• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 939 Views, 51 Comments

Midnight Sun - FluxFeather

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Chapter Twenty One - Awakening

As light and colors once again filled the sky to declare the end of the battle and bring about a new dawn, Rainius lay rested after the fight against his father, King Sombra. And awaited the rebirth awakening of his beloved wife. As Starlight was finally coming around he grew relieved to know that he had managed to save her from death. Her eyes shot open instantaneously and glanced all around the room until finally, her eyes met Rainius’s. He stared graciously back at her. He gently offered her his hoof which she grabbed ahold of without hesitation, pulling herself up and being enveloped in his arms. With his right hoof, he gently stroked her mane, which finally had life brought back into it. “You’re so beautiful,” He commented.

Starlight walked over with Rainius to the mirror. And she was happy with what she saw. Finally, she looked like she belonged when she stood next to him. She had wings. And she was Twilight's height now. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck and yanked him into her embrace, hugging him tightly. "I love you," She said softly.

Rainius was rather startled by the surprise hug. "Starlight, you're a lot stronger than I am right now," He stated, almost out of breath. She let him go. "I love you, too." They kissed.

Starlight then remembered their daughter. "Where's Galaxy?" She asked. "I have to see her." She was very eager to see her.

"She's sleeping right now. I wouldn't want to disturb her nap," He answered. "But we could use this time to practice your flying." He points to her wings. "I believe she'll be awake by the time we get back."

Despite how much Starlight wanted to see Galaxy, she knew he was right. It would be best if she let her sleep, and plus, she could use the flying lessons. “Okay,” She replied.

"You gotta really flap them hard," Rainius instructed as they were out in the Ever free forest practicing Starlight's flying.

Starlight grunts as she tries again to fly. "Whoa!" She exclaims as she flapped her wings a little too hard.

"Uh, maybe not quite that hard," Rainius said as he flew by her side.

"Whoa! Oof!" Starlight said as she hit a tree.

"Ooh," Rainius said. "Um, you did well up there, Princess!" He tried to make her feel better.

Starlight blushed at his compliment. "Please, I'm no princess." She said, her expression changing. She wasn't even coronated yet.

Rainius puts a hoof to her chin and lifts it up to look at him and so he could look at her. "You are to me," Rainius said. Trying to lift her spirits up. She smiled. He holds her in his arms. "Now, close your eyes." She does. "Now, tell me, what do you hear?"

She starts hearing an owl. "I hear an owl," She said. Then she hears a squirrel. "A squirrel." And then she hears a deer. "And a deer." She loved her new supernatural hearing abilities. As well as sight.

Rainius then heard the strange voice of Galaxy through her mind. "I think I heard Galaxy, we should head back." He flew off. Starlight soon followed.

"I don't think I should fly," Starlight said. Still uncomfortable with the whole idea of flying. Of course, she had done it magically, but it wasn't the same as flying with pegasus wings.

“Hey, everypony has trouble at the start. I mean you did better than me when I first practiced flying,” Rainius said as they made it back to the castle.

Starlight giggled, imagining how he was when he first practiced flying. Then she felt comfortable with it. They walked back to the castle. She then noticed Sunburst coming out of the castle. “Sunburst, you’re still here!” She said, shocked.

“And you’re still you. Apart from the wings and being taller,” He smirked.

Rainius sighed. “Well, this has been fun,” He muttered, turning to Starlight. “Want to come and meet our daughter?” Starlight nodded eagerly.

“Starlight should get her Alicorn magic under control before she gets anywhere near the baby,” Sunburst said, blocking them from entering.

“Since when do you care so much about Galaxy?” Starlight questioned, though both Rainius and Sunburst knew she wouldn’t like the answer of him imprinting on Galaxy, so they both kept quiet about it.

“Well, despite me hating the father of that baby, and the fact that she nearly killed you… she still is your daughter. Still a part of you.” Sunburst answered. It was the truth, but it left out the most important detail. The fact that Sunburst had imprinted on her, though Starlight didn't know that… not yet, anyway.

“Well, let’s not keep everypony waiting, shall we?” Rainius suggested. Sunburst galloped inside. Rainius and Starlight soon followed.

Inside, Celestia, Luna, Lylac, Spike, Twilight and the rest of the mane six had been waiting for Starlight’s awakening. “Welcome to the family. Somepony's been waiting to meet you,” Celestia said to Starlight as they walked up to Rarity who held Galaxy in her arms.

Rarity turned to face Starlight. "Here you go, darling," She said, giving her the baby who looks a few months old. That surprised her.

Starlight grabs Galaxy. Galaxy tenderly touches Starlight’s face, she starts seeing a few images of herself of when she gave birth to Galaxy. "What was that?" Starlight asked when it was over.

Rainius smiled. "She showed you the first memory she has of you," He said.

"Showed me how?" Starlight inquired. Curious of her daughter's powers.

Rainius chuckled. "How do I hear thoughts? How do I control them? How do I see the past and the future? She's gifted!" He stated.

Starlight notices though how big Galaxy has gotten. She doesn't even look like a newborn foal anymore. "I've only been out for like what? A day or two? How'd she get so big already?" She asked as she looked at the baby who looks a few months old.

"Her growth rate is unprecedented," Celestia said. "Most likely because she's an Alicorn. Like Cadence and Shining Armor's daughter, Flurry Heart."

"Alright, that's enough experimenting for one day," Sunburst says as he starts getting protective of Galaxy.

"Sunburst, she's doing great," Rainius said.

"Yeah, but I'd say it's best if we don't push it," Sunburst suggested as he reached out to grab Galaxy. "Starlight hasn't gotten her Alicorn magic under control yet."

Starlight, who is still holding Galaxy, gets offended and backs up, preventing him from grabbing her. "What's your problem?" She asked, glaring angrily at him.

"Oh, this should be good," Lylac said as she shot a menacing grin over to Sunburst. "Do tell her, Sunburst."

Rainius takes Galaxy from Starlight as Starlight starts stepping closely towards Sunburst, her horn lit. "It's um… um… it's a timberwolf thing," Sunburst said, his voice shaky as he started stepping back, afraid of what Starlight could do. Especially since her magic was a lot more stronger and powerful now.

Starlight stepped closer to Sunburst. "What's a timberwolf thing?" She growled as she was about to attack him.

"We have no control over it. And we can't choose who it happens with," Sunburst said. "And it doesn't mean what you think it means, Starlight. I promise." Sunburst was getting nervous.

"Rainius, take Galaxy!" Starlight said. He took Galaxy and held her in his arms. His hoof on Starlight's shoulder. "Rainius, don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you." He listened to her and let go.

Lylac looks at them. 'Well, there's one way to move this along.' She thought to herself. She then begins to fake cough and in between, she says "Imprint!" 'That should speed things up.'

Starlight then shot magic at Sunburst, hitting him in the neck. He cried out in pain as she didn't realize how strong it was. "You imprinted on my daughter?!" Starlight shouted at him.

"It wasn't my choice!!" Sunburst exclaimed.

"She's a baby, Sunburst!!" Starlight yelled as she blasted him again with magic.

"it's not like that! Do you think Rainius would let me live if it was?!" Sunburst tried to reason with her. He looked at Rainius who looked back at him.

"I'm still debating it," Rainius muttered while trying to keep Galaxy calm.

"You're gonna stay away from her!" Starlight threatened, charging up her horn again.

"You know I can't do that," Sunburst said more calmly. Starlight hit him again with magic. He cried out in pain again.

"Rainius, stop her," Luna said. Not wanting this to get too violent where Starlight ends up killing Sunburst.

"It's fine," Rainius replied. "She's amazing, right?" He chuckles.

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me three days ago? That’s gone now, right?" Sunburst asked her.

"Long gone!" Starlight exclaimed.

"Because it was her. From the beginning, it was Gal who wanted me there," Sunburst said.

"Gal?" Starlight questioned. "You even gave her a nickname?!"

"Look, Starlight," Sunburst began. "All I want is for Gal," Starlight gets angry at the mention of her nickname. "Galaxy to be safe, happy. Look nothing ever made sense before. You, me, any of it. And now I know why. This was the reason."

No matter how much Starlight wanted to deny it, she knew he was right. Later that night as Sunburst sleeps on the couch, Starlight and Rainius watch from the window as the mane six come back from their friendship problem. Rarity comes into the castle first looking at Galaxy in Starlight’s arms. "My turn," She said.

Starlight gives Galaxy to Rarity. "Where does she sleep?" Starlight asked.

"In my arms," Rarity answered. "Or Rainius's or Luna’s."

Sunburst wakes up as the others enter the castle, Pinkie walks up to Starlight. She decided to surprise Starlight with a birthday. "Happy Birthday!!" Pinkie announced.

"I stopped aging three days ago," Starlight said.

"Well, we're celebrating anyway!" Pinkie said. "With spending your first night living in Canterlot!"

Starlight looked at Rainius then back at Pinkie ecstatically. "Wait, really?!" She asked. Pinkie at a supernatural speed; nodded her head.

They head to Canterlot where they stop at the castle. "Well, go ahead," Celestia said.

Rainius takes Starlight's hoof as they go inside. Rainius shows Starlight around. "I've been here before, Rainius," She remarked.

"I know," He replied. "Just some things might've changed since your last visit."

"Like what?" Starlight teased.

"Like this now being Galaxy's room," He said, showing her a room with a crib and a lot of stuffed animals. "You want to see our room?"

"Well, of course!" Starlight said. He led her into their room which had a massive walk-in closet, that was filled with dresses. "Lemme guess? Rarity stocked it for me?" Rainius nodded.

Starlight continues looking at the what would've been expensive dresses that Rarity had made for her. "Now, follow me," Rainius insists. He takes her to their bed in their room.

"We don't sleep," Starlight said. Stating that the bed was absolutely useless.

"Well, it's not intended for sleep, my love," Rainius said as he began kissing her neck. She smiles then pushes him onto the bed. She then jumps on top of him, joining him. She presses her lips against his roughly. With his hooves, he takes the back of her dress and rips it off. She lunges towards him. Rainius took his jacket and cape off. Starlight moaned in pleasure. Kissing sometimes turns into nibbles. And including a lot of rolling around in the bed. Once the two finished they lied in each other's arms.

"You really were holding back before," Starlight said, amazed. "I’m never gonna get enough of this. We don’t get tired, we don’t have to rest, or catch our breath or eat. I mean, how are we gonna stop?"

Rainius smiles. "Well, I've seen couples that I couldn't even stand to be within five miles of," He chuckled. She laughed as well.

"I think we're worse," Starlight said.

"Definitely worse," He said as he kissed her again. And they had begun to make love again. Waiting for what tomorrow held for them and their daughter.

Author's Note:

Ah, the fifth and final segment of the story. I have really enjoyed writing this and I hope you all have enjoyed it to!