• Published 4th Mar 2019
  • 657 Views, 15 Comments

Starfleet Humans: A Tale of Two Sunsets - DakariKingMykan

Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart is out to ruin Magical Sunset's life

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Act 9: Two of the same, One Difference


Dark storm clouds were billowing over the city. Thunder could be heard, and the winds picked up a little.

Inside the building, Human Sunset snickered as she approached her counterpart, snickering, “It’s almost a shame I have to do this, but there is no need for there to be two of us in this world, and I have no intention of leaving…

…Not after all the pain you caused me!”

Though Sunset couldn’t move or speak, Human Sunset could tell she would say “What are you talking about? What have I ever done to you?”

Human Sunset still refused to monologue, and only wished to exact vengeance, not just on Sunset, but on the Bristles for what they did to her-- regardless of her own treason.

…And she had the perfect idea of how to do it as she eyed the magic jar. “What better way to crush you all than with the very magic you sought and possessed!” she hissed.

Sunset groaned and moaned trying to warn her not to, knowing this would get extremely serious, but Human Sunset had already taken the jar from her paralyzed employers-- ignoring Sunset’s energizer-- and snickering like a complete and total madwoman.

While all this was happening inside, outside it was a complete battle brawl!

With the power transfer halted, the fighters had gained a good amount of their powers back, but they were still at a huge disadvantage due to the droids still being physically stronger, and incapable of being worn out.

“We have no choice,” said Lightning “We’re going to have to start fighting back.”

The others agreed, and the Starfleet fighters got out their weapons.





The Valkyries drew out their swords and shields.

Not surprisingly however, the droids pulled out dark replicas of everyone’s weapons.

“They may have our weapons, but I doubt they know how to use them.” said Artie.

“Well, let’s find out.” said Buddy.

The team charged forth.

The Valkyries entered a real brawl against multiple droids wielding different weapons. Their swords clashed and clanged about as they parried the enemy off as best they could.

Some of the droids armed their bows and fired energy shots at the ladies like arrows.

“Shields up!” shouted Celestia, and the valkyries raised their shields, aiming them at such an angle so the blasts bounced off and headed up into the sky where they exploded harmlessly.

“Whoa! That was way close.” said Rainbow.

Rarity gripped her sword tightly and glared furiously at the evil machines. “I’ve had just about enough of this!” she shouted, and she charged forth screaming like a mad woman.

“That’s showing ‘em, Rarity.” called Pinkie, and she screamed just like her as she charged forth.

The remaining valkyries rolled their eyes, but continued battling to hold the droids back.

They managed to hit the droids a few times, making sparks fly, but the droids ruthlessly fought back and returned those hits, striking the ladies down hard.

“You girls okay?” called Starla.

Applejack bolted up onto her feet, “We’re fine.”

Starla nodded, and then turned to face a swarm of droids that glared her down.

She armed her bow and pulled back hard, “STARLIGHT ARROW” and she fired the blast… straight up into the sky in a straight light.

The droids looked up at the blast, which was just the direction Starla needed to rush and ram through those machines.

She then turned on her heel and held out her hands, “STAR SHOWER” sending her stars raining down all over the droids, which only seems to give them slight shoves.

When the pelting had ceased, the droids looked ever so furious, but before they could make a move, Starla’s arrow blast came crashing straight down from the sky, and struck those them in a huge explosions blowing them all about.

Starla flicked her hair hard, “What goes up eventually comes down.” she joked.

Then she got rushed from behind by another droid, and she snapped back into reality to continue battling.

Rhymey battled three droids, all wielding swords. He managed to parry them off for a few moments, but the droids still didn’t get tired, and Rhymey was starting to feel the drain a bit, forcing him to leap up high onto an angled part of a building.

He looked down and growled at the droids, and watched them aim their swords at him, and charging up the blades to fire a slash attack at him.

…But Rhymey was not worried a bit.

The blasts were fired…!


Rhymey poured all the power he could into his quill attack, shooting those sharp feathers into the energy waves, resulting in small explosions and making large clouds of smoke.

The droids looked up scanning for Rhymey’s presence.

He surprised them by leaping through the smoke-- completely unharmed, and rushed forth with his sword glowing.


With a single strike, he zoomed past the droids, and stood on the ground behind them, posing where he was… and…

…The droids’ heads were sliced right off, and the bodies fell over, shorting out, and waves of magic escaped and merged with Rhymey and all the fighters, boosting their strengths and powers.

“Hey, good shot, Rhymey!” called Dyno.

“We needed that power boost.” added Myte.

Rhymey smirked at them, and then motioned at the droids firing up-- literally-- for a flame-attack, and then he shot a thumb-up at the twins, cheering “Do it to it!”

The twins agreed, and joined their hands together, just as the droids unleashed a strong wave of flames at them.

“BOOM-BOOM FLARE” The Twins unleashed their own fire, and thanks to the sudden power boost, they were able to push the flames right back to the droids, knocking them back hard and shorting some of their systems.

The Twins slapped each other a high-five.

Buddy dashed along the street, with a few droids chasing behind him!

“LEAF SWARM” he unleashed his razor-leaves, which only bounced harmlessly off the droids’ armor, and the retaliated by firing magical blasts at him.

Buddy skid to a halt and lashed at the blasts with his whip.

“Alright!” he thundered at the machines “You want to play rough, well so can I!”

The droids charged forth, punch and kicking at him, and he dodged their every attack and countered effectively. “You’re strong, but you’re not that smart!” Buddy teased.

Artie fought well too, but he was really getting worried about Sunset having been gone so long, and it began to distract him, allowed the droids to strike him mercilessly and knocking him over.

Lightning and buddy leapt over and fended off the droids and then helped him onto his feet.

“Thanks, guys.” Artie said, but Lightning and Buddy were aware of his sudden lacking in concentration.

“Go in.” Lightning said “She has been gone a while now. Go check on her.”

Buddy agreed, “We can handle things out here.”

Artie nodded, and dashed into the building-- breaking through the side of the building to go faster.

Suddenly, the split second he arrived inside the main lobby, he could feel the ground vibrating violently.

“What’s going on?” he wondered.

That’s when his visor gave off a huge warning of a great source of power was very near and many stories above him.

“Sunset!” he cried, and he leapt way up high through the floors, into the upper-corridors, and he could see a large glowing coming from the main assembly room door, way down the hall.

Then she reached for the release valve, pointing it straight at her body, and unleashed the power!

All at once, the bright lights shot straight at her, making her scream and drop the, now, empty jar.

Sunset and the Bristles could only watch as Human Sunset’s body continued to glow, and she floated up into the air.

Then, in a large bright flash that nearly blinded the others-- Sunset couldn’t believe her eyes…!

Human Sunset had transformed into a perfect duplicate of her Shining Angel form-- White sparkling dress, angel wings, long golden hair.

“Yes…!” she hissed “This is amazing, and it’s mine… ALL MINE!!”

She roared loudly, unleashing waves of magic all through the room, damaging the machines, breaking the walls, and making holes in the floor.

Despites her inexperience, she was able to control all this power, and just like anyone who ever was overly cursed by the magic, she had completely snapped and gone fully wicked-nasty.

“And now…!” she snarled as she glared at Sunset “Goodbye You!” and she prepared to wipe her out with a huge energy blast.

“PAINT BOMBS” shouted a voice.

“What?!” snapped Evil Sunset, and she turned just in time to receive a bombardment of explosions right in her face.

Sunset could see Artie standing at the door, and the Bristles could tell it was him by the sound of his voice and calling of his attack.

Natrually, Artie was infuriated, but he could tell which Sunset was which—due to the other acting so evil and nasty.

“You leave my wife alone!” he called to the evil angel.

Evil Sunset was barely phased by his attack, and fired a blast at him, which he dodged.

“Artie…!” Sunset thought franticly.

“You wait for your turn, you pathetic worm!” growled Evil Sunset “This is between me and her! She needs to answer for what’s she’s done!”

Artie clenched his fists angrily, “I don’t know what your beef is, but when you mess with me and my friends and loved ones, you crossed a line!”

Evil Sunset was unamused, but she had an idea how to get him out of the way so she could finish off Sunset quickly.

And she held up both her arms, aiming them straight at Sunset and The Bristles, at different ends of the room.

“No!” shouted Artie.

Evil Sunset snickered, “It’s your choice: Save your wife, or save your parents?”

Artie growled and looked between the victims.

“That’s what I thought,” hissed Evil Sunset “You may hate your parents’ guts, but you wouldn’t want them destroyed now, do you? But then again, that means you’re pretty little wife will be pretty much dead… like she should be.”

Artie felt his rage boiling, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to block both blasts at opposite ends of the room himself in time.

However, he noticed what his paralyzed mother held in her hand-- “Sunset’s energizer!” he muttered softly, and this gave him the perfect idea.

“NOW!!” shouted Evil Sunset, and she blasted two huge pulses straight for her victims.

“No!!!” Artie shouted as he zipped over towards his parents, grabbing the energizer out from his mother’s hand and pitching it clear across over to Sunset, landing it squarely on her shirt.

KAPOW!! Artie shouted loudly as the blast struck him from behind, making a small but strong explosion, while Sunset was seemingly struck by the other blast.

Poor Artie, he fell to his knees and then flat on the floor. He wasn’t dead, but his suit powered down from taking the hit, and he was really sore.

His parents, unharmed, couldn’t believe what he had just done, taking the blast for them-- nearly getting himself destroyed in the process.

Evil Sunset was laughing manically, “I’ve done it!! I got Sunset Shimmer!!”

She suddenly stopped laughing when a bright light shone out from the smoke where Sunset got hit.

“What?” snapped Evil Sunset “It’s can’t be!”

That’s when Sunset emerged from the smoke, in her Shining Angel form-- identical in every detail to her counterpart.

Artie knew the power transfer Twilight had setup had recharged Sunset’s energizer, and therefore he threw it at her, knowing it would hit her, and her powers would awaken upon it contacting her, thus, sparing her from the attack!

Evil Sunset was ever so ticked, while Sunset glared furiously at her, but then she looked over at her husband, “Are you okay?”

Artie slowly stood onto his feet, “Just a little bushed. Don’t bother energizing me, you need to save power.” And he motioned up at the other Sunset “…This is your fight.”

His wife agreed, and seeing there was no way to get through to her counterpart by reasoning, she would have to fight.

So, she used her powers to teleport herself and the other Sunset outside of the building and way up into the sky.

“Look!” cried Lightning.

All the fighters looked up, and saw both Sunsets high up the sky, and they both looked fired up and ready for a huge showdown!