• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 3,446 Views, 73 Comments

Worthy is the Lamb - Dinomite123

Sunset Shimmer has had enough of people turning against her, including her own friends. But then she meets a one true friend who has given peace, hope, and love. Sunset Shimmer will experience the love of God and will explore Jesus Christ's ministry.

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A Surprise for Sunset (Meltdown) (Rewritten)

The girls took Sunset Shimmer through the hallway to the gym door.

"What's going on here?" Sunset Asked

"Yer about to see!" Applejack announced as pulled out her phone

"Alright, Flash, she's here! Get everyone ready!" Rainbow Dash whispered on a walkie talkie

The girl prepared as they opened the gym door revealing something extreme and exciting.

"SURPRISE!" A crowd of students shouted.

Sunset was shocked and surprised at what she saw. It was a huge party with fiery colored decorations, orange balloons, lots of glitter, tables with her favorite party food, including a giant banner that said: "We are so sorry, Sunset Shimmer!"

"You...all...made all this...for me?" Sunset asked stuttering

Pinkie Pie popped up to make her even more surprised

"We sure did! We also brought Flash Sentry and his band to sing for you." She said pointing at Flash and his band on stage, waving.

"We're being loyal for you, Sunset." Twilight added "We're doing this because we love you and we want you to be happy and smile again."

Sunset couldn't believe her ears, could this be a trick or is this for real?

"How did you manage to decorate all of this so quickly?" She asked

"Our magic is the answer." Rainbow Dash grinned.

"LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Pinkie shouted as the whole party began and Flash's band began to play.

As the student began the party, the Rainbooms group hugged Sunset, showing how sorry they are. But there is something that is still inside of her, something that is keeping her from smiling and trusting everyone in this school...PAIN!

A little later, everyone was enjoying the party, especially the girls. But there is someone else who should be enjoying the party, and that person is Sunset Shimmer.

Trixie Lulamoon and Wallflower Blush were enjoying the party, until they noticed Sunset Shimmer is nowhere to be found.

"Hey, where's Sunset?" Trixie asked.

"I don't know, she's been in here the whole time." Wallflower replied. "Hasn't she?"

"I think we better look for her."

They looked around through the crowd and through the whole gym. And finally, they saw Sunset Shimmer stand at the edge of the gym. They looked concerned about her as they walked over to her.

"Hey, Sunset, you okay?" Trixie asked, placing her hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine." Sunset sighed.

"You sure? You pretty much disappeared in your own party." Wallflower said, rubbing Sunset's back. "You haven't even cracked a smile."

Sunset sighed again, she didn't care if they were concerned about her. The pain in her heart has gotten worse as stepped away from the two girls.

"Honestly, I'm okay. I'm gonna go get a drink." She walked away from them. They two concerned girls decided to tell the Rainbooms about Sunset's strange behavior still flowing in her.

They walked to Twilight and Rarity who're talking each other.

"Hey, Girls, we need to talk." Trixie called.

"Sure, darling, what is it?"

"It's Sunset, she still isn't acting like herself." Wallflower Blush said.

They turned to see Sunset Shimmer sadly pouring punch into her cup.

"Your right, she hasn't even had a smile on her face. Not one." Rarity quoted. "She hasn't even been with us this whole party either."

"I have a feeling there's something she's not telling us." Twilight suggested. "There's something inside her that's keeping her from smiling."

"What do you think it is?" Rarity asked

"Don't know, but we're gonna find out."

Twilight and Rarity gathered the others and they caught up to Sunset who is still depressed.

"Hey, Sunset Shimmer!" Rainbow called.

She made a depressed look. "Yes, what is it?" She asked mumbling.

"Ya feeling okay, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked

"I'm fine, I just need to be alone right now." Sunset Shimmer answered as she was about to walk away from the 6 girls, but a Rainbow Dash's hand touched her shoulder.

"C'mon, Sunset, we made this party for you. And yet you still have a frown face?"

"And you haven't even been with any of us today." Fluttershy

"Well excuse me if I'm invisible in this party!" Sunset barked. "But you guys just don't understand how much pain that's going through me and how I'm suffering."

"We would if you just tell!" Applejack demanded

Sunset stood silent for a moment. She wanted to tell them what her pain is really telling her, but it seemed impossible because of her sadness.

"I...I just...I just can't tell you." The fiery girl turned away, but Rarity stopped her.

"Why are you still like this? We've made this whole ball "I mean party" for you so that you can be happy.

She took Sunset's hand for happy memories.

"Think of all the fun we've had as best friends forever." Rarity said softly

Which made Sunset think of the best friends forever pictures...without her! Rarity continued on.

"Think of the slumber parties we've had, the trips we've had, the teamwork, the whole week at Camp Everfree."

Sunset finally looked up to her, as she was finishing her last sentence.

"Sunset, darling, we've always been friends and we've worked together and helped each other."

Then Flash Sentry from the microphone called up.

"Thank you, thank you very much." He bowed. "Now before we continue, I just wanna say a few words to Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset was shocked to hear what he just said.

"Sunset, you are awesome, we love you, you've shown us that you've changed, you helped others, you cared for others, and you've shown us who you really are. So come on up here." Flash called her up onto the stage.

Sunset got even more nervous, she didn't want to go up on the stage in front of the crowd of students.

"Go on, girl, get on up there." Rainbow Dash pushed her

"But...But...!" Sunset tried to explain.

"There's need to be nervous, Sugarcube." Applejack said. "He's asking you to go up there because we love you, and we want you to show your love for us. Now go on up there."

Sunset did what Applejack told her, she walk over and climb up to the stage with the help of Flash. Flash brought the microphone close to her.

"Go ahead, do the honors." Flash said with a wink.

Sunset took the microphone and stood on stage in front of all the students of CHS, including her own friends, who are smiling at her. She shook a little bit and took deep breathes.

"Hello, students of CHS. She spoke nervously. "I'm glad you all made this party for me, and I'm glad you all been so kind to me." She put a fake smile.

Everyone already noticed her strange behavior, even the girls noticed. Sunset Shimmer continued.

"I hope you all are happy too. I must've had a bad day today, so uh, thank you all for being so kind to me." She continued to shake and begin to sweat. Flash noticed her shaking, which made him concerned about her.

"Hey, Sunset, You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little nervous." She answered

"Okay, then, why you tell them about how you saved everyone at the Battle of the Bands."

Flash's words brought up to what happened to her during that time...The time she blew Rainbow Dash's solo!

"The Real Sunset Shimmer is Back!"

"Yeah, well you didn't!"

Those words in Sunset's head made her pant heavily and her heart began to beat like crazy. She lost all sense of all where she was at.

"Tell what ever secrets you want, but we don't have to listen."

"Sunset, are you feeling alright?" Flash asked again, only to make Sunset Shimmer snap.

"YOU KNOW WHAT, FORGET THIS!" She cried in rage as she threw the microphone on the floor which made people gasp at her outburst.

"YOU GUYS ARE JUST BRINGING ME TO THIS BECAUSE YOU ALL GET AWAY WITH HUMILIATING ME AND TREATING ME LIKE SOMEONE THAT MAKES YOUR LIFE MISRABLE! NONE OF YOU EVEN CARE, YOU JUST WANT ME TO FEEL BETTER SO THAT YOU ALL CAN CONTINUE TO TORTURE ME!" Sunset ran off the stage and ran through the crowd. But just when she was about to head for the exit, a rainbow blur speeded and stopped at the exit door, revealing to be Rainbow Dash blocking her path.

"Hold it, Sunset!" She demanded.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY! Sunset screamed.

"No! not until we know what's going on." Rainbow Dash frowned. "What's gotten into you lately? Why would you say those stupid things? That is complete nonsense!"

"Easy for you to say, NOW MOVE!" Sunset was ready to attack the rainbow haired girl, until Applejack grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Sunset Shimmer, please tell us what's wrong with ya!" She begged

"I don't want to talk about it, You hear me!?"

"C'mon, Sunset, tell us!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Leave me alone!" Tears formed Sunset's eyes

"Please, Sunset, tell us." Fluttershy begged tearfully.

"FINE! do you have idea what you both put me through?" She finally spoke up. "This whole year I've shown you all I've changed! I've been a member of your band this whole year. Until suddenly, you all suddenly see me as the Sunset Shimmer you once seen, then you start treating me like trash and turn your backs on me!"

The student body and Rainbooms were shocked to finally hear what was really causing Sunset Shimmer's hostile behavior.

"When I knocked you out, Rainbow, Everyone in this crowd started humiliating and gossiping about me. But none of you didn't do anything, you didn't stand up for me, you just let them all humiliate me and snapped at me with your pity."

Woah, Woah, Woah!" Rainbow paused. "That was months ago, you can be..."

"I'M NOT FINISHED!" Sunset interrupted angrily. "During the holiday season, you all turned your backs on me and gossip about me, and even scream at me! Because of some stupid blog!"

Applejack tired to reason the poor girl.

"Sunset, we understand what we did to you was wrong. We shouldn't have quickly accuse you like that, we should've listened and thought about what was to come. But it's over now, just let it go already."

"I CAN'T! BECAUSE I'M NOT HOLDING THE PAST! THE PAST IS STILL HOLDING!" Sunset quoted one last catastrophe that haunted her.

"And then I come greet you both as best friends forever, but then you suddenly you acted like I'm still the girl I was once and mentioned everything I did in the past. I tried to convince you all that we were friends. But you never listen, even when I show you all proof, you still never listen."

Trixie decided to reason the angry girl too.

"Hey, didn't I help you solve that problem, didn't I?" She pointed out.

"That does not matter! I wanted it be the best beach day of my life with my best friends! But suddenly you turn it into the worst day with being friendless for hours! And you never stop and think of how much truth I was telling you. AND I HATE THE BEACH!" And finally, Sunset shouted these words. "NONE OF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! NONE OF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO FIX ANYTHING! NONE OF YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO EVEN CHEER ME UP!" Then Sunset fell to her knees and began to sob harder than you can imagine.

The whole crowd were in shock, and the Rainbooms finally understood what she was feeling. Rarity decided to be part of assistant as she kneeled down and held on to Sunset’s hands.

“Darling, your in the greatest amount of pain right now. You are covered in the scars and wounds of the past. Please, we are your only best friends, we want to help you. Let us make it up to you.”

Sunset slapped her hand away.

“No, I’m done struggling in this life, I’m done with all of you!”

Applejack then interrupt her time to runaway.

“Sunset, we’ve told ya we were sorry, we threw a nice big party for you to make things up to you, and we shown loyalty to you. What more do you want from us.”

“A bit of faith and trust from you all.” Sunset answered. “So I can trust you all. Don’t the Rainbooms always trust stay by their poor friends side always believe her? And shouldn’t the Rainbooms think before they reject a girl who tries to convince them that she want’s forgiveness and friendship? And be kind to her and let her make thing up to them when she made an accident?”

“We just weren’t in the right minds when our memories were erased. Why are you even mad at us anyway?”

“You know why...Element of Lies!” The crowd and Rainbooms gasped and Applejack was stubborned.

“You think I can lie, when I tell you the truth here right now?” Applejack asked getting angered up.

“It’s true everything right now is a lie. No matter I showed you the truth, you called it a lie!” Sunset scoffed.

“Sunset, stop living in the past! We are here right now, and right is suppose be happy for you.” Applejack barked.

“Well, nothing is happy for me. Not when you reject me, gossip about me, and turn your backs on me! Not even while Twilight still has the picture of you all and I’m not in it.” That made Twilight realize it and feel guilty

“We all said we were sorry!”

Sunset growled “Well, sorry isn’t good enough. None of this good enough and none of you are good enough!” And finally...


Applejack lost it and punched Sunset across the face and Sunset fell onto a table. The student crowd and the girls gasped.

“Applejack!” Rarity scolded

Applejack realized what she just did as she looked at her hand. Applejack ran to Sunset Shimmer.

“Sunset, I’m so sorry! Let me help you up, Sugarcube!” She pleaded, giving her a hand.

Sunset looked up at Applejack with a scary look. She has lost it too as well. She raised up and punched Applejack across the face and grabbed her and threw her to the floor. She landed on the cowgirl and began beating her like a savage. The crowd and Rainbooms watched in horror.

Rainbow Dash knew she couldn’t just stand there and let their friend being beat up by their own friend.

“HEY, STOP IT! SUNSET, STOP!” She shouted as she struggled grabbing Sunset. Then Sunset punched her in the stomach hard with a wild rage and then continue beating up Applejack. Rainbow Dash groaned in pain as she curled up into a ball, holding her stomach. Some of the student were to scared to even help, but some of them tried to break up the fight. But Sunset was too out of control.

Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna witnessed the fight they’re seeing, ran through the student crowd to break it up.

“SUNSET SHIMMER! THAT’S ENOUGH!” Shouted as she grabbed Sunset Shimmer. Sunset was kicking and throbbing in Celestia’s arms until she finally stopped. Celestia let go her and Sunset stood there. She panted heavily and looked around the students who were shocked in horror at what she just did. She then looked at the girls who were horrified and looked down at Applejack, who’s nose is bleeding and Rainbow Dash, who is lying on the floor in pain. She looked at her hands, which she used to hurt them. More tears formed her eyes again. Everything in her head kept repeating as she sobbed with a rage.

“NOOOOOOO!” She cried as she finally ran out of the gym.

The principal wanted to run after her, but her sister stopped her. “Let’s just leave her alone right now, or else thing will get worse. “ The principles help the hurt and bruised girls up.

“Are you two alright?” Celestia asked

“My nose is bleeding!” Applejack cried

“And my stomach hurts so bad!” Rainbow Dash groaned

The rest of the girls followed them to the nurse’s office. Wallflower Blush was terrified at what just happened, she even felt guilt in her soul.

“What have I done?” She thought. “This is all my fault, I use the memory stone on everyone, including the Rainbooms. And now look what I've done to her.” She covered her face with her hands.

Poor Sunset feels no peace in her life and no hope for her. But she will later meet someone who will give her peace, hope, and salvation.