• Published 3rd Apr 2018
  • 3,513 Views, 90 Comments

Cronus is King - fanficlover 1

Among the many stories of displaced you'll find a surprising trend of the protag being turned to stone before coming back years later. Well what if someone decided to not let that happen to begin with, someone, with the power to become king.

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The King Retrieves, The Servant Steals

Ch 10

(3rd POV)

Day soon turned to night in the land of griffins and the local populace had finally begun to turn in for the night leaving only those dedicated with its safeguard burning the midnight oil. Or rather that was how it would be but hidden in the shadows, watching with an almost eerie silence, a cloaked figure was slowly making his way through the parthenon. His advances were slow, stopped only by the continued presence of griffin guards that patrolled the halls and corridors of the large building. Eventually, the hidden individual reached his destination, A single door that lead to the underbelly of the parthenon and down into the dungeons for all criminals.

Slowly creeping down the stone steps, taking great care not to make a sound as he did so, the unknown person had finally reached the bottom where only a small trio of guards could be seen as they were huddled around a table playing a card game of some sort. Figuring it to be an easy problem to deal with, the shadowed man clapped his hands together, gaining the guards attention from the noise, and pressed his palms to the stone walls. Upon contact with the hard bedrock walls, blue sparks could be seen arching across it until reaching the location of the guards. At that point, before the griffins even had a chance to grab their spears, a mouth of rock clamped down around them, trapping them inside with little room to move.

No longer having to be careful about his concealment now, the shadowed individual stepped into the light of the now knocked over lamp that had fallen in the guards rush to capture him. The person in question was Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, or rather he was a displaced copy of said individual. Relaxing once in the light, the Edward displaced began to smile.

“Oh man, I was totally like snake eyes when I did all that. Maybe I should have dressed up as him before the merchant got me; then I would have that cool solid eye that can see in the dark. Oh well, transmutation is cool too.” The displaced began to make his way past cells, only stopping to peer through the grates located in the top while standing on his tiptoes, past the empty cells before stopping. Said cell was considered maximum security as instead of only being made of rock and an iron door, the entirety of its interior was covered in steel that had been inscribed with magic cancelling runes on its undersides and out of reach for the incarcerated individual. As it so happened though, Transmutation was not magic but rather science, meaning the steel door had easily changed from its rigid and solid form into that of and arch after only a clap of the displaced’s hands.

With a door no longer in his way, the Fullmetal displaced entered with his lamp to finally confront the person he had been ordered to catch, only to have to cover his eyes upon seeing said target completely nude while he slept.

“Aw geez budy, put some clothes on, put on some clothes why don’t you.” Being louder than usual due to the man’s nakedness, the man awoke.

“Huh, what, where am I? The man, also known as Cronus the displaced, was stopped from his surprised questioning by a red cloak hitting him in the face and waking his mind the rest of the way.

“No time to explain, I need to get you out of here so I can live a life of not being a pigeon poop target anymore.” The displaced, quickly grabbed Cronus’ hand to pull him to his feet but Cronus did not move.

“Not yet.”


(Cronus POV)

The Edward Elric gave a look of annoyance as I began to resist his continued attempts to pull me from my seat. Not wanting to leave without my stuff though, I continued to resist. After a continued time of pulling, the look alike stopped.

“We need to get out of here now otherwise the guards will notice sooner or later what’s happening.”

“Too bad then, I’m not leaving yet. I still need my energy items and my bugvisor.” The look alike quickly let got at that before backing away in fear.

“Bugs, Where?” Taking this as my chance, I rushed past the apparently squeamish man and through the transfigured doorway into the dungeon hall. Not wasting any time, I turned right to head back down the hallway and too the exit, hopefully. My luck proved true as I eventually came upon the door that lead to main hall of the parthenon and quickly ran through. When I was about halfway through it, a small but heavy body tackled me from behind, pinning me to the floor under him.

“We need to leave now, I don’t have time to play games.” I started to struggle.

“Well I need to get my stuff before someone does something stupid and kills someone by accident.” The feeling of weight on my back lessened.

“You’re serious about this aren’t you?” I quickly nodded yes. “ Fine, we cane probably get you stuff but we don’t have long. I spent over half the night watching the guard rotation and the next one will be coming in less than a few minutes. Where do we need to go?” He finally got off me.

“The Royal Archives Directory.” The smaller man helped me to my feet with a look of thought on his face.

“If it’s a royal archive, it’ll probably be further in the the building, probably somewhere near the throne room or below it.”

“How do you know where it is?”

“A little Transmutation can go a long way to check out a building undetected but it has to be busy or people will hear it. That doesn’t mean I know where it is exactly though” Not arguing with his response, I let him lead the way. Taking a couple of turns after exiting the dungeon, we were soon in a branch of the building I had never seen before and where guards were standing at attention and unmoving in what little moonlight that could be seen.

“Danggit, how are we supposed to get past them?” I whispered but the blonde man didn’t respond. Getting annoyed by calling him by his features, I asked his name.

“Just call me Ed, shouldn’t that be obvious or have you never watched anime before?” I didn’t respond which left Ed to his thoughts.

‘If only I had my bugvisor then maybe I could teleport acr-oss’ In the blink of an eye, neon green took up my vision before dissipating in a light ‘tinkling’ sound and showing that both I and Ed were on the other side of the guards. Looking down, I saw that I had my hand on the shorter man’s back as he had been crouching the whole time trying to hide better.

“What the heck, you didn’t tell me you could teleport. That’ll make this some much easier now.” I didn’t respond though as I was to surprised by what I had done. Teleporting was only an ability that Cronus had but I wasn’t wearing the suit so I shouldn’t have been able to do. I know Dan Masamune had done it before but everyone always agreed that it was because he was more bugster than human and he always had his bugvisor with him when he did it while I on the other hand had nothing except a red coat.

A quick tug regained my attention to see that I had been following Ed while I was still holding him. Embarrassed because of doing something so childish, I quickly pulled my hand away and figured to save my questions for later while I looked to where Ed was pointing now. It was a large set of double doors guarded by a single guard on each side.Unsure what to do, I looked to Ed and saw that he had already clapped his hands and placed them to the floor for his transmutation. Within an instant, the guards were trapped in shells of stone with their screams for help muffled.

“Are they going to be okay?”

“Oh yeah, totally. The walls are only a few inches thick so they should be able to claw their way out in a few minutes so come on.” Ed grabbed me by the hand and pulled me through the doors as he opened them. Upon entering the room, now lamp or torch seemed to be lit,until one by one, sconces on the walls became lit with burning flames to reveal the inner contents of the room. My overall reaction had to be, at that moment, underwhelmed as I had imagined the room to be a great library with objects of great importance lining the walls. Instead though, the room was only about as big as a large bedroom with a single bookshelf that was not even halfway filled with books, a tapestry that depicted some unknown battle, and only a few stand with random bones and weapons with my Bugvisor and energy item folder among them. Retrieving them quickly, I took off the cloak that Ed had lended, causing said person to look away from me, and began the transformation.

Buggle up! Ten wo Tsukame Rider! (Wow!) Kizame Chronicle! Ima koso Toki wa kiwamareri (wow!)

After the light show had finished, I stood fully clothed and armored once again and pocketed the last of my stuff. Making my way back to the door, I could already see the guards beginning to create small holes with their talons that were slowly growing size. Turning back to Ed, I was about to tell him to “come on” on but I saw that he looked transfixed by the tapestry on the wall. Frantic, I tried to pull him away but he wouldn’t budge.

“What are you doing, weren’t you the one who said we needed to leave quickly.” Ed didn’t look away from the hanging cloth.

“Yeah I did but this tapestry has transmutation circles on it.” Unsure as to what he meant, I looked towards it myself. The entire tapestry was spread over three sections, each one depicting different stages of a battle between a formless black cloud and a king griffin. The first part showed the city of griffins seemingly being destroyed by the cloud causing the griffins who lived there to flee in terror, the next section depicted the king of griffins standing up to the cloud but seemingly falling as he was falling from the sky, and the final part showed a very familiar set of armor creating a large circle like structure above the dragon causing it to be encased in crystal. Like Ed had said, the circle structure was most definitely a transmutation circle and the armored person being was in the exact same shape and form as Alphonse.

“Do you know the guy in the Alphonse armor?”

“No, I never got a chance to meet any other displaced before I was imprisoned. This tapestry must be before I even got here.” The sound of breaking rocks crashing to the floor broke both Ed and I’s concentration and bringing us back to the situation at hand as one of the free guards began yelling for reinforcement. Moving quickly, Ed tore the tapestry from the wall before stuffing it into his pocket and grabbing his dropped cloak and grabbing onto my arm.

“Get with the teleporting man. We were here to long and they’ll be on top of us any minute now.” Only nodding, I began to concentrate. Remembering Feathers’ words of advice, I focused on how I needed to leave the archives and focused on the one place that I could at that moment. In a flash of green, we had left the archives and were now in the same room from where Feathers
Had been studying his books, along with a still sick looking Feathers at the desk.