> Crusaders nude adventure > by ranul > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A day on the farm revieved > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack had just finished a long day of Harvesting apples with her brother and headed upstairs. But as she walked up the stairs, she heard that Big Mac was in the shower. AppleJack undressed and waited for him to come out. Finally, she hears the water shut off. Applejack opens the door and walks in. " Did you use all the hot water again? " " Yup," Applejack looked at her big brother and just shook her head. Applejack went into the bathroom. After checking the water and realizing the water was cold, she sat on the toilet, waiting for the water to warm up. When she heard a scream coming from downstairs, Applejack ran down the stairs and saw him standing there with a stunned look on his face. She then noticed Apple bloom and her two friends on the couch. Sweetie Belle was staring at big Mac, who was standing there naked. Applejack said, " Get out of here, Big Mac." He headed towards the kitchen. To get a drink. “ Really, Big Mac, go get dressed. “ “ Fine, “ replies Big Mac as he heads upstairs to the bedroom. Sweetie Belle had been sitting staring with her mouth wide open, was finally able to shut it. Sweetie Belle exclaimed,” he was naked.” Apple bloom turned over and opened her eyes, and she saw Applejack standing there. Apple bloom asked Applejack what in the hay is going on around here." " He was naked! " exclaimed Sweetie Belle Apple bloom looked at her sister, and she just shrugged. Big Mac then came down the stairs wearing a pair of shorts. Big Mac looked at Sweetie Belle and said, " I forgot that you girls were having a sleepover. " “ That is okay, Big Mac. It was an accident. It’s not like we have never seen a man naked before . “ replied Scootaloo and AppleBloom. “ Speak for yourself, “ replied Sweetie Belle. “ Sweetie Belle, I said it was an accident . “ said Big Mac “ I heard you, Big Mac .” Complained Sweetie Belle. “ Big Mac, I think you should go upstairs. “ “ Applejack, I think you should leave as well. While we crusaders talk amongst each other . “ said Applebloom. “ Are you sure Apple Bloom? “ asked AppleJack “ Just go,” said Applebloom. Applejack and Big Mac then headed up the stairs. “ It was an accident . “ said Apple Jack “ Just go AppleJack. We will be fine . “ said Apple Bloom “Does your brother walk around naked like that all the time?” asked Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom replied, “Only after he has a shower and is coming down to get something to eat. He had just forgotten that we had company last night. “ “What is the big deal? My brothers and I go around naked after we have our bath. “ Sweetie Belle gave her a disgusted look. Apple Bloom replied, “And what is wrong with that. I know on you go to the kitchen after having a shower when visiting Rarity to get a drink without getting dressed first.” “But we are both girls,” replied Sweetie Belle Soon after, the Crusaders went back to sleep. The next morning Applejack and Big Mac came into the Kitchen. Big Mac went over to the stove and poured Pancake batter on the pan. The Crusaders came walking into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Applejack said, “Don’t forget you still have chores to do, Apple Bloom.” “But I have friends over,” complained Apple Bloom. “We will give you a hand, and we will get it done quicker,” said Scootaloo Apple Bloom and Scootaloo turned to Sweetie Belle, who just sighed, “Okay, I will help as well. what are the chores that you must do today? “ Two hours later, the three of them were standing in dirty clothes and front of a clean hen house. “Why don’t you three goes for a swim at the swimming hole. While I wash up your clothes,” asked Applejack. “But I didn’t bring my Swimsuit,” responded Sweetie Belle “Ya don't need no swimsuit. “said Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle gave her a confused look and said, “We swim in our underwear. “ “Nah, we all just swim bare naked,” answered Apple bloom. Sweetie Belle then backs up, shaking her head. “No, no, no, there is no way that will be naked outdoors. “ “Come on and try it. It will be just us three, and we have seen each naked many times.” Sweetie Belle looked at her two friends but shook her head. “Ya promise that I will not let big Mac anywhere near the swimming hole,” said Applejack. “I just don't know,” replied Sweetie Belle “We ain't going to make you do something that you don’t want to, “said Scootaloo. “If you don’t want to use the swimming hole come with me to the house. You can use the shower there,” said Applejack Applejack and Sweetie Belle then started to head back to the house. Soon after, Apple bloom and Scootaloo then turned and joined Applejack and Sweetie Belle. “Aren’t you two going swimming,” asked Sweetie Belle “Neah, It wouldn’t be much fun without you,” replied Scootaloo They then headed towards the house After a couple of minutes. Sweetie just stopped and turned towards Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. “Do you two really want to go swimming at the swimming hole ?“asked Sweetie Belle. “Not if it makes you feel uncomfortable, “replied Scootaloo Sweetie then turns toward Applejack and asks, “Can you really make sure that Big Mac won’t come anywhere near the swimming hole?” “Are you sure, Sweetie Belle?” Asked applejack Sweetie Belle nodded and said, “ it will be just us girls. “ “ okay” Applejack then went around the house where Big Mac was bailing some hay. “Hey Mac, could you stay away from the Swimming Hole today. “yelled Applejack. “The girls are going to be using it.” “Yup,” replied Big Mac. “You didn’t need to tell him that we would be swimming there,” complained Sweetie Belle. “Why not? It's not like Big mac is interested in seeing you naked. “Apple Bloom, Are you big Mac?” “Nope,” and went back to bailing hay. A few minutes later, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had already undressed and dived into the water. Sweetie Belle was down to her panties and was hesitant about taking them off when they hear some rustling coming from the bushes. Sweetie Belle then jumped behind a log and was trying to hide. When Applejack came from out of the bushes carrying some towels, she looks around. She sees Apple Bloom and Scootaloo in the water. “Where in the hay is Sweetie Belle? “Asked Applejack as Sweetie Belle stood up. “I was afraid it was Big mac. “ “I told Ya Big mac would not be coming around here, ok,” said Applejack as she gathered the clothes in a basket and then just stood there looking at Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle sat there in her panties for a few moments. “ Are you sure Big Mac isn’t coming? “ “ Yes, he promised that he would stay away from here. “ “ Okay, since it is just us girls. “ Sweetie Belle then finished undressing and handed her panties to AppleJack. Applejack headed back towards the house with the Basket of clothes. After a while, Applejack returned from putting the clothes in the washer. The 4 of them swam twice. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo used the Rope swing tied to the large tree near the water. They tried to get Sweetie Belle to join them finally, Sweetie Belle agreed, and she started to climb the tree. “Scootaloo, it's time to go.” a woman’s voice. “Mom keeps Break and Whip away from the water. “yelled Scootaloo. But it was too late, and two pre-school boys came from out of the bushes. They were wearing t-shirts and shorts, and her mom was wearing her dress. Sweetie Belle then screamed and fell off the branch she was climbing on to luckily, it barely scraped her arm. “Tweety is bleeding, “exclaimed Whiplash. As he dived into the water, he began to swim towards her. Sweetie belle turns and tries to hide from Whiplash and yells, “Leave me alone.” Whiplash stops swimming gives her a confused look. “She’s will be fine.” Scootaloo then turns to face Sweetie Belle.” He is worried about you. If you tell him your okay, he will leave you alone. “ “I am fine, Whiplash !“Sweetie Belle replied, almost crying from embarrassment. “See, she’s is okay,” replied Scootaloo. “But Tweety is sad. “answered Whiplash. “She will be okay. Just leave her alone /” said their mother. Whiplash then got out of the water, and Scootaloo leads her brothers and mother out of the Swimming hole. Since Whiplash had dived into the water, still dressed, his clothes were now soaked, and he undressed. After Scootaloo and her family had left the Swimming Hole. “It’s okay, Sugar they are gone,” said Applejack Sweetie Belle turns towards applejack and asks, “Do you think my clothes are dry by now.” Applejack thought for a moment before answering, “They might be a little dam. “ “That’s okay. Can you go get them for me?” Asked Sweetie Belle Apple Jack nodded and was leaving the swimming hole when Scootaloo came through the trees. “Sorry, Girls, I have to go. We are going to the airport to pick up my dad. “said Scootaloo “Would you be able to join us tomorrow?” Asked Apple Bloom “I don’t know. My dad is only in town for the next couple of days. “ “We understand, “Apple bloom sighed. Scootaloo, applejack, her brothers and mother were heading towards the farmhouse. The mother was the only one that had any clothes on. “Why was Tweety crying? “Asked Whiplash. “She didn’t like you seeing her naked,” replied Scootaloo Her brothers gave her a confused look, and break wheel asked, “Why we see each other naked all the time.” “Some people just don’t like being seen naked. “said Scootaloo. When they got to the house, Applejack and Scootaloo went in. Speedster asked, “Do you have a couple of towels for the boys to sit on.” “We have some of the apple bloom old clothes that they can borrow,” replied Applejack Speedster shook her head and said, “No, they should be fine. We are heading back home so they can get some new clothes. “ Sweetie Belle just stood there in the water. “Are you okay, Sweets?” Asked Apple bloom Sweetie Belle just shook her head and then looked at her and said, “No, I am not Apple Bloom. It was so embarrassing. “ “Why.” Asked Apple Bloom “It is just not proper for boys and girls to see each other naked. “replied Sweetie Belle “What about our family. “asked Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle gave her a confused look. “We see each other naked all the time. Is that wrong? “ Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom and said, “Yes, I mean no; Maybe I don’t know. “ Just then, Applejack comes through the trees with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle clothes and A couple of towels. “Rarity is on her way to pick you up,” said Applejack “Thanks, Applejack,” said Sweetie Belle. After Rarity arrived and picked up Sweetie Belle and the two of them heading back to Rarity Boutique. Rarity turns towards Sweetie Belle and Asks, “What is the matter, darling.” “Nothing.” “I know there is something wrong you three had the plan to spend the whole weekend together. “said Rarity Sweetie Belle didn’t answer her. Rarity stared at her sister.” Come on dear, you can tell me what happened. “ Sweetie Belle sighed and looked at her sister. “Fine.” And then she started to tell Rarity about what happened after she finished. Rarity looked at her and asked, “So what is the problem. “ “I was naked. It was so embarrassing, Rarity. “replied Sweetie Belle. “There is nothing wrong with nudity. We have seen each other naked after we shower all the time.” “But we are both girls,” complained Sweetie Belle. Speedster pulled into the driveway and said, “Okay, boys, hurry up and go get dressed. “ “ah, mom, why can’t we stay naked. “complained Whiplash as he got out of the car. Speedster looked at him but didn’t say anything.” Okay, mom, I will go and get dressed. “ She then towards the back seat where Break Wheel was still sitting in the back seat, reading a book. “Break wheel, did you hear me. “ He looked up and said, “what, mom. “ “Go inside and get dressed. “He then put the book to the side and ran into the house. "After everyone had left the farm and things had settled down, Applejack realized just how hot the day had been. Instead of heading to the swimming hole, she headed out to where her brother was still working. She felt that wearing clothes wouldn't help her stay cool, so she went as she was." “You wanna take a dip in the swimming hole,” called Applejack. Big Mac then threw a hay bale on the top of a wagon and then looked at the row of bales and shook his head. “Nay. “ “Let me give Ya a hand, mac. “As Applejack began to head towards the hay, Bales and Big Mac just shrugged his shoulders. After a while, the two of them had just finished filling up the wagon and headed towards the swimming hole. As they went past the house. Granny Smith was sitting on her rocker and said, “Don’t Ya take too long it about eating time soon. “ “We won't, granny. “and then went through the bushes the saw Apple Bloom suntanning on a large rock. “Enjoying the sun Apple bloom.” Apple Bloom quickly sat up with surprise and fell into the water; she resurfaced a few moments later. “Are you okay with their sugar? “ “Just fine, AJ, ya just surprised me,” replied Apple Bloom, and there were two splashes in the water. And a few moments later, Applejack and Big mac resurfaced above the water, and the three of them enjoyed the swim until they heard the dinner bell. Sweetie Belle sat up in bed and went down the stairs, and she sees Big mac; her parents and Rarity were sitting in the living room, and she started to walk down the stairs. She noticed something wrong. “Come and Join us, Sweetie.” Said the group in unison(?). She walked into the living room and sat down and looks at everyone, and her eyes then pop wide open. “What is the matter, dear?“Said the group in unison “Why is everyone naked? “asked Sweetie Belle “My Darling, we are not naked you are, “Said Rarity. Sweetie Belle looks down at herself and sees that she is indeed naked she screams and tries to cover herself up. She is sitting in the dark. She looks around and sees that she is in her bedroom at her sister’s place. She pokes herself to make sure she is not dreaming, and when she feels the pain, she decides that this is not a dream. She turned on the light beside her bed and grabbed her phone, sitting on the dresser. She holds it for a few moments to clear her thoughts and then texts both apple bloom and Scootaloo. “Phone me when you wake up.” And then lays back down on her pillow and is looking up at the ceiling. When her phone rings, she picks it up and looks at it and sees Scootaloo. She answers it. “Are you okay, Sweets? “said Scootaloo. “I wasn’t expected you to phone so quickly. “ Just then, there was beeping on the phone Sweetie Belle After pressing a few buttons. “Aw, Ya okay, sugar.” “I wasn’t expecting you two to call me so quickly. “ “Why not? We are your friends.” “What is the problem.” “It can wait until morning. “ “No way.” She then sighed and then asked, “You remember what happened Earlier Today. “ “Yes, “They both responded. She then proceeded to tell them about the dream she just finished. She then apologizes “You don’t need to apologize, sugar.” “I am talking to Sweetie Belle … Apple Jack is wondering why I am up so late. > The new swimming pool updated > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 The next morning, Rarity made waffles for breakfast when Sweetie Belle came walking into the room and sat down at the table. Her hair was wet, and she was wearing her housecoat. “Good morning Sweetie. Are you hungry this morning? “When Sweetie Belle didn't answer. “Sweets, are you OK.” Sweetie Belle looked up and asked, “You wouldn't mind if I take off my housecoat and sit her naked.” Rarity gave her a confused look. “I would ask you why and be surprised, but if you really want but I wouldn't object.” Sweetie Belle stood up and put her hands on the knot of her housecoat. “Are you sure, Rarity?” “If you really want to, Sweetie. “ Sweetie Belle then removes the housecoat to reveal that she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Sweetie looked at her sister and said, “I couldn't go through with it, Rarity.” Rarity said, “that's okay, dear. But it would have been okay if you have done it” Later after Sweetie Belle finished her breakfast, she went for a bike ride. She stopped at an intersection and realized that this was the street that Scootaloo lived. She went to her house and knocked on the door. Scootaloo quickly dried off, put her dress on, opened the door, and saw Sweetie Belle standing there. “Come on in, Sweetie Belle. “Said Scootaloo.” what can I do for you.” “I came to apologize for how “ Sweetie Belle then paused as she was staring straight ahead. “Tweety, come swimming with us .” Scootaloo then turned and saw that her brothers had just come into the room. “Boys, go get dressed. “Sweetie then sighed “don't be mad at them.” The two boys then left the room. “Don’t worry. I am not. After all, didn’t know that I would be here . “ replied Sweetie Belle Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo and noticed that her hair was wet. “Did you get out of the shower? Scootaloo shook her head.” Then why is your head wet.” Just then, the brothers came into the room. They had both in the underwear, and both were wet. “Go put something more on you two.” “They don't have to on my account. ‘ Scootaloo turned to Sweetie Belle, who just nodded. “Why are you all wet.” ‘Come with us.” They then went to the backyard. “When did you get a swimming pool.” “ We got it this morning .” “ Come swimming with us, tweety .” Said Breakwheel as he began to remove his underwear. “ Maybe Later, okay, boys. “ “ Promise Tweety .” Said both the boys Sweetie then nodded. Scootaloo noticed that Sweetie Belle was looking uncomfortable. “ Boys, can you wait inside for a few minutes. “ “ But we want to go swimming, “ said whiplash “ Don't worry, I won't belong, and you know what mom and dad said about you swimming alone ..” The boys both frowned and then went into the house. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo then began to walk back towards the house when Sweetie Belle paused and looked at Scootaloo. “Did I promise to go swimming with your brothers? “said Sweetie Belle Scootaloo just nodded “Yes, you did. Sweetie Belle. “replied Scootaloo. “Will they be distraught if I change my mind. “asked Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo said, “I think they will get over it. “ “ I think I should be going. “ Said, Sweetie Belle “ Why not stay a while and have some fun. “ Sweetie shook her head and said, “ It looks like they wanted to go swimming .” “ They would be willing to wait . “ replied Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle shook her head. “ No, I think I should be going,” said Sweetie Belle Break wheel was playing on the X Station, and Whiplash was lying on the couch reading a book. When Scootaloo came into the room. “Boys, will you be really upset if Sweetie Belle changed her mind about going swimming. “ They both frowned. Whiplash looked up from the book. “why not.” He asked. “She doesn’t feel comfortable being naked like we do. “ “But she doesn’t have to be naked. “ Breakwheel paused the game and turned the tv off. Whiplash put down the book, and the naked siblings headed out the door. After Apple Bloom had finished her chores, she heads into town on her bike when she saw Sweetie Belle. “Hey, Sweetie. “Sweetie Belle didn’t answer her. So, Apple Bloom started to ride beside her and asks, “Are you, okay Sweetie. “ Sweetie Belle Stops her bike and turns to Apple Bloom. “Yes, Apple Bloom. “Asks Sweetie Belle. “Is there something wrong, Sweetie Belle? “ “Sorry, Bloom, I have things to think about. “ “If you tell me, I might be able to help. “ Sweetie Belle shook her head. Apple Bloom thought for a moment. “Want to come to Scootaloo with me.” she shook her head and started to head towards home. Apple bloom thought for it for a moment, then turned around and headed towards Scootaloo. When she knocked on the door. “Hello, is Scootaloo home.” “She and her brothers are playing in the backyard, “replied speedster and headed to scootaloo's Apple bloom headed towards the backyard. She heard splashing she shook her head and thought they don't have a pool but when she opened the door and saw the swimming pool in the backyard. “ Yousars, you all have a swimming pool.” Whiplash was leaning over the edge of the pool. “Yeah, dad bought it for us this morning. “ “Come and join us, bloom.” Said Breakwheel. By this time, she had removed her shirt and shorts and was about to release her underwear. “Ya try and stop me. “as she removes her underwear and jumps into the pool. Rarity was sewing in she heard the door. She heard footsteps going up the stairs. She listens and hears the door of the guest room shut. Rarity goes back to work. Sometime later, Rarity knocks on the door. “it’s time to eat, my dear.” “I am not hungry.” came the reply from within the room. “Are you okay?” “Yes, Rarity, I am fine.” After Rarity had finished eating, and was in the living room watching a romance movie. “Thank you, Rarity.” “Your welcome, honey. I figured you would be hungry. Sweetie Belle sat down on the couch. Rarity turned her head and then turned back to the TV. Sweetie Belle sat there watching tv. First, she tried to sit with her arm leaning on the couch's arm, and she tried laying on the couch. Every so often looked over at Rarity, who was just sat there watching tv. Finally, Sweetie Belle couldn’t take it and turn towards her sister. “ Aren't you going to say anything, Rarity? “ “About what, Sweetie. “ “That I am naked here. “ “Oh, I didn't notice it.” Sweetie Belle looks at her sister. “Rarity.” “I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable. “ There was a knock on the door. “Stay here, sweetie. I will go and see who it is.” Rarity headed towards the door, and Sweetie Belle headed upstairs. As soon as Rarity heard the door open and close upstairs, She opened the door. “Is Sweetie Belle home.” “Sweetie! Apple bloom is here. “ “I will be down in a moment. “after a few moments, “Come on up here.” Apple bloom then went upstairs and knocked on the door. “Come on in.” Apple bloom opened the door and saw sweetie Belle sitting on her bed. Facing away from her. “Are you okay, sweetie?” Sweetie then stood up and turned around, and she was totally naked. “I was trying to see what it was like to naked just before you came here. “Sweetie then went over to her dresser and was about to open it. When She stopped and sat down.” you don’t mind if I don’t get dressed. “ Apple bloom just shrugged her shoulders and said, “Na do whatever you feel comfortable. “After a few moments, “Did you promise Break Wheel and Whiplash that you would go swimming with them. “ Sweetie Belle looks at Apple bloom for a few moments and nods. “You know that it would be okay if you were a swimsuit if you want to. “ “I know Scootaloo told me that as well. But I don’t know about being the only one in a swimsuit and everyone else being naked. “ “ We have thought of an idea that you wouldn’t even notice that we are naked. “ “ What I am will be blindfolded ?” “ No, silly, but if you want to find out, you will have to come swimming tomorrow. “ “ I will think about it, okay .” “Apple Bloom, you should be heading on a home if you want to get there before it gets dark. “ They turn and saw Rarity standing at the door, also naked. Apple bloom stood and up and put her arms out to hug sweetie. Sweetie Belle Hesitated for a moment before embracing her friend in a hug after Apple bloom left. “Why are you naked?” “What is there a rule that only you can go around naked. This is my house, after all.”. The two of them watched tv for the rest of the evening and when Sweetie Belle went to get ready for bed and reached back to remove her dress to get ready for bed remembered that she was naked. She then crawls between her covers and goes to sleep. > Soapy story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Sweetie Belle had was standing in front of Scootaloo’s house, waiting for someone to answer the door. “ Hi, Sweetie Belle. “ Sweetie Belle turns around and Sees Snips and Snails walking down the street. “ Hello, What are you two up to,” said Sweetie Belle. As the door opens behind her “ Trying to find something to do, “ said Snips “ Your early Sweetie Belle, the pool is not ready yet .” “ You have a pool .” Proclaimed both Snips and Snails. Scootaloo turned towards boys and just nodded. “ Can we come swimming with you?” Asked Snipes Scootaloo noticed the horrified look on Sweetie Belle, who was shaking her head. Speedster then came out of the house. “ The pool is ready, Scootaloo.” “ name, can we come swimming too.” “ No, not today.y I think I should talk with your parents first .’ “ Cool, “ said Snipes as he grabbed his phone and was about to go through the contacts. “ No, I think I should talk with them in person. ‘ Snips and Snails both sadly nodded. “ Can we at least see the pool?” Speedster thought for a moment. “ Okay, come on, everyone .” When they went through the backyard gate. “ IS that soap Bubbles in the pool . “ asked Sweetie Belle “ Yeah, it is . “ replied Scootaloo “ Why did you fill the pool with soap bubbles,” asked Snipes. “ We thought it would be fun . “ said Scootaloo. “ Please can’t we join you . “ complained Snips and Snails. Speedster shook her head and said, “ Sorry, Boys, maybe another day. “ Snips and Snails then left the yard. Sweetie Belle went over to the pool and looked at the bubbles. She turned towards Scootaloo and her brothers, who had just come out of the house. Both of the boys were dressed, which caused Sweetie Belle to give a double-take. “ Is the something the matter Sweetie Belle.” It took her a moment to answer. “ I was almost expecting the boys to come to be naked when they came out, and second why is the pool full of bubbles?” “ cause of you tweety . “ said Break Wheel. “ Thank you, boys. “ Replied Sweetie Belle. “ We thought you might be more comfortable swimming with us if you can’t tell we are naked . “ said Scootaloo. The Boys looked at her with puppy dog eyes and said, “ Please come swimming with us, Tweety .” Sweetie Belle then turns towards Speedsters. “ Is your dad going to be around today . “ asked Sweetie Belle. “ He will be getting ready to leave tomorrow . “ replied Scootaloo. “ Wouldn’t want to spend time with your dad . “ said Sweetie Belle. “ Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle. We have something planned to do this afternoon,” said Speedster. Sweetie Belle looked at the boys and Finally sighed. “I have to go in to change,” said Sweetie Belle Sweetie Belle then headed inside the house. Scootaloo and her brothers then undressed and dived into the pool Speedster grabbed a lawn chair and sat there watching the pool. After a few minutes, the brothers were getting worried. “ Is Tweety going to come out?” “ Give her time .” Replied Scootaloo. As Whiplash splashed Scootaloo, she turned and around and stared at her brothers and started to splash them back. They then heard the door open, and the three of them looked towards the door and saw Sweetie Belle standing there in a two-piece suit. Sweetie Belle joined them in the pool. Sweetie Belle tried to avoid looking at the boys. Still, she realized that with all of them be covered in soap bubbles, she realized it was needed, and she began to relax and just have fun. They had been swimming for about half an hour. When the back door began to open. “ Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle, as only me . “ said Apple Bloom. As she came out of the house. As Apple bloom undressed. “ Where Snips and Snails over here earlier. “ “ Why they wanted to us swimming. But we told them that your mom had to talk to their mom first .” “ Yeah, they were heading back to get their mom .” Sweetie Belle gave had a look of horror on her face. “ Don’t worry so much. I told them that it would be only for us girls. “ The boys looked at her. “ And family members, “ Apple Bloom Clarified. There was a splash in the water, and soon after, Applebloom resurfaced. As they swam, the bubbles began to dissipate. At first, this Sweetie Belle seems to disguise Sweetie Belle. But for some reason, she became more relaxed about it. Then the phone rang. Speedster, who was laying the lawn chair, answers it After listening for a while. “ Okay, we will be in a few minutes. “ then I put down the phone. “ Okay, lunch is ready. Time for everyone to get out. “ They all then headed towards the door. “ Hold it, everyone, you all covered in Soap studs. We need to get sprayed off first. “ They turned around and walked back out. Speedster then took the hose and began to spray off Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and both boys. “ Sweetie Belle, I will spray you off after one else had gone inside . “ said Speedster. Sweetie Belle stood there for a moment and began to remove her swimsuit. “ Break wheel and Whiplash, can you two turn around . “ said Sweetie Belle. As she finished undressing. Shortly afterwards, they all went into the house Fully dressed. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle then headed towards the door. “ You two are welcome to stay for lunch . “ said Dad. They turn around about to give excuses to leave. “ Please stay, “ said Both boys. After a few moments, they both sighed and said okay. They sat down at the table. When the phone rang, the dad picked it up and after listening for a few moments. “ I think you should talk to my wife. “ He then handed his wife the phone, and she began to talk on the phone. Snaps listen for a while and then said, “ Okay, we will come over sometime tomorrow afternoon. “ She then hung up the phone and turned towards her son's snips and snails. “ Well, what did they say? Can we go swimming . “ asked Snips. “ She wants to talk with us tomorrow, “ answered Snaps. After Speedster put down the phone. She turned towards Scootaloo and said, “ that was snap. She wanted to know if her kids can come swimming tomorrow. “ That is okay with me. turned to her friends and asked, what, you two .” “ that ain't nah problem. “ They both noticed that Sweetie Belle was looking kind of nervous. “ You okay, Sweetie. I was kind of looking forward to going skinny dipping with just us girls .” She then noticed the twins looking at her .” Oh, sorry and you two boys as well.” “ Do you want me to phone them back and tell them to come another day?” “ No, that okay will do something else to do .” “ Tweety is not coming swimming with us tomorrow. “ said both boys. After they finished eating, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom went to the front door. “ Yah know you don't have to come swimming with us if ya don't wanna .” “ I know. I will think about it.” They both turned to Scootaloo, who was coming down the stairs. “Have fun at the Thrilled city .” Said Sweetie Belle as she and Applebloom hugged her. “ I would invite you two to come with us .” “ We understand some other day.” They then headed out on their bikes. “ Do you want to come over for a while, Applebloom?" “ No, I have chores to do at home.” Replied Applebloom. A Minute or so later, “ Do you want any help .” Apple Bloom stopped and looked at her with a confused look on her face and said,” Well, if you really want to .” After the two of them had spent about a couple of hours Picking Apples, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were relaxing in the swimming hole. When they heard Rustling coming from the trees. “ Who is it there .” Yelled Apple Bloom “ It is Just me, Apple Bloom,” said Big Mac “ Don’t come to Sweetie Belle is here . “ yelled Apple Bloom, but by this time, it was too late, and Big Mac came out of the woods. Apple Bloom turned towards Sweetie Belle, sitting in the water beside her with her eyes closed. “ Are you okay, Sweetie . “ said Apple Bloom. “ Get in the water or Leave Big Mac .” Yelled Sweetie Belle “ Are you are sure . “ asked Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle just nodded. And Big Mac then slid into the water. “ Okay, Sweetie, he is in the water. You can open your eyes. “ “ Yup, “ said Big Mac Sweetie Belle then opened her eyes and looked over at Big Mac. “ Sweetie, Are you okay . “ asked Apple Bloom “ I am fine. “ Said Sweetie trying not to look nervous but failing. “ Big Mac would you mind leaving . “ asked Apple Bloom. Sweetie shook her head and said, “ You don’t have to if you don’t want to. “ The three of them sat in the water and just talked for about 15 minutes or so. Big Mac and Applebloom began to stand up to leave. When Sweetie Bell also began to stand up as well. “ It’s cold, and I am not going to stay in. Besides, the water is deep enough that he really can't see anything. Can you Big Mac. “ Big Mac looked over at Sweetie Belle and said, “ Nope .” Before turning away from her again. Sweetie Belle stood in the water and waited for Big Mac to leave. After waiting for Big Mac to leave, Sweetie Belle was getting cold and decided to get out of the water. Big Mac tried to avoid looking over at Sweetie Belle. “ Sorry, Sweetie Belle, “ Said “ Big Mac as he sat down on a large rock facing the water and began to get to dry off but getting dressed. Sweetie Belle stood there for a moment before getting out of the water. Still, instead of t getting dressed, she grabbed her towel and clothes and began walked past Big Mac and Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom then followed her. “ Are you okay, Sweetie Belle? “ Sweetie Belle didn't answer her right away. “ I just don't know Applebloom. “ said Sweetie Belle as she put on her panties. “ It wasn't like we could see each other too much, but.” “ But you still knew that he was naked.” Said Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle nodded. “ You okay,” said Big Mac. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both turned and saw Big Mac fully dressed coming out of the woods. Sweetie Belle turned around and quickly turns around and put pulls up her shorts. And promptly puts on her shirt before turning around. Snips, Snails and their parents were watching tv. When Snails turned to the others and said, “ They swim Naked. “ The other gave him a confused look, and Snaps said, “ Why do you say that ?” Snails said, “ I don’t know, just have a feeling about it. “ Father said, “ What do you think of that, you two. “ Snails just shrugged his shoulders and said, “ Whatever.” they turned to Snips, who had a large grin on his face. “ Why are you smiling like that . “ asked their father. “ I would be able to see Scootaloo naked . “ replied Snips Both Parents gave frowned at him. “ You know that you would be going naked yourself as well . “ replied Snaps . “ “ No problem,” replied Snips. “ If you really have no problem, then you would have no problem going naked now.” said the father Snips turned to snaps. “ You heard your father . “ replied Snaps Snips turned to Snails and were about to ask what they should do when he saw his brother had already taken off his shirt and was about to undo his pants. “ Why not. “ Replied Snails. Snips then went upstairs, and they could hear his bedroom door closing. The two parents then turned and looked at the snail, who was now only wearing his underwear. “ Mom, can you turn your head for a moment. “ He then gave her the puppy dog eyes look .” Please mum. “ She then sighed and left the room, and Snails then removed his underwear and sat down on the couch. A minute or so later, Snaps then returns to the room. “ Snails could you stand up for a moment, please . “ said Snaps “ So you can sit down on this towel. “ Snails then stood up and caught the towel. Snaps then went over and put a towel where Snips usually sat and put down a towel. “ Mom, Dad, could you please not look when at me when I come down the stairs. “ They both looked up and see Snips looking down the stairs. “ Okay, Snips, we won’t look. “ Sweetie Belle Accepted Apple Families invite to stay for Supper. They were sitting at enjoying the meal. “ Why not looking at big Mac Sweetie Belle . “ asked Applejack. Sweetie Belle gave her a confused look and said, “ What do you AppleJack. “ She then turns towards Big Mac, but after second our two, she turns away. “ See what I mean, Sweetie Belle . “ said Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle then Sighed and said, “Every time I look at him, I can’t help but picture him naked. “ Now it was AppleJack's turn to look confused. “ After we finished the chores, Sweetie and I were relaxing in the swimming hole. When Big Mac came through bushes . “ said Apple Bloom. “ I told him to either get in the water or leave.” “ And you got in the water with the girls.” “ Yup.” “Were you comfortable with him being there, Sweetie Belle?” “ Yes.” Applejack looked at her as now tell the truth .” Yes, no, I mean I couldn't see him in the water.” “ But Ya still knew he was naked.” Snips and Snails had been watching TV while being naked. Snails turned to his parents and asked, “ Why don't you join us and take off your clothes.?” ‘ I don't think It would.” The Father started to say. When noticed that Snaps had started to unbutton her blouse .” What are you doing, dear.” “ Joining our sons and taking off my clothes. “ After she had finished in buttoning. “ Snips Snails, keep your eyes on the TV until I tell you can look.” “ Okay, mom .” Both replied. After snaps finished undressing and sat down for a few minutes, she finally said: “ Okay, boys, you can look .” Neither of them turned to look. Instead, we were where to focus on watching the contestants going through the obstacle course. About ten minutes later, Snips turn back towards snaps. “Did you see that, mom?” Said Snails and then turns back to the TV. After a few Seconds, Snails turn back towards his mom. “ Mom, you're naked.” Proclaimed Snails Snips also turn around. Snaps just sat there and said,” Hi, boys .” They both looked at her. “ You look, nice mom .” “ Thanks, you two look like nice young men .” “ Where is Dad,” asked Snips “ He didn’t feel comfortable about the nudity, so he went upstairs. “ replied Snaps. Scootaloo, after having fun all day with her family, was in her bedroom giving Apple Bloom a call. “ It was an Amazing Went on the twister about a dozen times. We had Cotton candy and Hot dogs. What did you do today? “ She then listened for a few minutes. “ She did what. “ Scootaloo continued to listen “ is she okay. “ “ Are you having a sleepover without me? Don’t about that. “ “ Could I talk with Applebloom .” After a few moments. “ How was it with the swimming hole with big mac and Applebloom. “ “Boys, could you calm it down? I am on the phone with Tweety. “ “ Hi Tweety, “ they both said “ Tweety says hi, “ said Scootaloo “ Mom says that you should go have your shower now.” There was a knock on the door Scootaloo looked up. “ Come on in,” not that it matter her door was open. “ Hey Scootaloo, it will be an early morning tomorrow. “ said Dad. “ Dad, you don't even have to be at the airport until ten .” “ I know, But I was hoping to have breakfast with my family before I go and don't want to be in a rush.” “ Okay, dad.” She then turns back to the phone.”Sorry, Sweetie has to.” She then stopped and turn to her brothers.”Want to talk with Sweetie. “ “The Boys want to talk with you. I am going to put my phone on speaker. Sweetie Belle sat there for a moment before replying, “OK.” “ Hi boys, how was your day” Sweetie then sat there as they told her about the ride that they went on in such detail that she would be able to v Close her eyes and imagine that was on the rides. In fact, that was what she did. Until she felt someone nudging her. She turns and saw Appleboom. “ they asked you a question. “ said Applebloom. “ Sorry, boys, you were doing such a good job at describing the rides. I imagined that I was on them with you.” While she was in her daydream, Apple Bloom had put the phone on speaker. “What did you do today ?” Asked Breakwheel “ Nothing as expecting as what you two did.” “ Ah, please tell us, Tweety. “ “ After I left your place, I helped Apple Bloom with her chores and then went to the swimming hole to wash off .” “and my big bro joined us.” “ Did he throw you up in the air, too?” asked Whiplash. Sweetie turned to Applebloom. “ Sometimes when we are swimming, big mac throws us up in the air. “ “No, we just sat in the water. Maybe next time.” Just then, the phone call disconnected. Scootaloo had finished her shower and walked back into and threw her towel on the bed. “ How was it talking with Tweety .” When the boys didn't answer, she looked over at her phone and saw that power had died. “ Don't worry, we just plug it in, and it would be as good as new.” “ Okay. “ “Come on, boys, who are ready for a story.” “ Sweetie Belle, where you really okay with Big Mac joining us in the Swimming hole today . “ asked Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle thought for a moment before replying, “ I am not sure Part of me was okay with it. But there was also part of me that was asking what am I doing here. “ “ Sorry to make you uncomfortable. “ They both looked at the door and saw Big mac standing there fully clothed. “ That's okay,” replied Sweetie Belle. “ getting awfully late . “ said Big Mac “ I have to go plug my phone in . “ said Apple Bloom. When Snaps entered the Bedroom, she saw her husband on the bed reading a book. He looks up and sees snaps was still naked. “ How was it watching tv in the nude this evening .” Snaps then got under the covers. “ Okay, It would have been perfectly all right if you had stayed down there even if you were dressed. “ “ I know I would have just felt awkward, Maybe some other time. Are you going to let them go skinny dipping with Scootaloo? “ “ I am not saying no at this moment .” That night Sweetie Belle dreamed about going to thrilled City, and in her dream, everyone was naked. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 The next morning Sweetie Belle woke up and stretched. “Morning.” she turned over and saw big mac standing at the doorway of the living room” Breakfast.” “Coming,” replied Sweetie Belle as she removed the blanket. Big mac turned around. Sweetie Belle was at first confused before she realized she was naked. After all, this wasn't a planned sleepover, and she hadn't brought anything, instead of screaming. She just went ahead and got dressed. “Is she Awake? “Asked Apple Jack “Yup,” said Big Mac. “Something the matter Mac.” Said Applejack. “Now you all don't get mad. I didn't know.” I started Big Mac. “Don’t worry, it was an accident, “said Sweetie Belle as she walked into the kitchen When the other looked at her. “Big Mac just saw me naked. “she sat down at the table and grabbed some bacon and an egg from the center of the table. “You okay, Sweets,” said Applebloom “Yeah, why do you ask “replied Sweetie Belle “You are not upset that Big Mac just saw you naked.” Asked Applebloom. Sweetie Belle sighed and then answered, “A little bit.” She then turned to Big Mac, who was looking down. “At myself, I should have remembered.” After Scootaloo and her family had breakfast, they got into the car. The boys sat in the back with Dad while Speedster and Scootaloo were in the front seats. “Scootaloo, what do you think of Snips and Snails joining us in the pool.” Scootaloo thought for a moment. “Snails would be okay, But I am not sure about Snips. “ “Why are you worried about snips,” said dad. “I am afraid that he might just be swimming so that he could see naked girls.” “We could tell them no. “ She then stopped the car and began to look at her purse. “Hold it dear, I got this, “said dad and then hands the bank card to speedster. Who then takes it and asks,” Are you sure”? “The Army will refund me the money. “ Later after her dad had gone through the checkpoint, and they were heading out of the airport. Scootaloo heard the voice of someone calling for a cab. But couldn't place who it was until they got back to the car. Scootaloo was about to open the car door when she paused. “Mom can we gave Rainbow Dash a ride. “asked Scootaloo. “But she is not here. “replied Speedster. “I will be back, “said Scootaloo, who then headed back to the airport. She looks around and sees Rainbow dash standing at the curb in a flight uniform carrying a suitcase. “Hey Rainbow Rainbow Dash.” Yelled Scootaloo as she waited at the intersection for the light to change. Rainbow Dash looked around and sees Scootaloo. She picks up her Suitcase and walks over to the intersection. “Stay there, scoots. I am coming over.” After the light changed and Rainbow dash crossed. “Hi, Scootaloo, what are you doing here.” “Were you able to get a taxi?” “No, it would have been a couple of hours wait.” “Come with me, Rainbow dash.” “Okay, but why are you here.” “We were dropping off my Dad.” Scootaloo heads to the crosswalk. Rainbow dash picks up her suitcase, and Winces in pain as she does it. Snails walk into the kitchen, where His Parents and Brother were sitting at the table eating breakfast. “Go put on some clothes. “said Dad. “I thought it was okay if we went around naked. “replied Snails “But not all the time. “replied Snaps. Snails then went to the cupboard and got a glass out, and then went to the fridge. “I just came to get a drink before having a shower. “said Snails After Snails left, Snaps turned around and saw her husband just shaking his head. “It is just not right to be walking around naked all the time. “ After a minute of silence, Snaps turned to her son. “Snips, would you go and tell your brother that his breakfast is almost ready.” Snips got up and left the room. “Are you okay with the boys going skinny dipping?” “No, I am not,” replied Dad “Then why did you suggest that they go naked last night. “ He then Sighed and replied, “I was hoping that they would chicken out, and that would be the end of it. “ “We can still tell them no, they can’t go skinny dipping. “ He then shook his head and said,” No did you see how excited they were. “ Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were riding their bikes into town. “Sweetie, are you going to be joining us at Scootaloo this afternoon.” Sweetie didn't answer right away. “I don't know. I have to think about it.” “Well, you know you are welcome to join us.” “I know. I just not sure about Snips and Snails.” Snips went upstairs and knocked on their bathroom door before opening it up. “I am getting dressed, “said Snails. “Come on, we just spend the evening naked, and you were walking around naked.” Snails had a great big grin on his face and said, “I know was it a blast. ‘ Snails turned and saw the frown on Snip's face. “What is wrong?” “Dad, not too happy about us going naked.” Said Snips “But he was the one that suggested that we go naked.” “Did he tell you?” Snips shook his head.” Then how do you know.” “I overheard them talking. “ Scootaloo and Whiplash were in the back seat, with Rainbow Dash sitting in the middle between them while Break Wheel has seated in the front reading a book. “What are new Scoots. “asked Rainbow Dash. “Not much. We got a new swimming pool. “said Scootaloo “Wanna come swimming with us. “asked Whiplash. “I didn’t bring my swimsuit with me. “replied Rainbow Dash “That okay We don’t wear swimsuits, “said Whiplash After a moment of Silence, Rainbow Dash shook her head and said, “No, I have too much to do today. “ “I was hoping to spend some time. Can’t you come swimming with us for a few minutes. “said Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash just shook her head. “Are please come swimming with us. “ Rainbow dash turned and yelled, “No, I told you I have things to do. “ Scootaloo flinched back and then turned towards the window. “I am sorry, Scootaloo. “said Rainbow Dash as she tried to coax her to turn around. “Just leave her alone. She will be fine. “ They went the rest of the way to Rainbow dash house. Everyone got out of the car except for Scootaloo, who just sat there and looking out the window. “Are you sure you can't come swimming after supper.,” Rainbow shook her head and grabbed her Suitcase and winces as she does “Are you okay? “asked Speedster as she notices Rainbow dash struggling with her suitcase. “I am fine, “replied Rainbow dash as she picks up, carries her bag and struggles to she holds her bag in Rainbow dash then felt a hand on her luggage. She turns and sees Speedster with a hand on her suitcase. “Let me give you a hand.” Rainbow dash then just sighed and just shrugged. The two of them then went into Rainbow dash’s house. “What is the matter, Rainbow. “ “Nothing the matter. “ Speedster then looked at Rainbow Dash for a moment. “. Okay, but just take care of yourself.” Rainbow Dash then nodded and let the speedster out of the house. She then went and sat down on the chair in the living room and lifted her shirt, revealing the burn that she got from the fire. When Speedster came out of the house. “What is wrong with Rainbow Dash.” “nothing, she is just tired from her trip. “ After Snails finished his shower, the two brothers went downstairs, where snaps and rails were sitting in the living room. “We change our minds. We don't want to go skinny dipping with Scootaloo.” Rail turned to his wife. “I didn't say anything to them.” “She didn't have to, dad. We could see that you were uncomfortable. “ Just then, there was a knock on the door Snaps went to answer. “Who is it, “said Snaps. “Scootaloo.” Came the voice from outside. Snaps opened the door. “We change our minds, Scootaloo. We don't want to go swimming. “ ‘Go swimming if you really want to.” “But Dad, you said that.” “But I won't be there. “ “Do you mind if we come in? “said Speedster. They then all went into the living room. “Do you really swim naked?” Asked Rails “Yes, we do. You have a problem with that.” Said Speedster. Rails frowned. Snips and Snails looked over at Scootaloo. Snips had a grin on his face. Scootaloo noticed it and walked over to the boys. “If you think that you are going with us just so that you can see be naked, then you can forget about it.” Snips and Snails both shook their heads. “Not that it wouldn't be interesting seeing you naked. We just want to go swimming with our friends.” Scootaloo then back away. “Good, I am glad you are honest about it.” Replied Scootaloo. Speedster then turned towards Rails, who standing there with a frown on his. “Is there something bothering you about us skinny dipping.” He then sighed and said, “I don't agree with it, but I won't stop anyone from doing it.” “You don't have any problem if your kids come swimming with us. “asked Speedster. Rail hesitates before answering, “If they really want, then they can along as I don't have to be there to watch. Speedster then turned to Snips and Snails, who was talking to Scootaloo. “I am sorry, boys. I don't think it would be a good idea if you came swimming with us today.” They both frowned and asked, “Why.” “It doesn't seem that your father is too thrilled about the idea.” “? But I Said they can go.” “Let’s wait until tomorrow, okay. “ They then left and headed back to the car. Rarity was in the laundry room loading the washing machine. When she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned and saw Sweetie Belle standing there. “I am going over to Scootaloo to go swimming,” said Sweetie Belle “Okay, don't be late for supper mom and dad will be here to take home.” “Okay, Rarity.” Rarity went back to put the clothes washing machine when she picked up something blue and Red, she held it, looked at it and then went upstairs, but sweetie Belle had already left. Sweetie Belle arrived at Scootaloo’s. Sweetie Belle knocked on the door. Scootaloo answered the door. “Come on in. We will be out back in the pool. Come on out when you're ready.” Sweetie Belle went upstairs and into Scootaloo's room. She then put her back oak on the bed and began to search through it, but after digging through it a couple more times. Sweetie then went downstairs and outback. Sweetie Belle got Scootaloo's attention. “What the matter Sweetie Belle? Aren't you coming swimming.? “ “Just come over here for a moment. “called Sweetie Belle. “Isn’t Tweety coming swimming with us? “asked both boys at the same time. Scootaloo got out of the pool and went over to Sweetie Belle. “What is the matter Sweetie. “asked Scootaloo “I forgot my swimsuit,” replied Sweetie Belle. “The boys would be disappointed if you don’t join us,” replies Scootaloo Sweetie Belle stood there for a moment and then asked, “can you do me a favour. “ Scootaloo nodded, and after a few moments, she went back to the pool. “Isn’t Tweety coming swimming with us?” Asked break wheel “She will be coming out in a few minutes,” replied Scootaloo Sweetie Belle went back inside, and after a couple of minutes, she comes outside covered by a large towel. She then headed goes to the pool, and she reaches it. “Boys, could you both turn around. “said Sweetie Belle. After Break Wheel and Whiplash turned around, Sweetie Belle then removed her towel, and she then climbed into the pool. When she gets in. “Okay, Boys, you can turn around. “said Sweetie Belle They turn around, and they both looked at Sweetie Belle for a moment. And the Whiplash asked, “Are you naked Tweety. “ “Don’t look at me. “said Sweetie Belle, who turns around and grabs the edge of the pool and just stood there. “What is the matter with Tweety, “asked Whiplash. “You are Making Sweetie nervous. “replied Scootaloo. Whiplash gave her a confused look “she is not used to be naked. “ Sweetie Belle was still hanging on to the edge of the pool. Apple Bloom swam beside her, “Are you okay, Sweetie? “ Sweetie Belle then turns towards Apple Bloom and just looks at her for a moment and then Splashes her after Apple bloom splashes back at her. Soon after, Scootaloo and her brothers joined in on the fun. They swam for about an hour or so. At first, Sweetie Belle stayed mostly in the deep end but eventually, she began to swim all over the pool. Whiplash and Breakwheel were chasing Sweetie Belle all over the Swimming pool and had her cornered when they heard some beeping. Sweetie Belle then held her hand out. “Can you two wait a moment? That’s my phone?” Sweetie Belle then went over her bag and took her phone out of it. She looks at the screen for a moment. “His mom just over at the Scootaloo 's swimming.” “Sorry about that, mom. I will turn my camera on.” “Sweetie Belle Sweetie Bell “Yelled Speedster Sweetie then towards the pool and saw Speedster pointing at her. Sweetie gave a confused look as Speedster continued pointing at her. Sweetie shrugged her and went back to her phone. “look at yourself.” Yelled Scootaloo Sweetie Belle then looked down. “I am naked “she then turns back to the phone. “Mom, can I call you back in a few minutes.” Cookie crumbs hanged up the phone and just looked at the phone “Is there something the matter dear? “asked Hondo Flanks. “I. Am not sure I think Sweetie Belle just said that she was swimming naked.” “Is there something wrong with that, dear?” “I am just not sure about it.” “We can discuss it with our daughters when having dinner with them tonight.” the cookie then sighed. “That is why I was phoning her in the first place to make sure she was ready.” Rarity was in the kitchen making lasagna when her phone rang. She picks it up. After listening for a moment, she then replies, “You were going to tell them when they picked up tonight, right.” “Ok, see you soon, Sweetie Belle. “ That evening Rarity had just placed the lasagna in the middle of the table, and after everyone took a piece. “Where you Skinny dipping today Sweetie Belle. “asked Cookie Crumbs Sweetie Belle looked at her mom and replied, “Is it wrong to Skinny Dipping. “ “Sweetie, I never said that, just wondering if I heard you correctly. “ Sweetie Belle thought for a moment before answering, “Yes, I was, mom. “ “why were you skinny dipping.” “I forgot my swimsuit at home.” “And everyone was okay about it, “asked Hondo Flanks “Yes, there was dad,” replied Sweetie belle. After a pause for a moment, “Nobody wore swimsuits. “ “Who else was there. “ “It was me, my friends Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Scootaloo’s brother’s and their mom. “replied Sweetie Belle. “Everyone was naked?” asked mom Sweetie Belle looked at her mom for a moment and then sighed, “Yes, mom, no one was wore swimsuits at their house. “ “You are okay being naked with boys.” It took a while before sweetie Belle answered, “Most boys no, but because Scootaloo’s brother is so young, I didn't mind.” “Sweetie, one more question.” “yes, mom.” Replied Sweetie Belle. “Were you going to tell us About going skinny dipping?” “We had planned on telling you when you came for supper. “ “Are you planning on walking around the house naked when you come home? “ Sweetie Belle looked at her dad and said, “I don’t know. I am not sure if I would be comfortable walking around in front of dad naked. “Hondo flanks let out a sigh of relief. “maybe after I have a shower before going to bed. “ “Okay, enough of that, Sweetie Belle. Did you finish your homework. “asked Mom. “Yes, I did it on the first day.” Replied Sweetie. “Sweetie “ “Maybe it was the second or third day, “replied Sweetie bell. Later that evening, Snips and Snails were getting ready for bed. When their bedroom door opened and their father came into the room. “Boys, are you really sure that you want to go skinny dipping and it is not just so that you could see the girls naked. “ “I would admit that I am interested in seeing Scootaloo naked it. I really do want to go skinny dipping, “replied Snips. “Are you going to let us go skinny over there tomorrow. “asked Snails. Rails stood there for a moment before giving his answer, “Yes, I am going to let you go there as long as you follow these rules 1 you tell me whenever you go over there. 2 I want to know who is going to be there. “ The boys nodded. “I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple bloom or Sweetie Belle would be there. “said Snails “Really, “replied Snips trying to hide his grin. “Well, the three of them are good friends. “replied Snails. “good night. “said rails as he left the room. Rainbow dash was getting ready for bed. She picks up her phone and begins to dial it before stopping on putting it down for the 16th time tonight. “I should phone Scootaloo and explain to her what had happened to her today. “she then looks at the clock. “first thing tomorrow, I will go over there and present it in person. “ > School days > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 The next morning Scootaloo was in her room combing her hair getting ready for school. When she heard a knock, she looked over at the doorway wondering why anyone was knocking, there was no door. “ Can I come to one Scootaloo? “ “ Ah, Sure, Rainbow Dash. “ Replied Scootaloo Scootaloo went back to combing her hair. “ How are you, Scoots. “ “ What do you want . “replied Scootaloo as she continued with the combing “ I came here to apologize and explain about yesterday. “ Scootaloo put down her brush, turned towards the door, and saw Rainbow Dash standing at the doorway. “ Come on in . “ said Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash then comes in and sits down on the bed. “ I was just so mad at myself and took it on you Yesterday . “ said Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash then lifted her shirt showing burn marks on her side. Scootaloo looked at the burn and asked, “ What happened.” “ I got hurt in a training accident on the base.” Said Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo looked at the burn for a few moments before asking,” Does it hurts. “ Rainbow Dash thinks for a moment before answering”. If I don't do anything strenuous, it would be fine. That is one of the reasons that I didn't want to go swimming. “ Scootaloo gave her a confused look” Do you really think I could just relax while you guys are having fun.” Snips and Snails were having breakfast when their father came into the room. “ You two changed your mind about going swimming at Scootaloo after school today. “ They both shook their heads. “ Okay, so your mom will pick you up after school, and the three of you could go over there.” “ Why can't we just walk over.” Asked Snips “ I think this first time your mother should go over and tell them in person that they have our permission to go swimming .” Snaps turned to her husband and said, “ What about you? Aren't you coming over with us?” " no, I think we only need one of us to go. Besides, I don't think I would be comfortable going over there.” Sweetie Belle woke up and got out of bed, went out of her room and was about to go down the hall to go have a shower. “A young lady, do you think it is appropriate to be walking around the house naked like that .” Sweetie Belle turned and saw her mother standing there. “ I thought we had agreed that you didn't mind me sleeping naked.” “ yes, dear, but we never said anything about walking around the house naked. “ “ I thought it would be silly to get dressed walk over to the washroom only to get undressed again to have a shower.” Sweetie Belle then turned around and was about to go back into her room. “ Just go have your shower, and we will go get you a housecoat after school. “ Sweetie Belle then went to have her shower, and her mom went downstairs. When he heard his wife come down the stairs, he looks up. “ Is everything okay, dear?” “ Our daughter was walking around naked up there.” “ She was!” when he noticed the look of scorn on his wife's face, “ I was just surprised to hear that.” “ Are you upset, honey ?” She then looked at her husband and shook her head, and said, “ I just don't understand why anyone would want to go around naked like that. “ “ Mom do you want me to stop going over to Scootaloo’s, “ asked Sweetie Belle The two of them looked up and saw Sweetie Belle coming down the stairs, and she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. “ No dear, if you want to go to your friend's place. But I just don't understand what is so great about swimming naked.” “ I don't, mom. I just like swimming with my friends, and they like swimming naked.” “It doesn't mean that you had to swim nude.” “ I tried it, but it just felt weird bring the only one wearing a swimsuit with everyone else going naked. Applebloom and Scootaloo were waiting outside of Sweetie Belle's house. “ She better hurries up, or we will be late,” said Scootaloo “ Don't ya worry we have plenty of?” Sweetie Belle begins when the door opens, and Sweetie Belle comes out Shaking her head. “ Come on, Sweetie Belle, we should get going .” Said Scootaloo Sweetie Belle didn't answer her. “ Is there something wrong, sweets ?” Sweetie Belle had been working on getting her bike lock on done. “ Is there something the matter?” Said Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle then turned around with a confused look on her face. “ Is there something the matter Sweetie Belle .” Said Scootaloo “ It's my mom. She doesn't seem to understand why I like to go skinny dipping .” Replied Sweetie Belle. She then notices the scared look on Scootaloo face. “ Is she going to make you stop?” “ Oh no, Scootaloo, she is not going to make me stop .” Replied Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief, and shortly afterward, the three-headed off to school. “ You have a swimming pool Scootaloo .” said both Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon “ We will ask our moms if we can come over . “ said Diamond Tiara Scootaloo, who just shook her head . "why not? We stopped teasing you. “ “ We awfully grateful that we just don’t think yah parents would approve of you coming over swimming. said Apple Bloom “ Come one, why not .” The crusaders looked around the playground, making sure that no one else was in the area. “ Promise you won’t tell anyone else this, “ asked Scootaloo. Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon both had large grins on their faces. The crusaders, Snips and Snails, frowned at them. “ Okay, okay, we Promise . “ “ We don’t wear swimsuits. “ “What do you swim in your underwear .” When the crusaders didn’t answer her diamond Tiara eyes were wide open “ You don’t swim naked, do you. “ The Crusaders all three nodded. Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon gave them a confused look. “ That's weird you are weird.” Said Diamond Applebloom frowned “ You promised that you were not going to tease us.” “ Just because we think it is weird doesn't mean that I will tease you right silver spoon. When she didn't get an answer, Diamond tiara turns towards the Silver spoon. “ You are not thinking about swimming nude, are you silver ?” “ What difference does it make it. It is not like our mom's would ever agree to it” After recess, the Crusaders walk into the classroom. Everything goes quiet, and few eyes turn towards the Crusaders. They walk towards the desks and sit-down. Rumble walks up to Scootaloo's desk and puts a cup on it. Scootaloo looks at the cup and sees that it has a poorly drawn bikini on it. “ What is this for ?” Asked Scootaloo “ Maybe you could raise enough money, so you be a swimsuit like normal people you freak .” other started to repeat freak over and over again until it seems like the whole class just then classroom doors open, and Mrs. cheerilee walks the classroom goes quiet. Even though no one said anything, the Crusaders felt that their eyes were on it as they did their classroom work. Finally, the bell rang for lunch the students walked out of the classroom on the way to the cafeteria. “ Sweetie Belle, would you mind staying for a moment? I would like to speak with you . “ asked Cheerilee. Sweetie Belle paused and slowly turned around “ no, you are not in trouble “ The other two Crusaders stopped. The three of them then went over to Mrs. cheerilee desk. They stood in front of the desk. “ Sweetie Belle, is there something bothering you. “ Sweetie gave her a confused look and then shook her head “ No, there is nothing wrong .” “ You seemed to be distracted during class today. “ Sweetie Belle shook her head. Mrs. cheerilee then turned towards the other Crusaders, and they both shook their heads. “ Okay, but if there is something that is the matter, you know that you can talk to me. Okay “ They all nodded and left the room. “ You know you should have told her about the teasing.” Said Scootaloo Sweetie Belle shook her head. “ Why the hay not, Sweetie. “ “ what if she considered Skinny dipping as disgusting, “asked Sweetie Belle. The Crusaders then went into the lunchroom. Scootaloo looks around the room, and then she walks over to Rumble. “ Sorry, Scootaloo, we don't have anything to donate to the swimming suit fund .” He then holds up a napkin “ You could wear this. “ “ Unlike some people, I am not ashamed of my body. I just want to ask you how you knew that we swam naked.” “ We overheard you when you were talking with Diamond Tiara. “ Applebloom and Sweetie Belle got their lunches and sat down and started eating when Twist and Button Mash both sat down at the table. “ Do you really go swimming without swimsuits?” Asked Twist “ Yeah, I do .” Replied Applebloom “ Isn't it embarrassing?” Asked Button mash “ No, I only swim with family and friends.” Said Applebloom “ Sweetie, are you okay, “ asked Button mash. Who sat down beside her? “ I just don't like so many kids know that I swim naked .” She then gets up and leaves the lunchroom. She goes back to the classroom. Where Mrs. Cheerilee was sitting at her desk. “ Mrs. Cheerilee, is it okay if a eat my lunch here . “ asked Sweetie Belle “ Is there something wrong, Sweetie Belle . “ said Cherilee “ I would just like to eat here if that is okay,” said Sweetie Belle “ It would be okay if it had your lunch here,” said Cherilee Applebloom and Scootaloo then entered the classroom. “ What is the matter, Sweetie Belle? Why did you walk out like that “ asked scootaloo Sweetie Belle then looked at Mrs. Cherilee, but she didn’t answer. “ Do you two know what is bothering Sweetie Belle.” Said Mrs. Cheerilee Sweetie Belle then turned towards are friends Applebloom and Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle, who just shook her head. " Why not, “ asked Scootaloo “ Is someone bothering you, Sweetie Belle? “ asked Cherilee “ Would you three behave yourself if I left you alone in the classroom, “ said Mrs. Cheerilee. They all nodded, and she then leaves the room. “ Sorry if we made you feel uneasy talking about skinny dipping, why didn't you say something. “ said Scootaloo " You four seemed to be interested in the conversation.” Replied Sweetie Belle,” how did it go. “ There was a moment of silence before “ They both seemed to be interested in coming skinny dipping with us .” Replied Scootaloo Sweetie Belle looked shocked and then began to blush. “ You really liked Button mash .”! Sweetie Belle slowly nodes. Diamond Terra and silver spoon had just finished lunch and was about to head out to the playground. “ Diamond Tiara, a silver spoon, could I speak with you two.” They both turned and saw Mrs. cheerilee coming towards them. “ Don't worry, you are not in trouble. I was just wondering if you knew what was .” “ Did you ask her the other Crusaders ‘ said Silver spoon? “ Yes, I did. They didn't want to talk but was trying to encourage her to tell me.” “ If they don't want to say anything, I don't think it would be right for us to say anything. “ “ She is probably too embarrassed about being so poor they can't even afford to buy swimsuits they swim naked,” said Rumble "There is nothing wrong with swimming Naked “ Yelled Silver spoon. “ If it is so great, why don't you ask your parents if you could go skinny dipping at Scootaloo. “ “ Are you crazy? My mom would go crazy if I even suggest doing something like that?” Said Diamond Terra. “ Your Mom would be correct. Anyone who swims naked is a freak .” Replied Rumble. “Rumble where you are calling Sweetie Belle a freak .” Rumble turned and looked at Mrs. Cheerilee as if he hadn't noticed that she was there before. . Rumble mumbled something while looking down. “ I am sorry, Rumble, but I wasn't able to hear what you said. Would you mind repeating yourself and speak up .” “ Yes, I called the Crusader's freaks.” Replied Rumble “Rumble, I would appreciate it if you don't call anyone in a freak .” “Yes, Mrs. Cheerilee, “ replied Rumble at a volume that was slightly lower than what Mrs. cheerilee would like, but she decided not to press the issue. “ Rumble, you may leave us .” Said Mrs. Cheerilee Rumble then left. “ Do you think there is something wrong with People that like to go swimming naked?” Asked Silver spoon "What someone does or doesn't wear while swimming should be up to the family to decide.” Replied Cherilee. Rumble just walked away, shaking his head. “ Mrs. Cheerilee, do you think it is okay to swim naked. “ask Silver spoon. Mrs. cheerilee thought for a moment before answering, “ I think it would be up to the family to decide that.” The two girls then walked away. “ You are not thinking about skinny dipping Silver spoon?” “ What difference would it make? It is not like mom would let me.” “ Let's go and find the Crusaders and ask them. “ Silver spoon just shrugged her shoulders. They ended up finding them coming out of the classroom. “ I still think you should tell Mrs. cheerilee, “ said Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle just shook her head. “ What if she thinks I am a freak as well.” Replied Sweetie Belle. “ You don't have to worry about it, Mrs. Cheerilee knows.” They stared at the newcomers. Diamond Terra held her hands up in defence. “ We didn't tell her, “ she then paused for a moment and told them about what happened. After she finished, Sweetie Belle looks at her. “ Are you sure that Mrs. Cheerilee doesn’t think swimming naked is disgusting? “ “ She did say it was up to each family to decide what the family should wear while swimming in the own pools.” “ Can we talk “ asked Silver spoon? They then nodded.” I want to go skinny dipping. “ “ You know you should be talking to your parents about this.” “ Are your crazy mom would go mad if I even mention something so low class as skinny dipping, “ said Silver spoon. “ We can't let you come skinny dipping at our place without your parents' permission. “ said Scootaloo Silver spoon looked down with disappointment. “ I understand, “ replied Silver spoon as she turned around to leave when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turns back towards the crusaders. “ I asked my Mom if she has Ideas, “ said Scootaloo. She then noticed that Silver Spoon was looking at something behind her. “ Is there something wrong? “ “ Would you excuse for a moment? “ Said, Silver Spoon Silver spoon then walked over to Rumble who was sitting at a table watching them from a distance? After a minute or so, Silver Spoon then walked back over to the group shaking her head. “ What is the matter, “ asked Diamond Terraria. “ He is going to tell us, mom, and she is probably going to tell my mom . “ replied Silver Spoon Everybody was quiet for a moment. “ Let's go and talk to Miss Cheerilee . “ said Sweetie Just then, the Lunch bell rang. After school, diamond and Silver Spoon then turns towards the crusaders. “ What should I do now . “ she asks. The crusaders then got into a huddle after a few moments. “ We think you should tell your mom. “ said Scootaloo “ Are you crazy? My mom freaks out if I told her that I was interested in skinny dipping, “ yelled Silver spoon. “ But wouldn’t it be better if you told her instead of hearing it second hand . “ asked Sweetie Belle. “ But Rumble promised that he won’t tell my mom . “ complained Silver spoon. “ I will talk to my mom and see what she has to say, " replied Scootaloo. Cookie Crumbs was in the living room watching TV when she heard the door open, and after a minute or so, Sweetie Belle enters the room and plops down on their couch. " HOW was school, sweetie." Sweetie looks at her mother for a moment. " Everybody knows about it," complains Sweetie Belle. " What happened " Sweetie Belle then told her mom about her day, and when she finishes, " What done is done, are you ready to go." " Go where, mom." " Go get a housecoat for you." " You are not going to tell me this proves that I am wrong about going swimming naked." " Do you think it was wrong, and the kids that teased you about it they just don't understand? " Sweetie Belle gave a confused look at her mom. " Scootaloo mom came over today, and we talked." Scootaloo arrived home and walked in the door. Everyone was in the living room watching TV, and they were all wearing clothes. The boys got up and ran over to their sister and hugged her. " Mom, everyone the school at the school knows that we skinny dip." " A few parents have been phoning me today. " " What was their reaction ." " A couple of them told me how disgusting they thought it was, but most were just curious, and a couple said their kids were interested in trying it out." Just then, there was a knock on the door Speedster went to answer it. Diamond Terra and Silver spoon were standing there. " Scootaloo, your friends out here." " We come to speak with you, madame." Speedster gave them a bemused look and then invited them in. When Scootaloo saw the visitors. “ Did you tell your mom? “ Silver spoon shook her head. “ I was wondering if you can give me some advice on what to say to my mother about going skinny dipping. “ Speedster looked at her before asking, “ Why do you want to go skinny dipping ?" After thinking about it for a moment. " I don't know. It just sounds interesting. " " Before you speak with your mom, you should decide why it is that you are interested in Skinny dipping ." Silver spoon thought for a moment before answering. " I am really not sure why it just sounds interesting " Silver spoon she then turned to the twins sitting on the couch. " Boys, can you tell me why you like to go skinny dipping." Just before they were able to answer, her doorbell rang. " Would you excuse me while I go and check out who is at the door, " said Speedster. The boys were silent for a few moments. “ It is just fun . “ they both replied. “ Wouldn’t it be just as much fun in swimsuits . “ commented Diamond Tiara. Speedster came back into the room with Snips, Snails and their parents “ Why are those two here . “ said Diamond Tiara as she pointed at Snips and Snails. “ They came so that we could discuss them skinny dipping with us . “ replied Scootaloo. “ You know that they are just going skinny dipping so that they could see you naked . “ complained Diamond Tiara. “ Of course I do. Do you think I am stupid ? “ replied Scootaloo. Everyone then turned to Snips and Snails and looked at them for a few moments. “ Are you just going skinny dipping so that you could see girls naked? “ asked their father After a few more moments of silence, Snips finally sighed and replied, “ Yes, that is what made me consider going skinny dipping. “ “ See, I told you . “ said Diamond Tiara, “ And are still interested in skinny dipping .” as she turned to Silver Spoon. “ I don’t know . “ replied Silver Spoon “ But I then thought some more. I realized that it would be rude to go swimming so that I would be able to see naked girls, and besides that, if it was the only reason to go swimming, then floating would be getting pretty dull soon. “ “ What about you, Snails? Are you interested in seeing the girls naked? “ Snails just shrugged his shoulders and replied, “ It doesn’t make much difference to me. I just like to have fun .“ “ Thank everyone. I think we should be going, “ said Silver Spoon “ My mom might be wondering where we are. “ Speedster then showed them to the door. “ Do you have any idea what you are going to tell your mom . “ asked Speedster. Silver spoon shook her head .” I am sorry that we couldn’t help you any “ “ That is okay. You did give me something to think about. “ Speedster then returned to the living room. “ Are you going to let us go skinny dipping . “ asked Snips. “ Okay, here are the rules. You must phone us before coming over if you want to go skinny dipping and no staring at anyone and inappropriate touching would be allowed .” Snips and Snails both agreed. “ We have one request . “ said Snips. They all looked at him “ I don’t want you to change your mind. If we call you and tell us that we can come over and we get here and please don’t tell us that we change our minds. “ “ Okay, if you phone us, we won’t change our mind,” said Speedster “ Do you two want to go swimming with us . “ asked Scootaloo. Both Snips and Snails nodded Quickly, Rails stood up and said, “ Come on, honey, let's go home ." Snaps turned to her husband and said," I think I will stay so that me and Mrs. speedster can have a chat." " Okay, but how you will get home." Asked Rails " I will give them a ride afterwards." "Come on, let's go swimming ." They turned and saw break wheel and whiplash were standing in the doorway, and both were naked. " Boys, we will be there in a moment ." Said Scootaloo " Sorry about that ." Said Speedster Rails turned towards her and said, "Don't worry about that. I live with three boys ." “Come on, you two, let’s go swimming ." Said Scootaloo. Snips and Snails both stood up and followed Scootaloo out of the room and into the backyard. The kids then headed to the backyard. They began to undressed Whiplash and Break were standing there naked, waiting for their sister to finish undressing. When she finished, the three of them then ran over to the pool and on the bench placed beside the pool, and they dived in. Soon after, Snails also removed his underwear and again plunged into the pool. Snips just stood there in his underwear with about to remove them before he started to shake his head and then went back into the house. Speedster and Snaps, who had been talking, both turned to him. “ What is wrong honey, “ said his mom. “ I don’t know, mom. I was about to take off my underwear, but it felt like it was stuck to me. “ “ Are you okay, brother . “ Snips turns and sees Snails along with Scootaloo and her brothers standing at the living room doorway. “ I was about to remove my shorts when my hand just froze . “ said Snips. Scootaloo walks over to him, and he turns away from her. “ Leave him alone, Scootaloo, “ said her mom Scootaloo taps him on the shoulder and just says, “When you feel comfortable, you can come out and join us. “ Snips just nodded, and she and her brothers and snails left the room. As they were leaving, Scootaloo turned towards Snails. “ Is your brother okay . “ asked Scootaloo “ He will be fine, “ replied Snails. Snips then told her about what had happened a couple of nights ago. Scootaloo and her brothers and Snails then went out back outside. Snips just sat on the couch for about a couple of minutes but standing up and walking over to the back door, he removes his underwear and just stands there. When he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turns around and sees his mother standing there. “ Are you going to go out or not? “ “ I don’t know. I just don’t want Scootaloo to be staring at me when I go out the door. when I go out. “ “ Don't worry, she knows that you are nervous about this and won’t be looking, “ said Speedster. “ Are you sure? “ asked Snips as he turned and looked at Speedster, and he then opens the door and walks out to the pool. “ Come on, Snips and join us . “ said Snails. Sweetie Belle and her mom were looking at the housecoats trying to find the right new housecoat. When a lady comes up to her. “ You should be ashamed of yourself. “ They looked at her with a confused look .” I mean, yeah, I could understand Apple Bloom her family is just a bunch of hicks, and Scootaloo is just a tomboy. I figured that you would be able to teach your daughter some class. “ “ How dear you talk about my friends like that, “ said Sweetie Belle “ Mom, why are you talking to losers . “said Rumble as he was walking towards them. Sweetie Belle shook her head and said, “ I should have known. “ “ What my daughter does or doesn’t wear should be no concern of yours or anybody else . “ yelled Cookie Crumbs . “ Unlike some people, my kids are not ashamed of their bodies. “ "Then why are you here. " Cookie crumb gave her a confused look " If you are so open about nudity, then why are you looking at housecoats." Sweetie and Rumble were staring at each other when her mom grabbed her arm “ Come on, Sweetie, Let's go . “ said her mom “ But mom, we have, “ started Sweetie. “ We will get them later. Let's just okay. “ As she led her daughter out of the store and got into the car and she began to drive. After a couple of minutes she stopped the car, and cookie crumbs just sat there. “ Mom, are you okay . “ she didn’t answer Sweetie Belle shook her moms’ arm. “ Sorry, Sweetie Belle, but after what they were saying about us just got me so mad. “ “ That’s okay, mom. But why are we at Scootaloo’s house? “ “ Come on, let's go in. “ They then knocked on the door when no one answered " Let's go see if anyone in the backyard." Said Sweetie Belle. As they went around the house and headed, they heard voices coming from the backyard sweetie Belle reaches up to knock on the back gate when she pauses and then she turns around, mom, can we go home. “ Why, “asked her mom with a confused look. “ Snips and Snails are in there . “ replied Sweetie Belle. “ Aren’t snips and snails your friends .” Sweetie Belle then sighed and replied, “ Yes, but I am just not sure I would be comfortable being naked in front of them. Her mom looked disappointed, but she nodded, and they began to head back to the car. When the gate opens up, and Speedster sticks her head out. “ Come on in, you two . “ said Speedster Sweetie Belle shook her head,'' Why not ?” “ Because Snips and Snails are in there . “ replied, “ I just don’t think I would be comfortable being naked around boys my age. “ “ I understand, “ replied Speedster as she was about to close the gate. Sweetie Belle and her mother began to head back to the car when the gate open and out steps Scootaloo wearing a towel. “ Why don’t you come on in. “ Asked Scootaloo Sweetie Belle shook her head. Scootaloo frowned and asked, “ Why not. “ “ I just don’t think I would be comfortable skinny dipping with Snips and Snails there. “ Scootaloo thought for a moment before nodding and going back into the backyard. While they were heading back towards their house. “ Why did you want to go to Scootaloo’s place. “ asked Sweetie Belle “ After ” She then paused for a moment. “ Rumbles, mom, “ responded Sweetie Belle. “ Yes, Well anyway, after she said that if I was okay about going swimming naked, why didn’t I join you. “ Sweetie Belle sat there in silence for a few moments. “ Mom, let's go . “ she started. But her Mom interrupted and said, “ No, we are not going back tonight. It was obverse that you were not comfortable swimming with Snips and Snails being there. “ “ But Mom, I could .” But she shook her head, and they went home. Sometime earlier that evening, 5 kids were swimming in the pool when they heard the back door open, and the two mothers came walking out of the door. Both Snips and Snails looked the other way. “ Don’t worry, boys, I don’t mind if you look at me . “ claim Speedsters. Snips and Snails both turned and looked at the two women coming towards them, and then Snails turned and looked at Scootaloo for a few moments. “ Scootaloo, I can see where you got your good looks from . “ said Snails. This caused scootaloo to blush and turn away. . “ Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to embarrass you . “. Later that evening, after Snips and snails had gone home. Scootaloo was in her bedroom reading when her phone rang. She looks at it and saw that it was a group video call. She debated whether or not to put something on our answer right away. She decided to answer it. “ Hi, girls. “ “ How was it swimming with Snips and Snails . “ asked Sweetie Belle. “ yah swam with Snips and Snails how was it . “ asked Apple Bloom “ To tell you the truth, girls, I was a bit nervous about it at first . “ replied Scootaloo “ Why don’t you swim with your brothers all the time, “ asked Sweetie Belle “ With them, it is different. They are family . “ replied Scootaloo “ What about my brother's big mac? You ain’t nervous about swimming with him, are ya. “ asked Apple Bloom “ I guess it was the fact that they were the same age as I am . “ replied Scootaloo. “ You should have told me, and mom would have stayed . “ said Sweetie Belle. “ Thanks, Sweetie, but by that time, I was no longer nervous about it . “ said Scootaloo. “ The boys are done in the shower. You should get in the shower to wash to chlorine from the pool off . “ said Speedster. Scootaloo turned towards her mom. “ Okay, mom, I will in a minute. “ “ Are they coming over to swim tonight,” asked Apple Bloom “ They would like to, but I told them I will think about it and tell them tomorrow at school. Talk to you girls later. “ Scootaloo then hangs up her phone. “ You know, Scoots, if you were nervous about skinny dipping with Snips and Snails, you didn’t have to. “ “ I know, mom . “ replied Scootaloo as she then headed to the bathroom, > Chapter 6 More Skinny Dippers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Sweetie Belle woke up and got out of bed. She grabs her clothes from her dresser. She then goes to her door and slowly opens it up. She looks out the door and sees her father walking by. She slowly backs into her room. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. " Are you okay, sweetie ?" She heard her father from the hallway. " Dad, would you please just go so I could leave my room and go take a shower ." " Didn't you and mom get a housecoat yesterday ?" " We decided not to get the housecoat yesterday." " You know that you will either have to get a housecoat or put something on or not worry about if someone sees you naked." " I know," she replied as she sat on her bed. She knew he was right. About a minute or so later, she leaves the room and goes across to the bathroom. A few minutes later, Sweetie Belle came down the stairs. Her parents had finished breakfast. She goes to the stove and takes a fried egg off of the Pan, and then sits down at the table. “ Dad, you are right . “ said Sweetie Belle. “ I should either get a housecoat or not worry about whether or not they see me naked. “ “ What did have you decided . “ asked Hondo Flanks Sweetie Belle then finished her bite and looks at her dad for a moment before answering, “ I am not sure yet. “ “ Do you want to go and check out housecoats after school, Sweetie . “ asked her Mom Sweetie Belle then shook her head and said, “ No thanks, mom. “ When the crusaders reached the school, they locked the bikes up. They saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sitting on the edge of the wall. When the Crusaders approached them, the two girls shook their heads and began to walk away. The Crusaders just stood there, confused. " Are you okay?" They turned and saw Twist and Button Mash standing there. " Are you three okay ?" Asked Twist " Yeah, we are fine," replied Scootaloo Twist gave her a funny look. " We were wondering if we could come over and go swimming after school today ." Asked Button Mash. "You know we would talk." She started Scootaloo when she noticed Sweetie Belle was shaking her head. " would you mind if we get back to you on that ." Twist and Button Mash both nodded and replied, " Okay." The two of them left. " Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?" asked Scootaloo. " I just don't know about Button Mash swimming with us." " You know you wouldn't have to swim with us ." Replied Scootaloo.Sweetie Belle shook her head and then the school bell and everybody then went into the school. Sweetie Belle sat there in class thinking that she wasn't sure if she would be comfortable swimming naked with Button Mash. Still, on the other hand, she wasn't sure she was satisfied with him being naked with her friends. When Silver Spoon arrived home last night, her mom went crazy. Not only are those crusaders are low lives, and they are disgusting running around naked, and she never hangs out with them again to calm her down. She promised we wouldn’t hang out with them. Diamond Tiara just sat there. She had thought that by telling Silver Spoon's mom about the crusaders being nudists, her mom would be able to talk some sense into her friend. Still, she never expected her to go crazy like that. As the Crusaders were heading to the lunchroom. " Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?" Asked Scootaloo when she didn't answer, " Are you okay ." Sweetie Belle turned towards her friend and said: " nothing, just thinking." Scootaloo just sighed. "Sweetie, I know something is bothering you. You were distracted all morning." " Just thinking, I am just not sure about Button Mash joining you for skinny dipping." " You know you don't have to join us ." "I know it's just," she then paused, " I don't know it just makes me uncomfortable thinking about him skinny dipping with you." Scootaloo then looked at her for a second and started to laugh. "You have a Button, Mash." Scootaloo then paused and looked behind Sweetie Belle " Hi, girls, have decided if we could come swimming tonight." "Sorry, Button Mash, it would not be a good idea tonight." Replied Scootaloo " Okay, maybe some other time." Replied Button Mash He then started to walk away. Sweetie Belle just stood there for a moment and then turned and began to walk towards Button Mash. Silver Spoon sat at the lunch table eating her sandwich. " I just can't that Rumble had told my mom like that After he had promised not to tell our parents," said Silver Spoon. " But he didn't, " began Diamond Tiara. Before she could finish, "?excuse me for a moment," said Silver Spoon, who then stood up and started to walk over to where Rumble was sitting. " Wait a moment, " called Diamond Tiara, But Silver Spoon didn't respond and just kept on walking. when she reached Rumble, she puts her hands on the table and looked him " You promised that you wouldn't tell my mom ." Yelled Silver Spoon Rumble gave her a perplexed look " But I didn't." Replied Rumble " Don't lie to me." Silver Spoon replied as she glared at him on the table and looked at Rumble “ You promised that you wouldn’t tell my parents. “ Yelled Silver Spoon She then felt something grab her arm and turn her around, and she saw her best friend looking at her. "He didn't tell her." Replied Diamond " How do you know." She then looked at her friend and then asked: "Why." But before Diamond was able to answer her, Silver Spoon ran out of the room. Scootaloo and AppleJack were in the lunchroom eating their lunch when Diamond Tiara sat down across from them. " I need your help, " said Diamond Tiara " Whatsapp problem, "asked Applebloom. " I was just hoping that her Mom would talk some sense into her, but I go crazy like that ." " What was that you did ." " I mentioned that you three like to go skinny dipping. And now she is furious at me." They then looked at her. Diamond Tiara then sighed " I was hoping that she would talk some sense into her." " So why are you asking us for help ." Asked Scootaloo After some silence, " I still think it is weird that you go swimming naked, but diamond seems to be interested in it, and she is my friend and wants to at least. Understand why." " I think you should be honest with her! said Applebloom. " Okay . “ said Diamond Tiara. " What is the matter, Silver Belle ."! Asked Button Mash Sweetie Belle was silent for a few moments " I am just not sure about you going skinny dipping with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo without me." " You know you could join us, " replied Button Mash. Sweetie Belle shook her head and said, " I would just be too nervous. Button Mash" Button Mash gave her a confused look and then said: " If it makes you uncomfortable, I will wait a while to go skinny dipping ." " Thanks," replied Sweetie Belle. After Twist, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were out in the field kicking the ball around when Sweetie Belle comes running up to them. “ Did you tell him . “ asked Scootaloo Sweetie Belle didn’t answer but looked at Twist. Twist gave her a confused looked and said, “ What. “ The Crusaders then turned towards Twist. " Do you promise not to tell anyone?" Asked Sweetie Belle Twist just nodded. " I just couldn't tell Button Mash how I felt."Replied Sweetie Belle They then heard a giggle and turned towards Twist, who was just standing there laughing. When Twist saw them looking at her. " You have a crush on Button Mash," said twist As she tried to keep herself from laughing. After about a minute of laughing, she stops and then looks at Sweetie. "He is always talking about you, Sweetie Belle," said Twist ." He lives next door to me. We often walk together to school." After Sweetie Belle glared at Twist for a moment "Don't worry, I don't have a crush on him. Having someone to talk to." The four of them played ball for the rest of the lunch hour. Sweetie Belle was pretty distracted, often missing passes. After the bell rang and the four of them headed back to the class. " Sweetie Belle, You know to talk with Button Mash after school." "I tried to earlier, but I just couldn't tell him how I feel ." " Then don't just spend time with ok." When they reached the school, they saw Diamond Tiara sitting on the front step." " Are you okay, Diamond?" asked Scootaloo. The diamond looked up and sighed " I tried to apologize, but she won't listen to me ." Sweetie Belle sat down beside her. " Just give her some time," said Sweetie Belle Just then, the door of the school opened, and Mr. Cherie came out of the classroom. " Girls School is starting soon. You should be going into the school." Sweetie Belle hugged Diamond Tiara by putting her arm around her shoulder and said: " We will try and talk with her, okay." And then she and the other Crusaders entered the school. Diamond Tiara just sat there. Mrs. Cheerilee walks over to her. Sweetie Belle then went above to Silver Spoon. Silverspoon looked up and saw Sweetie Belle coming towards her. " I can't talk with you," said Silverspoon " I know. I just want to tell you that she is really sorry." Said Sweetie Belle " I know I will let her know she is forgiven in the morning, okay." Just then, Diamond and Mrs. Cheerilee came into the classroom. Silverspoon turned away. After School Button Mash was getting ready to walk home " Do you want to go to the park with me?" Button looked up and saw Sweetie Belle standing there. "Aren't you going with your friends?" asked Button Mash. Sweetie Belle just shook her head. The two of them headed to the park. Twist opened her front door and goes to the living room where her father was reading the newspaper, and her mother was watching tv. ' Mom, Dad Scootaloo and her mom are coming over after this evening. " Dad then puts down the paper and looks at Twist. "Why are they coming over here," asked Dad. “ They want to talk to you about letting going over there place going swimming in their pool. “ “ You know she could have just phoned she didn’t need to come over here to ask us . “ replied her Father “ They go Skinny Dipping in their pool . “ replied Twist “ Tell me, I may be wrong about this but isn't that where you swim naked," asked mom. Twist nodded and said, " Yes, mom. " " Come on, sis, you're not a baby ." Said her Twirl as he entered the room, just laughing Twist turned towards him and glares at him said, “ My friends are not babies. “ “ Yeah, sure, Sis." As he looks into the fridge. " A lot of people, not just babies, enjoy being naked," said Dad He shut the fridge door and looked at his dad, and shakes his head walks out of the kitchen laughing, " Babies." Mom and Dad turned to their daughter, who was looking down and frowning. " Honey, don't worry about your brother. " The twist looked up and asked, " You don't think I am, baby, because I would like to go skinny dipping ." Ask Twist. " No ." Her mom replied, " But we are interested in why do you want to go skinny dipping ." " My friends make it sound interesting. I would like to try it, "replied Twist. Her Mom then looked at her and said, "Before we decide if we are going to let you join your friends, we want you to go and look up everything you can about skinny dipping on the computer." He tapped on his sister's door and then slowly opened it. He sees twist sitting on a chair at her desk. " It's almost time to eat." without looking up from the tablet that she was looking at, Twist answered: " I will be there shortly ." He continued to enter the room. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you so busy looking at ." " Mom and Dad suggested that before they allowed me to join my friend's skinny dipping, I should do some research first ." " About that, sis, I am sorry that I teased you about it earlier ." Twist didn't turn around but instead, put her tablet down. " I know Twirl, but it hurt my feelings," replied Twist. He then noticed that her shoulders were bare. " Are you naked " Twist nodded " Don't worry, sis, if you don't want me to see you naked ." He then turned around to leave. " Have you ever gone skinny dipping " asked Twist? After some silence, he finally answered, " Once down by the river. " Twist then spun her chair around and was about to speak when she just froze, so did her brother. If someone had walked into the room at the moment, it would have appeared that staring at his nude sister. Twist was the first to recover and said: "really when where who." He then shook his head and began to look away. He tried to avoid looking at her as he answered. " It was about a couple of years ago down by " Twist leaned ahead and asked, “ how was it who was there. “ “ It was okay. The river was cold, “ he said as he tried to avoid looking at his sister finally, but it felt awkward not looking at the person he was speaking to. “ Sorry, Sis. “ As he looked at his sister just sat there. “ Tell me all about it . “ asked Twist. Sweetie Belle and Button Mash were walking down the street. “ Why do you feel uncomfortable about me going skinny dipping? You know that you don't have to swim at the same time as me." Sweetie just sighed and said, " I know it's just that the idea the thought of you going skinny dipping with my friends just makes me nervous ." " it's just swimming, you know." " But it is swimming naked." " You know that it doesn't matter if I see other girls naked. You are my favourite. " " I am ?" " Of course you are. Am I yours?" When she didn't answer, he looked down and said, " I understand " He then felt her arms around him. " Of course, you are my favourite boy " She then paused and sighed, " If you really want to go skinny dipping, then I won't stop you." "!Are you sure, Sweetie Belle " asked Button Mash as he turned towards Sweetie Belle? Sweetie Belle looks at him but doesn't answer. Button Mash started to ask, " Are you sure." Sweetie looked back at him. She tries to answer but just couldn't. " Tell you what, Sweetie let's just put a hold on it until tomorrow, ok." " I am not sure why you had to come over. You could have just phoned us." " We just want to make sure there was no confusion that we don't wear swimsuits when we go swimming," replied Speedster "Twist told us earlier if we had any problems, then you wouldn't be here." " Will it be just girls swimming ?" Asked Mother " No Whiplash and Break wheel often go swimming when their sister a swimming." " Are you okay with that Twist?" Twist hesitated for a moment and looked at Break wheel sitting on the couch, reading a book and Whiplash, who watched her brother do some sort of coin trick. " I guess so, mom." " Then you won't mind if Twirl goes with you." "!What mom, I don't want to go skinny dipping with my brother," complained Twist. " Why not? You just said that you had no problem with skinny dipping with Scootaloo brothers ." " But mom, they are only little kids." " I never wanted to go skinny dipping ." " it is never a good idea to force someone to go skinny dipping if they don't want to ." Said Speedster " We will discuss it and get back to you later ." Said, mom Later that evening, Twirl was getting ready for bed when there was a knock on the door. " Is it okay if I come in? " asked his mom. " Yeah " She came in and shut the door behind her. " Do I really have to go with Twist tomorrow?" " That is something that I came to talk to you about." > Chapter 7 Silver Spoon & Twist stories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 The next morning Sweetie Belle opens her bedroom door and begins to walk across the hallway. " Sweetie, Don't take too long, okay ." Sweetie didn't answer walks into the bathroom and shut the door. There was a knock on the door. " Are you okay, Sweetie?" " I’m okay, dad." As she stood with her back to the door She then turns back around and opens the door, and steps out into the hallway. " Dad, I am okay," said Sweetie as she stood there naked. " Okay, sweetie, come down after your shower," replied Her dad as he tried to avoid looking at his daughter. " Dad, it’s okay if you look at me, "said Sweetie Belle " Are you sure, honey? I don't want you to be uncomfortable," replied her father. " Dad, it’s okay." He then looked at his daughter and said, " Don't take too long in the shower breakfast will be ready soon." Sweetie then went into the bathroom, got into the shower, and thought to herself that this was the first time she allowed a male that wasn't a toddler to see her naked that was her choice. Twist entered the kitchen and saw her mom at the counter pouring the batter into the waffle iron. " Mom, does Swirl have to come with me when I go to scootaloo." " If you want to go skinny dipping, he does," replied her mom as she puts down the syrup and peanut butter and jelly on the table. Twirl comes into the room. " Are you ready to go skinny dipping after school today? Twist gave her brother a glare " come on, sis, it will be fun." Mom then places a waffle in front of Twist. Twist grabbed her fork and knife and began to dig into the waffles. Sweetie Belle was finishing her breakfast when the doorbell rang. Her mom went to answer it a few moments later she returns. " Some boy is at the door." Sweetie gave her mom a confused look, got up from the table, and headed to the door, wondering who it was when she opened it and saw Button Mash standing there. She. Was even more confused " What are you doing here." " Hum, I came to walk with you two schools." " But don't you live a lot closer to the school." " Yeah," he replied " Isn't that a lot of walking?" Button Mash frowned and asked, " aren't you happy to see me." " Yes, I am," replied Sweetie Belle. " You don't seem to be too happy to see me." " Just surprised that is all do you want to come in while a finished breakfast." Button Mash nodded, and the two of them went inside the house. When Scootaloo and apple bloom arrived at the school, they saw Silver Spoon walking toward them. " Are you two busy after school today " ask Silver Spoon they looked at each other, and both shook their heads " My mom would like to speak with you three." " What about " " She would like you to explain why she should let me go skinny dipping." " Can my mom come " asked Scootaloo " She can come with you, but my mom would like the crusaders to explain it." " Is it okay If we get back to you?" Silver Spoon nodded and walked away. Twist was walking down the street shaking her head talking to herself. " Are you okay, Twist?" Twist turns around and sees Sweetie Belle and Button Mash walking towards them. "I really want to go swimming after school, but my mom is insisting that my brother twirl should come swimming with us." " What does your brother think of this " Twist was silent before answering, " Last night, he wasn't too happy about it, but this morning he changed his mind." Button Mash turned towards Twist with a grin on his face " What's so funny," asked Twist. " Don't you remember when we toddlers?" Twist shook her and said, " No." " You and Twirl would often bath together." " I was only like only two or " Twist then pause for a moment and looks at Button Mash " How do you know that " " Sometimes, the three of us would bath together." Twist stares at him and then covers herself up as if she was naked and indicates her hands for him to turn around. " don't look at me," exclaimed Twist Twist then stares at Button mash, looking back confused, like Twist to grin and start laughing. Button Mash shakes his head as the three of them reached the schoolyard and saw Applebloom and Scootaloo. " Sweetie, we need to speak with you about Silver Spoon." Sweetie Belle then left with the other crusaders. " What about you and sweetie belle? Is she still upset about you going skinny dipping?" Button Mash looked at and said, " ÷She said she was fine about it, but I am just not sure." Twist said, " What are you going to do." Button pause for a moment before answering, " I am just not sure." " Why not Scootaloo and her parents " replied Twist Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were talking when the crusaders come walking towards them. " You wanted to speak with us, " asked Scootaloo " Actually, my mom would like to speak with you after school today + " About what." Silver Spoon was silent for a moment before replying, " okay, here is the deal my mom would like to explain to her what is so great about skinny dipping ." " Is It okay if our parents come with us?" " Yes, but it has to be you three that do all the talking and no speeches, " Sweetie Belle gave her a confused look " mom wants you three to explain, ¦not your parents." Later that day, during lunch, the three crusaders had just gotten the lunch tray and had filled them up. They walked to a table. They were about to put the trays down. One of the girls sitting at the table put her tray in the way. " This is a table for people with the decency to keep their clothes on." Scootaloo picks back up her tray. " Come and sit with us," said a voice behind them. They turned around and saw Toola Roola and Coconut Cream motion for them to come over. Crusaders sat down at the table. " Are you two interested in skinny dipping? "asked sweetie belle. " Na," replied tools Rolla. " But it doesn't bother us that you gals like to go skinny dipping," said Coconut cream " Have you thought about what you are going to say to Silver Spoon?"s mom?" asked Sweetie Belle The other two shook their heads " We can't think of anything. What about you." " Me neither." " What are you three talking about " Toola Rolla " Silver Spoon is interested in skinny dipping, but her mom is not that happy about it, But she is giving us a chance for us to explain it to her." The two girls looked at the crusaders and shook their heads " if we think of anything, we will let you know." Speedster had just finished giving her two boys a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch when there was a knock on the door. She went to the door, wondering who it was, when she opened it and saw a lady standing in the doorway. It takes her a few moments before she remembers where she had seen her before. " You are Sweetie mom," said Speedster The Lady nodded and replied, " my name is cookie crumbs. May I come in." " Of course, come on." Speedster then headed back to the dining cookie crumbs follows her. The boys were still eating. The two ladies sat down at the table. " What is the reason that you are here." " I came to discuss skinny dipping." " I am so sorry we usually discuss it with the parents." Cookie crumbs held up her hand and said, " Don't worry about it. It is okay." " You were okay with it," said speedster Cookie crumbs were silent for a moment before answering, " I would admit I wasn't too happy about it when she first told me about it." " If you want to, we can tell Sweetie Belle that she can not get skinny dip here anymore." " no, no no no, I may not understand skinny dipping, but it does make Sweetie Belle happy." " Why are you here then." " I came to ask for a favour " speedster looks at her " can I use your swimming pool." " Yeah, I guess just give us a minute, and we will join you," replied Speedster " About that, would it be okay if I swim alone" when she saw the disappointment in the boy's face, " At least for the first few minutes." Cookie crumbs were outside looking at the pool. She began to undress and then got down to her bra and panties. She paused for a moment before removing them and slowly entered the pool. The crusaders were standing outside of silver spoon’s House. They had just finished talking with silver spoon's mother, and when they were finished, she thanked them and told them they could go. " Do you think we helped you, " asked Scootaloo " I really don't know, " replied Silver Spoon " Are you sure you don't want a ride. They shook their heads after getting their bikes out of the back of the Limo. They rode down the street. After silver spoons mother had insisted that they come in a limo, and they didn't want to leave their bikes at school After a while, the three of them were on their way. " Do you think your brothers would be too upset if it were just me and button mash skinny dipping tomorrow," asked Sweetie Belle. They both looked at her " I would just like the first time button mash went skinny dipping to be just us two at least." "Mom, does Twirl have to come with me tomorrow." " Why are you embarrassed by your brother seeing you naked." Twist shakes her head and said " no, but sweetie belle isn't comfortable skinny dipping with boys." " Doesn't Scootaloo have two brothers? " asked twirl as he comes into the living room. " They are just little kids," replied Twist. " You would hardly know that I am there," replied Twirl. Sometimes late that night, golden spoon woke up. She turns to her husband, who was still asleep and shakes his shoulders. He sits up. " Is there something the matter, dear?" " I think I hear the door open." " I will check it out." A few minutes earlier, Silver Spoon had woken up. After trying to get back to sleep, she gets up. Siver Spoons looks out the back window. After listening at her parent’s door and when she heard them breathing, she goes back to her room and removes her nightgown, and then removes her underwear. She then grabs her housecoat, slowly walks down the stairs, goes through the kitchen, unlocks the back door, slowly opens the back door, slowly walks out, removes her housecoat, and walks towards the back gate. > Sweetie Belle and Button Mash mix up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 8  The crusaders had just locked their bikes up when they saw Twist coming towards them, shaking her head.  " Is there something the matter? " asked Scootaloo  "  If I want to go swimming with you three, my brother would have to come with us."  " We don't mind," replied Scootaloo and appleboom   Sweetie Belle just stood there looking at the three of them.  " Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?" asked Twist " if it really bothers you that my brother is coming swimming with us, we don't have to go." Sweetie shook her head and said, " no, you would be no problem."  The limo pulled up to the school, and the silver spoon and diamond tiara got out of the car.  Silver Spoon had a grin on her face. The crusaders walked over to her.  " How did you go with your mom last night," asked Scootaloo.  When she didn't answer  " Tell her what you did last night," said Diamond  After a few moments," she went" " No, let me tell her."  " OK, ok."  " I woke up in the middle of the night, and after removing my clothes, I put my housecoat on and then went outside, then removed my housecoat and walked through the forest behind my house."  " How was it," asked Apple Bloom  Silver Spoon just shrugged her shoulder and said, " it was okay, I guess."  "Were your parents upset?"  " I am not sure they didn't say anything about it this morning."  "Were they aware of your walk?"  " I don't know. I think I saw their light flicker, but not sure."  Sweetie Belle was sitting at the lunch table and was about to get up to put her tray.  " Sweetie Belle, can we talk for a moment."  Sweetie Belle then looks up and sees an older boy standing there.  " Who are you," asked Sweetie Belle  " I twist, older brother."  " Are you sure have to join us tonight if twist wants to come swimming why " Yes "  " But why."  " Are you sure that nervous about skinny dipping with me?" She looks at him for a moment before answering, " it's not just you.  I am not comfortable skinny dipping with boys."  " Don't worry so much about it."  As he then left, sweetie just sat there for a moment before getting up. After school  " Are you sure you don't want to join us tonight?" asked Scootaloo.  Sweetie Belle just shakes her head and said: " no, I think I will just go home."  Sweetie Belle was walking home thinking to herself. When she reached the street corner, she began to look both ways and saw button mash standing there. " Hi Sweetie Belle," said Button Mash  " Have been walking beside me?" asked Sweetie Belle  Button Mash just nodded. Sweetie Belle just shrugged and started to cross the street button mash just stood there.  " Aren't you coming, Button? " Asked sweetie belle.  Sometimes later, they were sitting at the outside table sharing a milkshake when they saw twist older brother walking towards them.  "How’re the shakes."  Sweetie Belle looks up in confusion.  " Why aren't you at Scootaloo swimming." " Mom just wanted me to check out the pool first."  Sweetie Belle then Pauses for a moment.  " it's okay to go swimming with your friends." Sweetie Belle then gets up and leaves.  " Why aren't you going with her" asked twirl   " They haven't spoken with my parents yet, and Sweetie is not sure about me to see her naked." After a few minutes, Sweetie Belle was knocking on Scootaloo door.  " Is Scootaloo home," asked sweetie when Scootaloo mom opened the door. " She and the others are outback.  Sweetie then walks through the house and out the back door. " Hi, Sweetie didn't expect you to be here." " I spoke with Twirl, and he told me." Sweetie Belle then began to undress when they heard the doorbell.  Sweetie turned to Scootaloo are you expecting someone? She removed her shorts and was about to release her underwear when the back door opened up, and snips and snails began to walk out.  Scootaloo turned towards them.  " Would you two mind waiting inside for a couple of minutes." After a few moments, they went back in.  Sweetie Belle looked at her friend.  " They phoned, and since I didn't think you were coming, I told them they could come and join us." " Can't you tell them you change your mind " Scootaloo shook her head " why not?" " We promised if they phone and we say yes, we can't change our mind."  Snips and Snails were at the back door talking when the door opened, and Scootaloo came in.  " We understand we will be going." Scootaloo shook her head and said, " No, we had a deal. Just promise not to look at Sweetie Belle too much."  " Do you mind if I leave ?" Asked Sweetie Belle  " No, you don't have to leave. We will be going," said Snips  Sweetie Belle then began to head towards the back gate.  " Sweetie aren't you forgetting something," asked Scootaloo  Sweetie then turned back to see Scootaloo was holding her shirt and shorts in her hand. Sweetie Belle then just walked back towards Scootaloo and grabbed her clothes as she started to dress.  " Imagine if I had left and was riding my bike in my underwear," proclaimed Sweetie Belle.  " Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Sweetie didn't answer. Instead, she put a shirt and shorts on and then she out the back gate.  The others went back to swimming soon after snips and snails join them in the water.  After about five minutes or so, snips and snails got out of the pool and began to dry off. " Are you leaving already? " asked Scootaloo.  " Yeah," replied Snips  " Why," replied Appleboom.  " We seem to be making Twist uncomfortable," said Snaps  Twist shook her head.  Snips look at her. She then starts to back away.  " Are you sure?" he asked, " and besides that, because we are here, your friend Sweetie Belle isn't "  " I don't mind if you stay," said Twist  Snips and Snails shook their heads and put on their shorts.  " Maybe some other time."  After leaving, Sweetie Belle rode her bike over to Button Mash's house. She knocked on the door.  She was standing there waiting for the door.  " Why aren't you swimming with your friends."  Sweetie Belle turns to see Twirl standing there.  " Snips and Snails were there." " And you weren't comfortable skinny dipping with boys." Sweetie Belle then turns around to leave when she sees the blue cars coming down the street, but it just kept ongoing.  Sweetie Belle then went home. She went inside she walks into the den.  After Snips and Snails left  "were you okay with Snips and Snails being here, " asked Scootaloo as she looked at twist?  Twist was looking down was silent for a moment before answering, " I wasn't too happy to see them come through the gate." " Why didn't you say anything, " asked Scootaloo  " it is not my house besides. It is not like they are the first boy's ti to see me naked." After waiting a few minutes, Sweetie Belle left Button Mash a mote and then headed home.  When Sweetie walked in the door and Into the kitchen, her mom was cooking supper.  " We just kept on missing each other, " replied Sweetie Belle.   " yes, I am sure that I would love to go skinny dipping with you tomorrow."  They talked for a while until Sweetie Belle’s mom called her for supper. > Chapter 9 Friday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter nine Silver Spoon was woken up when she heard a knock on her door. She got out of bed and was about to go and answer the door. When she realized she was naked, put on her housecoat and opened the door, she saw her father standing there.  "Is there something you want to say to me, father?" She asked. "Breakfast is ready," said her father. "I will be there in a minute, father." Silver Spoon said. "Don't take too long, dear." Her father said. Her father then closed the door and went into the dining room where his wife was sitting.  "Was she naked?" asked Golden Spoon. Her husband sat down beside her. "I think so." He said in shock, "She was wearing her housecoat when she opened her door." "I really don't understand what is so fascinating about going skinny dipping." Said, Golden Spoon. Silver Spoon then entered the dining room dressed completely. She was carrying a plate with bacon and eggs on it.  "Good morning, Mom and Dad," said Silver Spoon as she sat down beside her mother. Her mother looks at her.  "Are you sleeping in the nude?" she asks.  "Yes, I am a mother. Is there a problem with that?" replied Silver Spoon. After a few moments, Golden Spoon answered, "I guess it would be fine if you get dressed before you leave the room." "Yes, mother." Silver Spoon said After that, the three of them ate in silence. After Silver Spoon finished her breakfast. She placed her fork and knife on the plate and left the room.  "Are you sure you want to do this?" Silver Spoon's Father asked his wife. Golden Spoon shook her head and said, "No, I am not. But we would at least be able to keep an eye on her." "Okay, honey, we will do it."   After Sweetie Belle got out of the shower and dried off, she opened the bathroom door to see her father standing outside the hallway. Sweetie looked at him.  "Were you waiting a long time to use the washroom?" She asked him. He shook his head as he ran into the bathroom, quickly shutting the door behind him. "You didn't have to wait, dad." Sweetie Belle shouted. Sweetie Belle then went to her room and got dressed.  Twirl knocked on Twist's door.  "Come on in." She called. He then opens the door. Twist was wearing her nightgown. Sitting on the bed. "How was it skinny dipping yesterday?" Twirl asked. "It was okay," Twist responded. She then gets out of bed and removes her nightgown. Next, she goes to her dresser and starts getting dressed. "It would have been okay. If you had stayed."  Twirl gave her a confused look and asked, "What do you mean, Sis." "Snips and Snails showed up and joined us in skinny Dipping." "How was it," asked Twirl.  "It was okay, I guess," replied Twist.  "Why, What happened?" "Snips and Snails showed up and joined us." "I thought it was only for girls." "They had phoned Scootaloo, and since she thought you were coming to swim with us, I wouldn't have minded if you joined us." "When she found out that I was joining and you couldn't. She had called them and told them no?" Twist shook her head.   "Why not?"  "She had told them they wouldn't change their minds." "Are you going back tonight?" asked Twirl.  Twist looked at her brother and said, "Didn't you hear me? There were boys there."  "Was it really that bad?" asked Twirl. "Yes, no, I don't know. I just wish they had told me that they were coming."  Twirl didn't answer and just sat there. Twist arrives at School and locks her bike up when she sees the Crusaders and Button Mash approaching her.  She looks up at them and says, "Don't worry, I am not mad at you. I understand that you had promised Snips and Snails, but would you tell me if you expect others." "Okay," Replied Scootaloo, "Next time, we will tell you who we are expecting." "Are ya gonna join us tonight?" asked Apple Bloom.  "Who is going to be there tonight?" asked Twist.  "So far, just us four," said Sweetie Belle. "And, of course, my two brothers." Said Scootaloo "Can I get back to you on that?" asked Twist. Diamond and Silver got out of the Limo, and they began to walk towards the School.  "I just don't understand. Why are you interested in Skinny Dipping?"' asked Diamond Tiara.  "I don't know. It honestly just sounds interesting," replied Silver Spoon.  "Just don't expect me to join you." Said Diamond. Silver Spoon then sighed and replied, "I was hoping that you would join me." Diamond looked at her friend and replied, "I will think about it, okay?"  Silver Spoon smiled as she reached the School. She knew that her friend would be joining her when she went skinny dipping.  Sometime during Lunch, Twist was sitting in the Cafeteria. She began lunch when Snips and Snails then sat down on the table across from her.  "Is it okay if we sit down?" Asked Snips. Twist then sighed before answering, "Yeah, go ahead." The three of them started eating. Snips and Snails looked at each other and then looked at Twist and then each other. Finally, Twist got frustrated and asked, "Is there something that you two want to ask me." When neither answered, she then pointed at Snips and said, "You ask me." Snips took a deep breath. But before I was able to answer. "No, I will not marry you," Twist said. With a confused look on their faces, they both said, "What are you talking about?" "By the way, you are acting like it," Twist whined. "Are you going swimming at Scootaloo's house tonight?" Asked Snips. "Yeah, why?" "We were wondering if you wouldn't mind if we joined you." "It was supposed to be just us girls," Twist said. "We know," Snails said, "We had talked to Scootaloo, and she told us that we had to ask you." "I will think about it, okay." Twist said The three of them then finished eating.  After they finished, Snips said, "Would you mind telling us your answer before we leave school today." "Tell you what, I will tell you during gym class today." She responded. Later that day, Twist was just walking out of the Locker room. She looks around the gym, trying to find Snips and Snails.  "What do you think we will be doing today in class?" Twist turns and sees Aura standing beside her. "Are you talking to me?"  Aura was just staring ahead. Just then, Twist saw Snips and Snails coming out of the Boys Locker room. She began to walk towards them when she felt a hand on her shoulders.  Twist turns around  "Why are you going to talk to those two? Don't you know what kind of people they are?" said Aura.  "Yeah, they are my friends," replied Twist. Aura had a look of disgust on her face. "Do you know the kind of people they are?" "Yeah, I do."  Aura then shakes her head and replies, "You are disgusting." Snips and Snails see Twist coming towards them.  "Well, what did you decide?" Asked Snips "Would you mind waiting until tomorrow?" Twist asked. The 2 boys looked disappointed. Twist Sighed. "I was looking forward to it just being us girls." "Promise?" asked Snips. "Yes, I promise." Replied Twist. Snips and Snails looked at her for a few moments. "Do I have to say it?"  Before they could answer, the bell rang to start the class.  After School, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon went over to Silver Spoon's house to have fun. Silver Spoon opened the door.  "Mom, I am home," said Silver Spoon.  "Is Diamond with you?" Asked her mother. "Yes, she is." Silver Spoon answered  "Come on, outback, we have a surprise for you two." Diamond followed her friend out the back door. When she saw the pool in the backyard, Diamond began to shake her head. Silver Spoon turned to her friend and said, "You promised you would join me skinny dipping." "You know, honey, you can't force someone to go skinny dipping if they don't want to," said Golden Spoon  "I don't think my mom would be okay if I went skinny dipping," replied Diamond.  "I already talked with her, and she said that if it was just you two, it would be okay."  Diamond just stood there shocked, and then she took her phone out of her school bag. After pushing a few buttons, she had it up to her ear.  "Mom, I am at Silver Spoon. Are you sure? Okay, I don't know. Okay, bye, Mom." She turned towards her friend, "Mom said that it would be okay if I went skinny dipping with you." Silver Spoon smiled at her friend as she started to remove her skirt. Diamond stood there looking at her friend.  Before shaking her head, "Sorry, I just can't." She said before running into the house." Golden Spoon followed her into the house as Silver Spoon just stood there.  After a few moments, Silver Spoon walked into the house and saw Diamond sitting on the couch.  "Are you okay, Diamond?" asked Silver Spoon as she walked over to her friend, Diamond looked up and asked, "Do you really want to go skinny dipping?" "Not if it makes you feel uncomfortable." Said Silver Spoon. Diamond then stood and said, "Let's go swimming." "Are you sure?"  "If you don't hurry up and join me, I might change my mind."  Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara then went into the backyard. Golden Spoon stood by the back door, watching her daughter and friend remove their clothes and then dive into the pool.  Twist and the Crusaders were in Scootaloo's backyard getting ready to go swimming. Twist was just standing there.  "Is there something wrong, Twist?" asked Sweetie Belle "Would it be okay If I invite Snips and Snails to come swimming with us?" Sweetie Belle looked at her for a second before turning to Scootaloo.  "You will have to ask Scootaloo and her Mom if that would be okay. "  Twist then walked over to Speedster, who was relaxing on the lounge chair.  "Would it be okay if I phoned Snips and Snails asking if they wanted to join us?" Speedster puts her book down and looks at her watch. "Not today, maybe tomorrow." Said Speedster  Twist sighed, "By the time they got here, they wouldn't have much time for swimming." Scootaloo had walked over to Sweetie Belle. "Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?"  Sweetie turned toward Scootaloo and said, "I was hoping that my first time swimming with a boy from your class would be with Button Mash." After Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara finished swimming, they got out of the pool. Diamond grabbed a towel and was about to wrap it around herself, and then she looked over and saw Silver Spoon just laying back on a lawn chair. "What are you doing?"  "Relaxing while drying off in the sun."  Diamond then removed her towel and took the lawn chair beside her friend.  That evening Snips and Snails were watching TV in the living room when their father walked in.  "What are you two..." He then just shook his head and walked out of the room. "Boys, we don't mind if you watch TV naked every once in a while. But it would be excellent if you tell us what you are planning." Said Snaps walking into the living room. Snips looked up and said, "Sorry, Mom, we just thought that since we couldn't go skinny dipping at Scootaloo's today, we would watch TV Naked at least."  A Minute later, Snaps walked back into the room, and she was talking on the phone with someone. Snaps looked at the boys. before speaking, "Boys, get dressed." "But mom." Snips was about to reply. "Don't worry, you two, we are going to have some fun tonight." A couple of minutes later, Snips and Snails had put a pair of Shorts and a Shirt on and just entered the living room. "We will be over shortly." Snaps said over the phone, "Yeah, we will bring a good pair of walking shoes with us." "Mom, are we going for a walk?" asked Snips. "Yes, we are," replied Snaps. "Who are we going to pick up?" asked Snails Their Mom paused for a moment before answering, "Twist and her brother Twirl."   "Are we going for a walk in the woods?" Asked Snails.  "Yeah, we are." Answered Snaps. "Before you ask, we will be walking naked."  "Do they know?" asked Snips. "Actually, it was Twist's idea. After she told you that she didn't want you to join them swimming, she felt terrible about it. So, Their Mom suggested going for a walk in the woods." "Why didn't you just tell us?" "Twist is hoping to surprise you." Snips and Snails then looked sad. "Don't worry, boys, just because you are not surprised does not mean we can't still have fun." After a moment, the boys looked up. "Should we pretend that we are surprised?" asked Snails.   Snaps shook her head.  Twist and Twirl were waiting outside, sitting on their front steps. "When are they going to get here?" Twist asked impatiently. "Just relax, sis. They will get here soon." Twirl said, trying to calm his sister. Twist continues to pace back and forth until they see a car coming down the street.  "Last chance to change your mind, Sis," said Twirl Twist turned to look at her brother and was about to speak. "Are you two ready to come?" Asked Snaps. Twist and Twirl then started walking towards the car. Twist was sitting in the back seat between Snips and Snails.  "Promise not to stare at me," asked Twist. The boys nodded, and both replied, "Promise." Twist then Sighed with relief. After a few minutes, they reached the forest. Snips and Snails got out of the back seat and began to undress.  Snaps and Twirl got out of the front seat. They both began to undress.   Snaps noticed that Twirl was looking at her.  "Haven't you seen a woman naked before?" Asked Snaps. Twirl didn't answer, just turned away. Snaps then walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.  "It's okay. I don't mind if you look at me." Twirl then slowly turns around and sees Snaps standing there.  After Snips and Snails finished undressing, they realized that Twist was still in the car.  They both began to walk towards the car. "She will be joining us later," said Snaps   The boys then began walking towards their mother when the car door opened, and they began to turn around. "Please don't look at me," said Twist. Snips and Snails turned towards their mother. The five of them began walking into the forest after walking for a while. Twist was trailing the others when she noticed a flower that looked exactly like a peppermint candy.   "Everybody come here and look at this."   The four of them turned and saw Twist looking at something on the ground.  "What are you looking at?" asked Snips  Twist then pointed at a flower and asked, "Don't they look like Peppermints?"  She then took Snips and Snails slowly walked over to her, and she stood up and was facing them with her hands on her hips.  "Would you hurry up and get over here?"  Snips and Snails then ran up to her. The three of them looked at the flowers before joining Snaps and Twirl, then continued along their way. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara both got dressed before Silver Spoon's father got back home even though Silver Spoon said that she didn't care if her father saw her naked or not.   But her Mom insisted on them both being dressed, and they would talk about it later.  The three of them were sitting at the table.  "How was it skinny dipping, dear?" asked Silver Spoon's dad. Silver Spoon looked at her father and replied, "It was very relaxing, dad.  I can't wait to do it again." When she realized what she said, she then paused and turned to her Mom and asked, "I am going to be allowed  to go skinny dipping again, right, mom?" "Yes, honey, you will be able to go skinny dip again."  "Are you ready to come skinny dipping with us?" Asked Sweetie Belle as she was talking on the phone, "You are not just interested in seeing me naked." she giggles, "I wouldn't mind if you were." Okay, see you tomorrow." > chapter 10 saturday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following day, Sweetie Belle woke up, got out of bed and opened her door. She was about to cross the hall to shower when she saw her father standing there. Sweetie Belle looked at her father and did a double-take when she noticed him naked. She then motioned for him to go first. There was a moment of silence. “Do you want to shower together?” he asked. Sweetie Belle gave her father a perplexed look. “It will be quicker, and we will be able to wash each other's backs." He continued. Sweetie Belle thought about it for a moment before nodding. They both went into the shower. Sweetie Belle found it relaxing to have someone wash her back for her. He had to sit on the bottom tub for her to wash his back ass. She was a lot shorter than he was. There was a knock on the bathroom door. “Sweetie, you have a visitor." Called Cookie Crumbs. “Come on in, Mom.” Sai,d Sweetie Belle. Cookie Crumbles stood by the door for a moment before opening it. She Shakes her head and then slowly closes the door. Her eyes widened when she saw her daughter and Husband in the shower together. A few minutes later, Cookie Crumbs was in the kitchen, flipping pancakes, when Sweetie Belle walked into the room and sat at the table. “How was your bath with Dad?" Asked Cookie Crumbs. Sweetie Belle looked at her Mom for a moment. “Don’t worry, dear. I have no problem if you and your father shower together." “Sweetie Belle, someone is at the door." said her dad as he entered the room. “Pancakes are ready,” said Cookie Crumbs. Button Mash was standing at the door waiting. When the door opened, Sweetie Belle came out. “Hi, Mash.” Sweetie Belle said. “Are you ready to go over to Scootaloo’s?" She looks at him, “Not that I am trying to rush you.” Sweetie Belle replied, “We are still eating breakfast if you want to come in.” The two of them went into the house. Button Mash goes and sits at the table. “Button, we have plenty of pancakes. Go ahead and have some." Said Cookie Crumbs. “I am not really hungry." Answers Button Mash. Sweetie Belle and her Parents then proceeded to eat their Pancakes. Button just sat there watching them. After about a minute, Sweetie gets up, goes to the cupboard, and gets a plate out. “I said I am not hungry." Said Button Mash. Sweetie Belle didn't answer and went over to the Pan. Sweetie Belle Puts a Pancake on the Plate; she puts the Plate in front of him. He opens his mouth to protest but stops and just grabs the butter. “So, what are you two planning on doing today?" Asked Cookie Crumbs. Button Mash is about to answer when he changes his mind and looks at Sweetie Belle. “We are going to Scootaloo’s to swim," said Sweetie Belle. “Button Mash, do you know they do not wear swimsuits?" Said Cookie Crumbs. Button opens his mouth like he is in shock but quickly closes it and replies, “Yeah, I know we will be going naked." “So, you want to see my daughter naked?” asked Hondo Flanks. Everyone looks over at the entrance, and they see Sweetie's Father. Button just sat there for a few moments with his mouth open. “Relax, Button, we are all curious about seeing someone of the other sex naked.” Hondo Flanks said as Button relaxed, "Just as long as that is not the only reason you are going skinny dipping today." “No, sir. Besides, my cousin and I see each other naked whenever I visit her on their farm." Answered Button Mash. “Do you go running around naked?" Asked Sweetie Belle. Button Mash shook his head and replied, “No, but we have baths together and remain naked for the rest of the evening." After breakfast, Sweetie Belle and Button Mash went to Scootaloo's house and headed into the backyard. “Is there something wrong, Sweetie Belle?” Asked Button Mash. “I was hoping I would be the first girl our age you are naked with.” Sweetie Belle answers. Button gave her a confused look before laughing. Sweetie Belle gave him a perplexed stare. “Sweetie, my cousin is like four years old. You've met her before." Sweetie stood there for a moment before shaking her head. Scootaloo, Applebloom Snips, Snails and Twist played cards in the backyard… “Twist, you don’t mind swimming naked with us?" Asked Snips. Twist shook her head and replied, “No, I wasn’t expecting you to be here last time.” Sweetie Belle and Button Mash walked through the back gate that opened up. “Let's go inside so they can swim together, just the two of them," Scootaloo said. Sweetie shook her head. “I changed my mind about it being just the two of us." “Are you sure, Sweetie?" asked Apple Bloom. Sweetie nodded, and almost before she could blink, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Snips, and Snails had removed their clothes and jumped into the pool. Twist was standing there. “Aren't you coming in, Twist?" Asked Snips. “Would you two mind not watching me undress?" Asked Twist. The brothers turned around as Twist undressed. “Come over here," said Button Mash to Sweetie Belle. “No hanky panky!" Said Scootaloo. “Of course not,” said Button Mash. Sweetie Belle began to walk over. “Yes, Button Mash?” said Sweetie Belle. “You can be the first girl in our class to see me naked." He said. “I told you that doesn't matter anymore." Sweetie Belle sighed. Button Mash didn’t respond but instead removed his shorts and underwear. Sweetie Belle just sighed and also removed her shorts and underwear. After looking at each other, they both went into the pool. At first, Twist tried to avoid swimming facing Snips and Snails, but she realized how silly it was after about 5 minutes. They played tag until the house's back door opened, and Scootaloo’s brothers ran outside. Of course, they were both naked. After a few seconds, Speedster came out, wearing a dress. “Does anyone mind if I suntan?” Asked Speedster. After everyone shook their heads, she removed her dress and sat on the lawn chair. As the kids swam, Scootaloo noticed that Button Mash was often swimming near the side of the pool that her mother was in. “Mash, if you want to look at my mom, go ahead,” Scootaloo said. Button Mash turns and looks at Scootaloo, and she then nods. Button Mash then swims to the pool's edge and looks at Speedster. “Doesn’t my mom look good?" Scootaloo asked. “Yeah, she does." Said Button. “Have you ever seen a nude adult woman?" asked Scootaloo. After about a few more seconds, Button Mash went back to swimming. About a minute or so later, Speedster got up off the chair. She began to go inside the house. “Anyone want a soda?" Asked Speedster. Each person responded with a yes. As Speedster went into the house, the back gate began to open. “Surprise, Scootaloo, I am home!” Scootaloo climbed out of the pool and ran over to hug her father. The back door opens, and out comes Speedster carrying a cooler. “I didn't think you would be home until tomorrow night." Said Speedster. “I was able to catch an all-night flight." Said Scootaloo's Dad. Snips, Snails, Applebloom, and Button Mas, climbed out of the pool and went over to Speedster's cooler on the ground. When none of them grabbed a soda, Speedster said, “Go ahead, take one." Scootaloo saw Cola, Orange, Root Beer and Ginger Ale in the cooler. “I thought you guys would want something to drink,” said Speedster. “Mom, you didn’t have to buy many different flavours," Scootaloo said. Scootaloo then looks at the pool and sees that Sweetie Belle and Twist are still there. Scootaloo turned towards her father and said, “Dad, would you mind going inside? Some friends aren't used to being naked around adult males." He just nodded and went inside. Twist and Sweetie Belle watched Scootaloo’s dad go into the house. Then, the two climbed out of the pool and joined the others sitting on the grass. “Last week, if you had told me that I would be sitting in the backyard, just relaxing with five boys and three girls, and we would all be naked, I would've called you crazy," said Twist. While eating breakfast at Silver Spoon's house, Silver Spoon asked, “Mom, would it be okay if I invite some friends over to swim?" Her Mom looked at her before asking, “Are you planning on going skinny dipping with them?” Silver Spoon nodded. “Who are you thinking of asking?" “Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo," replied Silver Spoon. Her mother sighed, “Let me talk with your father first, okay?" “Okay, Mom." She paused and asked, “Is it okay to go skinny dipping now?" “You do realize your father is home." “I know, Mom, but he would only see my shoulders unless he looked in the water. Besides, I don’t mind if he sees me naked." “Okay, just be careful," said Golden Spoon. Silver Spoon then went to her bedroom. Silver Spoon came out of her room a minute later, wearing her bathrobe. “Silver Spoon is going to be skinny dipping. Could you stay inside and not go outback?" “Mom, it wouldn't bother me if Dad saw me naked." Said, Silver Spoon. Her Mom shook her head. Silver Spoon then headed to the backyard. “Are you okay, dear?" Asked Golden Spoon's Husband. She turns and looks at her husband and asks, “Are we doing the right thing by letting our daughter go around naked?” “Don’t worry. She knows when it is proper for her to go skinny dipping, " her husband said. After about 5 minutes, the door opens. Silver Spoon walks into the house, sitting at the table looking sad. She is wearing her robe but not tied up. Her robe opens up, revealing her chest. “Honey, would you mind covering up?" Asked her Mom. “Okay, Mom, but swimming alone is just no fun." Silver Spoon then stands up and readjusts her robe. She then goes upstairs to her room, removes her robe, and sits on her bed. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. “Is it okay if I come in?” called Golden Spoon. “If you don't mind that I am naked, you are welcome to come in." Said, Silver Spoon. After about a minute or so, the door slowly opened up. Her Mom slowly comes into the room. Her Mom looks around the room. “Mom, you know that it’s okay if you look at me." Sighed Silver Spoon. "But honey, it is just not proper." Said Golden Spoon. She began to look in the direction of her daughter slowly. “Why are you into nudity so suddenly?" Asked Golden Spoon. Silver Spoon was silent momentarily, trying to remember when she started getting into nudity. “Mom, I have been interested in nudity since you took Diamond Tiara and me to that Art Museum and saw those naked statues, " Silver Spoon replied. “You did seem to be looking at them a lot." Said Golden Spoon. “I was trying to imagine what it would be like to be naked like that." Silver Spoon said. "Let me and your father discuss things, okay?" Said Golden Spoon. She stood up and was about to leave. When Silver Spoon Said, “Would it be okay if I go and visit Scootaloo?” Her mother looked at her, “Not to go swimming, just to talk with her about it.” “Okay, but let's phone her first." Said Golden Spoon. Silver Spoon picked up her phone and dialled Scootaloo. After a few moments, Scootaloo picked up. Silver Spoon said, “Scootaloo, is it okay if I come over and talk with you?" Silver Spoon listened for a few moments before sighing, “I understand. Maybe later." She was about to hang up. “Is there something wrong, dear?" Silver Spoon shook her head and said, “No, it's just that they have friends over and are swimming now.” Golden Spoon then leaves the room and walks down the hall. “Is there something wrong, honey?” Asked her husband. Golden Spoon shook her head and said, “I just don’t know what to do." After swimming for 15 more minutes, Snips, Snails, and Twist decided to go home. The others were also tired of swimming and got out of the pool. Silver Spoon went outside and got into the pool. After swimming a couple of laps, she exited, walked inside, and went to her room. There was a knock on her door. “Come on in, Mom." Sighed Silver Spoon. The door opened, and her Mom came in and looked at her daughter lying naked on her bed. “Honey, are you okay?" Asked Golden Spoon. “Mom, don't get me wrong, I love that you bought me the pool, but swimming alone is just no fun." Silver Spoon Said. “What about Diamond Tiara?” asked Golden Spoon. “She doesn’t seem to like swimming naked.” Said, Silver Spoon. Her mother just stood there for a moment, thinking. “Come on, honey, let's go swimming." Silver Spoon then got up. She figured her Mom would go into her room to change into her Swimsuit. But her mouth dropped when she saw her Mom remove her dress. “Mom, what are you doing?" Asked Silver Spoon in shock. Golden Spoon turned to face her daughter as she removed her bra. “Getting ready to go swimming with you." Silver Spoon just stood there looking at her mother, trying to remember the last time she saw her Mom naked. “Are you coming, Honey?" The mother and daughter then headed outside and went to the pool. The two of them swam for about half an hour.