• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 658 Views, 15 Comments

Starfleet Humans: A Tale of Two Sunsets - DakariKingMykan

Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart is out to ruin Magical Sunset's life

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Act 6: Who and Why


Sunset finally began to awaken as the tranquilizer wore off, only to discover she was bound to a metallic wall by strong manacles, and she was locked in a cell with force-field at the head of the door.

“Where am I?” she asked.

“Welcome, Sunset Shimmer.” someone called to her.

Her vision cleared up and she could see two people walking towards her, Richard and Jewel, and they finally stepped out of the shadows revealing their faces.

They both had orange colored skin, just like Artie’s, and Sunset was positive she could see a resemblance to Artie in the two as well.

Jewel snickered, “It’s a pleasure to meet our daughter-in-law.”

Sunset’s ears twitched, “Daughter-in-law?

You’re Artie’s parents!”

“Yes,” snapped Richard “But he is no son that we would want, not for all the disrespect that he showed us.”

Jewel seemed just as angry as well at the mention of their son, and recounted the Flashbacks.

“We always gave him everything he ever wanted. A good home and a rich life… he was to take our place here at Bristle Industries, and be recognized as one of the greatest robotic-industrialists in the world!

…But he threw it all away!”

She remembered the day she and her husband found Artie was missing-- ran away, and left a small note saying,

“You can keep your money and all these big plans for me; I’m going to make my own life.

If we ever meet again, hopefully you’ll come to realize that money isn’t everything!”

Sunset knew this story, Artie had told it to her and to the others before.

His parents were nothing more than money wrenching aristocrats, caring more about money than in people!

They disliked things like charity, feeding the poor, or even supporting noble causes, unless of course it benefited them and allowed them to boost their images and increase their own profits.

The only people they had most contact with were other aristocrats whom were just as pompous and greedy as they were.

When Artie was born, they saw him more as a business venture than a son-- always making big plans for him, forcing him to work hard and study, and teaching him the ways of the upper crust.

But Artie wasn’t like them, he was inspired by his grandfather, who fought in Vietnam, and taught him the ways of painting and artistry, and how he could use it to express his emotions, not matter what his parents said.

Naturally, his folks approved of no such thing, and Richard believed his father to be a fool, and didn’t even mourn for him when he passed away.

That was what made Artie snap, and realize all his parents cared for was money and business.

…It was no surprise he would run away to pursue a life of his own, which was how he met Celesto and started a new life in America, attending Canterlot High and perusing his art passion.

Obviously, The Bristles had not changed a bit.

“I don’t get it!” Sunset said “Why punish me to get back at Artie for leaving you?”

Richard snickered, “My dear, this had very little to do with Arthur. He had his chance. Now we are taking ours.”

He held up a small remote and activated a computer monitor, which showed Sunset’s magical energy in a holding tube that they had collected from her.

Her energizer had also been stolen, and was contained in a smaller tube next to the energy, which they were using to absorb more power from.

“The manacles that bind you absorb more of your powers.” explained Jewel “Which we will use to empower our robotic fighters and machines.

We can make the ultimate fighters in the world-- warriors that never get tired, never get weak, that can sacrifice themselves without much consequence, and are armed with power unlike any other.

Every army in the world will be created by us, which nations will be willing to buy. The profits, the power, the promises, are endless!”

Now Sunset was really steamed, knowing these two were behind this whole plot all the time.

“You’re both sick!” Sunset sneered “You’ve let the thought of so much power and money go to your heads, and you used the other Sunset to get to me first!”

Richard snickered, “She was willing to play along,” said Richard “We’ve paid her well, and she’s done even better than we thought.”

He held up the transmitter that was found on Human Sunset’s back.

“Your friends are on their way, just as I said, but it’s already too late for them to do anything about this.

They already had a taste of our droids with just a few bits of their power. Now with energy we’re constantly taking from you, imagine how strong the droids will be!”

Sunset felt a shiver run down her spine.

“You’ve got to stop this!” she said to them “You’re meddling with powers and magic you know nothing about, and for what-- just so you can make a few quick bucks?”

Jewel and Richard scoffed.

Jewel sneered “On the contrary, it is your friends who don’t realize what’s coming their way.

They’ll be powerless to stop our forces. Our droids will capture them, and we’ll absorb all their powers as well to further increase the power of our forces.”

“Listen to me!” snapped Sunset “You have no idea what you’re getting into! It could get really dangerous!”

The couple felt they had heard and said enough, and decided to leave their prisoner alone and wait the arrival of the team.

Sunset was most distressed.

Though there were no guards watching over her cell as her captors obviously felt she was safe and secure as it was, due to her energy drain, she couldn’t power up to try and break free.

Now she was really worried about her friends, but without her energizer she couldn’t try to contact them to warn them of the trap.

Richard and Jewel had gone back to their private office and observed the monitors that showed their armies being created and infused with Sunset’s powers.

The droids no longer had Sunset’s facial features; those were just used in their plot to capture the girl.

“There it is, my dear.” said Richard “Our armies being created right before our eyes-- Armies of likes which there have never been before, and may never be again.”

Jewel felt hot and sweaty thinking of all this, “And think of all that money that’s going to come with it!” she hissed “We can sell soldiers to every government in the world.”

The two were so lost in their fantasies, they never once thought of possible consequences actions like this would bring, all they seemed to care for was the profit.

That’s why they began to sing about Money being so wonderful…

The Starfleet team had soon arrived at London Airport. It was just about daybreak due to the time difference.

The first sights of the city they saw were breathtaking.

“I can’t believe we’re actually here!” cried Pinkie Pie.

Rarity was especially enamoured by the beautiful sights in the background, all the buildings, Downtown Abby, Big Ben, and most of all, just at the airport just was captivated by all the elegantly dressed ladies and gentlemen, and how they were behaving too.

“Oh, could it be…? Have I found paradise?!” she cooed in delight.

“Ahem!” Celesto said reminding her they had come on a mission.

First Celesto had called up a taxi for Luna to take the children to a private penthouse in house.

The children were still asleep in a double stroller. Celesta didn’t dare peck them on their heads which would wake them up, or the children would be upset that she was going into danger, or worse… like all little children, ask to come along!

“Fear not, Sister,” said Luna “I will watch them. They will be just fine.”

“Thank you, Luna.” said Celestia.

He taxi came almost at once, and Luna and the children were ready to leave. Celesto had given Luna a special pass card to use to gain entry into his suite.

“So, what do we do now?” asked Artie. He was really getting anxious to find Sunset.

Celesto looked at his cellphone, which doubled as a tracer, and pointed it straight into town.

“There!” he suddenly said, pointing at a huge high-rise with tinted black glass windows on every side.

A building that Artie recognized all too well and he looked extremely pissed as he glared at it.

“Isn’t that your parents world-wide headquarters for their business?” asked Buddy.

“It is.” said Artie “I remember all the times they brought me there to observe all the things I was to inherit from them, but that’s beside the point!”

He was most angered to find out not only that his parents were obviously behind all this, but the fact that they obviously hadn’t changed as people made him crosser still!

Artie dashed off down the airport road,

“Artie, come back!” Lightning called to him, but Artie just transformed and flew off towards Bristle Corp.

“Crazy kid!” grumbled Krysta.

“Go after him.” said Celesto “I’m going to get in touch with the local authorities, we may need backup.”

The team agreed, and they all transformed, right there, in front of all the by-passers!



Even Celestia transformed, “Valkyria!” into the Valkyrie of Magic.

Everyone else at the airport gawked in shock, astonishment, and some of the ladies even fainted, but the fighters didn’t waste any time and took off for Bristle Corp.

Celesto and Twilight, along with the pets then hopped in a cab. The driver hadn’t seen what had happened and didn’t bother ask questions.

Both Spike and Krysta kept silent so as not to giveaway their secret, but Twilight whispered to Celesto, “Do you think they’ll be alright?”

Celesto couldn’t be sure, however,

“I know the Bristles, only by reputation and I think I might know what they’re up to with all these droids and kidnapping Sunset.”

He then looked straight at her, and she got the idea and nodded at him, and got out her laptop and started to work while Celesto contacted the law enforcement agency.

Meanwhile, Sunset was feeling rather tired having her energy drained a lot, while at the same time she was still worried about the dangers those droids would be having her powers.

Suddenly, her manacles just popped open and she slipped off the wall.

Then, the force-field around her cell was disabled.

“Who’s there?” sunset called.

She could then hear the sound of footsteps creeping towards her, and then who should she see but non-other than the other Sunset, whom had used her decoder to deactivate the systems.

Sunset was surprised and couldn’t understand it.

The two Sunsets took a moment to look each other from head-to-toe and awe at the likeness between themselves.

“So uncanny,” said Human Sunset “It’s almost a pity I have to do this.”

“Do what?” asked Sunset “What do you have against me?”

“Oh, shut up!” growled Human Sunset, and approached her in a threatening manner, “You’re not going to get me monologuing for very long; I’m going to finish you off right here and now, with my own hands then, thanks to the big bucks I just got paid, I’ll finally live the high life you took form me!”

Sunset was more confused than ever, but her fears caught up with her when Human Sunset used her paralyzer to freeze her on the spot, and poor Sunset was far too weak from the drain to shake out of it.

“What’s going on? I can’t move!” she cried to herself.

Human Sunset snickered and continued to approached her with her electro-shock gloves charged up very high to electrocute Sunset to death.

“Where’s your precious magic now?” she taunted her victim!

Poor Sunset couldn’t even scream or try to talk and reason with her counterpart. She seemed truly bent on destroying her.

Suddenly, Human Sunset stopped, and figured she was being watched.

Indeed, there were several guards that had come into the room, as Human Sunset had triggered secret silent alarms when she disabled the force-field.

They all surrounded her, and prepared for attack, but Human Sunset turned and leapt way up high, balancing herself on the outer edgings of the cell door.

She paralyzed two guards.

Two more guards fired their guns at her, and she jumped down and tackled them to the ground.

Sunset saw that she was an amazing fighter, but still she saw her chance to try and escape, only for the force-field to be reactivated, and she ran straight into it receiving a nasty shock that forced her straight back to the wall, and she was clamped down again by the manacles.

Now she could only watch helplessly as her human counterpart battled those guards, she seemed to be doing fine until droids began to march into the chamber and gassed all the humans so they fell to the floor.

Sunset herself was protected by the force-field that didn’t let the gas pass through, but the guards and Human Sunset were out cold.

Then Richard and Jewel came into the room, wearing gas masks, and the droids stood still and silent as their masters approached their former agent.

“You really should have taken the money and ran.” Richard scolded “I’m afraid we’ll have to discipline you.”

Despite all that happened, Sunset actually couldn’t bear to see this and called out to the couple, “Leave her alone!”

Jewel looked up at her in shock, “I’m surprised, after everything she’s done to you; you’re showing concern?”

Sunset still couldn’t believe it herself, but felt there was more to her Human Counterpart than first seen.

“Unfortunately, we cannot tolerate traitors.” sneered Richard “Good thing we suspected she had a private agenda of her own. She never stood a chance. After all, we created her gizmos and gadgets.”

Sunset scowled angrily, and watched as the nasty couple took their new prisoner to discipline her, or at least they would have had Richard’s cell-phone alarm not gone off.

“They are here!”

Jewel clenched her fists, and so, she and her husband decided to deal with Human Sunset later.

For now, they just tossed her in a cell opposite of Sunset’s, binding her to wall with manacles, and putting up an energy field by the entrance.

They also made sure to strip her of all her gizmos and gadgets so she wouldn’t have much a chance of escaping. All she had left was that black suit she wore that rendered her undetectable, and it was hardly much of an escape tool.

“Watch them!” Richard commanded to the droids “If they try to escape, you know what to do.”

The droids did not speak, but just saluted and stood guard by the cells.

As for the human guards, Jewel ordered some of the other droids to remove them, “They are no longer any use to us. There is nothing they can do that our new droids can’t do better.”

So the guards were removed, and most likely ejected from the premises, which sickened Sunset even more, “Have you no heart at all! They were loyal to you!”

The couple ignored her and went off to tend to pressing matters-- the approaching Starfleet team, which was the final key to their plan, and poor Sunset was still hardly able to do anything about it while she was still weak and virtually powerless.

Author's Note:

You may wonder why I add songs to the fics... well, it's obvious (Apart from nor being allowed to post non-original and non-MLP song lyrics)

1: This is MLP, they OFTEN sing songs. (It's a rule: throw in a song or two here and there)

2: Some books and novels have songs in them (Harry Potter did)

3: Despite what other people say, that putting a song in a fic is terrible... let me tell you something. We have the options and the commands to show images and youtube links

WE HAVE THE POWER TO DO SO, and I choose to exercise it. Now we can actually put images as well as audio into the fics to make it come to life much better than before.

that's just how it is, get with the times.