• Published 8th May 2018
  • 2,180 Views, 35 Comments

Crusaders nude adventure - ranul

During a sleep over at Apple bloom's Sweetie Belle learns that the Apple's and Scootaloo's family are nudists

  • ...

School days

Chapter 5

The next morning Scootaloo was in her room combing her hair getting ready for school.
When she heard a knock, she looked over at
the doorway wondering why anyone was knocking, there was no door.

“ Can I come to one Scootaloo? “

“ Ah, Sure, Rainbow Dash. “ Replied Scootaloo
Scootaloo went back to combing her hair.

“ How are you, Scoots. “

“ What do you want . “replied Scootaloo as she continued with the combing

“ I came here to apologize and explain about yesterday. “
Scootaloo put down her brush, turned
towards the door, and saw Rainbow Dash standing at the doorway.

“ Come on in . “ said Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash then comes in and sits down on the bed.

“ I was just so mad at myself and took it on you Yesterday . “ said Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash then lifted her
shirt showing burn marks on her side.
Scootaloo looked at the burn and asked, “
What happened.”

“ I got hurt in a training accident on the base.” Said Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo looked at the burn for a few
moments before asking,” Does it hurts. “

Rainbow Dash thinks for a moment before
answering”. If I don't do anything strenuous, it would be fine. That is one of
the reasons that I didn't want to go swimming. “

Scootaloo gave her a confused look” Do you really think I could just relax while you guys are having fun.”

Snips and Snails were having breakfast
when their father came into the room.

“ You two changed your mind about going swimming at Scootaloo after school today. “
They both shook their heads.

“ Okay, so your mom will pick you up after school, and the three of you could go over there.”

“ Why can't we just walk over.” Asked Snips

“ I think this first time your mother should go over and tell them in person that they have our permission to go swimming .”

Snaps turned to her husband and said, “ What about you? Aren't you coming over with us?”

" no, I think we only need one of us to go. Besides, I don't think I would be comfortable going over there.”

Sweetie Belle woke up and got out of bed, went out of her room and was about to go down the hall to go have a shower.

“A young lady, do you think it is appropriate to be walking around the house naked like that .”
Sweetie Belle turned and saw her mother standing there.

“ I thought we had agreed that you didn't mind me sleeping naked.”

“ yes, dear, but we never said anything about walking around the house naked. “

“ I thought it would be silly to get dressed walk over to the washroom only to get undressed again to have a shower.”
Sweetie Belle then turned around and was about to go back into her room.

“ Just go have your shower, and we will go get you a housecoat after school. “
Sweetie Belle then went to have her shower, and her mom went downstairs.
When he heard his wife come down the stairs, he looks up.

“ Is everything okay, dear?”

“ Our daughter was walking around naked up there.”

“ She was!” when he noticed the look of scorn on his wife's face, “ I was just surprised to hear that.”

“ Are you upset, honey ?”

She then looked at her husband and shook her head, and said, “ I just don't understand why anyone would want to go around naked like that. “

“ Mom do you want me to stop going over to Scootaloo’s, “ asked Sweetie Belle
The two of them looked up and saw Sweetie Belle coming down the stairs, and she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

“ No dear, if you want to go to your friend's place. But I just don't understand what is so great about swimming naked.”

“ I don't, mom. I just like swimming with my friends, and they like swimming naked.”

“It doesn't mean that you had to swim nude.”

“ I tried it, but it just felt weird bring the only one wearing a swimsuit with everyone else going naked.

Applebloom and Scootaloo were waiting outside of Sweetie Belle's house.

“ She better hurries up, or we will be late,” said Scootaloo

“ Don't ya worry we have plenty of?” Sweetie Belle begins when the door opens, and Sweetie Belle comes out
Shaking her head.

“ Come on, Sweetie Belle, we should get going .” Said Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle didn't answer her.

“ Is there something wrong, sweets ?”
Sweetie Belle had been working on getting her bike lock on done.

“ Is there something the matter?” Said Scootaloo.
Sweetie Belle then turned around with a confused look on her face.

“ Is there something the matter Sweetie Belle .” Said Scootaloo

“ It's my mom. She doesn't seem to understand why I like to go skinny dipping .” Replied Sweetie Belle.
She then notices the scared look on Scootaloo face.

“ Is she going to make you stop?”

“ Oh no, Scootaloo, she is not going to make me stop .” Replied Sweetie Belle.
Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief, and shortly afterward, the three-headed off to school.

“ You have a swimming pool Scootaloo .” said both Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon

“ We will ask our moms if we can come over . “ said Diamond Tiara Scootaloo, who just shook her head . "why not? We stopped teasing you. “

“ We awfully grateful that we just don’t think yah parents would approve of you coming over swimming. said Apple Bloom

“ Come one, why not .”
The crusaders looked around the playground, making sure that no one else was in the area.

“ Promise you won’t tell anyone else this, “ asked Scootaloo.
Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon both had large grins on their faces. The crusaders, Snips and Snails, frowned at them.

“ Okay, okay, we Promise . “

“ We don’t wear swimsuits. “

“What do you swim in your underwear .”
When the crusaders didn’t answer her diamond Tiara eyes were wide open

“ You don’t swim naked, do you. “
The Crusaders all three nodded. Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon gave them a
confused look.

“ That's weird you are weird.” Said Diamond
Applebloom frowned “ You promised that you were not going to tease us.”

“ Just because we think it is weird doesn't mean that I will tease you right silver spoon.
When she didn't get an answer, Diamond tiara turns towards the Silver spoon.

“ You are not thinking about swimming nude, are you silver ?”

“ What difference does it make it. It is not like our mom's would ever agree to it”
After recess, the Crusaders walk into the classroom. Everything goes quiet, and few eyes turn towards the Crusaders.
They walk towards the desks and sit-down. Rumble walks up to Scootaloo's desk and
puts a cup on it.
Scootaloo looks at the cup and sees that it has a poorly drawn bikini on it.

“ What is this for ?” Asked Scootaloo

“ Maybe you could raise enough money, so you be a swimsuit like normal people you freak .” other started to repeat freak over and over again until it seems like the whole class just then classroom
doors open, and Mrs. cheerilee walks the classroom goes quiet.

Even though no one said anything, the Crusaders felt that their eyes were on it as they did their classroom work.
Finally, the bell rang for lunch the students walked out of the classroom on the way to the cafeteria.

“ Sweetie Belle, would you mind staying for a moment? I would like to speak with you . “ asked Cheerilee. Sweetie Belle paused and slowly turned around “ no, you are not in trouble “ The other two Crusaders stopped.
The three of them then went over to Mrs. cheerilee desk.
They stood in front of the desk.

“ Sweetie Belle, is there something bothering you. “

Sweetie gave her a confused look and then shook her head “ No, there is nothing wrong .”

“ You seemed to be distracted during class today. “
Sweetie Belle shook her head. Mrs. cheerilee then turned towards the other Crusaders, and they both shook their heads.

“ Okay, but if there is something that is the matter, you know that you can talk to me. Okay “
They all nodded and left the room.

“ You know you should have told her about the teasing.” Said Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle shook her head.

“ Why the hay not, Sweetie. “

“ what if she considered Skinny dipping as disgusting, “asked Sweetie Belle.
The Crusaders then went into the lunchroom.
Scootaloo looks around the room, and then she walks over to Rumble.

“ Sorry, Scootaloo, we don't have anything to donate to the swimming suit fund .” He then holds up a napkin “ You could wear this. “

“ Unlike some people, I am not ashamed of my body. I just want to ask you how you knew that we swam naked.”

“ We overheard you when you were talking with Diamond Tiara. “
Applebloom and Sweetie Belle got their lunches and sat down and started eating when Twist and Button Mash both sat down at the table.

“ Do you really go swimming without swimsuits?” Asked Twist

“ Yeah, I do .” Replied Applebloom

“ Isn't it embarrassing?” Asked Button mash

“ No, I only swim with family and friends.” Said Applebloom

“ Sweetie, are you okay, “ asked Button mash.
Who sat down beside her?

“ I just don't like so many kids know that I swim naked .”
She then gets up and leaves the lunchroom. She goes back to the classroom.
Where Mrs. Cheerilee was sitting at her desk.

“ Mrs. Cheerilee, is it okay if a eat my lunch here . “ asked Sweetie Belle

“ Is there something wrong, Sweetie Belle . “ said Cherilee

“ I would just like to eat here if that is okay,” said Sweetie Belle

“ It would be okay if it had your lunch here,” said Cherilee
Applebloom and Scootaloo then entered the classroom.

“ What is the matter, Sweetie Belle? Why did you walk out like that “ asked scootaloo
Sweetie Belle then looked at Mrs. Cherilee, but she didn’t answer.

“ Do you two know what is bothering Sweetie Belle.” Said Mrs. Cheerilee
Sweetie Belle then turned towards are friends
Applebloom and Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle, who just shook her head.

" Why not, “ asked Scootaloo

“ Is someone bothering you, Sweetie Belle? “ asked Cherilee

“ Would you three behave yourself if I left you alone in the classroom, “ said Mrs. Cheerilee.
They all nodded, and she then leaves the room.

“ Sorry if we made you feel uneasy talking about skinny dipping, why didn't you say something. “ said Scootaloo

" You four seemed to be interested in the conversation.” Replied Sweetie Belle,” how did it go. “
There was a moment of silence before

“ They both seemed to be interested in coming skinny dipping with us .” Replied Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle looked shocked and then began to blush.

“ You really liked Button mash .”!

Sweetie Belle slowly nodes. Diamond Terra and silver spoon had just
finished lunch and was about to head out to the playground.

“ Diamond Tiara, a silver spoon, could I speak with you two.” They both turned and saw Mrs. cheerilee coming towards them.

“ Don't worry, you are not in trouble. I was just wondering if you knew what was .”

“ Did you ask her the other Crusaders ‘ said Silver spoon?

“ Yes, I did. They didn't want to talk but was trying to encourage her to tell me.”

“ If they don't want to say anything, I don't think it would be right for us to say anything. “

“ She is probably too embarrassed about being so poor they can't even afford to buy swimsuits they swim naked,” said Rumble

"There is nothing wrong with swimming Naked “ Yelled Silver spoon.

“ If it is so great, why don't you ask your parents if you could go skinny dipping at Scootaloo. “

“ Are you crazy? My mom would go crazy if I even suggest doing something like that?” Said Diamond Terra.

“ Your Mom would be correct. Anyone who swims naked is a freak .” Replied Rumble.

“Rumble where you are calling Sweetie Belle a freak .”
Rumble turned and looked at Mrs. Cheerilee as if he hadn't noticed that she was there before.
. Rumble mumbled something while looking down.

“ I am sorry, Rumble, but I wasn't able to hear what you said. Would you mind repeating yourself and speak up .”

“ Yes, I called the Crusader's freaks.” Replied Rumble

“Rumble, I would appreciate it if you don't call anyone in a freak .”

“Yes, Mrs. Cheerilee, “ replied Rumble
at a volume that was slightly lower than what Mrs. cheerilee would like, but she
decided not to press the issue.

“ Rumble, you may leave us .” Said Mrs. Cheerilee

Rumble then left.

“ Do you think there is something wrong with People that like to go swimming naked?” Asked Silver spoon

"What someone does or doesn't wear while swimming should be up to the family to decide.” Replied Cherilee.
Rumble just walked away, shaking his head.

“ Mrs. Cheerilee, do you think it is okay to swim naked. “ask Silver spoon.
Mrs. cheerilee thought for a moment before answering, “ I think it would be up to the family to decide that.”
The two girls then walked away.

“ You are not thinking about skinny dipping Silver spoon?”

“ What difference would it make? It is not like mom would let me.”

“ Let's go and find the Crusaders and ask them. “
Silver spoon just shrugged her shoulders.

They ended up finding them coming out of the classroom.

“ I still think you should tell Mrs. cheerilee, “ said Scootaloo.
Sweetie Belle just shook her head.

“ What if she thinks I am a freak as well.” Replied Sweetie Belle.

“ You don't have to worry about it, Mrs. Cheerilee knows.”
They stared at the newcomers.
Diamond Terra held her hands up in defence.

“ We didn't tell her, “ she then paused
for a moment and told them about what happened.
After she finished, Sweetie Belle looks at her.

“ Are you sure that Mrs. Cheerilee doesn’t think swimming naked is disgusting? “

“ She did say it was up to each family to decide what the family should wear while swimming in the own pools.”

“ Can we talk “ asked Silver spoon? They then nodded.” I want to go skinny dipping. “

“ You know you should be talking to your parents about this.”

“ Are your crazy mom would go mad if I even mention something so low class as skinny dipping, “ said Silver spoon.

“ We can't let you come skinny dipping at our place without your parents' permission. “ said Scootaloo
Silver spoon looked down with disappointment.

“ I understand, “ replied Silver spoon as she turned around to leave when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turns back towards the crusaders.

“ I asked my Mom if she has Ideas, “ said Scootaloo. She then noticed that Silver Spoon was looking at something behind her. “ Is there something wrong? “

“ Would you excuse for a moment? “ Said, Silver Spoon
Silver spoon then walked over to Rumble
who was sitting at a table watching them from a distance?

After a minute or so, Silver Spoon
then walked back over to the group shaking her head.

“ What is the matter, “ asked Diamond Terraria.

“ He is going to tell us, mom, and she is probably going to tell my mom . “ replied Silver Spoon
Everybody was quiet for a moment.

“ Let's go and talk to Miss Cheerilee . “ said Sweetie
Just then, the Lunch bell rang.
After school, diamond and Silver Spoon then turns towards the crusaders.

“ What should I do now . “ she asks.

The crusaders then got into a huddle after a few moments.

“ We think you should tell your mom. “ said Scootaloo

“ Are you crazy? My mom freaks out if I told her that I was interested in skinny dipping, “ yelled Silver spoon.

“ But wouldn’t it be better if you told her instead of hearing it second hand . “ asked Sweetie Belle.

“ But Rumble promised that he won’t tell my mom . “ complained Silver spoon.

“ I will talk to my mom and see what she has to say, " replied Scootaloo.

Cookie Crumbs was in the living room watching TV when she heard the door open, and after a minute or so, Sweetie Belle enters the room and plops down on their couch.

" HOW was school, sweetie."
Sweetie looks at her mother for a moment.

" Everybody knows about it," complains Sweetie Belle.

" What happened " Sweetie Belle then told her mom about her day, and when she finishes, " What done is done, are you ready to go."

" Go where, mom."

" Go get a housecoat for you."

" You are not going to tell me this proves that I am wrong about going swimming naked."

" Do you think it was wrong, and the kids that teased you about it they just don't understand? "
Sweetie Belle gave a confused look at her mom.

" Scootaloo mom came over today, and we talked."
Scootaloo arrived home and walked in the door. Everyone was in the living room watching TV, and they were all wearing clothes.

The boys got up and ran over to their sister and hugged her.

" Mom, everyone the school at the school knows that we skinny dip."

" A few parents have been phoning me today. "

" What was their reaction ."

" A couple of them told me how disgusting they thought it was, but most were just curious, and a couple said their kids were interested in trying it out."

Just then, there was a knock on the door Speedster went to answer it.
Diamond Terra and Silver spoon were standing there.

" Scootaloo, your friends out here."

" We come to speak with you, madame."
Speedster gave them a bemused look and then invited them in.

When Scootaloo saw the visitors.

“ Did you tell your mom? “
Silver spoon shook her head.

“ I was wondering if you can give me some advice on what to say to my mother about going skinny dipping. “
Speedster looked at her before asking, “ Why do you want to go skinny dipping ?"
After thinking about it for a moment.

" I don't know. It just sounds interesting. "

" Before you speak with your mom, you should decide why it is that you are interested in Skinny dipping ."
Silver spoon thought for a moment before answering.

" I am really not sure why it just sounds interesting " Silver spoon she then turned to the twins sitting on
the couch. " Boys, can you tell me why you like to go skinny dipping."

Just before they were able to answer, her doorbell rang.

" Would you excuse me while I go and check out who is at the door, " said Speedster.
The boys were silent for a few moments.

“ It is just fun . “ they both replied.

“ Wouldn’t it be just as much fun in swimsuits . “ commented Diamond Tiara.

Speedster came back into the room with Snips, Snails and their parents

“ Why are those two here . “ said Diamond Tiara as she pointed at Snips and Snails.

“ They came so that we could discuss them skinny dipping with us . “ replied Scootaloo.

“ You know that they are just going skinny dipping so that they could see you naked . “ complained Diamond Tiara.

“ Of course I do. Do you think I am stupid ? “ replied Scootaloo.
Everyone then turned to Snips and Snails and looked at them for a few moments.

“ Are you just going skinny dipping so that you could see girls naked? “ asked their father

After a few more moments of silence, Snips finally sighed and replied, “ Yes, that is what made me consider going skinny dipping. “

“ See, I told you . “ said Diamond Tiara, “ And are still interested in skinny dipping .” as she turned to Silver Spoon.

“ I don’t know . “ replied Silver Spoon

“ But I then thought some more.
I realized that it would be rude to go swimming so that I would be able to see naked girls, and besides that, if it was the only reason to go swimming, then floating would be getting pretty dull soon. “

“ What about you, Snails? Are you interested in seeing the girls naked? “
Snails just shrugged his shoulders and replied, “ It doesn’t make much difference to me. I just like to have fun .“

“ Thank everyone. I think we should be going, “ said Silver Spoon “ My mom might be wondering where we are. “
Speedster then showed them to the door.

“ Do you have any idea what you are going to tell your mom . “ asked Speedster.
Silver spoon shook her head .” I am sorry that we couldn’t help you any “

“ That is okay. You did give me something to think about. “
Speedster then returned to the living room.

“ Are you going to let us go skinny dipping . “ asked Snips.

“ Okay, here are the rules. You must phone us before coming over if you want to go skinny
dipping and no staring at anyone and inappropriate touching would be allowed .”

Snips and Snails both agreed.

“ We have one request . “ said Snips.
They all looked at him “ I don’t want you to change your mind. If we call you and tell us that we can come over and we get here and please don’t tell us that we change our minds. “

“ Okay, if you phone us, we won’t change our mind,” said Speedster

“ Do you two want to go swimming with us . “ asked Scootaloo.

Both Snips and Snails nodded Quickly,

Rails stood up and said, “ Come on, honey, let's go home ."

Snaps turned to her husband and said," I think I will stay so that me and Mrs. speedster can have a chat."

" Okay, but how you will get home." Asked Rails

" I will give them a ride afterwards."

"Come on, let's go swimming ."
They turned and saw break wheel and whiplash were standing in the doorway, and both were naked.

" Boys, we will be there in a moment ." Said Scootaloo

" Sorry about that ." Said Speedster

Rails turned towards her and said, "Don't worry about that. I live with three boys ."

“Come on, you two, let’s go swimming ." Said Scootaloo.

Snips and Snails both stood up and followed Scootaloo out of the room and into the backyard. The kids then headed to the backyard. They began to undressed Whiplash and Break were standing there naked, waiting for their sister to finish undressing. When she finished, the three of them then ran over to the pool and on the bench placed beside the pool, and they dived in. Soon after, Snails also removed his underwear and again plunged into the pool. Snips just stood there in his underwear with about to remove them before he started to shake his head and then went back into the house. Speedster and Snaps, who had been talking, both turned to him.

“ What is wrong honey, “ said his mom.

“ I don’t know, mom. I was about to take off my underwear, but it felt like it was stuck to me. “

“ Are you okay, brother . “ Snips turns and sees Snails along with Scootaloo and her brothers standing at the living room doorway.

“ I was about to remove my shorts when my hand just froze . “ said Snips.
Scootaloo walks over to him, and he turns away from her.

“ Leave him alone, Scootaloo, “ said her mom
Scootaloo taps him on the shoulder and just says, “When you feel comfortable, you can come out and join us. “

Snips just nodded, and she and her brothers and snails left the room.

As they were leaving, Scootaloo turned towards Snails.

“ Is your brother okay . “ asked Scootaloo

“ He will be fine, “ replied Snails.

Snips then told her about what had happened a couple of nights ago.

Scootaloo and her brothers and Snails then went out back outside. Snips just sat on the couch for about a couple of minutes but standing up and walking over to the back door, he removes his underwear and just stands there.
When he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turns around and sees his mother standing there.

“ Are you going to go out or not? “

“ I don’t know. I just don’t want Scootaloo to be staring at me when I go out the door. when I go out. “

“ Don't worry, she knows that you are nervous about this and won’t be looking, “ said Speedster.

“ Are you sure? “ asked Snips as he turned and looked at Speedster, and he then opens the door and walks out to the pool.

“ Come on, Snips and join us . “ said Snails.

Sweetie Belle and her mom were looking at the housecoats trying to find the right new housecoat. When a lady comes up to her.

“ You should be ashamed of yourself.

“ They looked at her with a confused look .” I mean, yeah, I could understand Apple Bloom her family is just a bunch of hicks, and Scootaloo is just a tomboy. I figured that you would be able to teach your daughter some class. “

“ How dear you talk about my friends like that, “ said Sweetie Belle

“ Mom, why are you talking to losers . “said Rumble as he was walking towards them.
Sweetie Belle shook her head and said, “ I should have known. “

“ What my daughter does or doesn’t wear should be no concern of yours or anybody else . “ yelled Cookie Crumbs . “
Unlike some people, my kids are not ashamed of their bodies. “

"Then why are you here. " Cookie crumb gave her a confused look " If you are so open about nudity, then why are you looking at housecoats."
Sweetie and Rumble were staring at each other when her mom grabbed her arm

“ Come on, Sweetie, Let's go . “ said her mom

“ But mom, we have, “ started Sweetie.

“ We will get them later. Let's just okay. “
As she led her daughter out of the store and got into the car and she began to drive. After a couple of minutes
she stopped the car, and cookie crumbs just sat there.

“ Mom, are you okay . “ she didn’t answer Sweetie Belle shook her moms’ arm.

“ Sorry, Sweetie Belle, but after what they were saying about us just got me so mad. “

“ That’s okay, mom. But why are we at Scootaloo’s house? “

“ Come on, let's go in. “
They then knocked on the door when no one answered

" Let's go see if anyone in the backyard." Said Sweetie Belle. As they went around the house and headed, they heard voices coming from the backyard sweetie Belle reaches up to knock on the back gate when she pauses and then she turns around, mom, can we go

“ Why, “asked her mom with a confused look.

“ Snips and Snails are in there . “ replied Sweetie Belle.

“ Aren’t snips and snails your friends .”

Sweetie Belle then sighed and replied, “ Yes, but I am just not sure I would be comfortable being naked in front of them. Her mom looked disappointed, but she nodded, and they began to head back to the car. When the gate opens up, and Speedster sticks her head out.

“ Come on in, you two . “ said Speedster Sweetie Belle shook her head,'' Why not ?”

“ Because Snips and Snails are in there . “ replied, “ I just don’t think I would be comfortable being naked
around boys my age. “

“ I understand, “ replied Speedster as she was about to close the gate.
Sweetie Belle and her mother began to head back to the car when the gate open and out steps Scootaloo wearing a towel.

“ Why don’t you come on in. “ Asked Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle shook her head.

Scootaloo frowned and asked, “ Why not. “

“ I just don’t think I would be comfortable skinny dipping with Snips and Snails there. “
Scootaloo thought for a moment before nodding and going back into the backyard.

While they were heading back towards their house.

“ Why did you want to go to Scootaloo’s place. “ asked Sweetie Belle

“ After ” She then paused for a moment. “ Rumbles, mom, “ responded Sweetie Belle.

“ Yes, Well anyway, after she said that if I was okay about going swimming naked, why didn’t I join you. “
Sweetie Belle sat there in silence for a few moments.

“ Mom, let's go . “ she started.
But her Mom interrupted and said, “ No, we are not going back tonight. It was obverse that you were not comfortable swimming with Snips and Snails being there. “

“ But Mom, I could .”
But she shook her head, and they went home.

Sometime earlier that evening, 5 kids were swimming in the pool when they heard the back door open, and the two mothers came walking out of the door. Both Snips and Snails looked the other way.

“ Don’t worry, boys, I don’t mind if you look at me . “ claim Speedsters.
Snips and Snails both turned and looked at the two women coming towards them, and then Snails turned and looked at Scootaloo for a few moments.

“ Scootaloo, I can see where you got your good looks from . “ said Snails. This caused scootaloo to blush and turn away.
. “ Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to embarrass you . “.
Later that evening, after Snips and snails had gone home. Scootaloo was in her bedroom reading when her phone rang. She looks at it and saw that it was a group video call. She debated whether or not to put something on our answer right away. She decided to answer it.

“ Hi, girls. “

“ How was it swimming with Snips and Snails . “ asked Sweetie Belle.

“ yah swam with Snips and Snails how was it . “ asked Apple Bloom

“ To tell you the truth, girls, I was a bit nervous about it at first . “ replied Scootaloo

“ Why don’t you swim with your brothers all the time, “ asked Sweetie Belle

“ With them, it is different. They are family . “ replied Scootaloo

“ What about my brother's big mac? You ain’t nervous about swimming with him, are ya. “ asked Apple Bloom

“ I guess it was the fact that they were the same age as I am . “ replied Scootaloo.

“ You should have told me, and mom would have stayed . “ said Sweetie Belle.

“ Thanks, Sweetie, but by that time, I was no longer nervous about it . “ said Scootaloo.

“ The boys are done in the shower. You should get in the shower to wash to chlorine from the pool off . “ said Speedster.
Scootaloo turned towards her mom.

“ Okay, mom, I will in a minute. “

“ Are they coming over to swim tonight,” asked Apple Bloom

“ They would like to, but I told them I will think about it and tell them tomorrow at school. Talk to you girls later. “
Scootaloo then hangs up her phone.

“ You know, Scoots, if you were nervous about skinny dipping with Snips and Snails, you didn’t have to. “

“ I know, mom . “ replied Scootaloo

as she then headed to the bathroom,