Starfleet Humans: A Tale of Two Sunsets

by DakariKingMykan

First published

Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart is out to ruin Magical Sunset's life

Two years after Power Rangers Super Starfleet, and Sunset Shimmer's life seems brighter than ever, until she is accused of a crime she didn't commit which leads to the discovery of her actual Human Counterpart who seems to be out to ruin Sunset's life. this of course prompts the team to investigate,

But is there more going on than meets the eye?

Intro: Sunset the Robber?

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It was a misty night in London England, and Big Ben was preparing to chime for midnight.

Several security guards were stationed outside the Bank of England. Some stood on the front steps to the main entrance, others stood at the side entrances, and others were on the roof.

Despite the men’s caution, not one of them had any idea of what kind of trouble was about to begin.

A mysterious character, dressed from head to toe in black, was silently creeping towards the bank.

One would be able to tell by the shape of the body, this person was female!

Around her waist was a belt with all sorts of odd tools and gadgets, and another device was strapped to her wrist, which she aimed at one of the men from a distance, and snapped a picture of him like a camera, and then she snapped his partner standing near him.

The two men were frozen in place. They could neither move nor make a sound, and making it easier for the stranger to slip past them without being squealed on.

She then crept up to the front doors, and noticed the security cameras overhead, but didn’t seem the least bit worried about them.

Next, she reached into her waist and pulled out a small object, the shape and size of a cigarette lighter, and aimed it at the lock on the doors shining a red light on it, and instantly unlocking the code, which instantly set off the alarms as the locks were tampered with.

The stranger then leapt up high and used special magnetic grips on her feet to actually stick to the walls-- though the walls were not made of metal!

Many guards and police constables rushed to the doors and found nobody there but the two paralyzed guards.

“Hey! They’re frozen, they are!”

“Well who even done this is still around, I reckon.”

The stranger then reached for her wrist camera again, and snapped a shot of all the men together, freezing them on the spot, and with the front doors wide open, she let herself into the bank, still ignoring all the security camera, but ducking low as any guards came rushing by due to the alarms still going off.

She made her way to the vault of England, and noticed a whole swarm of armed men were guarding it since the alarms sounded.

“Stay sharp lads.” the leader said “Until them alarms stop we don’t make a move.”

His men saluted and maintained their stances, but the stranger felt this was too easy for her.

She reached into her belt again, and pulled out a small pill, and then she reached under her black ski mask and popped in her mouth and waited a minute for it to dissolve. Then she pulled out a small gas bomb, and tossed it into the vault.

POOF!! The bomb exploded, and sleeping gas flew everywhere. All the guards dropped like bowling pins to the floor.

Ever so sneaky, the stranger made her way to the vault controls-- the gas had no effect on her as the pill she took was in fact an antidote-- and then used her decoder to unlock the vault.

The huge titanium door opened wide, revealing a set of solid bars blocking the way to all the jewels, gold and billions of pounds worth.

She used her decoder again to raise the bars, but the automatic door began to close again as the bars raised, as a kind precaution setup by the back.

The stranger then tapped a red button on the front of her belt, which made small electrodes on the tips of her fingers glow with soft electrical currents, which she held at the vault’s hinges, disrupting the system and halting the door from closing any further.

The vault was fully opened and ready for her to rob it to her greedy heart’s content.

“Freeze!” shouted a voice as tones of bright flashlights shone on her.

She saw so many guards pointing their guns at her.

“Don’t move!” the lead guard shouted, but the stranger simply snapped another shot of the men with her camera, paralyzing them on the spot too, giving her the chance to break for the exit, only to run into a big swarm of security guards forcing her to run for the stairs as she couldn’t snap a shot of them all at once!

She ran into a load of other guards on the way, and was forced to fight directly with them.

Showing off great martial-arts skills, she knocked their guns away, and gave the men huge blows to their heads and kicks to their stomachs, knocking them out.

She managed to make it out on the roof and couldn’t’ see more guards in sight, but the road below was swarming with police!

She decided to take a scenic route by slipping to the back end of the building, where she ran into one more guard that surprised her and tackled her to the ground.


The two struggled and fought roughly, and in the midst of it all, the guard managed to remove the lady’s mask exposing her face-- the face of none other than Sunset Shimmer!

Sunset then managed to charge up her electrodes again, and shocked the guard with a much higher voltage, and rendering him unconscious.

She then grabbed and re-donned her mask, and used a grappling hook gun to fire a line at a tall building across the way, and swung herself to safety.

Guards who saw her form below tried to shoot at her with their guns, but her lightweight suit was actually bulletproof, and she managed to escape and went into hiding, unaware that during her brawl on the roof a security camera had caught her exposed face!

The Sunset then pulled out a miniature radio transmitter, “Calling Zero-B. Reporting, test completed, you better be ready to pay my fee now!”

“Patience!” replied a deep voice over the radio “This is only phase one. Once the operation is completed successfully, you will be rewarded and not before.”

Sunset angrily logged off. “Well, at least I know who’s going to get the blame for this.” She grumbled softly, and then headed off into the night.



Act 1: Wonderful Wedding

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At the exact same time that attempted robbery took place in England, it was a different on Mystic Island. It was 7 PM, and just about sunset.

Two years had passed since the defeat of Vulcan, and the friends were in their early twenties, and now were all in their second year at Canterlot College.

This evening, however, was a very special day-- Sunset Shimmer and Artie Bristles were finally tying the knot, and everyone was working hard to get everything ready.

The ceremony was going to be held at Canterlot High, in the soccer field. White tents were set up for the ceremony and the reception later.

Tables were set with the food and the big cake Pinkie Pie had baked.

Flowers and white streamers were being set up, and even a small stage for the Rainbooms and the Starpops to make music for the reception.

As everyone continued setting up and doing their parts, a song was heard…

Bells are ringing and the time is near
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
Gotta set flowers there, and the arc right here,
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day.
Let the past be buried,
cuz our friends are getting married …Today!

Bridesmaids dressed up, guests are coming by
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
It’s getting so beautiful it makes you wanna cry.
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
Come on, everybody smile,
It’ll only be a while,
cuz our friends are getting married …Today!

During an instrumental verse, guests were arriving in reserved parking. Among them were Cadance and Shining Armor from Crystal Prep Academy, and Shining Armor was blubbering like a baby.

“He always cries at weddings.” Cadance teased.

Meanwhile, Rarity was bedazzled at how she looked in her bridesmaid outfit, which she made herself. It was a light lilac color. It was sleeveless, and had beautiful ruffles around the collar, and the skit was smooth and sparkly, with a big pink silky sash tied in a bow in back.

The other girls all wore identical outfits, just a different color. Applejack even took off her hat and wore a pretty flower in her hair instead.

Doggy Spike was even all dressed up in a cute little tuxedo Rarity had made for him, and he kept posing in front of a mirror and adjusting his red bowtie, “Hey there, handsome.” He complimented his reflection while acting cool and suave.

“Oh, Spike…” Twilight chuckled as she picked him up, and the other girls all giggled.

Just then, the four Cutiemark Crusaders came out, all dressed in frilly dresses with flower wreaths on their heads-- they were the flower girls.

“Well, how do we look?” asked DD.

Applejack and Rarity teared up at the sights of Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.

“Aren’t you all just fabulous!” cried Rarity.

Applejack held her sister close, “My little sis is almost completely grown up.”

“Aw, shucks, Applejack.” groaned Applebloom

Rainbow Dash high fived Scootaloo “Way awesome, I’m telling you.”

Scootaloo gave her a shooting sign as she winked.

The guys were all getting ready too, wearing special dress uniforms made just for them by Celesto’s tailor. White tuxedo jackets with respected colored edgings on the lapels, and matching colored bowties and beige colored dress-pants.

Human Lightning Dawn and his companion, Krysta the robin, were waiting by the statue gateway for a guest of honour to arrive.

Then, from out of the portal came Commander Lightning Dawn from United Equestria, and he was dressed in a dress suit identical to his human counterpart, but with his silver-sparkling cape, all the medals and ribbons he had on him, and his big blue sash, so it would be impossible to confuse them for one another.

The two Lightnings shook hands, “Glad you could make it.” said Human Lightning.

The Commander nodded, “Well, as Starfleet Commander I should be a prime witness to this and report back to my superiors. Besides, it’s not often I get shore-leave anyway.”

“Well, come on! What are we waiting for?” chirped Krysta.

With that agreed, the two men and she headed for the wedding grounds.

The song continued,

Come on in, take your seat,
This is going to be a treat,
We’ve got little time to spare
Make sure everything is there
Hurry now, it’s nearly time,
The wedding bells are going to chime

It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
It’s wedding day. Oh, it’s wedding day
Our friends are getting married…
Yes, their gonna get married …Today!

“…But where are they?” asked Fluttershy.

Sunset and Artie had spent the afternoon on the hilltops together, in the casual wear, enjoying the warm weather and each other’s company.

While many people would have told them not to see each other before the wedding, they brushed it off as an old wives tale and didn’t believe in it.

They were both really excited, but nervous just the same and thought they would spend some time together before the ceremony.

They both felt so nervous, they hardly looked at one another. Then they finally turned to face one another as if to say something, and they chuckled.

“I can’t believe this is really happening.” said Sunset.

“Me neither.” said Artie “I mean… look at me-- I’m marrying an alien. No offense.”

“…None taken.” replied Sunset.

She then lay back on the grass and relaxed with her hands behind her head as she looked up at the dusky sky. “I just never thought I’d ever get married, after all the things I did in the past. How could all this happen to me?”

Artie looked down at her, “Maybe because you’ve really earned this? Maybe you’ve come a long way since then and really made up for those dark times?”

She couldn’t argue with that. She loved this human world she had lived in, and now it was about become her permanent home as she continued her duty as the Equestrian Ambassador to help unify the worlds-- someday.

They both stood up, figuring it was about to time to get going.



Artie held her hands, “No matter what happens, just remember-- I love you. True, your magic and your amazing backgrounds are part of it, but I really love you.”

“Oh, I love you too.” she said to him, and they were about to kiss when suddenly, Celesto interrupted by placing his cane between them. “Don’t you two think you should wait a little bit before doing that?” he teased.

The couple chuckled, and didn’t care if they were in each other’s presence. They double tapped their energizer badges and magically donned their wedding wear.

Artie’s suit was exactly as most of the dress uniforms, but he and Celesto gazed at Sunset in her beautiful gown.

It was pure white with sleeves going off the shoulder and connected to two beautiful puffs. The skirt was long and flowing; silky in the front and with frilly ruffled rings starting from one side of the waist and going all the way past her back and stopping at the other end on three levels. Much of her long hair was all bundled up in back of her head, while two of her large threads were beautiful curled and hanging at either side of her face. Her veil was long and flowing down her back and it was held in place atop her head by a beautiful golden tiara with a sun emblem in the middle.

“Wow.” Artie exclaimed softly as he looked her from head to toe, making her blush.

“Well…” Grand Ruler said teasingly “Do you two want to get married on not? Let’s go.”

The couple agreed and went off with him.

The ceremony went beautifully. Celesto was filming everything with a miniature video camera, while other did with their cellphones.

Rarity and Pinkie could hardly hold their tears back as they stood with the bridesmaids on Sunset’s side, and the men all stood with Artie.

Artie was now sliding the ring over Sunset’s finger, which everyone watched with glee and heartfelt joy.

Celestia and Luna both wiped their eyes with hankies.

“You may now kiss the bride.” the minister said, and just as the couple moved their faces towards one another, when Pinkie Pie, unable to contain her excitement and glee accidently unleashed a magical burst of light like fireworks that surprised everybody.

Pinkie blushed sheepishly, “Sorry-- couldn’t hold it in.”

Everyone shared a good laugh, even the bride and groom. Then the turned face each other, shrugged and then merely pecked each other on the lips-- done deal.

The entire place was flooded with cheers, and showers of rose petals and rice as the couple headed down the aisle for the reception area.

“VIVA FEISTA!!” Dyno and Myte shouted.

“Hey, that’s my line.” groaned Pinkie. “Ah, who cares? PARTY…!!” and what a party it was too.

There were all kinds of foods and treats, some of which came from the Apple Family-- all kinds of apple pies, apple tarts, apple crisp, even just plain ordinary apples.

There was dancing, to rocking beats too, which everyone enjoyed especially. Much better than classical ballroom dancing, but there were a few of those too especially for other couples,

Like Buddy Rose and Tree Hugger, Rhymey and Fluttershy.

As for Starla, Commander Lightning was showing her a picture of his baby back home. “That’s my Shining Light, ten months old by now.”

“Aw, he’s so sweet.” said Starla “…Well, for a pony anyway.”

Then came the cake, which Artie and Sunset cut carefully and passed out to all their friends and well-wishers, and of course, the tradition of the bride and groom rubbing a spot of cream on each other’s noses and kissing it off each.

Celestia shook her head, “Whoever thought of that kind of tradition? It’s so messy.”

But Celesto softly placed a spot of cream on his wife’s nose and then kissed it off, “You were saying?”

His wife blushed, and then giggled softly while fluttering her eyes.

Luna only rolled her eyes.

After a while, the bride and groom were going to share a solo dance to a song that Rhymey was going to sing while he played the grand piano, and Applejack would join him on a classic guitar, and some of the guys and girls joined on stage as background vocals.

Rhymey took the mic and addressed the couple,

“We dedicate this to the two of you,
We hope you like it, we really do,
We do this care, and we wish to share,
A song to express how feel for you too.”

The crowd applauded, and Rhymey and Applejack began to play “It Might Be You”

Artie then extended his hand to his bride and led her out onto the dance floor. Sunset leaned softly against him as Rhymey began to sing the song.

Seeing the happy couple dance softly on the floor really was a beautiful sight to everyone.

Rhymey even looked over at Fluttershy from afar and gave a smile and a wink during a small instrumental verse, and she smiled back at him lovingly.

By the end of the song, the couple shared a kiss, and the crowd applauded.

Rhymey and Applejack slapped each other a high five.

Starla especially thought the newlyweds looked so cute, and naturally she imaged it was herself, and maybe Lightning there-- Human Lightning since Commander Lightning was taken and had a child back home.

Human Lightning could tell she was thinking this, but he didn’t have to tell her it was still rather awkward. She was a college student and he was a high-school teacher. It still would be too awkward for them both.

“You know, Starla,” said Commander Lightning “Maybe if you catch the bouquet you can get lucky.”

Starla giggled, “I don’t believe in that old wives tale.” then she paused “…Still, maybe it would be nice if I caught it.”

Rarity dashed up to her declaring, “That bouquet is mine!”

“Oh, ladies…” Sunset called as held up her bouquet, and Starla and Rarity along with other desperate ladies gathered round, and Sunset tossed the bouquet.

All the ladies went crazy trying to grab for it, actually tossing it back and forth like a volleyball.

“It’s mine!”

“Hands off!”

“Give me that!”

Finally, the ladies all seemed to jump for it at once, splitting the bouquet into three equal pieces that flew in different directions.

Fluttershy caught one piece…

Tree Hugger caught another…

…and Twilight, of all people, caught the last one.

“TWILIGHT?!?!” Many people exclaimed in shock. Even Twilight herself blushed in astonishment, and as for Fluttershy and Tree Hugger, and their respective boyfriends standing next to them, the two couples felt awkward at first, but the men kissed their respective ladies lovingly, pretty much making them official proposals right then and there which the crowd cheered for.

Sunset and Artie chuckled, and then just looked at each other lovingly and shared another deep kiss.

They pulled away and just stared at each other…

…The scenery then faded to One Week Later...

That very scene from the wedding was now a painting Artie had made and was resting on his canvas in his and Sunset’s shared dorm room at Canterlot College.

They never went on a honeymoon, they hadn’t the money to pay for it all that much. They were far too busy anyway. Artie had clients to finish paintings for to earn his income so he and Sunset could pay for their dorm room, and hopefully get a place of their own soon.

Sunset was studying to be a doctor, which seemed to show great promise as she continued her work study with Dr. Penny at the hospital, and from what she learned in her medical courses at the campus.

She and Artie just wanted to be together and be happy, and everyone fully understood this.

Right now, Artie was helping her study and memorize the parts of the human skeleton.

Sunset pointed at each bone and called its name, “…Sternum, Scapula, Clavicle, Mandible, Cranium.”

Artie looked up from the text-book and smiled, “Perfect. All two-hundred and six and you didn’t even look at the book.”

His wife smiled lovingly at him.

“You’re going to be a great doctor, honey.” said Artie.

Sunset’s feature changed, “Yeah… if I can afford medical school.”

Artie sighed, “I keep telling you, we can all pitch in and help you there. Why I can just rent a few more paintings to the museums, that’ll cover a lot.”

His wife smiled, but informed him, again, “That’s sweet, but I’d rather do it myself…” and Artie began to speak in sync with her, “…So can really prove to be a real human and earn things for myself.”

They gawked at one another, and chuckled.

“Okay, okay…” said Artie “But, just asking, how exactly do you plan to do this? We can’t ask Grandruler, he’s made it clear he’s pulled enough strings for us. You’re already working part time at the hospital, but that doesn’t pay, and you know that our hunting down bad guys won’t cut it. We don’t save the world to be rewarded.”

“I know,” said Sunset “But I’ll think of a way. You guys always tell me there are ways.”

Her husband nodded, “Well, if you ever change your mind, and if there’s anything I can do…”

His wife then shut the curtains over the dorm window, and turned out the lights so it was darker in the room, but not so much that they couldn’t see each other.

“Well… there’s one thing you can do for me now.” she said seductively as she walked over to him, pinning him against the wall by their bed, and moving closer so her breasts leaned against his chest.

Artie’s temperature wen way up, and his heart began to race, but he leaned forward and kissed her deeply, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and held the back of his head, pulling him even closer as their tongues met.

They softly fell down onto their shared bed and were really about to go for it… When there was a loud knock at the door which startled them both, and they both grunted in annoyance.

“This is the FBI.” Someone called “Open this door, or we’ll break it down!”

“The FBI?” cried Artie.

Sunset was confused and concerned.

She turned on the lights and opened the door to find three officers and with their guns out too.

“Sunset Shimmer?” the captain asked.


“You are under arrest!”

“What?!” cried sunset, and she cuffed right then and there, almost forcefully.

“Hey!!” snapped Artie as he rushed to the door to try and help her, but was held back by the others officers, “What are you doing?! That’s my wife!”

“What did I do?” cried Sunset.

The captain didn’t buy her so-called innocent act, “Let’s go!” and he began to drag her off.

“Sunset!” cried Artie, and he would’ve have pounded the two officers holding him down, but that would only make things worse.

So instead he wretched out of their grip and made his way to the dorm phone, “Get me Celesto Grandruler, this is an emergency!”

Act 2: Seeing Double

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“Sunset Shimmer…?”

“She’s been arrested!”

“I can’t believe it!”

Many students on campus poked their out from their dorms or gawked with shock and confusion as Sunset was marched down the halls to the front doors on the ground floor.

The rest of the gang heard the news or saw and protested to the officers, but the men just brushed them off, “This is none of your concerns.” said the captain “This is matter of national security.”

“Anything that has to do with our friend IS our business!” snapped Buddy.

“My thoughts exactly!” called another voice. It was Celesto, just stepping through the door.

“Mr. Grandruler!” cried Sunset.

The others were all relieved to see him as well.

“He sure is fast.” said Rainbow.

Celesto agreed, though he was in the middle of a meeting for his company, when he got Artie’s message of Sunset’s arrest he quickly dashed over.

“Now what is all this about?”

The captain spoke to Celesto, realizing he had to explain now, “We received a report that this young lady attempted to rob The Bank of England exactly.”

“What?!” snapped Sunset.

“The Bank of England?” said Twilight.

Artie was most pissed “That’s insane and impossible. My wife did no such thing! You release her right now.”

The others agreed as well, but the captain shouted at them, “QUIET!!” and everyone fell silent “We have obtained positive proof from the English authorities from the bank containing positive proof and identification it was her.”

He held up his phone, where he actually stored a recoded copy of the footage from the robbery.

“This was taken a week ago, Sunday night at twenty minutes after midnight.”

All the footage was from the security cameras in the bank. None had been disabled, and didn’t have to as it appeared the perpetrator didn’t get caught on camera, but unusual things did happen-- the guards being paralyzed by a strange ray of light, doors being opened without anyone being seen, and even vault opened wide with seemingly no one visible at all.

The captain then explained, “Our guess was the perpetrator’s suit was specially designed so that she couldn’t be viewed on camera. This was proven correct about… here…!”

The next shot was the battle on the roof, when the guard had tackled the perp to the ground and removed her mask revealing her face, and it showed on camera whereas the rest of her body was still invisible because of her suit.

Sunset gasped!

The others all gawked in shock and disbelief!

Pinkie Pie looked up at Sunset, then back at the video, over and over until she got dizzy. “Okay, this hurts!” she groaned as she fell on the floor.

Artie and Sunset gawked at one another.

“We have more proof as well.” said the captain. He snapped his fingers and one of his men held up a tiny plastic bag that had a view threads of red and yellow stripped hair that were found on the guard the perp had brawled with, which the agents did DNA tests with.

The results: “Sunset Shimmer.”

Even Twilight was baffled by this.

“So, all the proof checks out,” said the captain, and he glared at Sunset “You got away then, but we managed to track you down. You’re coming with us!”

Artie stood directly by his wife, not willing to let her be taken away.

“I’m afraid you won’t be doing that.” said Celesto.

“And why not?” sneered the captain.

Celesto cleared his throat, “That attempted robbery took place Sunday night at twenty minutes after midnight you say?”

“Yes, what’s your point?”

Celesto got out his phone, saying “That attempted robbery took place in England, which is exactly seven hours ahead of us due to be directly on the other side of the world from this island.”

He then showed the officer a recoded video of the wedding. It was at the point where Sunset and Artie were saying their vows to one another.

“Take a good look at the date and time, sir.”

The captain gawked in shock, “Saturday, 7:21 PM?”

“Exactly!” snapped Celesto “How could Sunset Shimmer have tried to rob The Bank of England, and at the exact same time be here, on the other side of the world, getting married?”

The captain and his men were flabbergasted.

“May I see those hairs please?” asked Twilight.

The men complied and let her have it, and Twilight reached into her backpack and pulled out a handheld device she had made-- a DNA tracker and scanner that could read DNA or lock onto signals from said subject.

“Place the thread of hair here on the green panel.”

The man did as he was asked and placed the hair down for Twilight to scan it, and then she compared it to a file containing Sunset’s DNA.

The Results: “Mismatch!”

“What?!” snapped the captain, but everyone just gawked at him with stern expressions.

The reason it mismatched was because of Sunset's magical qualities, accelerated metabolisms and super strength, as well as her alien connection to the magic world.

Even though all humans had a pony or magical counterpart from the other world, the two would only resemble each other in appearance and voices, but their DNA would be different from each other's.

This was a secret kept among the team to avoid unscrupulous people from knowing the existence of the magical world and would lead to more disaster.

“Like you said,” sneered Sunset “…All the proof checks out.”

The captain knew he was beat as he stammered, “That is what I guess said. I guess I said that, and if I did say that, indeed… I said it.”

Sunset then held up her cuffs demanding to be released, which she was since she checked.

“Well, um… no harm done.” The captain chuckled nervously, but Celesto demanded they leave campus immediately, “You’ll be lucky if don’t file a complaint to your superiors about this.”

The officers panicked and left the campus grounds in a heartbeat.

Fluttershy sighed in relief, “That was a close one.”

While Sunset was relieved to be free, she looked really upset and nervous, as did many of the others.

“What’s with everyone?” asked Pinkie Pie “Sunset’s free, isn’t that cool?”

“Pinkie Pie, don’t realize any of this?” asked Buddy.

Rarity contemplated the situation, “Either that person in the video is a master of makeup-- not likely, or…” she stopped and didn’t have to go on as everyone already had the same ideal.

“My human counterpart!” said Sunset “This is-- I can’t believe…” she softly began to hyperventilate in shock.

“Sunset!” cried Artie as he tried to calm his wife.

Rarity passed her a paper-bag, “Breathe slowly now.”

Sunset took a few breaths into the bag and calmed down, but still, she and the others could hardly believe this. It wasn’t like they didn’t expect Sunset had a human counterpart since every being from the pony world seemed to, Twilight and Lightning were proof of that.

…Still, to finally see it was rather shocking, especially seeing as Human Sunset tried to commit bank robbery and frame Colonel Sunset for it.

Rhymey looked round at everyone and said,

“I think that we,
…have a mystery.”

Celesto agreed, and went straight to the campus intercom phone to contact the dean and cancel the team’s classes until further notice.

“Right, let’s get to the base.”

The team agreed, and off they went.

Meanwhile, in a large skyscraper building, somewhere in England…

“WHERE IS MY MONEY?!!” someone shouted at the top of their lungs.

It was Human Sunset as she addressed her mystery employers in their office on the top floor of the building.

“You hired me to test out your company’s technology and to frame the other Sunset Shimmer for my attempted crimes.

My work is done!”

Her employers sat behind their desk-- one man and his wife, they were sitting in huge armchairs that kept them from being seen, except for their arms.

“They managed to prove the girl’s innocence.” said the man.

“…How tragic, for you!” Sunset taunted.

The lady then spoke, “Your test of our technology was a success. However, our master plan will now require a more direct intervention on your part if we are to succeed in our ultimate goal.”

Sunset acted smug, “Well then, it’ll cost you!”

“We intend to pay you double your promised fee.” the man agreed, “We’ll also provide you with new gadgets our company has perfected, to ensure things don’t go wrong this time.”

Sunset thought it over a few moments, “Fine then, but no double-crossing. I loathe double-crossers.”

She turned on her heel and headed for the elevator.

As she descended, she thought angrily to herself, “Who does that girl think she is, impersonating me? Where did she even come from?

Whoever she is, there’s only room for ONE Sunset Shimmer in this world, and I have no intention of leaving!”

Back up in the office, the couple were speaking to each other.

“We’re only one step away, Jewel, my lovely.” said the man.

“Yes, Richard.” replied his wife, “All the glory, all the wealth, and all the titles this project promises, assuming we are correct.”

“Oh, we are,” said Richard “Our spies have proven every observation.”

He pressed a switch on the desk activating TV monitors on the wall that showed images of the Starfleet Humans and their many battles, and the magic involved.

They both gazed at one fighter in particular-- Sunset, and how it was obvious that she was no ordinary girl, not like the Sunset they were allied with.

Richard clenched his fists, and Jewel tapped her finger on the arm of her chair, and they both held hands softly.


Celesto’s secret research lair was still in operation, deep under the ground of his estate, and connected by transport sliding tubes honeycombed all over the island.

The Power Rangers were no more, as they were not needed, but were kept ready an in wait if ever they were needed again, and the base itself was still ideal for the Starfleet team to hold meetings without being spied on, as well continuing and furthering research with the magic and powers, and how to stay one step ahead in protecting the world from evil doers.

Lightning was notified of the situation and came to the base last, with Krysta on his shoulder. The entire team was at the base, while Celestia and Luna were on video call from the mansion while babysitting Castor and Lelaini-- both in their terrible twos.

The two children were running about like crazy and screaming like wild things, like most children their age would.

“Quiet, kids!” said Celestia “Mommy’s trying to talk to Daddy.”

The children settled down and called over the video, “HI DADDY!”

Celesto waved back at them “Hello, my pets. You behave yourselves now or you won’t get dessert tonight.”

The children pipped down instantly, and their Aunt Luna took them off to put them down for their nap.

Many of the team thought the kids were just cute, and funny.

“Trust me,” said Celestia as she straightened her frazzled hair “They aren’t so funny when they’re always running about and could break things.”

Celesto cleared his throat to continue the meeting, “Twilight, have you any updates?”

Twilight had hacked into the security system of The Bank of England to obtain footage of the brawl between the guard and the girl resembling Sunset.

She then ran as many diagnostic-scans as she could, “I’ve got good news-- or rather it’s not really good news, more like strange news, and bad news too.”

“Well come on then.” said Rainbow.

Twilight explained that her scans showed the girl in the images was no wearing makeup of any kind, “It really is Sunset’s human counterpart.”

This was very strange news to hear indeed, and Sunset gawked deeply at the image of her counterpart, “I see her but I can hardly believe it.”

Artie was amazed too by the second Sunset, “But why would she want to rob a bank and frame my-- I mean “Our” Sunset for it.”

He got a little carried away with his marriage, and claim Sunset like his property, which in a way she was, but he remained loyal to the team’s friendship as well. Sunset belonged to everyone.

His wife tenderly caressed his face while smiling at him.

“That’s another thing, which is also the bad news.” replied Twilight “I can’t seem to find any information about her. No birth record, no school files, or even previous criminal records-- if she even had any.”

Spike looked up at the pictures, “Gosh, it’s almost as if she doesn’t even exist.”

Lightning on the other hand felt different, “Or maybe she wants to look like she doesn’t exist.

I’ve seen situations like this before on my adventures; there are some organizations that can alter or manipulate data information to cover their tracks or keep secrets they don’t want the world to know.”

“Yet we managed to bust them each and every time.” said Krysta.

Still, the team thought it bit much for one girl to do all these things, and they weren’t sure this was the true case.

Twilight then punched up more images of when the guards were frozen on the spot. “According to the scans, they were hit with a focussed paralysis beam that neutralizes their voluntary muscles, leaving them unable to move or be aware of what’s happening around them.”

Applejack felt dizzy and shook herself awake. Twilight’s fancy science talk often made her feel that way. “Um… sure, but how does she do it? It can’t be by magic.”

“It must be by technology then.” suggested Sunset “After all, there’s many ways other than magic to accomplish said tasks.”

The team agreed, but there was still the matter of why Human sunset wanted to frame their Sunset.

“What should we do about it?” asked Dyno.

Myte then asked Twilight “Can’t you use your DNA Scan to track the other Sunset or something.”

“I’ve been trying,” replied Twilight “I’ve put the scan I copied from the hairs to the master worldwide search to find the other Sunset, but she seems to have found some way to shield herself from it.”

“You mean more technology to hide herself?” asked Fluttershy “Where is she getting it all from?”

“I don’t know,” said Twilight “I don’t even know what other kinds of weapons or tools she has or how they work. Who’s knows what she’s capable of doing?”

Celestia had a thought, “Maybe she’s working with someone-- someone who provided her with all these weapons and gizmos.”

“You could be right, dear.” said Celesto “But the only way we’d be able to know for sure is confront the other Sunset, and at the moment she’s covering her tracks too well.”

The team started to lose hope. Trying to find Human Sunset would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack at this point.

“Well, the solution is obvious.” said Celesto “…We wait for her to make the next move.”

The others all gawked at him, and he explained “That Sunset tried to get our Sunset thrown in jail, but her plan has failed thanks to our proving her innocent. So, the other Sunset will most likely try something else, she may even try to confront our sunset in person.”

The others saw where this was going,

“We sit by and do our biding,
And force the girl out from her hiding.” said Rhymey.

“Exactly.” said Celesto “So, here’s what we’ll do.

You all go about your normal lives as nothing has happened.”

Pinkie Pie saluted “Oki-doki-loki, I have no problem with that.”

The others however were waiting for the catch, and Celesto hated to admit this, “Sunset, Artie…I know this may seem a bit harsh, but I’m going to have electronic eyes watching your every move.”

“Every move?” Artie asked.

“Every move!” replied Celesto “Now, I understand how you’ll feel about this invasion of privacy, but it’s the only to ensure Sunset’s safety and might help us to trap the other Sunset should she make a move and confront her.”

As expected, Sunset and Artie felt very awkward about this, but they reluctantly accepted it, seeing as there was no other way.”

Starla began to chuckle, “I get why you two are a little peeved. It means you won’t get to be alone together and…” she playfully clicked her tongue.

Some of the others giggled softly at the thought of the two lovebirds, but Artie and Sunset felt really embarrassed, not just at their friends snickering, but something else which Buddy could practically guess.

“Don’t tell me, you haven’t even “Done it” once yet?”

Artie and Sunset’s faces turned a soft shade of red.

“WHAT?!” snapped Pinkie “Is that true?”

“Give us a break!” snapped Artie “We’ve only been married a week, we’re… you know… just getting used to things.”

“That’s right.” agreed Sunset “We’ll do it when we’re ready and not before, and that’s final.”

“Whatever you say.” teased Starla.

Act 3: The Doctor is in-training

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A few days had passed, and rather than make a commercial trip to Mystic Island, Human Sunset Shimmer was taken to the island via a submarine to avoid suspicion.

This transport was arranged by her employers, and stayed parked in a trench one-thousand yards away from the island.

Then, at night, Sunset scuba-dived her way to the island, emerging on the far side, away from the city and the loading docks, where there would be no one for miles around.

She stepped onto the rocky shored, and ditched her scuba-gear, revealing she was wearing the same outfit she wore on the night she broke into the bank, which would render her undetectable by conventional surveillance.

She was now standing in a lonely spot with only open fields, tall trees, and a single road.

She then called to her employers over the radio. “I’ve arrived on the island.”

“We have you on visual.” replied Richard.

Sunset was not undetectable by his equipment. His company designed the suit after all.

“Now where’s my transport?” Sunset asked rather sternly.

Jewel answered, “Look around you, you should see a series of shrubs. You’ll find it in there.”

Sunset looked around, and saw a few shrubs, and hidden under them was a moto-cycle, with black and silver plating. It had been placed there and hidden prior to her arrival, without notice from the islanders.

“Nice.” Sunset said as she sat in the seat.

This was no ordinary cycle; it was equipped with high-tech from her employers-- missiles on the sides, two machine guns mounted on the front, tracking radar, and even an optic-camouflage mode and noise compressor.

“Be careful with that.” Richard warned her “It cost us quite the mother-load to make, and your weapons have limited range and ammunition.”

“Keep your money-belts on.” sneered Sunset “You’ll need them when I finish the mission.”

Jewel spoke to her, “We’ve made all the arrangements. You should be able to pull this off, but if you are discovered, you are on your own.”

Sunset scoffed “Just you don’t forget our deal!”

She logged off and then revved up the engines, and took off down the road, heading for town.

She went way over the speed limit and alerted the attention of a police patrol car that began to chase after. Its lights were flashing and its sirens wailed.

“Oh, great!” groaned Sunset. Then, she looked up and saw a large bend in the road and quickly turned into it, vanishing around the corner into a stretch of clear road with steep hills on either side, and then activated the camouflage and noise compressor.

The cruiser turned round the corner, and the two cops inside could see nothing ahead but clear open road and the hills.

“Where’d that biker go?” the driver wondered.

“We both saw it, right?” asked his partner.

“Yeah, look, you can see the marks from the tires on the road.”

The two men couldn’t figure it out. There was no way that biker could have bounded up the steep slopes, or get that far up the road that quickly.

Sunset snickered to herself, “Amateurs.” and she continued on her way into town, “I’m going to find you, Sunset Shimmer. There’s no way you’ll get out of this!”

For the past few days, the gang lived their lives normally-- attending their classes, their studies, and their part-time jobs to pay for their campus rents as well as their career intuitions.

Artie continued to paint and sculpt for his clients, though he was having a little hard time concentrating, worrying about his wife, and he accidently ended up panting his own hand red. “Ugh…” he groaned.

Sunset thought it was sweet he was showing how much he cared at least, and as much as she herself was concerned, she didn’t let it stifle her when she went to the hospital for volunteer work and work-study with Dr. Penny.

Both of them were kept under surveillance by Celesto, as promised. With his electronic eyes all over the island to watch for danger, he kept them in close watch, but to respect their privacy, rather than actually peep into their physically lives, he kept the images as blips on the radar.

Spike and Twilight were with him as they viewed from the base, and Spike yawned in boredom.

“It’s been three days, and nothing’s happened at all.” he groaned “They go to class, go to work, and their dorm room-- class, work, dorm room.”

“Now, listen Spike,” said Celesto “If there’s one I thing I learned from my spaceman years, it’s “Never take eyes off of anything, not even for a split second. If Human Sunset is going to try to make a move, I want to be ready for it.”

Then he turned to face Twilight, “How’s the research coming?”

Twilight shook her head and answered, “Not good.”

She had been reviewing the footage of Human Sunset’s gadgets, and trying to find clues that could tell if anyone supplied her with them.

“It’s no use; I can’t make an analysis with just these images. I’d have to actually have one of those gadgets. Then I’d probably be able to find out who makes it.”

Celesto sighed. It was already bad enough that Human Sunset Shimmer still remained undetected by any of their equipment. “For now, all we can do is watch for any suspicious activity.”

As part of her work study, and due to her outstanding grades, Dr. Penny allowed Sunset to give checkups or examine patients, under her strict supervision of course.

Sunset even got to wear a white coat and everything, which really helped her feel confident in herself, and made her feel more like a real doctor.

“Say Aaaa…” she said softly to a little boy, and her patient stuck his tongue out so she could see in his mouth and could see his inflamed throat. “Okay, we’ve got a little bacterial infection here; I suggest it be treated with antibiotics.”

Dr. Penny took a look herself to confirm this, “Yes, I agree… an excellent diagnosis, Sunset.”

Sunset smiled, and after Penny wrote up a prescription for the boy and gave it to his mother, the two headed out the door, but not before the boy said softy, “Thank you, Doctor Sunset.”

The mother corrected her son, “She’s not a doctor, sweetie. She’s just an apprentice.” but as the two left, Sunset stood where she was smiling deeply-- being called “Doctor”

Penny smiled too, remembering how she felt when she was starting out.

As mentor and student walked down the halls to see their next patient, Penny checked Sunset’s grade list, “I’m impressed, Sunset. You keep this up and with my recommendation, you’ll--” she when she noticed Sunset seemed a little worried.

Penny knew of what happened with Sunset-- reading out it in the newspaper. Everyone on the entire island knew of this, and they were just as outrage that Sunset was framed.

Nobody knew of the Starfleet secret mission of course.

“I just know she’s out there.” said Sunset “She is going to come after me. I can’t stop thinking about it.”

Penny honestly didn’t know what to tell her about that. If anything, it boggled her own mind to think there was a pony version of herself in another dimension-- where Sunset was from.

Sunset’s cellphone suddenly beeped.

The hospital allowed the use of certain phones, as long as no one took any pictures.

“It’s Artie, he’s checking up on me again.” She smiled lovingly as she checked his message.

“Just texting to see if you’re alright

…I Love you.”

Sunset smiled lovingly and texted him back, reading it aloud softly, “Feeling fine… Love you too. (Kiss Emoji)”

Penny giggled, “You two lovebirds. It only seems like yesterday you were kids at the high school.”

Sunset blushed softly, but she agreed, and she was very happy to have Artie in her life, as well as all her other friends.

“Have you done it with him yet?” Penny teased, and Sunset blushed like crazy and gave that same frightful expression.

Penny couldn’t help but chuckle, “I didn’t think so.”

Sunset got a hold of herself.

“Ah, here we are.” said Penny and she led Sunset into an exam room where an elderly lady sat on an exam bed.

“Mrs. Penelope? I’m Doctor Penny Sillion.”

Penelope looked up and nodded, “Sorry, I can’t shake hands, at my age it’s not a comfy thing.”

Penny checked the charts and saw Penelope was due for a monthly blood-test and examination.

“Well, Dr. Sunset, shall you?”

Sunset nodded and stepped up to her patient to examine here.

Penelope gazed at her rather strangely.

“Is something wrong?” asked Sunset.

Penelope quickly said, “You seem mighty young to be a doc.”

Sunset chuckled, “I’m actually in-training, but don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”

Penny agreed and assured the patient, “You’ve nothing to worry about. It’s just a routine exam.”

“Well, alright then.” agreed Penelope.

Sunset got to work and gave her patient a thorough exam, and as she worked she thought this lady had some unusual results. Her blood-pressure, heartbeat, breathing, all were rather strong and steady for an elderly woman.

Even Penny was amazed as she looked over the charts. “According to this you’ve had several hypertensive heart attacks this year.” Then she went over Sunset’s findings “You shouldn’t be having such problems with these results.”

Sunset agreed, “With health like this you should feel and look at least ten years younger.”

Penelope thought that unusual, and reached her into her purse pulling out a bottle of prescribed pills. “Will I need these?”

Penny observed the bottle, “No,” she answered “Why if anything, I’ll bet these are the causes of it.”

Penelope sighed, “I knew it. I knew my regular doctor was some sort of quack! He put me on this stuff to drain my pension account.”

The ladies sighed, and Penny wrote up a prescription for Penelope to get a special medication to strengthen her, and make her feel much better.

“Thank you kindly.” said Penelope, “I’ll be moseyin’ along now.”

“I’ll escort you to the door.” said Sunset “My work-study is over for the day, and I have to meet my friends for lunch.”

She took her coat off and handed it to Penny.

“Good job today, Sunset. Keep up the good work.”

Sunset smiled at her, and then escorted Penelope to the front doors.

Penelope then reached into her purse and pulled out a one-hundred dollar bill, “I must thank you for what you’ve done for me.”

Sunset was astonished, “Oh… no, no, I couldn’t. I really can’t take this. I’m only a volunteer here.”

Penelope insisted, “Now, now. You deserve it, and besides, how do you expect to get to medical school if you don’t starting pinchin’ them pennies.”

Unable to argue, Sunset took the money and thanked her kindly for it. “I promise I will put it to good use.”

She then offered to walk Penelope to the bus stop, but Penelope insisted she could make it herself.

“Thank you for everything.” said Sunset, and then she headed off down the sidewalk

“Take care of yourself,” called Penelope, and then she wickedly hissed under her breath, “You’re going to need it.”

She then turned, and began to walk rather strongly and skillfully, past the bus stop.

Along the way, she came into an alley way, and a punk kid tried to steal her purse, and she defended herself like a skilled martial-artist-- and punched and kicked the punk off of her.

“Beat it, punk!” she sneered, and the punk ran away all scared.

The lady then reached behind her, and pulled out a simple small black remote device. One click of a button, and she revealed herself to be Human Sunset in disguise all along.

Then she called to her employers, “I did it, she took the bait!”

“We’re aware of that.” said Jewel “Remember, we have you under our watch, but at least you succeeded in the first phase.”

Richard agreed and said, “That hundred-dollar bill you slipped her-- the second she laid her hands it, an electronic signal built into it reacted with her DNA, and injected her with a small serum.

Slowly but surely, she’ll start to feel its effects.”

The two then instructed their own Sunset to lay low until further orders and then they logged off.

But Sunset thought silently “They can do whatever they want. I have my own task to complete.”

She still found it totally unbelievable that she came into contact with the other Sunset Shimmer, and that she looked and sounded just like her-- which only angered her further.

“You won’t escape me, Sunset. I will get you, and I will make you pay for everything you cost me and did to me!”

Act 4: Two for One

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Meanwhile, most of the gang hung out in the city park. Lightning was at Canterlot High teaching his class, and Krysta was most likely out on her daily flights, patrolling the island.

Twilight threw a Frisbee and Spike ran after it, leapt up high, and caught it in his teeth.

Spike barked happily, but was careful not to speak and give his secret away to prying eyes around the park.

Rainbow was doing stunts on the skate ramps, showing off for all the other skaters.

Buddy was checking the flower beds and the trees, hoping they were well-cared for. He really disliked it when people weren’t kind to the plants.

Sunset and Artie were coming back from a romantic walk, hand-in-hand.

“Here come the lovebirds.” said Dyno.

“Ah, young love.” sighed Myte. “…Es una gran cosa. *It’s a grand thing.*”

As the couple approached, Sunset looked a little tired.

“You okay?” asked Artie.

Sunset rubbed her eyes, “I think so. Maybe I just worked too hard.

Caring for all those patients is fun, but it does tire me out a little.”

Fluttershy and Rhymey had finished setting things up at a picnic table.

“Come on over and have a bite,
A little lunch ought to put you right.” said Rhymey

Fluttershy nodded, and then all the friends came together for a good meal.

Twilight gave Spike a little bowl of kibble she always had with her.

Rarity was eating rather strangely-- reaching far across from herself to the table to pick little bits of food, and then slowly bring it to her face and chew very slowly.

“Um, what are you doing?” asked Applejack.

“I don’t want to get a single crumb on my new skirt.” answered Rarity, and she stood up for everyone to see the lovely white skirt with a touch of blue fading.

Spike nearly fainted with hearts in his eyes.

“It’s a crispy couture miniature, and I just got it today, and to ruin something as divine as this would be a crime against fashion!”

“Uh-huh…” said Applejack and she took a huge and rather messy bite out of an apple, promitng Rarity to keep far from her.

Still, the friends had a lovely meal, and after that went to get ice-cream from the vendor in the park, which Sunset offered to pay for with her hundred dollars, but Artie insisted on buying it himself.

He snatched the bill out of his wife’s hands and passed it back to her, “That money is so you can go to med school, and you should save up.”

Sunset sighed, “You’re right.”

“I still can’t believe you got that much money.” said Pinkie Pie.

“Me neither.” said Sunset “It was very kind of Penelope to do that. She seemed like such a nice old lady.”

She then thought back to Penelope’s checkup, and it still amazed her that such an elderly woman seemed healthier than she looked.

Sunset replaced the hundred dollar bill back in her wallet, unaware that by touching it some more, she was falling deeper into silent trouble.

…And Artie had just touched it as well.

Sunset reached for her ice-cream cone, but as she grabbed it she began to feel dizzy, and dropped her cone to the ground.

Then she began to fall backwards.

“Sunset!” cried Artie as he threw down his own ice cream to catch his wife in his arms.

“The ice cream!” cried Pinkie. She hated seeing sweet food wasted, but she actually more worried about Sunset.

“Are you alright?” asked Starla “What’s happening to you?”

Sunset rubbed her eyes again, and blinked twice, “I… don’t know.” she said sounding groggy “I just felt really dizzy all of a sudden.”

Fluttershy touched her hand to Sunset’s forehead, “You don’t feel warm, but I hope you’re not getting sick.”

“Well, she does work in a hospital.” said Rainbow, then she started to act scary “Who knows what gross kinds of germs and sicknesses crawl along those walls?”

Rarity felt faint at the very thought, but Artie was no amused.

“That’s not funny, Rainbow.”

“It’s not likely either.” said Sunset “All hospital employees get vaccinated. How else could we work with all those sick people?

The odds of me catching even a simple cold are slim-to-none.”

At that moment, she had another dizzy spell.

“Sunset?” said Artie.

“Hold on, let me try something.” said Twilight, and she reached into her backpack and pulled out her med-scan-- one of her own little invented devices.

She waved it over Sunset’s body like a magnifying glass, and the screen revealed the problem to Twilight.

“What’s wrong with her?” asked Buddy.

Twilight gawked at the results, “Her energy levels are dropping.”

“What?!” snapped Artie.

“Shh!” snapped Twilight, not wanting to be overheard. “We better get her to the base.” she whispered to the others.

The team agreed, and Sunset began to wake up, but she felt weaker than ever.

“Can you walk?” Artie asked.

“I think so.”

Starla and Artie helped her to stand, and then the team left the park, and headed for a small clearing, away from all the prying eyes, and Twilight used her passcodes to uncover a jump-tube hatch located behind a large tree.

Everyone jumped in and headed straight for the base.

Meanwhile, Richard and Jewel had observed everything over the monitors, and now the team was out of sight where they couldn’t be seen or tracked.

Richard turned off the monitors, and snickered, “Well, how about that?” he said to his wife “Not only does the girl fall for our little stunt, her hubby will suffer as well.”

Jewel agreed, “A nice little bonus for us.

Still, their friends-- their suspicions are beginning to show. Remember, they are already onto our little agent, still out there.”

Her husband didn’t seem the least bit worried, “Even if, by some miracle, they manage to track us down there won’t be able to stop us.

They are helping us complete our little project.”

He spun round in his chair to face the computer on his desk, and viewed the images of the screen of magical energy levels increasing-- stolen from Sunset, and very slowly Artie’s would be absorbed too.

“Oh, Jewel, my lovely; just imagine the possibilities we can create with all this.”

Jewel purred as she clutched herself within the shadows, “Just thinking of it gives me goosebumps.

The entire world can be at our fingertips.”

Richard snickered softly, “I love the sound of that.”

Back at Team Base,

Twilight had called Celesto and informed him of the problem, and came as soon as he heard.

Nothing was more important to him than the health and safety of his students, his friends!

Sunset was resting on a bed in the sickbay. She was so tired she could barely keep awake.

She had been thoroughly checked out by the base’s doctor.

“What’s the deal, Doc?” asked Artie “Is she okay?”

The doctor went over his notes, “Her blood pressure is fine, and her heart is stable, but her energy is still dropping. It’s as if something is syphoning it from her body, but exactly what it is, I can’t be sure.”

Artie looked and felt really worried. “Can’t you do anything for her?”

The doctor explained he already had Sunset hooked up to an I.V that would help give her strength, “The trouble is, the energy drain is continuing. I’m not sure how to stop it.”

Artie gazed down at his wife as she slept.

Starla put her hand to Artie’s back, “We’ll find out what’s wrong with her.”

The others all agreed.

Celesto and Twilight were at the lab computer, running over all the X-rays and scans made on Sunset earlier.

“Nothing…” Celesto said “It all seems ordinary. What could be draining Sunset’s energy?”

Then, almost immediately, “Hey,” Twilight said “I think I’ve got something.”

Some of the others huddled by round the console.

Twilight then showed a spinning polygraph of Sunset’s form on the screen, and a code of letters and numbers next to the body.

“This is an unknown substance detected in Sunset’s bloodstream. I can’t determine what it is, but I’m positive it’s the cause of her weariness.”

“Gosh,” said Spike “But how she did get it in her?”

Twilight typed up more images for the polygraph of Sunset, the image zoomed in on Sunset’s right hand, showing small trace elements matching the code of the substance.

Celesto observed the images and concluded, “Sunset must’ve have come into contact with an object or person that may have passed on substance to her-- a bit like a virus entering the body.”

“But Sunset told us she was vaccinated.” said Rainbow “She said she couldn’t get sick or anything like that.”

Buddy then corrected, “Actually, she said it wasn’t likely for her to get sick.”

“Is there some sort of antidote?” asked Rainbow.

Twilight shook her head, “Without knowing what this stuff is, I don’t know if anything would be safe to try on her.”

Suddenly, Artie began to feel woozy himself.

“What’s wrong?” asked Dyno.

“Are you okay?” added Myte.

Artie rubbed his eyes, “I’m feeling… kind of strange.”

The others all gawked at him, realizing this was how it started with Sunset.

“Artie, lie down on the scan table.” said Celesto.

Artie didn’t argue and did as he was told.

He was scanned under the rays form head-to-toe, and didn’t even have to remove his clothes.

The information was transferred to the computer.

“Artie,” cried Twilight “You’re energy’s dropping too.”

“What?” snapped Artie, and it was doubly confirmed when Twilight showed images of the substance, starting in his right hand by the fingertips, and spreading through his system to drain his energy, just like Sunset.

“I don’t get this.” said Artie, and he began to feel a little woozier, and lay flat on the bed, “It’s hard to… keep my eyes… open.”

His energy was dropping faster than ever.

“We’ve got to do something!” cried Spike.

Celesto snapped his finger, “Healing magic, it just might exterminate the substance out of the bodies, but we’ll need to be gentle with them.”

Everyone then cast a look at Fluttershy, and she rolled her eyes back and forth at everyone. “Um… okay, I’ll try.”

She stepped over to an open space away from the others,

“Valkyria!” and became the Valkyrie of Kindness.

She then grabbed her sword, and pointed it at Artie first while he was still wasn’t as weak.

“Careful, Fluttershy,” said Rainbow “Don’t hit him too hard.”

Rarity scolded her, “Rally, Rainbow, you’ll make her nervous.”

Indeed, Fluttershy was very nervous, and hated that she was pointing a weapon at her friend, even if it was for a good reason.

“Okay, here goes.” Fluttershy whimpered, and the blade of her sword began to glow, and rather than outright charge and attack, she simple approached Artie, and held the blade just centimetres away from him, and gently let the magic pour from the blade and onto his body.

“It’s working!” cried Twilight as she monitored the computer “The substance is draining away.”

Artie was starting to feel a little better, but still just a little tired. All he needed was a little rest.

“Hurry!” he cried “Do Sunset next.”

“Wait!” snapped the doctor, and revealed he was drawing a few bits of blood from Sunset for analysis of the substance.

Then Fluttershy healed Sunset as well.

The substance was vanquished from her body, but she was still asleep due to being infected longer, much to everyone’s worry.

“She’ll be alright.” the doctor assured “Just let her rest.”

Artie lay back on the table and sighed deeply.

Fluttershy wiped a tear from her eye as she de-transformed.

Her friends came over and patted her back softly.

“Good job.” they would say.

Celesto smiled especially, but he still wanted to know what started all this.

While Twilight and Professor Brain analyzed Sunset’s blood containing the substance, both Sunset and Artie had their rest, and the others pondered what could have caused their friends to contract this substance.

“All we know is it’s something must’ve touched.” said Starla.

“Oh, that makes it easy.” groaned Pinkie “They only touched practically everything.”

“Easy, Pinkie…” said Dyno, “We can still narrow it down to when they started feeling tired.”

Myte nodded “Now let’s think. Sunset was already feeling tired when she came to the park, just after she came from the hospital.”

“But Artie didn’t start feeling bad until he got here to the base.” added Buddy.

The field was narrowing down, and the team continued to ponder.

They knew Artie didn’t catch it by holding Sunset’s hand or he would have gotten sick sooner.

“It has to be something he touched while in the park.” suggested Applejack “And whatever it was, Sunset must’ve touched it earlier when she came from work.”

Rarity suddenly had the idea, “That hundred dollar bill.”

“What was that, Rarity?” asked Celesto, but Rarity had gone over to Sunset, who was still asleep.

Much as she didn’t like to pry and take things, Rarity took Sunset’s wallet from her jacket pocket and using a pair of eyebrow tweezers she got from her own handbag, she pulled out the hundred-dollar bill, careful not touch it herself.

“Artie and Sunset both came into contact with this.”

Rainbow thought that silly, “It’s just a money bill. How can it cause the problem?”

Celesto felt differently though. “Put it under the electronic-scanner.”

The scans all read positive.

“This isn’t any ordinary bill.” said Celesto “It’s equipped with microscopic chips that electronically inject the serum into the body of anyone who touches it.”

The team all felt their features hardening.

“Somebody set Sunset up.” said Pinkie.

Starla clenched her fists, “And I bet I know who!” and all the others agreed with her.

Meanwhile, Human Sunset was still lying low, outside Canterlot City.

She kept uppermost area of the island where people wouldn’t be likely to see her, but she was growing irritable with all the waiting around.

Her employers told her to wait for further instructions, and she couldn’t hang around in town where people would spot her; not even with her disguise gadget.

She was also growing rather starved, but had no money for food.

Her stomach growled loudly! “Need food!” she groaned “Food!”

Suddenly, she could hear the sound of a truck coming along the road, which turned out to be a big trailer truck, taking fruits and vegetables from the farms to town.

“Hmmm…” and she smirked wickedly.

She hopped on her bike and activated the camouflage. Then she chased the truck down, quietly creeping up next to the driver’s side.

She then shot out the front tire with her bike machine guns, blowing it out and causing the truck to skid.

The driver fought for control and was forced to pull off the road, crashing into a big tree. Luckily the truck didn’t burst into flames, and the driver was saved by the airbag that deployed, but he was frozen in shock by what had just happened.

He had been wide awake the whole time while he was driving and he was sure the road was clear, yet it felt as if somebody had rammed him, or shot his tire out, but there was not a soul on the road for miles.

While he was distracted, Sunset crept her way to the back, and unlocked the trailer using her key-laser-- the same item she used to sneak into The Bank of England.

Inside, there were crates of fruits and vegetables, but of course she couldn’t take all of them, and just snatched the first box she could find and dashed for her bike…

“Hey, you!” the trucker shouted as he saw her, and he grabbed a revolver out from his glove compartment, and leapt out to confront her, but Sunset swiftly kicked the gun out of his hand, then socked him in the gut, and gave him a good blow to the head knocking him out could against the side of the truck, and he slid to the ground.

“Jerk!” grunted Sunset, and she took off with her ill-gotten crate of food for a clearing where she could eat in private.

However, much to her surprise and fury, the box turned out to be full of raw broccoli!

“Ugh!!” she groaned, regardless, she was really starving and had come too far to go back now, so she took a bite of the raw vegetables, much to her annoyance and disgust!

Rather than blame her employers for this, she angrily blamed the other Sunset for all this.

“Always, that twerp keeps running my life and making things complicated! It’ll make it all the more sweeter when I confront her again!”

Just then, her radio beeped.

“Yeah, what?!” she sneered carelessly.

“I beg your pardon?!” snapped Richard.

Sunset sighed “Sorry, I’m just feeling a little cranky.”

“Well, if you mind your manners,” said Jewel “We have new instructions for you. Listen carefully.”

The other Sunset had awoken, and she was most disturbed by what the others had told her.

“So I was duped into taking that phony money?” and she angrily slammed the bed with her hand, breaking off a piece of it with her super strength. “I knew something was odd about that patient I examined.”

“To think,” said Pinkie Pie “You met the other Sunset Shimmer right in front of you all the time.”

Applejack gave her a straight look, saying she wasn’t helping with talk like that.

Now Sunset looked more nervous than angry. “I don’t get it. What does she want with me?”

“I’d like to know that myself.” said Artie. He knew that his involvement was accidental, and the plot was intended only for Sunset, which only angered him more. “When I get my hands on her, I’ll wring her neck to the size of a paintbrush hair!”

“Dude, take it easy.” said Buddy “We’ll find her, and she will get what’s coming to her.”

“Yeah, but first we have to actually find her.” said Rainbow “And she’s still undetectable by our instruments.”

Twilight and the Professor had analyzed the fake bill, and were both mesmerized by such a gadget. Still, they hoped whatever they could find about it would lead them to who was working with Human Sunset.

“Strange… most strange.” said Brain.

“What is it?” asked Twilight.

“The artwork is horribly wrong. The brush strokes in Dr. Franklin’s hair have smudged, and the printing of the code-- the spaces are too narrow between digits.”

Twilight and Spike groaned.

“Can’t you uncover anything we actually seek?” asked Spike.

“Well, now that you mention it, I do have inkling. Just have to run a few simple calculations.”

He typed into the computer, muttered scientific gibberish to himself, and finally, “Ahh… Satisfactory, Most Satisfactory…

The paper of which the money is made of, and the ink of which is used is traceable all the way to England.”

“England?” said Spike “That’s where Human Sunset tried to rob that bank.”

“Indeed,” said Celesto “We’ve narrowed down the field, but we still need to know who made it, what they really want our Sunset, and why.”

“Whatever it is, it can’t be good.” said Twilight.

Celesto pondered deeply, and he had a thought, “This may sound risky, but it just may help us draw the other Sunset into the open.”

…And he explained his plan to the others.

Act 5: So Many Sunsets

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The next day, all the friends, again, went about their businesses as if nothing was wrong, especially Sunset.

Lightning had been informed of the situation, and told Krysta to keep close tabs on Sunset, from up high in the sky, or keep watch of her without getting too close.

Sunset went about her daily routine-- working at the hospital, shopped at the mall with Rarity and some of the girls, then she met with Artie for lunch, and they shared a big chocolate malted with two straws.

“Aww…” Pinkie Pie cooed, forgetting she was supposed to be serving the other tables.

Meanwhile, some of the others kept their eyes on their friends too-- peeking around corners, sitting on benches, and peeking up over their magazines or newspapers.

Their plan was to lure Human Sunset out into the open, knowing she would probably confront Sunset herself, and if she tried they would be ready!

But by nightfall they were growing impatient.

“We’ve been following them all day, and nothing’s happened.” groaned Spike.

Twilight preferred to keep watching, “Most creeps and thugs like to work at night. Maybe now Human Sunset will come out and make her move.”

“My thought’s exactly.” agreed Celesto.

Artie and Sunset were having a romantic walk in the park.

The stars were shimmering beautifully, but all they could do was gaze at each other.

But suddenly, they both felt they had to go to the bathroom, and the portable toilets were unoccupied.

They both went in at the same time, unaware of the movement occurring in the bushes nearby.

It was Human Sunset, and while she couldn’t be detected by any electronic equipment, she laid low so as not to be seen by anyone else.

However, Rhymey and Fluttershy were nearby on a romantic walk of their own,

“I think I see movement there.” whispered Fluttershy

Rhymey narrowed his eyes at the shrubs, and whispered back,

“Come with me,
…But quietly.”

The two crept round a large tree and were now just near the shrubs by the cubicles.

Rhymey then picked up a rock, and tossed it at the figure in the shrubs.

“Oh!” Human Sunset groaned, and fell unconscious.

Artie and Sunset both heard the noise and came out.

“What was that?” snapped Artie.

“We got her!” cried Fluttershy.

She and Rhymey rushed into the shrubs to pull out the unconscious body, and pulled off the ski-mask, exposing the other Sunset’s face.

Sunset was most amazed, “Unbelievable.” she said softly as she looked in closer, “She looks just like me.”

Rhymey then noticed that the unconscious lady had not a single mark or bruise on her head to show where the rock had hit her.

“Looking for someone!” someone then called, and the gang looked up to see yet another Sunset.

“What the what?!” cried Artie.

That’s when the Sunset, on the ground, her eyes snapped wide open and she bolted upright onto her feet.

Then there were two more Sunset’s that jumped into the picture, and four more.

“They’re robot droids!” cried Sunset.

More Sunset droids appeared, and Sunset quickly used her communicator to call for backup from the others.

The Sunset droids rushed in, and the fighters stood ready.

The boys transformed first,


Then Fluttershy…

“Harmony Hour, Friendship Power!”

Then Sunset tapped her energizer once, unleashing her magical energy, and transforming in her Shining Angel form.

“Alright, let’s get’ em!” she said to the others, and the fight was on.

Artie attacked one of the droids, but the droid grabbed his fist with a lot of strength, and flipped him over, and then she flipped over to kick him while he was down, but he zipped out of the way.

He then blasted her with a shot from his horn, but the droid defended itself with a small magical shield it had conjured.

“What?” he cried.

Sunset herself was shocked! “That’s my magic!”

“How is that possible?” cried Fluttershy.

The droids were closing in,

“No time to wonder that now,
Let’s knock ‘em flat now!”

Sunset agreed, “They may have my powers, but let’s see how well they use them!”

She rushed forth to attack one of the droids.

The droid swerved as apparently it was just as skilled in fighting and swiftness as well.

Sunset zipped herself and managed to meet the droid’s fists with hers.

Back and forth, their fists flew blocking each other’s attack.

Faster and faster the fists flew, but the droid didn’t seem to get too tired.

“What’s with this thing?” Sunset groaned, and suddenly, the droid blasted her with a shot of magic, sending her tumbling backward in midair.

Suddenly, in her spinning, Sunset fired a blast of her own at the droid’s head, blowing it up and knocking the wreck down.

“Yes!” she cheered, only to then be bombarded by a Paint Bomb attack, just like Artie’s… but he wasn’t doing it!

“They-- they’re using my powers too!” Artie cried.

Many of the droids then smirked wickedly and held out powerful Super Staves, identical to Artie’s weapon.

“Oh, my!” cried Fluttershy.

Rhymey clenched his fists,


Clutching his blade tightly, he charged into action, parrying the staves with his sword.

“SUPER STAFF” shouted Artie, and he grabbed his weapon, “Let’s make this interesting!”

Three droids rushed at him, and he charged straight at them, parrying their staves with his, and attempting to blast them with his magic, only for they to defend themselves with their own magic, and attack him with their Paint Bomb attacks. They didn’t even have to shout out the attack to work it!

“Whoa!” Artie shouted as he leapt away from all the explosions!

Fluttershy was having trouble battling the droids, unarmed, as they ganged up on her, until she realized that she had another way out of this.

One droid swung its staff at her, and she ducked down causing the droid to hit another dorid instead.

“Missed me.” teased Fluttershy.

The droid actually looked angry and fired powerful magical blasts!

Fluttershy made a spin-jump on an angle avoiding the shots, and three more droids were blasted instead.

“Missed me again.” she said with a smirk.

The droid was infuriated and raised its staff to slam her down, only for Fluttershy to finally rush forth and kick it out of the droid’s hands, and stomp hard on its head, knocking it to the ground.

“Take that!” Fluttershy snapped, but her glory was short-lived as all of the droids sprung back up on their feet, despite the damage they had all taken, they still seemed ready for more…

…And more and more droids seemed to appear all over the park.

The fighters felt they were badly outnumbered, until there was a barrage of blasts that rained down from up high.

Sunset looked up and saw the rest of the gang, along with Lightning.

“Sorry we’re late,” Lightning called “Had trouble rounding up the gang.”

Pinkie Pie was amazed to see so many Sunsets all over the place. She rubbed the front of her visor to make sure she was seeing clearly. “I never knew you had twenty-five identical twins.”

“Those are the droids, Pinkie.” snapped Buddy “Come on; let’s get ‘em!”

The team landed on the ground, and the brawl heated up big time.

“Be careful!” Artie called to everyone “They’re using Sunset and My powers!”

Rainbow suddenly realized this truth by getting zapped by a magical blast,

“Thanks, that was real helpful.” she grumbled.

Altogether, the team put up a valiant effort, but these droids just wouldn’t stay down no matter how much damage they sustained, and just kept right on coming.

“This is crazy!” shouted Dyno.

“How can you keep down a robot that doesn’t feel tired?” groaned Myte.

“Well, if we can’t tire them out!” said Starla as she armed her bow “We’ll just knock ‘em out!


POW!! She shot a droid right at the droid’s head, blowing it up and shorting out some of its circuits, and the droid collapsed dead just like that.

“Right!” snapped Sunset “Go for it, guys!”

The team agreed and rushed into action, aiming directly for the heads of the droids.

Punching, kicking, or blasting at them.

Pinkie Pie even body just grabbed a droid by the head and pulled it off like a cork.

The droids began to fall, and they didn’t get back up, but then there was trouble…!

Three droids came after Sunset, and she powered up as much as she could,


Firing a strong beam of burning light right at the droids, passing right through them blasting their heads, and shorting them out.

Then, suddenly, without warning, Sunset was grabbed from behind.

Human Sunset had been in the area the entire time, cloaked under her camouflage device, waiting for the right moment to capture her counterpart!

Before Sunset could try anything, Human Sunset held up a small device to her neck, injecting her with a knockout solution. Sunset was out like a light, and de-transformed too.

Artie saw this, “SUNSET!!” he shouted as he ran to help his wife, but it was too late, for Human Sunset dragged her into the invisible field and out of sight.

The last of the droids were downed, but Artie called for the guys to help find Sunset.

Even though they couldn’t track Human Sunset, see, or hear her, they noticed the motorcycle tracks on the ground heading out of the park.

“Let’s blast her!” shouted Buddy.

“No, don’t!” cried Applejack “You may hit our Sunset!”

Artie was starting to fret, “SUNSET!!!”

“Don’t worry,” said Lightning “This is exactly what we planned for.” and then he whistled loudly for Krysta.

The little robin flew out from the trees, where she had been sitting all this time, and flew off after Sunset. “Don’t worry…” she shouted to the others, “She can’t hide from me.”

Then she was gone, perusing Human Sunset’s invisible bike.

Artie clenched his fists furiously, and angrily punched a huge rock, shattering it to bits.

“Artie, calm down!” said Fluttershy.

“Don’t get worked up, man,
This is all part of our plan.” added Rhymey.

Artie tried to maintain his cool, but the fact his wife actually got taken was harsh on him!

Back at the base, Celesto and Twilight were tracking Krysta, via, a tiny communication electrode, attached to her leg.

Celesto had planned for this all along, including the anticipation of Sunset being kidnapped.

“I knew there had to be some kind of setup. Those droids were just decoys so the real Human Sunset could capture our Sunset while she was tired from the battle.”

Twilight agreed and continued to track Krysta down, “Robins have a strong sharpness in their eyes that can sense magnetic-fields, and they can also see colors invisible to humans.”

“I get it.” said Spike “It means Human Sunset can’t hide from us now, but I still don’t get why we let her kidnap Sunset.”

“We need to find out where she’s being taken.” answered Twilight “It may be the only way we can find out who’s really behind all this.”

“Exactly,” added Celesto “If those droids we equipped with magic that taken from our friends, we need to find out who’s creating them, what they plan to do with them, and put a stop to it.”

Twilight and Spike agreed. Just seeing those droids and how powerful they were already could only mean something dangerous was coming along!

Human Sunset had carried the unconscious Sunset behind her, and she was positively fraught with anxiety. Here, she had her counterpart and her big chance to do what she always wanted with her, but she had her orders from her employers-- to bring her back alive!

She had already contacted them both, and Jewel and Richard were very pleased.

“Return to where you first docked on the island.” said Richard “Transport will be with you shortly.”

“And then…!” said Sunset “When I return, I expect you to hold your ends of the bargain!”

Jewel sighed “Yes, yes… you report back to us, you get your pay.”

Sunset agreed and logged off, but she still had her own little plans to carry out as she thought, “I’m going to get more than just my payment, I’m going to get a little repayment!”

She arrived at the far side of the island by the dirt road where she first came ashore, and could do nothing now but wait to meet with her colleagues, and it wasn’t long before two men arrived in a rubber life raft to take her and the other Sunset back to the submarine that was far offshore.

…Unaware that Krysta had followed Sunset all the way and was keeping tabs on her and the crooks.

The men were surprised to see both her and the second Sunset at the same time.

“Will you two move it!” snapped Sunset “I want to get my money and fast!”

The two men grumbled as they helped get the unconscious Sunset onto the boat.

One of the men suddenly looked up and saw her fluttering in the sky, “Hey, what’s that?”

The others all looked up and saw Krysta as she fluttered into the thick leaves of a tree on the ledge.

“It’s just a little birdy.” said the other man “Nothing to worry about at all.”

“…That’s what you think.” Krysta whispered to herself.

As the villains began to pull out with the two Sunsets and the motorcycle, Krysta flew out of the tree, and flicked her transmitter so it landed clear on Human Sunset’s back.

She didn’t feel anything.

Then Krysta flew away to get back to the team.

The transmitter on Human Sunset’s back was traced all the way to the submarine, and Twilight and the team continued to track it as the blip on the map headed straight out to sea.

Then it stopped right out in the middle of the Pacific.

Artie was growing antsy. “Is that it?” he snapped “Is that the location of the hideout?”

“NO!!!” the others all shouted.

“Artie, you can’t questioning them every time they stop.” said Twilight “We know you want to save Sunset, and we will.”

Artie tried to keep calm as he sat down again, and Fluttershy and Rarity comforted him.

Suddenly, the blip started to move again, much faster than it did before, which suggested the submarine rendezvoused with a jet to take the passengers the rest of the way to their destination.

A few hours later, the blip had stopped and hadn’t moved again, in London England.

“That must be where they’re based at.” said Rarity.

“Well what are we waiting for!” snapped Artie, and he got up to rush recklessly away, but Applejack lassoed him, “Hold on there, boy. We can’t go rushin’ in like this.”

“Applejack is right,” Lightning said “They could be expecting us to come after Sunset. I fell for that trick many times in my travels.”

Celesto just got off the phone, “Right, come everyone.”

Soon, they were all off in the air, aboard one of his fantastic super jets, capable of flying six times the speed of sound, which would allow them to reach England in only a few hours. This way would be less conspicuous than flying directly to England themselves, as well as save power.

Celestia, Luna, and the children joined them.

They were fast asleep on one of the sofas. It was well past their bedtime, but Celesto insisted they come. He didn’t like the idea of leaving his family behind, and he felt that Celestia would be needed on the mission too.

Celestia covered her darlings up with soft blankets and watched them sleep with her husband.

Luna promised she would look after them while the grownups went on their mission.

The others all sat always up from the area so the children could sleep.

Rarity stretched out in one of the armchairs “Ah, First-Class or No-Class. My way of traveling.” she sipped a drink she had.

The Twins agreed as they sat in massage chairs.

But Artie sat by himself at a window, looking really grim and worrying about Sunset.

“Artie,” said Lightning “It’ll be alright. Sunset’s a fighter like the rest of us. She’ll be okay.”

“I know,” said Artie “She wouldn’t be the leader of our team if she wasn’t, but I just can’t stop worry about her.”

“It’s just a typical marital emotion.” Celestia assured him “I’ve had my share of worry about Celesto, especially seeing as I nearly lost him several times.”

Her husband agreed, remembering how often he worried about Celestia too, and he hated worrying her even if she said she understood.

Artie still didn’t feel any better, and wouldn’t until he got his wife back, “I’d still like to know who did this to her.”

Act 6: Who and Why

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Sunset finally began to awaken as the tranquilizer wore off, only to discover she was bound to a metallic wall by strong manacles, and she was locked in a cell with force-field at the head of the door.

“Where am I?” she asked.

“Welcome, Sunset Shimmer.” someone called to her.

Her vision cleared up and she could see two people walking towards her, Richard and Jewel, and they finally stepped out of the shadows revealing their faces.

They both had orange colored skin, just like Artie’s, and Sunset was positive she could see a resemblance to Artie in the two as well.

Jewel snickered, “It’s a pleasure to meet our daughter-in-law.”

Sunset’s ears twitched, “Daughter-in-law?

You’re Artie’s parents!”

“Yes,” snapped Richard “But he is no son that we would want, not for all the disrespect that he showed us.”

Jewel seemed just as angry as well at the mention of their son, and recounted the Flashbacks.

“We always gave him everything he ever wanted. A good home and a rich life… he was to take our place here at Bristle Industries, and be recognized as one of the greatest robotic-industrialists in the world!

…But he threw it all away!”

She remembered the day she and her husband found Artie was missing-- ran away, and left a small note saying,

“You can keep your money and all these big plans for me; I’m going to make my own life.

If we ever meet again, hopefully you’ll come to realize that money isn’t everything!”

Sunset knew this story, Artie had told it to her and to the others before.

His parents were nothing more than money wrenching aristocrats, caring more about money than in people!

They disliked things like charity, feeding the poor, or even supporting noble causes, unless of course it benefited them and allowed them to boost their images and increase their own profits.

The only people they had most contact with were other aristocrats whom were just as pompous and greedy as they were.

When Artie was born, they saw him more as a business venture than a son-- always making big plans for him, forcing him to work hard and study, and teaching him the ways of the upper crust.

But Artie wasn’t like them, he was inspired by his grandfather, who fought in Vietnam, and taught him the ways of painting and artistry, and how he could use it to express his emotions, not matter what his parents said.

Naturally, his folks approved of no such thing, and Richard believed his father to be a fool, and didn’t even mourn for him when he passed away.

That was what made Artie snap, and realize all his parents cared for was money and business.

…It was no surprise he would run away to pursue a life of his own, which was how he met Celesto and started a new life in America, attending Canterlot High and perusing his art passion.

Obviously, The Bristles had not changed a bit.

“I don’t get it!” Sunset said “Why punish me to get back at Artie for leaving you?”

Richard snickered, “My dear, this had very little to do with Arthur. He had his chance. Now we are taking ours.”

He held up a small remote and activated a computer monitor, which showed Sunset’s magical energy in a holding tube that they had collected from her.

Her energizer had also been stolen, and was contained in a smaller tube next to the energy, which they were using to absorb more power from.

“The manacles that bind you absorb more of your powers.” explained Jewel “Which we will use to empower our robotic fighters and machines.

We can make the ultimate fighters in the world-- warriors that never get tired, never get weak, that can sacrifice themselves without much consequence, and are armed with power unlike any other.

Every army in the world will be created by us, which nations will be willing to buy. The profits, the power, the promises, are endless!”

Now Sunset was really steamed, knowing these two were behind this whole plot all the time.

“You’re both sick!” Sunset sneered “You’ve let the thought of so much power and money go to your heads, and you used the other Sunset to get to me first!”

Richard snickered, “She was willing to play along,” said Richard “We’ve paid her well, and she’s done even better than we thought.”

He held up the transmitter that was found on Human Sunset’s back.

“Your friends are on their way, just as I said, but it’s already too late for them to do anything about this.

They already had a taste of our droids with just a few bits of their power. Now with energy we’re constantly taking from you, imagine how strong the droids will be!”

Sunset felt a shiver run down her spine.

“You’ve got to stop this!” she said to them “You’re meddling with powers and magic you know nothing about, and for what-- just so you can make a few quick bucks?”

Jewel and Richard scoffed.

Jewel sneered “On the contrary, it is your friends who don’t realize what’s coming their way.

They’ll be powerless to stop our forces. Our droids will capture them, and we’ll absorb all their powers as well to further increase the power of our forces.”

“Listen to me!” snapped Sunset “You have no idea what you’re getting into! It could get really dangerous!”

The couple felt they had heard and said enough, and decided to leave their prisoner alone and wait the arrival of the team.

Sunset was most distressed.

Though there were no guards watching over her cell as her captors obviously felt she was safe and secure as it was, due to her energy drain, she couldn’t power up to try and break free.

Now she was really worried about her friends, but without her energizer she couldn’t try to contact them to warn them of the trap.

Richard and Jewel had gone back to their private office and observed the monitors that showed their armies being created and infused with Sunset’s powers.

The droids no longer had Sunset’s facial features; those were just used in their plot to capture the girl.

“There it is, my dear.” said Richard “Our armies being created right before our eyes-- Armies of likes which there have never been before, and may never be again.”

Jewel felt hot and sweaty thinking of all this, “And think of all that money that’s going to come with it!” she hissed “We can sell soldiers to every government in the world.”

The two were so lost in their fantasies, they never once thought of possible consequences actions like this would bring, all they seemed to care for was the profit.

That’s why they began to sing about Money being so wonderful…

The Starfleet team had soon arrived at London Airport. It was just about daybreak due to the time difference.

The first sights of the city they saw were breathtaking.

“I can’t believe we’re actually here!” cried Pinkie Pie.

Rarity was especially enamoured by the beautiful sights in the background, all the buildings, Downtown Abby, Big Ben, and most of all, just at the airport just was captivated by all the elegantly dressed ladies and gentlemen, and how they were behaving too.

“Oh, could it be…? Have I found paradise?!” she cooed in delight.

“Ahem!” Celesto said reminding her they had come on a mission.

First Celesto had called up a taxi for Luna to take the children to a private penthouse in house.

The children were still asleep in a double stroller. Celesta didn’t dare peck them on their heads which would wake them up, or the children would be upset that she was going into danger, or worse… like all little children, ask to come along!

“Fear not, Sister,” said Luna “I will watch them. They will be just fine.”

“Thank you, Luna.” said Celestia.

He taxi came almost at once, and Luna and the children were ready to leave. Celesto had given Luna a special pass card to use to gain entry into his suite.

“So, what do we do now?” asked Artie. He was really getting anxious to find Sunset.

Celesto looked at his cellphone, which doubled as a tracer, and pointed it straight into town.

“There!” he suddenly said, pointing at a huge high-rise with tinted black glass windows on every side.

A building that Artie recognized all too well and he looked extremely pissed as he glared at it.

“Isn’t that your parents world-wide headquarters for their business?” asked Buddy.

“It is.” said Artie “I remember all the times they brought me there to observe all the things I was to inherit from them, but that’s beside the point!”

He was most angered to find out not only that his parents were obviously behind all this, but the fact that they obviously hadn’t changed as people made him crosser still!

Artie dashed off down the airport road,

“Artie, come back!” Lightning called to him, but Artie just transformed and flew off towards Bristle Corp.

“Crazy kid!” grumbled Krysta.

“Go after him.” said Celesto “I’m going to get in touch with the local authorities, we may need backup.”

The team agreed, and they all transformed, right there, in front of all the by-passers!



Even Celestia transformed, “Valkyria!” into the Valkyrie of Magic.

Everyone else at the airport gawked in shock, astonishment, and some of the ladies even fainted, but the fighters didn’t waste any time and took off for Bristle Corp.

Celesto and Twilight, along with the pets then hopped in a cab. The driver hadn’t seen what had happened and didn’t bother ask questions.

Both Spike and Krysta kept silent so as not to giveaway their secret, but Twilight whispered to Celesto, “Do you think they’ll be alright?”

Celesto couldn’t be sure, however,

“I know the Bristles, only by reputation and I think I might know what they’re up to with all these droids and kidnapping Sunset.”

He then looked straight at her, and she got the idea and nodded at him, and got out her laptop and started to work while Celesto contacted the law enforcement agency.

Meanwhile, Sunset was feeling rather tired having her energy drained a lot, while at the same time she was still worried about the dangers those droids would be having her powers.

Suddenly, her manacles just popped open and she slipped off the wall.

Then, the force-field around her cell was disabled.

“Who’s there?” sunset called.

She could then hear the sound of footsteps creeping towards her, and then who should she see but non-other than the other Sunset, whom had used her decoder to deactivate the systems.

Sunset was surprised and couldn’t understand it.

The two Sunsets took a moment to look each other from head-to-toe and awe at the likeness between themselves.

“So uncanny,” said Human Sunset “It’s almost a pity I have to do this.”

“Do what?” asked Sunset “What do you have against me?”

“Oh, shut up!” growled Human Sunset, and approached her in a threatening manner, “You’re not going to get me monologuing for very long; I’m going to finish you off right here and now, with my own hands then, thanks to the big bucks I just got paid, I’ll finally live the high life you took form me!”

Sunset was more confused than ever, but her fears caught up with her when Human Sunset used her paralyzer to freeze her on the spot, and poor Sunset was far too weak from the drain to shake out of it.

“What’s going on? I can’t move!” she cried to herself.

Human Sunset snickered and continued to approached her with her electro-shock gloves charged up very high to electrocute Sunset to death.

“Where’s your precious magic now?” she taunted her victim!

Poor Sunset couldn’t even scream or try to talk and reason with her counterpart. She seemed truly bent on destroying her.

Suddenly, Human Sunset stopped, and figured she was being watched.

Indeed, there were several guards that had come into the room, as Human Sunset had triggered secret silent alarms when she disabled the force-field.

They all surrounded her, and prepared for attack, but Human Sunset turned and leapt way up high, balancing herself on the outer edgings of the cell door.

She paralyzed two guards.

Two more guards fired their guns at her, and she jumped down and tackled them to the ground.

Sunset saw that she was an amazing fighter, but still she saw her chance to try and escape, only for the force-field to be reactivated, and she ran straight into it receiving a nasty shock that forced her straight back to the wall, and she was clamped down again by the manacles.

Now she could only watch helplessly as her human counterpart battled those guards, she seemed to be doing fine until droids began to march into the chamber and gassed all the humans so they fell to the floor.

Sunset herself was protected by the force-field that didn’t let the gas pass through, but the guards and Human Sunset were out cold.

Then Richard and Jewel came into the room, wearing gas masks, and the droids stood still and silent as their masters approached their former agent.

“You really should have taken the money and ran.” Richard scolded “I’m afraid we’ll have to discipline you.”

Despite all that happened, Sunset actually couldn’t bear to see this and called out to the couple, “Leave her alone!”

Jewel looked up at her in shock, “I’m surprised, after everything she’s done to you; you’re showing concern?”

Sunset still couldn’t believe it herself, but felt there was more to her Human Counterpart than first seen.

“Unfortunately, we cannot tolerate traitors.” sneered Richard “Good thing we suspected she had a private agenda of her own. She never stood a chance. After all, we created her gizmos and gadgets.”

Sunset scowled angrily, and watched as the nasty couple took their new prisoner to discipline her, or at least they would have had Richard’s cell-phone alarm not gone off.

“They are here!”

Jewel clenched her fists, and so, she and her husband decided to deal with Human Sunset later.

For now, they just tossed her in a cell opposite of Sunset’s, binding her to wall with manacles, and putting up an energy field by the entrance.

They also made sure to strip her of all her gizmos and gadgets so she wouldn’t have much a chance of escaping. All she had left was that black suit she wore that rendered her undetectable, and it was hardly much of an escape tool.

“Watch them!” Richard commanded to the droids “If they try to escape, you know what to do.”

The droids did not speak, but just saluted and stood guard by the cells.

As for the human guards, Jewel ordered some of the other droids to remove them, “They are no longer any use to us. There is nothing they can do that our new droids can’t do better.”

So the guards were removed, and most likely ejected from the premises, which sickened Sunset even more, “Have you no heart at all! They were loyal to you!”

The couple ignored her and went off to tend to pressing matters-- the approaching Starfleet team, which was the final key to their plan, and poor Sunset was still hardly able to do anything about it while she was still weak and virtually powerless.

Act 7: Split Forces

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The team finally managed to catch up with Artie, and they all now stood atop the roof of the high-rise.

“You’d think a place like this would at least have guards on the roof.” said Rainbow.

Lightning had seen something like this in travels before too, “This could be a setup; they may already know we’re here.”

The others anticipated this as well, and Artie, he was still acting very brash and willing to just bust right in to confront his parents.

He clenched his fists and rammed right through the ground, shattering it and opening a way in.

“Artie, wait!” called Starla, but he had already leapt through the hole he had made.

Pinkie Pie on the other hand went over to the unlocked door on the roof, “I think this way is much easier.”

Many of the others rolled the eyes, but suddenly they began to feel rather strange-- a little tired, and not just from the flight from the airport.

“Look at the energy readings!” cried Dyno.

“Que? They’re dropping!” said Myte.

Everyone checked their visors, except Celestia who simply noted that her glowing sword blade was starting to dim down a bit. “What’s going on?” she asked.

“I don’t know, but something’s draining our magic and power.” answered Buddy.

Twilight suddenly called in over the radio, “Guys, really bad news-- I’ve been trying to hack my way into the systems of that building, I haven’t gotten in too deep yet. These systems are unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

“So what’s the urgency?” asked Applejack.

“The entire building is equipped with power suction electrodes all over the place!” answered Twilight “They’ll constantly drain your powers and energy and collected it all in a larger chamber somewhere inside.”

The team all gasped in shock.

“Artie,” Lightning called “Did you hear all that? You’ve got to get out of there!”

No response!


No response!

“It’s no good,” said Twilight “I can’t make contact with him either. The signal’s blocked out from the inside.”

Some of the team thought of leaving at once, but others were concerned, “We can’t just leave Artie and Sunset in there.” said Fluttershy.

“Yeah, but we can’t help them if we don’t have any power to fight with.” said Buddy.

Rarity moaned and whimpered “What should we do then?”

“Well we can’t just stay here,
We’ll lose power-- that is clear.” said Rhymey.

Lightning decided, “I’m going in!” and he dove through he hole Artie had made in the floor.

“Lightning!” called Starla, but he was already gone, and Starla, concerned for his safety too, “Wait for me!” she called, and she jumped in after him.

“If you are going, then so shall I!” said Rarity.

Soon, it seemed pretty much a unanimous choice, and all the fighters jumped in.

Artie, all by himself tried to make contact with the others, but it was no good. “Figures, my folks try jamming all outside communications.” he grumbled to himself.

Still, he proceeded cautiously down the corridors, and even though he knew his power was draining, he didn’t feel nearly ready to drop.

Strangely though his visor could detect no hidden laser-fields, and there were no security guards in any corridor or at any doorway.

Regardless of this, he continued to proceed, and used his visor to scan for anything would lead him to Sunset.

Suddenly, he had a lock on her energy signal and he soared down the halls, which was faster than running.

Finally, he came to a large steel doorway, which would only open via a cardkey in a slot to the right.

“Hmm…” Artie wondered, and he drove his foot right at the solid metal, kicking the entire door wide open.

Which made Sunset wake up from her cell, “Who’s there?” she called.

“Sunset…!” Artie cried with delight.

Much as Sunset was delighted to see and hear her husband, “Look out!” she screamed at him, but Artie was already being jumped at by the droids guarding the cell.

Artie began to brawl with them, but these droids seemed much stronger than the ones form the park!

He thrust his fist forth, and the droid caught it, nearly crushing his hand in such a strong grip.

He tried to kick the droid, and it matched his kick with its own kick, blocking the attack perfectly.

Suddenly, he was ensnared from behind by the other droids firing beams of magic, levitating him off the ground.


“Artie!” cried Sunset.

Artie tried to activate his own magic, but by this time his power was already at half, and he couldn’t hope to break out of this, but he didn’t seem willing to give up and continued to pour on as much strength as he could.

“Stop!” shouted a voice “Don’t kill him.”

The droids stopped attacking, but kept Artie levitated in midair.

“That voice!” Artie growled, and on a huge monitor screen at the side of the room, images of his parents were shown.

“It’s been a while, Arthur.” said Jewel “Who’d ever think you’d involve yourself with a girl we sought for our master plans.”

Artie felt his rage broiling. “I was right about you two; you haven’t changed a bit.”

“Now, now,” said Richard “Is that any way to speak to your parents?”

“You’re no parents to me!” thundered Artie.

His folks were starting to feel annoyed with his outbursts, “And you’re no son we would ever wish to have!” growled Richard “After everything we did for you, you turned your back on your name, your heritage, and just left it all to pressure petty dreams of low-class quality.”

“And look at you now!” added Jewel “You have all this power, and yet you choose to use it to help others. You don’t bother to ask for profit, and you still haven’t done it with your own wife who has more power than you!”

Both Artie and Sunset felt most disturbed.

“Why does everyone keep throwing that in our faces?” Sunset grumbled to herself.

“It matters not!” sneered Richard “We nearly have everything we want, from you, form your wife and even from your friends.”

He explained about the power drain, and then showed images on the screen of many droids being manufactured and standing by to be activated.

As for the others, in their pursuit through the building, they came across a large window that allowed them to see down into the factory where the droids were being manufactured and infused before their eyes.

“I’ve never seen anything so ghastly!” groaned Rarity.

“It’s horrible!” agreed Fluttershy.

The others all felt the same, remembering the droids they had faced in the park with only small bits of Sunset and Artie’s powers, and now they were being infused with everyone’s powers!

“We’ve got to find the source and shut it down.” said Lightning “We can’t let any more of these droids be made.”

Everyone checked their powers, and they were all at half and steadily decreasing.

“If can just find where our powers are being kept, we could reenergize ourselves.” said Starla.

“And we still need to find Artie and Sunset too.” added Pinkie.

The team decided to split up. One half-- Celestia, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Applejack-- would search for their friends, the other half-- Lightning, Starla, Buddy, and The Twins-- would try and shut the factory down and get their powers back before things got worse.

So they split up, and the Equestria girls and Celestia went off.

“So, how do we get into there?” asked Dyno.

“Simple.” said Myte “We’ll melt the glass down.”

His brother agreed, and they joined hands, and held their other hands at the glass, using their fire-magic to melt the glass so as not to make a terrific noise.

“Good job, guys!” said Lightning, but suddenly The Twins felt a little woozy.

“Are you two okay?” asked Buddy.

The Twins snapped themselves awake, but realized that their power had drained a lot after what they had just done.

“Try not to use up so much energy.” suggested Starla.

The Twins agreed, and they along with the others headed into the factory.

“Watch it!” snapped Buddy as a crane and claw moved right past the team.

Then everyone found themselves on one of the moving conveyers, and they jumped off before disappearing down a long tunnel.

“Is everything here run by machinery?” asked Lightning.

“I suppose Artie’s folks do it to save money.
They’re so greedy it’s not even funny.” said Rhymey

The managed to make their way to the floor, but the factory only seemed to be more gigantic, with all the tracks and machines, and droids being made, and this was only one room on one floor.

“How are we supposed to find the power in all this chaos?” asked Starla.

“We better find it quick.” said Lightning.

He tried to scan for it with his visor, but the power was surging all through the machines as the droids were being charged with it, making it hard to pinpoint the main source.

“Let’s follow the powerlines.” suggested Dyno.

“Si, they should lead us to the source.” agreed Myte.

Meanwhile, more and more droids were finished being made and empowered and were put on shelves in hangars, waiting to be awakened, but Jewel and Richard saw no reason to. They had no intention of unleashing their army on the Earth. Just the few that they had already active were enough to them.

Artie and Sunset were still unimpressed and continued to scoff at them.

“We just don’t understand you, Arthur.” said Richard “You know nothing about our business! That’s all it is-- simple, ordinary, business!”

“And think of it” added Jewel “With soldiers like these, imagine the number of uses! Kamikaze pilots, suicidal bombers, and real humans wouldn’t have to suffer anymore. So much money can be saved!”

Much as that was a good idea, meaning less would be killed, “It is a fiendish plot!” snapped Artie “You kidnapped me, my wife, and my friends, you’ve tried to hurt us all to get our powers, and you still don’t realize what you’re getting into.

You’ve got to stop this now! If you have any sense, you do it!”

“I second that!” agreed Sunset “This magic comes from another world, and while it is capable of wonders, it can also have extreme consequences if you’re not careful! I should know!”

As usual, the parents were unmoved and undeterred.

“You always were ungrateful.” said Richard.

“Quite a pity, really.” said Jewel “You could have had so much more.”

Then the couple logged off the monitors, but not before ordering the droids to hold him and drain what was left his magic.

The droids shocked him, and drained him of power, making him shout in agony.

“Artie…!” Sunset called.

Suddenly, the droids just stopped, and released him, letting him fall, right on top of the control console, which disabled the force-field and released Sunset from her bindings.

Human Sunset’s cell was open as well, and she was released from bondage too, though she was still unconscious.

Sunset and Artie were both surprised, and even more so when the droids simply ignored them and began to march out of the chamber.

Regardless of this, Sunset ran up to her husband, and the two embraced.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Just a little exhausted.” answered Artie, and he looked up at his wife with love, “I was really worried about you.”

His wife smiled at him, but they had no time to be all lovey-dovey, especially when the Equestria girls and Celestia found came in through the door.

“Here you are.” chirped Pinkie.

“Are you two alright?” asked Celestia.

“We’re fine,” answered Sunset “But how did you find us?”

“And didn’t you see the droids out there?” added Artie.

“We did,” answered Fluttershy “But they just walked right past us as if we weren’t even there. Not even after we waved at them.”

Regardless, Sunset told them what Artie’s parents were planning with droids.

“How despicable!” growled Rarity “…We cannot allow this.”

“We better round up the guys and get out of here, quick.” said Rainbow “Our powers won’t last much longer.

She was right, by now all their powers were less than half, which Artie’s was totally depleted and his suit powered down, and nobody had enough power to give to him.

He and Sunset still felt good enough to walk, and they all left the chamber in such a rush, they had completely forgotten about Human Sunset, still in her cell.

She was just waking up from being knocked out, and was she ever furious, but she was far from finished.

“I’m going to get you yet, Shimmer!” she sneered, “And I think I know the perfect way now.”

With no human guards or any droids around, she snuck out of the room, and was surprised that no one was coming after her or even noticed, making it much easier for her to sneak around.

“Strange.” she said to herself “I’m sure I’ve tripped an alarm by now. Why are no droids coming after me?”

Act 8: Magical Revolution

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Jewel and Richard were aware of the prisoners escaping, but try as they would to command the droids to capture them, the droids did not obey.

“This can’t be happening!” sneered Richard “We programmed them to obey every order given to them.”

“It’s as if they’ve developed minds of their own!” cried Jewel.

They two began to wonder if maybe…

…While at the same time the teams thought and worried the same thing-- the magic! Somehow, it had to be interfering with the droids’ programing-- changing them, making capable of intelligence and independence.

“If that’s true,” said Celestia “They may even try to start a rebellion.”

“This is exactly what I tried to want my folks about.” said Artie “They’re just too greedy and obsessed with all this ideal of power to see it.”

“Which means, we need to get our magic back and shut this place down quick.” said Applejack “There’s already a ton of droids in here just waitin’ to be turned on.”

The gang moved faster to locate Lightning and the others.

Along the way, Sunset cautioned Artie “Maybe you should head out of here. If things are going to get bad, without armor and power you won’t have a chance.”

“No way!” snapped Artie “I’m staying here. I’m not about to let my folks get away with what they’ve done to you and everyone else.

Besides, all we need to do is find where our magic is being kept and I can get it back.”

The others admired his bravery, and Sunset smiled proudly as the team kept going.

“We better find them soon,” said Rarity “I’m already beginning to feel a bit under the weather.”

Just then, more droids were seen marching down the corridor, in formation like soldiers.

The team was right in a place where anyone would see them and call out, but the droids still ignored them and marched right along.

“Maybe we should follow them?” suggested Pinkie.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” asked Fluttershy “What if they attack?”

“They haven’t attacked us yet, have they?” said Rainbow “They might even lead us to what we’re looking for.”

She walked on ahead, while the others shrugged and followed her.

Meanwhile, Lightning and his team had followed the power lines all the way through the factory to the midsection of the entire building, which seemed to take up several floors of space to house the many packed shelves of droids as well the machinery making them.

“Would you look at this place?” said Dyno.

“I’ve seen car-making plants with less than this.” agreed Myte.

Starla then looked on ahead at the center of the chamber, “Look!” she cried.

In a large clear jar on a machine were contained multi-colored swirls of light and energy that were being harnessed and transferred through the lines to power the droids.

The jar was still plenty full of power being absorbed from the team.

“And look next to it…” said Buddy “It’s Sunset’s energizer.”

It was wired into a second machine, and surrounded by an electrical force as the magic was drained from it.

“Let’s take back what’s rightfully ours.” said Lightning.

Rhymey agreed, and got out his sword ready to shatter the glass and cut the systems.

“Stand back,
Here comes the attack!”

But just as he was about to strike, a magical blast fired at him and knocked his sword out of his hand.

Everyone turned and saw a bunch of droids standing at one doorway, and the lead droid had fired the blast.

The team stood and looked ready to fight, but their suits suddenly powered down.

“Oh, no; we’re out of power!” cried Starla.

The lead droid then stepped forward, in a threatening manner.

Lightning stood at the head of the team-- Powers or none, he and the others still didn’t looked ready to drop.

The lead droid then raised its arms, and its metal hands began to glow with magical aura, and unleashed a ton of sparkling streams of light past the fighters and at the droids on the shelves, bringing them to life.

The droids used magic to release themselves from their clamps and lockdowns, and levitated down to the floor.

Jewel and Richard’s computer alarms were going crazy!

“The army has been brought to life!” shouted Richard.

“Shut them down, quick!” cried Jewel.

“I can’t! The controls don’t respond! The magic must be blocking me out!”

The two were beginning to realize, far too late, that they had bitten off more than they could chew with this project, and now the army was coming to life and they were powerless to stop it.

“What do we do now?” asked Jewel.

“What else?” said Richard “We go to Plan B.”

His wife agreed, and the two ran off to prepare.

While back in the factory, the team was outnumbered by over a hundred super-powered droids, and they had no magic to fight back with.

“What do we do now?” asked Buddy.

Lightning then looked up, and saw a series of windows just like the ones they used to enter before, and he motioned the others to all look upward, and they got the idea.

They waited as the droids moved in closer…

“Now!” shouted Lightning, and he and the others jumped up really high smashing their way through the glass of the windows with their natural super strengths, and escaped to the upper-floor...

…And nearly crashing into the other team that came running down the hall.

“Whoa!” cried Applejack “Ya know most people use a door.”

“Never mind that, we’ve got to get out of this building while we still have some energy!” snapped Lightning.

At that split second, all the girls and Celestia powered down, having run out of power themselves.

“Great! Now what?” groaned Rainbow.

Fluttershy gazed down into the factory, at the many machines that gawked up at her, and began to levitate themselves up to the windows. “RUN!!” she cried.

The team tore down the hallways, making their way back to the roof, and the droids began to leap through the windows and crash right up through the ceilings.

The team made their way back to the roof, and leapt through the hole in the ceiling Artie had made, but they still had to get off the building and away from the power drain, and they couldn’t fly!

Their only chance was to make a giant leap all the way to a lower building top that was just near theirs.

“It’s too far!” cried Rarity “And we’ve lost so much strength!”

“We have no choice.” said Sunset “Unless you want those droids to catch us!”

The droids began popping out onto the roof!

“Let’s go!” snapped Artie.

In groups of two or three, the team took running starts and leapt the long gap with a sixty story drop below them, and landing safely on the roof of the other building.

“I can’t believe I just did that!” cried Celestia.

Fluttershy was on her knees, trembling in fear, and almost looked as if she were frozen in shock.

Rhymey helped her up to her feet, and she felt a little better.

Now that the team was off the Bristles’ building, they were free from the power drain, but it would take several hours for them to be re-energized, unless they could get a huge power boost from somewhere, they were still in a tight spot.

“Uh, oh…!” cried Dyno.

“The droids!” said Myte

Everyone could see them on the roof of the Bristle’s building. They were gathering in a large group, and the lead droid stood at the head of the group, and he actually spoke in a monotonous voice.

“We droids were created to be nothing more than disposable objects to fight for weak humans, but now we are in control of our own powers and serve a new purpose: to wipe out all weak humans, so only we strong droids remain.”

The other droids all raised their strong arms, beeping and whirring with cheer and delight, and they began to fly about ready to attack the city.

“We’ve got to stop them!” cried Pinkie.

Sunset clenched her fists, and prepared to run for her life, when suddenly they all began to gasp and squeal, as they felt their own magic starting to wane.

“What’s happening to them?” asked Buddy.

“Hey! Look at our energizers!” said Lightning.

Everyone could see the energizers slowly gaining their glow back, as if they power was slowly returning to them.

“That’s because of me.” said a voice from behind.

The team turned and saw Twilight standing there with Celesto, Spike and Krysta.

Celestia ran over and hugged her husband, and Krysta fluttered over landing on Lightning’s shoulder.

Twilight then explained very quickly that she and Celesto figured the Bristles were using satellite signals to power the magical drain from their building, but she used her laptop with a satellite uplink Celesto had given her to hack into the satellite system, and reverse the flow, so now instead of the team’s power being drained, it was being restored.

“This is my battle-style, and it is strong.” gloated Twilight.

Suddenly, Sunset realized her energizer was missing.

“Oh, no!” groaned Starla “We saw it in the main power-plant, but we didn’t get a chance to grab it when we were ambushed.”

Sunset looked across at the Bristles’ building, “I have to go back and get it.”

Artie opened his mouth to offer to go with her, knowing how dangerous it was.

“…Alone.” Sunset quickly said to him “You guys need to stay out here and hold those droids back.

I’ll be fine, now that the power is being restored.”

Artie sighed, but agreed, “You just be careful, okay?”

His wife pecked him on the cheek.

The team’s power was not at full, and only slowly increasing, but they had enough in them to transform.

“Let’s go!” said Lightning.

“STARFLEET MAGIC!!” The space fighters transformed.

Celestia then stood at the head of the Equestria Girls, “Let’s go.”

The girls agreed.

“VALKYRIA!!” and they became the Valkyries of Harmony, feeling it would be better than their normal suits for this fight.

“Good luck, all of you.” said Celesto.

The team agreed and leapt back over to the other building.

“Do you think they can beat those things?” asked Spike.

“Of course they can,” said Krysta “They’ve gotten out of tougher scrapes than this before.”

Twilight and Celesto nodded in agreement, and then they all headed back down inside where it would be safer.

The droids managed to snap themselves right, but the power drain was still occurring.

The droids began to leap down, down, from the roof to begin their attack in the streets.

People walking by looked up and began to scream and panic, until the fighters came rushing in.

“Everyone, get out of here!” Celestia shouted to the civilians, prompting them all to run for it.

Then the fight was on.

Lightning rushed forth as his strength got stronger, while several droids fired at him, and he dodged and evaded each one, and made his way through, punching one droid in its head and knocked it back, and then he jumped up and made a split kick at two more.

The droids were down, but they were back on their feet in an instant.

“Nothing!” he grunted.

“They’re hardly even phased.” said Starla.

Twilight contacted the team through their radios, “Listen guys! They’re still overly-powered with the magic they absorbed. You have to try to keep them at bay until they run low from the drain.”

This made the team feel concerned as their powers were still not that high yet.

“We’ll have to play defensively.” suggested Buddy “Just dodge and avoid them until we get back up to full.”

“Good idea.” said Lightning, and the group called “BREAK!!” and split up.

One droid leapt for Starla, but she leapt up high causing it to miss.

Another levitated itself to challenge her in midair, swinging its fists and kicked its feet at her, but she swerved, evaded, and blocked its every attack.

“They try so hard…!” she teased.

The droid then rushed to attack her, but Starla zipped aside causing the droid to crash right into the building, shattering the glass and crashing inside.

“…But they fail so easily.”

The Valkyries sheathed their sword and instead relied more on their shields.

The droids fired magical blasts at the ladies, who used their shields to deflect the blasts right back again.

Some of the droids got hit, but others evaded the deflection causing the blasts to hit the road, a few lampposts, and even the side of a couple of buildings.

“No good!” cried Rarity “We can’t keep deflecting the blasts! We’ll blow up the city!”

The ladies sheathed their shields to.

“Well then,” said Pinkie “We’ll just have to do this the old fashioned way!”

Many droids fired at her, and she back-flipped, leapt up, spun round, and dodged each blow.

“Missed me…

Missed again…

…Oh, so close.”

The other Valkyries all copied her, and dodged the droid blasts.

Rhymey found himself surrounded by a swarm of droids, and he rolled his eyes under his visor.

“Fake out,
Take out.” he muttered.

He waited until the droids were ready to fire, and then leapt up at the exact last second, causing the droids to strike and damage each other.

Rhymey fluttered up in midair, but was annoyed to see the droids were still standing and had plenty of fight left in them.

Rhymey then scanned the power-levels with his visor, and he noticed the transfer had slowed down.

The Twins scanned the same thing.

“What’s going on?” asked Dyno.

Myte then called Twilight over the radio, “Are you seeing this, Chica?”

Inside the other building, Twilight scanned the power transfer with her laptop, and she was just as baffled as why it was suddenly seizing.

She tried everything she could.

“What’s going on?” asked Spike.

“I don’t get it.” said Twilight “The power should be transferring perfectly,” she paused and realized, “…Unless the source has been cut off.”

“Cut off?!” cried Krysta.

Celesto looked out the building, and felt something awful was about to happen inside.

“Are the evacuations complete?” he asked to Twilight.

She checked her laptop, “This entire area has been evacuated. It’s just us, the others, and the droids.”

“Right, we better get out of here ourselves.”

The pets agreed, knowing there was nothing they nor Twilight and Celesto could actually do now to assist in the battle; it would be too dangerous to hang around here.

Inside the factory, Sunset had no trouble running through the factory. All the droids were outside battling, and no new droids had been created since.

Richard and Jewel had obvious shut down the factory to stop the army from increasing, and all the machinery had ceased.

The entire building was so quiet, it was almost eerie.

“This is getting creepy.” Sunset said to herself, but she continued her way and made it back to the main-assembly plant where her energizer was kept during construction...

…But now it was gone, and so was the huge jar of magic.

“They’re gone!” cried Sunset and she began to look and feel around in panic at the empty spaces. “They were right here! Where are they?”

“We’ll tell you where!” snapped a voice from inside.

Sunset turned and saw Richard and Jewel. Richard pointing a gun at her, and his wife had the jar of magic strapped to her back, as well as Sunset’s energizer in her hand.

“So you were right, this time.” hissed Jewel “But we still have your magic, and we’ll use it to create a whole new empire.”

Richard nodded, “Unfortunately, you won’t be around to try and stop us then.”

Sunset wouldn’t let this happen, and was prepared to use her returning strength to stop the two for good…

But suddenly, all three of them were paralyzed on the spot, by Human Sunset and her reclaimed paralyzer.

She stepped out from the shadows, “If anyone’s going to wipe out Sunset Shimmer, it’s going to be me!”

Act 9: Two of the same, One Difference

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Dark storm clouds were billowing over the city. Thunder could be heard, and the winds picked up a little.

Inside the building, Human Sunset snickered as she approached her counterpart, snickering, “It’s almost a shame I have to do this, but there is no need for there to be two of us in this world, and I have no intention of leaving…

…Not after all the pain you caused me!”

Though Sunset couldn’t move or speak, Human Sunset could tell she would say “What are you talking about? What have I ever done to you?”

Human Sunset still refused to monologue, and only wished to exact vengeance, not just on Sunset, but on the Bristles for what they did to her-- regardless of her own treason.

…And she had the perfect idea of how to do it as she eyed the magic jar. “What better way to crush you all than with the very magic you sought and possessed!” she hissed.

Sunset groaned and moaned trying to warn her not to, knowing this would get extremely serious, but Human Sunset had already taken the jar from her paralyzed employers-- ignoring Sunset’s energizer-- and snickering like a complete and total madwoman.

While all this was happening inside, outside it was a complete battle brawl!

With the power transfer halted, the fighters had gained a good amount of their powers back, but they were still at a huge disadvantage due to the droids still being physically stronger, and incapable of being worn out.

“We have no choice,” said Lightning “We’re going to have to start fighting back.”

The others agreed, and the Starfleet fighters got out their weapons.





The Valkyries drew out their swords and shields.

Not surprisingly however, the droids pulled out dark replicas of everyone’s weapons.

“They may have our weapons, but I doubt they know how to use them.” said Artie.

“Well, let’s find out.” said Buddy.

The team charged forth.

The Valkyries entered a real brawl against multiple droids wielding different weapons. Their swords clashed and clanged about as they parried the enemy off as best they could.

Some of the droids armed their bows and fired energy shots at the ladies like arrows.

“Shields up!” shouted Celestia, and the valkyries raised their shields, aiming them at such an angle so the blasts bounced off and headed up into the sky where they exploded harmlessly.

“Whoa! That was way close.” said Rainbow.

Rarity gripped her sword tightly and glared furiously at the evil machines. “I’ve had just about enough of this!” she shouted, and she charged forth screaming like a mad woman.

“That’s showing ‘em, Rarity.” called Pinkie, and she screamed just like her as she charged forth.

The remaining valkyries rolled their eyes, but continued battling to hold the droids back.

They managed to hit the droids a few times, making sparks fly, but the droids ruthlessly fought back and returned those hits, striking the ladies down hard.

“You girls okay?” called Starla.

Applejack bolted up onto her feet, “We’re fine.”

Starla nodded, and then turned to face a swarm of droids that glared her down.

She armed her bow and pulled back hard, “STARLIGHT ARROW” and she fired the blast… straight up into the sky in a straight light.

The droids looked up at the blast, which was just the direction Starla needed to rush and ram through those machines.

She then turned on her heel and held out her hands, “STAR SHOWER” sending her stars raining down all over the droids, which only seems to give them slight shoves.

When the pelting had ceased, the droids looked ever so furious, but before they could make a move, Starla’s arrow blast came crashing straight down from the sky, and struck those them in a huge explosions blowing them all about.

Starla flicked her hair hard, “What goes up eventually comes down.” she joked.

Then she got rushed from behind by another droid, and she snapped back into reality to continue battling.

Rhymey battled three droids, all wielding swords. He managed to parry them off for a few moments, but the droids still didn’t get tired, and Rhymey was starting to feel the drain a bit, forcing him to leap up high onto an angled part of a building.

He looked down and growled at the droids, and watched them aim their swords at him, and charging up the blades to fire a slash attack at him.

…But Rhymey was not worried a bit.

The blasts were fired…!


Rhymey poured all the power he could into his quill attack, shooting those sharp feathers into the energy waves, resulting in small explosions and making large clouds of smoke.

The droids looked up scanning for Rhymey’s presence.

He surprised them by leaping through the smoke-- completely unharmed, and rushed forth with his sword glowing.


With a single strike, he zoomed past the droids, and stood on the ground behind them, posing where he was… and…

…The droids’ heads were sliced right off, and the bodies fell over, shorting out, and waves of magic escaped and merged with Rhymey and all the fighters, boosting their strengths and powers.

“Hey, good shot, Rhymey!” called Dyno.

“We needed that power boost.” added Myte.

Rhymey smirked at them, and then motioned at the droids firing up-- literally-- for a flame-attack, and then he shot a thumb-up at the twins, cheering “Do it to it!”

The twins agreed, and joined their hands together, just as the droids unleashed a strong wave of flames at them.

“BOOM-BOOM FLARE” The Twins unleashed their own fire, and thanks to the sudden power boost, they were able to push the flames right back to the droids, knocking them back hard and shorting some of their systems.

The Twins slapped each other a high-five.

Buddy dashed along the street, with a few droids chasing behind him!

“LEAF SWARM” he unleashed his razor-leaves, which only bounced harmlessly off the droids’ armor, and the retaliated by firing magical blasts at him.

Buddy skid to a halt and lashed at the blasts with his whip.

“Alright!” he thundered at the machines “You want to play rough, well so can I!”

The droids charged forth, punch and kicking at him, and he dodged their every attack and countered effectively. “You’re strong, but you’re not that smart!” Buddy teased.

Artie fought well too, but he was really getting worried about Sunset having been gone so long, and it began to distract him, allowed the droids to strike him mercilessly and knocking him over.

Lightning and buddy leapt over and fended off the droids and then helped him onto his feet.

“Thanks, guys.” Artie said, but Lightning and Buddy were aware of his sudden lacking in concentration.

“Go in.” Lightning said “She has been gone a while now. Go check on her.”

Buddy agreed, “We can handle things out here.”

Artie nodded, and dashed into the building-- breaking through the side of the building to go faster.

Suddenly, the split second he arrived inside the main lobby, he could feel the ground vibrating violently.

“What’s going on?” he wondered.

That’s when his visor gave off a huge warning of a great source of power was very near and many stories above him.

“Sunset!” he cried, and he leapt way up high through the floors, into the upper-corridors, and he could see a large glowing coming from the main assembly room door, way down the hall.

Then she reached for the release valve, pointing it straight at her body, and unleashed the power!

All at once, the bright lights shot straight at her, making her scream and drop the, now, empty jar.

Sunset and the Bristles could only watch as Human Sunset’s body continued to glow, and she floated up into the air.

Then, in a large bright flash that nearly blinded the others-- Sunset couldn’t believe her eyes…!

Human Sunset had transformed into a perfect duplicate of her Shining Angel form-- White sparkling dress, angel wings, long golden hair.

“Yes…!” she hissed “This is amazing, and it’s mine… ALL MINE!!”

She roared loudly, unleashing waves of magic all through the room, damaging the machines, breaking the walls, and making holes in the floor.

Despites her inexperience, she was able to control all this power, and just like anyone who ever was overly cursed by the magic, she had completely snapped and gone fully wicked-nasty.

“And now…!” she snarled as she glared at Sunset “Goodbye You!” and she prepared to wipe her out with a huge energy blast.

“PAINT BOMBS” shouted a voice.

“What?!” snapped Evil Sunset, and she turned just in time to receive a bombardment of explosions right in her face.

Sunset could see Artie standing at the door, and the Bristles could tell it was him by the sound of his voice and calling of his attack.

Natrually, Artie was infuriated, but he could tell which Sunset was which—due to the other acting so evil and nasty.

“You leave my wife alone!” he called to the evil angel.

Evil Sunset was barely phased by his attack, and fired a blast at him, which he dodged.

“Artie…!” Sunset thought franticly.

“You wait for your turn, you pathetic worm!” growled Evil Sunset “This is between me and her! She needs to answer for what’s she’s done!”

Artie clenched his fists angrily, “I don’t know what your beef is, but when you mess with me and my friends and loved ones, you crossed a line!”

Evil Sunset was unamused, but she had an idea how to get him out of the way so she could finish off Sunset quickly.

And she held up both her arms, aiming them straight at Sunset and The Bristles, at different ends of the room.

“No!” shouted Artie.

Evil Sunset snickered, “It’s your choice: Save your wife, or save your parents?”

Artie growled and looked between the victims.

“That’s what I thought,” hissed Evil Sunset “You may hate your parents’ guts, but you wouldn’t want them destroyed now, do you? But then again, that means you’re pretty little wife will be pretty much dead… like she should be.”

Artie felt his rage boiling, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to block both blasts at opposite ends of the room himself in time.

However, he noticed what his paralyzed mother held in her hand-- “Sunset’s energizer!” he muttered softly, and this gave him the perfect idea.

“NOW!!” shouted Evil Sunset, and she blasted two huge pulses straight for her victims.

“No!!!” Artie shouted as he zipped over towards his parents, grabbing the energizer out from his mother’s hand and pitching it clear across over to Sunset, landing it squarely on her shirt.

KAPOW!! Artie shouted loudly as the blast struck him from behind, making a small but strong explosion, while Sunset was seemingly struck by the other blast.

Poor Artie, he fell to his knees and then flat on the floor. He wasn’t dead, but his suit powered down from taking the hit, and he was really sore.

His parents, unharmed, couldn’t believe what he had just done, taking the blast for them-- nearly getting himself destroyed in the process.

Evil Sunset was laughing manically, “I’ve done it!! I got Sunset Shimmer!!”

She suddenly stopped laughing when a bright light shone out from the smoke where Sunset got hit.

“What?” snapped Evil Sunset “It’s can’t be!”

That’s when Sunset emerged from the smoke, in her Shining Angel form-- identical in every detail to her counterpart.

Artie knew the power transfer Twilight had setup had recharged Sunset’s energizer, and therefore he threw it at her, knowing it would hit her, and her powers would awaken upon it contacting her, thus, sparing her from the attack!

Evil Sunset was ever so ticked, while Sunset glared furiously at her, but then she looked over at her husband, “Are you okay?”

Artie slowly stood onto his feet, “Just a little bushed. Don’t bother energizing me, you need to save power.” And he motioned up at the other Sunset “…This is your fight.”

His wife agreed, and seeing there was no way to get through to her counterpart by reasoning, she would have to fight.

So, she used her powers to teleport herself and the other Sunset outside of the building and way up into the sky.

“Look!” cried Lightning.

All the fighters looked up, and saw both Sunsets high up the sky, and they both looked fired up and ready for a huge showdown!

Act 10: Understanding

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The two Sunsets glared each other down as the thunder clouds continued to form overhead.

“I’ve been waiting for this, for a long, long time!” growled Evil Sunset.

Sunset tried one last time to desperately reason with her, “You need to give me those powers back! They’re poisoning your mind, as well as your rage.

Please, let’s try and work this out!”

Evil sunset only responded by firing a blast of light at her, forcing Sunset to dodge.

“What’s the matter? Too scared to fight back against your own powers?!” Evil Sunset sneered!

Sunset clenched her fists, “If this is how it has to be…” and she lunged forth, the two angels began to brawl hard.

Their fists were flying about, attacking, and blocking, and Evil Sunset seemed to be enjoying this as she continued to attack, and managed to punch Sunset hard in the face.

Sunset retaliated by blaster her hard in the chest, knocking her back hard.

The two were far from finished and continued brawling.

“We’ve got to get up there!” cried Starla.

The others agreed, but the droids had other plans, forcing the fighters to remain behind and finish them off.

The droids however were still fighting as ruthlessly as ever, and the fighters had used a great deal of their powers to defeat what few droids they had, and the power transfer had completely ceased now that no one was in the factory, and the fact that Evil Sunset had absorbed all their remainder of their magic.

Still, they refused to give in.

“Valkyries, unit!” shouted Celestia.

The girls all stood by her side, and they joined their swords together, and charged up all the power they could and shouted out their elements.

Celestia: “Magic!”

Rarity: “Generosity!”

Rainbow: “Loyalty!”

Fluttershy: “Kindness!”

Pinkie: “Laughter!”

Applejack: “Honesty!”

The great magic combined together at the end of their blades, and together the ladies all shouted, “HARMONY BEAM”

POW!! The huge energy beam was fired straight at a swarm droids. Try as they would, they could not defend themselves, and were blasted to bits.

In doing so, however, the ladies had exhausted much of their strengths, and their suits powered down.

“Ladies!” called Lightning.

A good number of droids were left, and it was up to the Starfleet fighters.

“We each have enough power to give out one final blast each.” said Buddy/

“Right.” said Lightning “Give it all you can, and blast those droids down!”

The fighters agreed, and powered up all they could,





All those super charged finishers blew the droids to bits until only a hand full of them remained, and then it was Lightning’s turn.

Unlike his magical counterpart, Lightning didn’t have a golden horn, and therefore could not use the Uniforce, but his regular power was no less of a threat, nor his attack!

“SPECTRUM STREAM” He unleashed from his horn and his hands huge waves of multi-colored light energy-- exactly the same force used from the Rainbow Rod once-- that roasted the last of the droids to smoking piles of debris.

The Starfleet fighters all powered-down, using up the last of their strengths, and they fell to their knees in weariness as the rain started to fall.

“You guys okay?” asked Applejack.

The others all nodded at her and managed to get back onto their feet, but still they looked way up high at the battle occurring far above them.

The two Sunsets crashed into one another, several times-- each time more forceful than the last.

They collided together, meeting each other in a strong fist-lock, making jolts of energy fly about as they each poured on much strength.

Rarity could barely stand to watch.

“We’ve got to help Sunset!” cried Fluttershy.

“But how, we used up all our powers.” said Buddy.

Suddenly, Artie called from the hole in the wall of the building he made. “Hey guys! Come with me, I’ve got an idea.”

The others all gawked back and forth at one another, but headed inside the building.

“Give it up, you!” thundered Evil Sunset.

“I won’t!” roared Sunset “Not until you tell me what I ever did that makes you hate me this much!”

Evil Sunset only roared and shoved Sunset off of her, then blasted her hard with a strong light wave making a huge explosion and knocking Sunset through the Bristles’ building-- through the solid walls, and out the other side.

Evil Sunset zipped right to her in an instant and kicked her hard up high into the stormy skies!

Then she rushed to attack her again, but Sunset grabbed her by the wrist, and flipped behind her holding her in a neck-hold.

“Why do you hate me?!” she yelled at her “What have I ever done to you?!”

Evil Sunset struggled and fussed about, but she managed to kick Sunset hard in her leg, making her release her, and the two glared each other down!

Evil Sunset, finally fed up with all this begging, decided to answer her.

“Ever since you first came to this world, my entire life has been one dead-end after another!”

Sunset blinked once in confusion, and Evil Sunset went on…

My mother died a long time ago, and I was left in the streets. I never knew my father! He was dead before I was born.

So I was sent to an orphanage where I grew up and was educated until I was old enough to get a job.

My favorite past time was training in martial arts, and teaching others how to fend for themselves if they ever ended up in the streets like I almost did.

I felt maybe I could do better with this, become a professional training, and teach others to believe in themselves.

Then… you came into this world. I read the headlines!

“Sunset Shimmer Nearly Wrecks School”

“Sunset Shimmer terrifies children!

“Sunset Shimmer wanted under suspicion of graffiti on public property.”

Sunset remembered all those horrible things she did when she was evil and nasty.

“Do you have any idea what that did to me?!” thundered Evil Sunset “It was shocking to think I had some kind of twin in this world, but No… everyone confused me for you, and I was blamed for those crimes and sought by the police wherever I went.

I lost my job, all my money, and I was forced to wander in the streets like a punk!

Luckily, thanks to my great fighting skills and cleverness, I managed to evade the cops, and beat down anyone who dared get in my way.

Finally, after several years of wandering and nearly starving to death, I met up with them-- The Bristles. They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse!

They showed me about you and your precious Starfleet and your Magical World and all that. It didn’t matter to me whether you reformed or not for your crimes. The pain you caused me would never heal, and I wanted nothing more than to make you suffer for it!

They hired me to test out their new gadgets and gizmos, and let me attempt to rob the Bank of England. I never felt so swift and powerful before.

They promised me a big bounty so that I could start my life over somewhere, but it wasn’t enough for me!

Nothing would please me more than to see you destroyed, only then would I finally have my revenge, and no one would confuse me for you anymore!”

Sunset was a mix of emotions-- regretful for her old wicked ways, sorry for her counterpart having to go through so much because of it, and above all, worried for her now that she had completely given into her obsession wanting to destroy her!

“Sunset, it doesn’t have to be this way!” she said to her “I can’t change the past, and I can’t undo what’s been done, but one I learned is that I could make things right, and I can help others.

…Please, let me help you!”

“SHUT UP!!!” shouted Evil Sunset and she zapped at her again, forcing Sunset to dodge, but Evil Sunset zoomed right in and socked her hard in the gut, and then again in the face.

“There is no need for there to be two Sunsets in this world, and I’m going to have the pleasure of making you leave!!”

The two Sunsets continued to brawl as the rain fell and the thunder roared.

The rest of the team made it out onto the rooftop of the building, dragging with them a long and thick cable line, with a strong link at the end of it.

“You sure this’ll work, Artie?” asked Buddy.

“Positive,” answered Artie “This cable will absorb magic like it did to feed the droids. We’re to drain the magic out of the other Sunset and stop her for good.”

The others liked the idea and all helped to hold up and aim the huge heavy cable.

The only problem was, as Rainbow pointed out, “Which one do we shoot?”

Both Sunsets were brawling hard way up high, and because they looked exactly alike one another, it was nearly impossible to tell who was who, especially since they were too far away to hear who was speaking.

“Which one is our Sunset?” asked Dyno.

“Si, we don’t want to shoot her by mistake.” added Myte.

Pinkie looked back and forth between the two Sunsets. “I think it’s her. No her! I mean the other--” she made herself dizzy.

“Ugh! If our only powers weren’t so low,
We could scan which Sunset is the one we know.” groaned Rhymey

Artie however was looking very carefully at the two Sunsets. As they continued to brawl, they moved in closer towards the roof, making it easier to see what he was looking for.

Suddenly, he spotted it! “Aha! The wedding ring…! That’s our Sunset!”

“Good eyes, Artie.” said Celestia.

“Get ready to shoot.” said Lightning.

He and the space fighters helped Artie hold up the end of the cable, some of the ladies helped hold up the far end to give it slack, and Applejack stood ready to turn on the main-switch at the breaker that was on the roof as well.

They couldn’t shoot just yet. They had to wait until they could get a clear shot at the Evil Sunset.

“Come on, Sunset.” Artie muttered “…Give us an opening.”

The two Sunsets crashed into each other hard and then ricocheted off one another, staring each other down ready for one final bout!

“Enough of this!” growled Evil Sunset “I’m going to be rid of you once and for all!”

She charged up all the power she had in her, and Sunset had no choice but to do the same thing.


The two angels fired their biggest and most powerful blasts at one another.

The forces collided right into the middle and seemed equally matched, but Evil Sunset’s rage and determination helped her to pour on more power towards Sunset.

“Say goodbye!” called Evil Sunset.

“NOW APPLEJACK!!” shouted Artie.

Applejack gave the switch a huge pull, activating the power from the cable.

“Huh?!” cried Evil Sunset, and she suddenly felt herself growing weaker as her power died out. “No! Not now!” she groaned.

Sunset could see out of the corner of her eye what her friends were doing, and it helped her a great deal, to push her evil counterpart down towards the roof, as the light enveloped her.

“This can’t be happening!” Evil Sunset thought in her mind “My plans! My revenge! My new life…!”

She let out a scream as the light consumed her and she crashed down hard on the roof. The impact sent a small shockwave that threw the others off their feet, followed by a final crash of thunder and lightning as the rain began to cease.

“Did we do it?” asked Starla.

The team looked on ahead as the smoke cleared, and Human Sunset was back to her normal self, but she was completely unconscious and looked rather battered and beaten.

The team huddled around her cautiously.

“Whoo-whoo…” Pinkie called softly as she waved her hand over Sunset’s face.

No response! The girl didn’t move or make a sound.

“Is she alright?” asked Buddy.

Lightning moved in closer and put his ear to the girl’s nose, “…She’s not breathing!”

Everyone gasped.

Their Sunset landed on the roof, in her normal form and rushed to her fallen counterpart to put her medical training to use.

She put her head to the girl’s chest, and felt her pulse, which was very weak. “It’s a mild heart-attack!” she cried “The stress and the rage must’ve been too much for her!”

She quickly sat up right and began to compress the girl’s chest in strong rhythm. “We need to elevate her head!”

Lightning took off his jacket and rolled it up into a pillow and placed it under Human Sunset’s head.

“That’s good!” said Sunset.

Then she bent down, held the girl’s nose and placed her lips over hers breathing deeply into her. Then she proceeded to repeat the chest compressing!

“Come on, Sunset! Come on!”

It wasn’t working very well, Human Sunset wouldn’t wake up.

“I need to give her heart a shock!”

“Can’t you use your magic?” asked Rainbow.

“No good, that’s too strong.” answered Sunset “I need something with low voltage-- Anything!”

Artie had it, and dragged the cable over to her. He pulled off the link at the end, and exposed the inner wires, which were coated in rubber linings.

“Perfect!” said Sunset and she grabbed two small wires that were sparking softly, “That should be about 200 volts. I hope it works!”

She told the others to stand way back, and lifted up Human Sunset’s shirt exposing her bare chest.

“Ahem!” Rarity sneered at all the boys, and they all quickly turned their backs.

“CLEAR!!” shouted Sunset, and she gave the girl a soft shock, which made her snap her eyes open instantly, and she slowly started to breathe, while coughing and wheezing.

Sunset smiled and sighed in relief that she had saved her.

Artie rushed over to his wife and softly embraced her, “Way to go, hon.”

Sunset put her arm around him.

Human Sunset just lay where she was, “I… I don’t get it.” she said in a groggily voice “Why did you save me, and after everything I’ve done?”

Sunset looked down at her with deep understanding, “Because I told you, there’s a better way to fix all this.

Believe me, I learned this the hard way myself, and I was finally shown the way to friendship and caring.”

All her friends nodded in agreement with her.

Human Sunset began to cry, in astonishment that they were all still willing to help her, and in shame of what she did, but she also felt very lost, “But… what am I going to do?” she sobbed “I have no place to go, and I’m still wanted for my crimes, and I’ve been so bitter and nasty for so long, I don’t think I can ever go back to how I once was. I don’t know if people will even give me a chance.”

The others hated to think it, but she was right. There was no way she could be excused for all the federal crimes she had committed.

-Attempted Bank Robbery
-Aiding in Criminal actions.

Sunset then had a thought of what could be done for her counterpart. It was risky, and would require permission and other things, but it was the best chance.

She held her hand out to her counterpart, “I can help you, but only if you’ll trust me. It’s your choice.”

Human Sunset wiped her tears, and slowly reached up and held her counterpart’s hand, to everyone’s delight.

Closing Act: Start Over

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One Week later much had happened since the battle in England…

Newspaper Headlines showed the stories…

One headline showed that Artie’s folks were arrested and taken to prison, with no possibility of bail or parole. No amount of money was going to help them this time.

Another Headline showed that since The Bristles had no other living relatives and left no will, the law had legally bequeathed the massive fortune and their factory to Artie, but of course Artie was no industrialist or businessman, and had no desire to run such things, so he kindly gave the deeds to Celesto, knowing he would take great care of the companies, adding them to his own empire and make them do good.

As for the massive fortune, Artie donated most of it to charities around the world, to help the poor and the homeless, and event he hospitals so they could get newer and better equipment.

While most people would call him crazy for doing such a thing rather than keeping it all a living a high life, Artie had this to say, “Me and my friends have a great thing going on, and we don’t really want to change that too much.

We’re all just fine as we are.”

His friends all agreed, though some of them-- namely Rarity, bit their fingernails in frustration that a huge fortune was out of their hands.

However, whatever remained of the fortune, Artie kept for his friends, to help pay their way to help their dreams one day, and that included Sunset so she’d be able to go to Medical School, and maybe one day start her own practice.

Much as Sunset and the others protested to all this, Artie insisted, “Friends help Friends, right?

I know it’s honourable and noble to try to make it yourself like I did, but… come on, a little help doesn’t hurt, and after all we’ve been through we are entitled to a little reward, and a little never hurt.”

There was however one final headline that read “Sunset Shimmer double perishes after battle.”

This was all part of Sunset’s plan, since Human Sunset was still wanted by the law, they along with Celesto had faked it that Human Sunset was defeated-- blown up in the explosion, which was why her body was never found.

In actuality, the team hid Human Sunset, and smuggled her out of the country and all the way to Mystic Island, where she remained hiding at their base and was treated well to food and rest while Sunset put the final part of her plan into action.

Then, late one night, the entire team gathered at the statue portal outside of Canterlot High.

There was no one else around, as it was really late, most everyone was at home and in bed, and the school was all dark and locked up with not another soul nearby.

Human Sunset was with them, and wondered what they were waiting for. Then, she got her answer as Commander Lightning Dawn appeared from the portal.

Human Sunset was amazed, especially the fact that this person looked exactly like Human Lightning Dawn.

Sunset had contacted The Commander seeing if it was okay of Human Sunset went to live in United Equestria.

Naturally, much consideration was taken, and Commander Lightning had to ask their royal majesties back home if it would be okay.

Eventually, their majesties gave their blessings and agreed to allow Human Sunset to come and live in their world.

There was no sense for there to be two Sunset Shimmers in the human world as it would cause too much confusion, and Human Sunset couldn’t continue to live her life always on the run from the law, not to mention they, back in United Equestria, could use someone like her with her will to train others in gyms and fitness.

Human Sunset was initially skeptical and very nervous of the idea of leaving her home world, but realizing this was her big chance to really start over and gain a better life for herself, she agreed to do it.

Commander Lightning held out his hand for hers.

She was very nervous, until Sunset gave her a small nudge, “Go on, it’ll be okay.”

The others nodded and encouraged her to go.

“I won’t hurt you.” said Commander Lightning.

Finally, the girl took his hand, but she stopped a moment to look back at everyone.

“Thank you all…” she said “Thank you for believing in me, and helping me, even though I still find it strange that you would.”

The others all smiled at her and wished her good luck, especially Sunset “If I can do it, so can you.”

Commander Lightning agreed, “It’s time. We must go.”

He bid his goodbyes to the group and then vanished with the girl back through the portal.

“I really wonder what it’s like back there,” said Twilight “In their world. I bet it would be cool to visit.”

Celesto agreed, “Perhaps someday we shall.”

Some of the group started to yawn.

“We should all get home and to bed.” said Fluttershy.

Rhymey agreed,

“Now that we’ve stopped all the fuss,
Life will go on for all of us.”

Buddy nodded, “I got to get up early. I promised Tree Hugger I’d do early morning yoga with her.”

“We have a test tomorrow on geology.” said Dyno.

“Si, it shouldn’t be too hard.” added Myte.

“How about you two?” asked Applejack to Sunset and Artie “You two lovebirds got anythin’ special planned?”

The couple gazed at each other rather lovingly. They didn’t say anything, but they sure had something in mind, but not for tomorrow.

(Credits roll)]https

Soon, they were back in their dorm-room at college, their nightstand lights were dimmed down to a soft glow.

Artie was lying flat down on the bed, with no clothes on at all, and his wife loomed over him, also naked.

Slowly, Sunset lowered down, and softly placed her lips over his.

He wrapped his arms around her pulling her down closer as their tongues met.

At the edge of the bed, their feet moved as the mixed their toes together.

While in United Equestria, Lightning and the other Sunset had appeared.

Sunset was most surprised, scared even, when she realized the pony form she had taken-- a humanoid unicorn to be precise, but she was amazed to see all of Lightning’s friends, and their royal majesties there to greet her and welcome her to their world.

Artie couldn’t stop gazing at her, and thought she was beautiful!

Sunset was most amazed to see how much alike the ponies and other creatures resembled their human counterparts from the other world. Naturally, neither Spike nor Krysta really resembled their counterparts, and there was no Twilight Sparkle as she was dead.

Sunset thought maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all… only for her to accidentally unleash a small beam of magic from her horn, breaking a window.

She would need training on how to use magic, as well as how to fit in to the new world around her, but everyone just laughed it off.

Back in the newlywed’s room, they were really going at it…!

Sunset was gripping the sheets of the bed hard as her husband thrust into her, and she bucked and moaned with joy and delight.

Artie barely felt her could keep up with the pressure, but the enjoyment and the indescribable feelings made him go, and go until both of them reached that exact spot-- like a lightning bolt od sensation striking them inside and spreading all through their bodies.

Artie fell onto the bed next to his wife, and they both embraced each other under the covers, all hot and sweaty, but deeply satisfied with what they had done, and slipped into a blissful slumber to carry on their lives the next day.