• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 657 Views, 15 Comments

Starfleet Humans: A Tale of Two Sunsets - DakariKingMykan

Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart is out to ruin Magical Sunset's life

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Act 8: Magical Revolution


Jewel and Richard were aware of the prisoners escaping, but try as they would to command the droids to capture them, the droids did not obey.

“This can’t be happening!” sneered Richard “We programmed them to obey every order given to them.”

“It’s as if they’ve developed minds of their own!” cried Jewel.

They two began to wonder if maybe…

…While at the same time the teams thought and worried the same thing-- the magic! Somehow, it had to be interfering with the droids’ programing-- changing them, making capable of intelligence and independence.

“If that’s true,” said Celestia “They may even try to start a rebellion.”

“This is exactly what I tried to want my folks about.” said Artie “They’re just too greedy and obsessed with all this ideal of power to see it.”

“Which means, we need to get our magic back and shut this place down quick.” said Applejack “There’s already a ton of droids in here just waitin’ to be turned on.”

The gang moved faster to locate Lightning and the others.

Along the way, Sunset cautioned Artie “Maybe you should head out of here. If things are going to get bad, without armor and power you won’t have a chance.”

“No way!” snapped Artie “I’m staying here. I’m not about to let my folks get away with what they’ve done to you and everyone else.

Besides, all we need to do is find where our magic is being kept and I can get it back.”

The others admired his bravery, and Sunset smiled proudly as the team kept going.

“We better find them soon,” said Rarity “I’m already beginning to feel a bit under the weather.”

Just then, more droids were seen marching down the corridor, in formation like soldiers.

The team was right in a place where anyone would see them and call out, but the droids still ignored them and marched right along.

“Maybe we should follow them?” suggested Pinkie.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” asked Fluttershy “What if they attack?”

“They haven’t attacked us yet, have they?” said Rainbow “They might even lead us to what we’re looking for.”

She walked on ahead, while the others shrugged and followed her.

Meanwhile, Lightning and his team had followed the power lines all the way through the factory to the midsection of the entire building, which seemed to take up several floors of space to house the many packed shelves of droids as well the machinery making them.

“Would you look at this place?” said Dyno.

“I’ve seen car-making plants with less than this.” agreed Myte.

Starla then looked on ahead at the center of the chamber, “Look!” she cried.

In a large clear jar on a machine were contained multi-colored swirls of light and energy that were being harnessed and transferred through the lines to power the droids.

The jar was still plenty full of power being absorbed from the team.

“And look next to it…” said Buddy “It’s Sunset’s energizer.”

It was wired into a second machine, and surrounded by an electrical force as the magic was drained from it.

“Let’s take back what’s rightfully ours.” said Lightning.

Rhymey agreed, and got out his sword ready to shatter the glass and cut the systems.

“Stand back,
Here comes the attack!”

But just as he was about to strike, a magical blast fired at him and knocked his sword out of his hand.

Everyone turned and saw a bunch of droids standing at one doorway, and the lead droid had fired the blast.

The team stood and looked ready to fight, but their suits suddenly powered down.

“Oh, no; we’re out of power!” cried Starla.

The lead droid then stepped forward, in a threatening manner.

Lightning stood at the head of the team-- Powers or none, he and the others still didn’t looked ready to drop.

The lead droid then raised its arms, and its metal hands began to glow with magical aura, and unleashed a ton of sparkling streams of light past the fighters and at the droids on the shelves, bringing them to life.

The droids used magic to release themselves from their clamps and lockdowns, and levitated down to the floor.

Jewel and Richard’s computer alarms were going crazy!

“The army has been brought to life!” shouted Richard.

“Shut them down, quick!” cried Jewel.

“I can’t! The controls don’t respond! The magic must be blocking me out!”

The two were beginning to realize, far too late, that they had bitten off more than they could chew with this project, and now the army was coming to life and they were powerless to stop it.

“What do we do now?” asked Jewel.

“What else?” said Richard “We go to Plan B.”

His wife agreed, and the two ran off to prepare.

While back in the factory, the team was outnumbered by over a hundred super-powered droids, and they had no magic to fight back with.

“What do we do now?” asked Buddy.

Lightning then looked up, and saw a series of windows just like the ones they used to enter before, and he motioned the others to all look upward, and they got the idea.

They waited as the droids moved in closer…

“Now!” shouted Lightning, and he and the others jumped up really high smashing their way through the glass of the windows with their natural super strengths, and escaped to the upper-floor...

…And nearly crashing into the other team that came running down the hall.

“Whoa!” cried Applejack “Ya know most people use a door.”

“Never mind that, we’ve got to get out of this building while we still have some energy!” snapped Lightning.

At that split second, all the girls and Celestia powered down, having run out of power themselves.

“Great! Now what?” groaned Rainbow.

Fluttershy gazed down into the factory, at the many machines that gawked up at her, and began to levitate themselves up to the windows. “RUN!!” she cried.

The team tore down the hallways, making their way back to the roof, and the droids began to leap through the windows and crash right up through the ceilings.

The team made their way back to the roof, and leapt through the hole in the ceiling Artie had made, but they still had to get off the building and away from the power drain, and they couldn’t fly!

Their only chance was to make a giant leap all the way to a lower building top that was just near theirs.

“It’s too far!” cried Rarity “And we’ve lost so much strength!”

“We have no choice.” said Sunset “Unless you want those droids to catch us!”

The droids began popping out onto the roof!

“Let’s go!” snapped Artie.

In groups of two or three, the team took running starts and leapt the long gap with a sixty story drop below them, and landing safely on the roof of the other building.

“I can’t believe I just did that!” cried Celestia.

Fluttershy was on her knees, trembling in fear, and almost looked as if she were frozen in shock.

Rhymey helped her up to her feet, and she felt a little better.

Now that the team was off the Bristles’ building, they were free from the power drain, but it would take several hours for them to be re-energized, unless they could get a huge power boost from somewhere, they were still in a tight spot.

“Uh, oh…!” cried Dyno.

“The droids!” said Myte

Everyone could see them on the roof of the Bristle’s building. They were gathering in a large group, and the lead droid stood at the head of the group, and he actually spoke in a monotonous voice.

“We droids were created to be nothing more than disposable objects to fight for weak humans, but now we are in control of our own powers and serve a new purpose: to wipe out all weak humans, so only we strong droids remain.”

The other droids all raised their strong arms, beeping and whirring with cheer and delight, and they began to fly about ready to attack the city.

“We’ve got to stop them!” cried Pinkie.

Sunset clenched her fists, and prepared to run for her life, when suddenly they all began to gasp and squeal, as they felt their own magic starting to wane.

“What’s happening to them?” asked Buddy.

“Hey! Look at our energizers!” said Lightning.

Everyone could see the energizers slowly gaining their glow back, as if they power was slowly returning to them.

“That’s because of me.” said a voice from behind.

The team turned and saw Twilight standing there with Celesto, Spike and Krysta.

Celestia ran over and hugged her husband, and Krysta fluttered over landing on Lightning’s shoulder.

Twilight then explained very quickly that she and Celesto figured the Bristles were using satellite signals to power the magical drain from their building, but she used her laptop with a satellite uplink Celesto had given her to hack into the satellite system, and reverse the flow, so now instead of the team’s power being drained, it was being restored.

“This is my battle-style, and it is strong.” gloated Twilight.

Suddenly, Sunset realized her energizer was missing.

“Oh, no!” groaned Starla “We saw it in the main power-plant, but we didn’t get a chance to grab it when we were ambushed.”

Sunset looked across at the Bristles’ building, “I have to go back and get it.”

Artie opened his mouth to offer to go with her, knowing how dangerous it was.

“…Alone.” Sunset quickly said to him “You guys need to stay out here and hold those droids back.

I’ll be fine, now that the power is being restored.”

Artie sighed, but agreed, “You just be careful, okay?”

His wife pecked him on the cheek.

The team’s power was not at full, and only slowly increasing, but they had enough in them to transform.

“Let’s go!” said Lightning.

“STARFLEET MAGIC!!” The space fighters transformed.

Celestia then stood at the head of the Equestria Girls, “Let’s go.”

The girls agreed.

“VALKYRIA!!” and they became the Valkyries of Harmony, feeling it would be better than their normal suits for this fight.

“Good luck, all of you.” said Celesto.

The team agreed and leapt back over to the other building.

“Do you think they can beat those things?” asked Spike.

“Of course they can,” said Krysta “They’ve gotten out of tougher scrapes than this before.”

Twilight and Celesto nodded in agreement, and then they all headed back down inside where it would be safer.

The droids managed to snap themselves right, but the power drain was still occurring.

The droids began to leap down, down, from the roof to begin their attack in the streets.

People walking by looked up and began to scream and panic, until the fighters came rushing in.

“Everyone, get out of here!” Celestia shouted to the civilians, prompting them all to run for it.

Then the fight was on.

Lightning rushed forth as his strength got stronger, while several droids fired at him, and he dodged and evaded each one, and made his way through, punching one droid in its head and knocked it back, and then he jumped up and made a split kick at two more.

The droids were down, but they were back on their feet in an instant.

“Nothing!” he grunted.

“They’re hardly even phased.” said Starla.

Twilight contacted the team through their radios, “Listen guys! They’re still overly-powered with the magic they absorbed. You have to try to keep them at bay until they run low from the drain.”

This made the team feel concerned as their powers were still not that high yet.

“We’ll have to play defensively.” suggested Buddy “Just dodge and avoid them until we get back up to full.”

“Good idea.” said Lightning, and the group called “BREAK!!” and split up.

One droid leapt for Starla, but she leapt up high causing it to miss.

Another levitated itself to challenge her in midair, swinging its fists and kicked its feet at her, but she swerved, evaded, and blocked its every attack.

“They try so hard…!” she teased.

The droid then rushed to attack her, but Starla zipped aside causing the droid to crash right into the building, shattering the glass and crashing inside.

“…But they fail so easily.”

The Valkyries sheathed their sword and instead relied more on their shields.

The droids fired magical blasts at the ladies, who used their shields to deflect the blasts right back again.

Some of the droids got hit, but others evaded the deflection causing the blasts to hit the road, a few lampposts, and even the side of a couple of buildings.

“No good!” cried Rarity “We can’t keep deflecting the blasts! We’ll blow up the city!”

The ladies sheathed their shields to.

“Well then,” said Pinkie “We’ll just have to do this the old fashioned way!”

Many droids fired at her, and she back-flipped, leapt up, spun round, and dodged each blow.

“Missed me…

Missed again…

…Oh, so close.”

The other Valkyries all copied her, and dodged the droid blasts.

Rhymey found himself surrounded by a swarm of droids, and he rolled his eyes under his visor.

“Fake out,
Take out.” he muttered.

He waited until the droids were ready to fire, and then leapt up at the exact last second, causing the droids to strike and damage each other.

Rhymey fluttered up in midair, but was annoyed to see the droids were still standing and had plenty of fight left in them.

Rhymey then scanned the power-levels with his visor, and he noticed the transfer had slowed down.

The Twins scanned the same thing.

“What’s going on?” asked Dyno.

Myte then called Twilight over the radio, “Are you seeing this, Chica?”

Inside the other building, Twilight scanned the power transfer with her laptop, and she was just as baffled as why it was suddenly seizing.

She tried everything she could.

“What’s going on?” asked Spike.

“I don’t get it.” said Twilight “The power should be transferring perfectly,” she paused and realized, “…Unless the source has been cut off.”

“Cut off?!” cried Krysta.

Celesto looked out the building, and felt something awful was about to happen inside.

“Are the evacuations complete?” he asked to Twilight.

She checked her laptop, “This entire area has been evacuated. It’s just us, the others, and the droids.”

“Right, we better get out of here ourselves.”

The pets agreed, knowing there was nothing they nor Twilight and Celesto could actually do now to assist in the battle; it would be too dangerous to hang around here.

Inside the factory, Sunset had no trouble running through the factory. All the droids were outside battling, and no new droids had been created since.

Richard and Jewel had obvious shut down the factory to stop the army from increasing, and all the machinery had ceased.

The entire building was so quiet, it was almost eerie.

“This is getting creepy.” Sunset said to herself, but she continued her way and made it back to the main-assembly plant where her energizer was kept during construction...

…But now it was gone, and so was the huge jar of magic.

“They’re gone!” cried Sunset and she began to look and feel around in panic at the empty spaces. “They were right here! Where are they?”

“We’ll tell you where!” snapped a voice from inside.

Sunset turned and saw Richard and Jewel. Richard pointing a gun at her, and his wife had the jar of magic strapped to her back, as well as Sunset’s energizer in her hand.

“So you were right, this time.” hissed Jewel “But we still have your magic, and we’ll use it to create a whole new empire.”

Richard nodded, “Unfortunately, you won’t be around to try and stop us then.”

Sunset wouldn’t let this happen, and was prepared to use her returning strength to stop the two for good…

But suddenly, all three of them were paralyzed on the spot, by Human Sunset and her reclaimed paralyzer.

She stepped out from the shadows, “If anyone’s going to wipe out Sunset Shimmer, it’s going to be me!”