• Published 27th Dec 2019
  • 940 Views, 51 Comments

Midnight Sun - FluxFeather

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Chapter Seventeen - The Honeymoon

"So, Las Pegasus?" Starlight asked as she and Rainius were on the train heading to the glorious Las Pegasus where they were gonna spend their honeymoon.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind." He said. "I thought it would be a great place to spend a honeymoon."

"I don't mind." She replied. "As long as we're together, I don't care where we go."

Rainius smiled. "I love you." He said, kissing her.

"I love you too, Rainius." Starlight said as they kissed again. When they got to their hotel in Las Pegasus, Rainius picks Starlight up to carry her over the threshold. She giggled. "Is this totally necessary?"

"I'm nothing if not traditional." He chuckled. She smiled. "You're so beautiful." He ran his right hoof down her right cheek. She blushed at his statement. "Well, I promised that we'd try. If this doesn't work-!" Rainius was saying before Starlight put her hoof to his mouth, silencing him.

"Shh. I trust you." Starlight said. They kiss again.

"Well, thank you, Mrs. Songbird." He laughed as he said. "Now, shall we begin?" Ready to consummate their marriage.

"Yes." She said. And then they both jumped onto the bed. Rainius took off his jacket and cape and kissed Starlight's neck. The kissing soon turned into sucking and then before they knew it, Rainius was on top of Starlight, she had both her hooves around his neck, bringing him closer to her. Her lips pressing roughly against his. Rainius put both front hooves on the bed frame, it immediately snapped under his strength. They both were breathing rapidly.

"Sorry," Rainius said, embarrassed.

"It's okay." Starlight said, before grabbing him and kissing him. As like two teenage lovers, they were rolling like thunder under the covers. And it went on for a while until Starlight moaned softly in great pleasure. They continued on for a few more hours before Starlight had passed out.

The next morning, after they had made love. Starlight had awoken to feathers of ripped up pillows around her. And without Rainius next to her. Which was a shock to her at first, and kinda startling. But she didn't let that lessen her mood. She felt so elated. Is this what it felt like the next morning after having sex? If so, then this was a feeling she could get used to. She got up and went to the mirror. She stands there looking at her reflection, remembering the previous night. "Starlight, you're hurt," Rainius said when he entered the room.

"What?" She asks confused. He shows her the bruises on her arm. She turns away. Not caring about the bruises.

"No, Starlight. Look." He says as he pulls her white robe down her shoulder and shows her the bruises on her shoulder. "Starlight, I can't tell you how sorry I am." He turns and walks away. She follows him.

"Well, I'm not!" She exclaims. "Really, I'm not! I'm fine!!"

"Don't say you're fine!" Rainius says agitated at himself. "Just don't."

"No, you don't!" Starlight said. "Don't ruin this!!"

"I've already ruined it…" Rainius muttered.

"Why can’t you see how perfectly happy I am? Or was, five seconds ago? I mean, I’m sort of pissed off actually." She admitted.

"Well, you should be angry with me," Rainius said.

Starlight sighed. "We knew this was going to be tricky, right?" She said. "I think we did amazing. I mean it was amazing for me."

"Is that what you're worried about?" Rainius inquired. "That I didn't enjoy myself?" He grabs her arms. "Starlight, last night was the best night of my existence. I wouldn't trade it for the world." They kiss for a bit, but Rainius eventually pulls himself away from her.

"You’re not gonna touch me again, are you?" She asked. He touches her face. "You know that’s not what I mean."

He sighed. "Let me make you breakfast." He says before he walks away from her to make her breakfast. Many nights had passed, but one struck out to Starlight as she was awoken by a dream. She woke up crying. "Starlight, are you having a nightmare?" He was worried about her now.

"No." She replied. She turns to face him. "It was just a dream… a really good dream."

"Then why are you crying?" He asked, concerned.

"Because I wanted it to be real." She said, still crying. She brings him down towards her and kisses him.

"Starlight, I can’t," Rainius said, not wanting to hurt her again.

"Please. Please!" She begged.
He sighs, giving in to her and they make love again.

The next morning, Starlight awakes with morning sickness. Releasing bile into a bucket. "Starlight?" Rainius came to her concerned.

"You don't want to see this." She claimed. He didn't care though.

He walks in and kneels in front of her. "In sickness and in health, remember?" He reminded her. He sees her look at him strangely. "What is it?"

"How many days has it been since the wedding?" She asked, curious. She wasn't a hundred percent sure what was going on, but she had a pretty good idea.

"Fourteen? Why?" Rainius inquired. She didn't respond. "Starlight, what's going on?" He was starting to get more concerned and worried about her now. "What is it?"

To test her hypothesis she walks over the mirror and looks at her stomach. "Is this even possible?" She asked Rainius. He had no idea what she was talking about. She turned around to face him. "Woah!" She clenched her stomach as she felt something move inside her. She then started rummaging through her saddlebag until she found what she was looking for. A quill and scroll.

Dear Princess Celestia.

I need your help!

Sincerely, Starlight Glimmer Songbird.

And with magic, she sent the message off to Celestia. And almost immediately, she got a response. She opened up the scroll to read it.

Why? What's going on?! Has Rainius been harmed?!

The letter said. She decided to write back.

No. I'm not a hundred percent sure actually, but… I know that it might not be possible, but… I think that I'm pregnant.

She sent the letter off to Princess Celestia by her magic. This time she didn't get an immediate response. Instead, Celestia came to them. She felt Starlight's stomach. "This could be worse than I thought." She whispered to herself. She felt Starlight's stomach again.

"Aunt Celestia, what's going on?!" Rainius stressed. His anxiety was starting to overwhelm him.

"Woah!!" Starlight exclaimed as she felt whatever it was move again. "Celestia, I swear I just felt something move inside me!"

"... Death." Was all she said. Rainius read her mind. His worst fear was finally coming true. "We'll have to take her back to Ponyville."

"Okay," Rainius nodded, showing his agreement.

"Rainius." Celestia whispered to him as they walked into the other room. "Your curse." Rainius was reminded of his course that was placed upon him by his father as revenge against his mother and aunt Celestia.

"Aunt Celestia, don't let her die!" Rainius pleaded. "Please?!"

"I can't promise anything, Rainius. What happens, happens, there's nothing you or anyone else can do to change this." Celestia said. "You're just gonna have to accept what is. Even if it may hurt."

"I… I… I can't live without her!" Rainius exclaimed. "H-how could I love? Let alone tolerate it, if it killed her?" He was beginning to sob. He didn't want to lose her to this curse. His curse. This was his burden to bear. Not hers. And she was gonna be suffering because of it.

"I know, Rainius. I promise I will try everything in my power to try to keep her alive, but you'll have to help with that too. You could maybe keep her alive until she delivers." Celestia said.

"That's all I could ask for," Rainius replied. "Thanks, aunt Celestia.

" No problem, nephew," Celestia said with a smile. "Now, let's get going."

"Agreed," Rainius said following the white Alicorn.

"Maybe they'll say she died doing some complicated spell, or that she tripped and fell off a cliff," Sunburst said to his timberwolves as he went through a list of options for how they could say Starlight had died. "But at least I'll get one thing out of it." He pictured himself ripping Rainius's head off.

"No, you won't!" Shining Armor said. "Rainius is not a danger or threat to anyone."

"Well, he's either gonna kill her or change her," Sunburst said.

"That's her choice, not any of ours. So, leave it be." Shining Armor replied.

Sunburst stared at all the ponies in the Crystal Empire. Each of them had something he desperately wanted. Somepony to love. "Heh. None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is they tell themselves they're happy about it."

"Maybe if you found somepony else, you'd finally forget about Starlight." Shining Armor said. "I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable about someone you can’t have."

"If only it were that easy," Sunburst replied.

"Well, don't timberwolves imprint?" Shining Armor asked. Wondering if maybe that could have an impact on his feelings.

"Yeah." He answered. He then thought about what Shining Armor was saying. "Where are you going with this?" He inquired. Hoping to figure out Shining's motives.

"Well, I'm thinking that if you were to imprint on some pony, you'd finally forget about Starlight." Shining Armor suggested.

"Imprinting is something that's easier said than done," Sunburst replied. "It's not like you can do it with just anyone. It's gotta be that somepony you were meant to be with. It's basically love at first sight. Like when you see them, everything changes. Suddenly it's not gravity holding you down, it's her. You would do anything for, be anything for her, a friend, a brother, a protector."

"It really sounds like you know the feeling." Shining Armor stated. "Have you already imprinted on somepony?"

"No. I just researched it." Sunburst said. "I don't need to imprint though. And I believe you would know if I did."

"You sure about that?" Shining Armor said. "It would be more healthy for you than just moping about Starlight all the time."

"I'm tired of everypony telling me what's healthy for me. Or what I should want. Cause it wouldn't change anything about how I feel for her." Sunburst said, stating his point.

"I suppose you're right." Shining Armor said. "Though I still don't feel so sure about that. I would think that you'd want at least somepony in your life to love and care for you. Probably even more than Starlight would." Sunburst didn't say a word instead he just got up and left. Leaving Shining Armor with the timberwolves.

Later that night, in the castle in the Crystal Empire the guards were at their normal routine of scanning the halls of the castle looking for anything out of the ordinary, like an intruder or something. One of the guards got startled by the sound of a vase falling and breaking. "Who's there?!" He called out. He got no response. "Show yourself!!" Still nothing. Curious, he walked over to the broken vase and examined it cautiously. However, there was no trace of anything that had passed by. He got up, but before he was able to move he was pinned to the wall by an invisible force. What he now saw before him was a black, gray, and green shadow-like creature. It must be a pony cause it had a hoof just like a pony's. But this pony was different. The shadow pony had his hoof held against the guard’s mouth, suffocating him. This pony was indeed different, but awfully familiar. But before the guard could even put his hoof on it, he was suffocated to death by the shadow pony.

A peal of dark, maniacal laughter was heard from the pony before he went on to his next task. "Once I find and destroy Rainius. Revenge will finally be mine!" The creature said. His voice, dark and sounded like something to be feared.

Author's Note:

Yep!! There's a baby coming!! Now, I wonder if any of you can guess who this mysterious pony is...?