• Published 10th Aug 2012
  • 1,179 Views, 6 Comments

My little Pony: School Days - Saro0fdemonz

  • ...

The Letter


Twilight blinked, rereading the letter she held in her hands.

"B...But...why would she send me away? To a normal high school no less?! Theres still so much I haven't learned, so many books I haven't read yet!" Spike sighed to himself as she rambled on. This was the seventh time she had read that same letter and had the same panic attack. The drake had had enough of it. He snatched the letter out of her hands and tucked it away.

"Hey she is sending me to this school too Twi, just calm down. Maybe she thinks there is somethin' you can learn there that she can't teach you." he shrugged, packing up some of his comic books.

"Spike thats ridiculous. Princess Celestia knows everything there is to know. If she can't teach it, nopony can." She crossed her arms defiantly, as if those words would change the ones on the page. Spike cleared his throat and read it aloud for her, just to make sure she understood what it had said.

Dear Twilight Sparkle.

You have proven yourself time and time again over the years my faithful student. But I fear there is not much left for me to teach you. So I will be sending you to Ponyville to attend school among the ponies there. I have already enrolled you and Spike and you are to begin classes immediately. I will expect reports on your progress as well as Spikes. I know you must be confused, but this is for the best. One more thing Twilight, while books and studying are important, you shouldn't shut yourself away from everypony. Make some friends.

Sincerely, Princess Celestia

Twilight glared at him. She knew what was on the letter, she had memorized it the first time her eyes hit the paper, though her heart refused to believe the words and forced her to read them again and again.

"Aw come on Twi! It'll be fun. We'll get outta the castle for awhile, meet some new ponies, maybe go to a few crazy parties." Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed as she began to pack. She didn't have much other than her favorite books and tomes, which she soon realized she couldn't remove from Canterlot. With a huff of frustration she began helping Spike pack and together they made their way out of what had been Twilights home for so many years.

She gave one final look at the room, the massive bookshelves on either side of the room. The small bed in the corner, still surrounded by piles of books she had planned to read that day as well as Spikes bed not too far away. While he was a teen in pony years he was still just a baby dragon and she liked to keep an eye on him. Outside they found Lightning Strike, one of Equestria's best fliers, ready to take them to Ponyville.

"Evening Miss Sparkle, Spike. How ya doin today?" he asked with a cheery smile, his already windswept mess of a mane falling into his eyes.

"Well you know Twi, panicky about everything."

"I am not! I just..." Twilight blinked as Lightning placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, no prob Twilight. Ya know the Princess cares about ya. Heck she considers you to be family. She wouldn't send you somewhere unless she thought it was important." Twilight smiled and gave a small nod.

"Yea...Thanks." the pegasus gave a nod back and rolled his shoulders before tying himself into the carriage harness. Though there were easier ways to get around, Celestia had a penchant for the older ways of travel and her pegasi guards were all too happy to oblige her. He grinned a little to himself as his passengers entered the carriage.

"You two ready?" he asked without looking back.

"Yea, just please no fancy tri..WHOA!" Lightning stopped listening after 'yea' and with all the strength his muscled body could manage he sped off, pulling the carriage into the air with a laugh. Meanwhile in the carriage Twilight was choking on her words, finally pulling herself together and sighing. She would really need to perfect that Teleportation spell she had read about. Amazingly the trip only took a few minutes. They didn't call him Lightning Streak for nothing and as they stepped out of the carriage they could seem some sparks dancing around his coat, making his sleeveless shirt cling to his body. Spike reached out a claw to poke him and got a jolt for his curiosity. Twilight on the other hand had scribbled down some notes on pegasi.

"Interesting...I never knew a pegasus could hold electricity in their bodies like this." He chuckled as she scribbled down some notes.

"See? you've already learned something new" He said with a grin, grabbing hold of a metal bar on the harness, his hair falling back down as the energy left his body and filled a small bulb at the end of the bar.

"So thats what that thing is for..." Spike said, reaching a claw to touch it, though Twilights magic stopped his claw just short of frying himself. Perhaps there was more she could learn.

"Of course! Field research. She isn't sending me out here to learn from these teachers, she is sending me out on my own to do field research! But on what?" she put her pencil to her chin in thought.

"Good luck on that Miss Twilight, I gotta get back or the captain will tear me a new one. See ya!" he waved and took off, leaving Twilight and Spike to wander the town. It was a small family oriented place, run by its citizens. Ponies waved happily as they passed by, offering up their goods for sale and asking how they were. One pony blinked.

"Excuse me, Miss? Are you new in Ponyville?" a pony asked from behind a stand full of carrots.

"Well yes, I..." the pony suddenly burst into laughter.


"Sorry Miss, but I take it you haven't met Pinkie Pie yet?" Twilight shook her head.

"Well you will. She greets all the new ponies and is friends with everypony in town."

"So...she knows her way around here pretty well then?" Twilight asked.

"Well of course, she is Pinkie Pie after all." the pony said as if it were merely another simple fact everypony should know.

"Well where can I find her? I don't really know my way around yet."

"I'm right here silly!" a cheerful voice called from behind her. Twilight spun to find a pink smiling face, a long apron stained with flour and cookie dough, and a bouncing bit of mane as the pony skipped around her.

"I've never seen you before so you MUST be new, cause I know everypony and I don't know you. So where ya from? whats your name? Do you like cupcakes? Oh thats a silly question! Everypony likes cupcakes!" the pony continued on and on, seemingly never needing to stop for air. Suddenly she gasped and zipped away, leaving Twilight standing there confused.

"What was that?"

"That was Pinkie Pie"

Comments ( 6 )

Not sure whats with the thumbs down. Stories not horrible or a grammatical time bomb or anything. If i may though, INDENT YOUR DAMN PARAGRAPHS!

Other then that, some sizes and descriptions would help a lot. You should never just give a characters name, you should describe a character and then have their name come up.

Example: A tall, thin, purple Unicorn in a light blue tank top and jeans sat on the edge of her bed, letting her long legs hang off. Her lilac eyes blinked as she reread the letter in her hands. She used one of her hands to pull at her medium length, dark with a pink stripe down the middle hair. (Then Spike's description after she complains) "Hey she is sending me to this school too, Twilight. Just calm down.

And like this, we now know what our characters look like, as well as, her name. This should be done in any fic, but especially if your altering character appearances, such as making them anthro.

Seems interesting enough to warrent watching.

1173122 Well thank you. I hope to update this soon but I am still having issues with my elbow and the hospital has decided they aren't going to answer my calls.

1173164 Ahh, well no rush, I'm fine waiting.

1173171 So I've gotten better at writing and have found time to get back on this. Starting with fixing this god-awful mess of a chapter. Sorry for the long wait!

2372505 Haha, no problem. Glad to see you're getting back into the swing of things:twilightsmile:.

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