• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 3,508 Views, 90 Comments

Cronus is King - fanficlover 1

Among the many stories of displaced you'll find a surprising trend of the protag being turned to stone before coming back years later. Well what if someone decided to not let that happen to begin with, someone, with the power to become king.

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The King Fails, The Princess Fails

Ch 20

(3rd POV)

Luna couldn’t believe what she was reading. Ever since her freedom from the dark half known as Nightmare Moon, Celestia had told her that a displaced turned her into the villainous mare of evil and contempt. What she was reading now though contradicted that. The words were clearly written in Celestia’s handwriting, and the artistic style of the small portrait made demonstrated that it was her sister’s ability. Blue skinned with white hair and a dark velvet coat over a purple shirt were the most defining features of who this displaced was but it was what was written next to his paper and ink that held Luna’s attention.

The Corruptor's sweat glands exude psychoactive drugs which enable him to, by touch, subvert the will of any individual. His touch releases his victim's inhibitions, so that, if not given specific instructions, the victim will revert to uncontrollable behavior.

She remembered that no displaced had touched her the fateful day, when the final battle between her sister and her finally stopped the coming horde of angry displaced. Only blasts of power ever came close to hitting them, power and one displaced who seemed to be throwing small vials towards them. Upon finally capturing the majority in their stone prisons, the one who threw the strange bottles of liquid had continued to throw his dwindling supply until finally one had hit its mark. They both had panicked when it happened but upon seeing nothing happen when the liquid touched her, neither Clestia or Luna worried but instead simply flew back to their castle in the Everfree to relax in their preparation to hunt down the rest.

That hadn’t happened though as when they had finally reached their home the concoction made by the fearful displaced was beginning to take effect. That was the day Luna and Celestia had their fight and the day Nightmare Moon was trapped in the moon.

Luna slammed the book shut in anger. Her sister had lied right to her face when she finally came back, when she was finally no longer under control of the displaced’s- no - The Corruptor’s power. Instead of telling the truth though, about what had truly happened to her, all the darkness she never knew she had, she lied and blamed it all on the displaced they had been fighting. Displaced who simply wanted to go home.

“For the past year I have been blaming Cronus’ kind for mine own crime. No more, this ends now. Now longer will I simply blame others. I will take mine faults as my own and improve upon them.” Putting the now repaired book back into its place on the shelf, Luna confidently made her way to the teleportation rune so that she may confront her sister of the truth.

She knew she was not clean of her wrong doings now and she was going to make sure that Celestia knew this as well before making her recognize her own.


(Applejack POV)

I didn’t think any more displaced existed after Celestia said they had all been captured but apparently they either missed one who somehow was still alive to this day or he just showed like Cronus did. The latter seemed unlikely though because he seemed way to calm around ponies where as Cronus was still a little skeptical of everything from what could tell.

‘Doesn’t matter though. As long as he isn’t dangerous while in town he should be fine by me. I wonder though. Who could of sent this Ed fella.’ He couldn’t have been sent by Luna or Celestia because they hated displaced and none of friends Twilight mentioned before seemed like the kind of folk to know of displaced.

Ignoring my increasing amount of questions, I looked back and saw that Ed seemed to already have an idea of where we were headin as he was staring straight towards Twilight’s tree of a house. He seemed to have a determined look in his eyes, like he was on a mission, but his eyes also seemed to carry a bit of of emptiness as well, like a little bit of himself was missing. Ignoring that as well, I led him up the steps to Twilight’s door and knocked.

I barely hit the door a third time before it was opened. The stood Twilight, she seemed to have a look of irritation as she did so but it immediately went away upon seeing me and “guest”. She was no doubt running through her mind about he must be a displaced as well and what he could be doing here. Eventually Ed seemed to lose patience and stepped in front of me, catching the unicorn’s attention.

“Excuse me miss, but do you happen to be Twilight Sparkle, the famed student of Celestia in Canterlot? The guy, Ed, definately had a way with his words cause Twilight had a the biggest blush I had ever seen and started stuttering.

“W-well I don’t know a-about famous, but I am Celestia’s student.”

“Excellent. I was told that you may have run into a friend of mine. His name is Cronus.” I was just as surprised as Twilight was because Cronus never mentioned any friends that he met or had come with him. Twilight simply nodded, to stunned for words at the revelation. Seeing her nod, Ed walked past her and looked to be searching the room for Cronus before stopping and staring at something I couldn’t see since I was still outside on the porch.

“Wait, you can’t disturb him!” Twilight was the first to recover as she quickly turned about face and stood in front of Ed while she started waving her hooves around and started explaining about something that happened in the Everfree. That didn’t seem to matter to Ed though as he casually walked past Twilight and out of my sight which finally elicited my response to come inside to see everything that was happening.

Cronus seemed to be resting while not wearing his strange armor with a serene smile on his face while he laid on Twilight’s couch. That smile soon vanished though as Ed grabbed the guy by the scruff of his shirt and started hauling him out of the bed and waking Cronus up.

“What the hell?” Cronus made to transform but he was stopped by Ed grabbing his hand with the strange device he used to transform in it.

“Not so fast mister abandons-his-partner.” Cronus had a look of confusion on his face before it quickly turned to realization.

“Ed, what are you doing here?”

“Oh nothing much, just collecting you so I can go home finally. Maybe get a little even for leaving me behind.”

“Hey, in my defence, the captain said he was going to let you out by the end of the day so I thought you would be fine.”

“Did the party help you forget too?” If it was possible, Ed’s tongue seemed to become fork-like and hissed coming out his mouth and literal flames appeared in his eyes. It seemed to be a trick of the light though as Ed looked normal in the next second as he had Cronus pinned to the ground with his arm held behind his back. “Maybe this will remind you not to leave someone stuck in a cell while you go and party!”

The pinning was soon stopped by Twilight using her magic to lift up both o the displaced into the air before placing them on the separate ends of the room. Ed in a chair and Cronus back on the couch. While this all happened, I simply shut the door behind me hoping nobody decided to look inside at the mess that was beginning to happen.