Redemption, what a beautiful word.

by Ryoup

First published

I made countless mistakes, now I have the opportunity to start over, to escape from my past, in THIS Equestria, I hope, I hope not to repeat my mistakes...

I committed heinous crimes, horrible things that would make my past self vomit and call me the new Hitler, God if I could remake my actions, but now I have this chance, this Equestria, I will not ruin this world, I cannot , why, maybe, I can still go home, but before I have to resolve these nightmares and some unresolved issues, I think, I think I will try to start again, forget the past, redemption? *laughs* what a beautiful word.

Read the previous story is not necessary but it can help to understand some events or his actions.
The previous story tells a little of the time he spent in the first Equestria (seven years) and his first days in this version of Equestria.

Ponyville, Really?

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I sigh as I wash my face, I grab a towel and dry my face and look in the mirror, a white man, unkempt black hair, tired eyes, a beard that is already trying to grow, and obviously a gigantic necklace around of my neck, it serves to prevent me from hurting any pony or using magic, as if I was going to do that, Miranda is right, starting over is the best option, I can hear a whisper, in the reflection of the mirror I can clearly see the monster that has been haunting me for years, looking at me through the door, this would normally scare me, but not today, besides, I'll not have a panic attack in the bathroom of a train, I have standards!

I turn to the door, nothing, it's just in my head, remember it Damian, it's a hallucination, I close the door while I sit on the toilet, it started, I look at my clothes, it's really big, Miranda thinks it's a curtain sewned hastily, I think it is minotaurs clothes, when we arrive in Ponyville Rarity will sew new clothes... Will it be... it's Rarity's store the same as in the other world? I hope not, it would be, I don't know, strange to see that place again, I burned that for a reason.

Ok Damian, enough self-pity, this is pathetic, I rise and open the door, outside there were two guards in disguise, it seems that Celestia really send some guards to watch over me,, well, I don't judge her, I would do the same if I was in her position, I wave to the two guards as I walk towards my wagon, one of them seems not to have reacted, but the other was clearly scared.

I'm walking In the middle of the train, I ignore the accusing glances or the screams of fear from the ponies, this is the second time they see me, since they too were frightened when a being they never saw entered their wagon with a prisoner necklace , at less I can have fun with their fear, I know it's not ideal, that I have to leave the past in the past but scaring them is incredible! the doubt, the absolute dread, the horror and idea that they may die at any moment! God, calm Damian, breathe, now you have to survive with the cute and similar faces they make, god this is going to be difficult, is there a homeless pony in Ponyville?

Well, enough dreaming, I open the door and enter in another wagon, one more and arrive in my wagon, this one was full of unicorns, unicorns, does Black Sale exist in this world? Maybe I can get some bits with Celestia, say I need it or something and maybe I can buy a horn! No, I think it would be a relapse to enter the black market in less than a month in this world.

"What is... that?"

"Is that an inhibitory necklace?! Where are the guards!"

"Don't look darling, it's a monster."

Monster? Normally I would agree, but calling myself a monster is not the best action when I think about starting over, but yes, I'm a monster, I smile at the unicorn and do my best to show all my teeth, he looked to become some shades whiter, well, I still have some pleasures for what it looks like.

I open the last door and enter the wagon, I can hear some sighs of relief coming from them, damn unicorns,I suddenly had an incredible desire to cut some horns, man, starting over sucks.

I get in my wagon, Shining Sparkle was talking to Rarity and Rainbow, Shining Sparkle... a navy blue unicorn, a purple mane with a red stripe, when you look at her against the sun she almost looks like her master, almost, Something doesn't smell good on this mare, the princess should be twenty one, she's seventeen, weird, Miranda already hates her , I will leave Miss * laughs * egghead to my princess.

"Damian, are you going to hallucinate there or are you going to sit down?"

Speaking of the devil, there she was, a sapphire dragon, wearing an equally large yellow robe just like mine, my little princess, she must be seven years old in a few days but she is already very big, she is already bigger than most ponies and can become even bigger than me if she. .. If she is like her mother...

"Ok, ok, calm down dear."

It's amazing how embarrassed or enraged she is when I talk to her like this in public, however she has become more sleepy, I have to see this, maybe it's the magic inhibitors on her wrists, maybe.

I sit on Miranda's side, I can see the discomfort on her face, ahh how cute my baby is ashamed of Dad, I look around, Pinkie and Flutteshy are discussing something and Applejack is not here, strange, I didn't see her in the others wagons.

I try to listen to Pinkie's speech, apparently it's something about a surprise party, I really hope it's not that, I have to find a place to sleep in Fluttershy's cabin and still give the measurements for the clothes that Rarity will sew, the last thing I need is a party.

"What happened Damian? Seems to be thinking too much, be careful, it will burn your brain." really Miranda? Is this the best joke you have?

"Ah ah very funny, i'm just... Analyzing."


"The future," I look at her, "thanks for being here Miranda, if you weren't, I think I would do it all over again."

She smiles slightly as she places a claw on my back.

"Don't worry Damian, I will always be here for you, if not, who would stop you from doing something stupid? How, I don't know, blow up a city ?!"

"It only happened once and I was drunk, plus it was Bloody Novel idea!"

Bloody Novel, she was, she was as close as I could call a friend in my world, she was, attentive and always listene what I say, I hope she is well.

"yes of course, you know she was on vacation that day, everyone was on vacation!"

How did she find this out? Did they speak off?

"Good, but you have to admit it was a light and shouting show, and it was phenomenal!"

She laughs a little, "it's true, but it ended ok? Remember what Cadence said? Leave the past in the past."

"Ok," we are in 1554 right? If I'm not mistaken Chrysalis kidnaps Cadence again in 1555, this will be so good, maybe I can talk to her a little, kill the nostalgia, it would be incredible, I think... I hope.

We were in 1571 before coming to this world, seriously, I know about the next seventeen years, why the hell don't they have a lottery here ?!

"Did you see Cadence before we left? I thought she was going to say goodbye at the train station at least, I mean, she's one of the reasons I'm here and not, well, in the Tartarus."

"Nope, I was with you the whole time."

Yea, I sigh while looking at the ceiling, yellow, it's a beautiful color, I prefer beige, yes, beige is much better, ok, enough hallucinating, I look at the wagon again, no Applejack yet.

"Where is applejack?"

"She went to the driver's cabin, why the question?"

"No, nothing, I just wanted to know if you guys knew, did you hear? I am not responsible for anything."

"Why do you say that?"

"Old habits take time to die."

Seriously, if they knew how many kidnappings took place in New Canterlot they wouldn't think that was strange, and it wasn't always me! I mean, of three kidnappings I was only responsible for two!

Pinkie walks towards me, I feel a cold spine, hmmmmm, this is going to end badly.

"what do you like more, strawberries or apples?"

Ok, I forgot I'm talking about Pinkie, "apples, but I prefer chocolate."

"I understand, thank you!"

"Hey Pinkie."


"No surprise party right?"

"Of course, silly, if you already know that there will be a surprise party then she wouldn't be a surprise party anymore!"

I don't know if I understood correctly, but I nod, so is there going to be a party or not? God I hope it is not when I arrive in Ponyville, but I do not doubt, this universe has a bad habit of doing everything when it is talked about, going to a changeling party? Just agree and you are going to the party right away! Go to Ponyville? Just wave and there's a train waiting! Jesus.

I look at one of the clocks on the wall, we've been on this train for five hours... Five, I look at my chest, I can almost feel the pain that came from there, because under these clothes is one of several scars, but this one scar is unique, she was the first, a five, god how that hurt, yes... * laughs * I am the object of tests number five, "SPEEEENCEEEEEER !!!"

No! She is not here! She can't touch me! God my heart is already racing, I look around, nothing, she is not here.



She can't catch me! She, she... I feel Miranda's arms wrap around me, I throw myself against her, I can hear her say something, god this is horrible, depending on a seven year old child to calm me down, this is... Humiliating.

"It's okay Damian, she can't get you, I'm here, she won't touch a strand of your hair." why is she staring at Shining Sparkle? I don't know and I don't want to know, I rise while I wipe the little tears that were trying to form, they seem concerned about my... atack....

"I'll get some air in front of the train, I'll be right back." I don't want to stay here, god I had a attack during the day! In public! Ok it's official Damian your head is gone, I open the door but I feel a hoof holding my hand.

"Damian, you don't have to be ashamed, you suffered, we understand, we are here to help."

Yes, obviously it would be Fluttershy the one who would say something like that, she was... Very kind in the other universe... And how did I reciprocate? God how I hate myself.

"Don't worry Fluttershy," I smile, "I'm just going to get some air."

She nods slightly while letting me go, I turn as I walk to the driver's wagon, the other wagons have a tunnel between them, this one doesn’t, he doesn’t have this protection tunnel, just a small security fence, I walk a little and I can already see the cabin, it has a white unicorn and two common ponies inside, one of them being Applejack, she seems to see me and nods slightly with the hat, seriously, these ponies, I wave back while leaning on the protection fence and I face the tracks, this train is going fast, very fast.

"Spenceeeer, you failed five times, don't miss the sixth time!"

Five failures, I look at the tracks, I am almost mesmerized by their speed, I feel my body softening as I lean over the small security fence, I can end this now, without more nightmares, without more panic attacks, without more shame or regrets, just the sweet embrace of death, I feel my balance running out, I think I will... I think I will...


My god what am I thinking ?! I try to balance myself as best as I can but I think I’ve passed the point of return, I close my eyes and raise my arms, God it will fucking hurt!

So I feel, something is holding my clothes, fuck it, I don't care if it's Torch himself, I'll take this chance! I do my best to balance myself, I look back and there was the carrier of honesty.

"You almost scared me champion! Be careful, these trains are not toys!"

"Thanks, that would hurt a lot."

I look at my clothes, she left a tear i it, well, it's better than jumping from a moving train.

"It hurts, * laughs * I think it would do more than hurt."

I wave while looking at the horizon, there is a small village, Ponyville, god this name still makes me want to laugh, pony, ville, god, look this world.

"Do you want to come with me? I'm going inside the wagon."

"No, go ahead, I'll be right behind you, I just want to breathe some fresh air."

She laughs a little before leaving, "just don't get too much air ok?"

I wave as I continue looking at the village, I can almost see, instead of a passive village, a crater, a huge crater, the only reminder that had a village there, is a small hut on a hill, another mistake for the list.

I look a little to the right, there was the apple farm, I burned that shit, why? I don't know, the apples there were good.

And of course, looking back at the village, is Princess Twil-Twi- Princess Sparkle's castle, if I'm not mistaken that is a school, how will it be there? As much as the fear of meeting the princess of friendship is huge, my curiosity is greater, besides, Shining Sparkle said that her master is in the Griffin Federation, so she is not in the village.

A school, * laughs * I think it was the only thing I couldn’t destroy in the other world, Starlight protected the school and when she saw she wasn’t going to win me she teleported the entire school away, that was epic, I managed to lose an entire school!

I sigh, enough, if I keep thinking about the past they will appear, again, I turn and walk towards the wagon, I enter it, they are all around Applejack, except for Miranda, she is sitting and by her look they must have stayed knowing of my, little incident, I shrug as I walk towards Miranda and sit next to her.

"They will bother us."

"I know, leave it to me."

She nods slowly as she looks back at the window, this is going to be a very long travel.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------- // ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

We arrived, the train was late so it is already night, we split up near the edge of the village, Rarity wants me to go to her boutique tomorrow in the morning, now it's just me, Miranda and Fluttershy, and Rainbow, she's in some cloud above us, not to mention two guards who are on a prowl in some clouds over Flutershy's hut, this night will be long.

"We are here! Please make yourself at home!"

Miranda simply waved while throwing herself on the couch, is she already asleep? I touch her feet a few times, yes, she is sleeping like a rock, strange, I expected more... Animals.

"M-Miranda! I have a guest room!"

"It's over, now only tomorrow for her to wake up."

She waves as she starts to drop some papers on the other couch and walks towards the kitchen.

I catch them, let's see, Mr. Damian Spencer, thirty-five years old, serious neurological problems, he misses his family and I have a deep attachment to Miranda because of that.

What the fuck? I expected this from Shining, not her, * sigh * if she wants to study the new animal I don't mind, as long it's only theoretical studies, I drop the papers while I lie on the couch, * yawn * I think I'll... Sleep a little... Just a little... Start over, redemption, forget the past, it doesn't hurt to dream, right?

Demons of the past

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I am running, for how long I'm running? I don't know, but I know that I have to run, I look around, houses and buildings everywhere, all broken and burned, I am in Canterlot, Jesus i remenbered! they are coming! I stop and look at a broken building, there are several dead ponies inside, some very famous and powerful, like the wizard Starswirl, they... I...


Are they already here? Shit, I start running again, I can't stop! If I stop they will catch me! I need to run faster and faster, I look at my coat, no knives, no horns, I'm unarmed.

I keep running for what seems like hours, they are getting closer and closer, then, suddenly a dragon flies over my head, a sapphire blue dragon, a scar in the shape of four is written on her chest, this is... It's the Miranda's mom! I can clearly see her fighting against a black dragon in the sky, shit I have to help her!

Every alley I passed brought me closer to the fight, I know where I have to go, I look at a big building, and there on top of it is a huge ballista, that will kill the dragon.

"DAMIAN! HELP!" her voice, filled with despair and hate, keep calm!

Shit I'm running out of time! I climb some debris, bodies and whatever else I have to go through, I won't let that son of a bitch hurt Dawn, calm down, I'm coming!

I can see flames flying through the sky, buildings shaking and falling, damn dragon he's winning!


Why I don't have my weapons ?! Why am I not able to use magic ?! Fuck!

I'm almost there, I can already see the door of the building! Calm Dawn I'm going there, it was so close for me to enter in that building, but then, a black fog took over everything, it left from the walls, the building, inside the corpses, shit is he here too !?

"Mr. Spencer, stop and come with me quietly and I promise to not be too, harsh with you."

She was right behind me, I don't need to turn around to know that behind me is a horrible being, a purple alicorn, lifeless eyes and black as the night, only two small purple dots indicate that she has pupils, I will not turn around... If I turn around I won't be able to run, I already feel my legs weakening, if I go with her peaceful--

"DAMIAN !!!"

Damn, Dawn! I feel an insane urge to surrender and go with Sparkle, but... but Dawn needs me, I run towards that hellish door that was the entrance of the building, an endless void envelops me as I enter the building, I can hear the monster behind me shouting something.

I'm going up, I can't see anything, just darkness, but I know I'm going up, each step seems like it's going to be the last one, with each step it feel like I'm going to bump into a door, I have to bump!

* BAM *

I found the door! It's locked, I try to break into that door by throwing myself against it, my god how can a wooden door be so resistant ?!

I can feel something, there is something sighing behind me, I can feel the hot breath on my neck, it is something big, they are playing with me, I keep trying to break down that door, shit! break break BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK!!!

It broke! I am invaded by the light, when my eyes get used to the light I look back, two red dots looked at me from the infinite darkness that was those stairs and a demoniac smile, is he.

A torrent of flames passes within a few meters of the building, the fight! I run towards that ballista, unloaded, shit! I look around, over there! some bolts are on the floor! I run and grab one, it's big and heavy, with a black color, dark ingot, great for killing dragons.

I load the ballista, there they are! Dawn is winning! They are exchanging blows near the castle. I need them to come closer.

"Dawn, bring that son of a bitch here!"

They continued exchanging blows, flames coming out of both their mouths, the black dragon receiving blow after blow, finish him off Dawn!

It is now, they are close, I prepare the ballista, it's hard to aim with it, closer, bring this son of a bitch here! "HOLD HIM DAWN!"

The black dragon is trying to bite her neck, shit, I can't waste more time, I aim at his head, NOW!

I press the trigger, the bolt flies in a straight line towards the target,I can almost feel the time get slower and slower, the dragon stare the bolt, the fear invade his face and in seconds it hits, I HIT HIM!

The dragon struggles a few times before falling to the ground with a loud noise, falling a few streets away from me, I feel a smile forming, I did it! I won the black dragon! My legs fail and I fall to the ground while trying to support myself on the ballista.

"DAWN! WE WON!" I scream while raising my fist in victory

She looked at me, landed in a building near mine and... She is... Why is she preparing a breath of fire !?

Then I saw, a small black mist fading around my head, since when was that there?!

No... It cannot be, I rise and walk towards the parapet of the building, there, fallen with a black arrow crossing the head was not a black dragon , it was... My god it was Dawn, the bolt firmly stuck in her eye socket... I... Jesus what I did.

I hear the sound of flames, I turn and see, a dragon of black scales spitting a blast of green flames towards me, I feel the flames envelop me, I feel the pain, my skin is being burned, my God, what... I... did...

I look at the ceiling, I failed... Again, my heart is racing, how could I not see that coming? How I hate him, if I could kill him again, can I? He comes back in a few years, yes, I can find him! And he is technically evil yet! So I can kill him and no one will care! Damian you smart bastard.

What? Since when did I sleep with a blanket? A yellow blanket with pink hearts, I look around again, yes, I'm at Fluttershy's house, does she like hearts? I thought I would see animals instead hearts, I look to the side, Miranda had a blue blanket with white rabbits, there is the animal blanket.

I breathe a couple more times as I try to clear my head, calm Damian, it was just a dream, a dream, a mistake, a memory... A little distorted, but it still remains a memory...

Enough of that! I was not kidnapped from my universe twice to be crying about the past! Fuck, Miranda and Cadence telling me to leave the past in the past and I can't... I can't forget.

I get up, my neck hurts a little, well, that's what I get for sleeping on a couch, I look around, no animals, strange, I swear I saw some birds on the ceiling last night, now there is nothing.

I hear the sound of frying, my god, this is meat? it's meat frying!

"Fluttershy, what's for breakfast?" I say as I walk towards the kitchen.

"Oh, hello Damian! I was doing something for you and Miranda, I didn't want to wake you up."

"It was nothing," I sit at her table, like all other pony tables it is a little short for me, but I already got used to it, "where are your animals?"

"They usually leave when I'm preparing meat, in a few hours they'll be back."

I breathe, hmmmm, smell of chicken, I love chicken, it almost tastes like pegas---

Yeah, I look to the side, a small window revealed the sun, it was rising, it is still morning, am I already waking up in the morning? Well, do what? Old customs come back easy... I hope only some customs...



"How did you know that Miranda eats meat? I mean, the princesses didn't think about it, not even Shining, they think she grew up on gems and lettuce."

"Well, she woke up in the middle of the night, she was sick and throwing up, I gave her some medicine and she went back to sleep, but before she asked for chicken for breakfast, she said you liked it too."

Was she feeling sick? Ok, now it's official, I have to see what's going on, first she decides not to hit me when I woke her up yesterday, then her jokes are horrible and now this? Something doesn't smell good.

"There is a hospital in Ponyville right?"

A nod from her was all I got, she was there in front of the stove, her mane attached with a rubber band to prevent, well, frying her mane, a little apron on the front of her chest, and on the stove there was a skillet frying two chicken breasts, hmmm, I can already taste it, no! Focus Damian!

"When does it open?"

"I don't think the hospital can help much, but if you want to take her, we can go at noon."

"How can the hospital not help?"

She blushes a little, "well, the hospital is more for ponies, but a new doctor has arrived, maybe he can help."

"New doctor? * laughs * who? Good Docter?" these ponies and their names.

"If I'm not mistaken his name was Silk Touch."

My god, I feel my heart racing, it can't be, "we have to go to the hospital!" is he?! must be! these ponies don't repeat their names!

I get up and look for a mirror, I have to get ready to leave now!

"C-calm Damian! The hospital only opens in the afternoon! Unless it's an emergency."

"Of course it's an emergency! Besides, what kind of hospital close on a Tuesday ?!"

He stares at me for a few seconds, "but it's Sunday Damian, what kind of emergency do you expect?"

Damn, what did they call it? I read hundreds of those letters! Damn, wait, that's it!

"Is it an emergency of... Ahmmm, friendship? I think that's it."

She smiles as she goes back to frying the chicken, "well, if it’s nothing too serious that involves you or Miranda getting hospitalized I believe we can wait, I mean, after breakfast we can go to the Rarity boutique and the afternoon go there."

I sit down, I understand, but I wanted to go now! it's... it's him, man how will the doctor be? My god I want to talk to him so badly!

She puts the chickens on a plate and serves the table, "are you friends?"

"Yeah... You can say that."

She looks at Miranda, her face, I think she's thinking of a way to wake her up, good luck, I get up and head towards the closets, plate? Done, cutlery? Done, now all I have to do is enjoy the meat.

"Damian, I ahmm, can you wake up Miranda please?" For real? Look at her, her eyes, shit, look at her eyes! okay, I sit on the chair, just because it's you Fluttershy.

"Miranda, breakfast time!"

It's done, in a matter of seconds she gets up and is already in the kitchen, Fluttershy's face was funny.


"She is a glutton, if you want her to wake up or do something, offer food, preferably meat."

Miranda send me a look of few friends while showing me her middle claw, Fluttershy looks confused, well, if it's a lie, say it, but obviously it isn't.

I look at the chicken, time to eat then, Fluttershy took some bread and put on the table and started eating with us, Miranda is very sleepy, too sleepy.

"Are you okay Miranda?"

"Yes ... Just a little ... Sleepy, nothing that a little air and sun won't solve" her voice looked... tired, almost... lifeless

"Ok, but you will still see a doctor."


I nod as I finish the chicken, man, I didn't realize how small it was, I grab a small slice of bread and start eating.

"Fluttershy, where did you get that chicken from?"

She looks to the side, her face expresses a look of sadness, she...

"A while ago one of my chickens died, I... I have a frizer in the cellar, so... So I, you know, use it, no, I don't waste anything, some animals don't like fish, so I use that. "

She looks sad, I think she really likes her animals, I smile while I take the rubber band off her mane, with a poof her mane widens and returns to normal, she blushes a little while hiding behind her mane.

"From a species that also kills animals to feed other animals, if you took good care of the chicken, her will not care."

"D-do you think?"

"I heard that once, if I can help my friends I don't care what happens to my body, this mare, she had iron balls, she has my respect, this person, I mean, pony, saw the world as he was, not as the others wanted her to see. "

"I think I understand, who was she?"

"A friend..."

"Another? I thought you said you had no friends, that you only had Miranda."

Damn it! Don't say things like that in front of her! Now she will bother me all day! I look at her now! she smiled a little while eating the chicken.

"I had friends, but when I realized it was too late, one became a therapist and we saw each other a little, one ran away from me, afraid of what I did, one became my helper, and the others... The others are dead. .. "

"I... I'm sorry, Damian, I-I didn't mean to remind you of them!"

"Everything is fine, I have to remember them... Remember that they are gone... That it is my fault... I'm tired of running away from the facts."

Shit I already feel tears wanting to form, I finish the bread and get up, "I'm going to wash in the bathroom, I'll be right back."

"The bathroom is--"

"I know where it is, don't worry."

I go up the stairs and look at the bathroom door, Jesus my heart...

I close the bathroom door, God I'm sweating, the memories... I can hear Dawn screaming my name... Touch Silk screaming at me and running away with his family... Jesus, I think I'm going to vomit! I kneel and open the toilet, god it's full of blood! Shit! I throw myself against the bathtub and throw up, there goes my chicken... Sorry Fluttershy, I ruined your bathtub, shit, I get up and look in the mirror.

"Hi Mr Spencer."


-------------------------------------------------- ----------------- // ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

Heavens, where is she? I asked the guards to inform me and look for my sister, but we are looking for her for hours! now there is only one place left for me to look, her room, a snow-white door, a sun drawn in the center of it, I sigh as I open the door, I can hear a noise coming from inside.

The room is dark, all the curtains are closed, there are some pieces of armor scattered on the floor and the smell of alcohol is impressively strong, the shelves, countertops and other furniture are intact, really? What happened? I feel a teleportation spell, I can see at a glance a bottle of wine being teleported to Faust know where, so she is awake?

"Do you know what time it is? You are late."

"C-calm Lulu * laughs * I'm just enjoying a little... The life! * laughs * that's it."

"Enjoying life means getting drunk and having 'relationships' with captains? And forgetting to raise the sun?"

I walk towards her, the blankets keep me from seeing her, I want to see her face, how can she be so irresponsible!

"Y-you talk like our mother, it's not a b-big * laughs * deal... Can't I have some fun? * sigh * get out Golden Shield, she knows."

I can see Captain Golden Shield coming out of the bathroom, a unicorn with a golden mane and a yellowish color, it is almost impossible to distinguish him and his mane, almost.

He looks at me with a serious look, I don't see fear or concern in his eyes but a small drop of sweat is forming, when he is already in the middle of the room he levitates all the pieces of his armor, slightly reveres me and Celestia and leaves the room without saying a word, I can hear a scream of a maid, I think he was seen.

"A captain?"

"I like him, so what?"

"What? Look sister, this is not what a princess should do, this is pathetic, you don't even act like my sister."

"A thousand years reigning alone leads to this."

She removes the blanket off her, I can clearly see her unkempt mane, her eyes tired and her smile almost disappearing.

I sigh as I sit on the edge of the bed.

"Look sister, I hope I don't have to raise the sun anymore, what if I was sleep?"

"Discord would raise the sun..."

"You always have an answer."

"I have to have an answer... Luna... When was the last time you spoke to grandma?"

"A few months, why?"

"I was unable to communicate with her a few days ago... Discord was unable to speak to Markal... I... I'm afraid Luna."

"Is it about Damian? He... From what the guards said is very committed to starting over, I don't believe he is a threat."

"The days are darker, the nights colder, the winds more violent... Tartarus is hotter... Luna, don't ignore the signs. "

"I don't ignore it, the war is coming, and Discord is on our side, in case you don't remember."

"He will not fight our war, his job is to protect our world, not our kingdom, he will declare neutrality when the war starts."

"So we must have Damian on our side! You know the power he has! If we can teach him the good ways he can become a guardian of Equestria, with him we would be unbeatable, no kingdom will think of attacking us, we could even attack the caribous in the north! "

She smiles as she opens the curtain with magic, the light invades the room, she stays in bed, enjoying the sun, her smile slowly growing until forming the motherly smile that Celestia likes to sketch.

"Sister, are you hiding something from me? Anything?"

"Of course not, you would know in a day or two, just look at my head."

"You know I would never do that to you, but since you brought it up, did you get the books I ordered?"

She lets out a little laugh, she would not dare! "So the princess of dreams was traumatized for losing to a nightmare?" she dared, CURSED BE YOUR NAME SISTER!

I blush slightly, "you know it's not like that! And that thing caught me off guard... That in his head... It's not just a nightmare... Celestia."


"if we do nothing ... it could end like Nightmare Moon."

A filly, a boutique, and, and a feeling.

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"Are you sure everything is fine Damian?


"Everything? I mean, you almost scared me to the death when you screamed that loud!"

Damn it, I said more than three times, "I'm fine," jesus, they care about the others too much, that was just Sparkle scaring me, normally she act at night, this is the... First time I see her that early.

"Leave him Fluttershy, he is just sentimental, I bet that you were thinking about Bloody Novel."

I was going to say something... But she was right, I was thinking about them.

I sigh as I look around, it's Ponyville, I never stopped to analyze the village, I walked all over this village, and never enjoyed the view, I mean, they have beautiful houses, I think, oh look, the bakers!

"They are really the bakers? I mean, the Bakers, the lendary Sugarcube Corner?"

"Hmm, yes?"

Wow, I need go there, if what the books says are true, they can make the best cakes of this continent, hmmm, I need my things.

"Why do you ask that question? In your world the bakers don't exist?"

"No, they exist, or at least they existed, this village was attacked by changelings, the whole store was destroyed, they died in the explosion, I never had the opportunity to taste their cakes or candys"

Fluttershy looks, anxious? I can't say, but she don't liked the news, is better she get used to it, my world was... Problematic, even before I take the power.

"And their sons?"

"They have childrens? Sorry, I didn't read nothing about that."

"I see."

We walked for a little, the ponies in this village seen to be so... Tolerant? I can't say, but they don't cry, scream, run or similars when they see me, they just look at me then look at Fluttershy, some when they see my necklace walk away from us, well, I'm still in condicional, I don't judge them.

"These ponies do not seem to be bothered by my presence, is it normal for a being they never saw to arrive in the city?"

She laughs a little and looks away "yes, usually one a year, they even have a bet on when another being will appear."

"Really? I want my part of that bet."

"You what? Are you on crack Damian?"

"Don’t be silly Miranda, they don’t have it here, I brought that to the other world, but let’s be realistic, it’s a bet about me, I think I have the right to part of that money"

"What's crack?"

"A drug, nothing you have to worry about, I forgot how to make that some years ago, beside of that, here should have a tobacco shop, right?"

"Tobacco? Yes, if I'm not wrong, there is one in Ponyville, but it's just medicinal herbs, not drugs."

"We will se that then."

She are... Closer? Fluttershy is acting strange, I mean, from what I read from her, and the three days we talked with each other she seams... Closer, she is almost touching me, she doesn't know what personal space is?

"So, Damian, we have some time until we reach at Rarity's boutique, so, what's your plans for today?"

"Well, take a new pair of clothes, maybe a cake in the bakers and go to the hospital of course, but if I see Shining, I'll ask for my stuff, you know."

"What do you bring in that suitcases? The princesses don't allow anypony see what have inside."

"Well, I was a horn user, there I carried my treasures, so, make the sums, you are a smart mare."

"I see... Why do you carried that?"

Jesus what's the problem with this mare with the word why, well, good question, why I carried that? Half of the horns are useless, the other half I carried in my coat, damn how I miss my coat.

"I don't know, pride? Ego? Probably the victory, I did the impossible, humans have proud and like to show to everyone what they killed, I think it's that."

"So you're like the gryphons?"

"Yeah, like that, but i like to make the gryphons trophies too."

"I see, when you... Take a trophy, what do you fell? Pride? Pleasure? Maybe... Peace?"

"I... I'll not answer that, next question."

She laugh a little as she come even closer! I can feel her mane already!

"I'm not making a interrogatory Damian, we are just friends talking, you know, right?"

A... A friend? She... She just said... Are we friends? How? I mean, Jesus, she's more, * laughs * kinder than I think she would be.

"So we are friends right? What do you think of making me a favor?"

"It depend, what type of favor?"

I grab this cursed necklace, "remove this."

"I... I can't Damian, but don't worry, Shining will remove one seal."

"Just one? Well, better than nothing, I'm alredy felling, bad? I don't know the word, but preventing someone from feeling mana is strange."

"Don't feeling mana? What do you mean?"

"Okay, let me think, ahmmmm, the magic field of the planet, he carry mana throughout the world, when you are young you feel it right? But when you get older your body gets used to it, but look, I didn't grow up in a world with mana, when Sparkle put in me the artificial core, that was like, like a new sense, you will not understand, but that was painful and weird at same time, with the time I get used to it, but then the princesses put this necklace from hell in me, now I can't use magic, I don't get mana through the ambient, an enormously small amount of mana leaves my body, if I cast a enchantment, in five or ten days it's gone."

"Wow, you speak a lot, not that's a bad thing, sorry."

"He just get excited when he know what he is talking about, I'll summarize what he said, the necklace is making he crazy since he is not more feeling the mana, just it, ponies and other magic being would feel weakness or something like that, he feel a discomfort."

"I see, thanks Miranda."

How dare she! That was my moment! She just smile at me, wow... This is scaling fast, too fast.

"Hey Fluttershy."


"Go with Miranda to the doctor, I'll go to Rarity's boutique alone, and yes, i know where that is."

Fluttershy look at Miranda, then at me, I hope she see that too.

"I'm... I'm not sick! Don't bother me!"

"If you know the way, I agree."

"Yes, the way, the queen..."


"Nothing, just memories from school, see you later."

Miranda snort at me and walk away, Fluttershy finally get off my side, Jesus, she is on what?

We split, she and Miranda go towards the hospital in the south, I go north.

The ponies seem to have become less tolerant since I'm without Fluttershy, they eyes carries more fear and doubt and those who know what this necklace is start walking rapidly away, yes, what can I say?

I know that have two guards watching me from the clouds, so this is not that irresponsable, but it still being irresponsable.

After some minutes walking and some times scaring a pony, don't judge me, I'm still human!

here we are, the Carousel Boutique, it's smaller from what I remenber.

I knock the door and wait, sound of hoofs can be heard inside, will Sweetie Belle be there? God, I hope not, just the thought of seeing her makes my stomach turn.

The door opens, there is a filly, not any filly, it's Sweetie Belle, of course is SWEETIE FUNKING BELLE!

She look at me for a few seconds before running away and screaming 'monster', well, at least this one is smart, I enter in this boutique, it's... Almost the same, have those mannequins, or ponyquins, damn, those ponies have some problem with they species, somepony, anypony, ponyquins, *laughs* Ponyville and the list go on.

"Damian? It's your darling?"

"Yes of course, let me guess, it's was Sweetie Belle screaming monster that denounced me?"

She laughs a little, just what, ahmm, what a lady would do? Even Fluttershy laughs louder.

"So, what will be? The measures?"

"Of course Damian, these rags that you call clothes are awful! Look! This part looks like a curtain sewed together!"

The queen of the drama, well, the way led to the queen after all, good joke universe, good joke.

"So let's do it then, led the way," I say to her as I bend slightly.

She let out a tiny smile whille walk to the interior of the boutique, this part... Have a lot of sewing machines, I don't remenber this, well, make sense.

"Ok darling, would you mind take off some clothes? It's hard take the measures with this *cought* clothe that you are wearing."

"This here is just a pile of curtains sewed together you know?"

She nods, well, if she say it, I start taking off this, I think it's more a dress than anything else, it's huge, oh look, I'm without my boxer, where they put my boxer? What the fuck are they doing with my boxer?

Enough of those thoughts, I thrown the clothe away and I looked at Rarity, she was... She was staring my scars, I have several throughout my body but she looked more to the five in my chest, then she look, well, to down, she blush, ok, this mare is a degenerated.

"What's the big ideia? I'm married just to you know."

She shakes her head for some seconds then look elsewhere.

"Well, it's that I thinked that bipeds were ashamed of being naked."

"You know well the bipeds hummm?"

She blush insanenly, did she... No, she would not.

"W-well, a lady must know everything about etiquette, but it's strange, you not even hesitated."

"I see, so, don't you feel ashamed when someone walks in when you're taking a shower?"

"O-of course!"

This mare is easy to manipule, the other Rarity had more guts.

"But what if it is an ant? Will you still be ashamed?"

She looks at me for a few seconds, the shame is gone, I think I stepped on someone's hoof, "Well, I don't know if I whant to understand it."


In a few minutes she alredy take the measures, I pick up my clothes and get dressed, even though I don't really care that they see me naked, I still care about Miranda, besides Sweetie Belle is upstairs, I don't care about ponies seeing me naked, now colts... Even though they are also naked, I don't know, it seems wrong to let a... A child see me like this, look! Humanity, I think.

I'm fully dressed now, I lie down on her couch, yeah, a really big couch, she stare at me for a few seconds before snorting and grabing some needles, I lost sight of her as she walk toward the sewing machines, yes, she is sewing, that sound is unmistakable, a sewing machine, I sigh a little, I miss you grandma.

Now I wait Miranda and Fluttershy or the new outfit, what comes first, the only thing I don't want is th--

"Hi mister monster."

Sweetie Belle... Yeah, she was... older, I mean, she still lokking like a filly, but this one are really tiny, I can grab her with only one hand and I would not need magic for that, how old was she? Nineteen? Yeah, so this one is seven years old, she have the same eyes, almost the same voice.

"It's not mister monster, girl, I have a name."

"S-sorry, my big sister said it was... Damuan?"

"Almost, it's Damian," she is scared, look, she is trembling! Yeah... If I want to restart she should be a good start, Jesus I was brutal with her.

"Hey Belle."


"Do you like cook?" really? This is the best i can think of? I'm the degenerated here, damn it.

"N-no, my sister doesn't like the idea of me messing up with fire, mister." I could not stop the smile, smart her right?

She is staring at me, I bet ten bits that this is Rarity's thing, to force the little sister to interact with the visitors, it reminds me of home, go see and interact with the visitors dear! Be more sociable dear, heavens, how I miss it.

"Would you like to learn? Your sister doesn't need to know." her eyes, no more fear, just interest and curiosity, she is analyzing me, the best that a seven year old child can analyze, but she is still analyzing me.

She look away, "I don't know, what if I gain my cutie mark for cooking or talking with you? The girls would kill me!" kill you? Ah yes, they were the crusaders of marks or something right?

But she... Wait, she doesn't have her mark yet? Strange, this world get more interesting every second.

"You are three in total right? The crusaders." she nods slowy, yeah, three, I killed her and Applejack young sister, but I never saw the third, Jesus, as this world work she should be a pegasus.

"I promise you, you will not gain you cutie mark for cooking or talking with me." her eyes slightly widen when a little smile forms in her snout.

"You promise?" damn, her voice, it's like... Like any child, any...

I nod while I get up and walk toward the kitchen, she follow me almost instantly, really? We barely know each other and she is already following me that fast? Where are her parents? Hello? How much Rarity talked about me to her?

When we reach in the kitchen I look around, yeah, the same stove, damn, that was, brutal, even for my standarts... But that was so fuking good.

I take one knife, a kitchen knife, it's sharp, really sharp, if I--

"Mister? What are you looking for?"

Wow, I, "food, where is the food?" she point with her little hoof to a shelf, when I open there was just vegetables, obviously, o look! Eggs!

"Do you like egg Belle?" she nods as she try to see what I'm doing, she is corious, honestly, too corious.

"My sister will be mad if you make a mess mister." really? Wow I don't know! Jesus these ponies, I put the frying pan on the stove and lit it.

"Now look," I beat some eggs on the table, now that they have a small crack is just open it on the pan and it's done! "Fried eggs!"

She stare it for some seconds, what's up Belle?

"You should not put something in the pan before?" oh, yes, I look around, they don't have that.

"Nope, just the egg is better, if you have salt we can talk a little more, but it's okay for now." she start to climb some benches and grab a little pot with a blue tag on it, salt, obviously she had salt, I sigh as I take the pot and finish the eggs.

I put the two egg in a plate and leave the plate in the table, I sit in a chair while her mimic me and 'climb' a chair, "you like eggs mister?"

"Yeah... I prefer something with more... Protein and fiber."

"Like hay?"

What? "Have protein in hay?"

"I don't know what protein is."

I could not hold a smile, she still a child, a kid, "it's something I need to live." her eyes, I almost can see...

"Like vitamins and stuffs like that?" I smile, not more holding it, just not showing my teeth, she is curious, her eyes show expectative, curiosity and determination to understand me, hear me.

"Yes Belle, stuffs like that," she smells the egg while lick her lips, "Belle," she look at me, "sincerely, what do you think about me?" her head bend a little and her ears fold.

"W-what do I think? W-well, my sister say to me be... Careful, that you could become violent, but you look... Normal!" it's... Wow, her words "you don't act like somepony violent, you even taught me about eggs and proteins! You are the coolest a, ha, human! Yes! You are the coolest human that I know!" I could not hold the laugh, the coolest human that you know? Hell, I'm the only human that you know girl.

Our lovely talk was disturbed for Rarity, she almost scream when she see the eggs and Sweetie that close, "S-Sweetie! You make it!?" her words lost the panic as she looked around the kitchen, don't have anything in fire, any mess, just a fry pan and a pot o salt, "i-it's you Sweetie Belle? You fried that?" she says while point the eggs with her hoof

Belle look at me for a few seconds, oh she is shy, "yep, she done the eggs alone, I mean, I prevented her from burning the building, but her done it all alone," Belle smile insanely to me while Rarity sigh a mix of pride and relief at same time.

"Your clothes are ready, if you want come here darling and see it." she is shocked, it's obvious, but I can't tell why, if it's about Belle 'cooking' or not burning the house, she gave another fast look around the kitchen before leaving.

I sigh while get up, but, before I leave the kitchen I feel something, something warm in my leg, when I look down I see, it's Belle, she is, she is trying to hug my leg, "thanks Damian! I will tell about you to the other crusader!" she give to my leg another hug before leaving the room... thanks... this word... I feel one feeling in my chest, the thought of her speaking that word, her voice, this feeling... It's the same that I feel when I tortured one pony, joy, peace and calm.

I even touch my leg sometimes, it's there, this feeling, it's real... IT'S REAL!!!

I can feel some tears forming, why? This feeling... It's just... Joy... Why I'm about to cry? Hell no, I refuse myself to cry for a hug from a filly, I wipe the tears with my hands, breath some times heavily, it's just a hug, but damn god, this feel soo... Good.

I smile unconsciously while a warm invade my body, it's is, DAMN! I run toward the sink and cough in it... Blood, a lot of blood, my condition is getting worse, fuck it, I tap on the sink and see my blood being washed, this will not take my smile, this felling will not be destroyed for this, in some seconds I'm clean, ok, I tap off the sink, let's go see those... Dress, Jesus Christ, I feel a shiver run down my spine.

The wolf among the sheeps

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I sigh while feel the warm of the sun in my feathers, the only thing that this ponies can do correctly, the sun.

I stay there in the balcony for some minutes, enjoying what I can before the day start when a breeze of fresh air hit my face, then I realized, "ok ok, I get it, I will work."

I walk to my desk, one newspaper was on top of it, that newspaper, I sit in my chair and open that piece of paper, some good news was there, like this one.


Two days ago, the federation army crushed the last great kingdom of the griffins, Wallhalla, house and Kingdom of the great and mighty king Fourwinds, a friend of our beloved princesses, this fact shocked countless kingdoms across the known world, the fall of the griffin deity.

The impious and bloody federation army ravaged that holy city of Wallhalla, killing countless lives of what they call, monarchists and traitors of the cause, we, the ponies of Equestria, wait anxiously the answer of our Princesses about that fact.

To those that fear about Fourwinds life, for what the Griffin Federation says, 'Fourwinds, even being a Monarch, are our deity, and just for that, and only that, his life was spared' that the five have mercy on his life, and our prays be heard.

Bullshit, I was in that fight, that was the gloriest day of the federation, defeat a deity, is sad to say that it's our deity that fall first, but I can’t do anything about it, he refused the countless ultimatums we send to him, the blood and iron were his choice, he chosed iron.

Enough of that, I lick one of my claws and pass the page, more and more things happened that week, let me see, well, I would see if it weren't for the knock on the door! damn, the knock repeat some times before a mare enter, and unicorn bring a cup of tea and, of course a teapot, steam coming out of the cup, she quietly leave the tea in my desk and a letter with the ten noble families symbol in my desk too, she nods slightly before leaving, a white fur, always a white fur, almost like the guards, but I already saw a yellow one among the maids.

I sigh again, two sighs in a morning, am I getting old? Samol protect me, I hope no.

I smile while start reading again, a lot of useless things was in this newspaper, I mean, look at this? 'what kind of cake Celestia eat this week?' this, this is a shame for free press, spend important space with nonsense things like that, but then I see, in the last page, printed with bad ink, was the saddest news of the week, no, of the month, maybe of the year!

In the end of the year 1553, it's over what many called the Pony Federation, and pathetic attempt to take the power like the griffin did,

They took over several villages in the north and even some ports and the big city of Raw Salt! When Raw Salt fell, some villages in the south thinking that the Federetion was winning, then they betrayed the crown and joined in the so called Pony Federation, a civil war almost started in our lovely kingdom, but then the Crystal Empire, our mighty ally come in our aid and reconquested Raw Salt! Without that city, the rebels, how the crown called then, retreated deeper and deeper in the country until their last base was find and destroyed! The, 'dream', how many of their follower says was not dead, 'we just need to win one time to win' says others, uncountable lives was taken in this revolt, many suspect about that the Griffin Federation incited they to revolt.

The federation don't say nothing about it, their unique word was, 'that's a sad fact about this day' words of the president of the federation.

Many questioned about the leaders of this revolt, their leader, New Hope, was executed for betrayal the crown and inciting the chaos, many other leaders and generals still missing, some of then captured, but not find in the dungeons, some tabloids say one word, Tartarus, but this doesn't matter, we win! We are victorious, long live to the mighty kingdom of Equestria! Long live to the peace and harmony!

This... This piece of shit, how they dare to say thing like that?! We, the The Griffin Federation just didn't help them because we were fighting against Fourwinds! We send some equipment, but thats all, we could not aford a open war against Equestria that time, now, one year after those facts, we can afford a open war, and for Samol, we can win! We just need a reason.

Vast skyes how this enrage me, I keep this newspaper with me to remind of this, those ponies, even being weak-vegetarian ponies was smart enough to see the corruption of their kingdom and try to fight back, unfortunately for them, Equestria is not many separate duchies and kingdoms, but a huge and unity one, the only species united in one banner.

I leave the paper in the desk and drink all the tea in one sip and rise the cup over my head, "we will avenge you New Hope, they can kill you, but they will never kill your ideas and hopes of a better place for you kind."

After drinking that great tea, cursed be the ability of the ponies in doing a great tea, I walk to a mirror and smile, there was a handsome griffin, my feathers big and white with a brown color around my neck, just near my left eye was one part burned in the war my feathers never grew back there, more one remind of the endless war we live, now not more an officer, but and ambassador of the Federation in Equestria, the most wanted job that exist in my loved country.

After cleaning myself I grab the letter, open it and read rapidly, it's about the explosion that happened four days ago and the 'spell that shaked the world magic field' I tear the letter and hide the rest in my desk, take a feather and ink and my... Objectives.

Formal apology. Done

Reinvidication of the east cities and villiges. Done

Artifact and ancient book. In progress

Commercial accords. Done

Recognize the Federation as the only griffin country. Done

The body of the hero New Hope. Negated

The arrested leaders of the 'revolt'. Negated

One audience with the god of chaos, Discord. In progress

The location of the four marked beings. In progress Negated

Know what was the 'spell that shaked the world'. In progress

"Soo, he say about a minotaur-like creature right?"

Today was a tedious day, nothing that are worthy to be mentioned, I talked with some minor nobles, even find time to eat with my aunt Celestia, she was, I don't know, the right word would be, not okay but not bad, her smile, was forced.

The legendary maternal smile that Celestia love to show to everypony are truly authentic, not forced or an illusion, to this morning she was forcing, lying to the others, I can read a lie easily, and damn skys her smile was fake.

after that I walked for some minutes, looking around, thinking, dreaming awake how my aunt love to say, I was woken up from this trance when I saw, a griffin, not any griffin, the ambassador of the Griffin Federation, Iron Claw, he was, from what many ponies like say, 'the one that will cause the war that will end all the wars'.

That sounds funny, a war, that WILL end all the wars, how, is what I question but okay, let the poor think what they want to think, but one thing they are right, this griffin will cause a war, I can feel it, almost smell it, everypony with three neurons can see it and how Equestria is answering? Giving lands, cities, unbalanced comercial acords, all and much more in a policy of avoiding conflict as Celestia like to say, I call it being weak, coward and overestimate the enemy, but while this doesn't affect Canterlot, I personally do not care enough to say a word.

"Look, if is not the great magician and prince-heir Blueblood, of the mighty Blood house, what a pleasure to meet you today!" but of course he care.

He doesn't born or become a noble, but he managed to become an ambassador, I will tolerate him, I will listen his nonsense demands, but not in my free time, I just nod and smile while start walking faster, please don't follow me.

"Where you go your highness? Can I accompany you?" but of course he followed me, he is so annoying, the others houses say it too, that him follow them whether they go, and today is my day.

"Just walking Iron Claw, thinking, you know, *always* the same." I try to put the most of poison in my words, making clear that I don't want company, but this always seems to be ineffective, and it's just with him, this bastard are intocable, if I kill him Celestia would get mad, really mad, so I can't do anything since he can walk whatever he want to since Celestia give him full access through the castle, this include the personal rooms, damn that day, this castle almost burned in offenses and threatening.

"What coincidence your majesty, I'm just walking too!" the excitement in his voice make me crazy, he seems like a tourist visiting the castle, but no, he just want to annoying.

We walk for some time, he stayed quietly, what was a surprise, I could smile and 'dream-awake' while walking since I know this castle very well, but, I can't say, his presence doesn't allow me doing this.

"Say prince Blueblood, you love writing?" and here come his questions, from what he learned from the nobles, he could easily write a bibliography about them, but my life is mine and just mine.

"Maybe yes, maybe no, it's personal, ambassador." he smile, as I want to punch his face, damn I want it so bad.

"Don't be shy your highness, but okay I understand, say me just one more thing and I leave ok?" this caught my attention, caught enough that I stopped walking and turn me to him.

He looked at me for some seconds, he looked around like he was seeing if have any pony coming, then walk closer to me and say in a really low tone of voice.

"What do you think about this govern?"

He just need... me...?

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Shame, shame is the best word that describe me now, Damian care about me too much, I mean, look the dragoness, she coughed up blood, take her to the doctor now! Jeez, sometimes he's just a owl father.

But of course I'm not alone, I turn my head slowly, there is Fluttershy, always looking at me, because Damian asked for it, because he think I'm a child, a fucking kid, this enrage me so bad.

I can understand it, in parts of course, but one thing I don't understand *yet* are this mare, Damian are stupid as a door when we are talking about feelings, and this mare, her almost made me forget who proposed this start over, almost.

I see what she do, I listened her questions, and while everyone slept I read what she wrote, I will smash her throat before she try something, I swear for god I will.

Look at her, sometimes looking back looking for Damian, keep calm Miranda, it's just a phase, it'll pass, now le-

"Hm, Miranda, are you, better? From yesterday, I mean, you threw up a lot of blood." I wanted to scream, but we are in the middle of Ponyville, this MAY be not one of the smartest moves, I breath heavily and put the best smile to her while point to a dark alley.

"Sup feathers, can you go along with me there, it'll be fast?" she nod slowly while follow me, praised be this alley, no windows, end in a wall and the entrance even have some torn fabrics.

I grab the necklace with of one my claws, three well done seals, one of them are, not that good, the other one are great, and the third is... Confused, I can't say where it start or end, ok maybe it's gonna hurt.

"M-Miranda I--" before her could end that sentence I grab her mane and push her against a wall, her hoof trying futilely find the floor, some tear are trying to form in her eyes, ahhhhh, the old days.

"Repeat with me, you are fine Miranda."

"I-I-I" I lift her a few inches more off the ground, even with this huge mane, this will start hurting soon.

"Repeat with me, you are fine Miranda." I try put more seriousness in my voice, she is playing a dangerous game, a game that few survived.

"Mir- I don't-" I lift my free fist, her eyes follow it instantly, I can already feel the necklace start working, electric discharges are running through my body, not strong, not weak, a warning.

"REPEAT, WITH ME, YOU, ARE FINE, MIRANDA." tears are already in her eyes, I made a pony cry in this world before Damian, I'll so badly throw this in his face.

Then she started, with a insanely low tone and a stuttering and hiccups constantly, she take almost one entire minute, but she said.

"Good, now say, you are that well that the doctor send you home, and for Christ don't make me repeat myself." she repeat exactly the same, faster this time, when she say the last word I released her, with a pathetic noise she fall in the floor and the necklace stop the discharges, damn that was starting to hurt.

Her face say one thing, 'why' I shrug and grab one piece of fabric and throw at her, good, I don't need to say to her wipe her tears, she is a fast learner.

In less than one minute she is already clean, besides her red eyes, but that will pass.

"Why?" and of course she said it, she is the why-mare, damn, let's make it clear them.

I walk toward her and crouch until our eyes are in the same level, "Damian have to many thing to handle to worry about me, so, like you said, I'm fine." I finish my speech smiling, then I raise and walk away from her.

In some seconds her brain process what I said and she follow me, trembling for some seconds.

"M-M-Miranda wait! This is not the way to the hospital!" I wave while walking away from the hospital, of course I know where the hospital is, it was me and Damian who blew this place up.

Some ponies looked at the element of kindness and the dragon leaving the alley, the bearer was, well, red-high eyes and shaking.

"As you said, I'm fine, I don't need to go there." let me think, where was that bakery...

When I was about to walk, I feel something holding my arm "you didn't have to do t-that, you know." this bitch have guts.

"Threaten is the best way to warn someone, if they don't listen I just dismember them and show to the others," I prepare my best psychopath-evil-insane smile that I have and look at her, "do I have to 'harm' you to prove it?"


"You wouldn't do it, Damian will be mad and you know." how she, she didn't mean to...

"And why he would get mad? Can I know?" her smile grew some inches while she release my arm.

"We are friends." this phrase, this phrase echoed in my head for several seconds, friends... FRIENDS!?

I could not hold the laugh, god how I laugh, I even lost the strength in my legs and fall in the floor, my cheeks and belly are starting to hurt from laugh, goddamn Christ, jeez, I wipe my tears while I rise.

"A friend? Do you really think you are a..." no, she is not and will not be, Idon't care if have ponies looking at us, I get really close to her, my mouth a few inches from her ear.

"I know what you are planning your whore, and no, he don't need it, he just need me," I grab her snout and force eye contact, "not you, or Shining Sparkle, just me and only me."

She tried to say something, I squeezed her snout a little more, "then you will forget about my health and say to him, she is fine, and for God, if I know that you said any shit to him and he get worse you are a dead whore, YA HEAR ME?!"

"H-hey you, r-release h-her!" and of course one of those ponies will play the hero, a normal pony, when he was near enough I released Fluttershy and hit him with my tail, he flew some meters away from us.

"Oh my, sorry mister, I'm sooo dump!" I said while shaking my hands in a try to give emphasis to this curtain they called clothes.

"I was just talking with my friend, right Fluttershy?"

He was obviously shocked, lying on the floor, mouth-half open, he stare at me for some seconds before looking at Fluttershy, I follow his look, she was, I can't see her face, her mane was all over her face, what she will do?

The tension remained in the air for some seconds, until she sudently throw her mane behind and smiled at him.

"Of course! Sorry to worry you Mr Pitchfork, it was just a misunderstanding." she... Her look... HOW SHE DARE!

Fluttershy always considered herself timid and coward, weak and exposed to the world, but never, never in his live imagined or even thinked that, that she will would find some... Somedragon more exposed than her.

She wanted to smile, but which smile should she wear? She has never been in a situation like this before, should she use a sentimental? Or a friendly? After being... Warned by Miranda, she decided to go with a natural one, not friendly, not sad, she will wear what she feels now, even if she don't know yet what will be.

After answering Miranda, what Fluttershy don't know was that her smile showed the only thing that Miranda HATE in the ponies, the emotion that make her be know as the angel of New Canterlot and the Demon of the alleys.

In matter of seconds some ponies started laugh from that scene, a dragoness hit with her tiny tail a full-grow stallion and he flew away!

But, as fast as they started laugh, they started to wisp, stare, gossip and judge, why a dragon hit that stallion? Is that a fair justification? That could hurt him!

'How old she is?' started to circulate among the 'audience,' a simple question, with a answer even more simple, but when one of them whisper her age, the laugh stopped, the stare cease and they smiled, an innocent act of compassion and... And pity.

Miranda saw everything, she hear their laugh, they shouldn't laugh, they whispered her age, they shouldn't know her age, they dare to have pity of her, poor dragon, a seven yers old orphan, Miranda can see it in their eyes, they are almost screaming it! But worst of all was Fluttershy, not even for one second she stopped with that poorthing-pity smile.

A lot was debated in New Canterlot about the 'new Gods' and one thing that was common sense is that, the all-powered Damian, God slayer, was the one that had a short temper and was explosive or impulsive and the all-merciful Miranda, God of wounded and parents, have a calm and balanced mind, never screaming, never arguing since she was the only one that could calm down Damian, but the two most important thing they don't know was, she don't have half of Damian's patience, and the all-merciless Ad' Narim, God of promises and vengeance was Miranda when she was enraged.

And now Miranda is enraged, the necklace alredy glowing in alert, electric discharges flowing through her body, and before anyone could realise the floor quaked for some seconds and a huge noise like-thunder emanated from Miranda before she started Screaming.

"WHO YA THINK YA ARE?! WHO YA THINK I AM?! I'M MIRANDA HEARTSHARD SPENCER! YA DARE HAVE PITY OF ME?" she was trying to do something, sparkles emerged in her hands in a failed try of magic missiles or fire, huge rays emanate and return to her body in an almost failed attempt by the necklace to contain her, her wings tore the fragile fabric and opened, ready to fly on their heads, her wings, she don't even remenber the last time she used them.

Then some ponies ran from her, some froze, and others like Flutthershy just stay there, looking at her, of course Flutthershy was the only one that have tear of fear and anxiety in her eyes, but she alredy faced bigger dragons.

And then, so faster than it all started, with a non-natural grunt and disgusting sounds it ended, no more sparkles in her hands or imposingly open wings, no, Miranda was on her knees, one hand preventing her from falling while the other tried to stop the immeasurable amount of blood she was vomiting, in matter of seconds a pool of blood was around her when she suddenly stops that horrific act.

She slowly look up, and just ponies, ponies with a look full of fear, doubt and... And pity, principally Fluttershy, the shame, I... I faltered, I faltered in front of them, so many thoughts flew in her head, hate, failure, just because of that, before she could even finish the thought another malaise invaded her, but she managed to hold it with both hands, tear forming because of the metallic taste of blood and pain.

No more, they will no longer feel sorry for her, she spread her wings again and flew, flew as high as she could, in a futile attempt to hide from them in the clouds, for a few seconds it worked, the urge to throw up was passing, but when the crowd started to disperse and a yellow point flew towards her she realised, more, she must fly more away, with a quick look she saw the Everfree and a river, ignoring the excruciating pain she was feeling because of the necklace, she flew one more time, as fast as her wings allowed.

Fluttershy saw her clearly, flewing really fast toward the Everfree, blood dripping from her mouth as she tries to stop it with both hands.

Blood, Fluttershy know the blood well, the elixir of live, the oil of living things, and Miranda lost too many blood, she need to be fast, ignoring the ponies scared that was questioning her about the dragon Fluttershy spread her wings, fast, she need to be fast, remembering everything Rainbow taught her, she flew, not as fast as she would like, but fast enough.

In matter of minutes she found Miranda, kneeling facing the river, her wings too tired to hide on her back were lying on the floor,like water-thirsty flowers, the grass was painted on a bloody red around her and a red spot was flowing with the river while Miranda trembled a little, that scene was enough to make Rarity pass out and Fluttershy fly for her life, but not now, Miranda was in bad condition, she threw up more than two liters of blood! she need her help and as element of kindness she could not abandon her like this.

"GO AWAY! I'M DON'T WANT YA HELP!" Miranda tried to play tough, but her inability to hold another wave of blood destroyed the character she tried to play.

"Y-you need help Mir-"

"I'M FINE, THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME THIS HAPPENED! I, I just need rest a little." her wings slowly return to her back and a few tear forming in her eyes, "Don't tell about this to Damian."

"For Faust Miranda, you're throwing up blood! How this is fine?"

The silence toke over the plains, Miranda murmured something in a non-Equis language while Fluttershy sigh, after some seconds of thoughts and sighs Fluttershy started walk toward Miranda, the blue-sapphire-dragon is now with a red scarlet tone around her head and chest, she is trembling sometimes and are even writing something on the floor, her dress, the one that Rarity called an affront to fashion, that Damian said it's curtain, now it's all covered with wet and dry blood.

After reaching a few inches from her, Fluttershy done one thing that caught Miranda off guard, she spread one wing an covered Miranda's back while sit on the floor beside her.

"This... This already happened?" the slow and firm nod from Miranda was all that Fluttershy got, the silence was getting more and more uncomfortable.

"Look Fluttershy... I know, I know that ya... Your intentions are good and everything, but no, the only two that can do that are in my world, and you can't do it, it'll just gonna hurt you and him, so... Stop."

Those words wandered through Fluttershy head, 'stop? Hurt me?' and many other thoughts wandered in her head, but no matter how much she thought about it, she can't just watch he suffer, she needs to help him and fast.

"I can't just watch and let him suffer, like you, come on, let's see the doctor." Fluttershy said in a try to be more friendly and helpful.

Miranda just looked at the river, Miranda wanted so badly to tear Fluttershy's throat, but she faltered, she shows weakness in front of them, and all parts of her body were aching because of the necklace.

"I'm fine, I... Just give me time ok?"

"I'm a doctor, a veterinarian but still a doctor, Miranda, you need help, we WILL see a doctor now, unless you want to Damian find you in this state."

Miranda looked at her reflection in the river, her blue-sapphire scales were red, a red-blooded tone, she get up, making a enormous effort to maintain another liter of blood inside her belly, she will accept the pity of ponies? If her death wouldn't worse Damian condicion, she would deny Fluttershy's help without thinking two times, but this time, this cough is worse than any other, she will not die, will not be a cold that will kill Miranda Heartshard, but rest a little still being a good idea, besides the fact that she is covered in her own blood.

Miranda sigh one more time, a heavy sigh, she looked up, clouds hovered pacifically in the skies, she could almost see, her mother flying over she and protecting her from the sun, making bad puns and cooking the best food Miranda has ever tasted in her entire life, how she wished those days to come back.

"Fluttershy, I hate you."

"I, ahmm, I don't hate you Miranda."

Miranda laughed a little, a laugh that almost caused a 'incident' in her self-control to not throw up, " and for this I hate you"

We are walking for a few minutes, Miranda is reluctantly following me, my Faust, I thought she wasn't going to follow me.

But now my priority is to take Miranda to the hospital, I mean, she was bleeding! Some scars on her shoulder opened and she was bleeding over there, I can't say if she noticed that.

The news about a dragon getting mad is spreading towards ponyville, some ponies are fleeing when they see Miranda, even if I'm with her, of course the fact she is covered in blood does not help.

If this all happened two or three years ago I would faint in the first sign of blood, am I stronger than before? Gosh, I couldn't hold the smile, I'm just used to blood, I think.

Here we are, Ponyville Hospital, a huge building recently painted white, I can't say why. I liked the old paint more, but that's okay, I think.

Miranda is murmuring something, I can't say what, it's not Equestrian, "are you ready Miranda?"

She stop murmuring and look at me, a small smile appears on her face, "no, I don't like hospitals, but is it or, well," she shake her arms and some drops of blood fall in front of me, "scare Damian to death, let's take the painkiller and new clothes."

When we enter I see nopony here, weird, not even the recepcionist is here! Miranda just shrug and walk towards receptionist desk and start looking for something.

I maintain the smile while look around, papers and empty seats, some lights are turned off, this look so morbid to a Sunday. Miranda and I stayed at the reception for a few minutes, she are reading some of the papers, I am sitting in one of the seats looking at a lamp that flashes precisely in an interval of thirty-two seconds, gosh, I'm like Twilight, not this is bad.

Then something took my attention, Miranda noticed this too since she is staring the corridor and are holding a... A stick? What she is plotting?

I get up and trot towards the corridor, there was one nurse, a white unicorn with a classic red-cross as cutiemark, except that her cross was blue, she troted in a slow way, head low almost touching the floor and dark circles stamped on her face.a cup of coffee fluted beside her in a soft tone of pink.

"Hello? Miss Chill Up? Are you ok?" she pass toward me without hesitating, she sits in the reception chair, drops the cup on her desk, looks at the ceiling and lets out a loud sigh.

"Miss Chill Up?" almost as if she woke up, her eyes expanded and a forced smile grew on her face and she looked ahead, just to see Miranda, that in turn, smiled the best she condition allowed.

"Chill there, it's my blood."

She drinks all the coffee at once and looks at me, "it's fine Chill, we need to talk with the new doctor."

"S-staff room, red door, just follow the signs," she said in a shocked tone, too much blood, I guess, maybe because she is a dragon.

When Miranda start to go I approach the nurse, she are staring at Miranda's clothes until the corridor allowed but when she fled from her sight she noticed me approaching, "Y-yes misster?"

"What's happening? Where is the staff?" I said, "I mean, it's three pm."

She looks at the cup, "they were invited for a pinky-welcome party, that damn new doctor said 'I cover you' and I was the last one to leave the hospital, the protocol say that can't have less than two employees in the hospital, but keep calm, if something happen I'll call them, and believe me miss Fluttershy, all I want is a reason to call them."

Wow, have just two employees in the whole hospital! " And yes, there is nopony hospitalized." she said in the same melancholy tone as before. I nod and leave, I must find Miranda now.

I walked for some minutes following the signs the nurse said, now that I'm alone I can think, maybe if I ask to Twilight for help in chess and some books... What Damian would love more? I--


I think she find him, I start to speed up the trot and in matter of seconds in reach the staff room, the doctor done some kind of barricade with the tables and chairs towards the bathroom that have inside this room.

"Hello? It's everything okay?" he looks at me and it looks like weights came off his shoulders.

"M-miss Fluttershy?" he said " a-a dragon! A dragon completely covered in blood has entered here! What is happening!?"

I knock on the bathroom door, "Miranda, leave, you are scaring the doctor." nothing, just one... Grunt, I bring my ear near to the door and now I hear clarilly, she is having another... Incident.

"What is happening?" the doctor said almost screaming, "when I open the door the dragon threw up in me!" yeah, he has a few drops of blood on his fur.

"She is ... A patient." he blink his eyes for some seconds before realising the situation.


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Took me almost ten minutes to explain everything to him, fortunately he is a patient pony, "so she is bleeding? You know miss Fluttershy that am I a surgeon right?"

I blush slight, "well, yes, I know each doctor of this hospital, not you, so I think, maybe you can, you know, help me."

"I feel flattered that you think that of me, but my training does not include dragons, but I have a friend... Maybe." his horn glow in a brown tone, the curtains open revealing the brown unicorn with a blue mane, a clipboard floating a few centimeters away from his head,a shy smile appeared on his face, "yes, I know a good doctor specialized in dragons, I can ask for help, but he is busy, so we must know what she have at least."

"Miranda, can you please leave the bathroom."

"You have a... Animated friend miss Fluttershy, if you allow me to give an opinion."

Then this clicked in my head, "I ahmm, sorry we don't introduce ourselves and you seems to know me."

"Well, you are Fluttershy, like, the Fluttershy, one Equestrian hero! Would be weird if anypony don't know you!"

I blushed, my Celestia as I blushed! I know that fact, but I try to ignore it everytime I can.

The bathroom door open revealing Miranda with more blood on her dress, her face...

"Really? Silk Touch? For God's sake say to me that Damian don't know, please."

"Yes, he... It's whole his idea." her eyes become even wider and I swear she was going to have another 'accident', I, did I say something wrong? Weren't they friends?

"YA BITC--- HOW Y--" "she almost threw up again, a few drops of blood between her two hands that firmly prevented another accident, after cleaning her hands... Hands right? I mean, I heard her calling hands, and I think I called it hands too, but isn't the correct term claws? I have to check this with other experts.

"Hear me here Fluttershy... I know, yes you want to help him, but what you are plotting will end really bad, this," she said as point one claw at the doctor "maybe worse, what do you think will happen? He will see him and say, fuck this shit, fuck the past, let's live the future, huh? This is not a fairytale, this is real life! And HE NEED ME! HE DON'T NEED SILK TOUCH, NOT YOU OR CHRYSALIS, ONLY ME, HE IS A BOMB, A REALLY VOLATILE BOMB, AND WITH YO---"

I was paralyzed, with every phrase a part of me trembled, but when she passed out in front of me I almost had a heart attack!

I graduated from the princess's personal school and was one of the few to be his student, but this are far away from normal, skies then this is Ponyville? Damn.

After I took Miranda to a personal room and make some fast test I see... Something, "low level of mana per red blood cell? What? How she is alive? One point two percent of mana and decreasing! Damn, we need a transfusion and fast, ok I hope that GD have a solution." after writing a Letter from my friend and using a teleport spell now I... Wait.

"H-hi doctor, she is fine?"

"Yes, Miss Fluttershy, how about you? A panic attack like that happens once in a lifetime." she blushed a little, cute.

"Sorry, my head are full of things, I need help Damian, hide Twilight from him, find something we can do together to become friends and it's just the beginning, my Celestia my head will explode!"

"Easy there miss, I don't know this Damian but he look like a good... Dragon?"

"Yeah, he try to hide it from the others, but he is suffering, and I want to help, if he lets me help..." poor mare, her eyes shouldn't show so much sadness.

"You can help now, look, her clothes are all dirty, if I could find others, you know, here at the hospital we don't have anything her size and I can't leave the hospital, what do you think?" she wipe her almost formed tears and damn skies, that smile almost made my heart beat a little faster.

Then her eyes widened, "my Faust! Rarity!" and she flew away, wow, she's supposed to be a slow flyer? Well, I sigh and sit in one chair, and wait,damn, this all in my first day here, then this is Ponyville?

Oh no, they came back!

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I'm in... I can't tell, everything around me is darkness, the cold feeling of void are getting into me, while I look around, nothing, just a endless darkness, I, who... Who am I?

"You are Damian."

Yes, wait what?! I turn around and a flash of light invade this... Place, a star, from nowhere a star surged far away from me, the darkness disappeared, just one... Thing was there, a black silhouette, it's not that tall, but not low, who is it?

"Who are you? Where we are?" I said while start to walk toward it, the floor is translucid, I can see clearly the endless fall under me, this floor is like... Glass.

"A friend, no, more than that." it's voice is, robotic, not natural... It's... Scary, god, it give me chills! No wait, I'm Damian Spencer! I scary the others!

It, it started to laugh, my god how this can be worse than sparkle?!?! "You don't need to be afraid of me Damian." it looked up for some seconds, "we see tonight... Don't miss it, ok?"

Then the dark entity start to become shadows, a huge amount of shadows! It flows toward everywhere, invading everything, devouring this place, it's becoming dark again, but when the shadows surrounded the sun I heard, I heard a song, how it know this song! Suddenly the darkness invaded the sun, destroying, assimilation and erasing it, in matter of seconds the star is gone, the ground disappears and I start to fall, I try in vain grab something, but there is nothing, just darkness and that song.

I feel cold, why my cheek is so cold? Ah, I, I'm lying on the floor... Jezz, I get up, how long I was off? I look the clock, damn, I don't even remember the time I got here... Wait, where is... Here?

'Holy shit, I woke up baby!!!' what the fuck? 'ohh no... I... Oh god, why we woke up?!'

My head hurts, damn lord it hurts so bad, what are those... Voices... Who, who am I?

'Look there, the retarded don't even remember who he or us are.'

'W-where we are? W-why-y we are using a necklace-inhibitor!?'

'Oh boy, this will be so damn fuck good.'

I'm crazy, I'm already hearing voices, I... What is my name? This is amnesia? Jesus this is horrible.

'Oh look, he even forget who he is, I'll help, I'm Damian, this coward here is Coward-Damian and you're Fake-Damian, now shut up and give me the wheel.'

Jesus what the fuck is this?! God damn, "MARIA! WHERE ARE YOU!?" 'pathetic, crying for Maria.' 'oh Maria, how I miss you.' miss her?

"MARIA! COME HERE!!!" 'shut up bro, it's annoying already.'

"Damian dear? What's going on? You don't want see your outfit?"

This voice... GOD IT'S RARITY! 'HELL YEAH LET'S KILL HER AGAIN!' 'oh no... If she is there... Then the master should be here too! O god we are so fucked!'

I... Am remembering everything! The spell, the fight, the castle, god damn, wait, you hear me? 'off course jackass, wait, you hear us? FUCK YEAH! Coward-boy, time to take over!' 'shut up! Hear me Damian, I know how to beg, hand me the whell and I will beg to the master!'


"I, dear, if you want me to stay quiet just say it, besides of that I'm just one you know?"

"Sorry Rarity!" 'dumbass, let's kill her, will be fun!' 'no! We have this necklace! Damian, let's surrender!'

Shut up you two! I'll deal with you later! Now shut up, god my head will blow up.

"Mister Damian, you don't wanna see the outfit?" Sweetie Belle... O god, I smile, "of course little one" 'disgusting, you really gonna go with the redemption thing? Gosh this is so last century.' 'holy shit she saw us! RUN!'

I walk for a few seconds with Belle, these two still annoying in my head, this is a problem, a really big problem, I must find Miranda now and redo the spell, damn I have to first break one of those seal's, I hate my life.

"What do you think about my work darling?" it's... 'horrible!' 'to much gems' beautiful I guess, it's a suit, a black suit with space in neck for the necklace, gems white and black adorn the suit on strategic places to not be to much gems or a few ones, it's expensive at least.

"Sooo... You like it?"

"Oh sorry, yeah, look like my wedding suit, with gems, and a hole in neck."

"Well, for law you can't wear anything that hide the necklace you know." yeah, I know, law number 107 if I'm not wrong. 'ah! You're wrong fag! Is the 170 dumbass.' oh yes, 107 is about rape or someshit like that.

I approach the suit, yeh, the stitching is good, really good, "those gems, you sewed it or used magic glue?"

She looked confused, why a monkey know about magic stilist glue? O boy, Twilight was very creative. 'ya're crazy?! The master is doctor or sparkle!' 'damn how I hate that bitch'

"It's a level-five glue, ahmm, do you like the fashion world?"

"More or less," 'faaaaaaaaaa-' "it's... Okay, my Equestria no longer has fashion world, but I know one or two thing about it, and this here, are well done, gezz look those gems," 'aaaaaaaag!'

Well, Belle went up the stairs, I think dresses is not her thing, in other hand, Rarity are smiling as fuck, jezz, let's end this fast, I must find Sparkle and lock them. 'Sparkle?! Ya want to give up already!' 'shut up! Let's surrender! She will spare us!' fuck off you two, she is no that Sparkle, she is Shining Sparkle, she is different.

"Let's keep it short, how much do I owe you?" 'owe? Kill this bitch.' Jesus I forget how annoying you are.

"What? Oh no darling, it's a gift!" what? 'what?' 'what da fuck'

"I, don't owe anything?" she nod to me... I analise the suit again, where is the trick? Hey bastards, help here, 'sup.' 'okay.' this suit is... Well done, the sew is good, without mistakes or scratches, the gems are precisely placed and almost flooad in the cloth.

"Okay, what is the trick? This cost easily two to three thousand bits and I don't even see the Miranda outfit."

"N-no Damian, it's a gift, and wow, I didn't expect that you know that much."

"Yeah yeah, so what do you want? Favors? Maybe you want me to get rid of the competition?" 'this sounds cool' shut up.

"Wha- NO! It's just a gift! In good faith, from a friend." 'pffft look at this bitch, come on, let's kill her.'

"Soooo... In good faith and because you want to be my friend you just give me a outfit that cost more than two thousand bits? Jezz, this is like winning a ten thousand dollar car from a friend!"

"A car?"

"Forget, so what do you want?"

"Nothing! Come on Damian, this is so hard to belive that I just want to help you?" 'hell yeah' 'totally'

I sigh, I pay her later, any of you remember Celestia bank count password? 'ahmm, nope?' '12-12-149' 'look at that, maybe he have some uses' 'f-fuck you'

"Okay, I trust you," 'liaaar!' "so can you do me a favor?"

"Well, I have to finish Miranda's outfit, and I don't know if the measurements you gave me are true."

"Believe me, they are" 'Miranda have a hell ass, man.' "LOOK YOUR MOUTH!" 'force me'

"I... You have a problem with my voice?" 'cool, now we are the crazy one'

"No, I ahm, look, this is cool and everything but I must find Shining, I MUST remove one of those seals and deal with some... Problems." 'ohh, this hurt ya know.'

"RARITY! CLOTHES, SEWING, MIRANDA, NOW!" and Fluttershy come from nowhere and is now laid on floor, damn 'holy shit is her.' 'Fluffy wings!'

"So... Hi?"

"DAMIAN! I.. Ahmm hello." she get up and clean herself, when she opened the door?

"Where is Miranda?" 'yeah, where is our pet.' 'our guardian.'

"She is... Ahmm, in the hospital, she is fine, just tired,"

Oh, okay, Miranda really need some rest, I'll see her later, my baby doesn't last a day without me.

"Say darling, you talked about a dress to Miranda?" oh yes, I want to see it.

"W-well, yes, Miranda soiled her clothes, so, the doctor send me here to grab clothes." she... Come on, make eye contact, is not you my helper here? 'pfft, you already scared her?' 'gosh, you are bad.'

"Hey Flutter, give her cloths, I will see Sparkle." 'what? NO!' 'shit!'

I grab the suit, eh, to fancy to me, but whatever, I will wear it later, yeah, let's break this seal.

"W-wait you'll go where?" jezz, she is pissed?

"To the castle, I'll trust you and believe that... That mare will not be there, then I believe you, and yes I know the way, oh in what room she is?"

"T-the 45 I think."

"Thanks," I sigh as I open the door, they are talking something behind me, whatever, I enjoy for some seconds the warm of the sun before starting walk, let's do it, 'yo, hand me the wheel.' 'no! He will kill us both!' 'shut up brat, or I'll end you!' lord give me patience, because if you give me strength I'll kill them.

Finally this day is over.

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Frustrated, frustrated is the best word to describe Twilight now, she barely slept this night, to busy thinkin how to deal with Damian issues and helping Fluttershy with a personal project of hers.

Now Twilight is in her room, her mind pondering her next action, a cup of tea to help her with the mood and one with coffee to help maintain awake, she looks out the window for a few seconds, watching the clouds flying overhead.

"Princess? Are you awake?"

Twilight murmured some thoughts just hering this voice, "yes B, and remember, I'm not Twilight or princess, I'm Shining Sparkle, Twilight apprentice and everything, okay?"

The silence was her answer, but knowling B as she know he is probably noding, even if she can't see him, "so... Prin-Twil-SPARKLE! I ahmm... Your meetings and duties as a princess? How does it work now?"

Why everything is happening at the same time? her night was horrible, every time she thought she had found a plan to help Damian, she found a weakness, a flaw or just realized the fact that she knew very little about him and most of what she did was discovered by Fluttershy. I'm supposed to discover things, not her, her thing are with animals! Horse apples.

"Defer the commitments, please B." another phantom nod was all she got from him while he trot silently away from her room. Twilight looked at the cups of tea and coffee, both half full and a tip from Pinkie popped in her mind, maybe it's a dump idea, maybe, but this not stopped her smile while she mixed both drinks and drink that mix, the taste was awful, it was bitter and strong at the same time, In a matter of seconds she spit the whole mixture out of her room, "damn it Pinkie, you said it was a... Unique experience... Celestia help me, she was the pony that mixed hot sauce in the drinks and said it was good"

Twilight levitated a letter she was writing to Celestia since she arrived in Ponyville, the title was clear, Damian Spencer for Twilight Sparkle, a new world of curiosities and discoveries, specie, Human from the mammal family, visions of future and past yeap, I need another title.

Ahhhhhh! I hate them! 'we are here ya know fag?' Jesus Christ, I... I need to reach at the castle/school faster or they will drive me crazy, again, well, whatever.

I can see clarely the castle, far away, beautiful, giant, an a fucking pain in the ass, really? A flyng fucking castle! Finding that was hard and that was full of powerful wizards! After three or four tries I gave up, they were not worth the effort, 'nope, you was too lazy to chase them to zebrica.' this too, but who's counting? 'I'm'

It will take me a few minutes to get there, maybe a quick stop in the Cakes? Or maybe... The 'Marijuana!' 'Medicinal herbs!' "YES!!!"

Fuck that castle, hey dumb ass, you remember where it is? 'off course! Go ahead and after two streets turn right, green house!' jeez, thanks.

I follow the orders for a few minutes until I see a green building.

"Yeahhhh, let's go crazy boys." 'Agreed.'

I enter in this building and breathe deeply, yes, I know this smell, I look around, some plant pots empty adorn on the shelves and tables, the few pots with plants were clearly pruned, damn I recognize this one.

"I'm coming, in one minute." I hear a voice coming from another room, maybe is the owner, whatever, I adjust the suit on my shoulder before leaning on the counter and start reading the prices, 'it's in Grapian? Fuck, I don't understand this.' yep, but the prices still here, let me see... Twentyfive bits ahm? Perhaps it's about a bunch of mari? 'probably'

The noise of hooves catches my eye and I look up, there is, a green unicorn, are those dreadlocks? Damn, a pony with dreads, 'one less item in the list.' "one less item in the list hell yeah."

"Sorry? Can I help you mister... Minotaur?" now that she is in the other side of the counter I try to see her mark, nope, it's not a narguile, damn I swore it would be that. Well, brown mane, and blue eyes, if you ignore the dreads, she is basically normal.

She noticed that I was staring her dreads and blushed, "So-sorry if you dislike it, I hope this hasn't offended your clan or the like."

"No no no, I'm not a minotaur, I'm a... Client, and for what it looks, you have a lot of clients." She let out a small laugh as she raised one of the potted plants close to her with magic and blushed again.

"So mister..."

"Let's go with Damian." 'the lord of the Universe!!!' 'why not Spencer?'

"Well, Damian, what can I do for you?" her voice, it's... Shrill, but it's not at same time. 'to much mari dumb.' maybe.

"Well miss..."

She laughs a little, "call me miss G, ok?"

"Well miss G, I come here to ask you for something really important," I say as I support my two hands on the counter and stuff my chest, "I DEMAND MARIJUANA!" 'hell yeah! Catch them all boy!' 'i-its medicinal herbs! And n-not that thing!'

While the two jerks discuss in my head, I look at her, she raises an eyebrow while tilting her head slightly to the side, she raise her hoof a few inches from her snout while start processing what I said, "mari, juana? Sorry I don't have that, or at least I don't know it by this name sir."

Damn it, yes they call it other name, ahmmm, jeez you don't remember? 'MARIJUANA!' 'its green something' "GREEN PEACE!" She gave a little jump of fright away from me, "sorry for that, I'm just excited." 'wait? Hold my beer coward-boy, that pussy just apologized to a FUCKING PONY?!?!' 'jezz' I-I do, jezz, I think I'm ill, 'DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT! YOU BETTER EXPLAIN IT OR KILL HER NOW!!!'

"W-well mister," she said trembling a little, "yes I have green peace, I just need see you card and I get it for you."

Oh crap, card? "Sorry miss, I think I hear wrong, what kind of card?" I said while touch some gems in this suit.

"Well, the recreative card of course, green peace are a controlled plant since it can be, addictive to someponies you know." she stated while levitating a pot of 'green peace' near us from the other room.

Shit, they have it here too? Damn I didn't remember that, well, time to enter in business mode, 'okay, exchange this, her life for all the stock of, humpf green peace.' 'worth it' "well pony, I'm new in this country and I don't have this card you know, but I really need it, what you can do for me?" I said while put my friendliest smile I have.

"Well," she answered in a low tone, "nothing, this plant are used to help ponies with psychological problems you know? Besides that, I'm low stock."

Oh, wanna play hard ahm? Okay let's play hard so, 'I swear for God, if you do it I'll-' "b-b-but missss I have those problems!" I screamed "I-i-if ya deny it to me y-you'll kill me! I-I-I can't take it moreeeeee." 'fuck, you did' learn from me while I'm still alive, idiot, yes I don't like beg like this but it will work, look.

She is trembling a little, maybe because of the shouting and whining I did or the loud noise, she looks like someone who doesn't like noise, but there is, she is looking at me, Analyzing for a fault or a lie of mine, unfortunately for you, pony, I made a living from business like that, unless you are Applejack or Celestia, it is useless to look for a lie in me. 'ya still begging to a pony.'

"W-well, you, Celestia help me, sir how can I trust you? It's a rare plant and everything, you are asking me to commit a crime!" yep she know how deal with business, a little at least.

"L-look miss, I need it, like, I REALLY NEED IT, look! Give me your smallest plant you have, I will use it with moderation if it's your concern! I-I-I'll make it last a week! What do ya say? I swore not come back in at least a week! Please... Help me in this.

She is biting her lips and looking around! Hell yeah baby, I won! 'he is retard' 'agree' "well, I ahmm, the smallest?" I nod furiously "oh horse apples, I, lock mister I, ok." I WON BITCH, she sign in defeat while levitate another pot, this really tiny, god, this plant is the size of my hand, better than nothing, "you are with miss Fluttershy or I'm wrong? I saw you walking together, so, let me see, twenty minutes would be enough."

"Uhh? For what?"

"Well, to boil the water of course, boil the water for fifteen minutes and add one to three leaves and leave for five minutes and then enjoy, I recommend not to exceed three leaves."

"Of course! I'll totally drink it!" her ears bend slight and she Raises an eyebrow, maybe she is not believing, let's change the topic, "so, how I pay you? Do you like or accept gems?"

She nods to me, all that I wanted to see, I throw the suit over the counter and point to one gem, "magic glue, just put some mana and the gem will pop out the suit" she do what I said and it's done, she move the gems sometimes, "don't worry, It's genuine." I grab the suit and a bag with the plant and walk away, "goodbye miss, thanks." 'he... HE JUST... Damn god.'

Here I'm, the castle, it's, big, mine was bigger! I look back, yes I still being followed by Celestia guards, two pegasus and some normal ones, whatever, I enter in the castle, I can't deny the enthusiasm in my steps, I never entered in this castle, when I open the door I left out a breath, the last bastion of pony kind huh? I expected more, resistance than a door alone.

"I can help you?"
HOLY FUCKING GOD I almost kicked this little shit, how is possible a pony be this tiny? This shit is up height of my shin! Jeez, and even have a mark huh? 'ohhhh, food!' "yes, ahmm, can you call an adult?" he inflat his face and looked, angry? Damn where is Miranda? This is so cute!

"I AM AN ADULT, sir," he yeled a little too loud for his size and sigh, "again, can I help you?" it's... Adorable, a tiny blue pegasus with a parchment as cutie mark, grey mane and golden eyes, this is so, wait what? 'thank god, it's a PONY, IDIOT!' yes... My bad.

"Well little one," oh look! His face inflated again! "I need see Sparkle."

"Well, miss Sparkle canceled all her meetings today, so minotaur, go away, and go find some horns" wut? Hear me here ya little shit. 'lets kill him, now!' damn I agree.

"Look, I'm not a minotaur, what is your problem with... Jesus Miranda... I'm Damian, Human, take any word? I'm here to see Sparkle and I'LL SEE HER! Now if you are a sweetie and tell me her room, it will make my job easier." his face changes from disinterest to realization very fast, sometimes I forget how big their eyes can be, especially the small ones, they normally show that face when I... I... 'finish this thought.' threaten them, 'beautiful word to eat or kill them if you allow me say.' 'I like the wings!' whatever, this is past. 'pffft, okay if you say.'

"W-well, sorry, I thought you would be, smaller, I'll call her, just wait." he open his wings and flew for the corridor, 'look that wing, can I have a bit of it?' no, but I want too, 'why not? We are the emperor here, slayer of gods and stuff.' we are sealed, no, I'M sealed, shut up, 'force me, and we faced worse situations than this one, do you remember the dead lands? The fight in the barn or with Starswirl? That was epic! Oh oh have that one with Celestia, that was THE fight! Damn it, I miss the old days.' I... I too.

I wait for some minutes looking the suit and my future high-time-plant but after some time I just got bored, let's find her, I said as I started walking in one of the many corridors that this castle has.

After some time walking, avoiding the stained glass because of... HER... Of course she would be in the stained glass of HER castle, well, I avoid classes too, since this castle still being a school. I reach in my objective, room forty five, I knock on the door for a few seconds and wait, nothing? I knock the door again, same result, fuck it, I open the door, I hope not find her doing naughty things, 'jeez dude, you're sick.'

Nope, nothing, 'look, this bitch have a balcony!' I agree, damn I'm talking too much with them, whatever, let's see the rest of her room, oh that's a huge bed and-- wait, is that... "HOLY FUCK MY SUITCASE!" 'THE HORNS!!! GO FOR THE HORNS' 'GET A TELEPORT ONE!' I drop the plant and the suit and run for it, please be here please be here please be here please be here, when I open I see a lot of feathers, some old scrolls, a cursed book of satan and, "thank god it's here!" I open my wallet, Some notes fell due to haste but there is, I smile grew on my face as I look at my family photo, a bit burned but they still recognizable, "oh baby, how I miss you." I kiss the photo while I kept the photo in my wallet, don't wanna say anything? '...' '...' good.

I sigh while kept the wallet in the suitcase, jezz, the feathers are a mess, it'll cost me hours to fix it, 'y-yeah, I recognize all of then, i-if it help.' 'same here.' no, it's fine, I remember... I remember them all...

I grab the bible and open it, "Porque sou eu que conheço os planos que tenho para vocês, planos de fazê-los prosperar e não de causar dano, planos de dar a vocês esperança e um futuro." I laugh while throw it in suitcase "bullshit." I close it, just one suitcase, the other is not here, obviously, I sigh, damn, it feels like huge weights have come off my shoulders, good...

After spending some time near the balcony, enjoying the few rays of sunshine that the world offers, I shake my head, time to come back to real world, when I turn to the suitcase I see... 'is that a... Letter?' 'oh oh let's see!' fuck it, whatever, I walk and grab it, title too big, I'll see later, huh, Damian ahm? 'oh it's about us!' yep, serious problems interacting with ponies and similars... Hate talk about past... 'bullseye!' miss family... Know about the future? M-mammal family? What's the title of this shit?


Oh shit! I crumpled the letter and hide it in the sleeve of my robe, "s-sup?" oh, it's just Shining and that brat, cool.

"What are you doing here Damian? This is MY room!" oh damn, she is angry, pfft.

"Hold your horses princess," I said while lift my hands, "I was just lost, it's all." ahmm, did she get a few whiter shades or is it just my impression? 'I think yes.' 'she... She looks like...'

"WHY YOU WAS NOT WAITING THERE?!" this brat, I shrug and look away, As if I was going to explain myself to this brat.

"I-I, Damian can you explain why you didn't waited?" she said, a melancholy in her voice, is this... Fear? Oh boy, I TAKE IT! SHE 'HID PORNOGRAPHY HERE!' 'HID PORNOGRAPHY HERE!' HID PORNOGRAPHY HERE! 'hell yeah, at least one thing right?' whatever, humpf, pony porn, disgusting if you allow me said, 'pffft, what? Look who's Talking! Ohhh Chrysalis, yes! Hummmmm YES!' I blush insanely, how he dare!

"Sparkle, seal, remove it, NOW!" 'hold on, go easy boy.' 'jerk.'

"D-Damian I..." She starts to massage her temples with her… hoof? I never got how it work, but from what I see this really work, somehow, "can be... Tomorrow?"

"Nope, the deal was today, now start doing your magic stuff and remove it." I hold the necklace and show it to her, already feeling the heat it causes to touch it.

"Y-yes! But I never said the time right? So it's today, not now!" 'this bitch, ah ah! she got you!' I hear his laughs, bastard, I look at her, She is serious about it. 'Damian... We know her? She remind me... Her...'

"Okay, but the suitcase and marijuana stay with me!"


"Good." I grab the suitcase and my plant, thrown the suit over my shoulder and now I ready, when I turn I hear a furiously trot.

"Sorry we don't find him." when I see was a gray unicorn in purple armor looking at Shining, "forgive me prin-hpff" Sparkle stuck her hoof in his mouth, prin? I walk toward then, The soldier noticed me and opened his eyes wide, Shining whisp something to him and he ran away, when the guard disappear and shining turn to me, sweating? What am I missing?

"Soooo, prin? Prin what?" she open her snout sometimes trying to say something but always failing to say it, the brat noticed and walk between us, he is, sweating too? What is happening?

"Y-y-you se-e D-Damian I, m-miss S-Sparkle here, she is--" damn how I hate stutterers!

"Shut the fuck up, simplify it." her eyes wide up and looked back to Shining, I raise a eyebrow and crossed my arms the best my stuff allowed.

"She is... THE PRINCIPAL! Yes you know! This school need a Principal!"

"Wait, was not Starlight some-shit the principal? And she were not one student? Like, apprentice of the big purple and stuff apart?"this little blue pegasus seems, more purple? Is he okay?

"N-now you see Damian, this is a secret okay? And I'm not the principal, I'm the vice-principal and yes, I still being a student, but nopony can know about it, okay?"

"Oh, it's a secret? You should say to everyone your title, but okay, if I don't get drunk I'll maintain your little... Secret." Both sigh of relief, wow, it must be a very important secret for her, 'let's spread the news!' don't think I forgot about you, even though it's a tempting offer.

I feel a chill go up my spine and when I turn I see, or better, I don't see the sun, damn, 'let's move the sun, pfft, the sun.' good joke, move the sun, perhaps later, 'yo idiot, it's impossible.' I know, welp, the time flies right? 'idiot you both.'

"So Sparkle, Congratulations on your promotion and everything but since you're not helping me, I'm leaving."

"W-what? You can't walk alone yet," she said while stayed between me and the door, "Besides, who accompanied you here?"

"No one? I think I'm old enough to walk alone, god I'm older than you! Besides of that, Celestia always has a guard spying me." I rapidly turn my head to the balcony and I swear that that was a pony head spying me.

"Well, I know but we have lawns, and you're in probation yet."

"Really? What is my crime? Be handsome?" 'good one!'

She raise an eyebrow "ahmm, breaking Luna's snout? Ataking Celestia? Threatening Cadence? Want me to continue?" 'what? We lost the good stuff! DAMN IT, cursed be you Damian!'

"Okay I got it," I said while approaching my head from her, "but I'm going to se my daughter in the hospital now, soo, unless you want a black eye, get out of my way." She swallows a lump stuck in her throat as she seems to be praying for her life, but keeps on my way and look at me in the eyes, she has guts.

I shrug and walk around her, "stop." I look at her and smile while continuing my walk, "I said stop!" I was about to say something to her when I feel... Something I didn't feel in ages, I guess, my chest bursted in pain And my outfit shone in a purple shade.

"Fuuuuck!" I scream as I kneel, yes, damn necklace, I start laughing, at first it was a little laugh until it became an uncontrollable laugh, “and I thought you guys also wanted me to start over.” 'was that... The necklace?' 'I... I can't tell.'

"S-sorry Damian! I didn't want--"

"No one wanted, no one never want," I rise and turn to her while grab this necklace, "You better never do that again."

"Damian I-"

"Because I'm not your weapon that you can threaten or something to do whatever you want, VOCÊ ME OUVIU VADIA?!" she tremble for a few seconds and trot away from me, good, I drop the necklace and grab my things, "now what?"

"What what?"

"What we do of course, I'm clearly not in a position to choose something, right?" 'what?'

"N-no Damian, that's not it, you are not our prisoner you are... Sorry about the necklace, this shouldn't happen," she said while approach me and touch my back with her hoof, "you're not our prisoner, even if looks like, we just want to help." I sigh and turn to her, "Come here." I smile as I crouch, what she wan-- she touch my necklace with her horn and a purple aura around it, I try to hold her horn and stop it but she gently holds my hand with her hoof and whispers for me to trust her, "easy there."

I feel... I feel the mana... That unique feeling that you can't describe until you feel it, it's so hard to describe how to imagine a new color, I smiled unconsciously, not a smug or threatening smile, a real smile.

"Sparkle... Thanks."

She smiled back while noded, "let's go Damian, Pinkie is waiting us."

"I imagine, just give me time to… assimilate everything and get dressed ok?"

"Okay, B, you can take Mr. Spencer's things to Fluttershy's cabin?" the little pegasus agree, But how the hell is he going to take the suitcase and my seedling-of-happiness I don't know.

"So… are you going to get dressed or what?" oh yes, well, I lose my things outside her room and look at her.

"Well, you know, ahmm, can you give me some privacy? Since I don't even have my underwear thanks to you guys." she tilts her head to the side in doubt until she connects the dots and blushes, in a matter of seconds she and… the little brat name is B? Jesus, whatever, now I'm alone, I take advantage of the feeling of mana running through my body for a few seconds before looking at the gem-studded suit, “let's go then.”

I look at the mirror, "hello handsome!" I say as I adjust the collar of the suit, damned be the one who invented the collar!

After some minutes trying to fix it, two knocks on the door of a bored Twilight And two jerks arguing in my head who is prettier, Beyoncé or Madonna, I almost joined in this discussion, but the answer is quite obvious, I finally finishing this hellish task!

Another look at the mirror and-- 'oh look, he almost look like a normal person, if you ignore the stubble of course and what else? I don't know, the past?' yes, I almost forgot about you, I think I have time to redo the spell 'oh c'mon Damian, it's me, you, stop it, dude, it's a mess already, you're not like that, I'm not like that, do you wear a suit? A fucking suit?! Go to pony parties, god damn, we exterminate armies, We made dragons cry! Walk through Dead Lands and come back alive! Damn it that time we moved the sun! And you prefer go to parties?! Damian, we ruled a country, no, a WORLD! Don't dare to say to me that, not even for a single moment you didn't thought about redoing the things, we, we can kill Twilight Damian, make her suffer, suffer for everything we suffer and even more!' yes, I'll not deny it, I thought about it, but... But life is more than this, more than kill.
'oh for god Damian, life is more than kill? Our objective is kill! We killed for pleasure! We razed daycares just because that sound funny! Their screams sounded amused! Oh life is more than kill, life life life, funny this coming from a suicide! You tried five times and failed five times, you’re not even good in this, but kill? In this regard we are the best, remember? The most dangerous being there is!' a-actually I failed six times. 'what? Jesus, Damian, this... Start over is bullshit, we don't deserve it and ya know.' I... I'm trying, And when I get rid of you two 'hey! I'm quiet!' I'll improve, I have Miran-- 'ohhhh he have Miranda, cool, how do you call it?your pillars, right? Let me see, Miranda, she is growing daddy, and sometime she will fly away from your little house or If she finds out your little secret, why is her mother dead? she'll totally let you alone, oh we have Bloody Novel too, poor mare, living life dangerously, one day her luck runs out, and Chrysalis, ohh poor Chrysalis, where do I start with her? She was making a lot of enemies, and her guardian, Damian Spencer is gone, I bet ten bits that she's already dead.' My breathing is getting erratic, it's a lie, they are fine, they have to be! And… and “Miranda never, WILL NEVER ABANDON ME!” I open my arms and magic circles appear on the floor, Sparkle is knocking furiously on the door, 'calm down Damian! I did nothing!'

The circles break up in lines that started to go up my legs until they form a star on the back of my neck, 'Damian, you can do it, I don't care, I'm you after all, but remenber one thing, you're going to beg for my help, and you know what I'm gonna say? I accept, but when that happens, I will be in control, I will be DAMIAN!' when the star on the back of my neck was complete a loud bang filled the room and a wave of energy emanates from me messing up all around the room, it's... Over.

I sigh in relief, I love how silent my head is, perfection if you allow me say.

"DAMIAN! ARE YOU OKAY?" o fuck, I screamed right?

"Sorry, I kicked the corner of the table! In one minute I'm out!"

"You said it ten minutes back." damn, she got brains too.

I fix my hair and the wrinkled parts of the suit due to the spell, look again in the mirror and smile, a handsome guy looks back at me, dammit, I have to cut my hair and shave, But before I leave, put the letter in my pocket, I'll see it later.
When I touch the doorknob I feel a cold run down my spine, “deja vu.” I swear, if I am transported to another world I will go crazy.

We walked for some time and I was pondering where Pinkie was gonna do her party, "should I know anything Sparkle? I don't like surprises and since I can do magic now I am not responsible if something happens to someone who scares me."

"It's just a party, go easy and everything will be okay." she said while stared... Flutershy's hut? What?

"No way the party is over there."

"You will be surprised how pinkie manages to throw a party in small places, although Fluttershy may be a little bored, I have to see that later." later? I look up, the moon still there, I raise a eyebrow, later?

Now we're in front of the door and I swear I saw Pinkie leave one of the birdhouses and hide again, this world is soo... Shit.

Sparkle walk near me and sigh, "look, I shouldn't talked about this party, can you at least pretend surprise?"
Whatever, I shrug, what she will do? Shoot me with a confetti cannon?

Sparkle open the door, I enter first, it's all, dark, and then, almost like the universe heard me the lights turn on and a LOT of ponies screamed 'surprise' And a cannon came out of nowhere, instantly firing a bunch of confetti, god, this is a lot of ponies, yep I'm surprised, I didn't have to pretend.

"DID YOU LIKE IT DAMIAN?" jeez my ear! From where she come from?

"Y-yeah," I look around, many of them nod at me, some of then that ran from me when saw me in the streets, "there's a lot of ponies here."

"Of course silly, what kind of welcome-party it would be if i didn't invite the whole village?" the whole what? I... How big... This hut... It's bigger?

The party was fun if you ignore the non-alcoholic and slightly spicy drink, now I'm sitting on a log outside enjoying the cool night breeze and looking at the stars, I saw some famous faces among the ponies but most of them ignored me, good, or was in groups like the bearers of the elements, I don't like this kind of parties personally.
Besides Miranda is still in the hospital, according to Fluttershy she was dizzy or something, Poor my baby, I'm going to visit her tomorrow, besides the ---

"Hi Damian, did you like the party?"

Oh, Pinkie, she sat on the log too and leaned against my shoulder, "yeah, thanks I think, it surprised me."

“Swear? I gave my all at this party! Since I was competing with the Pinkie of your world, you know, then I couldn't lose! But if I lose, would I also be winning?” jezz, I couldn't help but laugh at it.

"Nope, you win, easily." her ears perked up at the news but soon dropped.

"Don't lie to me, there's no way I win easily against me!" what? This mare is unique.

"No no, it's that, my welcome party was... Tiny? Can't tell, I was a kind of secret in time, and just you, Rarity, ahm... Fluttershy and... Twilight attended, since Applejack had gone on her brother's funeral anniversary and Rainbow Dash accompanied her, a small party to a few guest, just it."

She just stood there with those huge eyes looking at me with a shy smile on her face, "I like you Damian, you, you're a good boy, and Aunt Pinkie never misses!" that sentence… I… I won't cry! I refuse to cry! I bite my bottom lips to stop this stupid urge.

"Want to hear something funny Pinkie?" she waved at me.

"The other Pinkie, she... She said the same thing as you."

"Saw? Me and she got it right! ”

"I killed her..."

"Ohh..." good one asshole, break the mood, god how I hate myself. "W-well, now you're a good boy, right?" I wanted to nod, speak, or give any sign of an answer, but I couldn't.

"How was she, when you, you know"

"Smiling, always smiling and trying to convince me to stop." I didn't want to look her in the eye, I tried to look away but she took my face with her hoof and forced eye contact.

“She… I was right about you, do you know why? Why I never miss silly boy.” how can someone be so... I just said I killed you! And stop calling yourself aunt! I’m older than you!

"She is dead, and I killed many others... She was wrong." she presses her hooves harder against my cheeks.

"No no and no! Aunt Pinkie never misses! You were a good boy, in your own way, but I'm sure it was Damian… don't look like that, you know I'm not mad at you.”

She is so… I stop biting my lips and hug her, “thanks Pinkie… thanks, you don't know how much that means to me, thanks.”

I open the door to my room, it's small, a bed and a desk, well, better than nothing, I undo that damn collar and take off my shirt, I look for a basket to throw it at but there's nothing like it here, so I throw it at bed, damn, it must be two or three in the morning, I have to admit, Pinkie knows how to party...

How... what would things have been like if everything hadn't gone wrong? would it be like today? it would be… cool…

I look at the only mirror in the room, which coincidentally was quite a big one, I start to analyze my body, more specifically my chest, several scars adorn it, some from past fights, but most were from the unhealthy surgeries of Twilight... but one... one stood out, the first scar, a five giants right in the middle of my chest, I feel a cold rise up my spine when I touch the skin, it is... sensitive, bruised... burned... so that was it... how?

"Spenceeeeer... don't sleep Spenceeer..." Is she here already? damn it, I never have a break, I close my eyes while I throw myself on the bed never stopping massaging this hideous scar, how...

Revelations. Revelations... sometimes ignorance is a blessing...

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Luna takes advantage of the cold wind of her night for a few seconds, she don't need to open her eyes to feel her lovely moon watching for her, after her finish her tradicional warm up, she turn around and walk toward a plataform.

"Dream path." she murmur to herself, after reaching the center of the gray plataform it started glowing in a mix of blue and yellow, a shy smile growing in her face while she look at the collors, memories of a past that will never return.

"Miss you mom." Luna whisped, after a melancolyc sigh she stared the door, waiting her sister, but she never came.

The platform with a loud sound started to work, beams of light came out of it and in matter of seconds Luna is gone, or how she prefer, she is now everywhere.

Flying as high as this spell allows, Luna started her natural job, take care of pony's dreams and other creatures like gryphons and minotaurs that reside in her kingdom.

Many portals, how she like to name, reside under her peaceful flight, a door with a image in the midle of it, a small light over the door simbolizing the status of the dreamer, a blue means a slep without dreams, a yellow means a good dream and a dark light means a nightmare, of course that if you are versed in the magic of dreams you can learn to further differentiate the lights, since dreams with family members or fear of insects have a slight variation in the color that only a dream walker can perceive.

After flying for some time she reach at ponyville area. many portals reside below her, but her attention was in one of then, this portal has a strange form, simbolizing it is not from a pony, with a simbol of a rose and a daggers coverd in blood as it image, Luna take ome moments to guess again what that should mean, but again she failed.

When she was about to leave she realised something, his light, with a quick look she confirmed, it was yellow, a blazing tone of yellow, family, he is dreaming with his family.

Luna cound't hold a smile, 'poor thing, he deserve some peace,' she mormured to no one in specific, after a ferw moments staring the portal she laught, I too, Faust help me those nightmares would give Nightmares to Nightmare Moon too.

Another strong ray of light caught her attention, and she realised the owner, 'Twilght Sparkle, or she prefers to be called Shining Sparkle now? heavens those youngs.' cestial tone of yellow with a bits of blue, realisation.

After a quick look around and finding no dark lights, Luna sighed with joy, next city thought Luna, but, when she spread her wings to flye to another city she felt, felt something she hadn't felt in years, turning around as fast as her body allowed, she could barely see some thing entering the portal of Damian and Twilight.

Confusion invaded the princess of night, but just when the light turned to a white tone she realised what is happening, dream walkers, murmured the blue allicorn to herself.

But this is impossible, thought Luna, all dream walkers were killed nine hundred years ago and the art of walking in dreams has been lost!

Almost as if the supposed 'dream walkers' were listening to Luna, the lights above the portals shone brightly before enveloping them, after a few moments of temporary blindness Luna regains her vision, still astonished and stunned by recent events she barely had time to see the two portals levitating, Damian's portal and Twilight fly at alarming speeds in opposite directions.

Luna watches them flying away on the horizon of the dream world when a thought crosses her mind, a thought that quickens her heart and forces her to choose, which should she choose? What did these dream walkers want? Difficult questions, and even more difficult the answer she had to give.

After a few seconds of biting her lip with indecision and anguish she makes her choice, and flies towards one of the portals, whoever wants to mess up with the dream world will have to do with the princess of dreams, she thought.

Twilight was the best pony, no, the best being in the world! She could not contain tears of joy as she received the golden horseshoe award in honor of her efforts to bring world peace, found two new academies of magic and diplomatically ended the rebel and revolutionary insurgency in the griffin kingdoms.

She was on a stage holding the trophy and just below her were several iconic figures residing in chairs made for their every need, large chairs for the huge fire-breathing dragons who celebrate by spitting flames to the ceiling, small and thin for the breezies who sang in an angelic tone celebrating the conquest of Twilight.

Even the ex-revolutionary gryphons applauded the peace brought by Twilight, the supreme griffin head of state himself, or as they liked to call it, President, was present, he stared at Twilight for a few seconds before lifting a chalice full of wine and shouting the name of Twilight in joy, many of his countrymen repeated the act and soon the room was taken by that name, hooves beating furiously on the floor in joy and celebration, palms being made by claws, paws or another similar appendage, and at the center of it all was Twilight with a smile from edge to edge of her face, some tears streaming and a sigh of accomplishment, overcoming and relief, it’s over thought Twilight pressing the huge trophy against her body.

It's over? she whispered, looking at a corner of the room she saw Damian , Miranda and her friends talking and playing, a genuine smile on the human's face. When Damian and Twilight's eyes met, the human smiled and raised a glass of wine out of respect for the mare, and only then could Twilight nod and exclaim with unshakable conviction, yes, it's over.

Twilight slowly closed her eyes and slightly looked up, the sound of applause and celebration numbing her senses, her smile growing every second as a sense of pride invaded the little alicorn.

"Wow, congratulations, I guess." exclaimed a voice that was both frighteningly familiar and strange to the mare.

Twilight quickly opened her eyes, but everything was gone, there was no more audience, her friends and Damian were gone, not even the golden horseshoe trophy that she had been holding for a few seconds was with her!

She turned to the voice, an infinite void everywhere, a table with two chairs in the center and a dark figure near the table, Twilight tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, “hi? I can help you?" said cautiously the alicorn of magic.

The figure laughed for a few seconds before walking towards the light, revealing the reason for the distressing familiarity that her voice gave Twilight.

"Yes, you can help me." exclaimed an exact copy of Twilight, just a few small scars around her neck and the lack of a wing differentiates both.

The crippled alicorn pointed with his only wing at one of the chairs and Twilight promptly sat down on the chair, it took a few more seconds for the 'copy' to sit on the chair, and when she did, her horn shone in a purple tone and raised a small teapot and two cups on the table.

Twilight looked at her double for a few seconds while she poured cups, tea, the smell was arguably tea, Twilight tried to say something, failing to ask a question due to the many doubts invading her head at the same time and the fact that mare raised her hoof interrupting her, even though leaving school for years a hoof being raised that way was still enough to shut up Twilight right away.

When tea was finally served and the mare's hoof descended to the floor, Twilight tried to start the questions again, but immediately this mare's hoof rose and interrupted her again and she took a long sip from her teacup while offering Twilight a full cup with her magic.

After a long and unsettling moment where what Twilight believed to be a tea drinking nightmare ended and her hoof found rest again, Twilight tried again to start talking, and again was interrupted.

"Call me doctor, please." clarified the mare, Twilight huffed with anger and indignation waiting to be cut again, but when silence reigned she could smile and start asking questions without being interrupted, or so she thought before she was interrupted again!

“Aren't you going to have your tea? It will cool down! ” pointed the doctor with a hoof at the steaming cup.
Twilight felt her left eye twitch and some neurons fry with indignation, after a long sigh trying to calm down she started her long-awaited speech.

"Personally, I've had tea for two lives, so I think I'll pass it while I'm ... dreaming." said Twilight with a hint of doubt, when the 'doctor' nodded in agreement Twilight continued.

"Sorry is this a prank?" Twilight exclaimed as he looked around, "are you Luna?" the crippled alicorn laughed for a few seconds, a laugh laden with pain and longing that even shivered Twilight's spine!

“Don't you recognize me? Don't you remember the long, one-sided and dramatic story that Mr. Spencer told you a few days ago? ” the mare raised an eyebrow as she finished her cup of tea and poured another with an almost contagious calm.

Twilight took a few seconds to process what she just heard, her eyes widening in accomplishment as she pointed a hoof at the other resident in this infinite void, "you are her!" shouted Twilight.

"Yes," said the mare taking another sip of tea, "I am ... her."

"You ... what ..." confusion invading Twilight's head, maybe I'm having a nightmare and I'm remembering that, thought Twilight.

"No, I am very real Twilight, well, more or less, but if there is anything I can guarantee you, I am not a figment of your imagination." clarified the doctor as she finished her second cup of tea and rested it on the table.

"But how?" asked Twilight, his brain working at full speed trying to find a how, but more importantly, why ?

“You are a smart mare Twilight, you will find out, believe me I know,” she laughed, “but my time is short, soon Luna will come and I will have to go, so I will be very direct, I need you to do something for me. "

“A PSEUDO-REALISTIC CURSE ATTACHED IN OBJECTS OR SIMILARS OF EIGHTH GRADE!” shouted Twilight as if it were the most important thing in the world, so loud and suddenly that it scared the other alicorn slightly. Twilight looked at her with a deadly look, waiting for an answer, and when the mare nodded slightly Twilight felt an enormous weight come off her shoulders and she threw herself on the table, a sigh of joy coming from her lips.

The other Twilight stared at her for a few seconds, congratulating the mare internally for finding out so quickly, even though she missed the grade, she still came very close, a smile growing on her face, of course she came close she thought, we are the same pony in the end.

The whole world trembled, each part of the infinite emptiness shuddered and the doctor's cup fell from the table, falling into small pieces, which promptly fell into shadows.

Twilight stood up, no longer lying on the table, no longer exhausted by the mental strain, now curious about the fact that everything was shaking so quickly.

"This, this is Luna, don't worry." clarified the doctor, making another cup appear and pouring some more tea, Twilight finished her inspection in the infinite void and looked at him with a death glare at the self-proclaimed doctor.

“I know you hate me, personally… maybe, I won't judge you? Nahh, I did what I had to do. ” she started taking another sip of tea and moaning with joy at the bitter taste.

"Excuse?" begged Twilight, “you, did you do what you had to do? Do you have any idea of ​​the traumas you left in him? Do you have any idea what your actions led to? DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA OF WHAT YOU DID ?! ” shouted Twilight indignantly.

The other Twilight ignored the mare's screams as she finished another cup of tea, “I like tea,” she stated while looking at the empty cup, “it somehow has the ability to calm the most turbulent of souls, bring peace in moments more difficult and give comfort and relive memories of times of peace that will never came back, ”she laughed“ heavens, times when I was alive. ”

Twilight was ready to continue her speech, but the hoof of her copy interrupted her, she cursed herself internally for respecting this childish action, and she cursed herself even more for respecting this action done by this monster! She poured another cup of tea, but this time she just smelled the tea, enjoying the aroma it exuded.

"I did what I had to do, you wouldn't understand." said the mare as she stared at the liquid she loved so much as she trembled as the whole world rumbled with another blow from the night's alicorn.

“Did you have to do it? I WOULD NOT UNDERSTAND? DO YOU HEAR WHAT YOU SAY ?! ” shouted Twilight again, but what she didn't expect was to see her copy repeat the action.


“You don't know what it's like to send one of your friends to a position of danger, not because she wants to, but because she needs to, you don't know what it's like to see your plan going through the air while her regiment is ambushed, you don't know what it's like , in a futile attempt to save her losing a wing and leaving her blind in the process!" she exclaimed, pointing to where her wing would be.

“You don't know what it's like to send a battalion on a suicide mission, why it was either them or the princesses, and in that battalion is the brother of one of your friends! You don't know what the HATE and DISGUST look is that she can exhale when she wants to, and the screams of despair that she can emit when she asks him not to go!" small droplets formed in the corner of the mare's eyes.

"You don’t know what it’s like to be dismissed because it’s too dangerous to have all the Equestrian princesses fighting, to leave the field while your master fights every day risking her life, every night sending a message to her, and by the gods, praying to all of them that she only responds in the morning, giving a light, doubtful but hopeful sign of life, that she didn’t die and became just another number in the midst of the casualties of an endless war. ” the small droplets are now developing into tears.

“You don't know what it's like to open a creature, marked or not, every day, day after day, it always screaming, struggling and crying, and no matter how many anesthetic spells you use, it always became useless, you don't know what it is to hear it cries out for death, him hitting his head on the wall trying to kill himself, cutting his own neck, setting himself on fire and many other failed attempts to stop his own suffering, wake up, collect samples and study, try to find a way to stop the griffins and their new technology that destroyed regiment after regiment, a 'mobile and armored car', immune to magic capable of firing highly destructive non-magic projectiles and explosives, ”the world trembled again with another blow from Luna,“ they, that griffin scum staying a few kilometers from your beloved Ponyville, and you have to speed up the tests, you have to be more invasive, faster, have results, always ... results ... perfect and immaculate results. ” said the mare whispering the ending, now no longer in an infectious calm, but a weeping tragedy, using one of the hooves to support herself on the table.

Twilight wanted to say something, but she couldn't, she can only look at the mare that a few seconds she hated with all her strength, now she hated her less, piety? Because her actions are justified? Twilight couldn't say, but his blind hatred has diminished considerably for this mare.

"Twilight, I'm not here to say I'm a saint."

"Saint?" exclaimed Twilight raising an eyebrow doubtfully.

"A sacred and sinless pony, a saint, but, DARE NOT say you know what I did, why I did it or something similar." said the alicorn no more with tears, she quickly wiped them away with magic and in a matter of seconds she had gained the composure worthy of a princess.

After a few sighs to finish composing herself, she raised the cup once more to her, breathing heavily in the aroma that only tea could emanate, and took a sip.

"D-Did you say you wanted a favor?" asked Twilight a little shy? She wouldn't say that, she didn't really know how to feel at the moment.

The mare shook her head in denial for a few seconds, "no, it's too late, you already hate me and think he is one, saint, it is not possible for you to complete this simple favor." she said, placing the cup on the table.

A morbid curiosity invaded Twilight, she, deep down, knew what her counterpart wanted, but even so she asked and felt a cold invade her spine when she answered.

“Kill him, simple,” Twilight's eyes started to expand “see? You're just like that because he didn't tell you what he did, he... I would be Hitler, and he would be... Stalin? I believe that is it. ” stated the mare with a little doubt, when Twilight questioned she just said that in time she will understand.

“I cannot, no matter what he has done, he is trying to improve! He- ”before twilight continued, yet another damn hoof rose and she instantly fell silent, CURSE BE THAT NERVOUS TICK! thought Twilight .

“Like I said, you don't know what he did, do you know headball? Burn and run? Kill la plèbe? ” Twilight slowly denied trying to imagine what each of them meant "these are just a few of the games he ... kindly invented." she stated with a hint of poison in her voice.

“B-but I… CADENCE! The Cadence of your world! She didn't fight him! She used little offensive spells! ”

“I'm not even going to try to explain it to you, it was obvious that she couldn't… win, and in the end he killed her daughter, MY OWN NIECE! And he laughed, he laughed like a maniac over her corpse. ” another blow from Luna and a huge crack appeared in the sky, almost like a wound tarnishing the infinite black that was the sky.

From the shadows behind Twilight, figures flew in and repaired the damage in a matter of seconds, Twilight's eyes followed those shapes until they returned to the one area that she coincidentally cannot see.

"They ..."

"They are my friends, well, almost everyone," said the doctor as she looked up at the sky, "Fluttershy is not here now ..." she looks at Twilight again, "in the next blow I will leave, please, if you don't want to listen to my advice, at least do this. ” she begged again, Twilight motioned for her to continue.

"Don't let him get his hands on any kind of temporal spell," Twilight raised an eyebrow, "just don't let him get his hands on these books okay? In my world, Starlight died to prevent him from discovering these spells, I know it means nothing to you, but don't let her sacrifice be in vain, I beg you. ”

Twilight nodded slowly, doubtful if she should care about this advice, when something crossed her mind.

"Why? Why do you want him to die so bad? Revenge?" questioned the alicorn of magic.

His counterpart laughed, a morbid laugh, “ahhh, how I wish it were just that, no, it's something bigger Twilight, bigger than me, you or the gods themselves, I look like a monster asking for this, but believe me, I just want the best for your world, mine is doomed, too far from being saved, too far from having any kind of hope, but yours? Almost perfect, almost, the only problem is him. ”

"Sorry I still don't understand." asked Twilight.

"Obviously you wouldn't understand, it took me hours to put all the pieces together and it was with the help of my friends," the alicorn looked up at the sky for a few seconds when suddenly his eyes widened in realization "THE THIRTEENTH PROPHECY OF STARSWIRL!" shouted the mare as she walked away from the table, "QUESTION CELESTIA ABOUT THIS AND DON'T ACCEPT NO FOR AN ANSWER!"

Almost as if by a conspiracy of the universe itself, when these words left the lips of the one-winged alicorn the sky exploded into millions of pieces and Princess Luna herself appeared on the table, her wings spread around Twilight in an attempt to save her from any kind of nightmare or similar that was afflicting her.

Twilight can barely see it while her counterpart silently begs something for her, it was a whisper too low to be heard, but the message was clear. help. And so quick when this whisper left her counterpart's lips she became a black figure and ran away through the crack in the ceiling, leaving twilight with a doubt, but what tha hay is Starswirl's thirteenth prophecy?

Joy, this word defined Damian a few times during his stay off Earth, joy in seeing Miranda fly for the first time, helping a mare to regain her self-confidence, seeing his family, even if it's not them, but in dreams, when he miraculously has the opportunity dreaming and not being plagued by his past mistakes he feels this joy.

Damian was propped up against the door, and in front of him was his family, sitting in a huge living room, they argued, talked and had fun. On a sofa was his parents, his mother, already with some gray hair and ready to hit anyone who dared to call her old! His father, on the other hand, had all white hair, a tired look due to his age, but not even time would take away the pleasure of playing with his granddaughter Mia, a small human child with brown hair and a childlike attitude running all over the room and listening to grandpa's stories.

On another couch was Rafael, brother of Damian and his wife, Damian laughed a little at the scene because the womanizer, king of women and any other adjective he used in the past was sitting next to a woman wearing a suit, Damian smiled slightly and whispered

"How cute, he even looks like a decent person."

But Damian's attention was briefly on his brother, because when he heard an angelic voice laugh at Mia's antics he noticed the presence of his wife, Maria, cried Damian watching his love, her hair still a vibrant red, the same blue eyes capable of melting any man's heart, especially his heart.

The scene continued for a while, Mia making everyone laugh and having fun, but Damian was still at the door, hidden, invisible to them, with his arms crossed he sighed with envy for what had happened next.

On the other side of the room a door opens, there was a tall figure, clearly male, but his face was a stain, Maria quickly got up and hugged him.

"Hello, dear! We were waiting for you! ” she said with a loving tone that pierced Damian's heart.

"Daddy!" exclaimed Mia running to the figure who bent down and hugged the little one, no, whispered Damian watching his family talk to this… stranger.

It was always like this, this dream always ended like this, and when he came out of the shadows and showed himself to them, they always ran away, shouted and called him a monster. Dream? This part is a dream, but this is also a nightmare, but this beginning is so good, so calm and soothing. If Damian doesn't do anything, everything will remain calm, a dream, that's what he wants it to be.

After a few moments of watching them have fun he feels an arm on his left shoulder.

“Seven years have passed you know? This may already be a reality. ” said a robotic voice, Damain looked back and confirmed that it was the figure he found yesterday, the figure was black as the darkest night sky.

"Maria wouldn't abandon me ... I love her, and she loves me." said Damian with a hint of desperation in his voice.

The figure stared at the scene with Damian for a few minutes before snapping the fingers and the room fell apart and a table with varying chairs appeared. On the table, various delicacies were present, from meats to sweets that decorated it.

The figure pointed to a chair and Damian sat down, never taking his eye off her, who sat next to the human and offered him an apple.

Damian stared at the apple for a few seconds, considering whether to accept it or not, and after these seconds become minutes, the figure put the apple in one of the fruit baskets on the table and sighed.

"You do not trust me?" questioned the figure, Damian gave him a confused look and shrugged as he watched the infinite horizon.

“Obviously,” said Damian, still looking at the horizon, “skip the flattery, nothing came into my mind wanting to offer me apples and be my friend, say what you want and go, let me enjoy my dreams, at least the few ones that I have. ”

“She hurt you a lot, right? Sorry." affirmed the figure, now following Damian's gaze also looking into the void. "I should have done something to help you, but I didn't, I beg your pardon."

Damian slowly turned his gaze to the figure and raised an eyebrow, the figure in turn nodded slightly and looked away, almost as if he was ashamed to look at the human.

"Okay, you got my attention," announced the human as he picked up a plate of meat that had the inscription 'pegasus meat,' "say what you want."

The figure nodded as he approached the human slightly, "do you know who I am?" questioned the figure.

Damian, without looking away from his next meal, shrugged and started looking for some spices.

"This matters? If I were to guess, considering the date and my interference in this universe, I would say that you are Nightmare Moon. ” concluded the human taking a pepper and seasoning the meat.

"No Damian, I am something ... something more than these false gods ... I am," the black figure laughed for a few seconds, "I am like you, I also suffered at the hands of gods and now-"

"Now you want to take revenge and kill everyone and blah blah blah, ”interrupted the human as he found a lost salt shaker between the fruit bowl and the dried fish. "I'm not interested in your fights, go look for another champion or something like that somewhere else, I don't fight for gods!"

The figure stared at him for a few seconds and nodded with each word, “but what a coincidence, neither do I! And it's very presumptuous of you to think that I want you as a champion, Human. ” the figure laughed, putting a certain tone of sarcasm in the word human.

"Do you have problems with humans?"

"No, of course not, it's just that you consider yourself… invincible." said the figure while playing with some fruit. Damian smiled as he set aside his freshly spiced meal and stared at the figure.

“A fight then? Is that what you want? Look, I'll let you know, the last time I saw something like this was with a god of war and an immortal Nordic god, do you really want to mess up with me? ” when the figure laughed at his joke a signal activated in his head, he ... got it?

"No Damian, I AM stronger than you, I don't need to spank you to prove it," laughed the figure, taking advantage of the dubious look that Damian gave to him, after a few seconds exchanging glances the figure stared at the sky and sighed with relief.

"It looks like Luna chose your little friend over you, well, again the universe screwing up with humans right?"

“If you don't want a champion, or a murderer, since you're that strong,” joked Damian, “what do you want then? Don't tell me it's about tips on how and when to invest in the stock exchange because I forgot that years ago! ”

"Help you out." said the figure, Damian spat on the floor and crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow in doubt.

“And do you expect me to believe? Come on you could… damn how I hate not seeing someone's face, can you undo that ridiculous disguise spell? ”

The figure shook her head in denial, but stopped after a few seconds and snapped her fingers and brown hair appeared and a female face showed. It's not possible, Damian whispered, staring at a young version of his own mother.

“Does this form help? Does it make you more comfortable? ” when Damian didn't answer, he just stared for a few seconds in pure disbelief, the figure continued, "calm down, boy, I'm not your mother!"

This phrase was enough to get him out of his trance, “c-change your form! You have no right to use her appearance!" shouted Damian getting up and getting ready to fight.

She in response raised her hands and quickly snapped her fingers again, and this time blonde hair emerged and her face changed a little bit, Damian stared at her for a few seconds trying to perceive the resemblance to another acquaintance, and after failing he snorted in revolt and sat back in the chair.

"Is this better?", questioned the figure with a female voice, Damian shrugged as he took an apple from the fruit basket and bit it.

"Go on, try to convince me, it will be fun." declared the human, finishing his apple and throwing the lump away into the void.

The now female figure clarified her voice and began, "I saw you in pain, and my heart broke with every cry of you, every tear and every cut or poison that that bitch used on you," said the figure never breaking eye contact.

All normal for now, Damian thought, this being one of the many speeches he has heard in his life.

“And I know, I know your time is running out Damian,” the human's eyes began to slowly expand with the realization of her statement, “Sparkle hurt you too much, more than her spell could protect you, in so many ways that her spell cannot predict what would happen.” Now the human was already standing, fists clenched and sweating slightly, does she know ?! Damian questioned himself with a dying fear of the answer.

"Yes I know." the figure nodded sadly, “I know that her tests led to two huge tumors in your chest, a small but developing tumor in your brain and the failure of some vital organs.

Damian's world collapsed, how ?! How did she know! He killed all the doctors who tested him! He felt his legs growing weak at the woman's statement.

"You have little time to live, a year if I'm not mistaken in the most optimistic of cases, that's if you use magic just a little" Damian's confusion soon turned into anger.

"It is?! Did you come here just to throw it in my face? ”

"No, I came to remind you that your world has the technology to save you, well, at least extend your life."

"It is? It is impossible, Discord blocked my world. ”

The figure laughed again, "not for me Damian, I am much more powerful than that chaos god, I can take you there, I can take you there now actually!" said the stranger, now eating some delicacies on the table.

“I don't need your help! You stink of gods, I don't want anything to do with people like you! I'm going to fix it!" shouted Damian moving away from her.

"Maybe," she shouted back, “but I don't think you stopped to think yet, your time is running out,” Damian ignored what she said, and would ignore everything she said, except one thing.

"What will your little Mia think when her daddy doesn't show up at her graduation?" Damian's eyes widened in accomplishment, Mia, he whispered.

“You took three years to find your universe in the last Equestria, how long will it take now? Two years? You don't have all that time, not to mention, of course, I can send Miranda to your universe too if you wish! Just ask. ”

Time, it's always time Damian cursed himself, "Fuck it, I've made contracts with the devil before, ok I accept, come on, say what you want." the figure laughed internally as Damian sat in the chair, it was her turn to get up.

“Call me Alpha,” she said pointing to her chest, “and what I ask is a simple request,” said Alpha snaking up to him, “something… futile for someone of your caliber,” she said walking backwards “kill!”

Damian rolled his eyes, congratulating and cursing himself internally, "Who?"

She put her arms tightly around his shoulders "FLUTTERSHY." she shouted in a demonic tone.

Damian's eyes widened, “wh-what? wait, can't it be another one? Don't you accept Rainbow? Or, I don't know, Celestia? ” Alpha shook his head.

“This world, this plagued ponies fucked with you Damian, and you still resist and try to empathize with them, it fills me with anger, kill her, kill her today! Kill her now! When you wake up! And only then will I be able to help you, and only then will I know that you hate them, hate them as much as I hate them, "the tightening in Damian's shoulders grew stronger," but if you refuse to help me, I beg you, when the day becomes night and the night becomes day, when the winds stop, when the sea dries up and the dead walk on land, don't get in my way. ”

As fast as the last word was said the world trembled, it was Luna, too late bitch, Alpha thought as she squeezed Damian's neck, breaking him, killing him, waking him up.

Damian stood up with fear and dread invading him, his neck he thought looking for the mirror, he looked at it, normal.

What the fuck, he thought as a word whispered in his mind, kill her, Damian, he swallowed a lump in his throat and left his room, every step seemed to shake the whole house, the wood creaking with the human's weight as he moved. approached Fluttershy's room, when his hand found the knob a small ball of fire appeared in his other hand, be quick, be precise he thought.

Swallowing another lump in his throat he slowly and silently opened the door, his necklace already glowing in alert for the human's actions, and when the door was opened he could see, the mare, the pegasus sleeping angelically in the bed, was Fluttershy, completely unaware of the human. I don’t have time, thought the human, I don’t have time for this shit to… start over, if I have a chance, no matter how small the chance is to go home, he thought, raising his left hand, the hand that carried the fireball, so I… I… I…

His vision blurred as he watched the only being in this universe that he couldn't hurt, she was kind to him, she… biting his lip and screaming internally in defeat, undoing the fireball and closing the door.

I can't do it, he whispered to himself , tears of anger and shame coming from his eyes as he slowly walked back to his room, the only window on the second floor revealing the moon still in the sky, he stared at her for a few seconds.

"Maria ... dear ... what do I do?" begged Damian to the moon.

"You made your choice!" a voice roared in his head, Damian looked around looking for her but finding nothing, a sudden urge to vomit followed by coughs invaded him, and when it passed blood resided in his hands, a reminder of how time never stops and that his is running out.

"Not her ... she, I can't hurt her." he cried.

Friends of mine.

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The warmth of the morning sun of my prestigious master and, I dare say after I ascended to a alicorn, friend, Princess, I mean, Celestia, was the best thing there was to wake a sleepy pony. what several cups of tea, coffee, or a mixture from the bottom of Tartarus could not do to wake you up, my master's splendid sun did in minutes.

I trot slowly towards Fluttershy's hut, both to take advantage of the maternal warmth that only the sun can provide, and to ponder my next actions, I have to help Damian, but I don't know what his problems are, besides the deicide against the princesses, myself, and apparently the Crystal Empire, I know too little of his actions.

Not to mention that sudden visit last night, I'm still digesting all the information, so my counterpart is alive, but how? Luna wants to see me right away and has already prepared a midday train for Canterlot, yet another reason to wake up and enjoy the day.

And last but not least, Starswirl's thirteenth prophecy, as far as I know, are only twelve and are nothing more than urban legends, tales for foals or the like, nothing proving the conclusion of such prophecies, in my humble expert opinion about such a wizard, it’s his only shame.

After long minutes of a relaxing and leisurely walk, where nopony approached me for being the princess, since at the moment I am Shining Sparkle, I arrived at Fluttershy's hut. With a quick look at the sky I check the time.

"Ok Twilight you have a few minutes to catch the train, let's do it fast."

I knock on the door a few times and start humming internally one of the many songs that Pinkie guaranteed would stick in my head while I wait for Fluttershy, who promptly warns that she would already open the door.

I look around, there are few animals, at this time it was for her entire yard to be full of cute pets as she likes to call them.

“H-hi? Oh, Twilight, come in. ”

I feel a chill run down my spine.

“F-Fluttershy! My name! ” I almost scream, trying to remedy the possible damage.

“It's okay, Damian is sleeping in the guest room, and unless I yell, ahmm, food? It will continue for a while.” She clarified while signaling me to enter, quickly I entered the house, looking around with a small part of me fearing that Damian would discover my identity and only Faust knows what he will do to me if he finds out.

After finishing her survey of the house and reluctantly sitting on the sofa, Twilight exhales in relief that Damian is nowhere to be seen, but a part of her remains alert to the stairs leading to the guest room, some of the things her counterpart has warned her about on the last night still fresh in his memory, 'don't let him get a time travel book!' Or 'the unforgivable crimes he committed!'

"What did he do ..."

Twilight is quickly pulled out of her trance when Fluttershy gently places a tray of milk and cookies on the table in the living room.

"I made some cookies if you don't mind." said Fluttershy, in an almost inaudible tone.

Twilight looks at one of the clocks on the wall, 11:42 am, she murmurs.

"I have time, so Fluttershy, why did you call me?" the shy, small smile that Fluttershy wore behind her pink mane soon dissolves as she delicately ate one of the cookies.

"I ... I don't know if I can do it Twilight."

"F-Fluttershy, my name please, he's in the upper room."

A look of annoyance formed on the mare's face, but she was hidden behind her mane and soon the annoyance was replaced by a mixture of shame and tiredness.

"I woke up last night, to drink water ... he was in his room, crying, and ... and cursing himself, he used all the offenses I know."

"He was cursing ..."

"Himself." said Fluttershy taking another cookie, "he hates himself Tw-Shining, he considers himself a badly-born, bas- bastard who doesn't deserve the air he breathes, and those are just some of the lightest!"

"Well, you are the best mare for this situation, I mean, your resume is quite large, correct?" Twilight jokes laughing a little, but Fluttershy didn't laugh back, she just looked at the stairs.

“And a psychologist? That's something that can be very useful now, isn't it? I mean, I want to be his friend, But I can't say I can do it, he hardly opens up to me. ”

"Maybe the idea of ​​a psychologist is not a bad thing... didn't he comment that he had something like that?"

Fluttershy lifted her hoof up to her chin and thought for a few seconds before agreeing to Twilight.

“So… this will be your job, find out who this psychologist is and we hope he is a pony, the first thing we have to do is to end his aversion to ponies, maybe reunite him with his friends, he had some right?"

Fluttershy quickly nodded, but promptly his wave became slower and slower until she started to whisper.

"One he scared to death, another he killed, and another he couldn't save."

Twilight followed her friend's gaze and soon met her gaze on a glass of milk.

“It is not the best of beginnings, but maybe you can change the things? I mean, if he finds his friends he can help them… not get hurt? Maybe it will even help him. ”

Fluttershy nodded, but said nothing, just took her glass and took a sip of milk.


“I don't know, when I helped Discord, he… I won't say that he wanted to be good, but he at least interacted with me, whether playing or similar, Damian, it seems that he doesn't want to talk to me more than necessary, and whenever he does, he ends up saying something that hurts him, usually about the past. ”

"I see, if you don't want to be with him here I-"

"No!" Fluttershy interrupted Twilight, "I want to help him, but it seems, it looks like he doesn't want to be helped, how do I do this Twilight, how, how do I help a pony who just doesn't want to be helped?"

Twilight looked slightly up and scratched her chin with her left hoof, after taking a cookie with her magic and eating it she declared.

“Maybe, maybe Miranda is a good start, she knows him like, heavens, like a daughter knows a father. You guys are going to the hospital to get her right? ”

Fluttershy waves while taking another sip of milk.

"Want to go with us? We will go at noon to pick her up, a friend of his will be there, Dr. Silk Touch. ”

“I'd love to, but I have to take a train,” Twilight looks at the wall and looks at the clock for a brief moment, “and I'm already on my schedule apparently."

With a heavy sigh she gets up and fixes her mane with magic, Fluttershy looks at her for a brief moment.

"I trust in you Fluttershy, but if anything happens, just talk to Spike, he'll be at the castle, okay?"

Fluttershy hesitates for one moment before waving.

When Twilight left the hut, and Fluttershy started to collect the tray, a human, Damian, sighed at the top of the stairs leaning against the wall, invisible all the time to both mares, and when the conversation was over he headed for his room so quietly as when him left it.

Anxiety, anxiety is the best word to describe what Fluttershy was feeling now, anxious to help him, afraid that she will fail, that because of her, because of her failure, Damian may have a relapse, that because of her failure to become friends something bad happens to his friends or Damian, but with a heavy, hopeful sigh she put the dishes in the sink and prepared for perhaps one of the most difficult missions of her life. Wake up Damian.

As she climbed the stairs she quickly noticed the plate of food she left on his bedroom door, basically all the food was still there, except for a small loaf of bread and chicken breast.

"He really likes meat."

Gently picking up the plate with her wing, Fluttershy placed it gently on a desk that was next to the room.

"Wait ... didn't I put the plate on the desk instead of the floor?"

After a short period of pondering, the mare shrugged before opening the door.

“Ahmm, hello? Damian, can you please wake up? There's… there's food down there. ”

Curious, thought Fluttershy, the room smelled strange, funny, even thinking about all the incense that her friend Rarity had used or similar, nothing came close to this essence, and most alarmingly, Damian was nowhere.

Following her snout, Flutershy quickly found the culprit for this essence that permeated the room. Near the window are a few pieces of burnt paper, and coincidentally some of the leaves on the plant that Damian brought yesterday were gone.

"Oh poor thing, I hope Angel didn't do that, Damian would be--"

However, before she could finish this sentence a violent knock on the door caught her attention, her whole body stiffened as she trembled for a few seconds and very slowly turned her face to see the door, only to find Damian staring at her with folded arms, a frown on his face.

"D-Damian, Faust you almost scared me to death, please don't do this anymore."

"Who let you in?"

"W-well, this is my home."

The frown on Damian's face quickly disappeared as he shrugged.

"fair enough."

“S-Sorry, I didn't mean to offend! Do not misunderstand me!"

“Ok, I know, just, knock on the door ok? Humans, especially men who sleep in a room alone and without a lock, do not like someone entering their room so suddenly. ”

"Is that, something territorial?" the human looked to the side, feeling a drop of sweat forming on his forehead.

"O-Of course, territorial stuff, humans are territorial, so ... are you going to start knocking on the door?"

Fluttershy immediately nodded with each word and after he finished speaking she started looking around seeing what he had done with the room, basically everything was the same, except for the open book next to a nightstand and his suitcases.

"Sorry, I didn't want to enter your territory so suddenly, I hope you will forgive me."

"Okay, I don't really care about that, but don't go into my room without knocking."

Fluttershy nodded again before sniffing the air again, feeling that essence emanating from Damian again.

"Are you… are you using perfume?"

Damian laughed at the statement for a few seconds, held up a piece of his clothes and sniffed a little.

"Nah, this is marijuuuuuuu-"


“-Uuuuu, fuck it, I'm not good at this, do you know catnip?” Fluttershy nodded while sniffing the air again, "It's like that, but for humans, it makes us kind of zen and helps ... to relax."

"I understand, and is it called mariju?"

“Yes, of course, didn't I make that obvious? He he, of course...”

"Okayyy ... and I believe your mariju is this little plant here." said Fluttershy pointing her hoof to the plant that lacked some leaves. ” Damian shrugged.

"So, are you gonna leave my room or what?"

Fluttershy stared at him for a few seconds before his sentence struck.

“S-sorry! I just came to tell you that we are going to the hospital soon, that's all. ”

"Yes, I know."

Fluttershy waved quickly and trotted out of the room, she turned and faced him for a few seconds, she wanted to say something, anything, and Damian was staring at her, waiting.

Then she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out, Damian shrugged and closed the door.

For a few seconds Fluttershy stared at the door in astonishment that he had closed the door.

"I won't be long, just give me a few minutes okay?"

"Okay ..."

When she was about to go down the stairs she realized that the bathroom door was ajar, 'Was he there?'
entering the bathroom she quickly begins to analyze the room, he turned it all over, thought Fluttershy staring at the medicine pots out of place, he tried to disguise it, but Fluttershy is a meticulous mare, and she clearly remembers the order in which she keeps the medicines and they are clearly out of order.

After analyzing that no medicine was missing, she gives up and returns to her adventure of going down the stairs, but not before organizing her medicines.

Holy shit, fuck, she went into the bathroom, god I hope she doesn't open the toilet, it would be a disaster.

I move closer to the door, placing my ear against it and stay there until I hear the mare going down the stairs. I sigh with relief.

I turned and walked over to my little-joy-plant and tore off a leaf.

“To shit that this is going to last a month”

I roll the leaf up to form a tube, walk towards the bed and I pull a leaf from a book that was on the nightstand and ready, behold my newest work!

I snap my fingers and a small flame appears at the tip of my finger, I light the joint and take a drag.

"Fuck this is so good ..."

I sat on the bed and took another drag and I blew the smoke to the ceiling.

"It's Doc, I'm going ... fuck what I'm going to, what in hell."


I look at the window and I can see… she, that bitch staring at me, a sick grin on her face, after the cold in my spine has passed and my heart rate has stabilized I take another drag and throw the weed against the window.

"Fuck you too." I blow the rest of the smoke against the window and get up and walk towards the door.

"You killed him Spencer, killed him when you tried to kill yourself, killed him when you killed his son, and you're going to kill him again, heh heh, you're going to kill ..."

"I know, I-" shrug and keep walking as I repeat to myself. "the past is past, leave the past in the past."

After getting rid of my toilet incident and using some perfumes to cover up my stink of marijuana, I walk down the stairs.

Fluttershy was on the couch reading something but got up when he heard me coming down the stairs.

"Are you ready?"

"I don't know if I should go, I mean, if the doctor is there ... I think I will stay."

Her eyes widened slightly.

"B-but you have to go, I ne- I mean, it would be good to see him again right?"


"Please," is she begging? " and your daughter? Won't you want to be there when she is discharged? ” and she knows how to beg. Time for some Business.

"With a condition." I say raising a finger while I smile.

"And is?"

"One thing, I want something from you, if you give it to me, I'll participate in whatever you're up to."

“I-I don't know, wanting something in return for… wait what? What you want? Can you tell me?"


"Oh ..." she looks confused for a few seconds, then she blushes furiously.

"Calm down, hold your horses, it's something material, physical, like an ahmm, cup."

"O-o-okay I-I g-got it." damn, she really thought I… fuck.

"B-but I-I-" she stops, sits down and takes a deep breath.

"Best now?"

"Y-yes, thank you, it's just that you caught me off guard, that's all."

"You who thought things, I am married,have some dignity woman!"

"S-sure, sorry," she puffed out her chest and tried to smile confidently but failed miserably.

"Damian, can you, uhmm, promise me something?" oh, so she wants to play that game is it?


“Can you, ahmm, try to be good? I know you don't like ponies, and everything, but the ponies here are different, we want to help you, so I wanted to know if you are trying or… you are not. ”

I laughed internally, she is ... the word is not cute, it is ... adorable, dangerously innocent, ahh how she will be in a few years.

"I don't know, this good-boy-things seems too much to me, leaving the past is one thing, now being GOOD is quite another."

She looks at me with those puppy dog ​​eyes, her ears bended and her lip quivering slightly.

"I start to be, well, in a month!" I yell out.

"One week!" she almost screamed, which surprised me a lot considering who she is.

"Two weeks more meat every Saturday!" I retort as I cross my arms and lift my shoulders trying to look bigger.

"One week, more meat every Saturday and I owe you one more favor." hmm she knows how to negotiate, damn shy-girl-stereotype.

"Nope, well, a week and, all of that you said MORE a regular stock of mariju." I hit the table to emphasize my point, she jumps in fear at the noise, I smile, I'm winning.

"Starts today." I raise an eyebrow.

"And?" she straightened up and smiled at me.

"And you would make me happy." DAMN she used the big weapons.

"I'm touched, but?" she rolls her eyes while laughing.

"I get you meat EVERY day." damn lady who sells your body for monetary purposes, yep she did it. I call it a tie.

I extend my hand, she stares for a few seconds before understanding, and extends her hoof.

"We have a deal?"

She waved, I smiled as I walked towards the door, man, she knows how to negotiate, what her parents' work was...

I sigh until I don't feel any more air in my lungs.

I close the door and Damian opens the way for me to pass, I smile at him, and he makes a gesture as if he takes off a hat and he starts walking, I quickly follow him laughing at his games.

"So Fluttershy, how; how is Miranda going?"

"Well, sh-"

"I know it's weird for me to say that now." He said speeding up the pace. "Usually I was expected to talk about it yesterday, but they said it was just a cold." he stops, "hope I do not seem insensitive."

By heaven, I laughed to myself, he has a heart, after all!

"No Damian, you just was-"

"Because I never stay away from her for so long, you know? I mean yes, but I don't like to lose sight of her, and if something happens? " he interrupts me by walking even faster, I have to trot to keep up with him.

"Y-you was really excited for -uff-, 'y-you better go without -uff- me'."

"N-no, it's just that I normally asked Bloody to let me know how Miranda was doing, every four hours I asked for a report."

"-Uff- a-and?" I feel my hooves shaking from trotting.

“and when- '

"Sorry to bo-bother you, but can you slow down? "He stops his little run and stares at me, from the smile on his face I can only say that I am a mess.

"Ok sorry; I didn't even realize I was running. ” I wave, taking advantage of this pause to breathe, that burning sensation in my muscles disappearing slightly. Applejack was right, I need to do more exercises.

We kept walking for a few seconds, but he was almost having a thing! What happened?

"So? Will you finish that sentence? What do you miss, Bloody? ” he waves. "What did she tell you?"

"Well, when Miranda was a kid, someone had to take care of her when I left the town to do some... things."

"Was she a nanny?"

"Ohhh boy, if Bloody heard that, bah, it would be crazy, but no, she was, she was a friend." he touches his ring finger for a few seconds. "And she always keeps me updated on what Miranda did, so I ... I ..."

"You?" I said getting closer to him, taking advantage of the fact that he was no longer running.

"I woke up last night, I don't know what happened to me, I do this often, I thought I was in the other Equestria, you know?" I nodded. "Then I tried to contact her, talk to her and ask where Miranda was, then I realized.”

"Did you notice what?"

“That I abandoned her there. She must be crazy with me, I… shit. ”

"C-calm down Damian, don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault."

"I know, it's just that I feel worthless with this shit!" he exclaims while holding the necklace. “This plus the fact that I am without the horns, I feel vulnerable, weak, what if something happens? What if someone tries to attack Miranda? How will I protect her! And if- ”

“ Shhhh. ” I cover his mouth with my hoof. "Nobody is going to hurt your little princess, you have my word."

He mumbles something but I don't understand, I remove my hoof and he smiles.

"Much better."

"Sorry! I didn't mean to invade your space or something."

"Okay, I was almost having an attack there, thanks."

He stares at me for a few seconds before his eyes go wide, I follow his gaze and see a small stone on the floor; he picks it up and squeezes it for a few seconds.

"Remember when I said I would be a good boy?" I nodded slowly, not liking the tone of his voice.

"It will begin." he presses the stone more tightly against his chest and raises a leg. "NOW!" he screams as he turns and tosses the stone against a cloud, as soon as the rock hits it a metallic sound echoes and a pegasus starts to plummet as his partner flies to catch him.

"D-Damian ?!"

"Run!" When he yelled that and I looked at him I realized that he was already gone a bit, the moment I made my first step I remember a very curious fact about me that was almost enough for me to be angry with myself. I’m a pegasus!

I start flying to keep up with him, I keep getting behind, barely keeping up with his pace, but this is better than trying to keep up with him on hoof.

When I get close to him and I think it's because he's running more slowly, I realized that he is laughing wildly, several ponies staring at him suspiciously but returning to his duties when they saw me.

I look back, both pegasi, who I now perceive to be royal guards due to the golden armor, are in the air stunned and talking to each other. The one who was hit by the stone descended slightly while removing the helmet.

"D-Damian, I think you-" but before I could finish speaking I felt something holding me and pulling me into an alley.

As soon as he lets go I see him breathing heavily and stealthily looking at the guards, he leaned against the wall and peered as if he had done it several times already, and something told me he did.


He raised a finger against his lips and asked for silence. We continued like this for a few moments, hidden in the shadow of two buildings, making silence while he spied on the guards. When I tried to imitate him, he pushed me away from the corner of the building with his foot, never breaking eye contact with the guards and laughing internally.

Until he finally pulled away from the wall, curious I spy what he was looking at so fiercely and soon notice the guards' absence.

Damian laughed wildly like a foal that got out of trouble. "Jeez, this one passed close eh eh."


"Shhh, it's going to ruin our hideout!" he laughed as he peered out of the alley again. “I think they left, did you see that? His helmet broke in two! With one stone! I'm still on the track, baby! "

" Who were they? " I ask as I spy again with him in search of the pegasus.

"Royal guards?" he replies, I can almost hear the sound of a glass breaking comically as I feel my left eye twitch involuntarily.

"You attacked royal guards!"

"Yes?" he replied casually,

"Weren't them, I don't know, bad guys or something? Were they real guards at the behest of the princesses?"

He just shrugs before picking up another stone on the floor.

"No, young man, you can drop this stone now!" he stares at me, still touching the stone on the floor, pondering whether he should pick up the stone or not, but in the end he lets go with a sigh.

"I don't like guards, and they've been following me since I arrived."

"But it's their job." he smiles, oh no that smile.

"And I'm making their job more difficult, come on, will you say that this race was not fun?"

“I almost had a heart attack! I thought we were being attacked or something! ” he waves.

"Yes, my dignity and privacy was attacked and come on, stop it, I didn't even kill him, I aimed at the helmet not in his face." what?!


"Shit, wrong word, hurt him violently and irreversibly until he has a deadly desire to kill himself?" He says closing one eye and spying on me with the other, using his hands as a shield between me and him.

I sigh, calm Fluttershy, this must be how he has fun, and he is talking a lot, is he taking the first step? Oh Celestia this is good right? I hope so. Ok Fluttershy don't ruin this moment, just-

“Let's go, they already lost us.” and I missed the moment, yay ...

Here we are, the hospital. I wave to the receptionist as I approach her, Damian for his part is studying the walls and murmuring something about beige and paint.

"Miss Fluttershy?" said the receptionist, a sky-blue unicorn.

"Hi, is the doctor Silk Touch here?"

"Well, yes, sorry, do you have any scheduled time?” she said as she held up a clipboard and analyzed its contents.

I looked for Damian, he was ... he was sitting and talking to a black pegasus. After memorizing the pegasus face, I turn my attention back to the receptionist.

She was casting a spell, her horn shone as a small blue orb floated in front of her, her lips moved but she made no sound.

A communication spell, short-range and can, if the caster wants, be private, at least that's what I believe that is, this is a unicorn thing. But I think Twilight has already commented on it.

"He will see you, room 2-B." I thank her and start walking towards the living room, I turn around and see Damian and that pegasus commenting on a book the pegasus was holding, Gary Hoof hum?

"Damian, hamm, come on?" he stops his conversation and turns to me and waves his hand for me to go,

"Go ahead, I ... I'm going ok?" I wave and warn him the room Miranda was in before leaving.

After a quick walk I arrive in room 2-B, I prepare to enter when the door suddenly opens and Dr. Silk Touch is there, sweating and rummaging in some roles frantically.

"Miss Fluttershy." He whispers. I nod.

His eyes stare at the papers nimbly, he peeks out of his office discreetly, turns and trots quickly towards his office window and starts looking for something, after a sigh of relief he approaches me. When I was about to ask about this he interrupted me.

"Follow me."


We walked for a while and stopped in front of the room where Miranda was hospitalized, I looked around for Damian, but he either came in, or he hasn't shown up yet.

"Miss Fluttershy." he said in a wistful tone, his eyes flying between the papers as he raised a pen and scribbled some of the papers.


"I… Is Miss Miranda's father ... in the hospital?" I raised an eyebrow at his question, but his expression demanded an answer.

"Yes." I say silently as I hide from the look he gave me, terror invades him as he sits on the floor, the papers faltered and almost fell to the floor.


"Doctor, what happened?"

He sighs as he levitates a letter in my direction, I take it and open it.

"It belongs to a friend of mine, he specializes in dragons and the like." I nod as I start to read the letter. “He thought I was kidding when he said that she had less than two percent mana per blood cell. A dragon goes into shock and passes out if it has less than ten percent, she had one point two, for lack of a better word, according to him, she was a corpse. ” I feel a chill go up my spine.

"She ..."

"She got worse, went from one point two to zero point seven, I checked it at night ... I asked no one to see her because..."

"D-doctor ..." I feel my voice quivering, breaking as I finish reading the letter , the information was correct, Faust…

“She is…”

“I don't know… damn it, didn't you receive the letter I sent you? I sent it earlier today! ”

Meanwhile, in a hut on the edge of Ponyville and the Everfree forest, a gray pegasus slammed into the ground violently, but she left the little crater intact. shaking her head and cleaning her wallet hat she smiles victoriously as she picks up a letter with a very large, red stamp written urgently.

"What can go wrong due to just one hour late?" She hums as she delivers the letter and flies towards the next delivery.

"No ..."

"Ahh Celestia I'm going to die!" he screams as he cringes using the clipboard to hide his face from the windows.

"Doctor, calm down!"

“CALM A SHIT! HER FATHER! HE'S HERE IS HE NOT ?! DRAGONS ARE REVENGEOUS! I-I TRIED! CAN YOU TALK TO HIM THAT I TRIED ?! ” he was hysterical, he was shaking and sobbing.

"She-- calm doctor, she's fine, for Celestia's sake tell me she is!" I hold him by the shoulders, his hysteria contaminates me, I feel my heart racing, this, this cannot be happening!

He was shaking everything, but he took a deep breath and weakly stood up, the doctor inside him taking control, but the rear hooves were visibly shaking.

He put the hoof on the door and looked quickly at the windows, then at me. He put his forehead against the door as he started to pray, he spent a few seconds saying an entire prayer before opening the door very slowly.

She is fine, I tell myself, it is just a cold… heaven…

I approach the doctor, he is breathing heavily and hesitantly, but after a few seconds of hesitation he opens the door.

The doctor was nervous, she was his first patient officially in Ponyville and she was terminally ill, she was not even a pony and had a dragon father who will be furious when he receives the bad news. I am a dead pony, the doctor thought incessantly.

When the door opened, the doctor glanced at Fluttershy, and noticed her nervousness, and for the second time that day he cursed the cross-eyed postman who hadn't taken his letter to Miss Fluttershy.

Looking inside at what he believed to be a dragon on his deathbed, if he wasn't already dead, he was surprised to see the messy stretcher and no dragon on it.

Soon the fear and dread for his life was replaced by a genuine concern for Miranda.

He quickly approaches the hospital stretcher, leaving Fluttershy stunned at the door and investigating the site, many of the devices and life supports, including the mana transfusion bag were attached to the pillow, which in turn emanated an aura that prevented alert doctors if the patient has a relapse.

Several thoughts swept through Silk Touch's mind in the few seconds he faced that pillow, but a gurgling noise caught his attention.

Looking at the room again he notices near one of the tables, more specifically the table where the clothes Miranda was wearing when she arrived and the one she was going to wear when she left, was on the floor the clothes she was wearing. Two normal-sized patient clothes for ponies stuck together to accommodate her anatomy, and there were her clothes, some tears and a noticeable hole in the back.

Silk Touch felt his pressure drop slightly, but a gurgling noise and a female voice screaming in a non-equestrian language caught his attention again. Walking slowly to the bathroom, occasionally looking back to try to persuade Fluttershy to follow him, but she was too busy watching the empty stretcher, then the doctor continued.

A few inches from the door, he heard an overwhelmingly feminine scream, swallowing a lump of saliva, he used his magic and opened the door.

A sapphire blue dragon was staring at a mirror with her arms resting on the sink, some scars caught the doctor's attention, one very ugly near her neck and the other on the joint of her wings.

"Miranda?" whispered the doctor hopefully, praying to Celestia to be Miranda over there, since she without her clothes seemed strangely out of place.

Her eyes widened as she tossed several pots of medicine previously stolen from her room into the sink. She shouts out something in another language and turns to face the doctor.

They both stay like that, frozen, for a few seconds until she slowly raises a claw and points at him, then a few seconds of silence follows.

Instantly she blushed, her sapphire blue scales quickly becoming the most vivid red that Silk Touch had ever seen and he considers himself an experienced surgeon.

"PERVERTED! SEXIST! MANIAC! ” she shouted furiously as she used one of her arms to hide her chest and her tail moved quickly to hide her groin area, astonished, the doctor stared at her in fright for a few seconds, then Miranda started to throw everything she found with her free arm , from brushes to glass cups.

As soon as the first cylinder broke within inches of his ear, the doctor understood the message and withdrew quickly while being followed by everything Miranda managed to get his claws on.

Fluttershy watched in fright as the doctor ran away from the bathroom door, and more frightened by the glass cups that almost hit the doctor a couple of times.

"It's her!" he shouted as he levitated some trays and hospitalar sheets to create a shield around him.

"Miranda?" questioned Fluttershy without taking his eyes off the bathroom.

"Certainly." replied the doctor as he finished building his fortress and read some of his papers.

“Miranda? Is everything okay over there?" asked Fluttershy, approaching the corner of the room where the bathroom door was ajar.

A non-equestrian murmur emanated from the bathroom, although understanding nothing, Fluttershy could feel shame in his words.

"Sorry I-"

"GIVE ME MY GOD DAMMIT CLOTHES!" shouted Miranda while still in the bathroom.

Fluttershy nodded even though Miranda was unable to see her and quickly grabbed the clothes Rarity had made for her. As she approached the door, Miranda's claw went outside waiting for the clothes Fluttershy delivered.

As soon as Miranda felt the fabric touch her claws she quickly tore the clothes off Fluttershy's lips and started to dress herself.

After a few moments of waiting, the sound of glass hitting glass and a flush. , Miranda came out of the bathroom,

Fluttershy was surprised by her clothes, it fit her perfectly and the blue and purple contrast perfectly matched Miranda’s blue scales, but what most caught the mare's attention were some parts of the outfit that looked empty or even torn, more specifically the parts which should’ve gems,plus the fact that Miranda is chewing something and she is with a half-eaten sapphire in her hand didn't help the situation.

Rarity is gonna be mad when she find this out, thought Fluttershy.

Miranda looked around and her eyes fixed on the small fortress of fabric and pillows made by the doctor. After feeling what she believes to be an aneurysm, Miranda shook her head.

"What did you see?" asked Miranda in a threatening voice.

After a few seconds of hesitation, the doctor's head came out of the castle.

"Are you okay, Miss Miranda?”

"Miss is the fuck, what tha heck did ya see?" Miranda threatened as she finished eating the gem in her hand.

"Sorry!" the doctor shouted softly. "I was worried, I swear, hamm, I didn't see anything." replied the doctor cautiously as he thought about the medicines that were in the sink when he saw her.

Miranda waved as she massaged her eyes, the sickness still permeating her body.

"What word was that?" asked Fluttershy curiously trying to break the tension in the air.


"When the doctor saw you."

"sexist?" Miranda raised an eyebrow

"This one!" pointed out Fluttershy. "What does this word mean?"

"Do not know." Miranda shrugged. “Damian once told me that I should shout this if any man saw me naked, it's something human, I didn't quite understand what he meant.”

"Is it a bad thing?"

"Yeep, it's a kinda bad if I'm not mistaken."

After answering Fluttershy's question, Miranda stared at the doctor for a few seconds, "are you going to get out of there or what?"

"Y-Yes of course.” said the doctor as he undid his fort and organized his papers.

"By Christ." declared Miranda as she sat down on her stretcher. "You guys suck, you know?" said Miranda as she faced Fluttershy.

When she realized Fluttershy had flown and hugged her, surprised Miranda almost hurt the mare.

"Watch out, you don't fly like that on top of others!" cried Miranda indignantly, but when Fluttershy's mane moved out of the way and Miranda saw her face full of tears she stopped her almost said offenses.

"I-I-I th-thought you we-were going t-to die!" cried Fluttershy, which was enough to make the dragon blush slightly.

“Didn't I tell you before? I have had fevers worse than this one and that is not what would end me. ” smiled victorious Miranda. “And besides, get yourself together! You are a grown mare. ”

"Worse?" questioned Silk Touch surprised approaching both while reading their papers.

"Hi Silk." said Miranda, rolling her eyes in disregard.

The doctor blinked a few times, surprised that she knew his name, but ignored the fact and coughed to clear his throat.

"Miss Miranda, I, how much worse have you been?" Miranda sighed as she looked at Fluttershy.

"Much worse, when I was little and Damian went to see some changelings I almost died, Bloody Novel was going crazy while she thought I was going to die, ahh, those were good times."

“MIRANDAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! IT'S DADDY! WHERE ARE YOU PRINCEEEEESS ?! ” Damien's voice was heard in the distance, Silk Touch felt a weight lift off his shoulders, Fluttershy looked at the doctor and wiped away his tears while smiling cheerfully, but Miranda felt a chill down her spine.

"Don't tell me it's him." whispered Miranda as she looked at the doctor.

"Yes?" replied Fluttershy confused.

Instantly Miranda ran awkwardly and put her body against the door and pointed a claw at the doctor, who in turn felt his concern return and lowered his ears.

“which part of, don't you bring Damian here with this doctor here you didn't understand ?! Miranda whispered as she tried to scream.

"Well, they are friends.”

"We are?" asked the doctor confused.

"Miranda dear, guess who arrived!" joked Damian on the other side of the door as he tried to open it.

"I'm dressing up dad."

"Oh, okay, but hurry up there." replied Damian despondently.

Moving away from the door, Miranda approaches Fluttershy while glaring at the doctor.

"which part did you not understand?" whispered Miranda


"which part did you not understand?" Miranda raised her tone.

"Sorry, but- I." replied Fluttershy looking at the floor.

"I should-" Miranda almost finished the sentence when she felt something, sighing she approaches one of the emergency cabinets and takes a knife, lightly touches the tip and looks at the other occupants of the room, Silk swallowed dryly a lump of air in her throat as she felt her legs shake as he screams internally: this is just my second day here ...

Fluttershy was too busy looking at the floor to notice the knife in Miranda's hands.

After a few seconds looking into the room Miranda threw the knife, the doctor flinched with fright and Fluttershy woke from his guilt with the sound of the blade flying. What none of them noticed was the knife hitting the door, almost half of it had gone through.

"Dad, privacy please."

"Okay, jeez, you've been training, right?" said Damian as he walked away from the door that he once leaned and peeked at, narrowly escaping the knife that had driven a few inches above his head.

Sighing, Miranda sat and did signal for Fluttershy to come closer.

“I know you want to help, but this!” Miranda pointed to the doctor, "This is going to end badly."

"But aren't they friends?" asked Fluttershy timidly again.

"Are we?" replied again the doctor in horror as he stared at the knife in the door.

"You know what?" said Miranda. “You won, you can call him, if you think you know what is better to him than me, if you think they’re going to play chess or some shit like that, go ahead, I won’t stop you, he is already here. "

"Speak as if that were a bad thing." Miranda just shrugged and looked at the window,

Fluttershy approached the door pondering what Miranda said, wondering what could be worrying Miranda, they are friends, so Damian didn't kill the doctor ... so he is the therapist, the one that ran away or the helper ...

Fluttershy puts her hoof on the door and turns to Miranda who ignored her while looking at the window, the doctor was scribbling on his papers while looking at Miranda.

"Let's do it." whispered Fluttershy as she smiled.

The door opened and there was Damian, standing a few inches from the door with his arms crossed, when he saw Fluttershy he raised an eyebrow but shrugged as he walked in.

The doctor noticed Damian and a confusion invaded him, Miranda just sighed and stood up while forcing a smile,

Fluttershy thought he was going to talk to the doctor, but he went straight and hugged Miranda so hard that Fluttershy wondered if they were one day or years without seeing each other. After the hug ended he started looking her up and down looking for something wrong, Miranda blushed.

"Stop Damian, I'm fine, it’s just a fever."

After scanning her again, he sighs in relief and a tear forms in his eyes.

"I don't know what I would do if something happened to you, daughter." declared Damian, Miranda just laughed while sitting on the stretcher.

"I think your Tuesdays would be better." Miranda said as she laughed.

Although Damian didn't even like to imagine losing his daughter, she smiled at his comment.

"That was a good one." he said. "But never suggest something like that again, okay?" After Miranda nodded, Damian let out a sigh that he had been holding all day, with a quick, last look, he analyzed Miranda once more before turning to the doctor.

Now the shit goes to the fan, thought Damian.

Royal problems

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A yawn, a yawn was all that escaped Twilight's lips as she took advantage of the sweet breeze coming from the train's ajar window and enjoyed the maternal warmth of the sun.

After several minutes propped up in her seat and enjoying the moment, a dry cough from one of the train attendants caught the attention of the alicorn.

“Princess, sorry to interrupt but, your highness needs something? juice? a drink? Maybe some snacks? ” asked a brown unicorn wearing a typical red uniform that train officials usually wear, and the nervousness in his voice was almost palpable.

After politely denying the stallion's offer, Twilight decided to seize the moment and spread her wings a little and enjoyed that she was no longer in 'Shining Sparkle' mode.

"A whole train just for me, very discreet Luna, very discreet ..." After finishing what Twilight likes to call, thinking out loud, she decides to look at her car, a single stallion sits at the other end and because of his clothes Twilight thinks him to be some noble , but Twilight can't say which. Maybe some lesser noble?

The high-pitched sound of the train echoed highly, drawing an uncomfortable look from both the noble and Twilight.
Mental note, lower train-horns, Twilight thought as she stared back at the landscape in her seat, reflecting on her day, and her dream.

"that was real, right? I hope it is, I-" the loud thoughts of Twilight were interrupted when she noticed something in her reflection, something strange, she was seeing herself, but her reflection's face was, tired, and with some scars that Twilight knew she didn’t have.

She moved her hoof towards her face and felt her heart freeze when her reflection didn’t follow her, a flutter of wings and Twilight noticed that her reflection lacked one of the wings. Slowly the tired eyes turned into… pity, then joy.

Twilight gulped, lifted her hoof again and tried to touch the reflection, only when her hoof was inches from the glass, the shrill sound of the train's whistle announced its arrival at Canterlot, deafeningly louder this time, Twilight was unable to avoid folding her ears and closing her eyes due to the sound.

after shaking her head and blinking a few times she looked at her reflection again, everything was… normal.
"What a day ..." announced Twilight as she got up and walked towards the exit.

After getting off the train and taking a deep breath Twilight sighed serenely, she was at home. once again stretching her wings and taking off the crown and placing it elegantly on its mane Twilight prepared for the long and tedious journey to the castle. since, the entire city was in magical quarantine, which includes teleport spells.

When the first step was taken, a shout made the mare stop immediately. looking at the source of the voice she can see two reformed changelings wearing armor of the royal guard and galloping towards her. protocols, murmured Twilight, not even I can escape from them.

Only when both, apparently stallions approached Twilight, did she notice the nervousness and caution on their faces.
“Hi-hi princess, I-I hope you d-don't mind if u-us, ME, do a quick test. "

Twilight raised an eyebrow at the changeling, but shrugged. what she, however, didn't expect was his nervousness to increase considerably, he was shaking!

"Forgive my little brother Princess Twilight, it's his first day here in the royal guard, and he was lucky enough to ... interview your magestity." joked the older changeling laughing at his brother, but never taking his eyes off Twilight.

"Well, I was in a hurry to meet Princess Luna, my dear guards, I don't know if you were informed, but my presence was requested as soon as possible. . ” said Twilight trying to use her princess title, something she rarely do.

"I am sorry, but I am obliged to insist that your highness pass the test." Said the older changeling, looking at Twilight more deeply, his voice carrying seriousness and a blue aura surrounding his sword hilt..


“HOW DARE YOU!” A pony screamed behind Twilight, who soon turned out to be the noble who was in the same car as her.

"Sir-" tried to speak the younger changeling, but was promptly interrupted.

"SILENCE! You are talking to a noble! Put yourself in your place.” said the pony as he approached, when he passed Twilight he smiled at the princess and looked back at the changelings.

"Your highness." the older changeling began to speak while standing between the noble and his younger brother. “We are guards at the service of the crown, this is a standard procedure due to-”

"Silence, don't talk to me as if I don't understand what you're talking about, I even understand going through such humiliation as a vow of ... good faith." said the noble laughing, "but I refuse to let my princess go through this, I demand royal guards!"

"But sir, we-" tried to justify the minor changeling.

"Real guards." said the noble, raising his voice and touching their armor with disgust.

Twilight was about to end the argument between them, the last thing she wanted was to deal with a noble wanting to impress her and two changelings guards in trouble, however, the sound of metal cutting through the air caught her attention.

A blink of an eye was the time that Twilight had, she reflexively closed her eyes and her horn lit up with a purple aura and a protective aura appeared around the neck of the noble who was breathing heavily.

When Twilight shyly opened her eyes to assess the situation, she was surprised to see the sword not embedded in her protective aura, but a few inches away from the noble's neck.

Amazement was visible on the stallion's face, his mouth half-open and his left eye quivering nervously in a mixture of astonishment and indignation.

"Your Highness." said the larger Changeling, still levitating his sword an inch from the noble.

"HOW DARE YOU?!?!?! you know who I am? Do you know who my cousin is? dare to raise a sword for me, you CHANGETHING! ” many other offenses were handed down to the guards. The noble glared at them with his eyes varying between them and the sword a few centimeters from his throat for long seconds. The older changeling kept his sword, however, his magic never left the hilt of his sword.

"Princess! I demand that you take action, these ... these things, they dared to threaten me! I even offered them my good faith, but they just crossed the line! I demand that they be judged for treason to the crown! ”

And I failed miserably to avoid conflict ... again ... yay. After cursing herself for never being able to fulfill her princess duties, Twilight gets up and approaches them. After staring at the coat of arms on the noble's clothes for a brief moment Twilight realized who he was, he was a big fish, in fact, his cousin was a big fish and the last thing Twilight, a young and inexperienced princess wants is a problem with the ten noble houses of Canterlot.

"Well, sir, canterlot is in quarantine due to a recent event, we are just doing our job, I hope you understand princess." stated the biggest changeling while looking at Twilight again.

"Quarantine? But for the Tartaro with this, what happened? Sombra came back? Did Discord go crazy again? ” cried the enraged noble, his eyes fixed on the older changeling and the magical aura around his sword.

This was the opportunity that Twilight was waiting for, coughing she approached the guards. lightly puffing out her chest, just enough for someone with sharp eyes, like a noble to notice, the princess spoke.

"Well, it would be good to know the reason for this, quarantine, please soldiers, explain yourself." said Twilight, trying to show seriousness and discipline. She knew the reason for this quarantine, but the noble did not and like any noble, he was easily impressed by the attitude of Twilight, he smiling as if he won this dispute.

The biggest changeling raised an eyebrow. Twilight should’ve known the reason, since she was in Canterlot when it was announced. the magical grip on his sword intensifies even more.

With a heavy sigh, the older changeling looks at his brother and waves.

“Well, our mother-” a strong and quick slap came from the biggest changeling. the youngest looked frightened and understood what his eyes said, it was a warning, a reminder, times have changed.

However it was not fast enough for the other ponies not to notice. the noble murmured some offenses and Twilight was lost in her thoughts.

“Sorry, I, ahmm, our… ex-queen, Chrysalis, was spotted in Canterlot a few days ago, but it was said that she got on this train today, we are doing a search on all passengers, our moth-queen can hide even from us, that's why we are doing a search sir, I apologize if we were rude, abused or similar, but we are dealing with an individual… quite dangerous. ”

"I don't care, I won't be searched by guys like you, I demand real guards, the same applies to the princess obviously." said the noble, unmoved by the guards' apologies or requests.

"Go get the guards, Moth, I'll stay with them while you go." stated the bigger changeling , his eyes fixed on Twilight.

"But just no-"

"Go at once, I'll be fine." Maath smiled gently at his younger brother.

The minutes passed, and the tension between the noble and Maath only grew, the noble was ready to curse him, offending or whatever he thought best, just needed a reason, and although Maath deeply hated racist types like this noble, he also knew how to pick his fights. Maath didn't believe they were his mother, Chrysalis was hubris, but she was proud to be what she was, she would never call him… changething, what worried the stallion was the princess. she should've know, right? is staging due to the noble? or is Maath staring at his mother? if it is her, what should he do? say, mom, are you under arrest? it may turn out bad, it just depends on how much his mom ate lately.

“Are you alright soldier? do you look ... distracted? ” asked Twilight, trying to break the tension, do her job.

"Ignore him princess." laughed the noble, Twilight failing once again in her duties.

"His type only serves to cause problems, reformeds or not." the noble smirked at the guard.

"Sir, I hope that-"

"My title, peasant! Peasants like you should call me for it, I accept nothing less. ”

"Your Highness, please collaborate with us, it is a quick spell, no more than ten seconds."

"Ten seconds spent with a real guard, no ... a parasite like you and your brother"

That was bad, though Twilight looking at both, the guard could not do anything, nobles are exempt of simple crimes, like ... racism. Twilight's head aches just thinking about the headache she will have to change this law.

At least the changeling seemed to know about the law, attacking a noble, whether small or not is treason, it is like attacking the princess herself and in a situation where Chrysalis is on the run, in Equestrian territory, the last thing both sides want is a crisis of noble and a changeling fighting.

"Please sir, have a little class, you are in my presence." that was it, the last Twilight card, and to her surprise it worked! The noble folded his ears in shame and looked away. He was bigger than the soldier, but Twilight was the highest authority and the one with the best status here, and nobles respect the hierarchy, they all learn this from an early age and will not be an influential cousin who will save him from that.

"Pardon princess, I believe that I may have exceeded myself a little, I beg your pardon." said the noble, leaning slightly towards Twilight.

A nod was enough to calm the stallion's eagerness for attention or forgiveness, and almost immediately Moth arrived accompanied by two other royal guards, both being unicorns plus two pegasus watching them through the skies on the sly.

"Finally, I thought I would have to wait for all eternity, gentlemen, please." said the noble, approaching the guards.

They looked at each other, one shrugged while the other coughed a little.

"Your Highness, the spell can even be used by us, but only a changeling can execute it accurately enough to detect Queen Chrysalis."

"Ex-queen." corrected Maath.

“Is… are you saying that we will have to be… for these things? unacceptable!"

"Sorry your highness, however this is the seriousness of the situation."

"I'll go first, if you don't mind." said Twilight approaching the guards, time was short and she has spent enough here, at this rate Luna will eat my liver.

"No princess." said the noble, swallowing his hubris. "I cannot allow you to suffer such humiliation as this, I will go first if this is some scheme of them."

In a few seconds the noble, with a monumental disgust, bowed his head to the older changeling, and an almost uncontrollable urge to vomit arose. almost.

When the changeling touched his horn on the noble's, a small blue spark was generated and he can confirm what he already knew.

“He is clean. you can pass."

After going through what he believed to be the greatest humiliation of his life, the noble faced the changelings, a murderous rage taking over him.

“If... if somepony know about it, you are dead changethings, okay? and you guards, if you like your job, it’s better that this is just between us. ” threatened the humiliated noble, that's when he noticed the look of Twilight.

"Except you princess, if you want to comment on what happened here you have my blessing, just... be discreet with the details, please."

"Don't worry, I will be." laughed Twilight. the noble bowed to her subtly and walked away as he murmured and wondered what he had done in ponyville that earned him such humiliation.

Twilight watched the noble move away from them, and even from a considerable distance it was still possible to hear his muttering to the soldiers of how this was the most humiliating day of his life.

Sighing, Twilight turned to the changelings brothers, the smaller one watched the noble in the distance moving away, by the look in his eyes, Twilight could tell he wanted to say something, shout something, but he stopped himself for whatever reason. his brother on the other hand stared at Twilight the whole time, he barely blinked.

"It's your turn, princess." announced the bigger changeling, his grip on his sword intensified as Twilight and his brother approached. In a matter of seconds their horns touched and a blue light emanated, Maath felt the weight of the world come off his shoulders.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips, a sigh that did not go unnoticed by Twilight.

"Did you think I was her, right soldier?"

"Forgive me princess." said Maath, a mixture of shame and anger carried every word. "I just… I was just doing my job, I hope you understand.”

"Do not worry." laughed Twilight as he started to trot towards the palace. "I understand your situation, and I hope that everything involving Chrysalis will be resolved peacefully.”

The guard smiled genuinely for the first time in days, waved and made room for Twilight. "Welcome to Canterlot, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

The royal palace was euphoric, ponies were running around carrying and carrying out all sorts of tasks, a normal day, a castle official would say, but even they cannot continue telling themselves such a lie. A day with Celestia delaying to get the sun up? everyone makes mistakes, the employees would say unanimously, however, is Celestia late again for the second day in a row? Some maids even commented that they saw one of the captains leaving the royal quarters without his armor! Oh! What scandal, gossip and rumors soon started and it would only be a matter of time before they spread out of the palace.

“One thousand years of ruling alone, one thousand years of peace, for a thousand years my aunt only delayed the sunrise three times… the first time was about six hundred years ago due to a terrifying fever, now, two days in a row she delays more two times… that is curious right maid number one hundred and two, do you agree with me? ”

There is a myth in the palace, peculiar and laughable, silly and even, some would dare to say ridiculous. the smile of one of the great nobles, not for referencing one of their kind nor the princesses or for profit, a smile ... 'genuine' can be one of the last things you will see in your life, you disappear is what will happen.

"My lord, g-great and merciful is your name, I-I assure that I never would attempt against p-princesses, my colleagues would co-confirm that!”

There’s another one too, if you’re lucky, if the planets align, it’s a leap year and all ten great nobles are in Canterlot you’ll see! You will see Celestia enraged! Anger will be what her eyes will show, fury will be on her lips and poor of the one who receives it, the most veteran employees all claim to have seen it once, and that when they all retire or die, the newbies shall contemplate.

“Curious to say the least, here in these papers, it says that you were cleaning the areas around my aunt’s room, it’s almost laughable don’t you agree? that rumor spread and you were at its epicenter. ”

The third myth refers to Luna, forgotten for ages, everyone who has seen the fury of the night for a long time has turned into dust. Bets have arisen in the palace, for the day or the year that Luna will lose the reins.

"M-m-m-my lord, I, your humble servant ask for , clemency, I, it was an accident! I saw him and screamed, my friends questioned me and I… ”

But you know a curious thing about myths? Legends and fantasies? all, all of them have an ounce of truth.

"Then you admit it? very good, that does everything be easier,maid number one hundred and two, what a shame, the papers say you had the qualities to become a high-maid, perhaps the maid-mor, it’s really a shame. ”

And as great as your curiosity is, be careful! beware of the fury of the sun and moon!

"P-pe-please, feel sorry of me! I guarantee it was not on purpose! a carelessness that will never be repeated!"

But, before fearing the relentless sun and the anguish of the moon, fear the smile, because many survived the moon and the sun, none of them the smile.

Blueblood smiled at the mare as he closed the papers in front of her, the few lights illuminating the room went out and a door opened behind the prince. “What a shame" he started letting out a laugh. "Unfortunately in this palace we do not accept excuses or the like, just the most perfect conduct possible, and you have not shown it."

And of all the great nobles to be feared, fear one above the others, fear him, the shadow of Celestia, fear his house, the Blood house, fear him, Blueblood.

"Guards, take her for her premature vacation, we will let your family and friends know about your deserved vacation, don't worry."

With a smile on his face, the prince waved to the mare and two royal guards appeared, they were the biggest guards the maid had ever seen in all her years of service.

It took a few seconds for the mare to understand what’s happening, to remember the myths and jokes that she was so delighted laughing and joking with her colleagues, and now absolute terror overtook her as the guards dragged her out, she tried to resist, she tried to scream, she threw herself on the floor and wept for mercy. Blueblood just smiled at her again.

"Don't go missing your train, the princesses and Equestria thank you for your services to the crown.”

When the door closed and the screaming stopped, Blueblood sighed, he opened the papers in front of him again and arranged himself in his chair, a small blue flame appeared over the documents.

"How gossip flies in this palace ..." said the prince with a tired voice, his half-closed eyes stopped reading the papers under one of the names. "Golden Shield, hun? Good choice aunt, good choice at least."

After spending what he believed to be an eternity in the silence room, as him very affectionately nicknamed the place, Blueblood finally went away, tired and exhausted, but not too tired to deal with the last issue of the day.

After wandering the labyrinthine palace hallways and dodge ambassador Iron Claw a couple of times, Blueblood came across a door, the door to Celestia’s room.

He knocked on the door twice, and twice didn't hear an answer, with a sigh the prince stepped into the room.

"It's dark." murmured Blueblood, walking through what looked like an infinity of sheets and pillows thrown on the floor, but what caught his attention the most was his aunt's body, she was breathing heavily, her mane was a mess and no longer waved with that calming pattern welcoming, her makeup was smudged and more importantly “by Faust Celestia, drooling in liquor?

"Hmmm? Ahm? whaat? Lunie?" murmured Celestia, his voice hoarse and broken, the words struggling to get out of his throat. “leave… just… just leave me alone…”

“Hi aunt” laughed Blueblood, sitting on the bed and sighing.

“Blue-Blueblood?!?” yelled Celestia, getting up immediately and running to the bathroom, her drunkenness still managing to make her stumble and fall a couple of times to the prince's delight before she reached the bathroom and locked herself in it.

“G-go away! y-you can't see me like this! ” Blueblood smiled genuinely for the first time that day.

"It's me Princess Celestia, your nephew, you don't have to hide, I just want to talk."

"I-I know ... go-go away, I'm kinda ... messed up ..."

"Unfortunately," began the prince, opening the curtains, allowing his aunt's sun to penetrate the room, "I really need to talk to you, it's important."

"I said it once, go. Away, I'm not in the mood for this. Please."

“Well, us-”

“GO. AWAY.” yelled the mare hitting the bathroom door hard enough to fold the door a little. Blueblood chuckles internally.

"I, as one of the ten of Equestria's great houses, immediately demand an audience with your majesty, Princess Celestia." he smiled as he turned to face the half-folded door, no sound could be heard until the door slowly opened.

Blueblood knew that Celestia would be in a deplorable state, but she was worse than he imagined, his eyes widened as the sunlight revealed Celestia's condition completely.

Her mane was beyond messy, knots formed everywhere and the natural undulation of her mane only caused further embarrassment.

Her once ivory-white mane was grayed out, it looked as if life had left the mare and only a specter was in its place.

Her eyes swollen and reddened, if Blueblood didn't know his aunt's hatred for highly addictive and harmful substances, also known as drugs, he might even assume this, but no, this swelling came from endless tears.

Some more exalted spots permeate his aunt's fur, from near her face to her flank, not even the sun on her flank looks alive, it is gray and faded.

And the most terrifying thing was a bottle that she held with her at all times, the smell betrayed its contents. alcohol.

"Please, I don't want you to see me like this, go away.” the monarch pleaded while sniffing the liquor bottle.

"Jon Del Labor, 1011 after the common age, five hundred years of fermentation. good choice." Blueblood smiled as he tapped the bed softly inviting Celestia.

"Please ... I look awful." cried Celestia, but after a few seconds of silence she sighed in defeat, "why I never knew how to say no to him?'

After she sat on her bed, Blueblood laughed as she stared at the window and started scratching her neck, after finding the words and turning to his aunt, he was surprised to see her drinking the rest of the bottle.

"But what in the name of Faust are you doing?" In response, Celestia raised her hoof, and finished her drink.

"Not wasting, a good drink.” Celestia finished throwing the bottle in the corner,which would be something to be ignored had it not been for the peculiar sound of glass hitting glass.

Blueblood stood and stared dumbfounded what looked like a dozen bottles stacked in the corner.

"W-what in - since when did my aunt become an alcoholic ?! this is an affront to the nobility! "

"Don't talk… a-about etiquette with m-me, I wrote half of them… those rules.” said Celestia trying to straighten up on the bed, but failed miserably to stay straight.

“Well, it doesn't look like it! Your looks like a street drunk, look at your condition, stinks of liquor and your mane is a mess! ” pointed out Blueblood, feeling his blood boil, manners always and without exceptions, without excuses.

Celestia was silent and lightly touched her mane, small tears forming in her eyes before she hid behind her mane.

"You know I… I-I didn’t want to… I… Faust give me strength… ”

“G-go away, please… I beg you, I’ll give you anything, even that license I denied a few years ago… just… go… please. ”

"Do you know that I can ask you to abdicate because of your deplorable condition, aunt?”

"And take the crown? By Faust Blue ... do you want it that bad right? I give it to you, just leave ..."

silence filled the room, Blueblood then trotted towards the door in deadly silence, Celestia sobbed a little and wiped her tears away, using all her concentration she lifted her crown with her magic for a couple of seconds and stared at it, a small nostalgic smile appeared on her face as she remembered the past.

The sound of the door opening made Celestia sigh. a better prince than I.

Shouts came from outside when Celestia turned to see what was going on; she noticed Blueblood closing the bedroom door, but she could notice some maids running off.

Silently the prince approached the alicorn before stopping in front of Celestia, he stared at her with a look judgmental and harsh, even without speaking Celestia knew what he was saying, she learned to read her nephew with the look, his eyes spoke so many things, none of them good though.

Swallowing up the weeping, anguish and whatever else there was to swallow, Celestia raised her crown for Blueblood. After a couple of seconds that the princess thought were endless, Blueblood took Celestia's crown with his magic.

It was as if the weight of the mountain itself left her shoulders while a timid sigh escaped her lips. 'Maybe it's better this way.'

Celestia's eyes betrayed her as she failed to keep them open, fatigue and alcohol starting to take their toll again.

It was then that suddenly a small pressure appeared on the top of her head, using all her willpower Celestia opened her eyes and saw her nephew's affectionate smile as he gently placed the crown on Celestia's head.

"I-I don't ... I-" the prince silently puts his hoof gently on Celestia's lips, he then kneels to stay on the same level as her.

“When I was little and my parents died, no one came to my aid, everypony wanted to take advantage of me, foolish and fragile. but you. in the midst of that infernal storm you appeared as the most beautiful sunrise, took care of me, raised me, taught me to cast my first spells… you… you are not only my aunt, Celestia, you are also my mother. I love you, never forget that. you are the most qualified pony for this crown. ” said Blueblood in a gentle tone that Celestia never heard, he gently wiped Celestia's tears and lifted a small handkerchief from his suit and wiped off his aunt's smudged makeup.

Celestia then did one of the things she vowed never to do again, abandoning all the dignity and self-respect she had left, she threw herself at her nephew, and cried, cried like she never cried in her entire existence, everything came up in a single second . the death of the Bloods, the banishment of Luna, when her mother and father were killed, so many feelings escaped as Celestia clung desperately to her nephew, holding him as if he were going to disappear, as if he were the last flame in a sea of infinite darkness. her grip intensified each second.

“Pleeeaze, don-don't leave meeeee... ” the princess's screams were something terrified for the prince at first, but it didn't matter, he smiled gently as he hugged and gently caressed her head and soon he returned the hug to her. sporadically kissing her head and humming the same song that Celestia sang when he lost his parents.

“Fear no more my little one, because I am here for you…”

The good old times.

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Damian sighed heavily, he glanced quickly at Miranda, she looked out the window, her expression thoughtful, Miranda is always thinking, Damian thought smiling as he approached the doctor.

His heart raced, he scratched the back of his neck and tried to force a smile as he continued to approach the doctor, he walked past Fluttershy and looked at her quickly, she was smiling genuinely, nodding at Damian.

After passing Fluttershy, Damian looked back at the ground, his heart racing faster and faster as he approached the doctor, his old friend, ex-friend, thought the human as his smile faded.

It's now or never, Damian thought as he knelt down to be on the doctor's level, Damian's heart beating so fast he was sure everyone in the room was listening to him.


Damian ran his hand over his head to wipe the sweat off his forehead, this fucked-up heart thought the human indignantly, his belly was bubbling with anxiety and his breath was already showing nervousness.

He closed his eyes and slowly, as slowly as he thought possible began to lift his face up to face the doctor. After exhaling as hard as he could, he hesitantly opened his eyes and there it was, jotting down everything Damian did furiously in his clipboard, a brown unicorn with the blue mane.

An unconscious smile formed as Damian faced the doctor, Fluttershy approached slowly, looking at him with blazing anticipation. Miranda meanwhile shook her head and massaged her eyes slowly.

“Doc…” said the human, his voice almost sounded desperate as he looked the doctor up and down, “Damn, I thought I…” he tried to form a sentence but it always failed and once again his heart started to pound at a fast pace.

"Mis-mister Damian I assume?" the doctor questioned him, he stopped his notes, putting his clipboard against his chest and smiling at the human.

"Fuck, even your voice is the same." Daiman whispered, his hand slowly raised and shakily approached the doctor, “You're real right? like, are you Dr. Silk Touch?”

The stallion thought about answering the question, but the human's hand was almost touching him and the words escaped him.

"W-well, mister-"

"It's him." Miranda yelled as she swung her claws and cursed in a tone too low for anyone in the room but Damian to hear.

When Damian was about to touch the doctor he shuddered and Damian's hand recoiled, he didn't know why, they were friends, Damian had saved his life a couple of times in the past, why was he scared? Scared of me? This thought continued to invade the human mind.

"Mister Damiannnnn, you know the answer. Murderer." a child voice echoed in his head.

No…fuck no, not now, he thought as he felt as if a thousand eyes were watching him from all corners, glowing purple eyes devouring him with their gaze, she's not real, he whispered softly as he placed both hands on his face.

“Damian, are you okay? you seem pale--”

"Mister Damian? what---”

The words sounded hollow, as if at every second they lost life, as if every second the voices faded away from him.


The air felt cold, as if the sun had gone out and hope had vanished from the world.


Soon Damian took his hands away from his face, there was nothing around him, all he saw was darkness and an infinity of eyes staring at him, unwittingly he began to embrace himself in an attempt to keep himself warm.

"Is not real ... not real ..." he kept telling himself, but each time he repeated less sense this phrase seemed to have.

"You lost." a distorted voice whispered, "You are alone, betrayed and abandoned." the voice continued, its pitch rising with each word, then it seemed like the voice was right behind him.

"T-that was an accident, I did-didn't... I-" His mouth moved, the words were uttered but none sound came out.

"DAMIAN!" like thunder ripping through the black loneliness that surrounded the human, a voice was heard. Did it seem to come from all sides, left? or right? He wondered where the voice was coming from, and then suddenly he felt his body move shivering as an unimaginably warm embrace enveloped him, the darkness began to dissipate and the cold to fade away.

"M-Miranda?" His voice was weak, slow and slurred, as if he was waiting for an answer, and then he had it when the embrace intensified.

"It's me... Dad, calm down ok? it just... calms down.” Miranda spoke as she tried to calm her dad, she glared at Fluttershy, using some of her anger to hug her father even more. "I am here."

The smoke cleared and everything was back to normal, in a second, just like every time, everything was unusually calm as Miranda whispered a song in a tone inaudible to almost everyone in the room.

Compelling for a mixture of anger and shame Damian wiped the tears he knew would be on his face, sniffled as he tried to get up, Miranda doing little to stop him, his legs were shaking, his heart was racing and he broke out in a cold sweat, but the worst was the others in the living room looking at him.

"Mister Damian." said the doctor, his voice filled with a concern that only a health worker could express. He tried to approach Damian but was stopped by his hand which stopped him from taking another step.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter" Damian's voice had barely recovered.

Miranda thought about stopping him, saying something or holding him back, but chose not to, when her father slightly bowed to the doctor and turned to Fluttershy, Miranda expired defeated.

"I'll wait in your hut.” Damian spoke barely looking at her, Fluttershy lifted a hoof, she was about to hold him by the sleeve of his clothing, but Miranda stopped her, holding Fluttershy with her claws with a force that tore a squeak out of Fluttershy.

As Damian walked through the door, everyone watched and heard what sounded like a sob as he put both hands to his face. As soon as the door closed, Miranda tightened her grip on Fluttershy's hoof, her claws piercing the mare's skin.

When she was about screaming or crying under the pressure Miranda covered her muzzle with her other claw.

"You... you shut. the. fuck up." Miranda spoke, her breath heavy and small blue flames coming out of her mouth, then her grip faded away and she stood up to follow Damian.

Fluttershy looked at her hoof, she could see the places where Miranda's claw had pierced, small droplets of blood were forming, but even so, using her good hoof she tried to stop Miranda.

"W-wait! Mi-" before he could continue or hold her, Miranda whipped the ground with her tail, silencing Fluttershy and Silk Touch who were about to make an observation.

"He is about to make some big shit, see ya at the hut.”

Miranda opened the door but felt both eyes on her, she started to squeeze the side of the door and the doctor's eyes widened when he saw splinters appear where she held the door, then to their surprise Miranda turned her face to them.

Fluttershy opened her snout to ask a question, so many invaded her head, but when she saw Miranda's tear-streaked face she stopped in shock.

"Fuck, you fucking bitch." tears streamed from her eyes, “what's your problem? I just… one thing...” when Miranda was about to leave, Fluttershy, gathering all the courage she possessed, she yelled.

“Wait! I didn't understand what... they weren't friends?” Miranda clenched her fist, it trembled from the force she put into it."

“What?" Miranda whispered as she turned to them, consumed by a murderous rage she walked towards Fluttershy. The mare's eyes widened and her ears immediately folded as she realized what was about to happen.

"M-Miss Miranda!" yelled Silk Touch, stepping between them, for his breath and the occasional rattle of his hooves. Miranda could almost feel his fear, but it was enough for Miranda to stop her onslaught and snort.

She raised her claw and pointed at Fluttershy, she breathed heavily and licked her lips.

"He killed Silk Touch's son." Miranda said dryly, both ponies' eyes widened. “they… they never spoke again and fuck you, when I tell you to…” a scream was heard from the street, grunting in anger and berating herself for taking too long Miranda runs towards the exit. "this is not over!"

With the violent slamming of the door, Miranda was gone, Silk Touch stared stunned for a few seconds where Miranda was before turning to Fluttershy.

"I… do I have a son?"

"I-I didn't know, I'm so sorry." Fluttershy cried, ignoring the doctor as she hugged her bruised hoof, sobbing in pain and shame, "I really had no idea about that..."

Anger, a murderous fury, a monumental distaste for the pony-kind. These were some of the many things that were going through my head at the time, but most of all, it was embarrassment. I knew this would happen, it was the only logical outcome, and yet, consumed by morbid curiosity or a desire to teach the mare a lesson, I allowed Fluttershy to introduce Silk touch to Damian. God, how I regret it.

When he started having that anxiety attack I froze, I tried to call him, but he wouldn't respond to my calls. Only when I hugged him did he seem to improve, waking up as he liked to call it.

But it didn't matter, the damage was already done. I clenched my fist once more in anger. Only me and Bloody Novel have seen Damian in that deplorable state, and even when only I see him, he feels very ashamed to be seen in that state.

Please don't look at me! or I deserve it were some of the phrases Damian whispered as I tried to calm him down, but now he didn't say anything and that was the worst part of it. Ignoring the fact that if it weren't for Fluttershy and an old friend there, I don't know if I could stop him from…well, kill the witnesses, I guess.

So, the only other way besides the anger that was left to him was the shame, he… he didn't even look into my eyes or say anything to me, he just… walked away.

I start to walk faster, and clench my fist even harder. I can't take long to find him, every second I waste is another second when something can go wrong, and knowing Damian and how he doesn't waste time to get in trouble I may already be late!

After walking through these hellish corridors for what seemed like hours I finally found the exit, the screams, whispers and gossips coming from the street intensifying. As I leave the hospital I feel the sunlight blinding me for a couple of seconds before my eyes adjust to the abrupt increase of brightness.

I soon noticed the reason for all the commotion, a wagon was overturned, hay, wood and other pony stuff spilled all over the street. A pony was sitting on the curb, he massaged his cheek while a small group of other ponies talked to him. But that wasn't what caught my attention the most. The cake went to an unconscious guard lying on the ground and another broken wagon not far from here, another guard, decorating the broken remains of the car.

Fuck. I find myself whispering as I look at the whole scene again, a group of mono-colored ponies pointing in a direction talking about a giant monster, with equally giant arms capable of infinitely stretching it. Damian.

I start running in that direction and everyone soon opens the way, either out of fear or curiosity. "It's her!" I hear a mare whisper, "It'll eat us like the giant!" another stallion whispered in a slightly louder tone. "Where's Fluttershy to stop these monsters?!" This time it was another mare, but it was no longer a whisper but a cry for help.

I clench my claws and teeth, then I spread my wings. I've had my weekly dose of racist-and-technocolor horses. Pushing hard enough to make the ponies closest to me fly away, I take flight. As soon as I feel the chill of the air currents I feel my pulse slow as my anger slowly drains away, flying has always been therapeutic for me. According to Damian, it was a pleasure that few species have and therefore should enjoy. It doesn't matter, I'm not flying to relax but to find that project of philosopher.

From up here I can clearly see the trail of chaos and destruction that Damian left, wagons, ponies and even a small, poorly positioned building had suffered from his stampede. I look closely to see if any serious damage has been done to the ponies, I mean, the wagons are in bits and one of the pillars in the building has been destroyed. Luckily there were only scratches, concussions and a couple of foals crying and pointing at the trail of destruction.

It was then that I realized, like lightning, it hit me. "He was running and everyone was watching him!" Taking a deep breath I decided to accelerate more, paying little or no attention to the damage that might have occurred. My eyes chased the signs of Damian's escape, I repeated this phrase for what felt like a full minute before stopping abruptly at the edge of the village. .

My breathing had already accelerated due to the effort I imposed on my body but it doesn't matter, I follow what seems to be a straight line from the last mess Damian made in town and notice some trees and a lake in the distance. "How the fuck did he runned this fast?" I shake my head quickly, this is no time for this, without wasting another second I advance towards the trees quickly.

Landing softly near a particular tree, from a distance it looked normal, but as I approached I could clearly see that there was a hole just above my head in the tree. I touched the hole almost hesitantly and could feel it was warm. and a little sap leaked from the ends. “It was Damian,” I tell myself.

I walk cautiously looking around, but before my eyes find him, my ears do. “I-I-I fucked u-up everything!” It was him.

The closer I got, the more damaged trees I saw. There was one that looked as if it had been twisted, the wood looked like it was about to snap, another had been knocked down and there were two holes in this one.

I gulped and sighed at the sight in front of me, on his knees and facing himself in the lake, was Damian, his left hand supporting him as he rubbed his face with his right hand, he was sweating, his hair more disheveled than usual and tears falling from his face to mingle with the immensity of the lake.

After looking at him one more time to see if he looked hurt, I could conclude he was fine. I couldn't contain a sigh of relief at noticing this, however, to my carelessness it felt like a very loud sigh as he immediately noticed me.

"G-go away." I didn't know what to do, Damian was there, kneeling and trying in vain to hide himself from me. I, I usually don't like to admit it, but I rarely know what to do in situations like this. I like to make it look like I know what to say, that I always have an answer ready for everything, but that would be a lie. I mentally cursed Fluttershy as I sighed heavily.

Damian seemed to notice, he stared at me for a few seconds before turning back to avoid me. What is he thinking? I wonder as I slowly approach. He seemed to notice as his body stiffened and he started asking me to leave.

Ignoring him, I sat beside him. By this time my proud father had stopped crying and sobbing, resorting only to looking away trying to hide from me, but by the reflection of the lake I can clearly see his watery and swollen eyes due to… well, everything.

I started plotting what I should say, how I should speak and with which tone I should speak, the many books I read in New Canterlot started to invade my mind, however, to my surprise it wasn't me who broke the awkward silence, it was him.

"He… he looked so real, he was… he was identical," Damian said, his voice consumed with a mortal remorse.

I place my claw on his shoulder and smile lovingly at him, he looks at me subtly but repeats my act.

"Y-yes Damian, he looked like him, but it wasn't him." I try to speak in a steady voice and express confidence, but at the last second memories of me, him and Damian talking and playing in the castle invade me, making me stutter.

“He was a nice guy, you know, he… my god, he… he was a good person." I could see, and I knew what Damian meant. I squeeze his shoulder a little tighter as I lean a little closer, now hugging him quietly.

"I know, he was the best of us, just, good." laughed a little. "With the best sense of right and wrong." I joke laughing some more and I smile in relief as I see him laughing back too.

"Y-yes, remember that time, where he said that, and we laughed." I nodded, although there were more than once times it would fit under such… circumstances.

Then his smile started to wither, his eyelids almost closed and he started scratching his neck lightly.

"I-I didn't know, I thought it was… I hadn't seen his face, I… he was there and… it was all so fast…" I hugged him tighter, I didn't dare whisper that everything was fine or would be fine, because I know it wouldn't be. I just kept hugging him.

“And then he…my god, he…fuck, Jesus…” he straightened up to allow both of his hands to his face, his sobs started to come back.

"Dad, do you know that-"

"No Miranda." he interrupted me, he knows I abhor it, but I decided not to say anything for the moment.

"I-I don't know, do you know why?" He stared at me for a moment surprising me, he expressed morbid confidence in whatever he might say and it sent a chill down my spine.

"Because I was too drunk to remember." he said, it took me half a second to process this information and then my eyes unconsciously widened and he pointed at me, his hand trembling.

"I, I was so drunk I didn't recognize him, so numb from the fucking alcohol I didn't hear his screams…Miranda." he turns to me and puts his arms around my shoulders. "I...I don't remember killing him! I-I know I did it, but ‘cause that fuckin’ drink...and-and...god..." It felt like life itself was leaving his body as he sneezed, his arms slipped down my shoulders before falling into my lap.

I didn't know what to say, I'd heard him tell me this story so many times, hundreds and hundreds of times and it was always the same story, and now this? How should I answer this? I was stunned for another couple of seconds, but hearing him sobbing once more I quickly took his hands, gently stroking his fingers.

"Dad, you would never do that, you know that right?"

"No Miranda, I did that, and I did that before and after, remember what I was going to do before we were dragged into this fucking universe?"


“Separing a parent from their children… we-I, I did it many times. They're just animals, I kept repeating to myself, just animals, so then I remembered him and…”

“Dad… I”

“And you know what I said to myself? You remember right? That I would no longer get drunk, never return to that deplorable state, guess what I did the next day?” I feel my ears bending slightly and now it's my turn to avoid eye contact as I remember what he did.

“I drank, I drank and drank again and again until I ran out of alcohol, and then I drank some more. I drank so much that I don't even know what kind of twisted shit I did that day, I just know that I had drunk so much that when I woke up in the next day I had forgotten everything I had done, when I went down to the kitchen, to the throne room I looked for him, my faithful friend and companion, I sent Bloody and Deep Drill to look for him… I… it took me almost two hours to remember, remember my best friend breaking into the castle in the middle of the night during a storm, I was in the throne room and he… he was there, his whole family, anger, tears of pure hatred running down his face…” Damian stopped for a minute, he breathed heavily as if he was gathering the strength to continue.

I tried to stop him, but he gently covered my lips and nodded.

"He screamed to the four winds as he hit me, I asked Bloody not to interfere, ‘cause I know she was going to kill him, 'cause of that he almost killed me, he kept hitting me over and over, he broke me two ribs and an arm, but you know, that wasn't even close to the worst part of it, I'm used to the physical pain, what really hurt me were what he said, my God, I can almost hear him talking.” my father raised his hands as if trying to reach for something invisible.

"You monster," he began, forcing his voice to sound huskier, though it was clear he didn't need to strain due to his deplorable state. "I felt sorry for you,” Damian started again. “Suffering and being hurt and all of that, when you escaped and killed … by Faust, when you killed the princesses, killed them all, turned Canterlot into this hellish pit… I felt pity, pity and guilt for you, what you went through was something terrifying… When I arrived and you greeted me like an old friend, by the five heavens and four winds Damian, I believed in you. I believed that you were more than a monster without a soul or a heart, but in the end, I was wrong… that's what you are… a dirty and hideous monster!" When my dad finished that sentence he had tears streaming down his face, his expression that mimicked Silk Touch's anger at the time soon became a neutral, listless face. I tried to comfort him by stroking his hands or a slight scratch on his neck, but it was all in vain.

“My best friend left in that storm, I can still hear the thunder, and I still can't decipher if it was thunder at the end, or the palace door being slammed at the end, but I never saw my friend again…” Trembling, Damian hugged himself in an attempt to stop what felt like a deadly cold. “His eyes… so full of rage…”

Fuck, I think to myself as I hug my dad, “it's going to be okay, dad.” he quickly stops hugging himself and hugs me back. "I'm here, everything will be fine."

"<My God, Miranda ... I-I do not know how much longer I can take." Took me a second to realize that he was not speaking equestrian, I hugged him even stronger.

"<It's all right, keep calm.>" I said with a country accent according to him, as I slowly stroked his head and whispered for him to calm down.

I can't say how long we've been standing here, I just know that my arms are already aching and my back is also aching due to his ever-increasing hug, but in some way, this is good, I know he likes to hug me like that, to make sure I never leave. He joked when I was little. I'll hug you very tight my little princess! Then you will know that I love you! I feel a tear escaping from my eyes but quickly I wipe it away. I can’t cry. Not now. Crying means I look weak and now I have to be strong.

Again time passed, and I never failed to caress him or comfort him, the moon had already risen to the sky until he finally broke our embrace. He stared at me with that face of his, a crooked smile and even worse hair.

"<Thanks, I…I needed this.>" I nod at him as I get up and hand one hand to my dad, he quickly takes it and gets up too.

"<Time to go.>" I say looking up. "<They must be crazy behind us.>"

He smiles silly and awkwardly again.

"Your Portuguese has improved." he said while we started walking away from the forest.

"I know you like to talk in that language, so I've been practicing."

Silently, barely audible he whispers a sentence, I blush lightly as I repeat the same sentence.

"I love you too, Dad."


I feel my breath hitch a little as the infernal noise of this damn clock torments me. I think about removing it or rather silence it permanently! However, with a quick analysis I can see a beautiful finish adorned with a sun in the center, really aunt? This really was the best place to put one of the most culturally sacred treasures in the kingdom?

I lift my briefcase and put it on the table, open it, and lay out the papers I'll be using this afternoon. not forgetting of course to take an order to put this cursed clock in a museum or something similar. I review the papers again for what felt like the seventh or eighth time. After ensuring they were here I put them back in the suitcase.


I try to distract myself by looking at the window, the curtains or anything else that might get my attention, but like the six or seven times before, there was nothing interesting in this room, just a small table and being a little euphemistic, some pounds of runes and spells around me.

I lift my personal watch that was discreetly tucked into one of my suit pockets and flip it open. I scrunched up my face in disgust, they're almost ten minutes late. I keep my watch in my pocket and start filling up what I believe is my second cup of tea.

After I've finished serving myself, I delight in the aroma that only the finest herbs in all of Equestria could produce. smiling I took a sip of tea and I could already feel the stress leave my body. This was one of the many hobbies I inherited from my dear aunt.

After pondering for a couple of seconds whether I should continue delighting myself with these fine herbs the door opens, and with that my smile fades. I set the cup down on the table by the steaming pot and tidy up my briefcase, lift a mirror from my pockets to ensure I look flawless, nod to myself to confirm it, put the mirror back, and wait for both alicorns to notice my presence.

"And that's how my master told me, but my sister shall confirm my alibi." said the night alicorn with a giggle. she soon looked around the room, followed by Twilight Sparkle obviously. a mixture of confusion and annoyance stamped on her face.

“Where is my dear sister, Prince?” she asks in that stiff tone only the Lunar Monarch knew how to use.

“You are late.” I say punctually as I stand up and wave to them both, using my magic to move the other two chairs in the room to allow them both to sit. "And please Princess Luna, refer to me as Prince Regent for now on."

"You are Crown Prince, not Regent, Blueblood, and again shall I ask, where is my sister?" her voice had risen in pitch as she and Twilight Sparkle sat across from me, her voice almost sounded like a real canterlot voice, but if she thinks I can be intimidated by mere tricks, Princess Luna is sorely mistaken.

"Currently Princess Celestia is unable to fulfill her royal duties and has bestowed upon me the title of regent in her absence." She opened her mouth to say something, but I stopped her by opening my briefcase and gently placing my aunt's tiara on the table. "As you can see, here's the proof, now please feel free." I signal to the table as I pour them some tea.

“Ahmm, well, Prince Blue-”

“Prince Regent, please Princess Twilight, the formalities.” I cut her off quickly, she nodded slowly before continuing.

"Sorry, you know how I am with title stuff and everything he he." Was her laugh supposed to be funny or something similar? I raise a doubtful eyebrow and then her laughter ceases.

"Pardon again Prince Regent, but what happened to my lovely master?" I feel my left eye twitch and she seems to notice.

"S-sorry, what happened to Princess Celestia?" she questioned again. Honestly, what did my aunt see in her? She is a complete disaster at etiquette!

"Precisely, Prince Regent." I felt a hint of anger in the last words but decided to ignore it. "I, as Celestia's sister, should be the first to know about such an event!"

I pondered a bit as I swung the cup of tea slightly whether I should tell them, it was irrelevant and confidential information, but it wasn't something I could omit from two princesses. After sighing a bit and taking a sip of tea, I soon start pulling papers out of my briefcase for what could be the eighth or ninth time.

"Our beloved Princess Celestia had… a nervous breakdown… yes, I believe that's the correct term." I say as I arrange all the papers in order of priority, I levitate them two sealed envelopes that were in my briefcase and in them contained the papers they requested for this meeting.

"What? Do you think I'll believe in that?! My sister would never have a… nervous breakdown!" Princess Luna said as she tried to get up, however, she was quickly stopped by Twilight.

"Is she alright? Was it a serious affair?” That's one of the few things I sympathize with this mare, the total devotion and concern she's always shown for my aunt.

“Nothing serious, a few days of rest and she'll be ready to go back to her duties soon." Princess Luna still looked skeptical, she hesitantly took her envelope and opened it and placed her papers on the table, her eyes pondering between me and my beloved aunt's tiara that proved my regency.

"I still find it hard to believe, Celestia has always been a firm mare, freaking out is not her style." If not for the proven blood tie Princess Luna shared with my aunt I would have had to correct her, but I chose not to, there are other ways to put mares like her in her place. I smug.

"Well I believe that after a millennium of ruling alone, facing every evil we can imagine and complete abandonment by her other co-princesses, anypony, even the grand Princess Celestia would have problems." I laugh as I sip the rest of my tea and refill the cup.

“W-what? What did you say?! dare you shall say I abandoned my sister!” she screamed, anger already showing.

"Compose yourself Princess, we're in a meeting, but due to your inability to notice the seemingly unintentional abandonment, let me remind you that you were the one who attempted to attack Princess Celestia's life centuries ago." any and all confidence she possessed drained away as she heard what I said, with a shake of her head she composed herself and shame permeated her face.

"That was cruel." I ignore Twilight and analyze the first topic we'll discuss.

"Let me see, over the sun. Princess Celestia is unable to liftit, so unless you’d notify the herald of chaos to take care of this matter, I would like to take on this burden." I say nonchalantly as I pass the papers for them to read. Twilight seems to have an expression of confusion and surprise, Luna sketching her typical superior look at me.

“You? raise the sun? Don't make me laugh, Prince Regent.”

"Actually, Princess Luna, I fulfill all the requirements to do so, I've already been instructed by Princess Celestia herself and I've even had the pleasure of moving the star through the skies once." Both looked surprised, especially Twilight.

"I doub-"

"Actually, Princess Luna, what you think or don't think about it is irrelevant, your opinion can't change the facts so please be concise so we don't delay." I say finishing my drink.

Princess Luna clearly disapproved of the fact that I interrupted her, she stared at me for a couple of seconds before looking at Twilight and smiling smugly.

"Princess Twilight shall rise the sun in my sister's absence." I feel my eyes widen slightly, after slight thoughtful I nod in agreement,

"If it's both your wish then it shall be so"

"W-w-wait! What do you mean, me raising the sun?!" Twilight yelled putting both of her hooves on the table

"Don't you want to raise the sun?" I question her with a slight hint of curiosity.

"N-no, it's just that I've only done this a couple of times and I know how exhausting it can be." I raise an eyebrow.

"So you do not want to?" She opened her mouth slightly but contented herself with the silence, after a brief moment of thought, she just sighed and sat down again.

"I accept this task with joy, Prince Regent." I waved slowly as I glared at Princess Luna. This was supposed to be my moment, but both are clearly working together, they will win any and all votes. The best I can do is finish this soon.

I look for the next topic, horns retrieved from the human. It's almost interesting. almost.

"I believe there is unanimity about the horns, correct?"

"Are we going to destroy them?" Twilight asked. I nodded, already thinking about the next issue to be discussed, but Princess Luna to my chagrin coughed, levitating her papers to me. I read them.

"No." I say dryly as I hand the papers back to her. She looked really surprised, her mouth half open like she was ready to speak or was she simply expecting something more than a, no? I sigh as I look back at the papers.

"Is this about maid one hundred and two?"

"She has a name, Morning Sip."

"Again, no. What's done, is done."

"Sorry, but who are we talking about now?" Twilight asked as he looked at me.

"She is just one of the most qualified employees this castle has seen in centuries and he intends to get rid of her by sending her to the colonies!"

"Incredible." I say laughing internally. "I didn't remember that you were here for the last century to be able to speak this with such conviction." her face flinched for a second.

"Listen to me here you spoiled child, stop your dirty games and tricks, if you have something to say to me just say, stop these childish insults." I laugh inwardly again, this is why Equestria is reduced to a joke, with a monarch like her…

"Well, Princess Luna, employee one hundred and two has confessed to spreading slanderous rumors against your sister, so I've taken all reasonable steps to ensure that this never happens again. you're welcome."

"You… well, never mind." she says smiling while looking at Twilight. "Shall I cout with your support in this question my faithful friend." Twilight was about to nod when I cut her off with a simple hoof wave.

"Unfortunately it won't be possible, firstly the train has already left, and secondly, as I've already said, I've already judged her."

"Unfortunately, it's the word of two princesses against a Prince Regent. we have the majority." Princess Luna uttered with astonishing confidence,

"No, I believe this is not on trial." at what appears to be a confused look coming from both princesses, I sigh wearily. "You see, the control and management of castle employees has been a function of the great House of Sun for six hundred years and they back me in this."

Their surprise seems even more evident.

"Horseshit." ugh, how rude. "this is some really bad horseshit! my sister would never do that! sh-" I smashed the empty cup on the table, the sound of porcelain breaking along with the surprise of the act was enough to silence this... this … gruesome act. Language I thought to myself.

"Do you know what you're talking about, Luna? You claim to know your sister with enviable bravado, but do you know who she is? Who is the great Princess Celestia? What has she gone through or faced in your absence? let me refresh your memory.” I take a second to take a breath, but it doesn't take me long to continue.

"She faced the fury of the dragons, the secession and reconquest of the south, she saw the Wastelands being created because of her actions. She lost friends, companions, her sister, and yet she continued, she needed, she HAD to continue. so she did. She did it for the ponies she loved. but little by little she broke down, with each passing day, more and more the past seemed to want to haunt her, you, Tirek, Discord and Chrysalis, the list goes on, without speaking of course of increasing royal tasks due to diarchy becoming, well, a monarchy, so let this spoiled child tell you a secret, Celestia is an extremely tough alicorn, kind and often too good for her own good, however, HOWEVER! She's still a pony, she has feelings and like anypony she was slowly giving in to the pressure of time. I was here, Luna, I comforted her every time your birthday came, I took care of her and ensured she continued, because I know she can barely make it today. So Luna, while I helped my aunt maintain her delicate sanity, what in the name of the five gods were you doing?! oh yeah, stuck in a fucking MOON!” I scream, my breathing quick and heavy and a strand of my mane falling awkwardly in front of my face.

Princess Luna didn't say anything, she hid behind her mane preventing me from seeing her eyes. Twilight was the funniest, she seemed to be more worried than me and more intimidated than Princess Luna! her gaze flicking between the two of us frantically.

"Forgive me." I say as I sat up and fixed my mane, this seemed to have woken Princess Luna from her trance and relieved Twilight. "I'm sorry, I lost control, it wasn't courteous of me." I say again, straightening the tie on my suit. After an awkward silence I pick up more of the many papers we'll discuss today. "Can we finish this soon? I have other things to do." they both nodded, Twilight a little too quickly, Princess Luna, however, nodded slowly, well, remember your place, traitor, Celestia just needs me, you're just a mistake from the past.

I relax my shoulders as I look at the stacks of papers we've just approved. I look at the window and notice the sun is setting. Soon Princess Luna's services will be called for.

"I believe that's all." declared Princess Luna as she stood up, made a slight reference to me, (I promptly returned the act) and left without saying another word. Her honor wounded and affection for her sister questioned. Should I apologize? I find myself thinking, ridiculous! She is the cause of half of the problems that plague my dear aunt. my aunt's life and mine would be infinitely better if Princess Luna were still trapped on that damned rock.

I got up and noticed something peculiar, Twilight was still sitting there watching me with those purple eyes that almost looked like my aunt's.

"Need something Princess Twilight?" I asked, looking at her envelope that remained sealed throughout the meeting. She seemed to notice and promptly the nervousness was clear in her voice.

"W-well, Prince Regent." she said almost in a whisper as she pressed the paper to her chest "this is a sensitive subject and-"

"I get it, you weren't waiting for me here, correct?" she nodded somewhat confused. "Whatever you want to discuss with Princess Celestia, and if for some reason you prefer to keep it from me, so be it, I won't force you to speak." I declare while putting away my papers and I close the briefcase.

"You look different from the last time we saw each other, remember?" I laughed internally, how could I not? I was humiliated and if Miss Rarity were not one of the bearers of the elements of harmony today she would be… rare to find.

"I apologize for that, Princess, I had a bad week, I was tired and taking my frustrations out on others. Ask Ms. Rarity's forgiveness on my behalf please." her eyes widened slightly, they gleamed with admiration. mares, so easy to impress.

"I see, umm, Prince Regen- please allow me to just call you by your name, I really don't like these titles, we look almost…better than other ponies." redflag. I sat down again.

"But Princess Twilight, we are better than other peasants, we are smarter, more agile, richer and more powerful." the admiring face soon disappeared to become a frown. "However, as we are no longer in a formal meeting and it's just us, you can call me by my name."

"Thanks, I'll talk to Rarity later for you, I promise." Once again she stares at the paper in her hooves wondering what to do. Now my curiosity has sparked.

"Tell me Twilight, who did you pick?"

"What? Sorry, I didn't understand.”

“Oh, please don't make a fool of yourself. I know my aunt talked to you about being a princess.” She was about to start talking, but I cut her off. "Like being a real princess, I'm not talking about beckoning to the commoners, I'm talking about choice, who did you choose? Canterlot? or Equestria?"

"Oh…" was all she said, her lips dry and her breath hitched for a brief moment,

"I… I-"

"Don't be silly, you don't have to tell me." I say as I get up and walk towards the door. one more appointment and I can go home.

"Prince Blueblood?"


"May I ask you a question?"

"you already did." I say as I opened the door and turned to her, the memories of when Celestia and I played like this flooded me with a strong nostalgic feeling for a moment. She let out a small laugh.

"So uh, two questions?"

"You just did it." she blinked a couple of times and her mouth opened to form a perfect O for a brief moment.

"Then, how about four questions?" I decided to finish this soon to prevent myself from continuing this circus. I nod for her to speak, a smile plastered across her face as if she's won some sort of riddle or challenge.

"Is that true?" she asked excitedly. "Is it true that when you were younger, Celestia tried to make you the wielder of the element of magic?" My smile and good humor faded as I listened to her question. Okay, I have to talk to Celestia later about her talking about other ponies pasts.

"Indeed, that's not a lie."

Her eyes sparkled with a curiosity that only a filly getting her first toy or academic finishing their first job could compare. I thought about going back and sitting down but chose not to.

"When I was eleven or thirteen, my aunt told the story of the elements, and how she was pretty sure where the Harmony Tree resided. she started slowly, telling a story here, another there, trying to get my attention." I stop, remembering these events as if it were yesterday, the maternal warmth my aunt's embrace possessed when I was just a young colt.

“Well, why didn't you take it? I mean, I should be grateful since everything I have is due to you refusing, but still, why?”

"Princess Twilight , in your opinion, what was the factor that allowed you to get the elements?"

"The friendship with my friends obviously."

"There you go," I say pointing at her. "I'm one of the great noble Twilight, there is no friendship between us, just a mutual gain agreement. I would never be able to form these bonds of friendship, besides, I had to take care of my little sister, you know how her situation is... delicate. So instead of going after magic stones, from magical times, that could do nothing to help my sister, I chose to study, train and learn to be the best ruler that my family has ever seen." she nodded with each word, coughed a little and said goodbye.

As she walked past me, I noticed her pressing the folder against her chest again.

"Princess Twilight ?"


"I personally don't care what's in your papers, if you don't want to show me, I understand, though, if what you show to my aunt makes her situation worse." I say menacingly pressing her against the wall. "You have my word, your days as a Princess and an Equestrian citizen will be over quickly." I smiled innocently as I walked to yet another one of my appointments. if Twilig- if the Princess Twilight is half the mare she was years ago she's probably shaking all over herself! I couldn't resist and discreetly looked back, she stared at me with a steady gaze, I could see the surprise and a little fear hidden in that steady gaze. Celestia taught you well, I think inwardly leaving her in the room alone.

I look up at the night sky, maybe it's eight or nine at night, hard to tell. We continued our walk in rather uncomfortable silence. Miranda leads the way holding my hand and guiding me out of this small cluster of trees. I notice some trees that I maybe knocked down. I better be quiet, maybe she didn't notice.

"Damian, still up there?"

“Yeh honey, just…just thinkin'.”

She chuckled. “Take it easy, or you're gonna melt your brain.”

"Very funny Miranda, very funny." I start accelerating until I reach her. She noticed my advances too late. "Come here you funny little girl."

I pull her close and start tickling her neck, her face serious and aware of the always there's dangers out there soon faded as she starts to laugh.

“S-stop! Is not fair!" she tries to fight back by tickling my armpits, but I quickly anticipate her movements and close my arms against my chest. “Nooo! This is cheating!" she squeaked out in disbelief.

“Ha Ha! Behold, my tickles!" I continue my attack! She tries to curl her neck and push me away, but I'm unstoppable! She continues to laugh uncontrollably, small tears already welling up in the corners of her eyes.

“I-I give up! You win!” I puff out my chest and cease my attack by putting my hands on my waist and facing away from her in an attempt to look cool. She is recovering, laughing sporadically and wiping a few tears from her eyes.

“Father, one hundred. Daughter, ahmmm, you are at eighty, right dear?”

"Eighty one." she whispers, curious I try to look at her only to see that little dragoness flying towards me, before I can react I feel her claws in my armpits, my whole body freezes. I feel like time itself starts to slow down, and for a moment our eyes cross. NO! I try to scream with my eyes, but she barely seems to care.

I try to keep my balance, but her weight plus her tickle makes me stumble and we're both rolling down the small hill, me desperately trying to close my arms and reach for her neck. However, she continued her attack angrily.

When we reached the bottom of the hill she and I stopped rolling and she luckily got on top of me. I desperately tried to reach for her neck, but every time I went to stretch my arms her tickle intensified, making me recoil out of sheer reflex.

"I-it's not fair!"

"Life is not fair! Now succumb to my attacks!” She laughs evilly in a comical way.

I can't say how long we were doing this, but after what felt like an eternity I stopped my counterattack attempts.

“Ah-ah yo-you-ah-ah you WIN! Please s-stop!” she stopped for a moment but before I could process she started her attack furiously again!




“What? I can't hear ya?”

“You are t-the queen! Now please stop!”

She snorted victoriously, her attacks stopping immediately, I continued to laugh, I trembled a few times as if the attack hadn't stopped. Damn it, I feel so… so violated!

She's still there, standing victoriously over me like she wants to prove something, we stare at each other for a second before we both start laughing at the whole situation.

“O-ok Miranda, ninety-nine for me, eighty-one for you. I'm still a bit ahead.” I say sitting up and trying to get some air to calm my body.

“Yeah, well I've already been losing by more, eighteen is nothing, one day I'll beat you old man," she said with a giggle as she sat up, her back against mine.

"Pff, let's see then young girl." I take a deep breath, a small smile creeping across my face almost unconsciously. Then I notice in the clouds a small blue dot flying away from us.

“Hmm, well let's move, it's already dark and all, Fluttershy must be worried.

"Oh yes, I'm counting on it." Miranda spoke maliciously. I raised an eyebrow but shrugged and stood up.

"Let's roll." I shake my head towards the now visible village in the distance.

We continued our walk for a moment before we saw some ponies approaching, one pink, white, orange and two pegasi, one yellow and blue respectively. I think to myself. I look to see Miranda's reaction. She glared directed at them, ohhhh, they grow so fast.

We stopped walking as soon as they got to us.

"See? I said I could find them anywhere! ”

"Ohhh boy, we got really scared! you ran away just after I gave you your welcome-to-Ponyville-party!"

"You gave us such a scare - OH MY FAUST! MY DRESSES!" Rarity yelled, pointing a hoof at Miranda, I followed her signal to see my little girl tearing one of the gems off her dress and chewing it. Oh you naughty girl, I know you're not even hungry! The unicorn's eyes seemed to flutter and before I could do anything she almost fell to the ground, if not for Pinkie holding her of course. I chuckled a bit

“Was it really-”

“Totally, one hundred percent necessary, actually.” Miranda declared, finishing eating what appeared to be a sapphire.

"Sooooo, hi, I don't think we've had much time to introduce ourselves before, I'm Rainbow Dash! Fastest pony in all of Equestria!" Rainbow bragged, landing in front of me trying to strike a pose, cool. Hey! That's my thing!

"Sup." I shrug. She continues that pose for a couple of seconds before grimacing.

"Sup? Is that what you have to say to the biggest flyer ever? And I thought you'd be a nice guy."

I walk over to Rarity and signal Applejack to come over, take Rarity from Pinkie and put her on the back of the orange pony.

"Uff, Rarity, girl ya need a diet."

I look at Rainbow once more, analyzing her up and down, she smiles like she finally has my attention and repeats that ridiculous pose.

“I've seen you in better situations, oh my god, what did they call you? I won't remember, it was a pretty good pun.”

"Rainbow Crash?" Pinkie said as she did little hops beside me.I snap my fingers and point at her.

"You nailed it!" I laughed a little as I pointed to the city.

"Can we go?"

"PINKIE! You can't-he-hey! Get back here you overdeveloped monkey!" I can't help but laugh, this one is new, it's not the worst anyway.

"R-Rainbow, he's not ahmm, a monkey you know right?"

“Yeah I know, he's a, ahhhmmmmm, thruman?"

“Human, actually.” I say as we start our way to Ponyville, however for some reason I decided to look at Fluttershy and I see something strange. I point a finger at her right hoof. "What happened to your hoof?"

"Oh, this?" she said showing her right hoof which was lightly bandaged. "Accident in my hut."

"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and quickly looking at Applejack who was rolling her eyes. Okay.

I feel a pinch as I feel Miranda tearing off one of the few jewels that adorned my suit, normally I wouldn't mind, I don't think they're particularly pretty, but damn, that almost hurt!

"Yes, an accident." Miranda growled in rage as she pulverized the jewel between her teeth. That was a threat. I tell myself as I watch Fluttershy cringe a little.

Rainbow flies quickly to stand in the vision path between her and squints her eyes as she looks at Miranda. Ohh this is getting good.

We continued on our way in rather awkward silence, there were seven of us and no one spoke, well, no one except Pinkie who tried to talk to Miranda and Applejack's occasional grunts at having to basically carry her own weight on his shoulders. the joke is on her, I'm not helping her with it. Her friend, her problem.

"Are you fast?" Rainbow breaks the silence.


"Wanna bet a race?" she smiled smugly already looking around for some reason.

"Look, yes I'm fast, but I can't run faster than you can fly in an open field, if it's in a forest though." I say pointing to the huge tropical-temperate rainforest that is the everfree.

"Oh, well you know, maybe-"

"What do you want? I Talked to ponies enough to know your bullshit, stop chit chatting" she blushed a little and crossed her hooves. After scratching the back of her neck a bit she sighed.

"Am I going to be captain of the Wonderbolts?"


"Fluttershy told us that you come from a different dimension from ours, one from the future, so I, well, I was curious, you know." I blink a couple of times before looking at Fluttershy.

"I don't remember saying I come from the future."

“S-sorry, I just figured it out after you-”

“Okay, I get it, now about the Wonders…Wonder…”

“Bolts, how can you don't know about them!? They are, like, the coolest ponies ever!” I shrug.

"Yeah, in a way yes."

"YES!" she screamed, slamming the soil with her hoofs. Applejack stopped walking to hide her face in her hat.

"Ya did it pal, now she'll be like this for months."

“And Spitfire? Will she become deputy commander or will she retire? Dude, I bet she's going to retire and hand me the cloak! It will be amazing!" I pondered for a moment whether it should spoil her joy, God how tempting, but I don't think it's worth it.

When we were about to continue, Pinkie discreetly pulled my shirt and I lowered myself to her level.

"T-they died right?" I looked around to see if anyone noticed. Everyone was staring at Rainbow Dash as she bragged about herself, even Miranda looked at her and laughed at the situation.

"Yes." I whisper to her. Her ears bend slightly.

"W-was it you?"

"No, it happened a while before me." Did she just smile and sigh in relief? Morbid. I liked it.

“Thanks for not telling her, she was going to be, sensitive. Well, don't tell her, this will end, you know, her dream.” He nods and lifts me up and stretches my back a little.

"Yes ma'am!" I say making an awkward military salute, she smiled and returned the gesture.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing AJ, just talking about the past." Applejack looked Pinkie up and down, shrugged, and continued walking toward Ponyville. We followed her and we all laughed when Applejack hit Rainbow Dash with her tail.

"Move ya ass Dash, I want to sleep."

We've been walking for a while now, we dropped off Rarity at her house and now we're heading towards Pinkie's house to drop her off there. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were talking to Miranda. As far as I could understand they were talking about… clothes and fashion? I'm proud of my hearing, but I had to question myself hearing this over and over.


Pinkie and Fluttershy are discussing the future of the Cake twins. I try to remember but I just can't tell who they are. Maybe they are important?


I'm a little behind them watching the scene, smiling for some reason I can't tell why, occasionally looking up at the sky to see if there's any suspicious cloud or someshit similar.

"Help!" I stop immediately and look at the alley right behind me, what the hell…

I walked a little closer to the alley, however, I stopped just before going in, it was dark, very dark. It looks… it feels… I reach my hand out into this terrifying darkness and hesitate for a moment.

I turn to call Miranda, but stop when I notice a peculiar fact. THEY JUST KEPT WALKING WITHOUT ME! OUTRAGEOUS! Seriously, I think I'll remember that, when I want to go away and run away I just… go away and run away.

I fill my lungs with air and exhale slowly, suppressing my nervousness as I touch in that darkness.

"An illusion spell, and by the looks of it a very poorly done sound suppression spell."

“H-help! Anyone!”

Yeah, I… I think from the feminine timbre and slightly desperate voice someone is about to get raped, ohh boy, it must be pretty tough for her. At least it's not my problem. I yawn as I turn to go after the others.

"H-help!" again? It can't just be the fact that I hear well, someone sucks doing silence spells. If there was someone to help her… right… someone… do what, I better keep walking or-

"S-someone, help!" Stop.

"S-someone, please!" fuck, always that word, always it, HELP, cursed be that word. I rub my eyes and sigh while facing that palpable darkness again. At least they nailed this.

I walked through the smoke and in a few moments the darkness disappeared and soon I could see the situation.

A torch lit the scene, the mare, apparently a unicorn, was huddled on the ground surrounded by two ponies, a normal one and a unicorn that surrounded her. A rope was being levitated by the unicorn while the normal pony kicked the mare occasionally. I won't lie, for a minute I thought about joining them, but, well, I'm trying to start over, right?

“Boul? already finished there? Whatever, help us tie this bitch up here.” the unicorn spoke. I think this Boul must be a minotaur or the unicorn has some-all levels of myopia.

I keep getting closer and just as I get closer and the torch starts to light up my body, her emerald green eyes widened when she saw me.

"Boyz, I think you guys had enough fun today." I say rubbing my hands and moving closer to them.

The charcoal-black unicorn didn't look at me at first, however, he must have soon realized that my voice didn't sound like his friend's and promptly jumped back in alarm and caution. His friend, a normal blue colored pony wearing a small vest, ignored me and continued kicking the mare.

"Dagger you stupid brute, watch out, it's not Boul!"

The normal pony soon turned and stared at me for a second before starting to laugh uncontrollably.

“What the hay are you? Some kind of malnourished-hornless minotaur?” Meh, I've heard worse.

"Okay guys, the game is over, go, I don't know, have fun in a brothel or something." I say pointing to the mare on the ground, which was now staring at me with wide eyes full of curiosity.

“Hey, Nickel,how much do you think he's worth? One hundred bits?” the normal one whispered to the unicorn.

"Probably more, jackpot Dagger." he whispered back, these horses whisper really loud and it has nothing to do with my good hearing.

"Say partner, how about letting us finish our business here?" the normal pony spoke pulling a knife from his vest and pointed it at me. What a nerve.

“So, leave us alone, and we intend we didn't see you? Deal?" oh yeah, a classic, I turn around and get stabbed to death or someshit. I really like this one and I recommend it. However, I always preferred to attack at once, instead of playing games.

"Believe me, I even wanted to, but I'm kind of having to start over and you guys made a lot of noise, now I saw it and I can't let you go on this due the fucking moral code or someshit.” I cross my arms and puff up my chest trying to look bigger. Can I kill them? Well, self-defense… I don't think so, the others wouldn't like it, Jeez, maybe Miranda wouldn't like this.

They both looked at each other, the normal pony smirked and the unicorn waved at him. Ohhhh boy! The unicorn quickly lowered its head and pointed its horn at me, a faint black aura surging around me and a look of astonishment invading its face. Can I take his horn though? not either. Shit, I'm already hating this world a little more.

"D-Dagger, wait!" he yelled too late, his partner was already running towards me.

I Sigh in disappointment as the normal pony approached, And I thought this would be interesting. I easily dodge his attack and land a punch as hard as I can without killing him. Of course.

After hitting the first one, with him still a little dizzy I kick him as hard as I can, again not wanting to kill him.

The stallion goes flying and falls into a nearby trash can, his face full of surprise and a nosebleed apparently.

"What the fuck are you?" The unicorn screamed, its horn glowing even more brightly, now I can feel what can almost be said to be discomfort while he tries to levitate me.

"A human!" I say slyly as I raise my fists and call the regular pony to fight.

He looked furious, spat some blood on the wall and climbed out of the trash can and ran towards me. My eyes range between him and the unicorn, who could easily become a problem, but he seems really wanting to levitate me. I can see a vein near his head pulsing really hard due the force he’s putting in the spell.

When I noticed, the knife was almost hitting me, due to my height, it was always a problem when these pests get too close, lucky for me he took aim at my face for some reason, I knee him in the hoof, breaking it while he screams in pain dropping the knife, I hit two jabs in his face and unconsciously smirked with pure nostalgia of beating the shit out of those horses.

I grab him by his mane and smash his face into the wall, hear his friend say something but I ignore it, smash him again, again and again. The wall was already stained with blood. I looked at him, his half-closed eyes In an honorable attempt to maintain consciousness, I smashed his face into the wall again and then onto the floor, the noise he made at the end of broken bones was like music. It was then that I noticed a screaming pain around my neck. He stabbed me!? I thought immediately, to my surprise I soon noticed it was the necklace shining. Shit, do I have to take it easy or… who knows? My head explodes?

“You… What in the Tartarus are you?!” The unicorn screamed pointing at its friend, its eyes wide and its attempts to levitate me ceased.

“Are you deaf? Didn't you hear? I'm a human.” I say maliciously, snapping my fingers and kicking what's left of his friend in his direction. A small trail of blood emerged as the pony was kicked at him. His breathing shuddered heavily, as if his life depended on it. Ouch, damn necklace.

The unicorn looked at me, then at the mare who was still on the ground and then at his partner.

“Tsk, shit. I marked your face, you are a dead human."his horn shines even brighter, a magic missile? I liked it, raising my fists again ready to continue the fight, then a bubble surrounds him and his friend and both are gone.

"<Coward motherfucker.>" I shrug, with disappointment, just as I was warming up, well, I've seen better death oaths.

I look at the mare, her eyes looking up and down, not an inch of fear coming from her, interesting. Besides, why didn’t they just teleport her along? Who knows.

I got down to her level, to my surprise she didn't run or duck or beg for her life.

"Aren't you scared?" She shook her head and lifted her face towards me, allowing me to see her. She was a green colored unicorn, her mane was a soft blue and her eyes… emerald green…

“If you wanted to kill me, I think I'd be dead by now.” she said, her eyes locked on mine. She tried to get up but her legs failed.

I moved closer, a few inches apart, she looked quite surprised but I ignored her and started sniffing the air, that smell…

"You are a changeling?” her eyes widened slightly for a second, it was almost imperceptible, almost.

"I'm sorry? what?" I point to her eyes and my nose.

“I can smell you, so no need to lie. I know." her eyes widened this time, she started looking around frantically and her eyes fixed on the knife the pony had left behind.

"Don't you dare."

She quickly levitated the knife with a vine-green aura and tried to stab me, I quickly grabbed her horn and she let out a little scream of pain while her spell ceased with a small snap. Fuck! I feel a twinge in my back below my ribs, when I turn around I notice the knife in me, shit, inertia. I pull the knife out, it's barely penetrated an inch but I didn't fucking expect it.

I let go of her horn and kept the knife, she was scared, her breathing heavy and mostly confused looking down at my hand.

"What kind of witchcraft was this?!"

"Human shenanigans."

She touched her horn for a moment then turned back to face me.

"Look, I'm not going to report you if you think that's what I'm going to do, you know, I'm trying to change and put in jail the being I just saved... it feels wrong."

"Reform? So you were also fooled by this friendship nonsense? I'm surrounded by morons.”

"Pff, same here." Deciding that crouching while talking to her would only yield a back pain I decided to sit down, I'm still a couple of inches taller than her, but it helps.

“I think this friendship thing is a bit overrated, I studied a little bit of how it works, basically it sucks. But it works.”

"how?" I point to my necklace.

"I'm on parole right now, but let's just ignore it, what's your hive?" as if my question triggers something in her brain, her eyes narrow.

"How you discovered my cover."

"It's not personal, lady... or sir... I don't know, but I'm suspicious of everything with green eyes. Plus I can smell changeling, you know, that parade of pheromones and shit."

"Impossible! You're not even one of mine…or…”

“No, I'm human, and about that, you know, it's that thing you guys do when you find someone worthy or something. It tasted good." her eyes, it’s a she? I think it is, well, her eyes widened.

"Royal jelly, did you eat royal jelly?!"

"Is that the name? I think so then."

"B-but that doesn't make sense! Somebeing who ingests should only be able to sense changelings of the same level or lower as the one who gave him the jelly and that's just limited to that hive!" I blink for a couple of seconds processing what she just said.

"You're from the Chrysalis hive then?" She looked at me skeptically for a few more seconds before extending her hoof to me, confused as to what to do. I just sniffed.

"You can get my-"

"Yes, no doubt about it."


"Jeez, calm down, look, 'cause you must be a high-ranking soldier, Major?" One of her eyes twitched. "Doesn't mean I haven't, ahmm, eaten that jelly." she stares at me for a while longer before saying again that it's impossible.

"It's ok, if it'll make you happy, look, it was just a bluff, ok? Ha ha, I bluffed, you fool, ha ha. Now help me here, I need your help, I want to talk to Chrysalis.”

"What, why- as if... are you retarded?!"

"Look, ok, we started off on the wrong foot… hoof here, look, I'm not really from this Equestria."

Her response was a comically quick couple of winks. I sighed tiredly.

“It all started when I was getting ready to go to a wedding…”

"-And so, well, here we are." I say with a sigh finishing my monologue, I omitted some parts obviously.

She stared at me for a few seconds, her face clearly shifting from confusion to reasoning.

“So you…” she started pointing a hoof at me. “Are you from another dimension? Another Equestria.”

"Technically I'm from another dimension, from another dimension, but yes."

“This is…too many to process…” I was about to make a joke but she quickly cut me off. "Wait, so… in your dimension is there a changeling named Thorax?"

"Ahmm, no? I've never heard of it."

Her eyes widened, she gritted her teeth and began hissing and punching the ground.

"That bastard! Damn it! Then I would win if it wasn't for him! DAMN IT!"

"Easy there, who is he?"

"He stole my hive, because of him I… I have nothing." oh, poor little thing.

"Sooo… I need to talk to Chrysalis, help me with it or not?"

She looked at me confused for a couple of seconds, ohh, cute, she is slow.

"I... I can fix that, but first, answer me one thing."

"Spit it out."

"Why did you help me? Weren't you a... villain? Even trying to...reform, I still don't understand." I laughed a little when she said villain. again, not the worst thing I've ever been called of.

"Well." I say scratching my head and looking away. "See, I've been through a... problem once, look, humans are proud creatures and besides I'm a man, you know, I grew up always hearing that my problems are mine and that I have to deal with them , since it was the most masculine thing to do and those shits. So when I found myself in that hole, I… I cried a lot, I screamed a lot and I begged for help. I begged for God, clinging to this hope that someday an angel would destroy the roof and save me, but, no one came. I cried and hoped that somehow a squad of human soldiers would invade that dungeon and take me to Earth, but again, no one came. I screamed for help till I couldn't scream more, and then I screamed some more. I know how humiliating it is to ask for help, and I know what it's like to scream for help and no one shows up. Don't think you're special, you just used the right word."

She glared at me and nodded with each word, biting her lip a couple of times and giggling when I spoke of God, “You hate ponies.”

“With every fiber of my being, but I know there are some good ones.”

She tried to get up but again, she failed.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"We don't-"

"Love, I know how you work, when was the last time you ate love?"

"It's been a while, I've always been running away, and my so-brothers, they've been relentlessly chasing me."

I ponder it for a couple of seconds before sighing, I open my arms. "Give me a hug." She frowned on her face.

"That's not how it works."

"Just… just hug me."

She hesitantly hugged me, her body was cold, and when I hugged her she shivered for a moment. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and imagine the image of my wife Maria dressed in her wedding dress. She smiled sweetly as she arranged a strand of her red hair and giggled pressing the bouquet of flowers against her chest. Maria… a tear trickles from my eyes as she runs towards me, throwing herself against me and I hug her. I hugged her with all my strength and kissed her cheek like it's the last time I would.

With a sad sigh I finish my fantasy and release the mare from my embrace, she looks genuinely surprised, she's scrutinized her hooves and herself a few times.

"It worked…" she whispered to herself while analyzing herself even more.

"Neat right? The Chrysalis of my world taught me this trick, it's not a full load but it will help you."

"T-thank you, human."

I blush a little, I didn’t not even introduce myself to her. "My name is Damien." I say standing up,

"Thank you Damian, your help was very…very welcome." I lift a thumb at her and shrug.

"It was nothing, the truth was it was a little cathartic punching those horses, it helps a lot." she smiled mischievously as she stood up,

"Want to come with me? We can do great things together, I'm thinking of going after my two…partners, but I think you'll do."

"Nah, I'm at Fluttershy's hut at the moment, so it won't work."

"Fluttershy?" She told herself, anger rising in her eyes. "Obviously it would be one of them."

Laughed internally, of course she would have a history with them.

"Well, do you want to come?"

"Never! It would be suicide!" she declares almost screaming, she looks around and sighs.

"You have nowhere to stay, right?" she nods a little depressed. "Look, Everfree's abandoned castle is a great base, the Chrysalis of my world put their main hive there, besides, can I get an audience with her?"

"Damian!" I hear Miranda screaming behind me, shit! I turn to wave at her.

"Hi hon!”

"What that fuck are you doing? We were looking for you everywhere!"

"I was being a hero!” I declare puffing out my chest and giving her space to see the mare I saved.

"Hmm, I know, hero for what?

"What?” I scream as I notice the escape of that mare. "s-she was here! I helped her!"

"I know, and what was her name?"

I opened my mouth ready to speak when I noticed something. Fuck! I didn't ask! Miranda rolled her eyes and nodded to me to follow her.

"Come on Dad, it's late and I want to sleep."

"B-but I, there was someone here! I'm not making this up!"

Miranda stared at the small pool of blood on the wall and floor and shrugged,

"Just… let's go, I want to sleep, ok?"

I nod as I start to follow her, occasionally glancing back as if expecting the changeling to show up and say something, but no, she's gone…that was…real right? That wasn't my imagination…I hope…God it's late.

A day on duty

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock, I blink a couple of times when I notice the sun hasn't even risen, yawn, turn off the alarm and go back to sleep with a small smile as I stretch out on the bed.

I continued to lie there trying to go back to sleep when a small event occurred to me.

"Horseapples I should raise the sun!" I scream getting up and reaching for the alarm. f-five in the morning? am I gonna have to wake up so early? oh my stars…"

At least I'm not late, with a quick yawn I open the curtains in my room. Canterlot, I tell myself as I admired the majestic city built around the great mountain where the castle was made. Although it was dark, and the little light there was that the moon reflected, I could still recognize several sights and landmarks of this millenary city where I grew up.

“Horn of Victory , Great Temple of Faust, Little Foal Orphanage.” and the list went on as I narrated to myself the wonders that were in this monumental city, although I blushed a few times considering that I never went to half of these famous and historical spots that filled this magnificent city.

After narrating a few more historical spots I decide to complete my real duties, I look to the horizon with a little anxiety. It's been a while since I've done this and my last attempt was a bit... troubled, not to mention I had help.. take a deep breath, okay Twilight, now it's for real.

I firmed my hooves on the wooden floor and closed my eyes, even without seeing anything I know my horn glows insanely as I try to focus on the moon, so I can focus on the sun. magical exhaustion hits me immediately as I feel my hooves tremble. I cannot fail! I scream internally as I intensify my spell even more.

I was sleeping soundly and enjoying a dreamless night and this was an unparalleled blessing and if I can sleep until noon like this, so I will.

But my eyes opened immediately as I felt a massive amount of mana pass through me and continue on its way no matter where. few things in this world generate such a massive amount of mana in such a short amount of time.

"FUCK! MIRANDA! WAKE UP THEY'LL USE A MEGA-SPELL IN THIS SHITTY VILLAGE!" I scream while in pure despair I fell off the Fluttershy's couch to the floor. from the noise I heard from the guest room I can guarantee that my daughter did the same. shit I have little time!

"MIRANDA BRING YOUR ASS HERE AND HELP ME!" I scream again as I kneel down and try to cast a protective spell like a magical shield around the house. my hands glowed a couple of times and for a few moments a dome of various colors formed around me but soon fell apart.


I hear a door open brutally, what appears to be some porcelain falling, and soon I notice Miranda rolling down the stairs, some blankets around her.

“What the fuck is going on?! Who's casting a mega-spell?!?!”

"I don't know, I don't want to know and I'm angry with those who know, now help me raise this shield!" I scream hysterically as I fail again and again to do a spell more complex than a lot of massive mana Flying in one direction. "<FUCK! SHIT! WE’RE FUCKED!>"
Miranda blinked a couple of times as I desperately nodded for her to help me with the shield, she looked at the street and opened the window.

"It's in Canterlot, not here."

Still full of adrenaline I run towards the window and even though I'm very far from the palace I can see as if a small star is shining in one of the towers.

"<Son of a bitch, I thought they were going to blow us up, it looks like they're going to blow themselves up.>”

When I turn to my daughter I feel a huge pain and my chin and I stumble backwards falling back against the wall, I rubbe my chin while I see Miranda flicking her left claw.

"And that's 'cause it scared me for real, now if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to sleep." she said snorting and puffing out her chest while she started to walk away doing her best not to trip over the blankets she was wearing.

shit, what a way to start a day, by the way, shouldn't the sun have risen already?

I continued casting the spell, the entire room glowing in a purple tone, almost reacting to the intensity of this spell.

I peek into the window a little, dang, the sun isn't up yet! I breathe in and focus even more, I can feel my horn getting hot and drops of sweat dripping from my forehead.

I feel a burst of energy coming out of my horn and my body trembling for a spark of a second. I can do it, I yell internally while I do m y best to stay on the floor.

The moon, then the sun, the moon and then the sun, I kept repeating it to myself while my hooves started losing grasp from the floor. I try again to steady my hooves on the ground.

Another pulse of power came out my horn and I wiggle my hoof trying to find the floor. dang it Twilight, focus!

I close my eyes and clear my mind, I breath in, and out, moon to sun, moon to sun, “MOON TO SUN!” I yelled one last time finishing the cast.

A little purple bubble popped up on top of my horn and I felt one electric jolt going through my spine when I finished the spell.

The bubble shined intensely for half-second and it started expanding rapidly, before I could react I stopped floating and I hit the floor. I shaked my head after getting up and I was welcomed by the warm salute of the sun from the window.

“I did it?” I whispered breathlessly to myself. “I did it!”

The sound of claps started behind me. “Congrats Twilight, congrats.” I turned back just to see Luna smirking to me from a portal hovering over my bed.

“L-luna?! how long have you been there?”

“Oh, enough time to witness your magic prowess my dear friend! and I must say, it’s quite impressive.” I blushed a little while trying my best to get up, my hoofs saying otherwise.

When I finally got up I could see Luna on the other side of the portal. she was laying on her bed with dark circles and a fading smile. She yawed and I couldn’t hold it and yawned a little too.

“Is everything okay Luna? you should be resting by now.”

“I’m fine my friend, just wanted to behold you raising the sun, and I must say, thanks Faust I did it.” she said with a tired giggle.

“Did I do it right?” I said a bit anxious, barely hiding it, I think.

“Oh, right, yes, that was quite a, ahmm, well, the sun is up isn’t it?” my ears folded and I gulped.

“What did I… maybe the time? or was it too abrupt?” I said to myself trying to find what I did wrong, time, has to be the time. the sun should be up sooner.

“Well, being morbidly frank with you, was your tecniche and the amount of mana you put on that crude spell.” She said getting up and yawning again.

“C-crude? I was pretty sure that that was the easiest way to do it! maybe my technique is a bit rusty…”

“Well, if you excuse me Twilight, I’m now going to tell the diplomats that this all was just a misunderstanding and not a mega-spell test.”

“A-a mega-spell?!” I shouted genuinely surprised. Did I just… wow…

“Well, yes of course, the amount of mana put there was frightening. So pardon me, I must avoid a diplomatic incident. Next time you can just, you know, ask for a clue or two my friend. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel or teleportation spell every time.” she blinked at me and the portal closed.

I stood there for a couple of seconds gazing at the location where she was before the portal closed. I really made a mess, right? ughh, what a way to start the day.

I yawed one last time before looking out the window, “It's a beautiful sunrise, isn't it?” I said to myself stretching my wings and flexing my back.

“Now it's time for the morning exercises…”

I trotted happily for the castle,roaming around on this humongous castle! each corridor leads to another two, and so go on. I can actually find where I’m, it’s just, I can't tell, it is exciting to lose yourself in this place, it has its magic not gonna lie.

“Princess? are you okay?” a sturdy voice called by my side.

“Yes, just a bit ditzy.” I said, turning to greet this poney. to my suprise, it's the changeling I met arriving in canterlot yesterday!

“Oh, hi mister…”

“Maath, princess, but please, just call me captain, I don’t deserve such honor as being called by my own name.” I nod, trying not to look surprised.

“If that’s your wish, captain.” he smiled and nodded back. “So I may call you by that, tell me, what can I do for you?”

“It’s nothing, princess, you just seemed off, almost lost, if I may say.” he said with an emotionless laugh.

“I’m fine captain, just enjoying a walk.”

“Inside the castle?” he said, coughing a bit surprised, a smile blooming in his face.

“Yes.” I blushed “That’s something I used to do in Ponyville, old habits die hard, you know.”

“I disagree.” he said rapidly and firmly, his smile ceasing in a snape of a second. “Old habits should end quickly and definitely. sorry for bothering you princess.” he bowed quickly and turned around.

“Wait!” he stopped, “I'm sorry if I- I said something wrong, I know your kind is going through rough times and-”

“I beg your pardon, princess, but you would never say something to bother this old guard here… I just wanted to thank you back there for the train incident.” he never looked back at me, just stayed looking away, waiting… for an order.

“You can go now, captain… I hope the best of days for you and your brother.” his body flinched for one moment, but soon he bowed again and walked away.

When I lost sight of him I filled my lungs the most I could and I breathed out.

I gazed at the corridors, can’t tell why, but it seemed as if it lost its shine, and with it my desire to walk around.

I closed my eyes and meditated about my duties. I have time… yes I do. with a nod and a quick shake of head I raise my head, stuff my chest and continue my walk.

“I wish to talk with Princess Celestia.”

“I’m sorry princess, but she told me she desires to be alone for now.”

“Please captain Golden Shield, I need to talk with her.”

The captain, who stayed in front of Celestia’s room, cleared his throat and entered her room.

I stayed impatiently in front of the door, doing little jumps and contemplating the paintings on the walls and the stained glasses.

“Princess Celestia accepted your request, you may enter.” he said opening the door and stepping aside.

“Thank you.” he bowed at me and quickly returned to his post beside the door.

When I entered the room I noticed how dark it was, I could barely see her magnificent bed resting majestically in the center of the room.

A smell caught my attention and my ears folded inconcitly with such bitter odor!

“This place stinks of alcohol!” I declared immediately, my snout twitching with such a smell.

I heard a dry cough coming ahead of me, but this darkness occulted the culprit from my eyes. Fine then, two can play this game.

I closed my eyes, concentrating on a simple, but efficient spell.

When my eyes opened a purple sparkle blinked on top of my horn, and in a fraction of a second the entirety of the room lit up.

The bed, once majestic, now rests messy and missing some blankets. The curtains that had the honor to open and let the sun illuminate this room stayed shut.

I wanted to say the thing that most got my attention was the considerable amount of empty bottles on the corner of the room, but the pony drinking something by the desk got me.

“H-hey, who lit the sun?!” that voice? it’s -

“Princess Celestia?” I lower the intensity of the spell, the purple shade disappearing from the room, giving space for their true color, including this pony.

Celestia mane, once proud for reflecting all colors with a mesmerizing pattern capable of calming even the most savage of beasts, now is a gray-colorless mane tied by a blue-ribbon in a ponytail style.

“Hi Twilight.” I approached her and I could see her black eyes and a shy smile on her face. by her was a steaming cup and I immediately recognised that delightful smell.

“Having tea, Princess Celestia?”

“Oh please Twilight, it’s just us both, call me by my name.” she giggled while levitating that cup near her, she took a heavy sniff of the aroma before drinking it.

I nodded, obviously, and walked to sit by her. in front of her were many papers, some even in another language! I also could spot a kettle and on its side, a bottle of wine.

“I’m sorry you had to see me in such a deplorable state Twilight, I’m really sorry.” she said with a deep voice after finishing her drink. I could not but look away in shame for making her uncomfortable.

A bit of an awkward time followed, only the sound of her drink filling the air. She gazed at me from time to time, trying to smile and alike, but spent most of her time pondering something about those papers in front of her.

“Be sincere Twilight, I’m a mess right?”

“N-no! of course not! you’re just having a bad time!” she gazed at me until I finished and after that she stretched her whole body, with wings and everything, little moans escaping her lips as if she hadn’t done it in ages!

“Faust, I needed those days off.” With her magic she levited the bottle of wine and bit off the bottle cap!

“Celestia, are you okay? I have never seen you… drinking.”

She froze half way to drink the wine, lowered the bottle and put it on the table.

"Ye-yes, no! I mean, yes… yes those were some of the hardest days of my life not gonna lie about it.”

Okay Twilight, it’s now your time to have her back. She rested her hooves together on the table. She opened her mouth a couple of times, her hoofs started shaking, at first it was just a bit, but it got more intense by the second.

I rested my hoof on top of hers and her shakling stopped.

“Celestia, you know, you can tell me anything right? if there is something bothering you, anything, if I can help, I would like to know, help you like you helped me many times before.”

“It’s… complicated Twilight… I-I think it started on the day we met Damian.”

“Oh, right, do you mind telling me why?”

“It’s… not so simple.”

“Why? I’m being honest, when you proposed throwing him on Tartarus it got me off guard, he he, but, is there some relation? Why such a drastic reaction.”


“Let me guess, complicated?” I joked, but her fold of ears told me she didn’t quite like it. I put my other hoof on top of hers. “Sorry.”

“No, you're right, it kinda sounds childish, using such lame excuse.”

Silence proceeded for a couple of moments, Celestia breathed heavily a couple of times before looking me in the eyes.

“When we first met him, he was holding… holding my horn.”

“Ahm, I see yo-.”

“NO! no you just don’t!” in a heartbeat she bursted her hoofs up, it caught me off guard and before I realized I falled back over my wings.

“Ough, I-”

“SORRY! I’m so sorry Twilight!” I got up with her help, I moved my wings to see if anything seriously happened but I seemed fine.

“I’m fine, just, just caught me off guard that's all.”

She looked me all over, up and down looking for some kind of injury, but I thank Faust that alicorns are built differently, I’m pretty sure that would have at least dislocated a wing.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

“I know, Celestia, I know, it was just an accident.”

She gave me another quick look before going back to her spot, her breath was still a bit shaky, but almost stable. She touched her mane, her hoof almost losing itself on her mane, quickly going up until she stopped on her horn.

“He had my horn… it's complicated to tell, but I know that WAS my horn, it’s a feeling… hard to describe. But I know that is true.”

“Sorry, that probably was a bad feeling, b-but he is a better creature now! or at least he is-”

“He isn't the problem Twilight, what he did is.”

“Deicide, I know it’s a heavy crime but.”

“Heavy is a word that doesn’t make justice to such a crime, but… it wasn't his crime, but whom he killed.”


“Yes.” her eyes turned to the bottle of wine, she filled her lungs and looked at me again.

“May I tell you, a tale, my friend?”

I just nodded, I don't know why I didn’t say something, I just shook my head.

“There was, upon a time, a long time ago, in a old and forgotten cave, two little sisters.” This is 100% you and Luna right? I bet it is! I tought with a giggle.

“They were scared, but fear not, said the older one to the youngest, for our father watches for us!”

“That was a fact that soon changed, soon, their father fell sick, and on his deathbed he spoke to them. The youngest sister barely remembered what he said, but the oldest did. She remembered too well for her own sake.”

Celestia's breath flutters for a moment and her lips twitched in a strange smile.

“Thou shall rebuild what was ours, and seek justice in our name. Those words reverbered on her head for hours after his death. Why did he say that? Even on his own deathbed he refused to say, declare, his fatherly love to her, a love that just the youngest received.”

“But did he? She spent the next day, week, month trying to remember if he ever uttered such words, but yet, she failed.”

“But it didn’t matter, for her desire to fulfill his request was incommensurable, a foolish child seeking attention of a deceased father. She got her sister, and together they vowed to do ANYTHING to rebuild what once was their birthright.”




“Oh sorry, where I was- oh yes, right. And so their adventure began, they faced many foes, from warmonger warlords to crazy deities, old and new beings of pure destruction and creation.”

“The oldest tried to protect her little sister, but soon she got a taste for battles and a natural talent on the battlefield, and the oldest sister, selfishly, exploited that gift of her younger sister.”

“Many times she thought, this is my time, I ain’t gonna make it, now it's over, but she lived. She survived. She never fell.”

Celestia looked down, she breathed heavily and let out a heavy sigh. our eyes meet.

“She did a lot of bad things to fulfill her objective, a lot, so many that I can’t remember all of them… she used to write them in a diary to remind herself what she did, what was necessary.”

“Then, one day the oldest sister, laid on the balcony of her castle, alone sighed in relief, knowing she retoke what was hers… and she felt nothing. Her father hasn't magically appeared to say how much he loved her, nor anything alike. She felt nothing, because there was just her, alone.”


“She broke.” she said, sniffing with a sore voice. “She broke so bad that she tried to end herself-”

“Celestia!” I yelled hitting her desk in sheer surprise, “You did what?!” she just gazed at me, her left hoof scratching her mane sometimes in clear discomfort.

“But she… I didn't have the… guts to do it… maybe a millennia before, she could have done it, but now she feared that.” She grabbed my hoof and helped me sit down, she tried to smile, ease me, didn’t quite help, but I tried.

“One nasty, annoying fact about immortality my pupil is, you’ll hate, hate it with every single cell of you being for a long time, you’ll see your loved ones be happy, sad, build a family, age and then they’ll be nothing but a fading memory.”

“Those first ones will be hard, maybe in a decade or two you’ll realize what curse fell over you.

“Until one day, when you’re mourning the burial of a loved friend or lover you realize that that unbearable pain in your chest… is just not there, you get numb, get used to their short lifespan and stop feeling, for better or not, grief and start seeing the gift of this curse."


“May not please you, but it is what it is.” she lifted her hoof to her head, and just now, with a lucky glimpse of the light of my spell, I could see her wet eyes as she wiped a tear.

“After you fight and go through what I did, you stop thinking that you may one day die, the sun shine, the dawn comes and go, and you live. Your existence becomes a fact, as immutable as the warmth embrace my sun provides and the singular beauty the moon reflects.”

“The mere thought that this-" She waved her hoofs, signing her whole room, then at me. “-this may one day end frights me in an indescribable way, words just can’t do justice to that feeling. I get myself sometimes thinking how my subjects can accept such a short life…”

“B-but you’re Celestia Firststar! granddaughter of Faust Firststar herself! what you may fear in death? It’s not like you- you‘ll-” She nodded, slowly, following each of my attempts to finish that sentence.

“I ain’t going up stairs for what I did, Twilight.”

“B-but this- you brought the brightest age of pony history!”

“Funny thing ain't it? That story is written by the victorious, not the loser.”

“I-I’m sorry, I don’t follow.”

“Don’t try much, I beg you, for you may end like… like me.” She said pointing at herself.

“I forgot about the mortality thingy for a long time, until I saw him, that… human, a furless-hornless-minotaur that could barely scare half-a-dragon carrying a deceased part of me.”

“That shaked my own core to such a level that I tried to get rid of him, do something I young me used to do, throw him in the Tartarus, bury my problems deep down there so they will never come back to haunt me…”

Her twitching smile eased a bit while she leaned on her hoof.

“Thank you for going against my desires to throw him there, my decision back there was misguided by a sick paranoia and irrational fear. You saved a life my friend.”

I gazed at her up and down, trying with all my capacity to process what she just said, many theories popping and disappearing in my head while I rub my temple.

What if that story is really about another pair of sisters? No. But what did she do? Probably something necessary. Yes… ugh, my head is hurting.

My thoughts were interrupted by her low-toned sob, I breathed out and gently grabbed one of her hoofs. Her eyes wided for a fraction of a second.

“Celestia, I don’t know exactly what burdens your heart, nor what you did, but whatever happens, whatever, I’m here for you.”

Her lower lips trembled frenetcaly, but as if by magic she stopped and smiled back at me with her maternally smile, for a snap of a second her mane seems to regain its color and shone again, a sunbeam from a slit on the curtains illuminate her in all her glory and her fur regained it’s white-marble tone. She literally looks like a new pony!

“Thank you, my friend, this means, alot to me.”

We continued sharing gazes and looks for some time before the awkwardness of the situation became apparent.

“S-so, my faithful Friend, what brings you to my room? If I may ask, of course.”

Oh! Yes, I have come here to talk with her!

“Well, yes of course! You see, I believe you're quite familiar with the- oh who am I fooling? Of course you’re familiar with it! How silly of me thinking that-”

“You never fail to amuse me Twilight, and I may not be in the best condition to tell you this right now, but remember-” she said, spinning her hoof on the air and giggling.

“Focus, yes, sorry princess, I didn’t mean to-” she raised an eyebrow. “Yes, sorry.”

I cleared my throat and looked at her, pondering about which topic I should address first, if both of them at all.

"So? For what may I be thankful, that brought you here my friend?”

“The prophecies of Starswirl, you’re familiar with them right?”

“Yes?” she said a bit doubtful while filling a cup of tea with her magic.

“May I ask if you’re aware of the existence of the thirteenth prophecy?”

She stared at me for a couple of seconds, took a sniff on her tea and stared at me again. I gulped, barely able to maintain eye contact with her, drops of sweat forming on my forehead.

Did I say something wrong? Is it some kind of national secret?! Why is she gazing at me like that!? maybe I failed to use the proper pronoun-

“Twilight, you, you-” and before she could continue she bursted in laughter.

Saying that I was surprised wasn’t enough to start describing my astonishment. She simply- she IS simply laughing right there! I had to recite everything I said mentaly in search for the source of such a reaction, and when failing I felt the cold pressure crawling up my spine.

After some time, which I’m unable to determine due to my mental effort to find the source of such an act, she stopped slowly, using her hoof to cover her snout and long pauses to breath.

“S-sorry! I’m really sorry Twilight, but-but you really never cease to amuse me! May I ask you where you heard of such an inusited fact?”

I gulped, yes, the source…

“My research led me to this fact, and since I hadn’t heard of it, I tought, maybe you know something about it!” WHY DID I LIED TO HER!

She blinked a couple of times quickly and twitched her snout before taking a sip of her smoking tea.

“Well, I’m really excited to hear about this research of yours.” Oh horseaples! “But I know you well enough to know that you’re only talking about it when it's complete right?”

“Oh-ye-yes! But of course! You know me princess! Never deliver half-work when I can do it whole!” She raised an eyebrow! I burned! I stuttered! She knows! Why I’m so stupid near her-

“If that's your wish my dear friend, so it shall be.” She said slowly, her eyes scanning me up and down. She put her not-empty cup of tea aside and levitated the bottle of wine near her.

“But tell me, which fact about the prophecy bothers your young mind?”

“Well, actually all of it, I heard it exists, but never found any register of it.”

“Well, of course you didn’t find it! There is none!” She said while swing the bottle before sniffing its tip. “I bet Discord told you this just to mess up with you… yes, gotta be him, Luna wouldn’t do it… or would she?” She did small licks around the tip of the bottle.

“Well, you see.” think Twilight! Think! She will not believe me… “I can't tell you, I'm afraid.”

“But of course! How foolish of me thinking I could snatch the answer out of you.” She said between small giggles.

When she stopped her little laughs she breathed heavily before taking a long sip oF THE BOTTLE! She just drank it in one gulp! For a second I feared she would fall backwards!

“Ahhhh, I needed that.” She threw the bottle over her shoulder and it fell perfectly aligned with the others. ON THE OTHER CORNER OF THE ROOM!

“So, considering you're questioning me about the prophecy, I thin-believe you’re familiar with the others right?” I nodded, yet trying to recover from what I just saw.

“The thirteen prophecy is exactly what you probably already believe my friend. It’s a myth, a joke if you prefer.”

“A-a joke?”

“Oh, you don’t? I see.” She cleared her throat before leaning over her desk.

“This Prophecy has not entered the magnificent Book of Prophecies and Dangers for a reason, he barely remembered about it.”

“Wha- what?”

“You see, Starswirl is a respectable magician, with a reputation to maintain, putting in his book that he had his vision in the middle of his drunkiess ain’t exactly… respectable?””

“Starswirl was drunk!?”

“It was his daughter's eighteen birthday, he got excited.”

“Oh.” I said to myself, trying to ignore the fact that HE HAD A DAUGHTER!

“After the party he approached me and Luna, talked about some kind of vision he had and our opinion of it.”

“What did you say?”

“That he needed some rest of course! Me and Luna even give some credit, but we couldn’t find a way to prove it, so we just forgot about it. Sometimes we brought it back to make fun of the powerful wizard!” She said, smiling and scratching her forehead. “He got really furious everytime we brought it up.”

“I see, but, what was the prophecy about?”

“Oh, about some kind of balance that judges our world. He was really vague about it, he was balbuncing about giant beings who carve our stories in long lines or something about it, as I said, he was drunk.” Celestia blushed. “And I may have drunk some bit too. Luna hasn't drunk! You may ask her more about it.”

“I see, well, thank you, you helped a lot! I’m on my way to talk with Luna!” I got up.

“Ain’t now her time to rest?” I sit down.

“Indeed it is… I shouldn’t bother her now.”

“Oh yes, believe me you don’t want to disrupt her slumber!”

I nodd, knowing well her few hours of sleep are almost sacred to Luna, and how grumpy she gets if disrupted.

“Anything more my faithful friend? I really enjoy your company and our little talks.”

I pondered about it for some time, I have a letter filled with information about Damian, should I deliver it to her? She isn't in her best condition and I don’t want to concern her with speculation and data… not finished data… good substantiated and trustfull data, yet not finished…

“I’m sorry to inform you that this is the main reason for my visit, but if you ever need me for something, be it just a chit chat or advice, you just need to call me!” I… Did I just offer advice to Celestia?! She chuckled!

“I look forward to it my friend.”

I bowed to her. WHY DID I BOWED! I'm one princess! Dang it, I shouldn’t do it. Embarrassed, I quickly leave the room followed by Celestia’s little giggles.

When I was about to leave the room I quickly peeked back, Celestia's smile faded to nowhere and a new bottle of wine appeared on her hoofs! She took a shy sip of it and put a hoof on her mane, for a snape of second, before I left I could see a string of her mane regain its magnificent colors.

I was trotting around the palace, gazing at the floor, enjoying my own thoughts and pondering Celestia's condition. It’s my fault isn't it? I wanted to try to study other worlds. I wanted, against their advice, to peek at those worlds and I asked for Discord help to… stabilize the spell. I should know well that mixing his magic with our spell wouldn’t end well.

Now, due to my actions Damian is here, due to my actions Celestia is… a mess, for the lack of a better word. Due to my actions, Luna is now spending her time to sleep chatting with diplomats and explaining my incident.

I wipe a shy tear of shame from my face. Am I really able to do this all? I studied and researched a lot, and yet, I never felt able or worthy to call myself Princess Twilight, so if I wasn't able to do so, what to expect of the good ponies of Equestria?

I could feel another tear wanting to form but my self pity was stopped by an abrupt sound, I looked up and I saw a griffin knocking on my door while holding two glasses filled with some liquid.

“Hello? May I help you?” I said approaching him.

When he looked at me I immediately recognised him, I never had the pleasure to meet him personally, but I heard rumors of an implacable white griffin, with brown feathers resembling a necklace on his neck and a grotesque burn on his left eye.

“Princess Twilight!” He yelled with a high-pitched accent. “Here I was, knocking on your door for infindable minutes! I feel really silly right now.” He continued while approaching me.

“ May I, may I help you?”

“YES! Actually princess you can! May I accompany you on your walk?”

“Well, I’m going to the throne room right now.”

“What a coincidence! Me too! Let's trot, as your kind likes to say.” His voice, the way he swings his free clawn, I couldn't help but feel a strange sensation and a shiver crawling over my spine.

“Wine?” He said grinning confidently and offered me one of the glasses.

“Sorry, but I personally don't enjoy drinking.” After I said it, his grin gave in for half a second and he quickly threw the glasses over his shoulder! What is happening today?!

“But of course! Such a… example of formality like yourself wouldn’t find joy in such a friviolent pleasure as alcohol!”

He quickly approached me and before I could say anything our shoulders were almost touching!

“Yet, I beg for your pardon your highness, but few things about yourself are public for me to know, I doubt you want to eat a book!” He started laughing softly.

“Well, I’m a reserved mare as you know, but I would really enjoy reading a book, if that's what you meant by eating it. I heard griffin literature is quite popular among the pegasus.”

“If that's a thing you desire, Princess, so I shall find the finests books of the story of my kind!” I smiled genuinely, he is kinda flattering, why do many find his presence bothering I wonder…

Our little walk continued, he gave me many compliments that, shame on me, made me blush. Therefore, I couldn’t help but return the gesture. It’s truly remarkable that such a chivalric griffin is known as a bloodthirsty republican. I must do some research on him

“But trivialities aside Princess, I must ask you, such beauty that can only rival with your intellect and cunning, what you genuinely think about the monarchy?”

“About what?”

“I know, it’s not the wisest move to ask a monarchist such a question and expect something other than a compliment, but I hope that your intellect can surpass your fervor for this government.”

“I… I’m gonna pretend I haven’t heard it, ambassador.”

“Oh, please your highness, call me by my name, as you, I don’t like such titles.” He extended his claw. “Iron Claw.”

I looked at it for some time before accepting his gesture.

“Well, I… I see, so you ma-”

“Please Princess, you don’t need to do this, not here at least.” He gossiped while gazing around, looking for something or somepony.

I ponder for some time how long until we finally get to the throne room, yeah, it’s gonna take some time.

"So? Princess, what’s your opinion about that topic?”

“Elaborate, please.”

“Well, by Samol himself! Where do I begin?”

I raised an eyebrow.

“Corruption for starters, everykind knows nothing goes forward without the support or acceptance of the nobles of your kingdom?”

“That is, indeed a sad truth, that has improved immensely over the years! The nobles now are nothing more than counselors to Princess Celestia, yes they may delay some laws since they have the right to give their opinion, but that's all.”

He nodded to each of my words slowly, his eyes gazing at the ceiling for half-second before he looked back at me.

“Such a quick and decisive answer! I’m happy to witness your skills on oratories! But if I may, what you have said is definitely true!”

I smiled and nodded quickly at him, pondering how long until the throne room.

“But that rule, and many others don’t apply to the great nobles right? If I ain’t wrong, that's ten houses right? They hold an amazing considerable amount of influence on the crown!”

“Yes, sadly that's a problem that I’m-” I looked around and got closer to him. “I’m working on it, or trying at least.” I whispered.

He grinned confiandly, stuffing his chest and all!

“But, as long as the problems with nobles are a thing, at least, as my beloved master, friend and co-Princess, Princess Celestia likes to say, better the monster we know than an unknown! I can’t help but wonder how you deal with them?”

His smile ceased immediately and he lost his pace for a bit of time before joining me again.

“Them whom?!” He said, almost yelling. He was sweating a bit and had to wipe the sweat offit with his claw. I grinned now.

“Your politicians of course! they have such a discrepancy between them that is frightening! I heard that they can barely agree on simple things, like how many stars your flag should have!”

“W-well, I-we never claimed that our form of governing was perfect your highness, yes it has its problems and can be… frightening, as you said, but that's not a bad thing at all! as you said in one of your works, -” He paused a bit and coughed drily. “- ‘The narrow mind shall find an arrow end, just the divergence of ideas will lead us to a brighter future! that's quite a saying if I may say it.”

“I see you really did your homework ambassador Iron Claw, and I still stand for what I said in that text of mine.”

“Yes, your highness, if I may.” He stopped and swung his claw, I nodded and he grabbed my hoof gently. “If you had been born a griffin, you would be a national hero with such inspiring words!” He kissed my hoof and we continued our walk

“Sorry, it’s just that your highness exhales such a beautiful aura that I could not help but praise you one more time, but, back to topic, your yet stand for those words?”


“Well, isn't it curious that you believe in such words and yet you led the ban on the republican movement in your country?”

“You mean your little try to spread your government to our country?”

I said dead serious, we both gazed at each other for an uncomfortable long time before we both burst in laughter.

“You have indeed a good sense of humor Princess, a characteristic I believe you got from the element of laughter, miss Pinkamena Diane Pie!”

“Truth, you can’t live around them and dont learn a thing or two!”

He cried a couple of crocodile tears of joy before wiping it with his claw.

“About what I did, I learned fast that those ponies were dangerous, their ideas are… were, to put it slightly dangerous! They wanted to shake the social order on such a scale that the country would collapse!”

“Some believe otherwise, that you tyrannically censured them and exterminated them, hunting until they were no more.”

“As I said, they were dangerous, they didn’t have the right to enforce any of those demands, and by the matter, Equestria is extremely tolerant with divergent ideas, as the one proposing a theocracy instead of a monarchy.”

“Oh Princess, please, you would still be governing Equestria in one or another, but the republican ideas, you despise with a burning zeal.”

“They’re dangerous, as I said, they would crush many vital institutions and chase many prominent figures in our country.”

“Yes, I give you this, they were indeed a bit harsh and intolerant with their manners, and trying to kill your sister-in- law was really bad for their looks.”


“But in their hearts, their path was just and rightful! And with time, they would learn to tolerate the other's points of view, like the Great Griffin Republican, do you know that even there are political parties seeking for the restoration of the monarchies? We may not agree, but we at least let them speak their ideas, different from here, where the only ideas spreaded are the one that fits your government.”

“Yes, an interesting breeding ground for revolts and chaos if you allow me to speak, you can’t just bring water and fire together and expect them to turn in anything but steam, ambassador.”

“Oh, it fills my heart with sadness to realize you still believe the world is white and black, Princess, fire and water, harmony and chaos, you must see the gray in the world, the ice and the order!”

“Sadly ambassador, soon you’ll learn that in Equestria some topics are indeed black and white, period.”

“I see, but quickly, back to that topic, can we have the body of the leader of revolucionarios, the pony called New Hope? He is, if you’re unwar of the fact, a great figure in my country, a visionary if I may spea-.”

“NO YOU MAY NOT, he is a war criminal and such was his crimes he got capital punishment, he ATTEMPTED against the Princess Mi Amore Cadenza life and nearly killled my BROTHER, Prince Shining Armor. I can tolere many things from you, but praising that pony isn’t one of them.”

When I finished my speech he simply nodded and scratched his chin.

“If that's your wish Princess, so it shall be, can I at least know what was done to his body?”



He grabbed from his pocket a piece of paper, read it I presume and kept it.

“Another topic, are Equestria testing mage-spells again?”


“A yes then? I’m obliged to remind you about the non-proliferation treaty your Princess signed centuries ago to prevent the spread of such terrifying weapons? We, griffins, may not have horns to wield magic at our own will, but we have our ways to manufacture such abominations of weapons if we are obliged to.”

dang it.

“W-well, you see, ahm, Princess Luna will be happy to inform you about that incident.

“I’m afraid that your little experiment is already known by the Republic, their magic detector went crazy and they want an answer from me, so I need an answer from you princess, you know what the fear of the unknown can cause right?”

“I, ahm…-”

“Princess Twilight?” I turn just to see a guard keeping the door to the throne room thanks to Faust.

“I would love to explain how this is just a funny misunderstanding, but sadly my duties call for me now. Luna will give you a letter explaining everything ambassador.”

He stared me up and down before bowing to me and walking away.

Saved by my duties, what a day.

When the doors closed behind Twilight she sighed in relief. She yawned one last time to get rid of all the tiredness left on her and get ready to fulfill her duties alone for the first time.

Therefore, her surprise couldn’t be holded in when she saw Luna also sitting on the throne room.

“L-Luna?! What are you doing here?”

“My friend!” The lunar monarch shouted, raising one hoof and inviting Twilight closer.

“Are you okay? I thought you would go to sleep after dealing with the, the diplomats”

“That's true my dear friend!” Said Luna in an amable tone, almost sounding like Celestia, an action that got Twilight off guard.

“But then it occurred to me that you would be alone here, and if my memory isn't wrong, it then should be your first time dealing with the real court alone, am I right?”

Twilight blush on her embarrassment before sitting on her throne.

“But you need your sleep Luna, ain’t it bad for you?”

“Oh, please Twilight, it’s not like this is the first time I skip a night, or should I say a day? nonetheless, I’m used to it, fear not, you shall.”

“But Luna, a good sleep is fundamental for a healthy-”

“Please Twilight, I know about all this stuff.” She giggled while waving her hoof. “Soon you’ll know that alicorns are built differently, but if it bothers you I shall go to my chambers after we finish here, what do you say my friend?”

Twilight nodded, remembering and citing mentally all the effects of the deprivation of sleep can have on a pony.

“WAIT!” Twilight yelled at the same time Luna signed the guards to let in the ponies so their duties could start.

“For Faust herself Twilight, you scared me!”

“I’m sorry Luna, but we are forgoting somepony ain’t we?” she said while pointing at the empty throne between them.

Luna mumbled internally and nodded.

“Alas! I haven’t noticed his absence, Twilight, but I’m afraid he is late, isn't he?”

“Well, I bet he has a good reason.”

“Sadly, our duties wait for nopony.”

Before Twilight could say anything Luna clapped her hoofs and the guards at the front door nodded and opened the front doors of the massive throne room.

“The nobles would have waited for Celestia.” Twilight whispered.

“Luckily for us, Blueblood isn’t my sister.” Luna muttered.

The trumpets sounded and filled the room quickly and a small gray unicorn emerged first wearing a red-wine fashioned coat with a scroll levitating around him.

Twilight gulped, her mind repassing all the manierism and rules she must follow! since she was now officially on duty.

A small unicorn walked towards the princesses over the luxurious red carpet, bowed to them and took his place beside the carpet. Twilight inconciantly, on her sheer polite, tried to bow at him but felt Luna's magic holding her back.

He coughed dry to clear his voice and opened the scroll while at same time some nobles, not remarkable ones, that Twilight could remember from her research filled the room also taking places beside the red carpet not before bowing to the princesses.

“Now stands before thee, your illustrious highnesses, the High Governor of the South Colonies of Equestria, Bringer of Iluminism and discoverer of the Great Crater, Sir Glory Seeker!” The gray unicorn shouted full lungs.

The trumpets sounded again and a show of lights came from the door and a melody filled the room. Luna smiled discreetly and hummed internally along with the melody and Twilight gasped at the show of lights, speechless from the sudden flashes that shined brightly for a fraction of a second and re-emerged even brighter.

Even the stoic nobles who watch the royal princesses doing their duties for knowledge and prestige sighed in awe.

From the door a golden unicorn emerged, wearing nothing but a long black cape with the emblem of a tree being pierced by a unicorn-horn on it.

He walked slowly but steadily towards the princesses. A confiant grin on his face, after approaching the closest he could before the guards by the throne stepped in and crossed their spear to stop him.

He swings his head, making sure his short white-cotton mane let out bits of sparkles that resembled a six pointed star before bowing to the princesses.

“Your highnesses, my happiness can barely be described that you have chosen me as your first audience for today. Again my thanks.”

“Please my loyal subject, raise your head, for we greet you with our presence.” Luna said while spreading her wings and Twilight was quick to follow.

The unicorn rapidly lifted his head and his eyes wided while contemplating the image of the two princesses, light from the windows behind them in contrast with their fur and spread wings could not be described as anything but divine.

The unicorn, along with many of the nobles in the room, gasped speechless until Luna withdrew her wings to her back along with Twilight, who felt a bit embarrassed about the situation, but did her best to hide her little blush.

“Your highnesses.” The unicorn, now recovering from his stupor mumbled. “Here I came, trying to impress you with my little skill, just to once again witness the gap between us! Please, accept my apologies!” He once again bowed.

Luna chuckled internally and whispered so low that only Twilight could hear her. “So he’s one of those.”

“Raise you head my loyal subject, for I enjoyed your display of magic and refined taste for music as my dear friend did, I believe.”

“Indeed!” Twilight almost failed to contain her excitement. “You did a fast one there right? The Lunar symphony of Dawning Moon and a show of lights that Celestia famously loves, not talking about that six pointed star on the end. Neat.”

“I’m glad you found some amusement in my arrival, your highness.” He said, nodding his head.

“Approach, my subject, for I also find your arrival… neat.” Luna said rolling her eyes.

The unicorn approached, his smile growing more and more, till his eyes laid on the empty throne between Luna and Twilight and he could help but curse himself mentaly for not noticing Celestia absence.

“May I ask your highnesses, where is Princess Celestia?”

“My sister finds herself indisponible in the moment.” Luna said, her horn glowing and a scroll puffing in existence in front of her. “Glory Seeker, humm? Your name rings some bells for me, may I ask why the-you, haven’t attended my re- coronation and Princess Twilight coronation?”

He froze with the question and took a second to reaffirm himself.

“Well, I think your highness has received my letter of congratulations and my second in command who came all the way from the colonies to attend your ceremony, both in fact.”

Luna's eyes fixed on the papers in front of her the whole time wided a bit after he finished.

“Yes, actually that's true, we have never met before, and if those papers are true, this is your first visit to Equestria mainland in almost a decade or so.”

“Yes.” He chuckled. “Many of my compatriots told me about those turbulents years our country experienced! I mean, a princess coming back from the moon, the return of the Chaos god Discord and the changeling invasion and conversion for starters, I mean, that was a pretty intense decade!”

“Yes.” Luna continued narrowing her eyes to read the scroll. “and you have a custom to visit the mainland every decade, right?”

His heart beat hard and he breathed in before nodding.

“So, tell us, what can we do for you.” Said Twilight taking the initiative after realizing Luna was too busy reading those papers that she failed to peek at.”

“Well, you see your highness, I’m here to deliver you some alarming news.”

Twilight looked at Luna a bit anxious with the news, expecting to know more properly how to react but again, Luna fixed her eyes on that scroll, unconscious with his words.

“The second biggest colony, Celestial Savior, is on strike! They refuse to fulfill their quota of tributes, reducing their tribute of firewood to just a fifth of the normal!” Said Glory Seeker, shaking his hooves in the air to give more emphasis on his speech, sharps movements following his last words.

Many nobles in the room gasped and murmurs and wipers filled the room, some hoofs were pointed and legs shaking while the words, my raw material were repeated.

“And for which reason they reduced their quota?” Luna said without looking at him

“They claim that those lands belong to them, and thus should not be exploited sooo, ahm… I think the word they used was, violent.”

In a second, many nobles, especially those who have shaking legs and a void gaze in their eyes, bursted, hitting the floor with their hoofs and proffering many offenses on the edge to become curses, which is prohibited to be said in the throne room.

The turmoil got Twilight off guard and she in sheer reflex opened her wings and the nobles ceased their yells and almost-curses in awe.

“Good Twilight, I thought I’d have to silence them myself, my sister really teached you well.”

Luna whispered, taking her time to massage her eyes with her hoof.

“W-well I-I-” She tried to whisper back.

“Your Highnesses!” The golden unicorn shouted full lung to the room. “Fear not! For I have come here with a problem and a solution! Everything I need to put those lazy rebellious punks in their places is one of the great battalions of Equestria and the order and shipments shall return to normality.”

Many nobles praised him, calling for the princesses support for his idea.

Twilight gulped with the idea of sending a whole battalion to the colonies to appease the locals, she peeked at Luna and saw another scroll popping in existence.

“Soo? Do I have the support of the crown my beloved rulers?” He said, bending slightly his body in reverence once again and being followed by more praises of the nobles.

When time went by, and Luna seemed like she wasn’t going to answer since now another paper appeared in front of her, Twilight cleared her throat loudly to take their attention to her, an action she promptly regretted.

“Do you have any battalion in mind, mister Glory Seeker?” Twilight said, praising herself mentaly for not stuttering.

He smirked, “The battalion from the house of the Sword would do well, Princess Twilight.”

From the House of Sword! He wants to pacify a turmoil or fight a war?! Twilight questioned herself and gazed at Luna, expecting many things, an equally surprised expression, maybe a smirk or a furious look, not a emotionless face and a book popping in existence.

“Your highness?”

“W-well, isn't it wise to send a battalion from the House of Shield then? They are famous for dealing well with situations like those.”

“The next complet shipment will arrive in a month Princess Twilight, after that, just a fifth. I fear the industries may collapse before I can deal with those rebels, with all the due respect to the House of Shield, but placate rioters aren’t one of their specialities, maybe hold a line, but not what I have in mind.”

Twilight looked again at Luna, praying mentally for some guidance, and to her despair and a bitter-happiness, she was holding a book and reading it.

“Maybe we can find an agreement, find a common ground, renegotiate their quota for exemple? Sending the troops might give the wrong message for the other colonies.”

“Their quota, your highness, should be bigger! It was just due to Princess Celestia, in her endless mercy that now they just pay thirty tons per shipment! I read the documents, they should be paying one hundred tons!” He shouted and looked around, especially to the nobles who absorbed that information with mixes of surprise and greddy eyes, Glory Seeker swore he just saw one them having dollar signs in place of eyes.

“I see, but they do have their reasons, I’m always up to dialogue, mister Glory Seeker, and we-” Twilight said peeking at Luna quickly. “Chose to give a chance to reason.”

The unicorn discreetly looked Twilight up and down, hiding his disgust for her with a smile he continued sighing, wanting not to say the next bits of words.

“I fear that they disrespected the statue of Celestia in the center of th-” Before he could even finish his sentence, the abnormally high sound of a book being closed interrupted him, everyone in the room, even some not alert guards flinched with the sheer magnitude of the sound.

Twilight ears folded at gazing at the now-smoking-book on her hoofs, Did she close it so fast that… did she…

Luna gazed at him with an emotionless expression on her face, she lifted the book to her face level and blew the smoke off. the sound of purses of bits and beats silently echoed the room, even the maids, who stayed in one of the suport doors on the sides of the room were taking bets and whispering each other, but overhaul the silence were mortal.

Luna calmly put her book away, letting it disappear in a blue portal she created and cleared her throat, Twilight breathed in, the nobles licked their lips and Glory Seeker gulped.

“Tell me, mister Glory Seeker, if I may ask of course, why did thee, hath not come to my re-coronation?”

“W-we-well, you see your highness, my work demands a lot from me, and so-”

“What about my dear friend and co-regent, Princess Twilight here? I admit, many ponies at time didn’t even remember me, or even recognized me at first, but Princess Twilight here should, at least, after you failed my coronation, be graced with your… elusive presence, don’t you agree?”

He started to sweat, his breath failing slightly, but increcendly. He peeks back, seeing the nobles who at seconds ago seemed to support him totally, staring emotionless ahead.

“Again, my most sincere apologies, b-but, as your great sister likes to say, you should give yourself to the small bits of the job as you do for the big ones! I was jus-”

“Sadly, for thee, the saying actually goes, thou shall give thou blood for the small battles, as thee gives for the pyrrhic ones.”

"Actually-" Twilight tried to intervene, but Luna raised one hoof and Twilight stopped immediately, cursing mentaly all of her teachers that caused this problematic custom. She quickly apologized to them mentally after that.

“You visit Equestria every decade, you did it like a clock three times since you became the Lord of the Colonies, actually.”

One of the scrolls that levitated near her approached and she quickly peeked at it, her eyes widened a second time on the same line just today.

“Lord of the Colonies at your twenties?! Impressive! In my times it used to be some old grumpy militar who received that honor, and just after a long military campaign... I'm sorry, I had a daydream.” Luna smiled with her old memories coming back.

“My point stands, Lord of the Colonies at such a young age! Never failed to attend in your three decades, visit Equestria, including some special events like, who knows, a coronation.”


"SILENCE WHILE WE SPEECH OUR THOUGHTS!” The room once again flinched, now this time due to her royal voice of Canterlot. When it was clear he wasn’t going to interfere, Luna nodded and continued.

“Where I was… oh right, hath… have come to my attention that you are late for your decade visit of Equestria to report to my sister how things are going.” He tried to reply, but Luna silenced him with her look this time. “And you also missed many important festivities of our country, now I wonder, my loyal and faithful subject, what this… strike… have done, that was so important to yourself comes to Canterlot and not send one of your councilors like you did before, I wonder what has of special in this… strike… that make you sail all the way up here, my, loyal subject.”

The room laid silent, the tension building up, almost palpable while Glory Seekers eyes gazed frenetcally between the floor, the doors and the princesses.

Who does this mare think she is?! I have been doing my job while her butt was stuck on the moon itself! Wasn’t she supposed to be naive and yet trying to readapt to the modern times?! Tarnation my sources are outdated?!

“This is not a rhetorical question, mister.”

Glory Seeker gulped heavily, breathed in and out to calm himself but Luna’s clearing her throat speed him.

“They have attempted against the statue of your beloved sister, Princess Luna, that's traison! one attack against Celestia herself!”

“Princess Celestia for starters, mister, second of all, don’t talk to me about those laws, I was there when they were written down. Third, that wasn’t quite an answer, now was it?”


“Good, now, High Governor of the Colonies, Bringer of Iluminism and discoverer of the Great Crater, Sir Glory Seeker, I ask thou, you, there is something more than a bunch of rioters and a… strike, going on in that city.”


“That too, isn't a rhetorical question.” Glory Seeker closed his eyes and breathed out

“Everything is under control for now, your highness.”

“If you wish for this course of action my subject, so it shall be.” Luna looked to her side and shook her head, one guard quickly approached her.

“Bring me, the prince Smooth End.” In a heartbeat everything happened, the nobles in the room yelled in confusion, some even tried to leave the room. Glory closed violently his eyes and cursed mentaly everything and everyone he could think of. Twilight choked with nothing but air and surprise, she tried to say something but failed.

“Sorry, your highness, who I must bring to you again?” The guard mumbled, Luna breathed in, raised her head and gazed at the ponies in the room. The yells from the nobles ceased, Glory raised his head and met her gaze while Twilight punched her chest trying to not be the first princess to die choked with air.

“Bring me the leader of the House of Whisper, Prince Smooth End.” Luna declared, raising her left hoof in the air.

The guard nodded and speeded towards the exit to fulfill his duty.

“You sure Luna? They hate being disturbed from-, well, whatever they are doing.”

“The House of Whispers used to be one of mine back in the time my friend, now it is time for them to prove their loyalty to me.”

“Well, the great nobles got really influent in your absence Luna, he may not attend to your-”

The trumpets sounded again and the receptionist cleared his throat and did two steps back away from the carpet.

“Now stands before thee, illustrious Princesses of Equestria, the most magnanimous and cunning, leader of his house, Prince Smooth End of the House of Whispers!”

The door opened, a blue translucent mist emerged from the door and a hooded figure emerged. Many emblems engraved on their dark-gray hood, but the one that got most of the attention was the symbol on their chest, two lips closed and a watchful eye gazing at it.

When the figure started walking in, they raised their head and gazed upon the nobles in the room, who in response looked away and avoided looking at the darkness that was their head, which got covered by the hood.

Just the lower part of their hoof was visible, revealing his light gray color, confirming yet more to the nobles that they needed to get out of there. It's him! one of the nobles whispered.

The figure approached the princesses more and more, until they had got too close for Luna’s taste. She peeked at Twilight, who looked at him a bit anxious. Luna then looked to the guards at her side expecting them to hold the noble. They didn’t even move a bit.

The figure stopped a few meters from the princess, raised their hoof and cough, cleared his throat and finally took off the hoodie.

The face of an old unicorn revealed, his eyes with dark circles and signs of his advanced age showing. He then looked up and met Luna’s eyes, his tired eyes almost shined while he contemplated Luna’s beauty, in the end he bowed.

“Princesses,” said a hoarse voice trying at maximum to not sound so hoarse, “I, Smooth End from the House of Whisper, answered your call.

“Raise your head my subject, for I must give it to you, your arrival was quick and this pleased me, so I must ask, how did you get here so fast?” He in response lifted his head back and smiled innocently to the princesses.

“A little bird told me I was going to be called, so here I was.”

“Your… bird, also told you why thou were called?”

“I sadly no, your highness, for your shrewd mind is beyond my abilities and contacts to be aware of.”

“This Stallion, Lord of the Colonies claims that a… what was the word?”

“Strike” Twilight quickly helped.

“Yes, strike, he claims that a strike is happening right now on the city Celestial Savior, that the situation is under control and he just needs a battalion to fix the problems, what you, my loyal subject, and your little birds can tell me about it?”

The old stallion looked at Luna a bit more before looking back to see Glory giving him the desperate eyes. Smooth End smirked.

“He lies, your highness.” He said, his words hitting the occupants of the room like thunder, especially Glory Seeker, whose eyes now stare at the floor.

“I see, can you grace me with all, and nothing but the truth?”

“Totally! But I must ask, what does your highness desire to know?” Luna points at Glory.

“The truth of his lies.”

“I see, I- ouch, my back, guards, some of you mind?” Said the old pony, his back legs shaking, but before one could do anything Luna’s horn glowed and a blue dark cushion stamped with a moon in it magically appeared behind him and he quickly threw himself over it.

“You have my thanks, your highness, my old back isn’t what it used to be, as you know, time for some never stops.”

“I’m aware and hope this cushion suits you well.”

“Indeed it does.” said the stallion leaning back and enjoying this moment of rest.

“Where I was… oh yes, he lies a lot, but mix the truth in his words, one of the best kinds of lies, your highness.”

Luna nooded, she and Twilight looking at the stallion apprehensive.

“This strike he speaks of, isn’t just a riot, but a totally open rebellion-.” Luna’s eyes wided a bit “-and they didn’t just disrespect the Celestia statue, praise be her name, but destroyed it!”

“Blasphemy!” Luna shouted and the nobles agreed.

“They don’t want to just change their quotas too, but be fully independent and free of your grace!”

"Treason!” One noble yelled.

“Motivated by republicanism ideas from the Griffin Republic, they seek to spread the word and conving ALL the colonies to revolt and join them on their so-called, United Provinces.”

"Outrageous! The highest level of traison!” One noble shouted and many others followed him, hitting with their hooves the floor.

Annoyed by the noise, Smooth End stared back at them and they ended their little rant.

“I see.” said Luna trying to contain her anger, she looked at Twilight and she clearly wasn’t hiding her mix of confusion and anger that well.

“Mister Glory Seeker, a step forward, do mind you?”

When the stallion didn't move, Luna clapped her hooves and two guards approached him and forced him to walk forward.

“It’s polite to look at the princesses when they talk, sir.” Said Smooth End, and it seemed enough to wake up Glory from his trance.

He looked up and his eyes met with Luna’s eyes.

“You hath, any defense?”

“I… everything is under control, at least when I left the colonies it was. Yes I had hidden some facts, but I chose not to bother you with this level of problems!.”

“How long has this rebellion been going?”


“I hath no asked thee.”

“Something like eight to ten years by now, though the vandalism and all started just some years ago.” The old stallion said, coughing on the end.

“It isn't fair”

“What thou say?”

“Everything happened so fast, first a meeting, then half the guard on that forgotten piece of rock started joining this revolution, no pony could have predicted or prevented that. I did the best job anypony could ever imagine to do. I lost the biggest producer of firewood and the shipments didn’t change a bit. I’m not ashamed of my results, your highness.”

Luna gazed up and down with disgust before leaning her head down.

“I think, I wonder, you know the procedure now.”

With wet eyes and a sobbing snout, Glory Seeker took off his cape, folded it and laid it on the floor in front of them.

“Good, now tell me Prince Smooth End, do you have some trustfull pony for the job?”

“I’m pleased to hear this, your highness!” Said the old unicorn, Luna’s words almost waking his spirit up. “One of my sons actually, he will be honored.”

“Good, he shall sail to the colonies and placate and bring to us the guilties for destroying my sister statue, it’s unnecessary to say I want them unharmed.”

“Your desire is and order your highness.” Said him, bowing slightly to Luna.

“I allow you to use the fourth and fifth royal battalions if you and your son find it necessary, as long as those revolutionaries get what they deserve.”

“Luna,” said Twilight who stayed silent during all the discussion “I must disagree, they speaked with mister Glory, not us, we must give them a chance to speak, find a peaceful way out of this.”

“I would agree with you at anytime my friend, but the situation changed, we speak of no ruffian or rioter, but revolutionaries, probably funded by the Griffin Federation itself! If they meet anything but utter destruction a chain reaction will start and we will lose the colonies.”

“Yes but-”

“Your brother hadn’t almost died in one of those pace-talks those revolutionaries tried to propose some years ago?”

“Yes.” Said Twilight, her eyes narrowing while she remembered crying seeing her brother on a hospital bed in critical condition.

“Do you oppose me?”

“No, but in a world where it is an eye for an eye, everypony will end blind. Prince Smooth End?”

“Yes your highness?”

“I- I, I demand that you shall bring peace to those lands using the least amount of violence possible.” He nodded.

“If I find, I mean, if my son finds resistance?”

“As I said, the minimum violence possible, do what is necessary, but evade unnecessary bloodshed.”

“Shall be done, your highness.”

With a final nod and a groan of disconford to get up, the Prince bowed to the princesses one last time before leaving the room with Glory Seeker cape levitating by his side.

“Now for you, mister Glory Seeker, normally this kind of treason is punible with banishment to the colonies, Though I suppose we’re ahead on that account.”

He gulped, avoiding eye contact.

“To the dungeons, I’ll deal with you later.”

He just nodded and accompanied the guards out.

“We wish for a recess!” Luna shouted in her royal canterlot voice, and in a matter of minutes the room was empty.

Luna turned her head to the white unicorn who wrote down on their machine everything that happened and was said.

“Take out the part about revolutionaries in your report.”

“Y-your highness?!” The mare freaked after Luna talked with her directly.

“Yes, I don’t desire to turmoil yet more, my sister's heart with those kinds of problems, I trust your capabilities and imagination to fill the gaps and give her an acceptable copy of what happened.”

“B-but princess, it’s my duty to report everything that happened and file this, it’s really unprofessional of my part to alter the facts on those papers.” She said, her tone lowering with each word while Luna stared her down.

“Do it, it's an order.” Luna said coldly.

“Y-yes.” She whispered, taking the paper off her machine and scratching her head trying to bring something up to fill the gaps.

Luna gazed at Twilight, her mouth half opened quickly closed, Luna’s look said enough to silence the mare. Luna also gazed upon the guard in the room and all of them nodded in a silent answer to the lunar monarch.

Good. Luna thought to herself.

“WHAT IN MY AUNT’S NAMES WAS IT!” A furious Blueblood shouted, bursting in the room. Some guards even tried in reflex to stop him, but he promptly blasted them with his eyes and none opposed him.

Me and my big mouth

“You’re late.”

“I’M- BUT OF COURSE! And you started without me!”

“Our duties wait for no pony thou shall hath know that.”

Blueblood’s left eye twitches, and from his alforges he grabs the Celestia tiara.

“The royal duties never started before Princess Celestia arrived!”

Luna’s eyes wided a bit and she clapped her hooves together.

“This settles it then, since holding her tiara doesn’t turn you into her.”

Blueblood snorted in indignation but couldn’t help but agree with her.

“I want the report of their audience.” He said to the mare holding the files in her mouth.

He walked towards the bigger throne in the center, Celestia’s throne and Luna without an ounce of hesitation took her sister's place.

“What in-” Her horn glown and Twilight got teleported to Luna’s throne, she gazed frantically around trying to understand what just happened.

“You’ll not sit on my sister's place, nor mine.” She said, signaling Twilight's throne. “That one fits you well.

“Your throne is really comfortable, Luna! Dang it's good.” Said Twilight unaware of everything.

He opened his mouth to say something but chose not to.

“Why did you arrive late.”

“Personal business.”

“Your personal business is that tiara that you like to brag about. Why, I ask one more time.”

Blueblood frowed his face and stared at Twilight.

“I woke up with that wave of magic caused by Princess Twilight.”

“Yes?” Her name being spoken of was enough to get Twilight's attention away from the pillows; she gently touched in admiration of their softness and noticed Luna sitting on Celestia's throne and Blueblood on her throne. Her ears folded.

“I didn’t know what was going on, got scared and I went to see my sister to see if she was well.”

Luna grunted internally but chose to not press more.

“Twilight, do you mind calling the next pony?”

“Of course Luna!”

Blueblood cleared his throat perturbally loudly.

“Ahm, Princesa Luna.”

Twilight horn glowed and one scroll popped ahead of her, her ear folded again seeing that endless amount of names. Oh boy.