• Published 31st Mar 2019
  • 622 Views, 10 Comments

Day and Night - Inactive Pone

Random Cute Stories of Dreamy sisters Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. :3

  • ...

Ideology Swap

“Now, let’s do this for real this time.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry about last time, alright?”

“You should be. Where’s my spell Book?”

“Here, I’ll get it.”

Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon met up to test out to swap spell again. Only this time, Daybreaker promised Nightmare Moon she did not tamper with the pages of the spells, which caused their fusion to happen before.

“Thanks,” Nightmare said, flipping through the pages. “Alright, let me make sure I’m doing the right spell this time.”

Daybreaker rolled her eyes. “Oh, please! Don’t you trust me, sis?”

Nightmare blew a raspberry at her.

“Nope! I have to make sure from now on.”

Daybreaker silently let out a hmph as Nightmare focused once more on her spell book.

“By the way, we will have to perform the spell together. You might want to learn it too.”

The solar sister winks and teleports in her spell book from her room.

“Good point, and I’ve recorded the spell in my book so I can just read mine.”

“I guess we just need to refresh our memory. We’ve tested this together, remember?”

“Yeah, I know. But... How does the logic work, exactly?”

“It’s a little complicated,” Nightmare said, “What this spell does to us, once we perform it, is that our souls trade places. So, when we use the spell, you and I will trade places, giving us each other’s body and mindset to work with. We’ve only tested it on other objects to make sure the subjects of the spell have their body remaining intact and to make sure the entities don’t trade places as well, or this spell becomes a little meaningless.”

“Ah, right,” Daybreaker nodded, closing her book. “Ready?”

“I guess so,” Nightmare replied.

Nightmare Moon closed her book, as the two put their books aside. They shuffle to sit closer. The two closed their eyes, and slowly leaned their horn forward, bracing for contact. It wasn’t perfectly accurate, took a few little bumps and bangs to pinpoint the horns to contact correctly. Their horns lit up, and the spell makes their magic auras fuse together.

The two held hooves.

“You good?” Nightmare asked.

“I’m fine,” Daybreaker replied. “I’m... Unusually excited about this.”

“Why unusually?”

“Well, because... We always had this weird relationship as sisters, always arguing yet loving at the same time. Feels funny trying to be each other.”

“Well, that’s why i wanted us to do this in the first place, so that we can learn a little more about each other first-hoof.”

“And to have fun?”

They both had a giggle, focusing more magic on the spell. Soon, they felt a tingling sensation when they close their eyes. It feels like their spirit just jumped the gap between them- Exactly what the spell was doing.

A few minutes later, after the tingling feeling stopped and they feel something different about themselves, the sisters woke up.

And in front of them, a changed, but familiar pony.

“Nice job there, haha!”

“You too!”

Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker both give high-hooves and high-wings to each other. Now, Daybreaker was Nightmare, and Nightmare was Daybreaker. The two completely traded places, and their body their spirit is in has completely changed, with all the traits in tact. The two took some time to admire their new self, and get used to the sensation of being in the body of their sister.

“Hey, Night?”

There was a hint of silence.


“Oh! Haha, sorry. I forgot I was Nightmare Moon for a second.”

The two both laughed.

“Hey, Day, since we’ve traded places, we should call each other with our corresponding names too.”

“Sounds interesting! So, I’m Nightmare Moon and you’re Daybreaker now?”

“Yep!” Daybreaker said. “Might be weird calling you by my original name, but let’s try and see how it goes.”

Nightmare Moon nodded. “Haha, same, Day!”

They gave a smile. This was going surprisingly well.

“By the way, Night,” Daybreaker gave a chuckle. “Your original mane feels super funny. And my goodness am I feeling hot!”

“I can relate- This glittery mane is not what I’m used to, either. Nevertheless, they both look cool on us, don’t you think?”

“Mhmm! Have you tested out using magic yet?”

“I haven’t, actually.”

Nightmare Moon tried to muster some energy into her horn to power it up. But nothing seemed to work.

“What in the world?” Nightmare asked.

“This is what I’m saying. *giggles* I think since we’re in a different form with a different mindset, our ideologies traded places as well!”


“I know!!! This sounds so stupid, but the spell does that apparently!”

Nightmare Moon blinked a few times, before smirking and sitting close to her sister, nudging her.

“So you love the sun now? *chuckles* How sweet of you.”

“Hmph! You love the moon too in the same sense.”

Daybreaker nudged back. They both gave a smirk and a cold stare.

“Well, there’s no way out of it,” Daybreaker said, “We will have to admit it if we want to use our magic, because our magic and powers come from our respective symbols. We can’t just perform spells if we don’t praise our Sun and Moon.”

Nightmare scratched her chin. “Hmmm, I cant say you’re wrong. It’s just.... *groan* It’s so weird to have me say I like your moon and you say you like my sun.”

“Of course it’s weird. Because we still fight about it even though we’re best friends.”


The sisters laughed.

“Fine, if you’re nervous about it, I’ll go first to show you it works,” Daybreaker says, clearing her throat. “*giggles* I love the sun and everything that goes with it, the warmth, the light, it is a sight to behold... *blissful sigh* I’m so glad I’m a descendant of it.”

Daybreaker then lit up her horn successfully. An orange aura surrounded her horn.

“See? Easy.”

Nightmare rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you’re nervous too.”

“Yeah, but might as well go ahead and do it.”

“Hmph, fine.”

Nightmare Moon cleared her throat.

“Oh, the precious Moon. Such a beautiful thing in this world, bringing the Night a radiant light matched by no other. It’s so sad how ponies don’t give you attention, Moony... *sigh* I’ll help and be with you if you ever need me for comfort.”

Nightmare Moon smiles and lit up her horn, with a navy aura.

“Ha! It worked!”

“Haha, great job, Night,” Daybreaker nudged her with a wing.

Nightmare gave her sister a stare.


“Don’t you dare.”

Daybreaker shrugged. “Come on. I admitted the Sun is great. I feel weird about it, but I’m also pretty glad about it.”

“Oh? Why?”

“Well, because... I kinda created this spell so that we can get a taste of what each other was thinking about. I was curious on what’s running through your mind. Turns out it’s a bunch of stuff about the Sun and Daytime and... Haha, how much you actually despise the night, honestly.”

Nightmare blushed. “O-Oh.”

“Well, it’s not like I haven’t been doing the same thing, sister.”

“Yeah, I keep thinking about the Moon, the Night, how you hate the sun and all... And come to think of it, now that I’ve had a taste of your mindset... My goodness, this would sound awkward, but I feel strangely attracted to the Moon now.”

“Mhmm? Yeah?”

“I think I know why you wrote this spell. I’m sure we both know the countless fighting we had with each other in the past, and we’ve always been saying that we don’t know each other enough time to time. So, I’m guessing you made us switch places to know about the other’s mindset and stuff?”

“That’s pretty much right. And... You’re right, I, too, feel attracted to the Sun a little more. It feels funny, how we suddenly have a change of heart for each other’s ideology. But come on, sis... You know we’re siblings. And what are siblings for?”

Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon sat down and held hooves.

“Mhmm, I know,” Nightmare winked. “You’re my closest companion. I shouldn’t fight with you.”

Daybreaker nodded with a smile. “There’s a lot we haven’t told each other about ourselves. If this goes on, how do we connect with each other, hmm? Haha, we need to chat more. Just to get along better.”

“We play together a lot,” Nightmare added, “It’s fun- Especially when we play-fight all the time.”

“Hehe, I know. Point is, we just need to be willing to share and to accept our differences. We’re meant to be friends. We just don’t want to admit it and strive for it before.”

“I think so too. You know what?”

Nightmare blushed. Daybreaker smiled.

“I-I... How do I put it...”

Daybreaker used magic and went into thoughts mode to see what she was thinking.

”*sigh* I love my sister and the Moon... It’s just so pretty.”

”Hello~? You can’t hide, ya know.”

Nightmare gasped.

“Oh come on!”

Daybreaker broke into hysterics.

“I love the Sun too. And that’s because I love you, Sister.”

She stuck her tongue out, as Nightmare blushed.

“*shivering* Geez, I feel cold like this,” Nightmare said.

Daybreaker gave her a big hug.


“Mhmm!” Nightmare Moon rubbed her cheek against Daybreaker’s. “*chuckles* So warm!”

“I could use some cooling down as well, haha.”

After a round of nuzzling, the two let go.

“So! Let’s play together!” Daybreaker said happily.

“There’s a lot of weird things we can do since we’re swapped. When are we turning back?”

“When we agree to.”

“Oh, great. I was wondering... How about we go have fun with our Sun and Moon again, and try not to merge them together this time?”

Daybreaker shrugged. They both got off the bed and slowly walked alongside each other.

“Why not. I’ll like to see if we argue about who is better now, that would be so weird.”

“Haha, I didn’t even think about that! You know, how you say the Sun is better when totally you actually think the Moon is better.”

“Vice verse for you. And haven’t we been doing that since day one?”

“Yeah, but our ideologies are swapped.”

“Haha. Now we can’t tell which side we love more personally.”

“Come on, you know you love your symbol more than mine.”

“No, I kinda feel good about the Sun and Daytime now.”

“Oh, so now you like it. I mean, I like the Moon and the Night too, but...”

“I still love my Moon, okay?”

“Hmph, me too. I’m not gonna betray the Sun, Kay?”

“Freaking heck, this is confusing.”

“Agreed. Let’s just call it we love both Sun and Moon?”

“Yeah, we can totally agree on that.”

The two just laughed together.