• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 3,443 Views, 73 Comments

Worthy is the Lamb - Dinomite123

Sunset Shimmer has had enough of people turning against her, including her own friends. But then she meets a one true friend who has given peace, hope, and love. Sunset Shimmer will experience the love of God and will explore Jesus Christ's ministry.

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Sunset Shimmer and Faithful Rose were talking about what Jesus has been doing these past few days, while the crowd were scrambling to see Jesus.

"Out of all these miracles Jesus had done, this is really starting to sound strange." Sunset said.

"But it also sounds beautiful too." Faithful replied.

"Strange and beautiful at the same time."

As the crowd was struggling to see Jesus, a man named Jarius who was a ruler in the synagogue was passing by the people to reach Jesus. As he finally did, he fell to his knees.

"Master, I am one the elders from the synagogue." He spoke. "My daughter is lying her bed with a great illness. I believe she is about to die. I beg of you, come and lay your hands on her so she may live."

Jesus placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Take me to her." He said.

Jarius lead Jesus to his house, the disciples and Sunset and Faithful followed along.

"I wonder what Jesus has planned." Faithful said.

Just then, A woman went right past them, this woman had twelve years of hemorrhages, and no one was able cure her. But she thought that if she touched Jesus she will be well again.

She got closer and closer and finally she touched his cloak and felt well again.

Jesus stopped and turned around.

"Who touched me?" He asked.

"Master, it's the crowd who is pressing against you." Peter said.

"I know, but someone touched me. For I felt my power leave me."

Then the woman who touched him came forward to him.

"It was me, Lord. I have been bleeding for twelve years, I just wanted to touch you so I could be well again."

She fell to her knees and began to sob.

Jesus helped her up and smiled.

"Your faith has made you well, go in peace."

"Master, we must hurry." Jarius reminded him.

As they finally got to Jarius' house, they saw people weeping.

"Master, it's too late. Your daughter is dead. Why bother Jesus now?"

Jarius cried.

"Don't afraid." Jesus said. "Just have faith and she will be healed."

Jesus entered into Jarius' house and saw people crying.

"Why all the weeping? The child is not dead, she is asleep."

Most of them were offended by what Jesus just said. Some of them laughed.

"You expect us to believe that?"

"The child is dead; you could you say such foolishness?"

"This isn't going very well." Sunset Shimmer said.

Jesus told everyone to leave, except for Jarius, his wife, Peter, James, John, Sunset Shimmer, and Faithful Rose. Jesus see's the child lying on her bed and took her by the hand.

"Little girl, it's time to get up."

Then...the girl opened her eyes.

Everyone was shocked and surprised to see that the girl is alive again. Jarius and his wife hugged their awaken child.

"Give her something to eat." Jesus ordered.

Later that night, the disciples were in Peter's house eating together and laughing together.

"That one time when we were fishing, those other men on boats challenged us for competition to see who gets the most fish." Peter laughed.

"And did we?" John asked.

"More less."

"And do you remember what your wife told you?" Andrew asked him.

"She always worries when it comes to fighting and dramatic events." He said.

"You know, it was joyful that Jesus healed your mother-in-law today." Matthew replied.

"Yes, and without him my wife and my family would be in sorrowful grief right now."

There was a knock on the door. It opened it reveal Sunset Shimmer.

"Hi, is Jesus here?" She asked.

"Oh no, he's out doing something." John said. "But he'll be back. Want to join us, Sunset?"


She sat down with the rest of the disciples.

"Do your parents know your here?" Andrew asked.

"Uh...my parents? I... moved away years and I haven't seen them since." Sunset answered.

"Oh, you seem like you've had a tough road for years."

"Yep, all these years I've had struggles."

"We've all had struggles in our young years. Especially, today."

Sunset began telling her full story.

"When I was so young, I was becoming a student of a new mentor. For years, I've been doing things I'm capable of, understanding the knowledge of friendship. But I haven't been able to use it and all I did was let everyone down and reject loyalty."

The disciples had a feeling that this story was going to lead to a destruction of her life. And Sunset Shimmer knew that if she told them that she came from a place called Equestria and was formally a pony they would find it hard to believe.

"So, then one day, my mentor gave me a direct order not to do something and I did it anyway. And I called her a hypocrite for not giving me the right answers. I went to some other place to fit in and see if I could do something more. But all I did was drive everyone apart and I keep winning many things."

At last, she came to the most depressing and upsetting part ever.

"Then, these six girls gave a chance, and they became the greatest friends I could ever imagine. We had plenty of fun time together and I've always been loyal to them. But, three times they been selfish to me. Like, after they made me their friend they didn't even think about adding me to their music group, they accused me of something I'm not, and worst of all...they had forgotten who I was and didn't even look at me the same way."

"I had no idea you had so much dramatic experiences." John said, feeling bad for her.

"I'm sure they felt guilty for all those things they did to you." Peter replied.

"They did, and they tried to make it up to me by throwing a party for me. But nothing can take back what they did to me. And at the end, I took my anger out on them and hurt them." Sunset began to burst into tears.

The disciples were shocked.

"It feels like everywhere I go I'm always being cursed."

"No one is being cursed, it's just how you feel." Andrew said.

"NO! NOTHING'S GONNA FREE FROM THIS NIGHTMARE! NOTHING! I DON'T HAVE ANYONE TO CURE ME!" Sunset cried as she stormed out of the house.

The disciples were shocked, they had never seen a girl through this much pain before.

Sunset ran through the path, sobbing. She stopped and panted.

"Nothing's gonna change my life. Not one thing." She sobbed.

Little did she know that she was near was near where Jesus was with one of the religious leaders, Nicodemus. She heard his voice speak.

"I tell you the truth, unless a person is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God." He spoke

"How is it possible for an adult to be born?" Nicodemus asked. "It’s impossible to enter the mother’s womb for a second time and be born, isn’t it?"

"I assure you, unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, it’s not possible to enter God’s kingdom. Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit."

The wind began to blow.

"Don’t be surprised that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’" Jesus said. "God’s Spirit blows wherever it wishes. You hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. It’s the same with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

"How are these things possible?” Nicodemus wondered.

"You are a teacher of Israel and you don’t know these things? I assure you that we speak about what we know and testify about what we have seen, but you don’t receive our testimony. If I have told you about earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? No one has gone up to heaven except the one who came down from heaven, the Human One Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so must the Human One be lifted up so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life. God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him isn’t judged; whoever doesn’t believe in him is already judged, because they don’t believe in the name of God’s only Son."

Sunset was listening to the conversation behind a wall.

“This is the basis for judgment: The light came into the world, and people loved darkness more than the light, for their actions are evil. All who do wicked things hate the light and don’t come to the light for fear that their actions will be exposed to the light. Whoever does the truth comes to the light so that it can be seen that their actions were done in God.”

When the conversation was over, Nicodemus walked right in the direction where Sunset was watching him.

"Oh, hello there." He spoke.

"Hi." Sunset responded.

"Were you just listening to our conversation?"

"I...um...I was just...walking by."

"Oh, it's okay. I understand you love to hear the rabbi's, don't you?"


"Well then, to be honest...I love the rabbi's words as well."

"Why?" Sunset asked. "Your one of those leaders who rebel against him."

"Because, I paid attention to the scriptures every closely." Nicodemus said. "Many years ago, a prophet named Isaiah told a prophecy about the coming of the messiah and what he will do to free us. And one of those scriptures says this..."

Nicodemus opened up a little scroll that he borrowed from the library of the temple.

"For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground. He hath no form nor comeliness, and when we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected of men, a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. And we hid as it were our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all."

When he was finished, Sunset wondered the meaning of the verses he just read.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"That I don't know, but we will have to wait until Isaiah's prophecies' come true." Nicodemus answered.

Then Jesus came.

"Thank you, Rabbi." Nicodemus spoke. "Your words have made me felt like the spirit of God touch me."

"The spirit of God did touch you, Nicodemus." Jesus replied. "And soon you will understand that God has plan for redemption in a certain way."

As Nicodemus left, Jesus looked at Sunset Shimmer.

"I see you were listening to my words." He said.

"I didn't mean to spy on you guys." Sunset tried to explain. "I was just curious because I thought about the words you say to people and..."

"It's okay, I understand. You have chosen a better part and that shouldn't be bad."

"But with all these you've been doing and that's been happening I'm still confused."

"Just keep following me and you will understand."

Sunset followed Jesus back to Peter's house.

The next day, Jesus was telling more to Sunset Shimmer, Faithful Rose, and the disciples. Then disciples of John the Baptist came to them.

"Excuse us, John the Baptizer sent us here to us ask you this...are you the messiah that we've been expecting or should we keep looking for someone else." One of the men asked.

"Go back to John and tell him what you have seen." Jesus instructed. "The blind see, the lame walk, the leapers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the good news is being preached to the poor. And tell him, God blesses those who do not turn away because of me."

The men obeyed Jesus and went back wherever they were before.

"I wonder where the baptizer is now." Faithful Rose said.

"He's probably doing more work when comes to this baptism." Sunset answered.

"Come, there's more to discover along the journey." Jesus said to them.

Sunset Shimmer may have learned Jesus' words last night, but there's still more things she must know.

Author's Note:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

John 3:16-17

Sorry I haven't been publishing more chapters lately, but don't worry I promise I will get right back to the story.

Comments ( 9 )

What's this? Jesus? In my ponyfiction? It's more likely than you would think

Keep up the awesome work!! :twilightsmile:

Nice to see that this fanfiction is still active. Lately I watched an interesting online series called "The Chosen", a TV show about the story of Jesus' life, as it was told through his disciples and other eyewitnesses. It's an incredible experience to watch the show, and it also made me remember about this fanfiction, where Sunset has a bit of humanity struggles within her and I do believe she can definitely find salvation through Jesus.

Through one quote from "The Chosen", as Jesus would say: "Follow Me..." 😇

Check it out when you get the chance!

It’s great to see a new chapter. And a very very good one at that.
I’d thought you’d forgot about it. But it’s great to see your proceeding.
I can’t wait to see more to the end. Keep up the progress mate

How was he a socialist?

Even in stories the Lord can be given His proper dues in worship and glory. A new one for me to add to my favs. :-)

Hm, think you'll still have that kind of "bravado" when trying to say that to Him face to face?

And it works because of their fear of Him.

Yo I randomly found this story and had to let you know how courageous you actually are to spread the Gospel in this way. It actually reminds me of SuperBook back in the day. As a Christian myself it encourages me to see Gods people even in places like this.
grace and peace

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