• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 657 Views, 15 Comments

Starfleet Humans: A Tale of Two Sunsets - DakariKingMykan

Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart is out to ruin Magical Sunset's life

  • ...

Act 1: Wonderful Wedding

Author's Note:

24 downvotes with only the prologue posted before this chapter, and now I'm getting more out of spite and bullying by haters no doubt

Seriously, a lot of people really need to get over themselves.


At the exact same time that attempted robbery took place in England, it was a different on Mystic Island. It was 7 PM, and just about sunset.

Two years had passed since the defeat of Vulcan, and the friends were in their early twenties, and now were all in their second year at Canterlot College.

This evening, however, was a very special day-- Sunset Shimmer and Artie Bristles were finally tying the knot, and everyone was working hard to get everything ready.

The ceremony was going to be held at Canterlot High, in the soccer field. White tents were set up for the ceremony and the reception later.

Tables were set with the food and the big cake Pinkie Pie had baked.

Flowers and white streamers were being set up, and even a small stage for the Rainbooms and the Starpops to make music for the reception.

As everyone continued setting up and doing their parts, a song was heard…

Bells are ringing and the time is near
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
Gotta set flowers there, and the arc right here,
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day.
Let the past be buried,
cuz our friends are getting married …Today!

Bridesmaids dressed up, guests are coming by
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
It’s getting so beautiful it makes you wanna cry.
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
Come on, everybody smile,
It’ll only be a while,
cuz our friends are getting married …Today!

During an instrumental verse, guests were arriving in reserved parking. Among them were Cadance and Shining Armor from Crystal Prep Academy, and Shining Armor was blubbering like a baby.

“He always cries at weddings.” Cadance teased.

Meanwhile, Rarity was bedazzled at how she looked in her bridesmaid outfit, which she made herself. It was a light lilac color. It was sleeveless, and had beautiful ruffles around the collar, and the skit was smooth and sparkly, with a big pink silky sash tied in a bow in back.

The other girls all wore identical outfits, just a different color. Applejack even took off her hat and wore a pretty flower in her hair instead.

Doggy Spike was even all dressed up in a cute little tuxedo Rarity had made for him, and he kept posing in front of a mirror and adjusting his red bowtie, “Hey there, handsome.” He complimented his reflection while acting cool and suave.

“Oh, Spike…” Twilight chuckled as she picked him up, and the other girls all giggled.

Just then, the four Cutiemark Crusaders came out, all dressed in frilly dresses with flower wreaths on their heads-- they were the flower girls.

“Well, how do we look?” asked DD.

Applejack and Rarity teared up at the sights of Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.

“Aren’t you all just fabulous!” cried Rarity.

Applejack held her sister close, “My little sis is almost completely grown up.”

“Aw, shucks, Applejack.” groaned Applebloom

Rainbow Dash high fived Scootaloo “Way awesome, I’m telling you.”

Scootaloo gave her a shooting sign as she winked.

The guys were all getting ready too, wearing special dress uniforms made just for them by Celesto’s tailor. White tuxedo jackets with respected colored edgings on the lapels, and matching colored bowties and beige colored dress-pants.

Human Lightning Dawn and his companion, Krysta the robin, were waiting by the statue gateway for a guest of honour to arrive.

Then, from out of the portal came Commander Lightning Dawn from United Equestria, and he was dressed in a dress suit identical to his human counterpart, but with his silver-sparkling cape, all the medals and ribbons he had on him, and his big blue sash, so it would be impossible to confuse them for one another.

The two Lightnings shook hands, “Glad you could make it.” said Human Lightning.

The Commander nodded, “Well, as Starfleet Commander I should be a prime witness to this and report back to my superiors. Besides, it’s not often I get shore-leave anyway.”

“Well, come on! What are we waiting for?” chirped Krysta.

With that agreed, the two men and she headed for the wedding grounds.

The song continued,

Come on in, take your seat,
This is going to be a treat,
We’ve got little time to spare
Make sure everything is there
Hurry now, it’s nearly time,
The wedding bells are going to chime

It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
Our friends are getting married…
Yes, their gonna get married …Today!

“…But where are they?” asked Fluttershy.

Sunset and Artie had spent the afternoon on the hilltops together, in the casual wear, enjoying the warm weather and each other’s company.

While many people would have told them not to see each other before the wedding, they brushed it off as an old wives tale and didn’t believe in it.

They were both really excited, but nervous just the same and thought they would spend some time together before the ceremony.

They both felt so nervous, they hardly looked at one another. Then they finally turned to face one another as if to say something, and they chuckled.

“I can’t believe this is really happening.” said Sunset.

“Me neither.” said Artie “I mean… look at me-- I’m marrying an alien. No offense.”

“…None taken.” replied Sunset.

She then lay back on the grass and relaxed with her hands behind her head as she looked up at the dusky sky. “I just never thought I’d ever get married, after all the things I did in the past. How could all this happen to me?”

Artie looked down at her, “Maybe because you’ve really earned this? Maybe you’ve come a long way since then and really made up for those dark times?”

She couldn’t argue with that. She loved this human world she had lived in, and now it was about become her permanent home as she continued her duty as the Equestrian Ambassador to help unify the worlds-- someday.

They both stood up, figuring it was about to time to get going.



Artie held her hands, “No matter what happens, just remember-- I love you. True, your magic and your amazing backgrounds are part of it, but I really love you.”

“Oh, I love you too.” she said to him, and they were about to kiss when suddenly, Celesto interrupted by placing his cane between them. “Don’t you two think you should wait a little bit before doing that?” he teased.

The couple chuckled, and didn’t care if they were in each other’s presence. They double tapped their energizer badges and magically donned their wedding wear.

Artie’s suit was exactly as most of the dress uniforms, but he and Celesto gazed at Sunset in her beautiful gown.

It was pure white with sleeves going off the shoulder and connected to two beautiful puffs. The skirt was long and flowing; silky in the front and with frilly ruffled rings starting from one side of the waist and going all the way past her back and stopping at the other end on three levels. Much of her long hair was all bundled up in back of her head, while two of her large threads were beautiful curled and hanging at either side of her face. Her veil was long and flowing down her back and it was held in place atop her head by a beautiful golden tiara with a sun emblem in the middle.

“Wow.” Artie exclaimed softly as he looked her from head to toe, making her blush.

“Well…” Grand Ruler said teasingly “Do you two want to get married on not? Let’s go.”

The couple agreed and went off with him.

The ceremony went beautifully. Celesto was filming everything with a miniature video camera, while other did with their cellphones.

Rarity and Pinkie could hardly hold their tears back as they stood with the bridesmaids on Sunset’s side, and the men all stood with Artie.

Artie was now sliding the ring over Sunset’s finger, which everyone watched with glee and heartfelt joy.

Celestia and Luna both wiped their eyes with hankies.

“You may now kiss the bride.” the minister said, and just as the couple moved their faces towards one another, when Pinkie Pie, unable to contain her excitement and glee accidently unleashed a magical burst of light like fireworks that surprised everybody.

Pinkie blushed sheepishly, “Sorry-- couldn’t hold it in.”

Everyone shared a good laugh, even the bride and groom. Then the turned face each other, shrugged and then merely pecked each other on the lips-- done deal.

The entire place was flooded with cheers, and showers of rose petals and rice as the couple headed down the aisle for the reception area.

“VIVA FEISTA!!” Dyno and Myte shouted.

“Hey, that’s my line.” groaned Pinkie. “Ah, who cares? PARTY…!!” and what a party it was too.

There were all kinds of foods and treats, some of which came from the Apple Family-- all kinds of apple pies, apple tarts, apple crisp, even just plain ordinary apples.

There was dancing, to rocking beats too, which everyone enjoyed especially. Much better than classical ballroom dancing, but there were a few of those too especially for other couples,

Like Buddy Rose and Tree Hugger, Rhymey and Fluttershy.

As for Starla, Commander Lightning was showing her a picture of his baby back home. “That’s my Shining Light, ten months old by now.”

“Aw, he’s so sweet.” said Starla “…Well, for a pony anyway.”

Then came the cake, which Artie and Sunset cut carefully and passed out to all their friends and well-wishers, and of course, the tradition of the bride and groom rubbing a spot of cream on each other’s noses and kissing it off each.

Celestia shook her head, “Whoever thought of that kind of tradition? It’s so messy.”

But Celesto softly placed a spot of cream on his wife’s nose and then kissed it off, “You were saying?”

His wife blushed, and then giggled softly while fluttering her eyes.

Luna only rolled her eyes.

After a while, the bride and groom were going to share a solo dance to a song that Rhymey was going to sing while he played the grand piano, and Applejack would join him on a classic guitar, and some of the guys and girls joined on stage as background vocals.

Rhymey took the mic and addressed the couple,

“We dedicate this to the two of you,
We hope you like it, we really do,
We do this care, and we wish to share,
A song to express how feel for you too.”

The crowd applauded, and Rhymey and Applejack began to play “It Might Be You”

Artie then extended his hand to his bride and led her out onto the dance floor. Sunset leaned softly against him as Rhymey began to sing the song.

Seeing the happy couple dance softly on the floor really was a beautiful sight to everyone.

Rhymey even looked over at Fluttershy from afar and gave a smile and a wink during a small instrumental verse, and she smiled back at him lovingly.

By the end of the song, the couple shared a kiss, and the crowd applauded.

Rhymey and Applejack slapped each other a high five.

Starla especially thought the newlyweds looked so cute, and naturally she imaged it was herself, and maybe Lightning there-- Human Lightning since Commander Lightning was taken and had a child back home.

Human Lightning could tell she was thinking this, but he didn’t have to tell her it was still rather awkward. She was a college student and he was a high-school teacher. It still would be too awkward for them both.

“You know, Starla,” said Commander Lightning “Maybe if you catch the bouquet you can get lucky.”

Starla giggled, “I don’t believe in that old wives tale.” then she paused “…Still, maybe it would be nice if I caught it.”

Rarity dashed up to her declaring, “That bouquet is mine!”

“Oh, ladies…” Sunset called as held up her bouquet, and Starla and Rarity along with other desperate ladies gathered round, and Sunset tossed the bouquet.

All the ladies went crazy trying to grab for it, actually tossing it back and forth like a volleyball.

“It’s mine!”

“Hands off!”

“Give me that!”

Finally, the ladies all seemed to jump for it at once, splitting the bouquet into three equal pieces that flew in different directions.

Fluttershy caught one piece…

Tree Hugger caught another…

…and Twilight, of all people, caught the last one.

“TWILIGHT?!?!” Many people exclaimed in shock. Even Twilight herself blushed in astonishment, and as for Fluttershy and Tree Hugger, and their respective boyfriends standing next to them, the two couples felt awkward at first, but the men kissed their respective ladies lovingly, pretty much making them official proposals right then and there which the crowd cheered for.

Sunset and Artie chuckled, and then just looked at each other lovingly and shared another deep kiss.

They pulled away and just stared at each other…

…The scenery then faded to One Week Later...

That very scene from the wedding was now a painting Artie had made and was resting on his canvas in his and Sunset’s shared dorm room at Canterlot College.

They never went on a honeymoon, they hadn’t the money to pay for it all that much. They were far too busy anyway. Artie had clients to finish paintings for to earn his income so he and Sunset could pay for their dorm room, and hopefully get a place of their own soon.

Sunset was studying to be a doctor, which seemed to show great promise as she continued her work study with Dr. Penny at the hospital, and from what she learned in her medical courses at the campus.

She and Artie just wanted to be together and be happy, and everyone fully understood this.

Right now, Artie was helping her study and memorize the parts of the human skeleton.

Sunset pointed at each bone and called its name, “…Sternum, Scapula, Clavicle, Mandible, Cranium.”

Artie looked up from the text-book and smiled, “Perfect. All two-hundred and six and you didn’t even look at the book.”

His wife smiled lovingly at him.

“You’re going to be a great doctor, honey.” said Artie.

Sunset’s feature changed, “Yeah… if I can afford medical school.”

Artie sighed, “I keep telling you, we can all pitch in and help you there. Why I can just rent a few more paintings to the museums, that’ll cover a lot.”

His wife smiled, but informed him, again, “That’s sweet, but I’d rather do it myself…” and Artie began to speak in sync with her, “…So can really prove to be a real human and earn things for myself.”

They gawked at one another, and chuckled.

“Okay, okay…” said Artie “But, just asking, how exactly do you plan to do this? We can’t ask Grandruler, he’s made it clear he’s pulled enough strings for us. You’re already working part time at the hospital, but that doesn’t pay, and you know that our hunting down bad guys won’t cut it. We don’t save the world to be rewarded.”

“I know,” said Sunset “But I’ll think of a way. You guys always tell me there are ways.”

Her husband nodded, “Well, if you ever change your mind, and if there’s anything I can do…”

His wife then shut the curtains over the dorm window, and turned out the lights so it was darker in the room, but not so much that they couldn’t see each other.

“Well… there’s one thing you can do for me now.” she said seductively as she walked over to him, pinning him against the wall by their bed, and moving closer so her breasts leaned against his chest.

Artie’s temperature wen way up, and his heart began to race, but he leaned forward and kissed her deeply, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and held the back of his head, pulling him even closer as their tongues met.

They softly fell down onto their shared bed and were really about to go for it… When there was a loud knock at the door which startled them both, and they both grunted in annoyance.

“This is the FBI.” Someone called “Open this door, or we’ll break it down!”

“The FBI?” cried Artie.

Sunset was confused and concerned.

She turned on the lights and opened the door to find three officers and with their guns out too.

“Sunset Shimmer?” the captain asked.


“You are under arrest!”

“What?!” cried sunset, and she cuffed right then and there, almost forcefully.

“Hey!!” snapped Artie as he rushed to the door to try and help her, but was held back by the others officers, “What are you doing?! That’s my wife!”

“What did I do?” cried Sunset.

The captain didn’t buy her so-called innocent act, “Let’s go!” and he began to drag her off.

“Sunset!” cried Artie, and he would’ve have pounded the two officers holding him down, but that would only make things worse.

So instead he wretched out of their grip and made his way to the dorm phone, “Get me Celesto Grandruler, this is an emergency!”