• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 943 Views, 51 Comments

Midnight Sun - FluxFeather

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Chapter Twelve - The Coronation

Once the sun rose up to begin the day, the castle began to prepare for the coronation and each had an important task, that way things would be done quickly with perfection. Meanwhile, Rainius was getting in his suit for his coronation. Sadly the suit needed adjustments. Focused by his work a stallion was sewing up his brand new attire with care. He stitched up the suit with utmost perfection. "Now, be still your majesty, your suit is almost finished. And when it is you will go out there being the most handsome prince ever!" The stallion says with a small giggle.

Rainius shook his head with a smile, but immediately yelped when he was poked by the needle. "Ow! Quickstitch! That hurt!" He looked at Quickstitch, annoyed.

"My apologies, your majesty, but it was you who moved when I specifically told you to be still. But it's amazing how you ain't bleeding." Quickstitch said. "It is quite intriguing."

"Don't worry about that, just stick to the task at hoof. Which is fixing my suit for my coronation." Rainius insisted of him.

Quickstitch nodded. "Sorry again, your excellency. Please accept my apology. I need this job!" He begged the prince.

Rainius sighed, feeling guilty. "It was my fault, so you have nothing to apologize for Quickstitch. Just continue on." He requested.

"Thank you, oh kind and gracious prince." He said before picking up the needle and stitched up the last piece of fabric. "Voilà. Your suit is finished." He grabbed a mirror and put it on its three legs to let the prince get a good look at himself in the suit. "You like?"

Rainius looked at the suit in all its glory. He liked that it had all his medals from the war and that it fit perfectly.

"Do you not like it?! I can change it if you want" Quickstitch said.

Rainius shook his head. "I don't like it." He said.

Quickstitch was saddened by that. "Oh, what is it that needs to be changed? Tell me and I'll change it-!" Quickstitch began but was cut off by Rainius.

"I love it." He interjected. "it's perfect. I wouldn't change a thing. You really did a good job on it, Quickstitch." His comment made Quickstitch blush bright red.

"Ooh, I just knew you would!!" The now ecstatic Quickstitch said, hugging the prince tightly to where he could barely breathe.

"Qu… Quickstitch… c… can't… br… breathe!" Rainius stuttered as he tried to breathe.

"Oh, sorry, your majesty," Quickstitch said, letting go of him. Rainius gasped for air, filling his lungs with the oxygen they needed. "Well, I'm off now, so, tah tah." He left the room. 'Oh, if only he knew how I felt about him.'

Rainius chuckled. "Well, looks like somepony likes me." He whispered to himself.

"Too bad you're already taken." Said Starlight as she came in the room. She kissed Rainius. "How is my handsome prince doing?"

"I'm not sure. It's a lot to process. I mean, I'm going to be giving a speech in front of thousands of creatures from all across the world. I'm nervous." He admitted.

"Looks like even Rainius has his flaws." She giggled.

"Yeah, a lot of them too." He agreed. "But, I'm not sure I can do this…"

"You can do it. I know you can." She tried to assure him.

"Well, at least somepony thinks so." He replied.

She kisses him passionately. He kisses her back. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him again. This time rougher… hungrier… fiercer. Tempted to kiss her even more, he stopped. "You're gonna ruin my suit." He puts her down.

"I want us to at least try before I become an Alicorn." Starlight pleaded.

"I can't risk severely hurting or killing you." He said. "And plus, I want to be married to you first. Like in tradition. It's just one rule, I wanna leave unbroken. It might be too late for my soul, but I will protect yours. I know it's not a modern notion."

"It's not modern. It's ancient." Starlight said.

"I'm from a different era. Things were... a lot less complicated. And if I met you back then…" He explained. I would've courted to you. We'd have taken chaperoned strolls, or had iced tea on the porch. I may have stolen a kiss or two. But, only... ... after asking your father's permission. I would've got down on one knee." He said as he got down on one knee. "And I would've presented you with a ring." He takes from his suit pocket a black box and flips it open to reveal a ring in it. It was a diamond ring with a moonstone. "It was my mother's."

"I can tell." She giggled. He giggled a bit too.

"Starlight Glimmer. I promise to love you, every moment forever. And would you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?" He proposed.

The beautiful ring literally takes Starlight's breath away. Rainius pulls her to her hooves as he remains on his knee. Fear and love do battle within her. "Yes!!" She exclaimed. He put the ring on her horn. "Now, go and change lives." She smiled.

"Thank you for coming, I needed that." He got off his knee and kissed her cheek.

"Of course." She said. Quickstitch immediately burst through the doors enthusiastically. Excited about the coronation. Quickly, Starlight went to Rainius's side.

"Alright your highness, it's time for the coronation!!" Quickstitch stopped immediately as he saw Starlight, who was clinging to Rainius. And he saw the ring on her horn. Which displeased him greatly. "Um, she can't be in here!" He said.

"It's alright, Quickstitch. She's a very close friend of mine." Rainius told him.

Quickstitch smacked his lips, unsatisfied. "Well, with all due respect your majesty, I'm afraid she can't be in here!" He exclaimed.

Rainius sighed. "Fine. I understand." He said before he kissed Starlight goodbye. She kissed him back before she left.

"You know if you were with me you'd look even more handsome." Quickstitch murmured. But even despite that, Rainius heard his comment.

"What was that?" Rainius asked. Even though he heard the stallions statement.

Quickstitch blushed bright red. "Nothing!" He hastily said. "Just stay here and wait for the doors to open. Okay?" Rainius nodded, unanimously, showing his agreement.

After seconds passed into minutes, the doors opened to reveal a red carpet that led to his mother who was smiling with pride to see her son who walked in confidence as he looked at his friends gently in gratitude for their support. His aunt Celestia stood next to his mother, smiling as well while standing next to the pillow that held his crown and necklace. Celestia and Luna both bowed. In return, he bowed his head down to the queen, his aunt, smiling. "Mares and gentlecolts!!" Celestia announced. "Today, I bring to you the newest member of the Royal Family… not only was he able to the holders of the elements back together again that brought my sister, his mother, back to me long ago." With magic, she levitates the crown and necklace to place them against her nephew properly. "And now I present to you all for the very first time, Prince Rainius Songbird. The prince of Redemption." She turned to her nephew. "Don't be shy. They won't bite. Say something."

"Fillies and gentlecolts, um…" He began. "I know I'm probably not what you expected, but I can promise you that I will lead and protect this nation at all costs. For those of you who don't know me, I am the son of Princess Luna and King Sombra." He looked back at his mother and aunt smiling. "And the nephew of Princess Celestia." He chuckled. "Which I hope to someday live up to these two sisters legacy by spreading light into the world against darkness, and create a world with love, peace, and even redemption." Quickly the crowd cheered louder than ever by clapping as the prince looked down then back to his mother and aunt who were behind him touched by his words as they cheered in unison

"All hail the prince of redemption. Long live Prince Rainius Songbird!!" Proud of their new ruler his mother and aunt hugged him. He hugged them back.

Meanwhile, down below in the crowd, Sunburst was pushing through ponies to get closer to Starlight. He soon stopped at a young blue hippogriff with a typewriter. "Excuse me." He said.

"Oh, sorry." The hippogriff said, moving for him to get through.

"Sunburst!" Starlight said, surprised. "What are you doing here?!"

"You invited me, remember?" He reminded her.

"Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you." She said coldly.

"Look, Star. I'm sorry... about, you know... For how I acted... I'd blame it on the whole inner timberwolf thing... But it was really just... me. Being an ass. I'm really sorry." He replied.

Starlight nodded. "Yeah. I'd sure say so." She chuckled.

After the coronation was over the kingdom rejoiced by holding a daylight gala in honor of the newly crowned prince so each pony would have a chance to meet him up close. Overwhelmed by the visits the stallion began to grow very nervous as he tried to carefully answer each question that was placed along with a gentle bow in respect before speaking and as they left to attend the party. Starlight ran up to him with Sunburst at her side. "Starlight!" He said, happy to see her again.

She hugged him tightly. "I missed you." She said.

"I missed you too." He replied. Then he turned his glare over to Sunburst. "What's he doing here?" Rainius's expression changed.

"I invited him." Then she noticed Rainius staring off. "Hey, what's wrong." She asked concerned.

"The army. They're going to Ponyville." He said.

The party continues inside. But outside, the discussion is tense. Starlight, Lylac, Rainius, Luna, and Celestia debate as Sunburst tries to follow. "How long?" Starlight asked.

"They'll be there in four days," Rainius answered.

"Who's behind it?" Luna asked her son.

"I didn't see anyone I recognize. Well, except for one. I know his face. He's local. Enmity." He replied. "He didn't start this."

"Whoever did is staying out of the action," Celestia said.

"But either way, the army is coming," Rainius said.

"Wait, hold on." Sunburst stood up. "What damn army." He was about to explode. Celestia and Rainius share a look. Rainius shakes his head no, but Celestia decides differently.

"Newborns. Bat ponies." Celestia said.

"What are they after?" Sunburst asked.

"Starlight. Silvertail must be the one who's behind this all, but she's just letting Enmity take over for her." Rainius said.

"So, what the hell does that mean?" Sunburst asked.

"It means an ugly fight" Celestia began. "With lives lost."

The weight of it lands on all of them. Beat. Sunburst shares a look with Celestia and Luna. An imperceptible nod. "All right. I'm in." He announced.

Starlight smirked. "Yeah, no." She said. "You'll get yourself killed."

"I didn't ask for your permission," Sunburst said.

"Rainius. You can't let him do this." Starlight begged him.

"It means more protection for you," Rainius said. "No matter how much I hate it, at least I'd know that you'd be safe." He turned to Sunburst. "You should get your timberwolves together. Maybe they can have some training in how to deal with these newborns."

"Well, at least I get to kill some bat ponies," Sunburst said, grinning.

Rainius turned to Lylac before speaking. "Lylac will be able to teach you all. She has experience with this. More than what I do." She nodded.

"Okay. When shall we see you?" Sunburst asked.

"Tomorrow morning," Lylac said. "And don't be late!" Her tone of voice sent them aback.

"Alright, I'll go let the pack know," Sunburst said before he made his leave. "This'll be fun."

"You all should rest," Rainius said. "You'll need all your strength for tomorrow." They all nodded in agreement before heading home.

Author's Note:

Rainius is now officially coronated!! This'll probably be the last chapter I'll upload for January, so I'll see you again in February. Bye!