• Published 31st Mar 2019
  • 622 Views, 10 Comments

Day and Night - Inactive Pone

Random Cute Stories of Dreamy sisters Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. :3

  • ...

Roleplay: Little Big Conflicts

”Okay, got your spell ready to capture this?”

“I’ll double check... Yep! Seems good!”

“The narration, too? We got to have it in the background~”

“I’ll play a bit... Loud and clear!”

“Great! Now... Don’t kill me, okay?”

“Only if you don’t.”


”Once upon a time, there was a special dream world out of all dream worlds.”

”Two filly princesses were born to do whatever they wanted on it.”

”One was Daybreaker, Princess of the Sun.”

Daybreaker lit up her horn, flying in mid air and casting a shade of orange light around her in the darkened room.

”One was Nightmare Moon, Princess of the Moon.”

Nightmare did the same, casting a shade of navy. The two fillies look at each other.

”The fillies are sisters, destined together.”

The two flew sideways, close to each other.

”But they are also Counterparts, polar opposites.”

They spread out, looking unamused.

”Daybreaker liked the Sun. Nightmare liked the Moon. But when the two mix, they can never find a compromise.”

The two step close together, clashing their horns.

”The sisters always argued over whether the Sun or Moon was better.”

They pretended to argue and pushed heads.

”That soon developed into hatred...”

”And the sisters split up, not wanting to talk with each other.”


The scene changed into the playroom in the castle.

On one side, Daybreaker was trying to look like a model or some sort- Walking along with her little royal accessories, including her gold tiara with a small ruby gem being a part of it. On another side, Nightmare Moon was much the same. She was thinking about magic and spells, in contrast to her counterpart, who seemed to be looking for attention.

Frankly, the two came out from opposite ends of the room, from their side of the castle. The two were so focussed on themselves and thinking about other things, they’re not really paying attention to where they’re going.


“Ow!” The two cried.

They lost their balance and fell. The two looked at each other, and frowned.

“Hmph! Daybreaker.”

“Oh, Nightmare Moon.”

The two knew they’re getting into a nasty situation, and teleported their tiara away for the time being.

“What in the world are you doing now?” Nightmare said, unamused.

“Oh, Nothing,” Daybreaker replied, “Don’t you think I look great for a second there, hmmm?”

Nightmare twitched an eyebrow. “How about no?”

Daybreaker hmphed.

“You think you’re more pretty than I am? Even worse, what’s with you bumping into me?”

“You crashed into me first. Also, yeah, what?”

“I did not bump into you, ‘Kay? You think you are soooo awesome, Nightmare.”

“Yeah, because let’s face it, I’m the better sister.”

Nightmare blew a raspberry.

“Wha-! No, you are most certainly not!”

“Hmph, why not? You jealous?”

“No, because i’m supposed to be the big sister!”

“So what? That makes you better?”

The two started getting closer.

“Please, the sun is much stronger than the moon.”

“Nuh-Uh! The Moon is just as strong, too!”

“I don’t think you’re right.”

“Oh? Prove it! Or else the Moon is better!”

Moving closer, the two fillies eventually drew a little impact, on the hooves and chest.

“You trying to pick a fight or something?” Daybreaker leaned her head close.

“Oh, you really want us to, Huh? I don’t mind.” Nightmare did the same.

Their heads contact, and their heads start to push, and they start to argue loudly.

“The Sun is way better!”

“No way! The moon is better!”

“Go back to your gloomy night!”

“You go back into the blinding day!”

“Come on, you won’t win anyway, Nightmare.”

“Oh, you’re underestimating me, Daybreaker?”

“Ugh, just stop getting in my way of everything, will you?”

“Aren’t you doing the same thing?”

“I am not!”

“You are!”

The two further narrowed their eyes, lighting up their horn as they clash together. They were not happy with each other, and tried to threaten the other for a fight. The tension between them was running pretty high, as they further tighten their knot of hatred. Despite them being very close, they pressed their anger even further. They broke apart, stood up on two hooves, and wanted to push against each other’s body as well.

But that didn’t go so well as they lost their balance. Their heads crashed into each other, and they shook their head.

“Hey! What was that for!?”

“You tell me, Daybreaker!”

“Hmph! Nightmare, you’re so annoying!”

“So are you!”

The two had their hooves on each other’s shoulder, Their heads remain in contact, as the two really start to get tired of pushing. Daybreaker tugged her sister’s head closer with a hoof.

“Ow! Hey!”

Her sister’s mane was still in some kind of red glittery form then, so Nightmare was able to tug her head and force them to come closer.


The two squeezed their muzzles together. They wanted to gross each other out, as a final warning before they start fighting. They are fillies, after all, so it will hurt, and they don’t want to get hurt. They both slithered the other hoof off each other’s shoulder, and instead grasped from the back, turning into a weird embrace.

But in fact, they were of course not in a hug.

“What in the-! Stop tugging me!”

“You stop it first!”

“You really want to fight?”

“Yeah, if that means you’ll quit it.”

The two were determined. Their horns lit up, they squeezed together tighter, trying to gross the other out and making them give in.

“*whines* I hate you!”

Daybreaker used a spell and knocked Nightmare back.

“I hate you too!”

Nightmare dashed and lunged at her sister.

The two fillies lay on the ground, slapfighting, then moving on to actually hitting each other. Daybreaker got the upper hand at one point, trying to land a forceful punch. But Nightmare grasped at her mane with magic.

“Hey! Owww!!”

That gave Nightmare the edge. As Daybreaker was literally on top of her, Nightmare forcefully flipped over, and the two traded places. But, the same fate happened to Nightmare as Daybreaker tugs her mane. She tugs back, making them both cry. They continue slapping and hitting one another, before they block each other’s hooves in a stalemate.

Daybreaker proceeds to shoot magic in defense. Nightmare got knocked back.

“How dare you, bringing magic into the mix.”

She shot back in retaliation. Daybreaker defends. The two run around in circles, trying to shoot the other. But surprisingly, every projectile equalized each other. At some points, the two would use a spell to give themselves this forcefield, and they would collide with each other, trying to fight one another.

This got tiring fast. But they didn’t want to lose.

Later on, the two just ran and crashed right into each other as they were firing at each other. They grasped the other, and pinned and got pinned down. They struggled in each other’s grasp.

“Let... me... go!” They both yelled.

They tried to use a spell to break free, but the other clashed their horn against theirs and interfered, making it difficult to do so. They tightened their grasp, squeezing together. They roll around the room like a ball, trying to pin down and rest themselves on each other. Since they can’t do much, they start arguing a lot.

“*whines* I hate my big sister!”

“Hmph! Little sister is so annoying!”

The two stopped rolling and look at each other.

“Well, I’ll stop bugging you if you just admit I’m the better sister.”

“Finally something we can agree on?”

“Yeah, we agree to disagree.”

“Ugh, I’m so sick of you always in my way. Can’t you just-“

“Uh, no, unless you do so first.”

“Don’t interrupt me!”

Daybreaker pulled herself back just enough so Nightmare Moon could not interfere with her horn for one second, then she teleported out of their locked state. She blasted magic, only to be equaled by Nightmare’s defense. The two resume the fighting for another few minutes, only to result back to where they left off- Once again locked together in a tight, and to them, disgusting embrace.

And this continued for a couple rounds.

The two were getting very exhausted, chasing and beating each other up. They breathe heavily as they lock their rival sibling in their view. Sometimes when they fight at this point, they would yawn and give the other an upper hand. They were quick to recover, though- And the flame between these two was not done for yet.

Finally, as tired as they are, they prompted themselves to fly around chasing one another anyway. They fire magic with their horn. As the magic collided and disappear, the two couldn’t stop themselves from crashing into each other.


The two were dizzy as they plop back on the floor. They tumbled and wobbled for a few seconds on two hooves, before feeling the urge to just lay down and rest because of how tired they were.


A while later, Daybreaker felt a nudge. She merely opened her eyes, to find Nightmare looking down at her.

“Great, you’re gonna beat me up, aren’t you?”

Surprisingly, Nightmare shook her head. It’s then Daybreaker realized that she didn’t have a single scratch.

“What in the world? We beat up each other hard. Why didn’t you-“

Daybreaker felt a shot of pain from her body.

“*chuckles* Magic.”

“Very funny.”

“So do you want me to fix that for you?”

“Hmph, no, you trying to trap me or something?”

She crossed her hooves. But Nightmare did the spell anyway, sending her sister a tingling feeling.

“Hey! I told you not to-“


The two sat in front of each other, silent.

“Sorry for fighting you, Okay?”

“I... Wha...?”

“I know we’re mad at each other,” Nightmare said, guilty. “But I don’t like being mad. Its not like I feel happy every time I hit you, anyway.”

“Are you trying to trick me or something?”

“N-No, I’m serious.”


Daybreaker blinked a few times.

“Come on, we both said that we just want each other to be out of our way, and we’ll be good,” Nightmare shrugged. “So?”

“So... You’re saying you’re not gonna bother me now?”

“If you want me to stay away, then yeah.”

Nightmare Moon stood up, turned and prepared to walk away.



“I-I... I feel the same way.”

“Prove it.”

“It’s just... *sigh* I’m tired of fighting. It’s so exhausting, you trying to pick fights with me.”

Nightmare raised an eyebrow. “But you’re the one in my way-“

She stuffs a hoof into her mouth.

“Okay, fiiiiiine. We both pick fights with each other all the time. But it’s so exhausting. I want to think about other stuff, not focussed on how to beat you all the time. And yeah, I hate the Moon, you hate the Sun, whatever. I’m not always in the mood to fight, okay?”

Nightmare smiled.

“Hey, come on. Then why didn’t you just say so from the beginning?”


“So we can stop the fighting all together?”

Daybreaker thought for a second- She had a point.

“Well... You’re not wrong, but we still hate each other.”

“We won’t when we fight less and less.”

“You sure about that?”

“”Pretty sure. I guess we’ll just have to trust each other to stop arguing with ourselves.”

Daybreaker shrugged.

“I... I guess it won’t hurt to try and be nice to you for a while.”

“Well, if we wanna have any shot at making up, then this would be the way forward.”

Nightmare held out a hoof. Gingerly, Daybreaker takes it and they shook hooves, albeit with a tight grip on each other’s hooves.

Then she took a step further and hugged her.

“H-Hey....” Daybreaker stuttered, “D-Don’t touch me like that...”

Nightmare winked. “Come on... Do you want to be friends or not?”

“*chuckles* I didn’t think you meant it.”

“Well, now you do.”

Daybreaker slowly allowed herself to raise her hooves to Nightmare’s back, She tugged her against herself, like how the two were fighting earlier.

“It’s... Kinda gross, really,” Daybreaker commented.

“I know,” Nightmare chuckled. “You and I, huddled up together...”

They let go and stood up.

“Guess we still need some time getting used to it,” She continued. “I was nervous with all this, actually. I didn’t expect you to agree and drop the fighting.”

“Y-Yeah, I didn’t expect you to say that either. Buuuuuuut, I still hate you.”

“*chuckles* I never said I liked you, you know.”

She held up Daybreaker’s head, teasing her.

“I only wanted you to stop being in my way so I don’t have to fight with you all the time.”

“So you’re kinda saying we should leave each other alone?”

“N-no, we can talk together, if we both agree not to argue.”

“Well, looks like we still have our differences, don’t we, Night...”

“Absolutely, Day. And we hate each other, don’t we?”

The two got close and clashed their horns together.

“Yeah, I don’t like you, little sister. You?”

“Nope, big sister! I don’t like you!”

They both let out a cold smile, slowly backing up away from each other.

“I’ll see you later, then...”

“Hmph, if you’d think I’ll talk with you, haha.”


“You can come back now, Day!”

Daybreaker returned as Nightmare disabled her spell to stop capturing the roleplay they finished.

“That was... Oddly smooth. Great job!”

“You too!”

The two gave high-fives and high-wings. Immediately, they teleport to Daybreaker’s room to watch what they were doing for the past hour. It was a barrel of laughs.

“*laughing* Look at how we were squeezing each other there!” Daybreaker giggled.

“I know!” Nightmare replied, “You and I were soooooo mad at each other!”

“Ahhh! Fight scene!”

“You were harsh on me, just a little.”

“Was I?”

“Yes You were!”

Nightmare nudged her sister.

“Awww, look at how we just flopped ourselves down next to each other when we drifted off to sleep.”

“We should’ve started the next scene with a hug.”

“Oh come on, Night. We were rivals in the roleplay, we wouldn’t do that if we were enemies, would we?”

“You’re right. By the way... You were the one who suggested doing this, Day. Pretty interesting how I’m always the one coming up with things to do.”

Daybreaker stopped the video and turned to her.

“Haha, that’s because with all the crazy shenanigans we’ve been doing with each other lately, I think we are becoming pretty good friends. I’m just curious at what we would be like back then, that’s all.”

“True, it’s been a while and our fighting has become history.”

“We should do more of this, the two of us fighting and all, with different little outcomes. It’s great fun playing with you.”

“Hehe, I think so too! Ah! Can we do one where we’re fused together at the end?”

Daybreaker’s face told her she was not amused.

“Fusion spell? Really?”

“What? We can be fighting and tugging so much we squish together into one pony!”

She shrugged. “I’ll think about it, haha. By the way, what I said in the roleplay, no, I don’t hate you.”

Nightmare smiled. “Me neither, I love my big sis!”

She nuzzled against her, making her giggle.

“Okay, okay,” Daybreaker messed with her sister’s mane, standing on two hooves behind her. “You want a big hug?”

Nightmare tittered, throwing herself against her big sister, cuddling and nuzzling forcefully.

“*loud laughing* Night!! It’s so ticklish!”

“Mmmmm, But you are so cuddly!”

“Hahaha, You never fail to make me smile, buddy.”

“Awww, don’t say that, Day...”

“Which is why I’m gonna give you some good snuggles!”

“Waaaaaa! Heeeeeeey!”

“Take that, little sister!”

Noooo! Big sister, have mercy!”

They continued laughing and having fun.

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