• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 655 Views, 15 Comments

Starfleet Humans: A Tale of Two Sunsets - DakariKingMykan

Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart is out to ruin Magical Sunset's life

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Act 10: Understanding


The two Sunsets glared each other down as the thunder clouds continued to form overhead.

“I’ve been waiting for this, for a long, long time!” growled Evil Sunset.

Sunset tried one last time to desperately reason with her, “You need to give me those powers back! They’re poisoning your mind, as well as your rage.

Please, let’s try and work this out!”

Evil sunset only responded by firing a blast of light at her, forcing Sunset to dodge.

“What’s the matter? Too scared to fight back against your own powers?!” Evil Sunset sneered!

Sunset clenched her fists, “If this is how it has to be…” and she lunged forth, the two angels began to brawl hard.

Their fists were flying about, attacking, and blocking, and Evil Sunset seemed to be enjoying this as she continued to attack, and managed to punch Sunset hard in the face.

Sunset retaliated by blaster her hard in the chest, knocking her back hard.

The two were far from finished and continued brawling.

“We’ve got to get up there!” cried Starla.

The others agreed, but the droids had other plans, forcing the fighters to remain behind and finish them off.

The droids however were still fighting as ruthlessly as ever, and the fighters had used a great deal of their powers to defeat what few droids they had, and the power transfer had completely ceased now that no one was in the factory, and the fact that Evil Sunset had absorbed all their remainder of their magic.

Still, they refused to give in.

“Valkyries, unit!” shouted Celestia.

The girls all stood by her side, and they joined their swords together, and charged up all the power they could and shouted out their elements.

Celestia: “Magic!”

Rarity: “Generosity!”

Rainbow: “Loyalty!”

Fluttershy: “Kindness!”

Pinkie: “Laughter!”

Applejack: “Honesty!”

The great magic combined together at the end of their blades, and together the ladies all shouted, “HARMONY BEAM”

POW!! The huge energy beam was fired straight at a swarm droids. Try as they would, they could not defend themselves, and were blasted to bits.

In doing so, however, the ladies had exhausted much of their strengths, and their suits powered down.

“Ladies!” called Lightning.

A good number of droids were left, and it was up to the Starfleet fighters.

“We each have enough power to give out one final blast each.” said Buddy/

“Right.” said Lightning “Give it all you can, and blast those droids down!”

The fighters agreed, and powered up all they could,





All those super charged finishers blew the droids to bits until only a hand full of them remained, and then it was Lightning’s turn.

Unlike his magical counterpart, Lightning didn’t have a golden horn, and therefore could not use the Uniforce, but his regular power was no less of a threat, nor his attack!

“SPECTRUM STREAM” He unleashed from his horn and his hands huge waves of multi-colored light energy-- exactly the same force used from the Rainbow Rod once-- that roasted the last of the droids to smoking piles of debris.

The Starfleet fighters all powered-down, using up the last of their strengths, and they fell to their knees in weariness as the rain started to fall.

“You guys okay?” asked Applejack.

The others all nodded at her and managed to get back onto their feet, but still they looked way up high at the battle occurring far above them.

The two Sunsets crashed into one another, several times-- each time more forceful than the last.

They collided together, meeting each other in a strong fist-lock, making jolts of energy fly about as they each poured on much strength.

Rarity could barely stand to watch.

“We’ve got to help Sunset!” cried Fluttershy.

“But how, we used up all our powers.” said Buddy.

Suddenly, Artie called from the hole in the wall of the building he made. “Hey guys! Come with me, I’ve got an idea.”

The others all gawked back and forth at one another, but headed inside the building.

“Give it up, you!” thundered Evil Sunset.

“I won’t!” roared Sunset “Not until you tell me what I ever did that makes you hate me this much!”

Evil Sunset only roared and shoved Sunset off of her, then blasted her hard with a strong light wave making a huge explosion and knocking Sunset through the Bristles’ building-- through the solid walls, and out the other side.

Evil Sunset zipped right to her in an instant and kicked her hard up high into the stormy skies!

Then she rushed to attack her again, but Sunset grabbed her by the wrist, and flipped behind her holding her in a neck-hold.

“Why do you hate me?!” she yelled at her “What have I ever done to you?!”

Evil Sunset struggled and fussed about, but she managed to kick Sunset hard in her leg, making her release her, and the two glared each other down!

Evil Sunset, finally fed up with all this begging, decided to answer her.

“Ever since you first came to this world, my entire life has been one dead-end after another!”

Sunset blinked once in confusion, and Evil Sunset went on…

My mother died a long time ago, and I was left in the streets. I never knew my father! He was dead before I was born.

So I was sent to an orphanage where I grew up and was educated until I was old enough to get a job.

My favorite past time was training in martial arts, and teaching others how to fend for themselves if they ever ended up in the streets like I almost did.

I felt maybe I could do better with this, become a professional training, and teach others to believe in themselves.

Then… you came into this world. I read the headlines!

“Sunset Shimmer Nearly Wrecks School”

“Sunset Shimmer terrifies children!

“Sunset Shimmer wanted under suspicion of graffiti on public property.”

Sunset remembered all those horrible things she did when she was evil and nasty.

“Do you have any idea what that did to me?!” thundered Evil Sunset “It was shocking to think I had some kind of twin in this world, but No… everyone confused me for you, and I was blamed for those crimes and sought by the police wherever I went.

I lost my job, all my money, and I was forced to wander in the streets like a punk!

Luckily, thanks to my great fighting skills and cleverness, I managed to evade the cops, and beat down anyone who dared get in my way.

Finally, after several years of wandering and nearly starving to death, I met up with them-- The Bristles. They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse!

They showed me about you and your precious Starfleet and your Magical World and all that. It didn’t matter to me whether you reformed or not for your crimes. The pain you caused me would never heal, and I wanted nothing more than to make you suffer for it!

They hired me to test out their new gadgets and gizmos, and let me attempt to rob the Bank of England. I never felt so swift and powerful before.

They promised me a big bounty so that I could start my life over somewhere, but it wasn’t enough for me!

Nothing would please me more than to see you destroyed, only then would I finally have my revenge, and no one would confuse me for you anymore!”

Sunset was a mix of emotions-- regretful for her old wicked ways, sorry for her counterpart having to go through so much because of it, and above all, worried for her now that she had completely given into her obsession wanting to destroy her!

“Sunset, it doesn’t have to be this way!” she said to her “I can’t change the past, and I can’t undo what’s been done, but one I learned is that I could make things right, and I can help others.

…Please, let me help you!”

“SHUT UP!!!” shouted Evil Sunset and she zapped at her again, forcing Sunset to dodge, but Evil Sunset zoomed right in and socked her hard in the gut, and then again in the face.

“There is no need for there to be two Sunsets in this world, and I’m going to have the pleasure of making you leave!!”

The two Sunsets continued to brawl as the rain fell and the thunder roared.

The rest of the team made it out onto the rooftop of the building, dragging with them a long and thick cable line, with a strong link at the end of it.

“You sure this’ll work, Artie?” asked Buddy.

“Positive,” answered Artie “This cable will absorb magic like it did to feed the droids. We’re to drain the magic out of the other Sunset and stop her for good.”

The others liked the idea and all helped to hold up and aim the huge heavy cable.

The only problem was, as Rainbow pointed out, “Which one do we shoot?”

Both Sunsets were brawling hard way up high, and because they looked exactly alike one another, it was nearly impossible to tell who was who, especially since they were too far away to hear who was speaking.

“Which one is our Sunset?” asked Dyno.

“Si, we don’t want to shoot her by mistake.” added Myte.

Pinkie looked back and forth between the two Sunsets. “I think it’s her. No her! I mean the other--” she made herself dizzy.

“Ugh! If our only powers weren’t so low,
We could scan which Sunset is the one we know.” groaned Rhymey

Artie however was looking very carefully at the two Sunsets. As they continued to brawl, they moved in closer towards the roof, making it easier to see what he was looking for.

Suddenly, he spotted it! “Aha! The wedding ring…! That’s our Sunset!”

“Good eyes, Artie.” said Celestia.

“Get ready to shoot.” said Lightning.

He and the space fighters helped Artie hold up the end of the cable, some of the ladies helped hold up the far end to give it slack, and Applejack stood ready to turn on the main-switch at the breaker that was on the roof as well.

They couldn’t shoot just yet. They had to wait until they could get a clear shot at the Evil Sunset.

“Come on, Sunset.” Artie muttered “…Give us an opening.”

The two Sunsets crashed into each other hard and then ricocheted off one another, staring each other down ready for one final bout!

“Enough of this!” growled Evil Sunset “I’m going to be rid of you once and for all!”

She charged up all the power she had in her, and Sunset had no choice but to do the same thing.


The two angels fired their biggest and most powerful blasts at one another.

The forces collided right into the middle and seemed equally matched, but Evil Sunset’s rage and determination helped her to pour on more power towards Sunset.

“Say goodbye!” called Evil Sunset.

“NOW APPLEJACK!!” shouted Artie.

Applejack gave the switch a huge pull, activating the power from the cable.

“Huh?!” cried Evil Sunset, and she suddenly felt herself growing weaker as her power died out. “No! Not now!” she groaned.

Sunset could see out of the corner of her eye what her friends were doing, and it helped her a great deal, to push her evil counterpart down towards the roof, as the light enveloped her.

“This can’t be happening!” Evil Sunset thought in her mind “My plans! My revenge! My new life…!”

She let out a scream as the light consumed her and she crashed down hard on the roof. The impact sent a small shockwave that threw the others off their feet, followed by a final crash of thunder and lightning as the rain began to cease.

“Did we do it?” asked Starla.

The team looked on ahead as the smoke cleared, and Human Sunset was back to her normal self, but she was completely unconscious and looked rather battered and beaten.

The team huddled around her cautiously.

“Whoo-whoo…” Pinkie called softly as she waved her hand over Sunset’s face.

No response! The girl didn’t move or make a sound.

“Is she alright?” asked Buddy.

Lightning moved in closer and put his ear to the girl’s nose, “…She’s not breathing!”

Everyone gasped.

Their Sunset landed on the roof, in her normal form and rushed to her fallen counterpart to put her medical training to use.

She put her head to the girl’s chest, and felt her pulse, which was very weak. “It’s a mild heart-attack!” she cried “The stress and the rage must’ve been too much for her!”

She quickly sat up right and began to compress the girl’s chest in strong rhythm. “We need to elevate her head!”

Lightning took off his jacket and rolled it up into a pillow and placed it under Human Sunset’s head.

“That’s good!” said Sunset.

Then she bent down, held the girl’s nose and placed her lips over hers breathing deeply into her. Then she proceeded to repeat the chest compressing!

“Come on, Sunset! Come on!”

It wasn’t working very well, Human Sunset wouldn’t wake up.

“I need to give her heart a shock!”

“Can’t you use your magic?” asked Rainbow.

“No good, that’s too strong.” answered Sunset “I need something with low voltage-- Anything!”

Artie had it, and dragged the cable over to her. He pulled off the link at the end, and exposed the inner wires, which were coated in rubber linings.

“Perfect!” said Sunset and she grabbed two small wires that were sparking softly, “That should be about 200 volts. I hope it works!”

She told the others to stand way back, and lifted up Human Sunset’s shirt exposing her bare chest.

“Ahem!” Rarity sneered at all the boys, and they all quickly turned their backs.

“CLEAR!!” shouted Sunset, and she gave the girl a soft shock, which made her snap her eyes open instantly, and she slowly started to breathe, while coughing and wheezing.

Sunset smiled and sighed in relief that she had saved her.

Artie rushed over to his wife and softly embraced her, “Way to go, hon.”

Sunset put her arm around him.

Human Sunset just lay where she was, “I… I don’t get it.” she said in a groggily voice “Why did you save me, and after everything I’ve done?”

Sunset looked down at her with deep understanding, “Because I told you, there’s a better way to fix all this.

Believe me, I learned this the hard way myself, and I was finally shown the way to friendship and caring.”

All her friends nodded in agreement with her.

Human Sunset began to cry, in astonishment that they were all still willing to help her, and in shame of what she did, but she also felt very lost, “But… what am I going to do?” she sobbed “I have no place to go, and I’m still wanted for my crimes, and I’ve been so bitter and nasty for so long, I don’t think I can ever go back to how I once was. I don’t know if people will even give me a chance.”

The others hated to think it, but she was right. There was no way she could be excused for all the federal crimes she had committed.

-Attempted Bank Robbery
-Aiding in Criminal actions.

Sunset then had a thought of what could be done for her counterpart. It was risky, and would require permission and other things, but it was the best chance.

She held her hand out to her counterpart, “I can help you, but only if you’ll trust me. It’s your choice.”

Human Sunset wiped her tears, and slowly reached up and held her counterpart’s hand, to everyone’s delight.