want to talk."

"I-I know ... go-go away, I'm kinda ... messed up ..."

"Unfortunately," began the prince, opening the curtains, allowing his aunt's sun to penetrate the room, "I really need to talk to you, it's important."

"I said it once, go. Away, I'm not in the mood for this. Please."

“Well, us-”

“GO. AWAY.” yelled the mare hitting the bathroom door hard enough to fold the door a little. Blueblood chuckles internally.

"I, as one of the ten of Equestria's great houses, immediately demand an audience with your majesty, Princess Celestia." he smiled as he turned to face the half-folded door, no sound could be heard until the door slowly opened.

Blueblood knew that Celestia would be in a deplorable state, but she was worse than he imagined, his eyes widened as the sunlight revealed Celestia's condition completely.

Her mane was beyond messy, knots formed everywhere and the natural undulation of her mane only caused further embarrassment.

Her once ivory-white mane was grayed out, it looked as if life had left the mare and only a specter was in its place.

Her eyes swollen and reddened, if Blueblood didn't know his aunt's hatred for highly addictive and harmful substances, also known as drugs, he might even assume this, but no, this swelling came from endless tears.

Some more exalted spots permeate his aunt's fur, from near her face to her flank, not even the sun on her flank looks alive, it is gray and faded.

And the most terrifying thing was a bottle that she held with her at all times, the smell betrayed its contents. alcohol.

"Please, I don't want you to see me like this, go away.” the monarch pleaded while sniffing the liquor bottle.

"Jon Del Labor, 1011 after the common age, five hundred years of fermentation. good choice." Blueblood smiled as he tapped the bed softly inviting Celestia.

"Please ... I look awful." cried Celestia, but after a few seconds of silence she sighed in defeat, "why I never knew how to say no to him?'

After she sat on her bed, Blueblood laughed as she stared at the window and started scratching her neck, after finding the words and turning to his aunt, he was surprised to see her drinking the rest of the bottle.

"But what in the name of Faust are you doing?" In response, Celestia raised her hoof, and finished her drink.

"Not wasting, a good drink.” Celestia finished throwing the bottle in the corner,which would be something to be ignored had it not been for the peculiar sound of glass hitting glass.

Blueblood stood and stared dumbfounded what looked like a dozen bottles stacked in the corner.

"W-what in - since when did my aunt become an alcoholic ?! this is an affront to the nobility! "

"Don't talk… a-about etiquette with m-me, I wrote half of them… those rules.” said Celestia trying to straighten up on the bed, but failed miserably to stay straight.

“Well, it doesn't look like it! Your looks like a street drunk, look at your condition, stinks of liquor and your mane is a mess! ” pointed out Blueblood, feeling his blood boil, manners always and without exceptions, without excuses.

Celestia was silent and lightly touched her mane, small tears forming in her eyes before she hid behind her mane.

"You know I… I-I didn’t want to… I… Faust give me strength… ”

“G-go away, please… I beg you, I’ll give you anything, even that license I denied a few years ago… just… go… please. ”

"Do you know that I can ask you to abdicate because of your deplorable condition, aunt?”

"And take the crown? By Faust Blue ... do you want it that bad right? I give it to you, just leave ..."

silence filled the room, Blueblood then trotted towards the door in deadly silence, Celestia sobbed a little and wiped her tears away, using all her concentration she lifted her crown with her magic for a couple of seconds and stared at it, a small nostalgic smile appeared on her face as she remembered the past.

The sound of the door opening made Celestia sigh. a better prince than I.

Shouts came from outside when Celestia turned to see what was going on; she noticed Blueblood closing the bedroom door, but she could notice some maids running off.

Silently the prince approached the alicorn before stopping in front of Celestia, he stared at her with a look judgmental and harsh, even without speaking Celestia knew what he was saying, she learned to read her nephew with the look, his eyes spoke so many things, none of them good though.

Swallowing up the weeping, anguish and whatever else there was to swallow, Celestia raised her crown for Blueblood. After a couple of seconds that the princess thought were endless, Blueblood took Celestia's crown with his magic.

It was as if the weight of the mountain itself left her shoulders while a timid sigh escaped her lips. 'Maybe it's better this way.'

Celestia's eyes betrayed her as she failed to keep them open, fatigue and alcohol starting to take their toll again.

It was then that suddenly a small pressure appeared on the top of her head, using all her willpower Celestia opened her eyes and saw her nephew's affectionate smile as he gently placed the crown on Celestia's head.

"I-I don't ... I-" the prince silently puts his hoof gently on Celestia's lips, he then kneels to stay on the same level as her.

“When I was little and my parents died, no one came to my aid, everypony wanted to take advantage of me, foolish and fragile. but you. in the midst of that infernal storm you appeared as the most beautiful sunrise, took care of me, raised me, taught me to cast my first spells… you… you are not only my aunt, Celestia, you are also my mother. I love you, never forget that. you are the most qualified pony for this crown. ” said Blueblood in a gentle tone that Celestia never heard, he gently wiped Celestia's tears and lifted a small handkerchief from his suit and wiped off his aunt's smudged makeup.

Celestia then did one of the things she vowed never to do again, abandoning all the dignity and self-respect she had left, she threw herself at her nephew, and cried, cried like she never cried in her entire existence, everything came up in a single second . the death of the Bloods, the banishment of Luna, when her mother and father were killed, so many feelings escaped as Celestia clung desperately to her nephew, holding him as if he were going to disappear, as if he were the last flame in a sea of infinite darkness. her grip intensified each second.

“Pleeeaze, don-don't leave meeeee... ” the princess's screams were something terrified for the prince at first, but it didn't matter, he smiled gently as he hugged and gently caressed her head and soon he returned the hug to her. sporadically kissing her head and humming the same song that Celestia sang when he lost his parents.

“Fear no more my little one, because I am here for you…”