• Published 8th May 2018
  • 2,180 Views, 35 Comments

Crusaders nude adventure - ranul

During a sleep over at Apple bloom's Sweetie Belle learns that the Apple's and Scootaloo's family are nudists

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Chapter 6 More Skinny Dippers

Chapter 6

Sweetie Belle woke up and got out of bed. She grabs her clothes from her dresser. She then goes to her door and slowly opens it up. She looks out the door and sees her father walking by. She slowly backs into her room. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door.

" Are you okay, sweetie ?" She heard her father from the hallway.

" Dad, would you please just go so I could leave my room and go take a shower ."

" Didn't you and mom get a housecoat yesterday ?"

" We decided not to get the housecoat yesterday."

" You know that you will either have to get a housecoat or put something on or not worry about if someone sees you naked."

" I know," she replied as she sat on her bed. She knew he was right.

About a minute or so later, she leaves the room and goes across to the bathroom. A few minutes later, Sweetie Belle came down the stairs. Her parents had finished breakfast.

She goes to the stove and takes a fried egg off of the Pan, and then sits down at the table.

“ Dad, you are right . “ said Sweetie Belle. “ I should either get a housecoat or not worry about whether or not they see me naked. “

“ What did have you decided . “ asked Hondo Flanks
Sweetie Belle then finished her bite and looks at her dad for a moment before answering, “ I am not sure yet. “

“ Do you want to go and check out housecoats after school, Sweetie . “ asked her Mom
Sweetie Belle then shook her head and said, “ No thanks, mom. “

When the crusaders reached the school, they locked the bikes up. They saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sitting on the edge of the wall. When the Crusaders approached them, the two girls shook their heads and began to walk away.
The Crusaders just stood there, confused.

" Are you okay?"
They turned and saw Twist and Button Mash standing there.

" Are you three okay ?" Asked Twist

" Yeah, we are fine," replied Scootaloo Twist gave her a funny look.

" We were wondering if we could come over and go swimming after school today ." Asked Button Mash.

"You know we would talk." She started Scootaloo when she noticed Sweetie Belle was shaking her head. " would you mind if we get back to you on that ."

Twist and Button Mash both nodded and replied, " Okay."
The two of them left.

" Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?" asked Scootaloo.

" I just don't know about Button Mash swimming with us."

" You know you wouldn't have to swim with us ." Replied Scootaloo.Sweetie Belle shook her head and then the school bell and everybody then went into the school.

Sweetie Belle sat there in class thinking that she wasn't sure if she would be comfortable swimming naked with Button Mash. Still, on the other hand, she wasn't sure she was satisfied with him being naked with her friends.

When Silver Spoon arrived home last night, her mom went crazy. Not only are those crusaders are low lives, and they are disgusting running around naked, and she never hangs out with them again to calm her down. She promised we wouldn’t hang out with them.

Diamond Tiara just sat there. She had thought that by telling Silver Spoon's mom about the crusaders being nudists, her mom would be able to talk some sense into her friend. Still, she never expected her to go crazy like that. As the Crusaders were heading to the lunchroom.

" Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?" Asked Scootaloo when she didn't answer, " Are you okay ."
Sweetie Belle turned towards her friend and said: " nothing, just thinking."
Scootaloo just sighed. "Sweetie, I know something is bothering you. You were distracted all morning."

" Just thinking, I am just not sure about Button Mash joining you for skinny dipping."

" You know you don't have to join us ."

"I know it's just," she then paused, " I don't know it just makes me uncomfortable thinking about him skinny dipping with you."

Scootaloo then looked at her for a second and started to laugh.

"You have a Button, Mash." Scootaloo then paused and looked behind Sweetie Belle

" Hi, girls, have decided if we could come swimming tonight."

"Sorry, Button Mash, it would not be a good idea tonight." Replied Scootaloo

" Okay, maybe some other time." Replied Button Mash He then started to walk away.

Sweetie Belle just stood there for a moment and then turned and began to walk towards Button Mash.
Silver Spoon sat at the lunch table eating her sandwich.

" I just can't that Rumble had told my mom like that After he had promised not to tell our parents," said Silver Spoon.

" But he didn't, " began Diamond Tiara.

Before she could finish, "?excuse me for a moment," said Silver Spoon, who then stood up and started to walk over to where Rumble was sitting.

" Wait a moment, " called Diamond Tiara, But Silver Spoon didn't respond and just kept on walking.
when she reached Rumble, she puts her hands on the table and looked him

" You promised that you wouldn't tell my mom ." Yelled Silver Spoon
Rumble gave her a perplexed look

" But I didn't." Replied Rumble

" Don't lie to me." Silver Spoon replied as she glared at him
on the table and looked at Rumble

“ You promised that you wouldn’t tell my parents. “ Yelled Silver Spoon
She then felt something grab her arm and turn her around, and she saw her best friend looking at her.

"He didn't tell her." Replied Diamond

" How do you know." She then looked at her friend and then asked: "Why."
But before Diamond was able to answer her, Silver Spoon ran out of the room.
Scootaloo and AppleJack were in the lunchroom eating their lunch when Diamond Tiara sat down across from them.

" I need your help, " said Diamond Tiara

" Whatsapp problem, "asked Applebloom.

" I was just hoping that her Mom would talk some sense into her, but I go crazy like that ."

" What was that you did ."

" I mentioned that you three like to go skinny dipping. And now she is furious at me."
They then looked at her.

Diamond Tiara then sighed " I was hoping that she would talk some sense into her."

" So why are you asking us for help ." Asked Scootaloo

After some silence,
" I still think it is weird that you go swimming naked, but diamond seems to be interested in it, and she is my friend and wants to at least. Understand why."

" I think you should be honest with her! said Applebloom.

" Okay . “ said Diamond Tiara.

" What is the matter, Silver Belle ."! Asked Button Mash

Sweetie Belle was silent for a few moments " I am just not sure about you going skinny dipping with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo without me."

" You know you could join us, " replied Button Mash.
Sweetie Belle shook her head and said, " I would just be too nervous. Button Mash"

Button Mash gave her a confused look and then said: " If it makes you uncomfortable, I will wait a while to go skinny dipping ."

" Thanks," replied Sweetie Belle.

After Twist, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were out in the field kicking the ball around when Sweetie Belle comes running up to them.

“ Did you tell him . “ asked Scootaloo

Sweetie Belle didn’t answer but looked at Twist.

Twist gave her a confused looked and said, “ What. “

The Crusaders then turned towards Twist.

" Do you promise not to tell anyone?" Asked Sweetie Belle
Twist just nodded.

" I just couldn't tell Button Mash how I felt."Replied Sweetie Belle

They then heard a giggle and turned towards Twist, who was just standing there laughing.

When Twist saw them looking at her.

" You have a crush on Button Mash," said twist As she tried to keep herself from laughing.
After about a minute of laughing, she stops and then looks at Sweetie.

"He is always talking about you, Sweetie Belle," said Twist ." He lives next door to me. We often walk together to school."
After Sweetie Belle glared at Twist for a moment

"Don't worry, I don't have a crush on him. Having someone to talk to."
The four of them played ball for the rest of the lunch hour. Sweetie Belle was pretty distracted, often missing passes.
After the bell rang and the four of them headed back to the class.

" Sweetie Belle, You know to talk with Button Mash after school."

"I tried to earlier, but I just couldn't tell him how I feel ."

" Then don't just spend time with ok."
When they reached the school, they saw Diamond Tiara sitting on the front step."

" Are you okay, Diamond?" asked Scootaloo.

The diamond looked up and sighed " I tried to apologize, but she won't listen to me ."
Sweetie Belle sat down beside her.

" Just give her some time," said Sweetie Belle
Just then, the door of the school opened, and Mr. Cherie came out of the classroom.

" Girls School is starting soon. You should be going into the school."

Sweetie Belle hugged Diamond Tiara by putting her arm around her shoulder and said: " We will try and talk with her, okay." And then she and the other Crusaders entered the school. Diamond Tiara just sat there.
Mrs. Cheerilee walks over to her.
Sweetie Belle then went above to Silver Spoon.
Silverspoon looked up and saw Sweetie Belle coming towards her.

" I can't talk with you," said Silverspoon

" I know. I just want to tell you that she is really sorry." Said Sweetie Belle

" I know I will let her know she is forgiven in the morning, okay."

Just then, Diamond and Mrs. Cheerilee came into the classroom.
Silverspoon turned away.

After School Button Mash was getting ready to walk home

" Do you want to go to the park with me?"
Button looked up and saw Sweetie Belle standing there.

"Aren't you going with your friends?" asked Button Mash.
Sweetie Belle just shook her head.

The two of them headed to the park.

Twist opened her front door and goes to the living room where her father was reading the newspaper, and her mother was watching tv.

' Mom, Dad Scootaloo and her mom are coming over after this evening. "
Dad then puts down the paper and looks at Twist.

"Why are they coming over here," asked Dad.

“ They want to talk to you about letting going over there place going swimming in their pool. “

“ You know she could have just phoned she didn’t need to come over here to ask us . “ replied her Father

“ They go Skinny Dipping in their pool . “ replied Twist

“ Tell me, I may be wrong about this but isn't that where you swim naked," asked mom.
Twist nodded and said, " Yes, mom. "

" Come on, sis, you're not a baby ." Said her Twirl as he entered the room, just laughing
Twist turned towards him and glares at him said, “ My friends are not babies. “

“ Yeah, sure, Sis." As he looks into the fridge.

" A lot of people, not just babies, enjoy being naked," said Dad

He shut the fridge door and looked at his dad, and shakes his head walks out of the kitchen laughing, " Babies."
Mom and Dad turned to their daughter, who was looking down and frowning.

" Honey, don't worry about your brother. "

The twist looked up and asked, " You don't think I am, baby, because I would like to go skinny dipping ." Ask Twist.

" No ." Her mom replied, " But we are interested in why do you want to go skinny dipping ."

" My friends make it sound interesting. I would like to try it, "replied Twist.

Her Mom then looked at her and said, "Before we decide if we are going to let you join your friends, we want you to go and look up everything you can about skinny dipping on the computer."
He tapped on his sister's door and then slowly opened it.

He sees twist sitting on a chair at her desk.

" It's almost time to eat."

without looking up from the tablet that she was looking at, Twist answered: " I will be there shortly ."
He continued to enter the room.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you so busy looking at ."

" Mom and Dad suggested that before they allowed me to join my friend's skinny dipping, I should do some research first ."

" About that, sis, I am sorry that I teased you about it earlier ."
Twist didn't turn around but instead, put her tablet down.

" I know Twirl, but it hurt my feelings," replied Twist.

He then noticed that her shoulders were bare. " Are you naked " Twist nodded " Don't worry, sis, if you don't want me to see you naked ."
He then turned around to leave.

" Have you ever gone skinny dipping " asked Twist?

After some silence, he finally answered, " Once down by the river. "

Twist then spun her chair around and was about to speak when she just froze, so did her brother. If someone had walked into the room at the moment, it would have appeared that staring at his nude sister.

Twist was the first to recover and said: "really when where who."

He then shook his head and began to look away. He tried to avoid looking at her as he answered.

" It was about a couple of years ago down by "
Twist leaned ahead and asked, “ how was it who was there. “

“ It was okay. The river was cold, “ he said as he tried to avoid looking at his sister finally, but it felt awkward not looking at the person he was speaking to. “ Sorry, Sis. “ As he looked at his sister just sat there.

“ Tell me all about it . “ asked Twist.
Sweetie Belle and Button Mash were walking down the street.

“ Why do you feel uncomfortable about me going skinny dipping? You know that you don't have to swim at the same time as me."

Sweetie just sighed and said, " I know it's just that the idea the thought of you going skinny dipping with my friends just makes me nervous ."

" it's just swimming, you know."

" But it is swimming naked."

" You know that it doesn't matter if I see other girls naked. You are my favourite. "

" I am ?"

" Of course you are. Am I yours?"
When she didn't answer, he looked down and said, " I understand " He then felt her arms around him.

" Of course, you are my favourite boy " She then paused and sighed, " If you really want to go skinny dipping, then I won't stop you."

"!Are you sure, Sweetie Belle " asked Button Mash as he turned towards Sweetie Belle?
Sweetie Belle looks at him but doesn't answer.

Button Mash started to ask, " Are you sure."
Sweetie looked back at him. She tries to answer but just couldn't.

" Tell you what, Sweetie let's just put a hold on it until tomorrow, ok."

" I am not sure why you had to come over. You could have just phoned us."

" We just want to make sure there was no confusion that we don't wear swimsuits when we go swimming," replied Speedster

"Twist told us earlier if we had any problems, then you wouldn't be here."

" Will it be just girls swimming ?" Asked Mother

" No Whiplash and Break wheel often go swimming when their sister a swimming."

" Are you okay with that Twist?"

Twist hesitated for a moment and looked at Break wheel sitting on the couch, reading a book and Whiplash, who watched her brother do some sort of coin trick.

" I guess so, mom."

" Then you won't mind if Twirl goes with you."

"!What mom, I don't want to go skinny dipping with my brother," complained Twist.

" Why not? You just said that you had no problem with skinny dipping with Scootaloo brothers ."

" But mom, they are only little kids."

" I never wanted to go skinny dipping ."

" it is never a good idea to force someone to go skinny dipping if they don't want to ." Said Speedster

" We will discuss it and get back to you later ." Said, mom

Later that evening, Twirl was getting ready for bed when there was a knock on the door.

" Is it okay if I come in? " asked his mom.

" Yeah "
She came in and shut the door behind her.

" Do I really have to go with Twist tomorrow?"

" That is something that I came to talk to you about."