• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 658 Views, 15 Comments

Starfleet Humans: A Tale of Two Sunsets - DakariKingMykan

Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart is out to ruin Magical Sunset's life

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Act 2: Seeing Double


“Sunset Shimmer…?”

“She’s been arrested!”

“I can’t believe it!”

Many students on campus poked their out from their dorms or gawked with shock and confusion as Sunset was marched down the halls to the front doors on the ground floor.

The rest of the gang heard the news or saw and protested to the officers, but the men just brushed them off, “This is none of your concerns.” said the captain “This is matter of national security.”

“Anything that has to do with our friend IS our business!” snapped Buddy.

“My thoughts exactly!” called another voice. It was Celesto, just stepping through the door.

“Mr. Grandruler!” cried Sunset.

The others were all relieved to see him as well.

“He sure is fast.” said Rainbow.

Celesto agreed, though he was in the middle of a meeting for his company, when he got Artie’s message of Sunset’s arrest he quickly dashed over.

“Now what is all this about?”

The captain spoke to Celesto, realizing he had to explain now, “We received a report that this young lady attempted to rob The Bank of England exactly.”

“What?!” snapped Sunset.

“The Bank of England?” said Twilight.

Artie was most pissed “That’s insane and impossible. My wife did no such thing! You release her right now.”

The others agreed as well, but the captain shouted at them, “QUIET!!” and everyone fell silent “We have obtained positive proof from the English authorities from the bank containing positive proof and identification it was her.”

He held up his phone, where he actually stored a recoded copy of the footage from the robbery.

“This was taken a week ago, Sunday night at twenty minutes after midnight.”

All the footage was from the security cameras in the bank. None had been disabled, and didn’t have to as it appeared the perpetrator didn’t get caught on camera, but unusual things did happen-- the guards being paralyzed by a strange ray of light, doors being opened without anyone being seen, and even vault opened wide with seemingly no one visible at all.

The captain then explained, “Our guess was the perpetrator’s suit was specially designed so that she couldn’t be viewed on camera. This was proven correct about… here…!”

The next shot was the battle on the roof, when the guard had tackled the perp to the ground and removed her mask revealing her face, and it showed on camera whereas the rest of her body was still invisible because of her suit.

Sunset gasped!

The others all gawked in shock and disbelief!

Pinkie Pie looked up at Sunset, then back at the video, over and over until she got dizzy. “Okay, this hurts!” she groaned as she fell on the floor.

Artie and Sunset gawked at one another.

“We have more proof as well.” said the captain. He snapped his fingers and one of his men held up a tiny plastic bag that had a view threads of red and yellow stripped hair that were found on the guard the perp had brawled with, which the agents did DNA tests with.

The results: “Sunset Shimmer.”

Even Twilight was baffled by this.

“So, all the proof checks out,” said the captain, and he glared at Sunset “You got away then, but we managed to track you down. You’re coming with us!”

Artie stood directly by his wife, not willing to let her be taken away.

“I’m afraid you won’t be doing that.” said Celesto.

“And why not?” sneered the captain.

Celesto cleared his throat, “That attempted robbery took place Sunday night at twenty minutes after midnight you say?”

“Yes, what’s your point?”

Celesto got out his phone, saying “That attempted robbery took place in England, which is exactly seven hours ahead of us due to be directly on the other side of the world from this island.”

He then showed the officer a recoded video of the wedding. It was at the point where Sunset and Artie were saying their vows to one another.

“Take a good look at the date and time, sir.”

The captain gawked in shock, “Saturday, 7:21 PM?”

“Exactly!” snapped Celesto “How could Sunset Shimmer have tried to rob The Bank of England, and at the exact same time be here, on the other side of the world, getting married?”

The captain and his men were flabbergasted.

“May I see those hairs please?” asked Twilight.

The men complied and let her have it, and Twilight reached into her backpack and pulled out a handheld device she had made-- a DNA tracker and scanner that could read DNA or lock onto signals from said subject.

“Place the thread of hair here on the green panel.”

The man did as he was asked and placed the hair down for Twilight to scan it, and then she compared it to a file containing Sunset’s DNA.

The Results: “Mismatch!”

“What?!” snapped the captain, but everyone just gawked at him with stern expressions.

The reason it mismatched was because of Sunset's magical qualities, accelerated metabolisms and super strength, as well as her alien connection to the magic world.

Even though all humans had a pony or magical counterpart from the other world, the two would only resemble each other in appearance and voices, but their DNA would be different from each other's.

This was a secret kept among the team to avoid unscrupulous people from knowing the existence of the magical world and would lead to more disaster.

“Like you said,” sneered Sunset “…All the proof checks out.”

The captain knew he was beat as he stammered, “That is what I guess said. I guess I said that, and if I did say that, indeed… I said it.”

Sunset then held up her cuffs demanding to be released, which she was since she checked.

“Well, um… no harm done.” The captain chuckled nervously, but Celesto demanded they leave campus immediately, “You’ll be lucky if don’t file a complaint to your superiors about this.”

The officers panicked and left the campus grounds in a heartbeat.

Fluttershy sighed in relief, “That was a close one.”

While Sunset was relieved to be free, she looked really upset and nervous, as did many of the others.

“What’s with everyone?” asked Pinkie Pie “Sunset’s free, isn’t that cool?”

“Pinkie Pie, don’t realize any of this?” asked Buddy.

Rarity contemplated the situation, “Either that person in the video is a master of makeup-- not likely, or…” she stopped and didn’t have to go on as everyone already had the same ideal.

“My human counterpart!” said Sunset “This is-- I can’t believe…” she softly began to hyperventilate in shock.

“Sunset!” cried Artie as he tried to calm his wife.

Rarity passed her a paper-bag, “Breathe slowly now.”

Sunset took a few breaths into the bag and calmed down, but still, she and the others could hardly believe this. It wasn’t like they didn’t expect Sunset had a human counterpart since every being from the pony world seemed to, Twilight and Lightning were proof of that.

…Still, to finally see it was rather shocking, especially seeing as Human Sunset tried to commit bank robbery and frame Colonel Sunset for it.

Rhymey looked round at everyone and said,

“I think that we,
…have a mystery.”

Celesto agreed, and went straight to the campus intercom phone to contact the dean and cancel the team’s classes until further notice.

“Right, let’s get to the base.”

The team agreed, and off they went.

Meanwhile, in a large skyscraper building, somewhere in England…

“WHERE IS MY MONEY?!!” someone shouted at the top of their lungs.

It was Human Sunset as she addressed her mystery employers in their office on the top floor of the building.

“You hired me to test out your company’s technology and to frame the other Sunset Shimmer for my attempted crimes.

My work is done!”

Her employers sat behind their desk-- one man and his wife, they were sitting in huge armchairs that kept them from being seen, except for their arms.

“They managed to prove the girl’s innocence.” said the man.

“…How tragic, for you!” Sunset taunted.

The lady then spoke, “Your test of our technology was a success. However, our master plan will now require a more direct intervention on your part if we are to succeed in our ultimate goal.”

Sunset acted smug, “Well then, it’ll cost you!”

“We intend to pay you double your promised fee.” the man agreed, “We’ll also provide you with new gadgets our company has perfected, to ensure things don’t go wrong this time.”

Sunset thought it over a few moments, “Fine then, but no double-crossing. I loathe double-crossers.”

She turned on her heel and headed for the elevator.

As she descended, she thought angrily to herself, “Who does that girl think she is, impersonating me? Where did she even come from?

Whoever she is, there’s only room for ONE Sunset Shimmer in this world, and I have no intention of leaving!”

Back up in the office, the couple were speaking to each other.

“We’re only one step away, Jewel, my lovely.” said the man.

“Yes, Richard.” replied his wife, “All the glory, all the wealth, and all the titles this project promises, assuming we are correct.”

“Oh, we are,” said Richard “Our spies have proven every observation.”

He pressed a switch on the desk activating TV monitors on the wall that showed images of the Starfleet Humans and their many battles, and the magic involved.

They both gazed at one fighter in particular-- Sunset, and how it was obvious that she was no ordinary girl, not like the Sunset they were allied with.

Richard clenched his fists, and Jewel tapped her finger on the arm of her chair, and they both held hands softly.


Celesto’s secret research lair was still in operation, deep under the ground of his estate, and connected by transport sliding tubes honeycombed all over the island.

The Power Rangers were no more, as they were not needed, but were kept ready an in wait if ever they were needed again, and the base itself was still ideal for the Starfleet team to hold meetings without being spied on, as well continuing and furthering research with the magic and powers, and how to stay one step ahead in protecting the world from evil doers.

Lightning was notified of the situation and came to the base last, with Krysta on his shoulder. The entire team was at the base, while Celestia and Luna were on video call from the mansion while babysitting Castor and Lelaini-- both in their terrible twos.

The two children were running about like crazy and screaming like wild things, like most children their age would.

“Quiet, kids!” said Celestia “Mommy’s trying to talk to Daddy.”

The children settled down and called over the video, “HI DADDY!”

Celesto waved back at them “Hello, my pets. You behave yourselves now or you won’t get dessert tonight.”

The children pipped down instantly, and their Aunt Luna took them off to put them down for their nap.

Many of the team thought the kids were just cute, and funny.

“Trust me,” said Celestia as she straightened her frazzled hair “They aren’t so funny when they’re always running about and could break things.”

Celesto cleared his throat to continue the meeting, “Twilight, have you any updates?”

Twilight had hacked into the security system of The Bank of England to obtain footage of the brawl between the guard and the girl resembling Sunset.

She then ran as many diagnostic-scans as she could, “I’ve got good news-- or rather it’s not really good news, more like strange news, and bad news too.”

“Well come on then.” said Rainbow.

Twilight explained that her scans showed the girl in the images was no wearing makeup of any kind, “It really is Sunset’s human counterpart.”

This was very strange news to hear indeed, and Sunset gawked deeply at the image of her counterpart, “I see her but I can hardly believe it.”

Artie was amazed too by the second Sunset, “But why would she want to rob a bank and frame my-- I mean “Our” Sunset for it.”

He got a little carried away with his marriage, and claim Sunset like his property, which in a way she was, but he remained loyal to the team’s friendship as well. Sunset belonged to everyone.

His wife tenderly caressed his face while smiling at him.

“That’s another thing, which is also the bad news.” replied Twilight “I can’t seem to find any information about her. No birth record, no school files, or even previous criminal records-- if she even had any.”

Spike looked up at the pictures, “Gosh, it’s almost as if she doesn’t even exist.”

Lightning on the other hand felt different, “Or maybe she wants to look like she doesn’t exist.

I’ve seen situations like this before on my adventures; there are some organizations that can alter or manipulate data information to cover their tracks or keep secrets they don’t want the world to know.”

“Yet we managed to bust them each and every time.” said Krysta.

Still, the team thought it bit much for one girl to do all these things, and they weren’t sure this was the true case.

Twilight then punched up more images of when the guards were frozen on the spot. “According to the scans, they were hit with a focussed paralysis beam that neutralizes their voluntary muscles, leaving them unable to move or be aware of what’s happening around them.”

Applejack felt dizzy and shook herself awake. Twilight’s fancy science talk often made her feel that way. “Um… sure, but how does she do it? It can’t be by magic.”

“It must be by technology then.” suggested Sunset “After all, there’s many ways other than magic to accomplish said tasks.”

The team agreed, but there was still the matter of why Human sunset wanted to frame their Sunset.

“What should we do about it?” asked Dyno.

Myte then asked Twilight “Can’t you use your DNA Scan to track the other Sunset or something.”

“I’ve been trying,” replied Twilight “I’ve put the scan I copied from the hairs to the master worldwide search to find the other Sunset, but she seems to have found some way to shield herself from it.”

“You mean more technology to hide herself?” asked Fluttershy “Where is she getting it all from?”

“I don’t know,” said Twilight “I don’t even know what other kinds of weapons or tools she has or how they work. Who’s knows what she’s capable of doing?”

Celestia had a thought, “Maybe she’s working with someone-- someone who provided her with all these weapons and gizmos.”

“You could be right, dear.” said Celesto “But the only way we’d be able to know for sure is confront the other Sunset, and at the moment she’s covering her tracks too well.”

The team started to lose hope. Trying to find Human Sunset would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack at this point.

“Well, the solution is obvious.” said Celesto “…We wait for her to make the next move.”

The others all gawked at him, and he explained “That Sunset tried to get our Sunset thrown in jail, but her plan has failed thanks to our proving her innocent. So, the other Sunset will most likely try something else, she may even try to confront our sunset in person.”

The others saw where this was going,

“We sit by and do our biding,
And force the girl out from her hiding.” said Rhymey.

“Exactly.” said Celesto “So, here’s what we’ll do.

You all go about your normal lives as nothing has happened.”

Pinkie Pie saluted “Oki-doki-loki, I have no problem with that.”

The others however were waiting for the catch, and Celesto hated to admit this, “Sunset, Artie…I know this may seem a bit harsh, but I’m going to have electronic eyes watching your every move.”

“Every move?” Artie asked.

“Every move!” replied Celesto “Now, I understand how you’ll feel about this invasion of privacy, but it’s the only to ensure Sunset’s safety and might help us to trap the other Sunset should she make a move and confront her.”

As expected, Sunset and Artie felt very awkward about this, but they reluctantly accepted it, seeing as there was no other way.”

Starla began to chuckle, “I get why you two are a little peeved. It means you won’t get to be alone together and…” she playfully clicked her tongue.

Some of the others giggled softly at the thought of the two lovebirds, but Artie and Sunset felt really embarrassed, not just at their friends snickering, but something else which Buddy could practically guess.

“Don’t tell me, you haven’t even “Done it” once yet?”

Artie and Sunset’s faces turned a soft shade of red.

“WHAT?!” snapped Pinkie “Is that true?”

“Give us a break!” snapped Artie “We’ve only been married a week, we’re… you know… just getting used to things.”

“That’s right.” agreed Sunset “We’ll do it when we’re ready and not before, and that’s final.”

“Whatever you say.” teased Starla.

Author's Note:

It's simple things you notice about the Equestria Girls that make them different from the MLPs

-Pony Celestia is a monarch who rules it all, while Human Celestia is merely a High School Principal.

-The ponies are all in their 20s or so and living on their own, in the own homes and have huge important jobs, while it seems the EQGs are all teenagers in high school and still living with their parents and only have mere summer jobs and hobbies.

There are always key differences