• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 940 Views, 51 Comments

Midnight Sun - FluxFeather

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Chapter Twenty Two - Alliance

Everything seemed to be going well, the only enemy really left was time. Galaxy Swirl was growing too fast. She was only five years old now but looked like a twelve-year-old. But by the age of seven Flurry Heart had become full-grown, so maybe it would be the same in Galaxy's case. But still, it made every moment more precious. "Look, mom, a snowflake," Galaxy said as she had caught a snowflake out in the snow. Sunburst was there as well, keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn't get in any kind of danger.

"It's beautiful, sweetie. Why not go and try to catch another one?" Starlight suggested. She turned to Sunburst who was in timberwolf form. "Rainius thinks we might be able to find answers in Whinnychester. A small town far south of here. Even farther than Appleloosa. He thinks they might know something," Galaxy flew up and caught another one. Then out of the corner of her eye she noticed a brownish unicorn with pink hair standing on a cliff. Glaring angrily at her.

Galaxy flew back down to her mother and Sunburst. "Who was that?" She asked.

Starlight looked up at the cliff. She was shocked to see who it was. "I think that's Diamond from Canterlot," She said as she looked harder. "Diamond!!" She flew up after her but Diamond must've teleported away because once Starlight got there, she was gone.

Hollow Shades was home to the species known as the bat ponies, so Diamond was an outsider, but the information she had was going to determine the fate of the royal family. As she walked down the torch-lit corridor of the castle of the Bat Syndicate, she felt a little guilty of what she was about to do. When she came into the castle library where Shadow Mark, Crimson Moon, and Duke Tail was, her feeling of guilt only grew stronger. "What do you want?" Duke Tail demanded as he turned to face her. "Hm?"

Diamond took a deep breath and exhaled nervously. "I have to report a crime," She spoke up. That caught the rest of their attention. "The royal family has done something terrible." Now, this really got their attention.

Shadow Mark raced over to her. "Allow me, my dear," He grabbed her hoof and read through her thoughts and memories. Seeing the image of Galaxy, Starlight, and Sunburst. He let's go, eyes wide. "Oh my," He says petrified.

Meanwhile, Starlight, Rainius, Celestia, and Luna were talking about Diamond as Rainius was teaching Galaxy how to play the piano. "I wish I could've just gotten the chance to talk with her, even for just a second," Starlight said.

"Seeing Sunburst must've been too much for her," Luna thought.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it," Celestia said. "Diamond is like family. She'll come around."

"I sure hope so," Starlight replied as she watched Rainius teach their daughter how to play piano by playing a few simple keys and making a melody out of it. Rainius then had a vision of the Bat Syndicate coming to Canterlot to kill them all.

Starlight, Luna, and Celestia noticed him staring off, horrified. "Rainius, what is it?!" Starlight asked, concerned.

"It's the bat syndicate," He said. "They're coming for us. Shadow, Crimson, Duke, the guard, and… Diamond."

"Sweetie, come here," Starlight gestured for her daughter. Galaxy obeyed, going over to her.

"Why?" Celestia asked. "What did Diamond see?"

"We were just walking," Starlight said.

"Gal was catching snowflakes," Sunburst added.

"Of course," Rainius says. "Diamond thinks Galaxy’s an immortal child." He goes to explain. He created an illusion outfit of a memory of his and showed it to them. The immortal bat children were very beautiful, so enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned, they couldn’t be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Ponies heard about the devastation, stories spread, the bat syndicate were forced to intervene. And since the children couldn’t protect our secret, they had to be destroyed.

An image of Rainius, Shadow, Crimson, Duke, and Amber were seen capturing a family of bat ponies and burning the corpses of several dead ponies. "The creators grew very attached, fond, and fought to protect them. Long established covens were torn apart, countless ponies slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families, lost." He shows them the flashback of a bat pony mother running to save her baby.

"Pain," Amber said, as she used her ability to make the pony fall to the ground in agonizing pain. The pony tried to run to save her baby but was grabbed by the guards who held her against her will. Not going to let her go.

"So, she made an immortal child?" Starlight asked, looking at the mare in the flashback.

Rainius nodded. "Yes," He answered. "And she paid the price…" They see the bat syndicate decapitate the mare and tear her limb for limb and throw her body into the fire. Amber takes the foal and throws it into the fire as well. The flashback ends. Rainius had winced at the memory.

"Galaxy was born not bitten. She grows every single day! She's nothing like those children," Starlight exclaimed.

"So can’t you just explain that to the bat syndicate?" Sunburst proposed.

"Shadow has enough proof in Diamond’s thoughts," Rainius said.

"So we fight," Sunburst said.

"Their offensive weapons are too powerful. No one could stand against Amber Night," Lylac said.

Dark Meadow's even worse," Rainius said.

"Well, then we convince them!" Starlight suggested.

"They’re coming to kill us, not to talk," Lylac said.

"No, you’re right. They won’t listen to us. But maybe others can convince them," Rainius murmured. He turned to Celestia. "Aunt Celestia, we can round up a few of our friends."

"I won't ask them to fight," Celestia replied.

"Not fight, witness," Rainius said. "If enough ponies knew the truth, maybe we could convince them to listen."

"We can ask this of them…" Luna said.

Celestia thought about it for a moment. "Alright," She said. "Let's do it! Well, start off with Bow, Coral, and Flower Blossom."

Once they arrived at Crystal Empire; Bow, Coral, Flower Blossom, Shining Armor, Cadence, and Flurry Heart were all surprised to see them. "Dad, is everything alright?" Cadence asked, worried. "Why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

"Is it Diamond?" Bow asked. "Have you heard from her?"

"Not directly, no," Rainius replied.

"Why is your bride waiting over there?" Shining Armor asked.

"I need your help. My family's in danger!" Rainius said.

"Why?! What's happened?!" Flower Blossom inquired.

"It's hard to explain, but I'll need you to be open-minded, can you do that?" Rainius asked of them.

"Of course," Was Coral's response. Rainius signaled for Starlight to let Galaxy come forward. Once they all had seen her, they began to panic. "Get back!!"

"The bat syndicate will come for all of us," Bow said.

"You get that thing out of here!" Flower Blossom demanded.

"She’s not what she looks like," Rainius tried to assure them.

"This is a crime!" Flower screamed. Then she suddenly attacks Rainius and he quickly pushes her aside, Bow then attacks Rainius, but Starlight quickly jumps in and throws Bow aside, then both Bow and Flower move to attack Rainius and Starlight.

"Stay back!" Starlight said, her horn charged up.

"She has blood in her veins, you can feel her warmth. I’m her biological father. Starlight’s her mother," Rainius said.

"How?" Coral asked.

"Sombra's curse," Rainius replied. "He cursed me a long time ago. And apparently the curse was a foal that would kill her. But I managed to make her an Alicorn to save her."

"Ah, okay," Coral said, satisfied with the answer. "I didn't believe we can help you."

"Thank you," Rainius said.

As they got more and more ponies as witnesses and even creatures like Griffins, Yaks, Dragons, Hippogriffs, and Changelings, even timberwolves thanks to Sunburst. With that things were really turning around, it meant their plea was being heard all around the world, while others searched for witnesses that were more closer to home. Like Melody who was a vampire pony and was a leader of a group of medic ponies. She was very strong and powerful.

Melody's abilities would make it through a fight if there was to be one. She was a vampire pony, except she had no horn or wings. She was an earth pony. Ready to catch her prey which was a lone pony walking down the dark alley of Manehattan. She finally got ahold of him, pinning him up against a wall. "Shut up!" She told the pony who tried to scream.

"Really, Melody?" Celestia muttered.

"What?!" Melody remarked. "You know I need blood for my survival."

"Anyways, we need your help," Luna said.

"Sounds interesting," Melody replied. "But first, let me finish my meal." She goes over and finishes drinking her victims’ blood.

By the next morning, they had arrived with Melody. "How many came?" Luna asked.

"A lot," Starlight replied. Luna hugged her.

"Well, we’ll all be on Shadow’s list now," Melody said to Celestia. "Centuries on the run, that’s what you brought me. Some friend, Celestia."

"Melody, come meet everyone," Celestia offered.

"I already told you, if it comes to a fight, I won’t stand against the bay syndicate," Melody stressed.

It shouldn't come to a fight," Celestia said.

"We'll see," Melody said before heading off inside. But she said one last thing before truly heading inside. "It's such a shame, Shadow's witnesses will be so disappointed."

"Wait, Shadow's witnesses?" Starlight turned to Rainius. "Do you know about this?" She asked.

"It happened every so rarely. I didn't know it was a pattern," He began. When Shadow wants something from a coven, it’s never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime… He gathers a bunch of bat ponies, ones from Hollow Shades, and even ones from the Equestrian Badlands to stand with him. Apparently he always pardons one pony whose thoughts he claims are repenting. This pony always has an ability, and always given a place with the guard."

"But why?" Starlight asks. "Why does he need witnesses?!"

"To spread the word that justice has been served... after he slaughters an entire coven," Rainius replies.

"Smolder, we're leaving! Now!!" Ember said.

"I'm not going anywhere!" Smolder replied. "I will do the right thing, Ember. You may do as you please."

"We will all stand with you!" Gallus said. There were nods from all around the room as all the creatures of Equestria were coming together.

"Packs will fight," Sunburst said. "We've never been afraid of bat ponies, nor anypony in that case."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Rainius said.

"Well, that didn't take much," Rainbow Dash whispered in Applejack's ear.

Everyone showed courage, though they knew that Shadow’s army was moving against them. Soon they would face the dark gifts of Amber Night. And worse the paralyzing vapor of her brother Dark Meadow, who could rob you of sight, sound and touch, as well as smell and taste. Amber and Dark chase down a dark blue coated unicorn, Moonstar, they corner her. "I refused her! I'm not with Celestia!!" Moonstar exclaimed.

Dark releases his vapor, nearly killing her when Shadow, Duke, and Crimson arrive. "Dark," Shadow says, commanding him to stop. Dark takes back his power, releasing Moonstar from his vapor. Shadow moves closer to her.

"I would never go against you!" Moonstar said.

"Of course not, my dear Moonstar," Shadow said before grabbing her hoof to read through her thoughts and memories. "Hmm, It seems Celestia is still expecting you." Shadow and the others turn and start walking off, leaving Dark and Amber to deal with Moonstar. They disembodied her with the help of the guards.

"Celestia is all but ensuring her own destruction," Duke stated.

Shadow sighed. "Sad, isn’t it?" He said, the group walking away from the hellfire going on behind them.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony, happy hearts and hooves day!! I hope you all are enjoying the holiday. (Hopefully more than me) and I hope you all enjoy this chapter of Midnight Sun. :)