• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 940 Views, 51 Comments

Midnight Sun - FluxFeather

  • ...

Chapter Thirteen - Training

Author's Note:

Here is the next chapter. Now, I'm not sure when I'll have the next one up but I hope it'll be sometime soon. Besides that, enjoy. 😁

The large open fields of Canterlot had really made a great place for the royal guards to get their training. And it would be a great place for everypony else too. Or every timberwolf as well. It was bright and early in the morning and Lylac was already out there training the new recruits. "You're late." She said harshly as Rainius, Starlight, Celestia, Luna, and the mane six had shown up.

"Well, we didn't know that it was happening this early." Said Rainbow Dash before she let out a loud yawn, stretching out her limbs.

"The timberwolves managed to show up earlier than you," Lylac said, pointing a hoof over to Sunburst and his pack of timberwolves. She turned back over to her trainees. "Attention!!" The trainees brought their focus all on her. "A great evil is coming…" They all get a sense of worry. "These foes are unlike any other we have ever faced. They're a great deal stronger than us. And can crush us in an instant. Which is why you all will need training in how to fight and defeat them. Luckily for you, I'm your mare." She grinned. Her golden-yellow menacing like eyes glaring at all of them.

Rainius translated by reading the timberwolves’ minds. "The timberwolves wanna know how the newborn bat ponies differ from me." He told Lylac. She stepped forward.

"I have learned a lot from when I had trained newborn bat ponies in the past. Their kind is never more powerful than in their first several months of that life." Lylac explained. "They have unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal. That's why they are created. A newborn bat pony army doesn't need thousands like a pony army. And no pony army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... Never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... Never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. And these aren't the fruit eater kind of bat ponies. These are the blood-sucking type. Meaning if they get their hooves on you, they can suck every ounce of blood from your body in an instant. And you would be dead. Now, shall we begin?" Everyone nodded. Luna? Celestia? Don't hold back."

First up was Celestia and Luna. "Not in my nature. Don't hold back sister." Celestia said.

Luna smiled. "Thou wouldnst." The two readied themselves. Charging their horns, ready for any task they were given.

"Alright, now remember, don’t show any weakness or hesitation. Are you ready?" Lylac said.

"Thou was born ready," Luna said. Her high levels of confidence made Celestia laugh.

"I was ready before I was born," Celestia said.

Lylac rolls her eyes before yelling "Transformation spell Go!" And with that, the duel commenced.

Swifty Celestia turns into a dragon and Luna turns into Celestia. "Ah, very good, not bad. Shields! Go!" Luna strikes at Celestia with her magic, quickly she creates a shield in front of her. She strikes at Luna, but she uses a forcefield around her as Luna continues to use magic streams getting closer to her, unable to control her shield. Then they both break off their shields which causing everyone to fall back. "Excellent," Lylac said, amazed.

Rainius and Twilight were next. They attack one another, but Rainius can read Twilight's mind which gives him an advantage against her. He twirls beyond Twilight's grasp, then slams into her delivering a vicious body blow. "Focus on speed, agility, keep your opponent off guard," Lylac says as Rainius brings Twilight to the ground. "Oh, and one more thing." As Rainius turned around, Twilight attacked from behind, bringing him to the ground. "Never turn your back on your enemy. Use their momentum against them." The timberwolves watched the fight, impressed.

Next was Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Applejack charges at Rainbow Dash with impossible speed, but Rainbow Dash quickly flies out of the way. Applejack lunges several times, her strong arms grabbing at air. Applejack lunges again with similar results until suddenly she freezes Rainbow Dash has her from behind, her teeth an inch from Applejack's throat. "Very nice," Lylac said.

Starlight watched the what was a life and death war game. But this was only a portent of what was to come. She knew that. "The real fight is gonna be a lot worse than this, isn't it, Sunburst? Like 100 times worse?" She asked the timberwolf that was standing beside her. "I just wish there was something that I could do to help. If only I could be an Alicorn. Then maybe I could fight alongside you and actually be useful."

Sunburst nuzzles Starlight's face. She smiles. "Alright! We're done for the day." Lylac announced, ending the training session for the day. "Pack up and go home." As she walked by Starlight, she shot her a fierce scowl that looked like it was out of a sense of annoyance. Starlight decided to follow her. "Go blather to somepony else about the joys of becoming an immortal." She said, knowing who was behind her without having to turn around. Her tone startled Starlight a bit.

"I don't understand why you're being such a bitch, Lylac?" Starlight said.

Lylac chuckled. "I'm a girl. Being a bitch is in my nature." She said.

"I just don't understand what I did to make you hate me so much." Starlight replied.

"I don't hate you!" Lylac immediately objected. "I mean, I don't particularly like you, but… Starlight, I envy you."

Starlight froze, shocked to the core by the words she just heard. "What?" She asked. "That's ridiculous." How could she envy her? Now she seemed intrigued.

"No, it's not," Lylac said, shaking her head. "You have a choice. I didn't. Neither me or Rainius did, but you do, and you're choosing wrong. I don't care how miserable your pony life is."

"My life is not miserable." Starlight remarked. "I mean, it's not perfect, no pony's life is perfect."

"Mine was at a point," Lylac replied. "I practically had everything I could've ever wanted. Me and Rainius were together during the Equestrian Revolution. Newborn bat pony armies were very common back then. Rainius and I were training newborn bat ponies. It was mostly me training them. Rainius was raising a child. His "daughter" Mi Amore Cadenza or Cadence is what she was mainly called."

"Wait." Starlight stopped. She was greatly surprised by what she had just heard. "Rainius's daughter is Princess Cadence?!"

Lylac nodded. "Yes. She was the sweetest thing. She had a gift to make any two ponies fall in love. She brought love and happiness everywhere she went." Lylac smiles at the memories. "I always thought of her as my daughter as well. When she had saved the Crystal Empire from King Sombra it was the most amazing thing she had done. Me and Rainius were proud of her. He always knew she had a bright future ahead of her."

"It sounds amazing. I just can't believe that Cadence is his daughter." Starlight replied.

"Well, not biologically exactly," Lylac said.

"But still he raised her, right?" Starlight asked.

Lylac nodded. "He did indeed. You know there were things that I wanted. But I'll always be this. Frozen. Never moving forward." Lylac said. "I just really wish that things were different. That I wasn't immortal."

"I'm sorry." Starlight said, apologetically, feeling empathy for her. "I wish there was something I could do."

"Don't be," Lylac said. "And it's fine, I guess. Don't worry about it."

"But you should know that the only thing I'm going to want more than ever is Rainius." Starlight said.

"I know," Lylac replied. Then she looked at the sky. "Now, let's head inside, it's starting to get late." She headed inside the castle. Starlight followed her.

Later that night, in a dark alley in Canterlot, stood Enmity and Silvertail. They're on a secluded catwalk, away from the newborn army. "So, you're not coming with us?" Enmity inquired.

"It will be a last-minute decision. I told you how it works." Silvertail reminded him.

"Right." Enmity began. "They have powers."

Silvertail pulls away, ever so slightly irritated by his tone. "Don't underestimate them, Enmity. You'll have the numbers, but they'll be able to… anticipate your every move." She told him.

"According to your friend." Enmity says.

She looks at him, not sure where he's going with this. She circles him. "Yes. My dead friend." She said, coldly. Latenighter found out about the things that they could do… and they killed him. But not before he told me."

"Maybe he was wrong." Enmity thought. "I mean... This is supposed to be… their territory. But we've been tearing it up and I've never even seen them here."

Rage flashed in her eyes. She's suddenly standing several feet away from him. "You don't trust me?" She said, harshly.

"With my life!" He said. "I'm just saying that-" He was cut off by her.

"I'm doing this for us. So that we can feed without their retaliation. I can't live in fear anymore, just waiting for them to attack." She said. "The reign of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna may be over, but we have a new target to worry about."

He's suddenly next to her, wrapping his arms around her. "Ah, yes. Prince Rainius Songbird. The Prince of Redemption. Don't worry, I won't let them." He said with great confidence. "I swear that I am going to end the royal family."

She looks at him, then kisses him. "I love you… so much." He embraces her, but over his shoulder, her eyes go flat, the emotion disappearing.

"So, when is the battle gonna start?" Enmity asked.

"Tomorrow. At dawn." She replied. "That'll be the best time. When they're at their lowest."

"So, should we let them rest of the army know?" He asked.

"That would be wise." She answered. Even though this was what she was waiting for, she still seemed patient. Despite how much she longed for Fury. She would avenge him, and make sure Rainius paid the price. "Tomorrow is the judgment day."

"One more day." Enmity said as he walked away. Allowing Silvertail sometime to clear out her mind a bit.

"I will make sure that Rainius pays the price for killing Fury." She said, menacingly before she let out an evil cackle.

Meanwhile, Starlight couldn't sleep she just had a strange feeling, until it hit her. "What's wrong?" Rainius asked her, concerned.

Starlight sat up straight. "The newborn army. Their all her puppets." She said.

"Who's?" He asked perplexed. He had no idea who she was referring to.

"Silvertail's." She answered. She was sure of it.

"That can't be. I… I would've seen her decide." He said. "Unless that is… that she has sompony taking over for her and she's staying out of the action."

"It is a possibility. But are you sure?" He asked her. She nodded.

"Probably more than I've ever been." She said. She noticed Rainius staring off. "Hey, what is it?"

"The decision has been made." He said. "Tomorrow is the fight."

"We're gonna have to let everyone know." She said. "So they can prepare for battle."

"Everyone will need to be at their strongest. Silvertail and her army of newborns is gonna be quite the formidable foe." He responded. "If it is Silvertail, which I hope it is. I hope to be close to her, to end her myself, with my own hooves."

She sees the darkness in his face. Not certain what to make of his murderous side. "We should get to sleep." She said, trying to change the subject.

Rainius looked at her. "Sorry. Now, go to sleep. She won't come here tonight." He said.

"Rainius!" She said, reminding him to change the subject of conversation.

"Sorry." He apologized. "Goodnight, Starlight." He kissed her goodnight on the forehead before snuggling up next to her to help her fall asleep for tomorrow.

"Goodnight, Rainius." She said, falling asleep. He kissed her one last time. "I love you, Rainius."

"I love you too, Starlight." He said, laying next to her before she passed out.