• Published 8th May 2018
  • 2,176 Views, 35 Comments

Crusaders nude adventure - ranul

During a sleep over at Apple bloom's Sweetie Belle learns that the Apple's and Scootaloo's family are nudists

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A day on the farm revieved

Applejack had just finished a long day of Harvesting apples with her brother and headed upstairs. But as she walked up the stairs, she heard that Big Mac was in the shower. AppleJack undressed and waited for him to come out. Finally, she hears the water shut off. Applejack opens the door and walks in.

" Did you use all the hot water again? "

" Yup," Applejack looked at her big brother and just shook her head. Applejack went into the bathroom. After checking the water and realizing the water was cold, she sat on the toilet, waiting for the water to warm up.

When she heard a scream coming from downstairs, Applejack ran down the stairs and saw him standing there with a stunned look on his face. She then noticed Apple bloom and her two friends on the couch. Sweetie Belle was staring at big Mac, who was standing there naked.

Applejack said, " Get out of here, Big Mac."

He headed towards the kitchen. To get a drink.

“ Really, Big Mac, go get dressed. “

“ Fine, “ replies Big Mac as he heads upstairs to the bedroom.

Sweetie Belle had been sitting staring with her mouth wide open, was finally able to shut it.

Sweetie Belle exclaimed,” he was naked.” Apple bloom turned over and opened her eyes, and she saw Applejack standing there.

Apple bloom asked Applejack what in the hay is going on around here."

" He was naked! " exclaimed Sweetie Belle

Apple bloom looked at her sister, and she just shrugged.

Big Mac then came down the stairs wearing a pair of shorts.

Big Mac looked at Sweetie Belle and said, " I forgot that you girls were having a sleepover. "

“ That is okay, Big Mac. It was an accident. It’s not like we have never seen a man naked before . “ replied Scootaloo and AppleBloom.

“ Speak for yourself, “ replied Sweetie Belle.

“ Sweetie Belle, I said it was an accident . “ said Big Mac

“ I heard you, Big Mac .” Complained Sweetie Belle.

“ Big Mac, I think you should go upstairs. “

“ Applejack, I think you should leave as well. While we crusaders talk amongst each other . “ said Applebloom.

“ Are you sure Apple Bloom? “ asked AppleJack

“ Just go,” said Applebloom.

Applejack and Big Mac then headed up the stairs.

“ It was an accident . “ said Apple Jack

“ Just go AppleJack. We will be fine . “ said Apple Bloom

“Does your brother walk around naked like that all the time?” asked Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom replied, “Only after he has a shower and is coming down to get something to eat. He had just forgotten that we had company last night. “

“What is the big deal? My brothers and I go around naked after we have our bath. “

Sweetie Belle gave her a disgusted look.

Apple Bloom replied, “And what is wrong with that. I know on you go to the kitchen after having a shower when visiting Rarity to get a drink without getting dressed first.”

“But we are both girls,” replied Sweetie Belle

Soon after, the Crusaders went back to sleep.

The next morning
Applejack and Big Mac came into the Kitchen. Big Mac went over to the stove and poured Pancake batter on the pan.

The Crusaders came walking into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Applejack said, “Don’t forget you still have chores to do, Apple Bloom.”

“But I have friends over,” complained Apple Bloom.

“We will give you a hand, and we will get it done quicker,” said Scootaloo

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo turned to Sweetie Belle, who just sighed, “Okay, I will help as well. what are the chores that you must do today? “

Two hours later, the three of them were standing in dirty clothes and front of a clean hen house.

“Why don’t you three goes for a swim at the swimming hole. While I wash up your clothes,” asked Applejack.

“But I didn’t bring my Swimsuit,” responded Sweetie Belle

“Ya don't need no swimsuit. “said Apple Bloom

Sweetie Belle gave her a confused look and said, “We swim in our underwear. “

“Nah, we all just swim bare naked,” answered Apple bloom.

Sweetie Belle then backs up, shaking her head. “No, no, no, there is no way that will be naked outdoors. “

“Come on and try it. It will be just us three, and we have seen each naked many times.”
Sweetie Belle looked at her two friends but shook her head.

“Ya promise that I will not let big Mac anywhere near the swimming hole,” said Applejack.

“I just don't know,” replied Sweetie Belle

“We ain't going to make you do something that you don’t want to, “said Scootaloo.

“If you don’t want to use the swimming hole come with me to the house. You can use the shower there,” said Applejack

Applejack and Sweetie Belle then started to head back to the house.

Soon after, Apple bloom and Scootaloo then turned and joined Applejack and Sweetie Belle.

“Aren’t you two going swimming,” asked Sweetie Belle

“Neah, It wouldn’t be much fun without you,” replied Scootaloo

They then headed towards the house After a couple of minutes.

Sweetie just stopped and turned towards Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

“Do you two really want to go swimming at the swimming hole ?“asked Sweetie Belle.

“Not if it makes you feel uncomfortable, “replied Scootaloo
Sweetie then turns toward Applejack and asks, “Can you really make sure that Big Mac won’t come anywhere near the swimming hole?”

“Are you sure, Sweetie Belle?” Asked applejack

Sweetie Belle nodded and said, “ it will be just us girls. “

“ okay”

Applejack then went around the house where Big Mac was bailing some hay.

“Hey Mac, could you stay away from the Swimming Hole today. “yelled Applejack. “The girls are going to be using it.”

“Yup,” replied Big Mac.

“You didn’t need to tell him that we would be swimming there,” complained Sweetie Belle.

“Why not? It's not like Big mac is interested in seeing you naked. “Apple Bloom, Are you big Mac?”

“Nope,” and went back to bailing hay.

A few minutes later, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had already undressed and dived into the water. Sweetie Belle was down to her panties and was hesitant about taking them off when they hear some rustling coming from the bushes. Sweetie Belle then jumped behind a log and was trying to hide.

When Applejack came from out of the bushes carrying some towels, she looks around. She sees Apple Bloom and Scootaloo in the water.

“Where in the hay is Sweetie Belle? “Asked Applejack as Sweetie Belle stood up.

“I was afraid it was Big mac. “

“I told Ya Big mac would not be coming around here, ok,” said Applejack as she gathered the clothes in a basket and then just stood there looking at Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle sat there in her panties for a few moments.

“ Are you sure Big Mac isn’t coming? “

“ Yes, he promised that he would stay away from here. “

“ Okay, since it is just us girls. “

Sweetie Belle then finished undressing and handed her panties to AppleJack.

Applejack headed back towards the house with the Basket of clothes.

After a while, Applejack returned from putting the clothes in the washer. The 4 of them swam twice. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo used the Rope swing tied to the large tree near the water. They tried to get Sweetie Belle to join them finally, Sweetie Belle agreed, and she started to climb the tree.

“Scootaloo, it's time to go.” a woman’s voice.

“Mom keeps Break and Whip away from the water. “yelled Scootaloo. But it was too late, and two pre-school boys came from out of the bushes. They were wearing t-shirts and shorts, and her mom was wearing her dress.
Sweetie Belle then screamed and fell off the branch she was climbing on to luckily, it barely scraped her arm.

“Tweety is bleeding, “exclaimed Whiplash. As he dived into the water, he began to swim towards her.

Sweetie belle turns and tries to hide from Whiplash and yells, “Leave me alone.”
Whiplash stops swimming gives her a confused look.

“She’s will be fine.” Scootaloo then turns to face Sweetie Belle.” He is worried about you. If you tell him your okay, he will leave you alone. “

“I am fine, Whiplash !“Sweetie Belle replied, almost crying from embarrassment.

“See, she’s is okay,” replied Scootaloo.

“But Tweety is sad. “answered Whiplash.

“She will be okay. Just leave her alone /” said their mother.

Whiplash then got out of the water, and Scootaloo leads her brothers and mother out of the Swimming hole.

Since Whiplash had dived into the water, still dressed, his clothes were now soaked, and he undressed.

After Scootaloo and her family had left the Swimming Hole.

“It’s okay, Sugar they are gone,” said Applejack

Sweetie Belle turns towards applejack and asks, “Do you think my clothes are dry by now.”

Applejack thought for a moment before answering, “They might be a little dam. “

“That’s okay. Can you go get them for me?” Asked Sweetie Belle
Apple Jack nodded and was leaving the swimming hole when Scootaloo came through the trees.

“Sorry, Girls, I have to go. We are going to the airport to pick up my dad. “said Scootaloo

“Would you be able to join us tomorrow?” Asked Apple Bloom

“I don’t know. My dad is only in town for the next couple of days. “

“We understand, “Apple bloom sighed.

Scootaloo, applejack, her brothers and mother were heading towards the farmhouse. The mother was the only one that had any clothes on.

“Why was Tweety crying? “Asked Whiplash.

“She didn’t like you seeing her naked,” replied Scootaloo

Her brothers gave her a confused look, and break wheel asked, “Why we see each other naked all the time.”

“Some people just don’t like being seen naked. “said Scootaloo.

When they got to the house, Applejack and Scootaloo went in.

Speedster asked, “Do you have a couple of towels for the boys to sit on.”

“We have some of the apple bloom old clothes that they can borrow,” replied Applejack

Speedster shook her head and said, “No, they should be fine. We are heading back home so they can get some new clothes. “

Sweetie Belle just stood there in the water.

“Are you okay, Sweets?” Asked Apple bloom

Sweetie Belle just shook her head and then looked at her and said, “No, I am not Apple Bloom. It was so embarrassing. “

“Why.” Asked Apple Bloom

“It is just not proper for boys and girls to see each other naked. “replied Sweetie Belle

“What about our family. “asked Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle gave her a confused look. “We see each other naked all the time. Is that wrong? “

Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom and said, “Yes, I mean no; Maybe I don’t know. “

Just then, Applejack comes through the trees with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle clothes and A couple of towels.

“Rarity is on her way to pick you up,” said Applejack

“Thanks, Applejack,” said Sweetie Belle.

After Rarity arrived and picked up Sweetie Belle and the two of them heading back to Rarity Boutique.

Rarity turns towards Sweetie Belle and Asks, “What is the matter, darling.”


“I know there is something wrong you three had the plan to spend the whole weekend together. “said Rarity

Sweetie Belle didn’t answer her. Rarity stared at her sister.” Come on dear, you can tell me what happened. “

Sweetie Belle sighed and looked at her sister. “Fine.” And then she started to tell Rarity about what happened after she finished. Rarity looked at her and asked, “So what is the problem. “

“I was naked. It was so embarrassing, Rarity. “replied Sweetie Belle.

“There is nothing wrong with nudity. We have seen each other naked after we shower all the time.”

“But we are both girls,” complained Sweetie Belle.

Speedster pulled into the driveway and said, “Okay, boys, hurry up and go get dressed. “

“ah, mom, why can’t we stay naked. “complained Whiplash as he got out of the car. Speedster looked at him but didn’t say anything.” Okay, mom, I will go and get dressed. “

She then towards the back seat where Break Wheel was still sitting in the back seat, reading a book.

“Break wheel, did you hear me. “

He looked up and said, “what, mom. “

“Go inside and get dressed. “He then put the book to the side and ran into the house.

"After everyone had left the farm and things had settled down, Applejack realized just how hot the day had been. Instead of heading to the swimming hole, she headed out to where her brother was still working. She felt that wearing clothes wouldn't help her stay cool, so she went as she was."

“You wanna take a dip in the swimming hole,” called Applejack.

Big Mac then threw a hay bale on the top of a wagon and then looked at the row of bales and shook his head.

“Nay. “

“Let me give Ya a hand, mac. “As Applejack began to head towards the hay, Bales and Big Mac just shrugged his shoulders.

After a while, the two of them had just finished filling up the wagon and headed towards the swimming hole.
As they went past the house.

Granny Smith was sitting on her rocker and said, “Don’t Ya take too long it about eating time soon. “

“We won't, granny. “and then went through the bushes the saw Apple Bloom suntanning on a large rock.

“Enjoying the sun Apple bloom.”

Apple Bloom quickly sat up with surprise and fell into the water; she resurfaced a few moments later.

“Are you okay with their sugar? “

“Just fine, AJ, ya just surprised me,” replied Apple Bloom, and there were two splashes in the water.
And a few moments later, Applejack and Big mac resurfaced above the water, and the three of them enjoyed the swim until they heard the dinner bell.

Sweetie Belle sat up in bed and went down the stairs, and she sees Big mac; her parents and Rarity were sitting in the living room, and she started to walk down the stairs. She noticed something wrong. “Come and Join us, Sweetie.” Said the group in unison(?).

She walked into the living room and sat down and looks at everyone, and her eyes then pop wide open.

“What is the matter, dear?“Said the group in unison

“Why is everyone naked? “asked Sweetie Belle

“My Darling, we are not naked you are, “Said Rarity.

Sweetie Belle looks down at herself and sees that she is indeed naked she screams and tries to cover herself up.

She is sitting in the dark. She looks around and sees that she is in her bedroom at her sister’s place. She pokes herself to make sure she is not dreaming, and when she feels the pain, she decides that this is not a dream.

She turned on the light beside her bed and grabbed her phone, sitting on the dresser.

She holds it for a few moments to clear her thoughts and then texts both apple bloom and Scootaloo.

“Phone me when you wake up.”

And then lays back down on her pillow and is looking up at the ceiling. When her phone rings, she picks it up and looks at it and sees Scootaloo.
She answers it.

“Are you okay, Sweets? “said Scootaloo.

“I wasn’t expected you to phone so quickly. “

Just then, there was beeping on the phone Sweetie Belle After pressing a few buttons.

“Aw, Ya okay, sugar.”

“I wasn’t expecting you two to call me so quickly. “

“Why not? We are your friends.”

“What is the problem.”

“It can wait until morning. “

“No way.”

She then sighed and then asked, “You remember what happened Earlier Today. “

“Yes, “They both responded.

She then proceeded to tell them about the dream she just finished. She then apologizes

“You don’t need to apologize, sugar.”

“I am talking to Sweetie Belle … Apple Jack is wondering why I am up so late.