• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 3,447 Views, 73 Comments

Worthy is the Lamb - Dinomite123

Sunset Shimmer has had enough of people turning against her, including her own friends. But then she meets a one true friend who has given peace, hope, and love. Sunset Shimmer will experience the love of God and will explore Jesus Christ's ministry.

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Sunset's Bad Day

The next day, Sunset Shimmer entered CHS, and she was in a very bad mood. Every time every student says hi to her, she just glares at them and says "Whatever!" to them. Some of the student wonder what that was all about, but some of them were concerned about her.

"Hey, Sunset Shimmer, over here!" A voice called, which happened to be Pinkie Pie.

The rest of the girls were happy to see her, but Sunset wasn't happy to see them. So, she just ignored them and walked away, which she normally never does and what the girls realized saw her do. They were suspicious and eyeing her with a concern.

"What's wrong with her?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"Don't know, Dash, but I can tell you something is definitely wrong with that girl." Applejack Replied "She's been like this ever since yesterday."

"I also happen to notice that grumpy face she's had" Pinkie Pie pointed out.

"You think we should go talk to her and ask her?" Fluttershy asked.

"Maybe in class we can." Rarity said.

But later in class, Sunset Shimmer sat all the way to the front with the students who sat in the front. The girls sitting in their normal seats, thinking Sunset would sit with them. But they were wrong, she sat far from them, which she normally never does either. The girls whispered about what's wrong with her.

"Why is she sitting far away from us?" Twilight whispered.

"Don't know, but this isn't like her." Rainbow Dash pointed

"Something is definitely not right." Rarity said.

Then, later at lunch, Sunset sat all by herself not wanting anyone to sit with her. The girls noticed poor Sunset Shimmer sitting by herself in bad mood. She stares and munches on some of her food.

"Should we sit next to her and ask her what's wrong?" Pinkie Pie asked

"Agree." Applejack requested

They all took their food trays and walked to Sunset's table. But when they got there, she was not on her seat. They turned and noticed Sunset sitting their empty table.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Great, she'll keep moving to every empty spot in this cafeteria, and she won't even talk to us."

"Someone has to talk to her." Fluttershy demanded.

"You think she'll talk to me?" A voice came up which happen to be Flash Sentry.

"She could use someone she can trust."

"I don't know, Flash, she's been like this all day. She sat far from us in class and she ignored us when we said hi to her." Twilight Said.

"Well, I'm just gonna try and see."

Flash walked to Sunset's empty space.

"Hey, Sunset. Mind if I sit with you?" He asked

Sunset didn't even argued, she just sighed.

"Sure, go ahead." She sighed.

Flash sat next to her and was ready to ask her the problem.

"So uuuh, you wanna talk about how today?" Flash asked in a nice way.

"Like what?" Sunset asked, moaning.

"You know, some of the topics like, science class, biology class, english class, any of those classes."

"Yeah, those classes sound fantastic."

Flash Sentry just had to ask her what's wrong.

"Sunset, are you feeling alright? The girls said you've been acting like this all day."

Sunset feel emotionless, but she just had to answer.

"I'm just not in a good mood today, okay?"

"Why?" Flash asked. "I need to know, you've been avoiding people here, you've been avoiding your friends, you wouldn't even talk to anyone in this school. Especially your own friends."

Sunset looked up. "Do you even know what I've been through?"


"Do you even know what's happening inside me?" She asked, getting fired up.

"No, but I would if you tell me what's going on." Flash responded.

She breathed for a moment and went back to sad mode.

"Don't you have any idea what people in Canterlot High has put me through?"

"What are you talking about?"

"People around here just keep on turning there backs on me, because of the old me they though I was."

"But we know you've changed, you've shown us much of how you've become a forgiving person."

Sunset Shimmer was getting fired up again, she stood up with a glare.

"Forgiveness? You think I can just let people get away with humiliation by forgiving them so they can do it again?"


"Is this a curse I'm going through? Is all this a joke? Did the Rainbooms really meant about always being friends no matter what?"

"Sunset, stop talking!" Flash snapped

Sunset stopped and glared at him, the girls who were watching had a bad feeling that a rage was to erupt in her.

"This isn't working out very well." Rainbow Dash said cautiously

Sunset's anger started to build up as she glared closer to Flash Sentry.

"You think that I'm crazy?" She asked as she got angry.

Flash Sentry tried to explain. "What? No, No, No, I'm just saying that the way your talking is..."

"Oh, so you think I'm talking crazy!" Sunset interrupted. "I'M JUST A CRAZY GIRL WITH A CRAZY ATTITUDE!"

All the student who were eating at their tables heard the shouting and look directly at where her and Flash were sitting.

"Sunset, lower your voice down." Flash commanded


"You think can handle the next year struggling with my life to get people to love me and stay by my side?" Sunset's rage got even worse. "YOU THINK I CAN HANDLE THE PAIN AND STRUGGLES THAT YOU GAVE ME? Sunset let out an insane laugh. "FORGET IT!" Sunset screamed as she angrily swatted her food tray onto the floor with a wild rage.

The students gasped and were shocked at what they saw, even the Rainbooms were shocked at their poor friends rage. Sunset Shimmer was panting heavily and tear filled her eyes as she looked around the cafeteria with the students staring at her.

"Forget it!" She cried as she ran out away from the table and out of the cafeteria.

People were now to shocked to continue eating, so they talked about what they just say. The Rainbooms walked to the table where Flash was trying to convince Sunset.

"Well, that didn't work out the way I thought it would." Rainbow Dash said.

"I don't know what's her problem, but it's better you girls ask yourselves." Flash suggested

The girls didn't know if he was right.

"Wait!" Pinkie Pie Paused. "I have an Idea."

"Is it one of your Party planning idea's?" Applejack asked

"Oh, it's more than a party." Pinkie said as she gathered the girls around for a plan.

Sunset ran through out the hallway and ran into a room. She slammed the door and sat down on the floor. One thing she realized was that she was in the computer lab. She got up and saw Twilight's selfie sensor on the table, she thought about the time at the beach, when she accidentally stepped on it.

"Twilight, I'm sorry, it was an accident! Here, I can help you fix it."

"I think you've help enough."

She then saw a computer, which she decided to look into. She went on the program that connected to Twilight's selfie sensor, and saw a picture of a group of her friends smiling outside the school. And what she saw at that window of the building was "her" feeling sad and left out.

Sunset punched the screen with her mighty fist.

"Why?" She asked herself

Later, the school bell rang and it was school dismissal. Sunset Shimmer walked through the hall with students passing by, not daring to look anyone. As she got her locker, she opened it and put her school supplies in her bag. She then saw the pictures of her friends, every time she see's thing that had something to do with her friends the memories of the past keeps coming back. But not good and fun stuff, horrible and tragic thing that happened to her. And now they started repeating again.

"Now that's the bad girl we'd love to hate!"

"We trusted you, Sunset! We thought you were our friend!"

"Sunset Shimmer? Askin' to be in our "Best Friends" picture? Heh. Now I've heard it all."

"The real Sunset Shimmer is back!"

"You secret stealer!"

"No you're not! You're not the person we thought you were! You're not our friend!"

"Because you aren't nice."

"This is it, Sunset! You're not going to take advantage of us anymore. I'm sorry, but you did this to us! Tell whatever secrets you want...but we don't have to listen!"

"And we ain't friends."

The same things kept repeating in her head over and over. Sunset Shimmer breathed heavily as started sweating and her heart began to beat hard. She beat her chest and stood there, and finally...

"This is it, Sunset! You're not going to take advantage of us anymore. I'm sorry, but you did this to us! Tell whatever secrets you want...but we don't have to listen!"

Sunset let out a wild and ridden scream through out the hallway, echoing. The students were startled by the loud scream, they all turned to Sunset who was standing there panting heavily, almost making it look like she was about to pass out. Teachers who were in classrooms heard the scream and came out to see what it was. Sunset looked around seeing everyone looking at her with a concern, then she fell to her knees and began to sob.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Why'd you scream?"

"What's wrong, dear?"

"What was that?"

A lot of the students asked what happened and what was wrong. Some of them came close to Sunset and were trying to hug her to comfort her, but she kept pushing and swatting them away. At last, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna arrived in the site.

"What's going on?" Celestia asked. "Who screamed?"

The students backed away revealing Sunset Shimmer sobbing on the floor.

"Sunset Shimmer, was that you who screamed?" Luna asked with a concern

But she couldn't answer her, she was too much in pain to even answer. Principal Celestia kneeled down to her and hugged her to comfort her.

"Shhh, it's okay sweetie, It's okay." She said in a soft, comforting voice.

The Rainbooms came out of nowhere and saw the Principal comforting the crying girl.

"What in tarnation happened?" Applejack said, concerned.

"We heard a scream through out the hallway." Rarity pointed out.

They saw the tears in Sunset's eyes.

"Sunset, Darling, what happened?" Rarity asked.

Still, she won't answer. All they can get from response are her sobs. So, she got up with the Principal to her office. The girls got even more worried about Sunset, she has been avoiding them all day, she didn't even talk to them, and worse all...she wasn't acting like herself lately.

Later in the principal's office, Sunset use a tissue to wipe her tears. Principal Celestia seemed worried about Sunset too, she just had to tell her everything she knew.

"Sunset." She finally spoke. "What's bothering you all day?"

"I don't know, I just...I'm just feeling stressed today." Sunset finally spoke too.

"The girls and other students and Granny Smith told me about what happened today." Celestia said as her explained. "Sunset, they told me that you've been avoiding every student in this school, you won't talk to them, you won't let anyone sit with you, and worst of all...you threw your lunch tray on the floor like a crazy psychotic girl! Um, no offense."

"None taken."

Sunset took a moment to settle things down.

"I'm sorry about what happened at the cafeteria earlier. It won't happen again." She apologized

"Sunset Shimmer, when ever something is wrong and what's bothering you, tell us, tell me, tell the teachers." The Principal said, giving her more advice.

"I...I guess so." Sunset said, saddened.

"Good. Do you feel better now?"

"I think so."

"Alright then, you may go now. But just remember what I told you." Principal Celestia dismissed the poor girl, as she walked out. Celestia sighed. "I just hope she'll be alright." She thought

Sunset Shimmer walked through the hallway and was about to leave the school. Suddenly, she was stopped by a hand that touched her shoulder, she turned around to see it was Applejack's hand that touch her.

"Hey, Sunset, listen, we just wanna say...we're sorry, for what it is that we did to you."

"And you make it up to you, WE HAVE A BIG SURPRISE FOR YOU!" Pinkie Pie cheered as she grabbed Sunset's hand.

"W-Where are you girls taking me?" Sunset asked struggling with Pinkie's hand.

"You'll see!" Rainbow Dash told her with an exciting voice.

The 6 girls lead her all the way to the Gym for a surprise they made for her.