• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 3,508 Views, 90 Comments

Cronus is King - fanficlover 1

Among the many stories of displaced you'll find a surprising trend of the protag being turned to stone before coming back years later. Well what if someone decided to not let that happen to begin with, someone, with the power to become king.

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The King Explains, The Servant Gambles

Ch 29

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, through the halls of the castle, while carrying the Iron Spider over my shoulder. But due to not having memorised the exact way in which I had reached the secret teleporter, I was completely lost with no way of finding out where I was going (none of the usual guards were doing patrols due to the man hunt on Ed so the castle was much emptier than usual). As I ran, turn after turn, I started to feel my current passenger begin to twist and turn as he started to stir awake.

Not wanting to make any more problems for myself while running through the halls of Canterlot’s castle, I slowed to a stop and gently removed the heavy arachnid themed superhero from my shoulder and put him on the floor. In less than a minute, he was already starting to mumble and rub his head in pain. This meant the guy would be able to explain what had just happened a little bit better than me trying to figure out the last ten minutes on my own.

“Oh man, what hit me?” finally, the guy was talking.

“Oh nothing much, just the green goblin’s better looking cousin.” My smart aleck seemed to do the trick, and the unnamed man was quick to his feet trying to understand where he was at as he began to look around in panic. Holding my hands up in a calm manner, I began speaking so as to get the answers I needed and get back on track of finding Luna.

“Easy there Spidey. You took a nasty hit. What is the last thing you remember?”

“Huh? Oh… I was talking asking Gan why he hit you...it think… and then he hit me next and everything went black.”

“Good, you remember that, now can you explain what has just happened before then.” As if truly realising who he was talking to now, the red and blue themed hero jumped in surprise. I kept my hands up thankfully and didn’t make any moves to defend my self least any form of spider sense mistake it for me attacking. This did the trick and Spidey calmed down.

“Uh sure, yeah. Before that, I was minding my own business at comic-con but the next thing I knew, everything became a big flash of light after I bought a new mask to replace my old one. After that, i’m in a forest for who knows how long, a rustle of some branches, a tingle in the back of my neck, and then finally everything went dark. Then I just woke up in that dark place and found the other four guys surrounding you while you slept. We talked for a bit to exchange names and confusion I guess before you started to wake up and started talking about My Little Pony… I think it was My Little Pony. You mentioned Celestia and Luna, and Canterot, I think, then-”

“Wait, wait, wait. What’s My Little Pony.” The Spider themed man looked at me in confusion (I could tell thanks to the movable eyepieces).

“What do you mean. You were the one talking about it like it was real. You almost sounded my little sister for a bit when she started to show the cartoon to me.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“Are you telling me that we are in a cartoon for little girls?”

“What?” He didn’t answer, nor did I care.

“For over a week, I’ve spent my time try to simply survive in a child’s cartoon show for little girls. How in the Hell is fistfighting to the death family friendly?” My scream of indignation seemed to surprise the other displaced and it reminded me of what I was doing (I can scream about it later, after the threat of some kind of war blow over).

“Sorry about that. Long story short, from what you’ve just told me, we are both inside what appears to be an alternate dimension based around the same idea of your sister’s cartoon but people have been appearing here for a long time as real-life versions of whatever costume they were wearing. Me being a Kamen Rider, and you the Iron Spider. A long time ago, some bad displaced guy shows up and causes a mess and gets other people involved, which includes those other four, apparently. You and me, are the only good displaced left now, minus Ed since I have no idea where he ism and we need to get to princess Luna and warn her about what might happen if we don’t stop them or at least convince them not to do it.” It seemed like a bit much for the poor guy to process all at once, and he could probably already notice some holes in my explanation but frankly, we just don’t have the time. So by that point, I start running again, to find Luna or at least Cadence.

From the sound of foot fall behind me, Spidey was quick to follow, if only to get better answers to his questions. Questions that could frankly wait a good long while to be answered properly/


(Ed POV)

It had taken days to find a decent map of the country but that time was apparently well spent as I had been moving closer to the dragon territory already. It was only a few days away by foot now, possibly shorter if I could hitch a ride on any passing trains though that was unlikely. MY feet were aching for me to stop and rest but I knew that if I did, it would just give the guards that were after me more time to catch up so I continued on without even questioning to rising pain in my feet. I would wait until nightfall, where I would have a sense of peace to do what I needed to rest and relax before heading back to walking at first light like I had been the last few days.

Bored once more with the lack of scenery as I crossed the barren plain, I decided to check over the tapestry I had stolen once more, like I had been doing for the past few day no matter how little I understood the unknown symbols. I just figured that if I stared at them long enough, a pattern would emerge to explain them better and give me more of a clue as to where the, supposed, teleporter sent whoever used it. I didn’t exactly want to test it just yet incase something decided to come out from the other side which, based on the old cloth, was a very large possibility to occur, with monsterous ramifications if it did. The least of which being the immediate attention of every guard in a thousand mile radius.

Looking over each detail as I had done before, I followed the basic decustruction that started the implementation of the creation before parts of it bagan to become muddled once more from the unknown magic symbols.

“If only I had a book on them to use as a reference.” Sighing, I pulled out the map I had stolen and began to simply look at all the possible locations that I could stop at for supplies before my eyes rested on one in particular. It was Ponyville, the home of one of the most book smart ponies in equestria and also the most dangerous ones as well.

“I just know that she would have some kind out book about these symbols somewhere but if I get caught i’ll be turned for stone for sure. What to do, what to do.” I began to pace in place, trying to figure out which option to pick. As I did so, the sound of a whistle in the distance broke me from my musing and gave me the chance to finally decide.

“If this next train I hop on stops at Ponyville, I’ll try and find the book. If not, I’ll just look somewhere else and hope for the best.”

Waiting for the perfect chance, I could see the caboose of the train begin to come in sight as it passed by. Upon reaching me, I jumped with all my might and snatched the railing with my automail arm. The metal creaked under the force and even dented as well but ultimately held from my weight.

“Ready or not Ponyville, here I come.” No sooner had I said that, the feeling of a slight stomach ache began to set in so I closed my mouth so as to not give my body any ideas before taking a seat on the platform, outside the backend of the train.