• Published 8th May 2018
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Crusaders nude adventure - ranul

During a sleep over at Apple bloom's Sweetie Belle learns that the Apple's and Scootaloo's family are nudists

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Soapy story

Chapter 3

Sweetie Belle had was standing in front of Scootaloo’s house, waiting for someone to answer the door.

“ Hi, Sweetie Belle. “
Sweetie Belle turns around and Sees Snips and Snails walking down the street.

“ Hello, What are you two up to,” said Sweetie Belle.
As the door opens behind her

“ Trying to find something to do, “ said Snips

“ Your early Sweetie Belle, the pool is not ready yet .”

“ You have a pool .” Proclaimed both Snips and Snails.
Scootaloo turned towards boys and just nodded.

“ Can we come swimming with you?” Asked Snipes
Scootaloo noticed the horrified look on Sweetie Belle, who was shaking her head.
Speedster then came out of the house.

“ The pool is ready, Scootaloo.”

“ name, can we come swimming too.”

“ No, not today.y I think I should talk with your parents first .’

“ Cool, “ said Snipes as he grabbed his phone and was about to go through the contacts.

“ No, I think I should talk with them in person. ‘
Snips and Snails both sadly nodded.

“ Can we at least see the pool?”
Speedster thought for a moment.

“ Okay, come on, everyone .”

When they went through the backyard gate.

“ IS that soap Bubbles in the pool . “ asked Sweetie Belle

“ Yeah, it is . “ replied Scootaloo

“ Why did you fill the pool with soap bubbles,” asked Snipes.

“ We thought it would be fun . “ said Scootaloo.

“ Please can’t we join you . “ complained Snips and Snails.

Speedster shook her head and said, “ Sorry, Boys, maybe another day. “

Snips and Snails then left the yard.

Sweetie Belle went over to the pool and looked at the bubbles.
She turned towards Scootaloo and her brothers, who had just come out of the house.
Both of the boys were dressed, which caused Sweetie Belle to give a double-take.

“ Is the something the matter Sweetie Belle.”
It took her a moment to answer.

“ I was almost expecting the boys to come to be naked when they came out, and second why is the pool full of bubbles?”

“ cause of you tweety . “ said Break Wheel.

“ Thank you, boys. “ Replied Sweetie Belle.

“ We thought you might be more comfortable swimming with us if you can’t tell we are naked . “ said Scootaloo.

The Boys looked at her with puppy dog eyes and said, “ Please come swimming with us, Tweety .”

Sweetie Belle then turns towards Speedsters.

“ Is your dad going to be around today . “ asked Sweetie Belle.

“ He will be getting ready to leave tomorrow . “ replied Scootaloo.

“ Wouldn’t want to spend time with your dad . “ said Sweetie Belle.

“ Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle. We have something planned to do this afternoon,” said Speedster.
Sweetie Belle looked at the boys and Finally sighed.

“I have to go in to change,” said Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle then headed inside the house. Scootaloo and her brothers then undressed and dived into the pool Speedster grabbed a lawn chair and sat there watching the pool.
After a few minutes, the brothers were getting worried.

“ Is Tweety going to come out?”

“ Give her time .” Replied Scootaloo.

As Whiplash splashed Scootaloo, she turned and around and stared at her brothers and started to splash them back.
They then heard the door open, and the three of them looked towards the door and saw Sweetie Belle standing there in a two-piece suit. Sweetie Belle joined them in the pool.
Sweetie Belle tried to avoid looking at the boys. Still, she realized that with all of them be covered in soap bubbles, she realized it was needed, and she began to relax and just have fun.
They had been swimming for about half an hour. When the back door began to open.

“ Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle, as only me . “ said Apple Bloom.
As she came out of the house.
As Apple bloom undressed.

“ Where Snips and Snails over here earlier. “

“ Why they wanted to us swimming. But we told them that your mom had to talk to their mom first .”

“ Yeah, they were heading back to get their mom .”
Sweetie Belle gave had a look of horror on her face.

“ Don’t worry so much. I told them that it would be only for us girls. “ The boys looked at her. “ And family members, “ Apple Bloom Clarified.

There was a splash in the water, and soon after, Applebloom resurfaced. As they swam, the bubbles began to dissipate. At first, this Sweetie Belle seems to disguise Sweetie Belle. But for some reason, she became more relaxed about it.

Then the phone rang. Speedster, who was laying the lawn chair, answers it After listening for a while.

“ Okay, we will be in a few minutes. “ then I put down the phone. “ Okay, lunch is ready. Time for everyone to get out. “

They all then headed towards the door.

“ Hold it, everyone, you all covered in Soap studs. We need to get sprayed off first. “
They turned around and walked back out.
Speedster then took the hose and began to spray off Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and both boys.

“ Sweetie Belle, I will spray you off after one else had gone inside . “ said Speedster.
Sweetie Belle stood there for a moment and began to remove her swimsuit.

“ Break wheel and Whiplash, can you two turn around . “ said Sweetie Belle. As she finished undressing.
Shortly afterwards, they all went into the house Fully dressed.
Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle then headed towards the door.

“ You two are welcome to stay for lunch . “ said Dad.
They turn around about to give excuses to leave.

“ Please stay, “ said Both boys. After a few moments, they both sighed and said okay.
They sat down at the table.

When the phone rang, the dad picked it up and after listening for a few moments.

“ I think you should talk to my wife. “

He then handed his wife the phone, and she began to talk on the phone.

Snaps listen for a while and then said, “ Okay, we will come over sometime tomorrow afternoon. “
She then hung up the phone and turned towards her son's snips and snails.

“ Well, what did they say? Can we go swimming . “ asked Snips.

“ She wants to talk with us tomorrow, “ answered Snaps.

After Speedster put down the phone. She turned towards Scootaloo and said, “ that was snap. She wanted to know if her kids can come swimming tomorrow.

“ That is okay with me. turned to her friends and asked, what, you two .”

“ that ain't nah problem. “

They both noticed that Sweetie Belle was looking kind of nervous.

“ You okay, Sweetie. I was kind of looking forward to going skinny dipping with just us girls .” She then noticed the twins looking at her .” Oh, sorry and you two boys as well.”

“ Do you want me to phone them back and tell them to come another day?”

“ No, that okay will do something else to do .”

“ Tweety is not coming swimming with us tomorrow. “ said both boys.

After they finished eating, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom went to the front door.

“ Yah know you don't have to come swimming with us if ya don't wanna .”

“ I know. I will think about it.”

They both turned to Scootaloo, who was coming down the stairs.

“Have fun at the Thrilled city .” Said Sweetie Belle as she and Applebloom hugged her.

“ I would invite you two to come with us .”

“ We understand some other day.”
They then headed out on their bikes.

“ Do you want to come over for a while, Applebloom?"

“ No, I have chores to do at home.” Replied Applebloom.

A Minute or so later, “ Do you want any help .”

Apple Bloom stopped and looked at her with a confused look on her face and said,” Well, if you really want to .”

After the two of them had spent about a couple of hours Picking Apples, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were relaxing in the swimming hole. When they heard Rustling coming from the trees.

“ Who is it there .” Yelled Apple Bloom

“ It is Just me, Apple Bloom,” said Big Mac

“ Don’t come to Sweetie Belle is here . “ yelled Apple Bloom, but by this time, it was too late, and Big Mac came out of the woods.
Apple Bloom turned towards Sweetie Belle, sitting in the water beside her with her eyes closed.

“ Are you okay, Sweetie . “ said Apple Bloom.

“ Get in the water or Leave Big Mac .” Yelled Sweetie Belle

“ Are you are sure . “ asked Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle just nodded.
And Big Mac then slid into the water.

“ Okay, Sweetie, he is in the water. You can open your eyes. “

“ Yup, “ said Big Mac
Sweetie Belle then opened her eyes and looked over at Big Mac.

“ Sweetie, Are you okay . “ asked Apple Bloom

“ I am fine. “ Said Sweetie trying not to look nervous but failing.

“ Big Mac would you mind leaving . “ asked Apple Bloom.

Sweetie shook her head and said, “ You don’t have to if you don’t want to. “

The three of them sat in the water and just talked for about 15 minutes or so. Big Mac and Applebloom began to stand up to leave. When Sweetie Bell also began to stand up as well.

“ It’s cold, and I am not going to stay in. Besides, the water is deep enough that he really can't see anything. Can you Big Mac. “

Big Mac looked over at Sweetie Belle and said, “ Nope .” Before turning away from her again.

Sweetie Belle stood in the water and waited for Big Mac to leave.

After waiting for Big Mac to leave, Sweetie Belle was getting cold and decided to get out of the water.
Big Mac tried to avoid looking over at Sweetie Belle.

“ Sorry, Sweetie Belle, “ Said “ Big Mac as he sat down on a large rock facing the water and began to get to dry off but getting dressed. Sweetie Belle stood there for a moment before getting out of the water. Still, instead of t getting dressed, she grabbed her towel and clothes and began walked past Big Mac and Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom then followed her.

“ Are you okay, Sweetie Belle? “
Sweetie Belle didn't answer her right away.

“ I just don't know Applebloom. “ said Sweetie Belle as she put on her panties. “ It wasn't like we could see each other too much, but.”

“ But you still knew that he was naked.” Said Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle nodded.

“ You okay,” said Big Mac.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both turned and saw Big Mac fully dressed coming out of the woods.
Sweetie Belle turned around and quickly turns around and put pulls up her shorts. And promptly puts on her shirt before turning around.

Snips, Snails and their parents were watching tv.

When Snails turned to the others and said, “ They swim Naked. “

The other gave him a confused look, and Snaps said, “ Why do you say that ?”

Snails said, “ I don’t know, just have a feeling about it. “

Father said, “ What do you think of that, you two. “

Snails just shrugged his shoulders and said, “ Whatever.” they turned to Snips, who had a large grin on his face.

“ Why are you smiling like that . “ asked their father.

“ I would be able to see Scootaloo naked . “ replied Snips
Both Parents gave frowned at him.

“ You know that you would be going naked yourself as well . “ replied Snaps . “

“ No problem,” replied Snips.

“ If you really have no problem, then you would have no problem going naked now.” said the father
Snips turned to snaps.

“ You heard your father . “ replied Snaps
Snips turned to Snails and were about to ask what they should do when he saw his brother had already taken off his shirt and was about to undo his pants.

“ Why not. “ Replied Snails.
Snips then went upstairs, and they could hear his bedroom door closing.

The two parents then turned and looked at the snail, who was now only wearing his underwear.

“ Mom, can you turn your head for a moment. “ He then gave her the puppy dog eyes look .” Please mum. “
She then sighed and left the room, and Snails then removed his underwear and sat down on the couch.
A minute or so later, Snaps then returns to the room.

“ Snails could you stand up for a moment, please . “ said Snaps “ So you can sit down on this towel. “
Snails then stood up and caught the towel. Snaps then went over and put a towel where Snips usually sat and put down a towel.

“ Mom, Dad, could you please not look when at me when I come down the stairs. “
They both looked up and see Snips looking down the stairs.

“ Okay, Snips, we won’t look. “
Sweetie Belle Accepted Apple Families invite to stay for Supper.
They were sitting at enjoying the meal.

“ Why not looking at big Mac Sweetie Belle . “ asked Applejack.
Sweetie Belle gave her a confused look and said, “ What do you AppleJack. “ She then turns towards Big Mac, but after second our two, she turns away.

“ See what I mean, Sweetie Belle . “ said Apple Bloom.
Sweetie Belle then Sighed and said, “Every time I look at him, I can’t help but picture him naked. “
Now it was AppleJack's turn to look confused.

“ After we finished the chores, Sweetie and I were relaxing in the swimming hole. When Big Mac came through bushes . “ said Apple Bloom.

“ I told him to either get in the water or leave.”

“ And you got in the water with the girls.”

“ Yup.”

“Were you comfortable with him being there, Sweetie Belle?”

“ Yes.” Applejack looked at her as now tell the truth .” Yes, no, I mean I couldn't see him in the water.”

“ But Ya still knew he was naked.”

Snips and Snails had been watching TV while being naked.

Snails turned to his parents and asked, “ Why don't you join us and take off your clothes.?”

‘ I don't think It would.” The Father started to say. When noticed that Snaps had started to unbutton her blouse .” What are you doing, dear.”

“ Joining our sons and taking off my clothes. “ After she had finished in buttoning. “ Snips Snails, keep your eyes on the TV until I tell you can look.”

“ Okay, mom .” Both replied.

After snaps finished undressing and sat down for a few minutes, she finally said: “ Okay, boys, you can look .”

Neither of them turned to look. Instead, we were where to focus on watching the contestants going through the obstacle course. About ten minutes later, Snips turn back towards snaps.

“Did you see that, mom?” Said Snails and then turns back to the TV.
After a few Seconds, Snails turn back towards his mom.

“ Mom, you're naked.” Proclaimed Snails
Snips also turn around.

Snaps just sat there and said,” Hi, boys .”
They both looked at her.

“ You look, nice mom .”

“ Thanks, you two look like nice young men .”

“ Where is Dad,” asked Snips

“ He didn’t feel comfortable about the nudity, so he went upstairs. “ replied Snaps.
Scootaloo, after having fun all day with her family, was in her bedroom giving Apple Bloom a call.

“ It was an Amazing Went on the twister about a dozen times. We had Cotton candy and Hot dogs. What did you do today? “

She then listened for a few minutes. “ She did what. “ Scootaloo continued to listen “ is she okay. “

“ Are you having a sleepover without me? Don’t about that. “ “ Could I talk with Applebloom .”

After a few moments. “ How was it with the swimming hole with big mac and Applebloom. “

“Boys, could you calm it down? I am on the phone with Tweety. “

“ Hi Tweety, “ they both said

“ Tweety says hi, “ said Scootaloo

“ Mom says that you should go have your shower now.”
There was a knock on the door Scootaloo looked up.

“ Come on in,” not that it matter her door was open.

“ Hey Scootaloo, it will be an early morning tomorrow. “ said Dad.

“ Dad, you don't even have to be at the airport until ten .”

“ I know, But I was hoping to have breakfast with my family before I go and don't want to be in a rush.”

“ Okay, dad.” She then turns back to the phone.”Sorry, Sweetie has to.” She then stopped and turn to her brothers.”Want to talk with Sweetie. “

“The Boys want to talk with you. I am going to put my phone on speaker.
Sweetie Belle sat there for a moment before replying, “OK.”

“ Hi boys, how was your day” Sweetie then sat there as they told her about the ride that they went on in such detail that she would be able to v

Close her eyes and imagine that was on the rides. In fact, that was what she did. Until she felt someone nudging her.
She turns and saw Appleboom.

“ they asked you a question. “ said Applebloom.

“ Sorry, boys, you were doing such a good job at describing the rides. I imagined that I was on them with you.”
While she was in her daydream, Apple Bloom had put the phone on speaker.

“What did you do today ?” Asked Breakwheel

“ Nothing as expecting as what you two did.”

“ Ah, please tell us, Tweety. “

“ After I left your place, I helped Apple Bloom with her chores and then went to the swimming hole to wash off .”

“and my big bro joined us.”

“ Did he throw you up in the air, too?” asked Whiplash.
Sweetie turned to Applebloom.

“ Sometimes when we are swimming, big mac throws us up in the air. “

“No, we just sat in the water. Maybe next time.”
Just then, the phone call disconnected.
Scootaloo had finished her shower and walked back into and threw her towel on the bed.

“ How was it talking with Tweety .” When the boys didn't answer, she looked over at her phone and saw that power had died. “ Don't worry, we just plug it in, and it would be as good as new.”

“ Okay. “

“Come on, boys, who are ready for a story.”

“ Sweetie Belle, where you really okay with Big Mac joining us in the Swimming hole today . “ asked Apple Bloom.
Sweetie Belle thought for a moment before replying, “ I am not sure Part of me was okay with it. But there was also part of me that was asking what am I doing here. “

“ Sorry to make you uncomfortable. “
They both looked at the door and saw Big mac standing there fully clothed.

“ That's okay,” replied Sweetie Belle.

“ getting awfully late . “ said Big Mac

“ I have to go plug my phone in . “ said Apple Bloom.

When Snaps entered the Bedroom, she saw her husband on the bed reading a book. He looks up and sees snaps was still naked.

“ How was it watching tv in the nude this evening .”
Snaps then got under the covers.
“ Okay, It would have been perfectly all right if you had stayed down there even if you were dressed. “

“ I know I would have just felt awkward, Maybe some other time. Are you going to let them go skinny dipping with Scootaloo? “

“ I am not saying no at this moment .”
That night Sweetie Belle dreamed about going to thrilled City, and in her dream, everyone was naked.