• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 940 Views, 51 Comments

Midnight Sun - FluxFeather

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Chapter Four - The Meeting

It was a cold and dark morning out on the farm that was located in the middle of nowhere. A young stallion was harvesting the grain early in the morning. The sun hadn't even risen yet. Most likely not even Celestia had woken up yet. But that didn't concern the stallion. He had always gotten up early to harvest the grain for the day… but he didn't know this was going to be his last time. Out in the orchard lurked a vampire fruit bat, or at least that's what it seemed to be at first.

As the green pegasus began to harvest the grain, he tightened his bandana around his neck and pushed his glasses back to their correct position on his face. While he was harvesting grain, a noise came from the bushes that caused his ears to perk up. He stopped what he was doing and went to investigate what caused the sound. He cautiously trotted to the bush, making his way closer to the source of the disturbance in the orchard. And as he began to peer behind the bush, he immediately retracted himself as a sharp pain emerged in his neck. "Ow!" He yelped. He started rapidly shaking his head to try to get whatever was biting his neck off of him.

Once the creature left, he put a hoof to his neck only to see blood and lots of it. The last thing he got a glimpse of was a bat flying off into the distance. Then everything went black as he passed out on the ground.

Latenighter shot up from his bed nearly hyperventilating, terrified. "Oh good. You're up!" Silvertail said.

Latenighter stared at her almost in anger. "What did you do?" He growled at her.

Silvertail giggled. "Oh, just a little nightmare/flashback spell. Nothing much." She said cheerfully with a smile.

Latenighter sighed. "You're a bitch." He said slightly aggravated.

"Tee hee. Oh, I know." She said unable to control her giggling.

Latenighter stretched his forearms and forelegs and rose up out of his bed. "So…? What is so important that you had to wake me up from my peaceful sleep?" He asked annoyed.

"Oh, why I'm sorry, your highness." She replied in a snarky tone. "But after what happened last night with Rainius, Twilight, and Starlight, I found out that she is going to be staying with her father for a few days in Sire's Hollow."

"And?" Latenighter egged on, ready to just be done with the whole conversation.

"And Rainius is joining her, meaning it'll be easier to take out my revenge on him." Fury spoke up. "He will rue the day he ever crossed hooves with me!! Cause I'll make sure that this'll be something that he won't forget."

"What was it that happened last night, Silver?" Latenighter inquired.

As Silver tells the story, the scene transitions to the castle of friendship the night before, where Twilight, Starlight, and Rainius were in Twilight's room, where Starlight had got caught in the act of eavesdropping on their conversation.

“I can’t say I’m not disappointed in you, Starlight… What were you thinking, eavesdropping on our conversation?!” Twilight exclaimed.

Starlight looked down at her hooves, feeling guilty. “I’m sorry…” Was all she said.

Twilight turned around, looking away from Starlight before she coldly said, “I think it would be best if you leave.” A statement that shocked Starlight to the core. She had never been asked to leave the castle.

"B-but I don't have anywhere to go!" She exclaimed. She tried to reason with the Alicorn, but it seems like she just wasn't having it.

"What about your fathers in Sires Hollow?" Twilight suggested. "He might have a place for you to stay." Starlight shuddered in disgust at the thought of having to stay with her father, and in her old room from her teenage years.

"But what about Rainius? I'm not leaving without him!" Starlight said.

"I'll go with you," Rainius said, running to her side, leaving Twilight feeling betrayed.

"Fine," Twilight said making herself clear with her answer before turning away from them and going out to the balcony of the castle and watching them leave, a tear trickling from her face as she did so.

"I thought she was my friend…" Starlight said nearly crying. "I can't believe she's doing this. Some Princess of Friendship. More like the Princess of hatred, because she can't even be a friend. All those times, thinking I was her friend when really all I was… was her pupil."

"She didn't mean it. I read her mind, she didn't mean it." Rainius said. "If only I could read your mind I would be able to figure out if you really meant what you said or not. You have to tell me what you're thinking."

"I'm thinking we should head to Sires Hollow. At least for a couple of days. Until she calms down." Starlight said before her and Rainius headed off to Sires Hollow.

Silvertail watched the whole thing from a distance, in a bush, chuckling to herself. "Oh, Fury's gonna love this." She said.

"So… Here's the plan." Fury said before huddling together with them and discussing the plan cautiously and thoroughly with them.

Meanwhile, Starlight and Rainius were staying at Firelights in Starlight's hometown of Sires Hollow. He was very happy and surprised that she had come, as well as Rainius, but Firelight didn't look like he seemed to like Rainius all that much. Probably cause he was with his daughter. But he didn't know that. He was just assuming. They stayed in Starlight's old room, which was just the way she left it. Which made her uneasy. "I don't think your dad likes me very much." Rainius blurted out while kissing Starlight upon the lips.

"Don't worry about him… he just has to get to know you a little better." Starlight tried to reassure him, but he didn't seem convinced.

"Your old room is quite…" Rainius tried to think of a word, but Starlight put her hoof to his mouth to silence him.

"Horrifying. I know. Now can we just please get back to what we were doing? Please?" Starlight begged of him.

Rainius looked at her, presuming what she was talking about… he wanted to, but his curse was the one thing that kept him from it, so without trying to seem suspicious, he said, "I'm sorry. Just not right now. I’m going to go get a few things from one of the shops down the way…" He stopped at the doorway. "Also, I was going to go with the word 'interesting'."

She faked a chuckle at his response. Then as he left she dropped her little facade and decided to go after him. Cause one thing was for sure, it was dusk, no shops were open. She went out to follow him, walking down the lonely streets of Sires Hollow brought back a lot of old memories of her childhood which she longed to forget. It was then that something caught her attention. It was the sound of her father's voice and it held a tone of panic. "Starlight! Starlight!! Help!!" The voice she believed to be her father’s said. She followed it.

"Dad? Dad?!" She ran over to a strange building that not even she remembered in a panic to save her father from whatever or whoever had him captured. She ran inside the building and closed the door behind her and searched every nook and cranny for her father, but had no luck. "Dad?!"

Laughter was heard from behind Starlight. She quickly spins around to face the voice. “Who are you?” She asks him.

“Oh, where are my manners? My name is Fury Flight.” He said. “Also, if you’re wondering; no he’s not here.” He cackles. Starlight was filled with two emotions. Relief and rage. Fury laughed at her. “But you know. You just made it too easy, so I have a way of making things more… entertaining.” He lit up his horn to record everything he was about to do. “I’m going to make a short film about our time together if you don’t mind. Good. And action! Oh, this’ll break my poor little nephew, Rainius’s heart.” He chuckled, getting closer to her.

“Rainius has nothing to do with this!!” Screamed Starlight. She stared into his menacing eyes that glared at her.

Fury cackled again. “Oh, he does, I really think he does.” He said, intimidating her.

Starlight then teleported to the other side of the room and began to make a run for it. “An escape attempt! My favorite!” He teleported in front of Starlight; she froze immediately. Amused, he flings her across the floor like a bowling ball. She smashes hard into a mirrored column. Fury filmed it all. “Ah, beautiful. Very visually dynamic as well.” He approaches her as she puts her hoof to her head and finds out her head is bleeding. He grabs her blood-stained hoof tightly and yanks it closer to him. “You are so stubborn, aren’t you? Is that what makes you so special to him. Because, if I’m being totally honest here, Which I am, I don’t see it.” He glares angrily at her. “But I must congratulate you. You’ve succeeded in pissing me off!” He stomped on her upper leg as hard as he could. He could hear her tibia bone in her leg snap. Starlight screams in agony from the excruciating pain. It was enough to get her eyes to water, tears began falling to the floor uncontrollably. Fury laughed. “Tell Rainius how much it hurts! Tell him to avenge you! Tell him! TELL HIM!!” He screamed in her face.

“No, Rainius don’t!!” She screamed. Fury then stopped recording. A large grin came across his face as he watched Starlight scream. But as he was to celebrate his victory he was suddenly grabbed by something and thrown across the room. He arose to see who it was, then he came face to face with Rainius himself.

Filled with anger, Fury charges at Rainius, pushing him into one of the mirrored columns. "You're all alone. I don't know what makes you think you're strong enough to face me." He said, before taking Rainius's head and banging it onto the glass, making it crack.

"I'm strong enough to kill you!" Rainius smirked. Rainius then kicked Fury into a mirror, making glass go all over the floor. "I'm sorry." He said when he rushed over to Starlight. He picked her up in his hooves then was about to fly off, but was stopped when his bottom right hoof was grabbed and being held by magic.

"Oh, no you don't." Fury said before he threw Rainius to the floor which caused Starlight to be thrown to the floor, breaking some of her ribs from the impact. Rainius began to run over to her, but Fury immediately grabbed him, enveloping him in his bright orange aura and launching him into a window, shattering it into pieces. One of those pieces managed to cut Starlight's broken leg and get stuck. Using her magic she pulled it out. That was the most she could do other than lay in a pool of her own blood. As Rainius sat up, Fury walked over to Starlight and grabbed her right front hoof and used dark magic that pierced her skin, and burned as it did, making Starlight scream louder. He formed it into the shape of a circle on her hoof before he was grabbed by Rainius who pushed him down to the floor and savagely plows him through the floorboards.

Starlight watched the whole thing but was unable to focus because of the burning pain of the dark magic that was traveling through her veins that could kill her. All she was able to see was two figures twist and fight in and out of focus. Her eyes suddenly opened when she saw the horrifying reality of Fury kicking Rainius. The two were delivering what would be death blows to normal ponies, but since they were Alicorns they were able to withstand the attacks. Rainius kicked Fury into a wall then pinned him against it, both began to growl at each other until Staright’s earsplitting scream fueled Rainius’s rage. Her scream of pain slicing through him. He then charged up his horn with dark magic himself than did the same thing Fury did to Starlight. Rainius’s magic pierced through Fury’s neck, flesh, and bone.

Fury sent out an agonizing scream. Rainius realized he took it too far when his mother and aunt Celestia made it to the scene. “Son. Stop! Remember who you are. We’ll handle this, Starlight needs you.” He nodded and rushed over to his marefriend’s side. “I’m sorry it had to come to this… brother.” Luna said before she and Celestia used their magic to kill Fury.

Celestia and Luna then rush over to the injured unicorn who screams again. Celestia works fast to assess her wounds, focusing on a massive bleed from her leg. But clearly, her hoof hurts the most. She writhes in pain. Celestia applies pressure to the gash on her thigh. “Her femoral artery has been severed, she’s losing too much blood,” Celestia told Rainius.

"No, my hoof! It's burning!!" Starlight screamed.

"It's dark magic," Rainius said examining the wound.

"Rainius, nephew. You have to make a choice." Celestia began. "You can try and save her, or you can let it kill her."

"I choose to save her. I love her!" Rainius said, admitting his feelings about Starlight.

“Then you’re gonna have to be careful. Removing dark magic from a pony’s bloodstream is very dangerous if not done properly-! Rainius!!” She exclaimed as Rainius used his magic to absorb all the dark magic from Starlight’s bloodstream. He was an Alicorn, he knew he would be alright. Starlight begins to lose consciousness as Rainius focuses himself on the dark energy. “We’re losing her! Rainius!!” Starlight could hear them saying her name, but before she could say or do anything everything went black; she passed out.

Author's Note:

The first new chapter of 2020!! Happy late new years, everypony!!