• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 3,446 Views, 73 Comments

Worthy is the Lamb - Dinomite123

Sunset Shimmer has had enough of people turning against her, including her own friends. But then she meets a one true friend who has given peace, hope, and love. Sunset Shimmer will experience the love of God and will explore Jesus Christ's ministry.

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Meet the Roses

Sunset Shimmer ran as fast as she could through the street, then she trip on the a rock and fell on the stoney sidewalk. She didn’t bother getting up, she just lied there crying like if she was homeless.

“Why? Why does it always have to be me? I just want all the pain to go away. All I want is peace, but I never get it ever.” Sunset sobbed.

The disasters from the past continued to scramble in her mind, then a creepy voice cam into her head.

“The pain won’t go away! Not unless you get revenge and hurt those who hurt you!” The voice said “If you don’t, people will keep turning against you and will always betray you. Don’t you understand? Your living in a world full of hate, hurt, pain, and suffering! You must do something about it and get your way so you can live a perfect life! Go back to that school and hurt everyone, they’ll have to pay the price! HURT THEM! HURT THEM!”

“Hey, you okay?” Asked a voice above her.

Sunset Shimmer looked up to see a girl with a cross necklace around her neck.

“Who are you?” Sunset asked.

“I’m Faithful Rose.” The girl answered. “And you are?”

“Sunset Shimmer.”

Faithful Rose gave her hand up with a kind heart.

“What were you doing lying on the sidewalk? You know they’re very hard and stone full.”

“I...I...” Sunset struggled to answer that question. “I’m just having a bad day.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Why don’t you go home and talk to your parents about it.”

That got to Sunset, she doesn’t have parents to live with. Not even one.

“I...I...I live alone.” She explained.

“You don’t live with your parents?” Faith Rose asked


“What happened to them?”

“They’re fine, I’m just not with them right now.” Sunset answers sadly.

“Well then, you can stay with me and my family.” Faith Rose offered

“I appreciate the offer, but...” Sunset tried to speak as she was interrupted

“Before you reject it, my family back home are a christian family. Maybe we can help you with whatever happened on your bad day today.”


“Really, Really!” Faith Rose grinned

“Okay then, I can give it a try.” Sunset said

“But first, I need to go to the Christian Book Store to buy a prayer journal. Would you like to come with?”

“Sure, I guess so.”

The two girls head to a brown car where Faith’s mother was waiting.

“Hey, Mom.” Faith Rose said as they got in the car.

“Who is this?” Her Mom asked

“I like you to meet Sunset Shimmer, I found her lying on the ground, crying.”

“Oh my, are you okay?” Faith’s Mother asked Sunset.

“I’m just having a bad day, but Faith Rose thought I'd be fine to take to your house.” She answered.

“Why you are most certainly welcome in our house.”


“But first, we gotta stop at the Christian Bookstore to buy my daughter a prayer journal.” The mother pointed out. “Would you care to come in with us?”

“Sure, I guest.” Sunset answered

So they drove all the way through the street and at last they arrived at the Christian Bookstore. As they entered into the store, Sunset Shimmer looked around to see what the store’s topic is.

“Okay, Sunset, me and my mom are gonna go find a prayer journal. Why don’t you go ahead and look around.” Faith Rose said as she when with her Mom.

Sunset walked around the store and looked at all the touching and loving Sculpture Figurines, Tabletop Plaque, and books.

One of the ornaments said:” Jesus loves you.” another one said: “"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

“If only that were true.” Sunset thought

She then went to the bookshelves, and there she saw a book about depression. So she took it out of the bookshelf, found a reading table, and sat down and opened the book. She read a page that said: “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”

She then saw a big brown book that said, Holy Bible. So she closed the book she was reading, and grabbed the other book and opened the it. There were so many words on that book, but when she turned to a page, it had a verse that said: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

“How can I trust something that I don’t know?” Sunset thought.

The Faith Rose then came back.

“There you are. I just got my prayer journal. You like this store?”

Uh, it’s touching around here. But there are some things I just don’t understand.” Sunset answered

“You’ll understand it all once we head home.” Faith said. “Now come on.”

They went to the cashier and payed for the prayer journal. Sunset Shimmer wondered about what all these verses and messages in the store meant. Will and all this help her with her problem.

Later, finally got to Faith’s apartment building. They all entered the apartment, greeting the family.

“Honey, we’re home!” Faith’s mom called

“It’s about time. And who’s this with you all.” Faith’s father asked

“Oh, this is Sunset Shimmer. Faith Found her crying, so we decided to let her stay with us.” Faith’s mom answered

“Well, with kindness, everyone is always welcome in our household.”

“Yeah, Kindness.” Sunset said sadly, reminding her about Fluttershy, the element of Kindness.”

“Come on, Sunset, I’ll introduce you to my siblings.” Faith Rose carried Sunset to show her the sibling of the family.

They see a boy playing a video game, a girl playing with her dolls and a guy Sunset’s and Faith’s age texting on his phone.

“Sunset, I like you to meet Fig Rose, Lilac Rose, and Ben Rose.” Faith Rose pointed

“What’s up.”


“What’s goin on?”

“Guy’s, I like you to meet my new friend, Sunset Shimmer.” Faith Rose introduced

“Um, Hi.” Sunset waved nervously.

“Stranger in the house, huh?” Fig Rose teased.

“Fig, show some respect.” Faith scolded

“Are you in Faith’s school?” Lilac asked

“Um, No. I’m actually from Canterlot High.” Sunset answered

“That school’s a little less legit, my school is more legit.” Ben said

That brought to Sunset’s attention about what happened to her at CHS.

“Well, good, because I’m having a tough time in Canterlot High.” Sunset said scratching the back of her head

“How?” Faith Rose asked.

Just as Sunset was about to answer, Faiths parents called through out the kitchen.

“Dinners ready!”

“I’ll tell you about it later.” She said, as the both of them walked to the kitchen.

On the table was Meatloaf, Mash potatoes and Green Beans. They sat down to eat, but before they did that.

“Remember, we pray before we eat.”

The family bowed their heads and put their hands together. But Sunset just watched.

“Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this meal, we thank you for always blessing us, May this food restore our strength, giving new energy to tired limbs, new thoughts to weary minds. Amen.”

They began to dig in their food. Sunset was confused a bit and she didn’t understand why they do prayers.

“Part me for asking, but why do you all do a prayer before you eat?” She asked.

“Because we always give thanks to the Lord everyday and thanking him everyday is the most grateful thing we do everyday.” Faith Mother answered as they continued their food.

The whole family was eating, but Sunset Shimmer was just tossing her food with her fork. Faith Rose looked up and noticed she hasn’t touched her food and a sad look on her face.

“Sunset, you haven’t touched your food.” She replied

“I’m not hungry.” Sunset moaned.

The family knew something was wrong.

“Are you feeling okay, sweetie?” The mother asked

“I’m fine. I’m just not in the mood for food fight now.”

“Well, why don’t you tell us what’s going on?” Faith’s Dad asked.

Sunset sighed and decided she just let it all out maybe she can find hope by new people she just met.

“Well, It’s just...I use to be a bad person at school, until 6 girls changed me. But even when I changed, the past comes back and people suddenly accuse me turn away from me, even my own friends who changed me! Like one time, I knocked them out in front of the stage because I was scared. People were booing and gossiping about me. But my friends didn’t do anything, they just let them humiliate me. And during the holiday season, I was accused of some blog called Anon-a-Miss. My own friends turned their backs on me and people gossip about me. And finally it was beach day, It was suppose to be in a best friends picture with my best friends. But they suddenly forget about me and turn away from me, even everyone in Canterlot High turn away from me.”

Then she finally mentioned about what happened today.

“Now today, I was depressed and angry with everyone, even my friends. I couldn't talk to anyone, all I wanted was to be left alone. Then they threw a party for me to cheer me up, but I didn’t accept their apology party because my past will never be forgotten and nothing is good enough for me. When my friends tried to convince me, I got into a fight and started beating up my country friend.”

The family gasped at the comment Sunset said.

“That’s must’ve been a horrible experience for you.” Ben said

“It was! I feel now is forgotten, betrayed, left out, broken, abandoned, beaten to a pulp.”

Sunset covered her hands as she was ready to sob. Faith Rose’s mother rubbed her back in comfort.

“Oh sweetie, I understand how you feel. but you can’t hold on to your feelings and take out your anger on your friends.” She tried reasoning.

“Yeah, there is a better way to find peace, other than through violence.” Faith pointed

“Let me tell you something, but I don’t know if it will make you feel better.” Faith Rose’s mom started to say this. “God loves you more than ever, and he has a plan for you. You may feel abandoned, but he’s the only one who never abandon’s you, he made you who you are meant to be. And he is always with you and he always comforts you and will never let you go.”

Sunset wanted to believe that, but it’s too difficult for her to believe.

“How do you know?” Sunset asked “How do you know that you god will never do the same time everyone else has done to me?”

“Why done I show you something after dinner?” Faith Rose said “Maybe it can help you.”

After dinner, Faith made Sunset sit on the couch to listen to some pastor’s speech about depression.

“Here, listen to this. This pastor’s is one of the greatest to preach God’s word.” She turned on her CD player and there played a pastors speech about depression.

They listened on to his speech about how depression can destroy your soul and how God can cure that depression.

“His words sound so powerful.” Sunset commented.

“Yep, and there you go. God will cure your depression if you just let him.” Faith Rose said and continued reasoning her with more of God talk. “You see, God send his son, Jesus Christ down to earth to save us that kind of stuff, especially sin. Jesus had to die on that cross to take it all away from you. But he rose from the dead and now he is forever in our hearts. If you let Christ into your life, he can change it forever.”

Sunset thought about it and said “Maybe I just need time to think this through.”

Faith Rose agreed. “God will buy us time.”

Later that night, Sunset used Faith’s sleeping bag for her to sleep in. She also use one of her pillows she never used. Faith was putting on something on her CD player to help them relax when they fall asleep.

“This will help us relax when we fall asleep.” Faith yawned

“I hope so.” Sunset Yawned

“Good night, Sunset.”

“Night, Faith Rose.”

They both fall asleep as the CD player played one of the relaxing bible stories. But now that Sunset learned those words about God, she will now learn the way, the truth, and the life.