• Member Since 26th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Kiss me, my account is 10!

Comments ( 43 )

I can't help but think you wrote this ironically.

Please tell me you wrote this as a joke and the whole story isn’t like this.

is he going to be a good guy? :fluttercry:

9216280 Venom does what Venom wants.


...Well now, this is unexpected.

You might want to add a comedy tag to this. :rainbowlaugh:

if that turns out to be the case i might by might take back my dislike on this story

What... did i..... just read...
brain.exe experienced a critical error
please contact the administrator and ask him for bleach

Ok that is weird great work

I'm pretty sure this was meant to be a parody of the Displaced 'genre' because I can't take this seriously otherwise. Unless of course, the 'Pony of Shadows' is actually another Displaced, and it [the Displacement process] has made 'Eddie', Venom, and the 'P.o.S.' mentally damaged. Which would make sense.

This is CLEARLY a troll-fic.

Despite that fact, it is a troll fic that took effort and went past 1000 words. It's not even set as complete and thus, there might be more chapters poking fun of the bad side of the genre aka very common mistakes a newb writer makes.

Well...I had very high expectations and they were slapped down.

...Was it because of what I said or... ?

You know when I click this fanfic I was not expecting porn

Mostly cuz of the story itself.

Oh, you were really hoping for a good displaced venom fic?

Basically. The idea itself is awesomeness personified.

Venom displaced, venom romance, and shadow pony...

......what the fuuuuck? What did I just read?

9218144 A motherheckin’ masterpiece.

That was the quickest dislike of my life...

Comment posted by DarkAngel864 deleted Oct 11th, 2018

Did i do something wrong to you im sorry if i anger you i leave you alone and never bother you again

Comment posted by Vaven Myar deleted Oct 13th, 2018


Comment posted by DarkAngel864 deleted Oct 15th, 2018
Comment posted by Vaven Myar deleted Oct 15th, 2018

....there are no words except for these.

...I never expected someone to do something like this. *shrugs* meh, if the author wants to stop writing it, then okay.

It's a joke, it was never meant to be a story, there was no hate or attack involved with him ending the story.

The mixture of outrageous humour and subtle pokes at bad displaced stories (the $100 dollars, for instance) made this very funny.

I was hoping it would be more than just 2 chapters and I just think that you should have more chapters

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