• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 3,513 Views, 90 Comments

Cronus is King - fanficlover 1

Among the many stories of displaced you'll find a surprising trend of the protag being turned to stone before coming back years later. Well what if someone decided to not let that happen to begin with, someone, with the power to become king.

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The King Destroys

Ch 18


The spring in my arm released as I threw another punch towards the specter-like pony causing another pillar to crumble as she dodged the attack. Ever since my first attack using it, and her belief that it shouldn’t hurt her becoming disproven, she had been cautious to let me actually land another hit on her body. For the past couple of minutes we had been fighting, with me jumping around the room with my enhanced jumping ability , and her body simply breaking apart to pull itself together somewhere. In all regards, we were at a stalemate.

“Why are you even doing this? Couldn’t you just get some random creature to suck dry and not create this problem in the first place?” She snarled as I ducked under a blast of dark energy that shot from her horn.

“If it were so simple to just grab any random creature and absorb their magic, I would have done so. Unfortunately this ritual requires large magical sources. Sources that could only be gained by draining the magic of either power objects or ponies. I would have simply taken the Elements after the Ursa Major attack like I planned, but they were already gone before I could get to them. I was forced to get the next best thing, a family of unicorns.” She dissipated once again before reforming on the floor below.

“Wait, does that mean you sent the Ursa to attack us them.” She smiled predatorily at the accusation.

“I wouldn’t say sent, more like, informed the mother of her baby’s run in with that amatuer illusionist last year.” I launched towards her planning to use the breaker in a tackle but it missed but only barely this time.

“Why wait a year though. Seems a little too long to just be procrastination on your part.” I swiped my arm in her direction to catch her during a reform, just barely grazing her body but still pushing her back from the force. She seemed winded from it but otherwise fine.

“When you are simply a manifestation such as I, it is quite hard to gather enough power to create a ‘Shadow Serpent’ as well as maintain my physical form.” A quick blast nicked my shoulder but I was overall fine as well.

“I’m pretty sure being a dark blue fart doesn’t count as a physical form.” Her anger returned making her body dissipate before rushing towards my still midair body. It was only by the skin of my teeth that I was able to doge by stretching an hand to one of the still intact pillars to pull me out of harm’s way. Nightmare reformed only a few feet away this time with a cool look on her face.

“Whether or not this form of mine counts as physical or not to you matters not, as I shall be reconstituted in only a matter of hours and retake my place as the true ruler of Equestria.” I waited for her next attack but nothing seemed to happen.

“Don’t you need Luna to do that?”

“No. As it so happens, when I was finally unleashed by that unnamed displaced, my influence had grown farther than even I had thought was possible. Now all that I need is enough magic to finish the ritual and everything will finally be mine. No power will exist to oppose me, no Elements, no Celestia, and no meddling displaced.” At that, she stomped her front hoof and caused the floor to rumble and crack. Spikes of the same dark energy she was made of began to erupt from the ground hitting direct center in to my chestplate as it bypassed the Breaker. The attack caused the same sparks from the show to appear and the force of it caused me to land a few feet away on my back.

I tried to get up and put my guard up again but it was to late as Nightmare was already upon me with a hoof crushing in the same spot the spike hit earlier. It was painful but thankfully not unbearable, yet. Struggling, I tried to swing the Breaker to hit her but she was to close for it to be effective enough to actually hit. With no apparent way for me to fight back no, dark energy began to swirl around her horn.

“I would say our little chat has been fun, but that take more power than I need, power that I would much rather use to finally end you.”

‘Power, that’s it. She said the the magic drain whatever was fueling her body. That means I just have interrupt the connection to finally get the advantage. I just hope my plan to it though works.’ With a mighty heave, I brought the Breaker up as far as I could. This caused Nightmare to laugh as she seemed to think I was trying to hit her in one last desperate attempt. That wasn’t my plan though as once I finally reached the end of my reach, I slammed it as hard as I could into the floor.

The floor stood no chance as it gave was in an instant and dropped us both down into what appeared to be some kind of dungeon complete with cells and rusted chains. In the confusion, Nightmare was no longer pressing down on me but she was still atop me. Acting quickly while she was still dazed, I pushed her off and into a wall (I don’t deny i’m not petty) before getting up and rushing to the door. Due to the size of the Breaker, I was forced to change load out back to my standard harmony form and began running as fast as I could through the hallways to try and find the small room I had first found. Room by room I passed by but none were the one I needed. As I was running through the corridors, the sound of seeping gas could be heard behind me meaning only one thing.

“GET BACK HERE YOU WORTHLESS CREATURE!” Yep, Nightmare was hot on my heels and most likely closing fast. I almost wished I could turn back into Cronus to activate my time stop but I knew that would just backfire on me.

‘Why can’t I fight someone normal for once? Then it wouldn’t be so hard.’ Soon I reached what looked to be a dead end. With nowhere else to go, I was ultimately trapped and at Nightmare’s mercy. Seeing this, even in her mist like form, her body seemed to expand before encompassing me in darkness that felt as though it were choking me. The only form of light to be seen was from a slight glow from my chestplate.

‘No wait, I see something. It’s small but it just might be the place.” The object in question was a small beam of light that was piercing through the hole of the wall to another room. The room with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and the family. With the little strength I had left, I pressed the A button.

Kimewaza: Critical Chronicle Punch x 1000

No longer in control now, my fists light with neon green energy before moving at lightning speed and breaking the wall down. The shockwave of each punch seemed to be enough to dislodge Nightmare as well. Releasing me to finally end this. Without thought, and my finisher still active, I rushed towards the scattered armor and began crushing it with my energized hands.

“NNNNNOOOOOooooo” The cries of Nightmare dissipated as I kept attacking the armor until nothing but bits and pieces were all that was left of the ornate set. No longer fighting, the pain and tiredness of the prolonged fight finally caught up with me making my eyes heavy with sleep. Unable to stay awake much longer, my eyes closed as I fell into a peaceful slumber.


(3rd POV)

In the underground room of Celestia and Luna’s, The princess of the moon and dreams slowly crept across the stone floor and made her way to the bookshelf containing all the knowledge that Celestia had gained over the many different displaced that appeared during her absence. Those records weren’t what she was looking for, or rather, she wasn’t looking for a random record.

After some searching across the many shelves, the princess of the night gave a quiet ‘ahah’ before pulling one of the many identical books from its place among the rest. Opening the book, Luna began to slowly turn page after page, going across the many different displaced that had appeared but otherwise ignoring the information. For Luna was not looking for what was there, but rather what wasn’t. Finally stopping, Luna lightly touched the small indicators of a ripped page from the book. Using her magic, a small beam of white light flew from her horn, connecting with the empty space. Slowly, the light began to move. Back and forth it went, centimeter by centimeter as it slowly reconstructed the page that was once there. As difficult spell only used by masters of magic or unicorns who’ talents lead them to be focused on the upkeep of books.

“What were you trying to hide dear sister.” Her voice was a whisper, but in the silence of the underground, it echoed across the dotted plains that were connected to the room and off into the distance.