• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 940 Views, 51 Comments

Midnight Sun - FluxFeather

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Chapter Fourteen - The Battle

Early the next morning, Starlight, Rainius, and Sunburst were walking up an icy mountain just pass the Crystal Empire. Sunburst had left to go check on the pack, which left Rainius and Starlight alone on their journey. "Where's your ring?" He asked, noticing that Starlight didn't have her engagement ring on her horn.

"Oh, I didn't want to risk losing it." She answered. Though she knew that was not the truth.

Rainius smirked. "Or risk Sunburst seeing it." He muttered, much to Starlight's annoyance. "He's gonna find out sooner or later."

"Yes, but with the fight happening today. I need his head clear." She said.

"Whose head is unclear?" Sunburst questioned as he came back. He stared at both of them.

"No one's, I hope." Starlight retorted, then shot a grin over at Sunburst.

"Uh-huh." Was all he said. Though what she said didn't sound very believable to him. "So, Rainius?" Rainius turned his attention over to him. "You sure they won't be able to find her here?"

"I'm positive." He answered. "This is the last place that Silvertail would look, but just in case, I'll stay here and protect Starlight as much as possible. She won't hurt her."

"Good," Sunburst said. "I'll do a perimeter check, just to make sure she ain't here."

"You do that." He said, letting Sunburst go. Sunburst transformed into a timberwolf and went on his way.

"You lied to him, didn't you?" Starlight whispered to him. He nodded.

"If she was here, I would be able to hear her thoughts, and I would've had a vision of her being here at this time." He murmured.

"This can't be one of your favorite days." She chuckled. He laughed too.

"It definitely won't make my list of my top ten favorite days." He giggled.

"You have a list?" Starlight said. Now, she was curious.

"Yep. And all ten of them were days I spent with you. Number one being the day you said you'd marry me, Mrs. Songbird." He said.

"Wait. You're marrying him?!" Sunburst exclaimed. Either his perimeter check was quick, or he didn't even go on one.

"Sunburst?" Starlight muttered. She turned to Rainius, agitated. "You knew. You knew he was listening!"

"He deserves to know," Rainius replied.

That statement confirms for Sunburst that it's true. He turns, strides toward the woods. Starlight starts to run after him. "Sunburst, stop!" She calls out.

"Starlight, let him go-!" Rainius told her, grabbing a hold of her hoof.

"Don't!" She half yelled half screamed at the Alicorn. Seeing her desperation; he sinks, resignedly, and heads into the woods, disappearing.

Starlight races to Sunburst. "Sunburst, stop! Sunburst, please!!" She begged.

"I'm done. I'm so done!" Sunburst shouted at her.

"What can I do?" She asked him. Hoping she could do something to help him.

"You can't do anything. But I can… by going out there and killing something." He said before he started trotting off.

"No! You're not thinking clearly, don't do that!!" Starlight pleaded.

"Maybe I'll get myself killed and make it simple for you." He muttered.

"No! Just stay! Sunburst, please!" She continued to beg.

"Why? Give me one good reason!" He demanded.

"Because you're my friend and I don't wanna lose you!" She said, hoping that would change his mind.

"That's not good enough." He turned to continue to walk away.

"Because you're too important to me!" She said.

"Still not good enough." He keeps moving. Starlight searches for something to convince him.

"Kiss me!" She said. "Sunburst, kiss me." He grabs her and kisses her. His anger melts into passion. As the kiss continues, Starlight, to her surprise finds herself surrendering to it.

They pull away. "I'm glad that was our first kiss." He whispered in her ear. Sunburst is torn, he doesn't want to leave her, but he hears the howls of the timberwolves calling him. "I gotta go. I'll be back." He transforms into a timberwolf and gallops to the fight.

"Rainius?" Starlight said as she found him. He appears from around the rock, comes toward her. She sees his face, stops. "You saw, didn't you?" He shook his head.

"No. But Sunburst's thoughts were pretty loud." He replied.

"I don't know what happened." She said, uncertain.

"You love him," Rainius said.

"I love you more." Starlight claimed.

"This is all my fault." He said. "When I went away, I left you bleeding and he stitched you up. I can't blame you for something I made necessary. Having forced you to choose me."

"Don't you dare blame yourself!" She said. She then noticed him staring off again. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"It's starting." He said. "The fight."

The whole newborn army blitzes out of the woods and into the field! The frenzy in their eyes. Their rabid thirst as they follow the scent of the ponies blood. The scent trail leads them to the mane six, Celestia, Luna, Lylac, and the whole celestial royal army. Suddenly something bolts from the trees with lightning speed and tackles a newborn. The other newborns spin to find a lethal-looking Lylac in a crouch beside her victim's body. They rush to attach Lylac but fail miserably! Three of them go down, tackled by Celestia, Twilight, and Luna. Out of nowhere lunges a timberwolf flanked by two other timberwolves. They tear a newborn to pieces. Four other timberwolves dive into the fray. Applejack sprints full-bore into the fight, relishing the battle. Along with Rainbow Dash. The timberwolves work as a pack, coordinated, deadly. Twilight controls the field – strategy, and speed vs strength. Rarity fights with magic. Applejack with brute force. Luna and Celestia fight side by side. The newborns are brutal and strong. Celestia's army takes some vicious hits. Sunburst charges into the clearing, tackling a newborn, going for it's neck. "Sunburst just got there," Rainius said from the mountain as he could see the whole fight in his vision. "He's doing great."

Sunburst and another timberwolf charge at a newborn. Each timberwolf grabs an arm in the mouths and rip them apart. Fluttershy is surrounded by three newborns; Rainbow Dash comes to her aid. They share a look, a battlefield rapprochement. Celestia and Luna move in on a filly bat pony, but she backs up frightened. Luna and Celestia share a look. They relax their attack stance, try to calm her, talk to her… Pinkie Pie darts from newborn to newborn, not even looking at them, knowing their next move. She sweeps their hooves, keeping them off balance, confusing them.

"No, Pinkie! You can't be everywhere at once!" Rainius screams. Though Pinkie can't hear him. "Pinkie, WATCH OUT!!" Pinkie screams in agony as she was attacked by a newborn. Rainius fell silent.

"Rainius, what happened?! Is Pinkie hurt?!" Starlight exclaimed. She was worried about her friend's safety.

Rainius didn't respond. "She's here! Silvertail!" He announced as he could hear her thoughts. "She found us. I can hear her thoughts. She knew we weren't there. Then she smelled my scent… she's not alone." Enmity steps out of the woods. Starlight is taken aback. Enmity edges closer, watching Rainius's every move as they both carefully position themselves. "Enmity... Listen to me. Silvertail is just using you, to distract me. She knows I'll kill you." Enmity hesitates. Surprised to be addressed. "In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore." Silvertail emerges from the woods, forming a triangle with Enmity. Starlight and Rainius at the apex.

"Don't listen, Enmity," Silvertail told him. "I told you about his mind tricks."

"I can read her mind, so I know what she thinks of you," Rainius said.

"He's lying," Silvertail said. "Don't listen to him."

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, Fury. It's the only thing she cares about. Not you." Rainius says. Enmity's beginning to hesitate. He glances at Silvertail.

"There's only you, you know that." Silvertail eggs on.

Enmity focuses back on Rainius, positioning himself to attack. Silvertail's eyes burrow into Starlight's with bloodlust, revenge. "Think about it. You're from Ponyville, you know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you." Rainius told him. Enmity falters ever so slightly, doubt seeping into his mind, but Silvertail's face is convincingly emotional.

"Enmity... Don't let him do this to us. You know I love you." Silvertail says. Enmity needs to believe her. His resolve returns.

"You're dead." Enmity said before he charges toward Rainius who doesn't move because he knows that Sunburst is around the corner. Sunburst leaps out in timberwolf form, leaping from the cliff above to land on Enmity, taking a chunk out of Enmity's front hoof. Enmity roars with fury and pain as Sunburst circles back for another attack. While Sunburst keeps Enmity on the defense, Rainius darts toward Silvertail. She backs up toward the trees. Rainius sees she's about to escape. He darts into her path.

"You can escape. You always do. But you won't get another chance like this again." Silvertail hisses at him. She backs further away. "You want Starlight. You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed Fury. When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing.

Silvertail finally erupts and charges at Starlight, but Rainius never let her get close. He intercepts her and they roll down the hill in a death grip. Starlight watched the battle, desperate to help. Meanwhile, Enmity kicks Sunburst hard against the cliff. Sharp shards of rock fall around Starlight. Sunburst, battered, goes down. Enmity spins to face Starlight. Rainius now has to protect her from both bat ponies! And he does with impressive skill with lightning-fast speed, he bolts to Enmity, kicking him back, he darts to Silvertail, smashing into her as Sunburst struggles to rise, Enmity joins Silvertail's battle, providing her with the tiny advantage she needs.

Enmity tackles Rainius to his knees. Silvertail grabs Rainius from behind. Starlight's eyes meet Rainius's. She's never in her life been surer of what she wants than in this moment. With purpose, she grabs up a sharp piece of slate. Starlight plunges the shard downward, stabbing her arm. Blood immediately flows dripping bright red onto the white snow. Enmity and Silvertail spin toward Starlight, the scent making them wild. Rainius seizes the moment. He drops to the ground while flipping Silvertail over his head, across the clearing, and into a tree, breaking it in two. Rainius spins on Enmity who's still bedazzled by the blood. Enmity out of nowhere screams in pain. His arm is gone! Rainius tosses the arm aside and bolts back to Silvertail.

Sunburst, recovered, leaps up, tackles Enmity and drags him screaming into the woods. "Silvertail! Silvertail!!" Enmity screams. Silvertail doesn't even glance at him, revealing to Enmity the painful truth that Rainius had told him. Sunburst tears him apart. Rainius charges at Silvertail. The two clash and begin a blurred battle. Until he pummels her down and, finally, maneuvers himself behind her, gelling her in a death grip. Silvertail struggles; Starlight is directly in her eyeline. She glares at Starlight who glares back, every bit as fiercely. Rainius's lips are at Silvertail's neck. It looks as if he kisses her, but instead, he bites a huge chunk from her neck, ripping her head off as Starlight watches Silvertail's body crumple to the ground. Sound disappears. The air goes still. The atmosphere changes. This nemesis, this relentless demon, is finally dead. Or almost. Eerily, it still moves slightly. Then Rainius looks up at Starlight. Their eyes meet. But shame, fear, cloud his face. She moves toward him. Slowly. Purposefully. As she reaches him, he turns away.

"Rainius." Starlight calls for him. "Rainius!" She calls out again. Begging for him.

"I didn't want you to see that." He replies. She stops him, touches his face tenderly, her eyes telling him it's ok. "I'll get some bandages for your arm." Rainius stops. "Celestia needs us to go. And now." The two walk down the mountain.

Author's Note:

After so long, Silvertail is finally dead. So, everything should go back to normal now, right?