• Published 8th May 2018
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Crusaders nude adventure - ranul

During a sleep over at Apple bloom's Sweetie Belle learns that the Apple's and Scootaloo's family are nudists

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Chapter 9 Friday

Chapter nine

Silver Spoon was woken up when she heard a knock on her door. She got out of bed and was about to go and answer the door. When she realized she was naked, put on her housecoat and opened the door, she saw her father standing there.

"Is there something you want to say to me, father?" She asked.

"Breakfast is ready," said her father.

"I will be there in a minute, father." Silver Spoon said.

"Don't take too long, dear." Her father said.

Her father then closed the door and went into the dining room where his wife was sitting.

"Was she naked?" asked Golden Spoon.

Her husband sat down beside her.

"I think so." He said in shock, "She was wearing her housecoat when she opened her door."

"I really don't understand what is so fascinating about going skinny dipping." Said, Golden Spoon.

Silver Spoon then entered the dining room dressed completely. She was carrying a plate with bacon and eggs on it.

"Good morning, Mom and Dad," said Silver Spoon as she sat down beside her mother.

Her mother looks at her.

"Are you sleeping in the nude?" she asks.

"Yes, I am a mother. Is there a problem with that?" replied Silver Spoon.

After a few moments, Golden Spoon answered, "I guess it would be fine if you get dressed before you leave the room."

"Yes, mother." Silver Spoon said

After that, the three of them ate in silence.

After Silver Spoon finished her breakfast. She placed her fork and knife on the plate and left the room.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Silver Spoon's Father asked his wife.

Golden Spoon shook her head and said, "No, I am not. But we would at least be able to keep an eye on her."

"Okay, honey, we will do it."

After Sweetie Belle got out of the shower and dried off, she opened the bathroom door to see her father standing outside the hallway.

Sweetie looked at him.

"Were you waiting a long time to use the washroom?" She asked him.

He shook his head as he ran into the bathroom, quickly shutting the door behind him.

"You didn't have to wait, dad." Sweetie Belle shouted.

Sweetie Belle then went to her room and got dressed.

Twirl knocked on Twist's door.

"Come on in." She called.

He then opens the door. Twist was wearing her nightgown. Sitting on the bed.

"How was it skinny dipping yesterday?" Twirl asked.

"It was okay," Twist responded.

She then gets out of bed and removes her nightgown. Next, she goes to her dresser and starts getting dressed.

"It would have been okay. If you had stayed."

Twirl gave her a confused look and asked, "What do you mean, Sis."

"Snips and Snails showed up and joined us in skinny Dipping."

"How was it," asked Twirl.

"It was okay, I guess," replied Twist.

"Why, What happened?"

"Snips and Snails showed up and joined us."

"I thought it was only for girls."

"They had phoned Scootaloo, and since she thought you were coming to swim with us, I wouldn't have minded if you joined us."

"When she found out that I was joining and you couldn't. She had called them and told them no?"

Twist shook her head.

"Why not?"

"She had told them they wouldn't change their minds."

"Are you going back tonight?" asked Twirl.

Twist looked at her brother and said, "Didn't you hear me? There were boys there."

"Was it really that bad?" asked Twirl.

"Yes, no, I don't know. I just wish they had told me that they were coming."

Twirl didn't answer and just sat there.

Twist arrives at School and locks her bike up when she sees the Crusaders and Button Mash approaching her.

She looks up at them and says, "Don't worry, I am not mad at you. I understand that you had promised Snips and Snails, but would you tell me if you expect others."

"Okay," Replied Scootaloo, "Next time, we will tell you who we are expecting."

"Are ya gonna join us tonight?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Who is going to be there tonight?" asked Twist.

"So far, just us four," said Sweetie Belle.

"And, of course, my two brothers." Said Scootaloo

"Can I get back to you on that?" asked Twist.

Diamond and Silver got out of the Limo, and they began to walk towards the School.

"I just don't understand. Why are you interested in Skinny Dipping?"' asked Diamond Tiara.

"I don't know. It honestly just sounds interesting," replied Silver Spoon.

"Just don't expect me to join you." Said Diamond.

Silver Spoon then sighed and replied, "I was hoping that you would join me."

Diamond looked at her friend and replied, "I will think about it, okay?"

Silver Spoon smiled as she reached the School. She knew that her friend would be joining her when she went skinny dipping.

Sometime during Lunch, Twist was sitting in the Cafeteria. She began lunch when Snips and Snails then sat down on the table across from her.

"Is it okay if we sit down?" Asked Snips.

Twist then sighed before answering, "Yeah, go ahead."

The three of them started eating. Snips and Snails looked at each other and then looked at Twist and then each other.

Finally, Twist got frustrated and asked, "Is there something that you two want to ask me."

When neither answered, she then pointed at Snips and said, "You ask me."

Snips took a deep breath. But before I was able to answer.

"No, I will not marry you," Twist said.

With a confused look on their faces, they both said, "What are you talking about?"

"By the way, you are acting like it," Twist whined.

"Are you going swimming at Scootaloo's house tonight?" Asked Snips.

"Yeah, why?"

"We were wondering if you wouldn't mind if we joined you."

"It was supposed to be just us girls," Twist said.

"We know," Snails said, "We had talked to Scootaloo, and she told us that we had to ask you."

"I will think about it, okay." Twist said

The three of them then finished eating.

After they finished, Snips said, "Would you mind telling us your answer before we leave school today."

"Tell you what, I will tell you during gym class today." She responded.

Later that day, Twist was just walking out of the Locker room. She looks around the gym, trying to find Snips and Snails.

"What do you think we will be doing today in class?"

Twist turns and sees Aura standing beside her.

"Are you talking to me?"

Aura was just staring ahead. Just then, Twist saw Snips and Snails coming out of the Boys Locker room. She began to walk towards them when she felt a hand on her shoulders.

Twist turns around

"Why are you going to talk to those two? Don't you know what kind of people they are?" said Aura.

"Yeah, they are my friends," replied Twist.

Aura had a look of disgust on her face. "Do you know the kind of people they are?"

"Yeah, I do."

Aura then shakes her head and replies, "You are disgusting."

Snips and Snails see Twist coming towards them.

"Well, what did you decide?" Asked Snips

"Would you mind waiting until tomorrow?" Twist asked. The 2 boys looked disappointed. Twist Sighed. "I was looking forward to it just being us girls."

"Promise?" asked Snips.

"Yes, I promise." Replied Twist. Snips and Snails looked at her for a few moments. "Do I have to say it?"

Before they could answer, the bell rang to start the class.

After School, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon went over to Silver Spoon's house to have fun.

Silver Spoon opened the door.

"Mom, I am home," said Silver Spoon.

"Is Diamond with you?" Asked her mother.

"Yes, she is." Silver Spoon answered

"Come on, outback, we have a surprise for you two."

Diamond followed her friend out the back door.

When she saw the pool in the backyard, Diamond began to shake her head.

Silver Spoon turned to her friend and said, "You promised you would join me skinny dipping."

"You know, honey, you can't force someone to go skinny dipping if they don't want to," said Golden Spoon

"I don't think my mom would be okay if I went skinny dipping," replied Diamond.

"I already talked with her, and she said that if it was just you two, it would be okay."

Diamond just stood there shocked, and then she took her phone out of her school bag. After pushing a few buttons, she had it up to her ear.

"Mom, I am at Silver Spoon. Are you sure? Okay, I don't know. Okay, bye, Mom." She turned towards her friend, "Mom said that it would be okay if I went skinny dipping with you."

Silver Spoon smiled at her friend as she started to remove her skirt. Diamond stood there looking at her friend.

Before shaking her head, "Sorry, I just can't." She said before running into the house."

Golden Spoon followed her into the house as Silver Spoon just stood there.

After a few moments, Silver Spoon walked into the house and saw Diamond sitting on the couch.

"Are you okay, Diamond?" asked Silver Spoon as she walked over to her friend,

Diamond looked up and asked, "Do you really want to go skinny dipping?"

"Not if it makes you feel uncomfortable." Said Silver Spoon.

Diamond then stood and said, "Let's go swimming."

"Are you sure?"

"If you don't hurry up and join me, I might change my mind."

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara then went into the backyard.

Golden Spoon stood by the back door, watching her daughter and friend remove their clothes and then dive into the pool.

Twist and the Crusaders were in Scootaloo's backyard getting ready to go swimming.

Twist was just standing there.

"Is there something wrong, Twist?" asked Sweetie Belle

"Would it be okay If I invite Snips and Snails to come swimming with us?"

Sweetie Belle looked at her for a second before turning to Scootaloo.

"You will have to ask Scootaloo and her Mom if that would be okay. "

Twist then walked over to Speedster, who was relaxing on the lounge chair.

"Would it be okay if I phoned Snips and Snails asking if they wanted to join us?"

Speedster puts her book down and looks at her watch.

"Not today, maybe tomorrow." Said Speedster Twist sighed, "By the time they got here, they wouldn't have much time for swimming."

Scootaloo had walked over to Sweetie Belle.

"Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie turned toward Scootaloo and said, "I was hoping that my first time swimming with a boy from your class would be with Button Mash."

After Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara finished swimming, they got out of the pool. Diamond grabbed a towel and was about to wrap it around herself, and then she looked over and saw Silver Spoon just laying back on a lawn chair.

"What are you doing?"

"Relaxing while drying off in the sun."

Diamond then removed her towel and took the lawn chair beside her friend.

That evening Snips and Snails were watching TV in the living room when their father walked in.

"What are you two..." He then just shook his head and walked out of the room.

"Boys, we don't mind if you watch TV naked every once in a while. But it would be excellent if you tell us what you are planning." Said Snaps walking into the living room.

Snips looked up and said, "Sorry, Mom, we just thought that since we couldn't go skinny dipping at Scootaloo's today, we would watch TV Naked at least."

A Minute later, Snaps walked back into the room, and she was talking on the phone with someone.

Snaps looked at the boys. before speaking, "Boys, get dressed."

"But mom." Snips was about to reply.

"Don't worry, you two, we are going to have some fun tonight."

A couple of minutes later, Snips and Snails had put a pair of Shorts and a Shirt on and just entered the living room.

"We will be over shortly." Snaps said over the phone, "Yeah, we will bring a good pair of walking shoes with us."

"Mom, are we going for a walk?" asked Snips.

"Yes, we are," replied Snaps.

"Who are we going to pick up?" asked Snails

Their Mom paused for a moment before answering, "Twist and her brother Twirl."

"Are we going for a walk in the woods?" Asked Snails.

"Yeah, we are." Answered Snaps. "Before you ask, we will be walking naked."

"Do they know?" asked Snips.

"Actually, it was Twist's idea. After she told you that she didn't want you to join them swimming, she felt terrible about it. So, Their Mom suggested going for a walk in the woods."

"Why didn't you just tell us?"

"Twist is hoping to surprise you."

Snips and Snails then looked sad.

"Don't worry, boys, just because you are not surprised does not mean we can't still have fun."

After a moment, the boys looked up.

"Should we pretend that we are surprised?" asked Snails.

Snaps shook her head.

Twist and Twirl were waiting outside, sitting on their front steps.

"When are they going to get here?" Twist asked impatiently.

"Just relax, sis. They will get here soon." Twirl said, trying to calm his sister.

Twist continues to pace back and forth until they see a car coming down the street.

"Last chance to change your mind, Sis," said Twirl

Twist turned to look at her brother and was about to speak.

"Are you two ready to come?" Asked Snaps.

Twist and Twirl then started walking towards the car.

Twist was sitting in the back seat between Snips and Snails.

"Promise not to stare at me," asked Twist.

The boys nodded, and both replied, "Promise."

Twist then Sighed with relief.

After a few minutes, they reached the forest. Snips and Snails got out of the back seat and began to undress.

Snaps and Twirl got out of the front seat. They both began to undress.

Snaps noticed that Twirl was looking at her.

"Haven't you seen a woman naked before?" Asked Snaps.

Twirl didn't answer, just turned away.

Snaps then walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"It's okay. I don't mind if you look at me."

Twirl then slowly turns around and sees Snaps standing there.

After Snips and Snails finished undressing, they realized that Twist was still in the car.

They both began to walk towards the car.

"She will be joining us later," said Snaps

The boys then began walking towards their mother when the car door opened, and they began to turn around.

"Please don't look at me," said Twist.

Snips and Snails turned towards their mother.

The five of them began walking into the forest after walking for a while. Twist was trailing the others when she noticed a flower that looked exactly like a peppermint candy.

"Everybody come here and look at this."

The four of them turned and saw Twist looking at something on the ground.

"What are you looking at?" asked Snips

Twist then pointed at a flower and asked, "Don't they look like Peppermints?"

She then took

Snips and Snails slowly walked over to her, and she stood up and was facing them with her hands on her hips.

"Would you hurry up and get over here?"

Snips and Snails then ran up to her.

The three of them looked at the flowers before joining Snaps and Twirl, then continued along their way.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara both got dressed before Silver Spoon's father got back home even though Silver Spoon said that she didn't care if her father saw her naked or not.

But her Mom insisted on them both being dressed, and they would talk about it later.

The three of them were sitting at the table.

"How was it skinny dipping, dear?" asked Silver Spoon's dad.

Silver Spoon looked at her father and replied, "It was very relaxing, dad. I can't wait to do it again." When she realized what she said, she then paused and turned to her Mom and asked, "I am going to be allowed to go skinny dipping again, right, mom?"

"Yes, honey, you will be able to go skinny dip again."

"Are you ready to come skinny dipping with us?" Asked Sweetie Belle as she was talking on the phone, "You are not just interested in seeing me naked." she giggles, "I wouldn't mind if you were." Okay, see you tomorrow."