• Published 31st Mar 2019
  • 635 Views, 10 Comments

Day and Night - Inactive Pone

Random Cute Stories of Dreamy sisters Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. :3

  • ...

Combined to one


“No, Night...”


“Let me sleep for a little more...”

The dream world was just activated. The sisters just woke up. Kinda.

“Day, I need to go raise the moon right now, come on.”

“I don’t wanna get up...”

“Stop tugging me, at least!”

“Hm? I’m not tugging you...”

“Huh? Then... Why can’t I get off?”

They both slowly open their eyes. They look at their body- It was very different. They were very confused to what happened to them. They looked in their reflection in the mirror near the bed, and realize what was going on, and they were shocked.

“What in the-!” They both scream.



They couldn’t even look at each other- Because the two were stuck together! They were combined by a spell! The sisters, now joined together, became a pony with mixed, messy traits. Half of her body was white, and the other was navy. Her eyes had two different colours, and her flowing mane was a mix of navy glitter and an orange flame.

She had the body of two ponies- Both Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon.

“What did you do this time?” Daybreaker groaned.

“I don’t know! The spell must have been wrong!” Nightmare cried.

“The one we read?”



“Hey, big sis! Look at what I’ve made!”

“Ooooooh! A spell?”

Last night, Nightmare was showing Daybreaker a new spell she created.

“What’s it do?”

“Well Day, you know how we just absolutely love each other?”

“Yeah, I know, what?”

Daybreaker nuzzles against her sister’s cheek.

“I thought it’ll be funny for us to swap places with each other, just get a taste of what it feels like to be each other.”

“Oh! Cool! I’ve always wanted to know how you raise the moon.”

“Haha, sometimes I wonder about having your mane!”

The two sisters giggle and initiate the spell.

“The spell will kick in when we wake up.”

“Got it, Night! I can’t wait!”


“*whines* What did you do to us!?”

“*whines* I said I don’t know!”

“Night, why are you so careless!?”

“Fine, sorry! I don’t understand why it messed up, Day!”

“Get me out of your dark, gloomy body!”

“You get your blinding light body out of mine!”

**Both tugs**

“Nightmare, what did you just say to me?”

“Daybreaker, what did you say about me?”

“You just called my look bad?”

“You did too!”

“No I did not!”

“Did too!”

The two were angry and tried to slap one another. But, they were stuck together, so when they slap, both of them felt it. It was pretty painful. The fused pony laid on the bed and started crying and whining.

“Great! I can’t even fight you!”

“Hmph! Same! Let me get out of you!”

“If you’d calm down, Day, and let me out...”

“No, Night! You messed it up!”

This round of arguing between them lasted for a while awkwardly, because they only have one mouth and two sentences can’t be spoken with the same mouth at the same time. So sometimes, the two would try to talk a lot a lot, before the other’s mind takes over control to argue back. During the process, the two waved their hooves round and round, whining on the bed about their new form.

After 10 minutes, they finally settled themselves down.

“*sigh* Finally you listen.”

“Hmph! Isn’t that what you’re doing, Day?”

“Freaking out? No, you did so, Night.”

Awkwardly, they crossed their hooves.

“So now what? We’re stuck like this?”

“Well, no, there is a way to break the spell.”

“Then tell me already!”

“Okay! Okay! Geez!”

Nightmare Moon tried to grab her spellbook she placed on the shelf before they slept. But, her magic cancelled every time she tried to activate it, the blue aura disappearing with a pop.

“Huh? What’s going on with my horn?”

“Let me try, you’re bad at this.”

Daybreaker tried the same thing, and the same thing happened to her. The orange aura of magic just gave up.

“See? You’re not as good either.”

“Shut up!”

Daybreaker tried to shove her sister, but then remembered what happened when she slapped her.

“Hmm...” Nightmare said, “Our horn is controlled with our mind. Maybe because both of our minds need to work in sync so that our magic won’t disconnect so quickly.”

“Oh! Right! Because we’re the same pony!”

“Haha, Yeah! So, you ready?”


They took a breather, and lightened their horns at the same time. It glowed an aura of their natural magic colours- Orange and Navy. They smile, and levitated the spellbook over to the bed to read.

“You see, Day?”


“All we got to do is work together sometimes.”

“Haha, I guess so, Night.”

Again, they turn the pages at the same time, albeit it was hard for Daybreaker to catch up to her sister’s speed because she knew which page it was, and turned quickly. Nightmare notices it and matched her speed with her sister’s.

“I’m pretty sure our spell should’ve been the swap spell, but for some reason it casted the Fusion spell, which is this,” Nightmare said. “Where’s the cure?”

“Right here,” Daybreaker said, pointing to the words. “It seems to be like a riddle or some sort... Ponies fused together with a spell, the cure is here, if you can’t tell.

Work with that who fused with you, work together and you won’t lose.

Let go of your quarreling, stop if you are arguing.

Admit together you hold no grudge, once all of this is said and done.

Together, they read the last line, alternating.

Split away from your fighting, and you’ll split back to two, huddling!

The two couldn’t look at each other, but they were pretty confused to what the words meant. So they wanted each other to fill in the blanks for them.

“Work with that who fused with you...” Daybreaker said, “Does that mean us?”

Nightmare nodded (And making Daybreaker nod as well). “We are fused together, so it makes total sense. What about this line... Split away from your fighting?”

“That’s a good question,” Daybreaker replies. “I can understand the line, ‘Admit together you have no grudge’, that’s pretty simple. But how do we split from fighting in the first place when we are fused together?”

The two thought for a minute. Then, Nightmare wanted to turn her head out the window, but Daybreaker was confused and turned away.

“Night! I was looking at the spell!”

“Sorry, Day. By the way. I think I saw something interesting just now, when I peeked outside. Can I get a better look?”


The pony turns to the window. Outside, they realize what the problem was. The sun and moon, just like them, were combined together! They knew what they had to do, and a possible reason what caused the fusion of the Sun and Moon and this whole fiasco, too.

“Uh, Night? Am I seeing things?”

“Nope, Day. I think our symbols are stuck together like us.”

There was silence.

“I’ll let you take one guess?”

“Hmmm... I wonder if it’s because of last night... Before the spell...”


It’s about to become nighttime for the dream world, which means in real time, ponies are waking up. Every night, the sisters raise their symbol on the other’s side of the dream world to symbolize the nighttime.

This time, though, they did it... a little bit differently.

Daybreaker was early at the balcony to set the sun. She looked out to the sky of two colours, her side being blue and the other being purple, symbolizing two periods of the day. She pondered a bit before lowering the sun. She looked at the sun, and then the moon. Since the sisters usually exchange the position in a loop, they never actually contact. But she wondered what exactly would happen if they did.

So, instead of going around a circle, Daybreaker slowly moved the Sun straight into her sister’s territory. When the sun got close to the moon, Daybreaker stuck a tongue out, mustering energy in case anything bad happens.


The sun pushed against the moon. It made a satisfying squish when it collided with the moon, which was something Daybreaker didn’t actually expect. She pulled it back to where it’s supposed to be, thinking of other ways she can toy around with this now that she knows her sun for some reason can do something like that.

Then, the moon moved over.


Daybreaker turned her head, to find Nightmare Moon controlling the Moon. She looked at the sky- The Moon, just like the sun, squeezed upon contact with the sun. Then the moon was pulled back as she looks at her, and gives a wave. Daybreaker waves back with her little hooves as she flies over to her balcony.

“Whatcha doing?” Nightmare winked.

“Oh, just some fun stuff,” Daybreaker replied. “Huh, Didn’t know our symbols can do that.”

“I didn’t either,” Nightmare shrugs. “It’s interesting, though. Oh! Right, since you’re here, let’s test something about this perculiar idea.”

“Sure?” What’s up?”

“If the sun squeezes upon contact with the moon, and the moon squeezes upon contact with the sun... What happens if the two orbs come together?”

“Oooooh! That might be cool! Should we do it?”

Nightmare nodded excitedly. They both fly up to get a better view. They levitated their horns, and moved the two orbs closer to each other.


The Sun and Moon drew impact.

As they expected- The two orbs, upon their collision, caved in on itself, pushing against the other. The sun and the moon squeezed against each other in equal force by the two fillies. The two pulled them apart, and looked at each other.

“I have an idea.”

“Mhmm? You have great ideas.”

Nightmare whispers her idea to Daybreaker.

“Nice! Hey, how about...”

Daybreaker whispers her idea to Nightmare.

“Oh woooooow! That’s so funny, we gotta do it!”


“I think whatever the world we did yesterday caused them to fuse together.”

“Yuuuuuuuup, Day.”

The pony sighed.

“Welp, we know what to do,” Daybreaker tried to get up.

Nightmare Moon complied. “Yeah, we need to separate them. We kinda fought about it, didn’t we?”

“Yeah, we did.”

The pony tried to take a step forward. She moved her dark coloured hooves, then stopped.

“Uh, Day?”


“We’re stuck together and I can’t move?”

“Ohhhhhhhh. Sorry!”

Daybreaker followed suit, and the pony took another step. They got to the edge, and were too shy to try and fly at the same time to get off, so they bear the pain on falling of the bed instead.

“Owww....” Daybreaker said, “We should’ve filed off...”

Nightmare giggled. “That would be pretty hard, I’d admit.”

“Mhmm. So, uh, how do you want to do this?”

“Okay, So since we are stuck together, we need to cooperate on our movements in order to move around. We have to walk at an equal pace, and turn at the same time if we need to. We’re in my half of the castle, so I will navigate, and you can just guide our movements when necessary.”

“Interesting! I guess you know your side better than I do, so it’s fine.”

“Oh yeah, and uh... We might trip a lot. So, just keep an open mind about it. Would hate to fight you like this.”

“Oh, I will, don’t worry. You?”

“Mhmm! Okay, so, let’s go.”


It took the sisters quite some time. First off, they needed to get used to this style of movement. They’ve never did something like this before like 3-legged Race, So cooperating here is a bit of a challenge. And of course, because they are sisters and counterparts, it’s pretty obvious they didn’t get along the entire way. At the beginning, their hooves would cross with the other’s and they would trip. Or, one of them was walking too fast for the other to catch up. Or maybe one suddenly stopped, making the pony lose its balance and fall, or just wobble.

So they bickered. A lot.

But as they continued walking, Daybreaker was getting better at being cautious about their movements and was nicer to her sister when she did something wrong. The two would come to a complete stop when they needed to turn, and they do it with difficulty at first, but soon they got the hang of it. Nightmare Moon was more patient despite knowing the castle inside and out. She would keep her pace on check with her sister’s all the time, while checking where they’re going.

They would be done rather quickly, but they had a lot of bickering on the way, and almost a fight at one point. But, the two held it together (Literally), resisted the urge to start quarreling, and got back up to continue. After a while, they were out, and now they are finally in range of both the Sun and Moon to split them apart. They could have done it on the balcony, but they thought it wouldn’t work to reverse the spell. Besides, they needed to cooperate, and this was a great way anyway.

They sat down on the clouds, looking at the fused orb in the sky.

“Phew!” Nightmare sighed, “We’re done!”

“Haha, Yeah,” Daybreaker replied, “We’re done with the hard part.”

“You know, that was pretty fun since we’re so small. We should try something like that again.”

“Mmmm, maybe! 3-hooved Race doesn’t sound too bad since we’re still so little.”

“Although, Day... *giggles* You were so slow just now.”

“Oh come on, Night! You were the fast one, stop blaming me!”

They giggled and gave a high-hoof to their sister (and technically themself).

“Hmmm, how are we going to do this?” Asked Daybreaker.

“Do what?” Nightmare asked back.

“If our magic abilities have to be used at the same time, then we can’t simply just pull the Sun and the Moon on our own, right? Since you control the moon and I control the sun, only I can levitate the sun and only you can levitate the moon.”

“Hmmmm, I don’t think that’s something to worry about.”


“I think since our magic is now mixed together, we have the ability to control both orbs at the the same time! Haha, I’m not sure since, Well, this has never happened before, but I think that’s how it works.”

“Cool! So... You wanna do this?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

The sisters both lit up their horns to control the Sun and the Moon. The aura around it was one of two colours- Orange and Navy, each representing half of the aura. After securing their target, the two tried to pull them apart by applying force to make it reverse the fusion, and pulled it away from the other orb. It was a pretty difficult task- Because they were infused, the Sun and the Moon were hard to separate. Still, they are making progress. Bit by bit, the two orbs start to split back into two.

The sisters grunted a lot and gave their all into fixing this mess. They wanted to separate themselves so they won’t be stuck together. Not that it’s a bad thing, but because it’s a little annoying to move around like that. They pulled and pulled the Sun and the Moon apart. Soon, the orbs stop to separate and take shape.

“Day! Don’t deactivate your magic yet!”

“Got it, Night! Would hate to know what happens when I let go since they’re still fused, right?”

“Yup! Oh! Help me out here!”


As soon as the orbs start to separate, the two had to focus their magic on both the sun and moon to help with the reversal process. They started sweating because it was really tiring! They had to pour quite the amount of force into just separating them a little bit.

After a while, just a few seconds after they were so exhausted they wanted to scream....


The Sun and Moon separated. The two gasped, and returned them back to their place.

“Woohoo! We did it, Night!”

“Yeah! Nice job, Day!”

They exchanged another self high-five and giggled.

“*yawn* I’m so exhausted...”

“*yawn* Me too...”

They were so tired that they didn’t even talk about the spell that fused the two together being cured. They just plopped down on the clouds and the fused pony went into a deep sleep, letting out adorable snores.


“Hey, Day!”



“Haha, big deal, Night...”

“No! You try!”



“I’m not feeling anything!”

“Oh! Me neither when you did that!”

They finally open their eyes after that sleep, to find their sister right next to them. They’ve been separated back into two ponies! And just like how the spell said, they were huddling together.

“*gasp* It worked!”

“Yay! We’re not stuck together anymore!”

“Haha, not that it’s a bad thing, but still, Night!”


They both stood up, let out a giggle, and gave a warm hug to each other, nuzzling their cheeks together. Smiles spread across their faces.

“*giggles* Feels nice to be in my own self.”

“Me too, Day! And feels good that we can hug again!”


Still in the embrace, Daybreaker messes with Nightmare’s mane. They both laughed and let go, Nightmare giving a cute wink.

“Well then, we just wasted a day completely on this mess,” Daybreaker said, chuckling.

“Don’t say that,” Nightmare chimed in. “We learnt a lot about co-operating, didn’t we?”

“I guess. We don’t really co-operate a lot, do we?”

“Not much, but to be honest, sisters should do exactly that. So we have to learn it, no matter how much we say we love or hate each other.”

“Mmmm, seems fair! So... Does this mean we can do another one of these?”

“Oh, no. This is weird enough.”

The sisters held the laugh in for a bit, but ended spatting out laughing anyway. Nightmare teleports in her spellbook.

“I’m tearing this page out so this doesn’t happen again. My goodness.”

Suddenly, Daybreaker stops her.

“N-No, don’t!”


“Well... Because...” Daybreaker starts blushing. “I-I think it’s alright, actually.”

Nightmare raises an eyebrow as she lets out an innocent smile. Then she realizes something.

“Wait a minute! Why is the page number wrong!? This page is page 165, but the previous page says 167! And the previous one is the swap spell, the one I tried to do last night!”

Her expression changed, and she teleported away her spellbook.

“What did you do, Day?”

She squeezes her muzzle against her sister’s.

“I didn’t do anything!”

“You did!”

“Even so, I won’t tell. Then how do you know?”

“It has to be your doing since nopony else is here...”

“Well, what if you changed it yourself?”

Daybreaker squeezes back.

“It’s your spellbook, after all, so it’s must be you who made the change!”

“I won’t do anything like that, come on!”

“This whole thing has been a setup, hasn’t it, Night?”

“Oh, totally. You know what? I don’t even need you to talk. I knew you changed it.”

The two pull away and Nightmare shows a clip through magic.


Daybreaker was in Nightmare’s room as she was busy and wasn’t in her room before bed. The little filly crept over and grabbed her spellbook. She wondered if there’s any interesting spells Nightmare created recently because she’s bound to test it out on them and see what crazy shenanigans happen.

She saw two new spells- Fusion spell and swap spell. She thought it would be obvious Nightmare Moon didn’t want the two of them to get fused, so she giggled and decided to pull a prank on her. Mind you, the spell was said to be created for fusing objects only, not ponies.

So, with magic, she swapped the pages for the two spells, so that if Nightmare was not paying attention (which she ended up not doing so), she would cast the Fusion spell by accident.

“Teehee! Would love to see her reaction to us like that!”

She pointed to a picture, showing what happens if used wrongly- Where two ponies fuse together.


“Ha! Beat that!”

Nightmare pointed at Daybreaker.

“What the-! How?”

“When we were fused together, you and I had the same mind, it’s just that half of it is yours and the other half is mine. Whatever you’re thinking about, I would know about it. When we were walking over, I keep thinking about a new memory from you, which is the clip I just showed you, after I successfully pieced together the whole story from how nervous you were about being caught the whole time!”

Nightmare steps close and levitates in mid-air, staring at her sister.

“Ha! You think I couldn’t realize, huh?”

Daybreaker shakes her head, flies up to the same level, and stares back.

“Why do you think it had to be a setup for a prank?”

“*shrugs* You do that.”

“But we learnt something from this, didn’t we?”

“Yeah, But we could’ve done this another way, come on. That was weird.”

“Yeah, that was weird as heck! I actually didn’t like doing that, but I did it for the sake of pranking you!”

“Oh, So you did want me to get mad at that.... And I really thought it was my fault! You jerk!”

“Should’ve been more careful, not my problem!”

“Hmph, you little...”

The two’s muzzles squish together.

“I told you! If you’re careful, you wouldn’t fall into this!”

“Well, if you didn’t set this up, we wouldn’t have been doing that!”

“It’s your fault!”

“No, it’s yours!”

They both narrowed their eyes, until Nightmare let out a scream of anger, tackled Daybreaker, and the two fell on the clouds. The two started a round of tugging and pulling.

“I hate you! You’re so mean, doing that!” Nightmare cried, tugging her sister’s wing.

“You’re so annoying! Why so mad at me when you’re to blame?” Daybreaker cried, tugging her sister’s mane.

“What do you mean, I’m to blame!? You started it!”

“No, you did it!”

The two started to fight, but it looked more like playfighting. They hooves slapped and slapped and the two were pushing each other around, especially by the forehead to express their anger. Of course, they still spent a while tugging the other and they wrestled all around. In the end, the two tugged the other tightly in the grasp, grabbed each other by the head, and had an intense staring contest.

”*whines* I hate you, Nightmare Moon!”

“*gasp* Hey! *whines* Then I hate you too, Daybreaker!”

They both shuffled until they fall on the clouds, and started crying and arguing as they roll along the clouds like a ball. How funny- The two just separated, and rather than continuing to use what they’ve learnt, they still resorted to fighting each other. Cute, but to them, so uncool of the other. Looks like the two still have a long way to settling their sibling rivalry. But, whatever the case, they can’t deny it’s fun to have each other around.

Even if they hate each other and fight all the time, they’re not alone, right?