• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 3,677 Views, 144 Comments

Like Something's Missing - Icecane

Spike and his friends set off to learn about a dragon of legend and maybe, Spike's heritage.

  • ...

A Simple Letter

As the dragons within the sanctuary became relieved to know that they would not suffer another attack at the hands of an ancient, they also became aware of a young dragon who not only stood up to the powerful dragon ancient, but also saved their master. Now the dragons stood in the library, their eyes focused between Serilex and the six visitors that had made such an impact.

The magical ancient looked down to the five ponies and single dragon, smiling as he was once again reminded of the influence the hooved creatures had on the world around them. Twilight and her friends held similar happy expressions, the scholar also beaming with pride toward her assistant. Spike himself had the most jovial expression of them all, feeling a hundred feet tall as the attention of the rooms denizens were riveted to him.

“So,” Serilex said, addressing the infant dragon, “you've come all this way, searching for answers on a flightless ancient. Having no other glimmer of hope other than that miniscule similarity in our physical forms. Yet, you've found so much more. I trust you're not leaving here disappointed?”

“No,” Spike said, shaking his head as his smile stretched as far as his young muscles would allow, “of course not.”

“Excellent,” the ancient nodded. Reaching behind himself, the dragon ancient retrieved a large tome. Leaning closer down toward the purple scaled dragon, the ancient handed the tome to him. Examining it, Spike could feel the odd texture of the cover on it, realizing how familiar it felt. “When Celestia left our sanctuary long ago, she was also leaving with not only your egg, but a gift as well. Just as I gave to her, I now give you this tome. While hers was of facts she would use in your care, the tome here is of the dragon history. The tales of the flightless, the flying, as well as the ancients themselves.”

The old tome was nearly three times the size of a normal book, making it difficult for the little dragon to open it. But as he did, his eyes widened with excitement as he turned the pages. Twilight peered over her assistant's shoulder, her own scholarly curiosity poking in the back of her mind. The unicorn's wandering gaze quickly deadpanned as she realized the tome was written in the same way all the other tomes in in the library were, making it unreadable for her.

“Wow,” Spike said in amazement, “thank you.”

Serilex gave a simple nod, his joyful smile showing for the assistant's reaction. “Though I would invite you to stay here within the sanctuary,” his gaze shifted toward the ponies, “I know you've made a wonderful life for yourself among the ponykind. You've only lived on this world for just a few years, yet you've already proven yourself to be a grand dragon. I am certain that when the day comes that the name of dragon is no longer looked at with scorn and fear, it will be your name that is on the lips of dragon and pony alike. Whether it be Spike or Talyan, they will know of what you've done and how it is not our kind that is evil, but our enemies.”

Spike looked up from the tome and placed his gaze onto the teal dragon. He gestured the ancient to come forward who, after only a moment of thought, leaned his head further down, bringing himself face to face with the assistant.

Then, to Serilex's surprise, Spike wrapped his arms around the tip of the dragon's nose as far as he could and embraced him in the best form of a hug that could be preformed “Goodbye, Serilex,” Spike said, holding the hug for a few moments longer before breaking it.

Serilex chuckled lightly. “You're always welcome here, Spike, never forget that.” His eyes were then set to ponies who stood before him. “That goes for all of you as well. So long as you keep our secret safe, the doors of this sanctuary will always be open to you.” The five ponies nodded their heads in understanding.

“Your secret's safe with me,” Twilight said.

“You have my word as well,” Rarity added.

“My lips are sealed,” Rainbow Dash declared, running a hoof over her mouth.

“Y'all can trust me,” Applejack remarked, “and that's the honest truth.”

“Ooo ooo, I Pinkie Promise, that's how much I'll keep your secret!” Pinkie Pie shouted, preforming her Pinkie Promise ritual. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

The dragon ancient's right brow raised for a moment as he regarded the pink mare strangely. Staring at the odd creature for a moment, the magical dragon turned back to the group as a whole and smiled. “That's wonderful to hear. Now,” Serilex beckoned a drake with magenta scales, who approached the ancient without pause, “I understand the journey here must have been quite taxing on you all. Lexawn here will be more than happy to help bring you home safely, taking you as far as the old temple.”

The drake in question nodded his head firmly. “Without fail, my lord,” he said, spreading his wings and flying into the exiting tunnel to await the ponies.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Serilex,” Twilight said graciously, bowing her head in respect to the ancient.

“No, thank you,” the old dragon said, lowering his head in his own sign of respect, something group of friends were not used to seeing. “You have aided Spike in finding his home, his kind. For that, I am eternally grateful. Farewell to all of you, may you never again look up to the sky in fear.”

The six friends all said their goodbyes, Spike's voice rising above them all. As everything was said and done, they slowly made their way back to the tunnel that would lead them back to the cavernous tower. Watching from afar, Serilex sat in silence as the newest visitors in many years made their departure.

Moruzund approached the ancient and sat beside him to watch the six adventurers leave, wincing as his tattered body was patched up but still excruciatingly sore. “Quite a talented lad, wouldn't you say?” the bronze dragon murmured. “Then again, it doesn't surprise me at all, given where he comes from.”

“Such a kind heart and pure spirit as well,” Serilex added. “He is very much like his mother.”

“Well,” Moruzuned said, holding a cheeky grin as his sights shifted toward the ancient beside him, “his mother isn't the only dragon he reminds me of.”

Serilex let out an amused huff as a smirk crossed his face, the six visitors never leaving his gaze until they began disappearing within the darkness of the tunnel. Only one of them hesitated, the young dragon Spike, having turned back to wave goodbye one last time before rejoining his pony friends.

The cold air blowing around the six friends was of no bother as they flew through the chilling winds and snowfall. Rainbow Dash in particular was happy to be a passenger within the balloon basket, even if it meant being upstaged by a dragon. The scaled creature's mighty wings sliced through the air with ease and carried the balloon tied to him with great speed.

Seeing their adventure over, the five ponies began conversing amongst themselves over what they had encountered. Even though they had each been there, their excited tones never faltered as they recounted the time spent within the sanctuary.

Even as the home of dragons became distant, many of them still couldn't believe what they had all seen. It was certainly an awe inspiring event that non of them wouldn't have passed up for anything else, despite having been sworn to secrecy. Many perspectives had been changed for the better, shedding light on how the world around them works.

The young assistant Spike was the only one who remained silent. Much weighed down on his mind as they sailed through the frozen wastes. Not only did he learn about dragons, but much more about himself that he never expected.

Spike sat down in the corner of the basket, the old tome Serilex had given him at his lap. Slowly, he turned the pages, barely skimming the paragraphs presented to him as his thoughts were too cluttered to read. Though he had seen so much on dragons, one thought kept itself as the main focus on his mind. A thought that wasn't about any dragon at all, but a pony. A very special pony, not only special to the land of Equestria, as he always knew, but special to himself as well, as he just now came to realize.

It was this thought that made him aware that, although the sanctuary was far at their backs, there was still one more thing the assistant needed to do before their adventure would be concluded by him.

Within the beautiful halls of Canterlot Castle, a princess makes her return to her royal duties.

Princess Celestia slowly walked through those very halls, her regal stance drifting down with every step she took. The royal mare's mane held several hairs out of place, becoming noticeable against the usual mass of flowing color. The princess' eyes were glazed with a half-lidded gaze, presented with her nearly dragging her hooves across the tiled floors. Every now and then, a weary sigh escaped her as she found herself alone, not a single passing servant or guard in sight.

Though many warm greetings were had by the castle staff and royal guards, to Celestia, they were merely noises that were drowned out by her own mind. Even as Luna accompanied her for a short time, talking a mile a minute in her attempts to convince her older sibling that everything was a-okay during her absence, barely a word of the lunar princess' one-sided conversation had made it to the recipient.

All that was only Celestia's mind was retiring to her chambers where she could find a few hours of relaxation before bed, thus ending her time away from Equestria. Though she couldn't say her trip to the griffin empire was bad in any terrible way, they had treated her as an honored guest as they always did.

There were a few things she never liked however. A big detail being in her distaste in traveling, never being one to like creating a long distance between herself and her subjects. There was also the Emperor himself, though not as iron clawed as rumors would have one think, the old griffin was one to talk too much on his own personal accomplishments during his rule, almost as though he were trying to make a point to the princess. And she almost dreaded thinking about the banquet hall, a place to eat that had the most horrific decor of mounted animal trophies, one in particular being the skull of a dragon that seemed to stare at her with a knowing look.

A relived sigh escaped Celestia as she opened the door to her chambers. Her body wanted too much to simply lie down and rest in her study, that she didn't even bother to ponder why her bed was smashed into million pieces, something she would have to ask Luna about at another time. Instead, the princess simply strolled to the cushioned floor set right in front of a blazing fireplace.

Celestia allowed herself to slip down onto the floor as the warmth of the fire slowly washed over her, relaxing her tensed nerves to satisfaction.

Too consumed in the single sound of the flames crackling within the fireplace, the princess was startled slightly as she heard a faint, magical 'poof' sound off next to her. The royal mare looked to find a scroll falling to the floor before her.

Unable to contain it, the princess smiled in amusement, realizing she should have expected for her student to send a letter the moment she was able. Celestia was tempted to simply leave the scroll unread until the morning, after she is finished raising the sun, but after a second thought, she decided against it. After all, she remember the little gift she had sent down to her faithful student, anticipating what may have come from it.

Levitating the scroll, the princess unfurled it and began to read. It took only moments for her to finish the simple letter, becoming surprised by both the length and the subject. Her mouth could only hang open slightly at her surprise.

Then suddenly, a cheerful smile crossed her lips. The words in the letter began to blur as her eyes filled with tears, the princess' heart swelling with an indescribable joy. With a gingerly care and delicate speed, she placed the letter on the mantel of her fireplace, unable to take her watering eyes from it. Though the letter was so simple, it spoke such volumes to her.

Dear Celestia,

Thank you, for everything.


Spike (Talyan)

Comments ( 28 )

So, as the chapter would have you think, that's the end of the story. I gotta say, it's not as popular as I would have hoped. But really, I can't say I'm disapointed. Statistically speaking, the story isn't that bad. And I did enjoy writing it, that's all that really matters. Hopefully as I do more stories, more people will look at what I've done and discover older fics like this one.

Now for a little behind the chapters info. (Like behind the scenes in movies, except this is a fanfic.) Oddly enough, this story had a way different plot at first. Though it started off somewhat the same, with Spike lamenting over his wingless body, it would take the turn with him trying to teach himself to fly. It would have went on with him getting magical help from Twilight, then eventually Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash would join the fray. Ultimately it would end terribly for him and he would wind up in the Everfree Forest. There, he would run into Steven Magnet and it would turn out that Spike was actually part Sea Serpent. Explaining his wingless body as well as his affinity for facial hair.

The idea was brought on by, of course, Spike being the only wingless dragon we see. Then the plot of it was inspired from an episode of an "old" cartoon I'm nuts for that was about one such dragon. (Ten points if you know what I'm talking about.) I ended up changing it into what it is now when I realized, "hey, magical dragons sound like a way better story."

Anyway, I do hope that everyone who has read this has enjoyed it. Hopefully as I do more stories, you will all enjoy them as well. Who knows, I may even make a sequel to this one. Seeing as how I think I've brought on too big of concepts to simply leave for a single story like this. What with magical dragons, secret sanctuaries and dragon ancients. Especially since Doomaught himself didn't play apart of the ending role. He's just busy at the moment, hanging out with Deathwing, Alduin, uh... the Destroyer and um... Malefor...? etc. etc. :twilightblush:

Well, I'm also surprised that this story is not, as you say, very popular.
I really liked it. I like the idea of there being different dragon flights, with one of them being a community of peaceful and knowledge seeking dragons.
I also enjoyed the part about spellcasting dragons. I always thought that Spike should've been able to cast more different spells, than just sending letters. :moustache:
The Spike/Celestia relationship brought a warm smile on my face. You could've expanded on that a little, it wouldn't hurt. Though, in my headcanon it is Twilight whom Spike should have a brother/sister or even mother/son relationship with. :twilightsmile:
Serilex being Spike's father... well, that wasn't a surprise, it was predictable.

Overall, a very good story. Definitely placing in my "faves" folder for later rereading. :moustache:

Wow nicely done:derpytongue2: very interesting from start finish I loved reading it:heart::pinkiehappy:

Yes, definitely do a sequel. There's a surprising lack of good Spike/Dragon fics (or maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but this the first one I've seen that I personally like)

I'm sure everyone will agree with me when they say do a sequel. There's plenty of openness left, it's not like it would feel forced or anything.

Maybe you can get on Equestria Daily.:twilightsmile:

I too have to echo the calls for a sequel. Spike ought to find out about his parents at some point--or at least his father.

Thanks for bringing it to us!

I'm in love with your story that is all.

Popularity is not necessarily a metric for quality; many of the fics that appear in the feature box, for instance, I would not give house-room for. This was a good, solid and very enjoyable fic, and there are far too few Spike-centric fics, and even less adventure-related ones. So, don't lose heart, and keep up the good work.

Sad to see it end, but happy with the ending. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: out of 5 Happy Pinkies for you.

You know, at first I was mad at how you ended it without some epic Spike vs Doomnaught or Razormouth or whatever the evil dragon's name was, but then I realized, Spije's still a baby. And amagical age up would be too cliche and too unimaginative. Quite frankly, the reason you suck speech Spije gives that dragon scout, as well as his fire claw magic is just as satisfying for a story like this. In other words, this story didn't need an epic battle to make it interesting. The soul searching and rich history and backstory were perfect. Sure, a sequel that takes place 20, 50, or 100 years later might be a good place for Spike's epic battle, but I'll leave that up for you to decide. This is Matthais23 signing off.

1511530 Well, my own personal thought on Spike's relationships is Twilight just being like a sister to him. Just from how they act to one another in the show you can see it, they show that they care for each other, but they're still friendly. They act a bit like how real siblings might. Then with Celestia, it's obvious that there's something there. I mean, he has a direct line to her with that spell. Plus, I think Lauren Faust has actually said that it was Celestia who personally cared for him as a baby before he became Twilight's asistant.

I just see alot of stories either having to do with Twilight and Spike being like Mom/son or Celestia and Twilight being mom/daughter. Spike and Celestia don't seem to ever get any attention.

1511773 Hm, I might end up trying. Though I really don't go on EqD. For some odd reason, whenever I've tried to go to the site on my laptop (what I use to write my stories), it quite literally rapes my computer and I end up staring at a frozen screen for about half an hour. Same thing happens whenever I go on a wiki too...

1512094 Heh well, it's Razormaw whenever it's a dragon who follows him (like Palewing) talks about him, and it's Doomaught whenever it's anyone else. I suppose a good comparison would be like in Harry Potter how Voldemort's followes always call him the "Dark Lord" while anyone else just calls him Voldemort, or "he who must not be named" or whatever. (Ugh:pinkiesick:) Oh god, can't believe I'm referencing Harry Potter, somepony kill me now...

And this was good.


A scrumptiously beautiful story. I could just eat every mouth-watering morsel of it. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia_cake.png

This was quite enjoyable. I must admit, I thought we were going to dive a little deeper down the rabbit hole and actually see conflict with Doomaught. The ending was very pleasing.

Spike 'Talyan' Dragon Sparkle.

You know, technically that big-tail dragon we saw had no wings. Nitpicking, obviously, but....

And thus is the end of an underated story. Oh well, this story has TON of material for other stuff! :pinkiehappy:
Once again, I really, really like your idea of magical dragons to match the different pony races (including immortals!). I definitely see influences from Spyro, though, what with the magical breath and all. Heck, you even referenced the fact that Spyro died when he fell in lava in the games (or in the originals got scorched. The third game's final boss, I think). And do I need to meantion that fact that Spike is supposed to be a dragon prodigy (who is purple, mind you)? :rainbowkiss:
The Celestia/ Spike mother/son relationship was very heartwarming everytime it came up. I've been seeing too many Twilight/Spike mother/son relationships and not enough sister/brother.
The ending, although I was expecting Doomaught to come for some final epic battle, was still fantastic. The story was supposed to be about Spike realizing who he truely was, and it exceeded with flying colors. You'd think, however, that Spike would be allowed to take a spellbook home to study. He would have a hell of a time bribing Twilight with translations for her. Well, at least he can bribe her with dragon history :trollestia:.
Hope you keep writing!

I enjoyed the heck out of this story, as thanks for writing it you may have my praise and some Rainbow kisses.


Is Serilex Spike's dad ?

1537030 Oh, um... :rainbowderp: Good question. Actually, I don't know. To be honest, I don't even write these things. The real Icecane sits in my very dark, dungeon-style basement and spends his time writing with an old quill and parchment, I'm just the guy who posts this stuff since he's terrified of the internet. I could probably go down and ask him, but last time I tried to actually talk to him, he freaked out and stabbed me with the quill. :twilightoops:

You've left us with such a possible story here! You must make a sequel. Sometime in the future, at least.

Maybe a year in the future? Also, shouldn't spike have asked about the greed growth of dragons? Maybe it was special to his kind as well.

But overall, I loved the story. The way it developed spike and his belief on dragons was certainly entertaining. And how awesome it turned out to be. I can imagine Spike reading to Twilight about the history of dragons before she goes to bed.

Also, dragon of legend? Pretty accurate.

Nice Spyro reference.

And finally, the last two words fav eke an idea. Spike's last name should be Talyan. Spike Talyan.

That's all I have to see, have a wonderful day. :moustache:

Beautiful story :twilightsmile:

I loved the Magic Dragon aspect, though I must admit Im still holding onto the hope that Spike's wings will show up at some point while he grows, since I see his Greed form as a mutation rather than his true adult form.

Nevertheless, I loved the whole thing, the conflict between the winged and the wingless, and the relationship between Spike and Celestia :fluttercry:

Just found this story. Really enjoyed it. I always love stories that dive into Spike's past and origins, and this was very entertaining.

Great job, dude. :ajsmug:

A pity Fluttershy didn't come with them. It probably would've put her fear of dragons to rest once and for all.

Truly a wonderful story, great work.

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