• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 889 Views, 12 Comments

Redemption, what a beautiful word. - Ryoup

I made countless mistakes, now I have the opportunity to start over, to escape from my past, in THIS Equestria, I hope, I hope not to repeat my mistakes...

  • ...

A filly, a boutique, and, and a feeling.

Author's Note:

I split this chapter in two parts since it was going to be to large, and I hope it don't, well, kill the mood since the chapter can end suddenly.
Maybe the chapters can take some time to be posted and it's not because I'm playing EU4 ten hours per day instead of writing I'm lazy, I'm trying! but if you feel, nah, other history that will end without being finished, I refuse myself to letting that happen, I read tons of great fics that are dead/canceled and I will not let it happen here, if a tragedy happen and I say 'ok, I can't finish it' I will just make a super-duper-rushed chapter ending the history.

"Are you sure everything is fine Damian?


"Everything? I mean, you almost scared me to the death when you screamed that loud!"

Damn it, I said more than three times, "I'm fine," jesus, they care about the others too much, that was just Sparkle scaring me, normally she act at night, this is the... First time I see her that early.

"Leave him Fluttershy, he is just sentimental, I bet that you were thinking about Bloody Novel."

I was going to say something... But she was right, I was thinking about them.

I sigh as I look around, it's Ponyville, I never stopped to analyze the village, I walked all over this village, and never enjoyed the view, I mean, they have beautiful houses, I think, oh look, the bakers!

"They are really the bakers? I mean, the Bakers, the lendary Sugarcube Corner?"

"Hmm, yes?"

Wow, I need go there, if what the books says are true, they can make the best cakes of this continent, hmmm, I need my things.

"Why do you ask that question? In your world the bakers don't exist?"

"No, they exist, or at least they existed, this village was attacked by changelings, the whole store was destroyed, they died in the explosion, I never had the opportunity to taste their cakes or candys"

Fluttershy looks, anxious? I can't say, but she don't liked the news, is better she get used to it, my world was... Problematic, even before I take the power.

"And their sons?"

"They have childrens? Sorry, I didn't read nothing about that."

"I see."

We walked for a little, the ponies in this village seen to be so... Tolerant? I can't say, but they don't cry, scream, run or similars when they see me, they just look at me then look at Fluttershy, some when they see my necklace walk away from us, well, I'm still in condicional, I don't judge them.

"These ponies do not seem to be bothered by my presence, is it normal for a being they never saw to arrive in the city?"

She laughs a little and looks away "yes, usually one a year, they even have a bet on when another being will appear."

"Really? I want my part of that bet."

"You what? Are you on crack Damian?"

"Don’t be silly Miranda, they don’t have it here, I brought that to the other world, but let’s be realistic, it’s a bet about me, I think I have the right to part of that money"

"What's crack?"

"A drug, nothing you have to worry about, I forgot how to make that some years ago, beside of that, here should have a tobacco shop, right?"

"Tobacco? Yes, if I'm not wrong, there is one in Ponyville, but it's just medicinal herbs, not drugs."

"We will se that then."

She are... Closer? Fluttershy is acting strange, I mean, from what I read from her, and the three days we talked with each other she seams... Closer, she is almost touching me, she doesn't know what personal space is?

"So, Damian, we have some time until we reach at Rarity's boutique, so, what's your plans for today?"

"Well, take a new pair of clothes, maybe a cake in the bakers and go to the hospital of course, but if I see Shining, I'll ask for my stuff, you know."

"What do you bring in that suitcases? The princesses don't allow anypony see what have inside."

"Well, I was a horn user, there I carried my treasures, so, make the sums, you are a smart mare."

"I see... Why do you carried that?"

Jesus what's the problem with this mare with the word why, well, good question, why I carried that? Half of the horns are useless, the other half I carried in my coat, damn how I miss my coat.

"I don't know, pride? Ego? Probably the victory, I did the impossible, humans have proud and like to show to everyone what they killed, I think it's that."

"So you're like the gryphons?"

"Yeah, like that, but i like to make the gryphons trophies too."

"I see, when you... Take a trophy, what do you fell? Pride? Pleasure? Maybe... Peace?"

"I... I'll not answer that, next question."

She laugh a little as she come even closer! I can feel her mane already!

"I'm not making a interrogatory Damian, we are just friends talking, you know, right?"

A... A friend? She... She just said... Are we friends? How? I mean, Jesus, she's more, * laughs * kinder than I think she would be.

"So we are friends right? What do you think of making me a favor?"

"It depend, what type of favor?"

I grab this cursed necklace, "remove this."

"I... I can't Damian, but don't worry, Shining will remove one seal."

"Just one? Well, better than nothing, I'm alredy felling, bad? I don't know the word, but preventing someone from feeling mana is strange."

"Don't feeling mana? What do you mean?"

"Okay, let me think, ahmmmm, the magic field of the planet, he carry mana throughout the world, when you are young you feel it right? But when you get older your body gets used to it, but look, I didn't grow up in a world with mana, when Sparkle put in me the artificial core, that was like, like a new sense, you will not understand, but that was painful and weird at same time, with the time I get used to it, but then the princesses put this necklace from hell in me, now I can't use magic, I don't get mana through the ambient, an enormously small amount of mana leaves my body, if I cast a enchantment, in five or ten days it's gone."

"Wow, you speak a lot, not that's a bad thing, sorry."

"He just get excited when he know what he is talking about, I'll summarize what he said, the necklace is making he crazy since he is not more feeling the mana, just it, ponies and other magic being would feel weakness or something like that, he feel a discomfort."

"I see, thanks Miranda."

How dare she! That was my moment! She just smile at me, wow... This is scaling fast, too fast.

"Hey Fluttershy."


"Go with Miranda to the doctor, I'll go to Rarity's boutique alone, and yes, i know where that is."

Fluttershy look at Miranda, then at me, I hope she see that too.

"I'm... I'm not sick! Don't bother me!"

"If you know the way, I agree."

"Yes, the way, the queen..."


"Nothing, just memories from school, see you later."

Miranda snort at me and walk away, Fluttershy finally get off my side, Jesus, she is on what?

We split, she and Miranda go towards the hospital in the south, I go north.

The ponies seem to have become less tolerant since I'm without Fluttershy, they eyes carries more fear and doubt and those who know what this necklace is start walking rapidly away, yes, what can I say?

I know that have two guards watching me from the clouds, so this is not that irresponsable, but it still being irresponsable.

After some minutes walking and some times scaring a pony, don't judge me, I'm still human!

here we are, the Carousel Boutique, it's smaller from what I remenber.

I knock the door and wait, sound of hoofs can be heard inside, will Sweetie Belle be there? God, I hope not, just the thought of seeing her makes my stomach turn.

The door opens, there is a filly, not any filly, it's Sweetie Belle, of course is SWEETIE FUNKING BELLE!

She look at me for a few seconds before running away and screaming 'monster', well, at least this one is smart, I enter in this boutique, it's... Almost the same, have those mannequins, or ponyquins, damn, those ponies have some problem with they species, somepony, anypony, ponyquins, *laughs* Ponyville and the list go on.

"Damian? It's your darling?"

"Yes of course, let me guess, it's was Sweetie Belle screaming monster that denounced me?"

She laughs a little, just what, ahmm, what a lady would do? Even Fluttershy laughs louder.

"So, what will be? The measures?"

"Of course Damian, these rags that you call clothes are awful! Look! This part looks like a curtain sewed together!"

The queen of the drama, well, the way led to the queen after all, good joke universe, good joke.

"So let's do it then, led the way," I say to her as I bend slightly.

She let out a tiny smile whille walk to the interior of the boutique, this part... Have a lot of sewing machines, I don't remenber this, well, make sense.

"Ok darling, would you mind take off some clothes? It's hard take the measures with this *cought* clothe that you are wearing."

"This here is just a pile of curtains sewed together you know?"

She nods, well, if she say it, I start taking off this, I think it's more a dress than anything else, it's huge, oh look, I'm without my boxer, where they put my boxer? What the fuck are they doing with my boxer?

Enough of those thoughts, I thrown the clothe away and I looked at Rarity, she was... She was staring my scars, I have several throughout my body but she looked more to the five in my chest, then she look, well, to down, she blush, ok, this mare is a degenerated.

"What's the big ideia? I'm married just to you know."

She shakes her head for some seconds then look elsewhere.

"Well, it's that I thinked that bipeds were ashamed of being naked."

"You know well the bipeds hummm?"

She blush insanenly, did she... No, she would not.

"W-well, a lady must know everything about etiquette, but it's strange, you not even hesitated."

"I see, so, don't you feel ashamed when someone walks in when you're taking a shower?"

"O-of course!"

This mare is easy to manipule, the other Rarity had more guts.

"But what if it is an ant? Will you still be ashamed?"

She looks at me for a few seconds, the shame is gone, I think I stepped on someone's hoof, "Well, I don't know if I whant to understand it."


In a few minutes she alredy take the measures, I pick up my clothes and get dressed, even though I don't really care that they see me naked, I still care about Miranda, besides Sweetie Belle is upstairs, I don't care about ponies seeing me naked, now colts... Even though they are also naked, I don't know, it seems wrong to let a... A child see me like this, look! Humanity, I think.

I'm fully dressed now, I lie down on her couch, yeah, a really big couch, she stare at me for a few seconds before snorting and grabing some needles, I lost sight of her as she walk toward the sewing machines, yes, she is sewing, that sound is unmistakable, a sewing machine, I sigh a little, I miss you grandma.

Now I wait Miranda and Fluttershy or the new outfit, what comes first, the only thing I don't want is th--

"Hi mister monster."

Sweetie Belle... Yeah, she was... older, I mean, she still lokking like a filly, but this one are really tiny, I can grab her with only one hand and I would not need magic for that, how old was she? Nineteen? Yeah, so this one is seven years old, she have the same eyes, almost the same voice.

"It's not mister monster, girl, I have a name."

"S-sorry, my big sister said it was... Damuan?"

"Almost, it's Damian," she is scared, look, she is trembling! Yeah... If I want to restart she should be a good start, Jesus I was brutal with her.

"Hey Belle."


"Do you like cook?" really? This is the best i can think of? I'm the degenerated here, damn it.

"N-no, my sister doesn't like the idea of me messing up with fire, mister." I could not stop the smile, smart her right?

She is staring at me, I bet ten bits that this is Rarity's thing, to force the little sister to interact with the visitors, it reminds me of home, go see and interact with the visitors dear! Be more sociable dear, heavens, how I miss it.

"Would you like to learn? Your sister doesn't need to know." her eyes, no more fear, just interest and curiosity, she is analyzing me, the best that a seven year old child can analyze, but she is still analyzing me.

She look away, "I don't know, what if I gain my cutie mark for cooking or talking with you? The girls would kill me!" kill you? Ah yes, they were the crusaders of marks or something right?

But she... Wait, she doesn't have her mark yet? Strange, this world get more interesting every second.

"You are three in total right? The crusaders." she nods slowy, yeah, three, I killed her and Applejack young sister, but I never saw the third, Jesus, as this world work she should be a pegasus.

"I promise you, you will not gain you cutie mark for cooking or talking with me." her eyes slightly widen when a little smile forms in her snout.

"You promise?" damn, her voice, it's like... Like any child, any...

I nod while I get up and walk toward the kitchen, she follow me almost instantly, really? We barely know each other and she is already following me that fast? Where are her parents? Hello? How much Rarity talked about me to her?

When we reach in the kitchen I look around, yeah, the same stove, damn, that was, brutal, even for my standarts... But that was so fuking good.

I take one knife, a kitchen knife, it's sharp, really sharp, if I--

"Mister? What are you looking for?"

Wow, I, "food, where is the food?" she point with her little hoof to a shelf, when I open there was just vegetables, obviously, o look! Eggs!

"Do you like egg Belle?" she nods as she try to see what I'm doing, she is corious, honestly, too corious.

"My sister will be mad if you make a mess mister." really? Wow I don't know! Jesus these ponies, I put the frying pan on the stove and lit it.

"Now look," I beat some eggs on the table, now that they have a small crack is just open it on the pan and it's done! "Fried eggs!"

She stare it for some seconds, what's up Belle?

"You should not put something in the pan before?" oh, yes, I look around, they don't have that.

"Nope, just the egg is better, if you have salt we can talk a little more, but it's okay for now." she start to climb some benches and grab a little pot with a blue tag on it, salt, obviously she had salt, I sigh as I take the pot and finish the eggs.

I put the two egg in a plate and leave the plate in the table, I sit in a chair while her mimic me and 'climb' a chair, "you like eggs mister?"

"Yeah... I prefer something with more... Protein and fiber."

"Like hay?"

What? "Have protein in hay?"

"I don't know what protein is."

I could not hold a smile, she still a child, a kid, "it's something I need to live." her eyes, I almost can see...

"Like vitamins and stuffs like that?" I smile, not more holding it, just not showing my teeth, she is curious, her eyes show expectative, curiosity and determination to understand me, hear me.

"Yes Belle, stuffs like that," she smells the egg while lick her lips, "Belle," she look at me, "sincerely, what do you think about me?" her head bend a little and her ears fold.

"W-what do I think? W-well, my sister say to me be... Careful, that you could become violent, but you look... Normal!" it's... Wow, her words "you don't act like somepony violent, you even taught me about eggs and proteins! You are the coolest a, ha, human! Yes! You are the coolest human that I know!" I could not hold the laugh, the coolest human that you know? Hell, I'm the only human that you know girl.

Our lovely talk was disturbed for Rarity, she almost scream when she see the eggs and Sweetie that close, "S-Sweetie! You make it!?" her words lost the panic as she looked around the kitchen, don't have anything in fire, any mess, just a fry pan and a pot o salt, "i-it's you Sweetie Belle? You fried that?" she says while point the eggs with her hoof

Belle look at me for a few seconds, oh she is shy, "yep, she done the eggs alone, I mean, I prevented her from burning the building, but her done it all alone," Belle smile insanely to me while Rarity sigh a mix of pride and relief at same time.

"Your clothes are ready, if you want come here darling and see it." she is shocked, it's obvious, but I can't tell why, if it's about Belle 'cooking' or not burning the house, she gave another fast look around the kitchen before leaving.

I sigh while get up, but, before I leave the kitchen I feel something, something warm in my leg, when I look down I see, it's Belle, she is, she is trying to hug my leg, "thanks Damian! I will tell about you to the other crusader!" she give to my leg another hug before leaving the room... thanks... this word... I feel one feeling in my chest, the thought of her speaking that word, her voice, this feeling... It's the same that I feel when I tortured one pony, joy, peace and calm.

I even touch my leg sometimes, it's there, this feeling, it's real... IT'S REAL!!!

I can feel some tears forming, why? This feeling... It's just... Joy... Why I'm about to cry? Hell no, I refuse myself to cry for a hug from a filly, I wipe the tears with my hands, breath some times heavily, it's just a hug, but damn god, this feel soo... Good.

I smile unconsciously while a warm invade my body, it's is, DAMN! I run toward the sink and cough in it... Blood, a lot of blood, my condition is getting worse, fuck it, I tap on the sink and see my blood being washed, this will not take my smile, this felling will not be destroyed for this, in some seconds I'm clean, ok, I tap off the sink, let's go see those... Dress, Jesus Christ, I feel a shiver run down my spine.